Re: [TMIC] tmic-list group

2015-07-05 Thread suerdlagpunga
  Specifically,My legs are going. Hips are bad. No possibility for getting new ones because with 7 fused vertebrae from L-2 on up I am forced to do all my bending in the‎ hips.So other treatment options are in order.Could use some advice.Thanks in advance,DaltonSentfrommyBlackBerry10smartphone.From: MalugssuakSent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 7:59 AMTo: Gillian ClarkCc: tmic-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [TMIC] tmic-list groupGood to hear from our old friends again.Actually, I could use the activity as I am experiencing new problems and challenges and could use advice.See ya,DaltonOn Jul 5, 2015, at 6:10 AM, Gillian Clark wrote:

This is the first activity I’ve seen for a long time Jim, I think most of 
us are on facebook, I’m in several groups.

Whatever happens, I’m so grateful to you for setting this group up. It was 
my saviour in the beginning of this shitty journey and I’ve made 
friendships that have lasted for almost 14 years.

It’s free Jim and everyone is there. I’ll follow you wherever you go.

Love you mate,

From: Jim Lubin 
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] tmic-list group

wondering if it is worth continuing to pay for it. $42 every 6 
everyone seems to have moved to other groups.

I might be able to move all the subscribed email addresses to another, free 
system using google groups, but the address would change to

On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Pat Voorheis wrote:

  Hi Jim,
  There was a little bit of activity a few months ago between a few of 
  us. I am on Face Book also. 
  It was good to see your name today, because I was thinking about you this 
  morning. I'm glad TMIC was available 11 years ago when I was diagnosed with TM 
  and thank you for its availability. 
  Patti - Michigan
  On Jul 4, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Jim Lubin 

is anyone still using the 

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2015-01-26 Thread Suerdlagpunga

I am doing alright, but have developed new problems related to osteopenia, 
which is thinning of bones, and one step before osteoporosis.

I have cracked a vertebrae—L2—and this causes discomfort.  But the real problem 
is my right hip, which just sings a deep pain all up and down my leg.  Also, at 
night I seemed to have developed restless leg syndrome or something of the 
sort, because it is impossible to get comfortable, and now I don’t sleep more 
than about 45 minutes at a time.

My PCP suggested, after looking at x-rays, an MRI, and a bone density scan, 
that I try Prolia, an injection given in the Dr’s office every 6 months, for 
bone health.  It is very pricy and the copay is stiff.

Has anyone had experience taking any kind of osteo medicine, and what were the 
side effects?

Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
(718) 838-0437

On Jan 26, 2015, at 2:34, Iris Whiddett wrote:

 Betty, while in hospital after TM hit, I described this awful discomfort I 
 was experiencing as feeling like having bands of steel under my skin.  The 
 neurologist said nothing, just looked at me as though I was deranged!!  Of 
 course, I later learned for myself that it was commonly referred to as 
 Iris UK
 Sent from my iPad
 On 26 Jan 2015, at 00:25, Betty Shaffer wrote:
 I, too, have banding. When I asked the neurologist about it, he asked, 
 what's that?
 I tried to explain it to him.
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jan 25, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Iris Whiddett wrote:
 Hi Rob, sorry to hear that things have been so bad for you.  Not many speak 
 about banding.  In six years I have had some very slight improvement in 
 other areas but the banding is always with me, intensifying with changes in 
 the weather.  I have accepted that it is a permanent part of my life.  
 Strangely, it never bothers me when I am in bed.
 Iris UK
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,

2015-01-21 Thread suerdlagpunga
Good story. Very instructive. 



Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
  Original Message  
From: Pat
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:23 AM
To: Susan Kleinz
Cc:; Janice Nichols; Nikki Macleod;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,

I'm here and on Face Book. I haven't had any changes in my TM, but I do have an 
interesting story about a suspected relapse. 

In December, 2013, I thought I had a TM relapse or a stroke and went to ER 
walking and talking as if I was in a drunken stupor. CT, MRI's, and Labs showed 
nothing new had happened and I recovered fine. My doctors and I were stumped. 

In December 2014, I woke up one morning feeling my TM normal with the start 
of a cold. I went thru my routine of meds, reading, and coffee. I had 
difficulty standing up, my walking was bad and felt drunk when I started for 
another cup of coffee. I again wondered if I was having a TM relapse. 

I sat and compared the two relapses. I didn't want to go thru another 36 hour 
observation in ER. I felt and walked and talked as if drunk both times. I had 
the start of a cold both times. I had taken cough syrup both times, but the 
bottle was almost empty so it couldn't be that. 

I didn't have a relapse at all. I had a reaction to taking a full dose of cough 
syrup with Dextromethorphan and my TM meds Lyrica and Baclofen - on an empty 

What a relief! I saw my PCP yesterday for my RX renewals and I think she was as 
relieved as I was. That means no TM relapses in 11 years. Praise the Lord! 

Patti - Michigan. 

 On Jan 18, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:
 Me too. On a trip but will be responding. ! So glad someone is still out 
 there in our tm group
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 17, 2015, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
 I'm still here also. 
 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
 Original Message 
 From: Janice Nichols
 Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:33 PM
 To: Nikki Macleod;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
 Hi Nikki,
 I remember you! The old group has pretty well disbanded and gone to 
 Facebook , etc. I have had TM for 8 years and there is always 
 something improving. You have to work hard at it and keep moving, but it 
 really pays off. Once in a while the bladder even improves for a 
 hile - and then to the usual, but I will take what I can get. I really 
 wish doctor's would not give a time limit on improvement - we all go at 
 different paces with
 different problems to deal with. You sound great and I am really 
 proud of all your accomplishments. It couldn't have been easy for you. 
 Keep in touch.
 -Original Message- 
 From: Nikki Macleod
 Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 6:37 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
 Hi everyone,
 It's been a while since I've been in here and I was wondering how everyone 
 was doing. Any improvement. The last time I posted I was really messed up 
 mentally. Suicidal and really low, a horrible time in my life. My life has 
 changed dramatically since then, me and my fiancé of nearly 10 years broke 
 up and I never though I'd say this but it was for the best. I am much 
 happier. I live in my little bungalow with my dog Finlay who I've had since 
 before TM and have 24/7 care. My depression is much better, it is now stable 
 and under control. I am getting out and about much more especially since I 
 recently got my new powered wheelchair. I am starting to not only love life 
 again but love myself again. I also have more positive news, I have recently 
 been experiencing some weird sensations in my left hand and some of my 
 fingers which I can only describe as what feels like pins and needles. I 
 figured this is a good thing considering it is numb until I get these 
 episodes. I've also had episodes of feeling as though the soles of feet are 
 burning like they are on fire. TM struck me on 15/02/2011. Doctors told me 
 after a certain period of time that would be the end of the improvement. I 
 believe that you may continue to improve way after that (I have). Has anyone 
 else experienced anything like this?
 Nikki, Durham, UK.
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii

2014-03-12 Thread suerdlagpunga
May I jump in here? 
My memory was becoming totally unreliable and my relatives were starting to 
worry. I read up on it and discovered that Lyrics causes memory lapses and a 
fight mind. So I cut down until I couldn't any more. My memory is better now. 

 Original message 
From: Pat Voorheis 
Date:03/12/2014  20:05  (GMT-05:00) 
To: James Berg 
Cc: Janice Nichols,Dalton Garis,Linda Egli,transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii 

Please tell me why you want to reduce to 50mg twice daily after consulting with 
Sandy.  I was taking 100mg 3 times daily for about a year, but reduced to twice 
daily due to cost, not due to medical reasons.  Is there something about Lyrica 
Sandy made you aware of that I should be concerned about?  As you both have 
stated, we learn more from the TM Association than we learn from our doctors 
and Neuro's.

Patti - Michigan

On Mar 12, 2014, at 3:34 PM, James Berg wrote:

Hey Dalton and everyone else, Aloha.  I just want folks to  know that thanks to 
Dalton letting me know about Lyrica, I've gotten control of my leg spasms.  I'm 
taking 150mg. 2 times a day and suddenly a week ago my spasms stopped!
Not having a neuro so consult with Sandy, yes our Sandy, has been counseling  
me about stopping the Lyrica and after discussing it with my GP I am doing a 
gradual reduction and will soon be down to the 50mg. Dalton has reduced to.
Lyrica has been a god send to me.  Thanks Dalton.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Janice Nichols wrote:
Dalton  -  not offended!!   
So glad you are doing so well.    Isn’t it strange the things we discover 
ourselves that help us?    Doctors can still be so clueless about some things  
-  on the other hand, they can
save our lives!
From: Dalton Garis
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11:26 AM
To: Linda Egli ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
Say, Folks!
Nice to hear a voice crying in the wilderness.  I am still here, also.
By the way, someone hacked my Facebook so had to change my name, to 
Abdu’l-Hanif Al-Shukri – let them try to hack that one!  So, if you remember 
me, for instance Meiling, and you want to “friend me, I’m still out there.
Friends, I am down to just 50mg Lyrica 2x/day now, after a tough time of 
trying.  Can’t go below that amount, discovering that is what is actually 
required to cover most of the pain.  My memory is better and am less anxious 
about losing my mind to fog and dopiness.
And went 28 days without a seizure, the longest time since getting the first 
one in 22 April 2010.  Want to know what reduced their frequency? -  not taking 
all those vitamin supplements anymore.  It seems the minerals in them were 
interfering in some way with the nerves, especially magnesium.  Visiting my 
mother in Massachusetts – she’s 97 – I forgot to bring any and went without for 
a week.  Returning home I realized that I hadn’t had any seizures, and guessed 
that the only change was in not taking all those vitamin supplements.  So I 
stopped, and sure enough, the seizures became very infrequent.  Who knew?
Now is the Baha’i month of the Fast, when Baha’is go without food and drink  
during the hours when the sun is in the sky, for 19 days, the last month of our 
year.  (In our calendar there are 19 months of 19 days, with 4 or 5 inter 
calendar days just before the month of the Fast).  We eat and drink after 
sunset or before sunrise but not during the hours of sunlight.  Smoking is also 
prohibited, as it is considered a form of drink. 
The sick, the traveling, those nursing or pregnant, or under the age of 15 or 
older than 70 are not bound by the Fast; neither are those engaged in heavy 
labor.  It is for those in good health, but others are not bound to it.
While not bound by the Fast I am going without food during the hours of fasting 
but drinking tea or coffee or water whenever I feel the need.  It is going OK, 
and does change the relationship to the material world and increase nearness to 
God.  I am grateful to participate at even this level.
I hope it doesn’t upset anyone if I talk openly about God.  It seems our 
America is conspiring to wipe any mention of Him from any public discourse – a 
kind of propaganda in its own right if you think about it.  I apologize, 
though, if anyone here is offended.
Love and prayers,
Abdu’l-Hanif Al-Shukri
Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
From: Linda Egli
Reply-To: Linda Egli
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
Resent-Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:20 -0700 (PDT)
Another TMer still here too.