Re: [TMIC] Carpal Tunnel questions

2007-06-30 Thread Jill Z
  In fact one of my friends from work had Carpal Tunnel surgery yesterday.  I 
guess the pain in UNBEARABLE at times and she had a spur of the moment surgery 
because she couldn't stand it anymore.  Some people live with it for years 
  It's hard to say in our cases with TM as a factor too.  
  The surgery isn't that invasive and the recovery time is pretty quick too. If 
it's bothering you that much, get one hand dont and see if it improves your 
hand and arm pain.  If it doesn't, then it might just have to be chalked up to 
the TM I guess???

Kevin Wolfthal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Friends,

Place this under the 'feel like tearing your hair out' category.

Last year I had a neurologist and an orthopedist tell me I
have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. This was after
having MRI's and EMG's.

Then I went to a hand surgeon. He sent me for another
EMG because my (former) neurologist 'lost' the EMG
results. (I noticed they still accepted the $1200.00
for the EMG from my insurance, who I reported
them to but said they can do nothing).

The new EMG apparently shows nerve problms
in many nerves in my arms, so the hand surgeon
doesn't think it's CTS anymore and can't help me.
So now I have to start over with new tests, new

I just read that one of my BP meds, metoprolol,
can cause numbness in the hands as a side effect.
I'm having a physical on Monday and will ask
about this.

I know I've asked about carpal tunnel syndrome before,
so please forgive me for asking again. If anyone has
had CTS, would you mind relating your experience
from symptoms to diagnosis and correction? Were
you ever told that other nerves in your arms were

Thanks all,

Re: [TMIC] Carpal Tunnel questions - Jill

2007-06-30 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Jill,

Thanks for your reply!

I wanted to get one hand done, but now the hand surgeon says
he can't help me because the last EMG showed damage in several
sensory nerves, so he believes my hand problems are being caused
by something else, and that surgery wouldn't help.

Would you mind asking your friend if she had an EMG that showed
problems with other nerves? 

Now I have to be tested for diabetes, thyroid, etc. as possible causes. ;(

Hope your friend feels better soon.

Take care,

Jill Z wrote:

In fact one of my friends from work had Carpal Tunnel surgery 
yesterday.  I guess the pain in UNBEARABLE at times and she had a spur 
of the moment surgery because she couldn't stand it anymore.  Some 
people live with it for years though. 
It's hard to say in our cases with TM as a factor too. 
The surgery isn't that invasive and the recovery time is pretty quick 
too. If it's bothering you that much, get one hand dont and see if it 
improves your hand and arm pain.  If it doesn't, then it might just 
have to be chalked up to the TM I guess???


*/Kevin Wolfthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

Dear Friends,

Place this under the 'feel like tearing your hair out' category.

Last year I had a neurologist and an orthopedist tell me I
have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. This was after
having MRI's and EMG's.

Then I went to a hand surgeon. He sent me for another
EMG because my (former) neurologist 'lost' the EMG
results. (I noticed they still accepted the $1200.00
for the EMG from my insurance, who I reported
them to but said they can do nothing).

The new EMG apparently shows nerve problms
in many nerves in my arms, so the hand surgeon
doesn't think it's CTS anymore and can't help me.
So now I have to start over with new tests, new

I just read that one of my BP meds, metoprolol,
can cause numbness in the hands as a side effect.
I'm having a physical on Monday and will ask
about this.

I know I've asked about carpal tunnel syndrome before,
so please forgive me for asking again. If anyone has
had CTS, would you mind relating your experience
from symptoms to diagnosis and correction? Were
you ever told that other nerves in your arms were

Thanks all,