Isn't it amazing that a matter as simple as emptying your bladder can
go haywire......we are so unaware of the functions of our bodies that
we do automatically, until we can't do them! What a learning curve tm
has given us! Glad for you that you have some returning feeling/ability
to go on your own.  I remember how frustrated I was during the time I
had to self cath, no feeling and no way to tell where the catheter should
Looking back, I have so many stories to tell that today are really! funny
.........but, definitely weren't then!!!
I guess I should tell that I was a complete to the t8, paralyzed from
breast level down.......with pt and no knowledge that I might not get
back my ability to walk, etc, I was walking within 4 months with a walker.
Today with residuals that others can't see, (except in this bitter cold,)
I'm one of the walking wounded.
Hugs, janh  Stillwater, OK

A lot of us have bladder issues with TM.  When TM hit me, it took me a full day and a half to realize that I hadn't gone.  I just didn't have any feeling.  So I put myself on a "potty" schedule. My doc sent me to a Urologist in Seattle who was very familiar with TM.  I had the neurogenic bladder test (not that pleasant), but really glad I had it.  I was told that my bladder was not emptying completely - in fact, hardly at all, but since I couldn't feel it, how would I know.  So I was taught to self-cath.  I have done this for almost 8 years now.  However, by some miracle, in the last year I have gotten some feeling back and find I only have to cath maybe twice a day.  The rest of the time I can just go on my own.  I know it is said for the most part after 2 years whatever we're left with is what it is.  But I really have not found that to be completely true.  Many areas of my body have improved, a wonderful surprise, and then some things have pretty much been the same.
It sounds like you may not have all your feeling back yet.  And read any of the posts on the Message Forum - the bladder is usually the slowest to come back.  But never give up.  It sounds like your bladder may be doing a variety of things??  Did you have any tests when you saw the urologist?  Are you on bladder meds?
Ok - got some questions for you to answerSmiley emoticon This is great - it's how we can help each other.


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