Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

2010-09-22 Thread L T CHERPESKI
So Akua do I understand this correctly - you never got your meds and the pharma 
never heard from your doc's office yesterday?? g - I hope you set your 
alarm last night  called them the minute they opened this a.m. Certainly this 
service was included in that $500.00 attention fee, don't you think.  Your 
body needs those meds - you've already waited too long.  This transportation 
debacle is another thing entirely.  I know it was discussed previously, but it 
is beyond my understanding why this issue isn't resolved.  Better yet, why IS 
there an issue in the first place!!  So wrong.  I wish I could be there to help 
you...Please post!

Linda who is still thinking positive thoughts
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

  Thanks, Linda!

  insult to injury when i checked with the pharma at 3 ( when they mail 
  scrip) they had yet to hear from the doctor's office

  and to explain a bit further this was the school bus company that 
  provides at its will  paratransit as there is no paratransit in my 
  town. The doctor refused to re-up my script without a visit and I was 
  unable to get transport for my last appointment  hence the six week 
  without anything wait.

  So messing up the transport/disgruntling the driver is not a good 
  thing, because they  do not
  have to take me anywhere, ever, and for the most part, don't.

  Akua - you have been through so much cripity crap it makes me mad. 
  I'm aware of what $500.00 attention is.  I've got my fingers  
  everything else crossed that these meds help you and quickly.  You 
  need to get some good rest the next couple of days after what you 
  went through today.  Hang in there.  Thinking very positive thoughts 
  for you.
  Linda in Eagle, ID


Re4: [TMIC] A very scary observation

2010-09-22 Thread gorbat
Ten years ago I lived alone.  One morning I awoke unable to move.  I had been 
on sick leave  for a  separate issue, so no one was expecting me anywhere. Four 
days later the neighbor thought something was 'off' around my place.  She -a 60 
year old - ended up climbing up to the second floor with the fire department 
because no one wanted to kiss my Rottweiler's hello, and they LOVED Carol.  She 
came through the window, secured the dogs, let the cops in with guns drawn 
(never know when a rotti will jump up at you), then the blessed EMS took me 
away.  They figured I was ready for last  rights in another day.  Anyway, ten 
years later, I cruise in my suv-wc, don't do much but punch around on the pc 
mostly.  My lesion was at C-6, 'functional' quad - I can  use my  hands to a 
degree. I take tizanidine (Zanaflex), neurontin, klonopin for leg spasms, pain 
meds and others  not directly related to TM.  mt
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: ; Barbara Alma 
  Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 12:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation

  Wasn't necessary?!? Yaa. I was upstairs when my legs decided to 
give out and I yelled down to my husband that I think I have a problem.We 
have 14
  stairs, so I butt walked down with Eddy right in front of me and me holding 
onto his jean pockets. Then he half carried me to the car and off we went 
to the ER.
  I could not have driven in that condition.In Missouri, if they 
hospitalize you, you don't have to pay for the ambulance.

  From: Barbara Alma 
  Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 2:49 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] A very scary observation

  Does anyone, other than me, find it very scary to think of somebody who finds 
that they no longer have feeling in their legs and feet but decides to drive 
themselves to the emergency hospital??  I myself was paralyzed waist to toes on 
both sides, so it wouldn't have even been possible for me anyway.  However, I 
have read that at least 2 times recently on this site of people driving 
themselves.  I really have a hard time imagining anyone not phoning for 
emergency services.  

  My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right away when this happened to 
me.  I stubbornly thought that it would pass, and after about an hour when it 
didn't, he called our son to come home.  They then decided to call the fire 
department for help to get me down the stairs so he could get me to the 
hospital.  We had about 10 stairs then to exit our home.  I wasn't willing to 
risk he or my son falling and then them having problems as well.  After they 
checked out my vitals and assured they were all fine, they assisted in getting 
me down the stairs and into his truck and Pete drove me to the hospital.  This 
way we didn't have to pay for an ambulance since it wasn't necessary, yeah! 

  Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

2010-09-22 Thread Akua
So Akua do I understand this correctly - you never got your meds and 
the pharma never heard from your doc's office yesterday??

They had not.
They did AFTER I called both twice to be sure the meds were transmitted.
I still have to wait as the (any)  compounding pharmacy is  far away, 
so I now have to wait on USPS

to deliver the drugs.

The neuro would not give me both at once so I still have  nothing at 
all to address my TM symptoms:

burning pain, squeezing pain, cold stabbing pain and spasms.

Thanks for the good thoughts. I live on good thoughts.

 g - I hope you set your alarm last night  called them the 
minute they opened this a.m. Certainly this service was included 
in that $500.00 attention fee, don't you think.  Your body needs 
those meds - you've already waited too long.  This transportation 
debacle is another thing entirely.  I know it was discussed 
previously, but it is beyond my understanding why this issue isn't 
resolved.  Better yet, why IS there an issue in the first place!! 
So wrong.  I wish I could be there to help you...Please post!

Linda who is still thinking positive thoughts

- Original Message -
From: mailto:a...@artfarm.comAkua
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

Thanks, Linda!

insult to injury when i checked with the pharma at 3 ( when they mail
scrip) they had yet to hear from the doctor's office

and to explain a bit further this was the school bus company that
provides at its will  paratransit as there is no paratransit in my
town. The doctor refused to re-up my script without a visit and I was
unable to get transport for my last appointment  hence the six week
without anything wait.

So messing up the transport/disgruntling the driver is not a good
thing, because they  do not
have to take me anywhere, ever, and for the most part, don't.

Akua - you have been through so much cripity crap it makes me mad.
I'm aware of what $500.00 attention is.  I've got my fingers 
everything else crossed that these meds help you and quickly.  You
need to get some good rest the next couple of days after what you
went through today.  Hang in there.  Thinking very positive thoughts
for you.

Linda in Eagle, ID



[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2010-09-22 Thread blaine_frye

[TMIC] April Birthdays

2010-09-22 Thread Jeron Rampersad
Jeron Rampersad - 04/03/1979..I'll be spending my birthday alone in the
hospital this year, no family or friends here in Brazil.


Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

2010-09-22 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit todayHurry USPS!  I'm so looking forward to hearing how 
much better you feel once those meds enter your body!  I know you are a very 
positive person and living on good thoughts is a good thing.  That's what helps 
us all get through each day~~~
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

So Akua do I understand this correctly - you never got your meds and the 
pharma never heard from your doc's office yesterday??

  They had not.
  They did AFTER I called both twice to be sure the meds were transmitted. 
  I still have to wait as the (any)  compounding pharmacy is  far away, so I 
now have to wait on USPS
  to deliver the drugs.

  The neuro would not give me both at once so I still have  nothing at all to 
address my TM symptoms:
  burning pain, squeezing pain, cold stabbing pain and spasms.

  Thanks for the good thoughts. I live on good thoughts.

 g - I hope you set your alarm last night  called them the minute they 
opened this a.m. Certainly this service was included in that $500.00 
attention fee, don't you think.  Your body needs those meds - you've already 
waited too long.  This transportation debacle is another thing entirely.  I 
know it was discussed previously, but it is beyond my understanding why this 
issue isn't resolved.  Better yet, why IS there an issue in the first place!!  
So wrong.  I wish I could be there to help you...Please post!

Linda who is still thinking positive thoughts

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

  Thanks, Linda!

  insult to injury when i checked with the pharma at 3 ( when they mail
  scrip) they had yet to hear from the doctor's office

  and to explain a bit further this was the school bus company that
  provides at its will  paratransit as there is no paratransit in my
  town. The doctor refused to re-up my script without a visit and I was
  unable to get transport for my last appointment  hence the six week
  without anything wait.

  So messing up the transport/disgruntling the driver is not a good
  thing, because they  do not
  have to take me anywhere, ever, and for the most part, don't.

  Akua - you have been through so much cripity crap it makes me mad.
  I'm aware of what $500.00 attention is.  I've got my fingers 
  everything else crossed that these meds help you and quickly.  You
  need to get some good rest the next couple of days after what you
  went through today.  Hang in there.  Thinking very positive thoughts
  for you.
  Linda in Eagle, ID



Re4: [TMIC] A very scary observation

2010-09-22 Thread Akua

Thanks for sharing this!

Ten years ago I lived alone.  One morning I awoke unable to move.  I 
had been on sick leave  for a  separate issue, so no one was 
expecting me anywhere. Four days later the neighbor thought 
something was 'off' around my place.  She -a 60 year old - ended up 
climbing up to the second floor with the fire department because no 
one wanted to kiss my Rottweiler's hello, and they LOVED Carol.  She 
came through the window, secured the dogs, let the cops in with guns 
drawn (never know when a rotti will jump up at you), then the 
blessed EMS took me away.  They figured I was ready for last  rights 
in another day.  Anyway, ten years later, I cruise in my suv-wc, 
don't do much but punch around on the pc mostly.  My lesion was at 
C-6, 'functional' quad - I can  use my  hands to a degree. I take 
tizanidine (Zanaflex), neurontin, klonopin for leg spasms, pain meds 
and others  not directly related to TM.  mt


[TMIC] Fwd: Fw: How many zeros in a billion

2010-09-22 Thread Bgunny7682



To:,,,,, mhacepo...@gm,,,
Sent:  9/21/2010 9:45:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Fw: How many zeros  in a billion

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 21 Sep  2010 21:06:24 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Fw: How many zeros in a billion
From:  Sandra Bishop




How many zeros in a  billion? 

This  is too true to be funny. 

The  next time you hear a politician use the 
Word 'billion'  in a casual manner, think about 
Whether you want the  'politicians' spending 
YOUR tax money.

A billion  is a difficult number to comprehend,
But one advertising  agency did a good job of 
Putting that figure into some  perspective in
One of it's releases. 

A  billion seconds ago it was 1959. 

A  billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. 

A  billion hours ago our ancestors were 
Living in the  Stone Age. 

A  billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two  feet. 

A  billion dollars ago was only 
8 hours and 20  minutes, 
At the rate our government
Is spending  it. 

While  this thought is still fresh in our brain...
let's take a look  at   New Orleans  ...
It's amazing what you can  learn with some simple division.

Louisiana  Senator,
Mary Landrieu (D) 
Is presently  asking Congress for 
To rebuild  New Orleans  . Interesting number...
What does it  mean? 

Well  .. If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
(every man, woman, and  child) 
You each get $516,528. 

Or...  If you have one of the 188,251 homes in 
New Orleans  , your home gets $1,329,787. 

Or...  If you are a family of four...
Your family  gets $2,066,012. 

Washington  , D. C 

Are  all your calculators broken??

Building  Permit Tax 
CDL License Tax 
Cigarette  Tax 
Corporate Income Tax 
Dog License  Tax 
Federal Income Tax (Fed)
Federal Unemployment  Tax (FUTA) 
Fishing License Tax 
Food License  Tax 
Fuel Permit Tax 
Gasoline  Tax 
Hunting License Tax 
Inheritance  Tax 
Inventory Tax 
IRS Interest Charges (tax on  top of tax) 
IRS Penalties (tax on top of  tax) 
Liquor Tax 
Luxury Tax 
Marriage  License Tax 
Medicare Tax 
Property  Tax 
Real Estate Tax 
Service charge  taxes 
Social Security Tax 
Road Usage Tax  (Truckers) 
Sales Taxes 
Recreational Vehicle  Tax
School Tax  
State Income Tax  
State  Unemployment Tax (SUTA) 
Telephone Federal Excise  Tax 
Telephone FederalUniversal Service Fee  Tax 
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge  Tax 
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone  Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax  
Telephone  State and Local Tax 
Telephone Usage  Charge Tax 
Utility  Tax 
Vehicle License Registration Tax 
Vehicle  Sales Tax 
Watercraft Registration Tax 
Well  Permit Tax 
Workers Compensation Tax
(And to think,  we left British Rule to avoid so many  taxes) 


Not  one of these taxes existed 100 years ago
And our nation  was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely  no national debt... 
We had the largest middle class in  the world... 
And Mom stayed home to raise the  kids. 

What  happened?
Can you spell  'politicians!' 

And  I still have to 
Press '1' 
For  English. 

I  hope this goes around the 
U S A 
At least  100 times 

What  the heck happened?

---End Message---

Re: Re4: [TMIC] A very scary observation

2010-09-22 Thread Janice Nichols
Boy, did you have a scary beginning to TM!!! Glad you are doing as well as 
you are and keep posting.

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:43 AM
To: Janice Nichols 
Subject: Re4: [TMIC] A very scary observation

Ten years ago I lived alone.  One morning I awoke unable to move.  I had been 
on sick leave  for a  separate issue, so no one was expecting me anywhere. Four 
days later the neighbor thought something was 'off' around my place.  She -a 60 
year old - ended up climbing up to the second floor with the fire department 
because no one wanted to kiss my Rottweiler's hello, and they LOVED Carol.  She 
came through the window, secured the dogs, let the cops in with guns drawn 
(never know when a rotti will jump up at you), then the blessed EMS took me 
away.  They figured I was ready for last  rights in another day.  Anyway, ten 
years later, I cruise in my suv-wc, don't do much but punch around on the pc 
mostly.  My lesion was at C-6, 'functional' quad - I can  use my  hands to a 
degree. I take tizanidine (Zanaflex), neurontin, klonopin for leg spasms, pain 
meds and others  not directly related to TM.  mt
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: ; Barbara Alma 
  Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 12:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation

  Wasn't necessary?!? Yaa. I was upstairs when my legs decided to 
give out and I yelled down to my husband that I think I have a problem.We 
have 14
  stairs, so I butt walked down with Eddy right in front of me and me holding 
onto his jean pockets. Then he half carried me to the car and off we went 
to the ER.
  I could not have driven in that condition.In Missouri, if they 
hospitalize you, you don't have to pay for the ambulance.

  From: Barbara Alma 
  Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 2:49 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] A very scary observation

  Does anyone, other than me, find it very scary to think of somebody who finds 
that they no longer have feeling in their legs and feet but decides to drive 
themselves to the emergency hospital??  I myself was paralyzed waist to toes on 
both sides, so it wouldn't have even been possible for me anyway.  However, I 
have read that at least 2 times recently on this site of people driving 
themselves.  I really have a hard time imagining anyone not phoning for 
emergency services.  

  My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right away when this happened to 
me.  I stubbornly thought that it would pass, and after about an hour when it 
didn't, he called our son to come home.  They then decided to call the fire 
department for help to get me down the stairs so he could get me to the 
hospital.  We had about 10 stairs then to exit our home.  I wasn't willing to 
risk he or my son falling and then them having problems as well.  After they 
checked out my vitals and assured they were all fine, they assisted in getting 
me down the stairs and into his truck and Pete drove me to the hospital.  This 
way we didn't have to pay for an ambulance since it wasn't necessary, yeah! 

  Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA