Re: [TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

2009-09-18 Thread Jim Lubin

At 09:30 AM 9/17/2009, kevin weilacher wrote:
It seems that since President
Obama lifted the ban on stem cell research nothing else has happened
because there has been a total lack of funding for continued research.
Currently, it seems that the only way anything is going to get done is if
we, ourselves takes this bull by the horns and do something for
That's because there never has been a ban on stem cell research. He
lifted the ban on federal funding of stem cells from human embryonic


disAbility Resources:

[TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

2009-09-17 Thread kevin weilacher
He has been quite the proactive person over the years in trying to help get 
things done to help the TMA, to help Dr. Kerr and to help disabled peopled 
peopled in general. 
Over the last few months we've discovered that he's done some drumming for the 
50's Doo-Wop group The Edsels, We found out that he also wrote a book called 
Living With A Spinal Cord Injury, He founded the International Disability 
Coalition to try and help fund Dr. Kerr at Johns Hopkins who also just so 
happens to be his cousin. He also wants the IDC to be able to help disabled 
individuals with various things, such as supplies or assistance with things and 
he specifically spoke of a post he saw on here yesterday. Gunny sent me a note 
yesterday referencing the post from Akua and how
she has to pay $88 a month to get someone to shop for her. That is
utterly rediculous..!! Gunny would love to be able to have the means to provide 
a service to a person such as Akua with no charge to her either through 
volunteers or organizations donating their resources. Ultimately this is the 
type of thing we are shooting for.
Anyway, I recently come across this bit of information.
Click the link and read what it has to say...Extremely interesting.

How many of us knew that..?   I didn't.

When Gunny contacted me and asked me if I'd like to help him work on trying to 
get the IDC built up some more through a series of raffles and other ideas, I 
jumped at the chance. It seems that since President Obama lifted the ban on 
stem cell research nothing else has happened because there has been a total 
lack of funding for continued research. Currently, it seems that the only way 
anything is going to get done is if we, ourselves takes this bull by the horns 
and do something for ourselves.
If anyone has any input, thoughts, ideas, criticisms etcplease let me know 
and they will be duly noted.


Re: [TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

2009-09-17 Thread Grace M.
  *Hiya Kevin,  *

  *Yes, Gunny's a great guy and, as you can see, a BUSY guy, but he always
 takes his time out to help, if it's needed.  He's been instrumental over the
 years in helping several of our NMO members to get into Hopkins quickly, and
 it's most appreciated.  I'm looking forward to his next support meeting
 because I'm gonna try to get myself out there.  *

  *GO GUNNY!  *

  *Hugs, Gracie*


Re: [TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

2009-09-17 Thread Akua
 Currently, it seems that the only way anything is going to get done 
is if we, ourselves takes this bull by the horns and do something 
for ourselves.
If anyone has any input, thoughts, ideas, criticisms etcplease 
let me know and they will be duly noted.


I'm trying to start a paratransit nonprofit where I live-- so I and 
others can shop and get around.
There's no food delivery service here either. I wrote my 
congressman-- Massa and he said the lack of transport was a local 
thing, but Google collects paratransit stories for me and
I have several from around the country that report stimulaus funds 
are being used to buy MORE paratransit busses!

