RE: Proposed name encoding patch

2001-01-19 Thread Tal Dayan

Yes, this may work. Just remember to encode the escape char '_' as well even
it is a valid java id char. Otherwise, the mapping may not be unique.


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Downey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:50 AM
 Subject: RE: Proposed name encoding patch

 I was looking at this last night, by coincidence. It seems to me that the
 name is encoding too much information. It's duplicating the
 package as part
 the class name. I suspect it's getting confused between '/', '\',
 File.separatorChar, etc.

 It's also encoding characters that are legal in java class names
 that do not
 happen to be
 Character.isLetterOrDigit(). Should probably be
 Character.isJavaIdentifierStart and

 -Original Message-
 From: Tal Dayan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 3:41 AM
 Subject: Proposed name encoding patch


 This is my first posting to this list so please bare with me.

 We are having problems with the jsp name mangling (bug 330 at

 Every '/' or '_' char in the jsp path is converted to 6 chars which easily
 extend the file path beyond Win NT limitation of 256 chars. As a
 result, the
 JSP compilation fails with the following error:

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPerror:
 Can't write:


 A quick look at the code reveals that the mangling is done by the method
 CommandLineCompiler.mangleChar() so we plan to modify the method
 to generate
 a more compact encoding, especially for common chars such as '/', '_', and

 What is the view of the list regarding the proposed modification and how
 should we proceed to maximize the changes that our patch will be
 included in
 the official Tomcat code ?



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Security problem

2001-01-19 Thread Andrea Barbieri

HI to all,
i have found some problem in configuring security on site (Sparc Solaris 
5.7) with Tomcat 3.2 (in virtual host).
Everything goes Ok, but when I tried to configure Basic Realm on a 
particular Servlet class or sub dir of WEB-INF i didn't found any solution.
Is it possible to keep in security only particular Servlet class and not 
the complete directory?

?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?

!DOCTYPE web-app
 PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"


 !-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication --
   realm-nameReal name/realm-name

  web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name
  !-- This role name is configured in server.xml --

Thank's for suggestions

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RE: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat RELEASE-PLAN-3.3

2001-01-19 Thread horn_ken

I also think it would be good idea to require Jasper's JspServlet still
function properly if used in Tomcat 3.3, even though Tomcat 3.3 now uses
an interceptor to manage JSP compilation. (Jasper is still used for
translation to servlet source, but the interceptor controls the


(We use Jasper inside Weblogic's servlet container, and so don't have/use
  the interceptor)

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RE: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??

2001-01-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu


Ooops! I got a DateRollingAppender from you too? Eirik Lygre has also sent 
me one. Roberto Leong has too. Their contributions are attached.
Jim, can you please repost your contribution on this list? I seem to have 
lost it. Sorry, I haven't been handling this item particularly well.

What I would like to see is the following:

0) Keep in mind that log4j is not in the quickie business. Much of the 
success of the package can be attributed to solving problems well, not just 
solving them.

1) The new appender should have flexible way of expressing the rollover 
frequency, perhaps in the same format as in the Unix crontabs file which I 
belive is also a Posix standard. I am not aware of any library that 
supports this. JDring ( seems to have most 
of the functionality needed except parsing the crontab format. Anyone know 
anything better?

As a side note, the omission of a crontab/at functionality in Java core 
libraries seems like a major oversight. Try buying stock a day later then 
what the customer ordered. See how many customers stay with your brokerage 
house.  :-)

2) The new appender should not add any significant overhead to the append 
method. If appending to a file takes 100 microseconds in a particular 
environment it should still take 100 microseconds with the new appender.

There are several possible designs. The first one is to check for the 
rollover condition at each append. This is what Eirik Lygre has done. The 
second one is to schedule a thread that will initiate the rollover after 
the appropriate delay. This is what Roberto Leong has proposed.

The second approach seems more sound to me. One could generalize it by 
using a single timer  thread (as in JDring) to manage multiple time based 
RollingAppenders. Your opinion/comments are welcome. Ceki

ps: I am forwarding this to the Avalon list since they are writing a 
general purpose framework.
ps: I wonder how Tomcat addresses the issue.

At 21:45 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Yes, but you need to use a different Appender than FileRolloverAppender.
I've already written one, but haven't heard back from Ceki about adding it
to the "package" yet...

-Jim Moore

-Original Message-
From: Andrewt Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 8:02 PM
Subject: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??

I see you can set the maxsize and have it automatically rollover the log

Is it possible to force a new log file each day 


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Freedom as in the capacity to exercise choice.

package org.log4j.varia;

import org.log4j.FileAppender;
import org.log4j.helpers.TracerPrintWriter;
import org.log4j.helpers.LogLog;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;

// Roberto Leong [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   DailyFileAppender extends FileAppender to backup the log files when 
   the day changes. Basically a new log file will automatically
   be created everyday.

public class DailyFileAppender extends FileAppender {
  // formatter for date
  SimpleDateFormat formatter = null;
  // pattern for date 
  String dateFormat = "-MM-dd";  
  formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
  // filename without the day part
  String unformattedFileName = null;
 Activates the thread that checks the day
 {@link #setOption}.  */
  public void activateOptions() {
new Thread(new DayChecker(this)).start();

 Overrides FileAppender.setFile(String fileName, boolean append) to append 
 todays day to the filename

@param fileName The path to the log file.
@param boolean If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will
truncate fileName.  */

  void setFile(String fileName, boolean append) throws IOException {

unformattedFileName = new String(fileName);
boolean hasDot = false;

//finds the first and hopefully only '.' and appends today's day before it.
// If no '.' is found just add it to end of the filename
for(int i=0; ifileName.length(); i++) {
  if(fileName.charAt(i)=='.') {
String str = fileName.substring(0, i);
fileName = str + formatter.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) + 
hasDot = true;

  fileName = fileName + formatter.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

this.setQWForFiles(new FileWriter(fileName, append)); = new TracerPrintWriter(qw);
this.fileName = fileName;
this.qwIsOurs = true;

  class DayChecker 

Re: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??

2001-01-19 Thread Anders Kristensen

A couple of comments. JDK 1.3 comes with timer classes in
java.util.Timer and TimerTask. They don't have the functionality of cron
but that could be built on top if necessary. Using the timer
infrastructure of java.util has the advantage that fewer threads will be
created overall in a system, and also it just makes sense to use JDK
functionality when it's there. Sure some folks aren't using JDK 1.3 --
maybe there's a downloadable library that implements the java.util timer
functions like there is for the collections lib.

Also, I think that when using rolling log files one would usually like
to roll over on boundaries and not just with a certain periodicity [if
that's even a word]. For example, one might want to roll over daily at
midnight, rather than just daily at the time the server happened to be
restarted at last.


Ceki Gulcu wrote:
 Ooops! I got a DateRollingAppender from you too? Eirik Lygre has also sent
 me one. Roberto Leong has too. Their contributions are attached.
 Jim, can you please repost your contribution on this list? I seem to have
 lost it. Sorry, I haven't been handling this item particularly well.
 What I would like to see is the following:
 0) Keep in mind that log4j is not in the quickie business. Much of the
 success of the package can be attributed to solving problems well, not just
 solving them.
 1) The new appender should have flexible way of expressing the rollover
 frequency, perhaps in the same format as in the Unix crontabs file which I
 belive is also a Posix standard. I am not aware of any library that
 supports this. JDring ( seems to have most
 of the functionality needed except parsing the crontab format. Anyone know
 anything better?
 As a side note, the omission of a crontab/at functionality in Java core
 libraries seems like a major oversight. Try buying stock a day later then
 what the customer ordered. See how many customers stay with your brokerage
 house.  :-)
 2) The new appender should not add any significant overhead to the append
 method. If appending to a file takes 100 microseconds in a particular
 environment it should still take 100 microseconds with the new appender.
 There are several possible designs. The first one is to check for the
 rollover condition at each append. This is what Eirik Lygre has done. The
 second one is to schedule a thread that will initiate the rollover after
 the appropriate delay. This is what Roberto Leong has proposed.
 The second approach seems more sound to me. One could generalize it by
 using a single timer  thread (as in JDring) to manage multiple time based
 RollingAppenders. Your opinion/comments are welcome. Ceki
 ps: I am forwarding this to the Avalon list since they are writing a
 general purpose framework.
 ps: I wonder how Tomcat addresses the issue.
 At 21:45 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
 Yes, but you need to use a different Appender than FileRolloverAppender.
 I've already written one, but haven't heard back from Ceki about adding it
 to the "package" yet...
 -Jim Moore
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrewt Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 8:02 PM
 Subject: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??
 I see you can set the maxsize and have it automatically rollover the log
 Is it possible to force a new log file each day 
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 Freedom as in the capacity to exercise choice.
DailyFileAppender.javaType: Plain Text (text/plain)
  Encoding: quoted-printable
DailyFileAppender1.javName: DailyFileAppender1.jav
  Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
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Re: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??

2001-01-19 Thread eirik . lygre

Since I'm partly to blame :-), my few cents:

1) I don't have any strong opinions about threads vs checking each-time. I guess I chose checking each time because it seemed simpler to implement.

2) My appender uses a configurable file format, making it possible to customize the file format. Through this, it's simple to have files which roll over every week, every month, every day of the month, every weekday, etc.

Since the file format maps directly to SimpleDateFormat, it ought to be flexible enough for most uses. If the rollover frequency changes, it is also possible to specify filenames which vary by the hour, or even (theoretically) the millisecond.


Eirik Lygre
e-vita as, Stortorvet 3, Oslo
Mobil: (+47) 905 66476
Fax: (+47) 23 35 70 51

Anders Kristensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
19.01.2001 13:00

To:LOG4J Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??

A couple of comments. JDK 1.3 comes with timer classes in
java.util.Timer and TimerTask. They don't have the functionality of cron
but that could be built on top if necessary. Using the timer
infrastructure of java.util has the advantage that fewer threads will be
created overall in a system, and also it just makes sense to use JDK
functionality when it's there. Sure some folks aren't using JDK 1.3 --
maybe there's a downloadable library that implements the java.util timer
functions like there is for the collections lib.

Also, I think that when using rolling log files one would usually like
to roll over on boundaries and not just with a certain periodicity [if
that's even a word]. For example, one might want to roll over daily at
midnight, rather than just daily at the time the server happened to be
restarted at last.


Ceki Gulcu wrote:
 Ooops! I got a DateRollingAppender from you too? Eirik Lygre has also sent
 me one. Roberto Leong has too. Their contributions are attached.
 Jim, can you please repost your contribution on this list? I seem to have
 lost it. Sorry, I haven't been handling this item particularly well.
 What I would like to see is the following:
 0) Keep in mind that log4j is not in the quickie business. Much of the
 success of the package can be attributed to solving problems well, not just
 solving them.
 1) The new appender should have flexible way of expressing the rollover
 frequency, perhaps in the same format as in the Unix crontabs file which I
 belive is also a Posix standard. I am not aware of any library that
 supports this. JDring ( seems to have most
 of the functionality needed except parsing the crontab format. Anyone know
 anything better?
 As a side note, the omission of a crontab/at functionality in Java core
 libraries seems like a major oversight. Try buying stock a day later then
 what the customer ordered. See how many customers stay with your brokerage
 house. :-)
 2) The new appender should not add any significant overhead to the append
 method. If appending to a file takes 100 microseconds in a particular
 environment it should still take 100 microseconds with the new appender.
 There are several possible designs. The first one is to check for the
 rollover condition at each append. This is what Eirik Lygre has done. The
 second one is to schedule a thread that will initiate the rollover after
 the appropriate delay. This is what Roberto Leong has proposed.
 The second approach seems more sound to me. One could generalize it by
 using a single timer thread (as in JDring) to manage multiple time based
 RollingAppenders. Your opinion/comments are welcome. Ceki
 ps: I am forwarding this to the Avalon list since they are writing a
 general purpose framework.
 ps: I wonder how Tomcat addresses the issue.
 At 21:45 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
 Yes, but you need to use a different Appender than FileRolloverAppender.
 I've already written one, but haven't heard back from Ceki about adding it
 to the package yet...
 -Jim Moore
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrewt Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 8:02 PM
 Subject: Rollover for each day ? Is this possible ??
 I see you can set the maxsize and have it automatically rollover the log
 Is it possible to force a new log file each day 
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 Freedom as in the capacity to exercise choice.
   Name:  Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
 Encoding: quoted-printable

RE: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Paulo Gaspar

As a "piping" mechanism (as opposed to a "hooking" one) the kind
of thing Donald described is my favorite one.

My other $0.02 are that I agree 100% with Jon on this. People will
get confused if you have 2 different ways of using valves from a
minor version to the other.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 02:22
 on 1/18/01 4:28 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you change the names and parameter orders a little, you have 
 just quoted
  new api for javax.servlet.Filter in the 2.3 Proposed Final Draft.
  I'd be game to change the Valve APIs to conform to this kind of 
 pattern in a
  timeframe, if people prefer it.  If we're ever going to do 
 this, earlier is
  (before too many valves that have to be changed get created).
 I'm almost thinking that this should be done for 4.0 because 4.0 
 is going to
 be implementing the 2.3 spec and having two different filtering 
 doing essentially the same thing doesn't make much sense to me...

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RE: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Paulo Gaspar

Over the weekend I will start having a look at 3.x HEAD. If you do not
think that document is urgent and no one faster at doing it pops up, I
can try writing something like that.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

P.S.: BTW, I was also refering to specialized events has in Swing. That
is the kind of thing that realy cuts down development complexity.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 05:54

 P.S. Those are just few of the reasons behind the 3.x Interceptors. It
 would be great if someone would want to help creating a small document
 based on the discussions we had - with the pros and cons. I could also add
 few examples, and maybe go into more details about how the most
 chains work ( Error handling, session, auth, mapping )

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Tomcat 4.0 w/Apache question

2001-01-19 Thread Matthew Dornquast

Couple of simple questions to help us get TC 4.0 going like we had for
Tomcat 3.1

1.  Which Apache connectors can we use to talk to TC 4.0?  I know of
mod_jserv, mod_jk, and mod_webapp.  Which of these work with TC4.0 and which
one is best given our requirements.

2.  I need to set up the connector to to forward ".jsp"and
".myservletsuffix" to TC4.0 while letting .gifs + .html be served up by
Apache.  Which connector is best for this?

3.  My app context is the ROOT context "/" under 3.1  I need this
functionality under TC4.0 as well.  Which connector is best for this?

Thanks guys!


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BugRat Report #805 has been filed.

2001-01-19 Thread BugRat Mail System

Bug report #805 has just been filed.

You can view the report at the following URL:

REPORT #805 Details.

Project: Tomcat
Category: Bug Report
SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug
State: received
Priority: medium
Severity: serious
Confidence: public
   Release: tomcat m4
   JVM Release: 1.1.3
   Operating System: linux
   OS Release: 2.2.17
   Platform: Intel

Imort of packages in included JSP page

when i do in a JSP page:
jsp:include page="%=jspLetName%"/

and in included page is a tag:
%@ page import="some.package.*"%
i expect in compiled java file will be
import some.package.*;
but isn't, so i must write whole names. 

BugRat Report #

BugRat Report #


tomcat m4

Bug Report

New Bug Report






_Anonymous ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Date Submitted:
Jan 19 2001, 09:21:59 CST

Z_Tomcat Alias ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Imort of packages in included JSP page

 Environment: (jvm, os, osrel, platform)

1.1.3, linux, 2.2.17, Intel

Additional Environment Description:

Report Description:

when i do in a JSP page:

and in included page is a tag:
<%@ page import="some.package.*"%>
i expect in compiled java file will be
import some.package.*;
but isn't, so i must write whole names. 

View this report online...

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Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread cmanolache


As you know, a number of people expressed interest on releasing a new dot
version of tomcat3. They believe that the changes made so far to the main
branch are making the code more maintainable and faster than 3.2.

This cannot happen without your help.

Before making an official proposal and asking for a vote, I need to have
an idea about how much help can I get from tomcat commiters, non-commiters
and users. 

Help is needed in the following areas:

1. Bug fixes. At least 3 commiters will volunteer to integrate the patches
that are sent and do fixes them-self.

2. Bug reports/verification: we have a large number of bug reports,
most of them against previous versions of tomcat. We need people to look
at the bugs, try to reproduce them in the proposed 3.3, try to fix
them. If possible, we need a simple reproduction code that can be added to
the regression suite.

3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

4. Testing/Building/mod_jk: If you use tomcat with a web server, we need
help making sure it works fine and eventually getting a compiled version
of mod_jk for your platform ( if you use a "special" OS or configuration ).

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )

6. Jasper: making sure the bugs are integrated and the interceptor works
as expected, instead of just being faster.

7. User support/documentation: If you managed to get tomcat3 working, you
may be able to help others and reduce the load on commiters.

If you are a user of tomcat 3.2 or embed tomcat 3.2 in your applications,
this is a chance to turn into a contributor and then commiter. 

The help can range from downloading a milestone and running the provided
regression tests on your platform, writing simple fixes for the problems
that bother you, just looking at the source code and sending feedback or
small documentation, testing you favorite web application and making sure
it'll still work fine. 

Based on the response I get on this mail during the next few days I'll  
decide if I go ahead and make the proposal. 

This is not an "official" vote - just a show of hands to help the
commiters that will vote +1 get an idea about how much help they can
expect ( and maybe change their vote :-).

Any help is important - and there are many ways you can do it.

This mail doesn't "commit" yourself to anything - I'm asking for your
intention to help and what would you like to help with.


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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Andrea Barbieri

Ciao a tutti, hi to you Costin:

i can help for points

3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )

Andrea Barbieri

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RE: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Mike Braden

From the user side I'll help with 4,7 as much as I can. (Solaris 8 sparc,
x86 - HP-UX 11 possible)

Mike Braden
CNE, MCP+I, MCSE, CCNA, Sun Comp 2k Enterprise  E10k

808 Aviation Parkway
Suite 1100
PO Box 13479
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


-Original Message-

1. Bug fixes. At least 3 commiters will volunteer to integrate the patches
that are sent and do fixes them-self.

2. Bug reports/verification: we have a large number of bug reports,
most of them against previous versions of tomcat. We need people to look
at the bugs, try to reproduce them in the proposed 3.3, try to fix
them. If possible, we need a simple reproduction code that can be added to
the regression suite.

3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

4. Testing/Building/mod_jk: If you use tomcat with a web server, we need
help making sure it works fine and eventually getting a compiled version
of mod_jk for your platform ( if you use a "special" OS or configuration ).

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )

6. Jasper: making sure the bugs are integrated and the interceptor works
as expected, instead of just being faster.

7. User support/documentation: If you managed to get tomcat3 working, you
may be able to help others and reduce the load on commiters.

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RE: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread GOMEZ Henri

1. Bug fixes. At least 3 commiters will volunteer to integrate 
the patches
that are sent and do fixes them-self.


2. Bug reports/verification: we have a large number of bug reports,
most of them against previous versions of tomcat. We need 
people to look at the bugs, try to reproduce them in the proposed 3.3, try
to fix
them. If possible, we need a simple reproduction code that can 
be added to the regression suite.

+0 (mod_jk)

4. Testing/Building/mod_jk: If you use tomcat with a web 
server, we need
help making sure it works fine and eventually getting a 
compiled version
of mod_jk for your platform ( if you use a "special" OS or 
configuration ).

+1 (+ packaging RPM)

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )


7. User support/documentation: If you managed to get tomcat3 
working, you may be able to help others and reduce the load on commiters.



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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Dan Milstein


Although I don't think I'll have enough time to reproduce and fix general bugs which 
have been submitted, I will happily commit to working on any mod_jk / ajp13 issues 
which come up.  In other words, I don't think I can be part of the core "release 
team", but I will definitely contribute whatever expertise I have in the connector 


 As you know, a number of people expressed interest on releasing a new dot
 version of tomcat3. They believe that the changes made so far to the main
 branch are making the code more maintainable and faster than 3.2.
 This cannot happen without your help.
 Before making an official proposal and asking for a vote, I need to have
 an idea about how much help can I get from tomcat commiters, non-commiters
 and users.

Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Mike Anderson


I was planning on doing #4 (along with the netscape plugin) for NetWare.

Mike Anderson
Senior Software Engineer
Platform Services Group
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net services software 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/19/01 09:05AM 

4. Testing/Building/mod_jk: If you use tomcat with a web server, we need
help making sure it works fine and eventually getting a compiled version
of mod_jk for your platform ( if you use a "special" OS or configuration ).


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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Brad Cox

I'd be glad to help with the servlet engine code.

At 5:31 PM + 01/19/2001, Andrea Barbieri wrote:
Ciao a tutti, hi to you Costin:

i can help for points

3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )

Andrea Barbieri

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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Jon Stevens wrote:

 on 1/18/01 4:28 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you change the names and parameter orders a little, you have just quoted
  new api for javax.servlet.Filter in the 2.3 Proposed Final Draft.
  I'd be game to change the Valve APIs to conform to this kind of pattern in a
  timeframe, if people prefer it.  If we're ever going to do this, earlier is
  (before too many valves that have to be changed get created).

 I'm almost thinking that this should be done for 4.0 because 4.0 is going to
 be implementing the 2.3 spec and having two different filtering mechanism's
 doing essentially the same thing doesn't make much sense to me...

I can sympathize with that concern -- I really really don't want to go changing
fundamental APIs in dot releases the way that 3.x has.

 Note, I'm not volunteering to scratch this itch...I'm just giving an

Thanks a bunch :-)

 Craig, can you make a statement about how hard/timeframe it would be to make
 the two different filtering mechanism's match up?

Effort requirements are probably 4-6 hours for development and execution for
changing the implementation plus all the existing valves.  Impact on the overall
4.0 release cycle is more problematic -- I think we would want to do this in a new
beta round and add a week of intensive testing to make sure nothing got

Let me work up a specific proposal (with impact estimates) and I propose it later
today.  There will also be a different proposal (based on input from Glenn) for a
"facade" layer that will make it easier to do the security manager stuff -- I
would want to do both sets of changes together if we're going to do them.




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Re: BugRat Report #804 has been filed.

2001-01-19 Thread Hans Bergsten

BugRat Mail System wrote:
 Bug report #804 has just been filed.
 You can view the report at the following URL:
 REPORT #804 Details.
 Project: Tomcat
 Category: Bug Report
 SubCategory: New Bug Report
 Class: swbug
 State: received
 Priority: high
 Severity: serious
 Confidence: public
Release: 3.2 final release
JVM Release: 1.2.2
Operating System: Win NT
OS Release: 4.0 ServPack 6
Platform: Intel
 java expression not translates in attribute value
 %@ taglib uri="/atl" prefix="atl" %
 jsp:useBean id="PbPb" scope="session"
   class="at.alcatel.gcca.beans.pinboard.PbPinboard" /
  atl:Menu name="xxPinboard" 
   atl:MenuLink text="%= xxPinboard.PbName %" link="%=new 
String(\"Messages.jsp?pinboardId=\"+xxPinboard.PbId)%" /
   atl:MenuLink text="%= xxPinboard.PbName %" link="Messages.jsp?pinboardId=%= 
xxPinboard.PbId%" /
 In the above there are 2 MenuLink tags. The second one with 
'link="Messages.jsp?pinboardId=%= xxPinboard.PbId%"'
 was the planed version, but it does not evaluate the xxPinboard.PbId.
 If I write it as in the first version (with new String) it works, but it is 

The JSP spec doesn't support mixing static text and JSP expressions in
an attribute value. An alternative way to get what you want is this:

  atl:MenuLink text="%= xxPinboard.PbName %" 
link='%= "Messages.jsp?pinboardId" + xxPinboard.PbId %' /

Note that you can use single quotes around the attribute value so you
don't have to escape double quotes in the value.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software
Author of JavaServer Pages (O'Reilly),

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Re: BugRat Report #804 has been filed.

2001-01-19 Thread Nick Bauman

Hans, can you stick this tip in BugRat as a comment and close the bug out?

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Hans Bergsten wrote:

 Note that you can use single quotes around the attribute value so you
 don't have to escape double quotes in the value.

Nicolaus Bauman
Software Engineer
Simplexity Systems

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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Anil Vijendran


 6. Jasper: making sure the bugs are integrated and the interceptor works
 as expected, instead of just being faster.

I can review and fix bugs here. Don't have time for anything else.

Peace, Anil +:-)

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Bug with mod_jk and Tomcat?

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik

Dear Tomcat developers,

We are using Tomcat/Apache with mod_jk.

Apache (1.3.14) is running mod_ssl (2.7.1-1.3.14) with OpenSSL (0.9.6).
Tomcat 3.2.1
When a servlet is requested under
and the servlet does a simple

this makes the browser request

At this point Apache complains since the browser is trying to speak HTTP to
an HTTPS enabled port. We are also missing all the URL information that you
normally get from the Sevlet request, like getPathURI etc
any idea why this is happening?

Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
From: "Anil Vijendran" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Call for volunteers


 6. Jasper: making sure the bugs are integrated and the interceptor works
 as expected, instead of just being faster.

I can review and fix bugs here. Don't have time for anything else.

Peace, Anil +:-)

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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Alex Fernández

I'd like to review code, if only to understand the inner workings in Tomcat.
Of course, I'd like to test our application -- it's a load tester, so
performance is critical.



Paulo Gaspar wrote:

 I can help with these ones (3 and 5) and maybe a bit with
   "7. User support/documentation"

 Have fun,
 Paulo Gaspar

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 17:05
  3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
  its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.
  5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
  and more important test than our regression )

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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Jon Stevens

on 1/19/01 9:38 AM, "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Impact on the overall
 4.0 release cycle is more problematic -- I think we would want to do this in a
 beta round and add a week of intensive testing to make sure nothing got

Remember that Sun does not control the 4.0 release cycle.


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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Jon Stevens wrote:

 on 1/19/01 9:38 AM, "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Impact on the overall
  4.0 release cycle is more problematic -- I think we would want to do this in a
  beta round and add a week of intensive testing to make sure nothing got

 Remember that Sun does not control the 4.0 release cycle.

Agreed ... I'm talking about the *Apache Tomcat* release cycle, where we agreed in
the release plan to have a feature freeze / bug fix round on 4.0, and work towards a
production quality release quickly.  API surgery is not something normally done late
in a cycle like this.  That is why it needs to be discussed (and voted on, IMHO)
before we change what was previously agreed to on TOMCAT-DEV.



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Re: Catalina + Apache

2001-01-19 Thread Nick Bauman


These design goals are AWESOME. It makes much more sense to do this
way. However, I _did_ do this as you mentioned: I have *.jsp and *.j
mapped to specific servlets in my ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and all I got was
the output of index.jsp as something Netscape had to download. telnetting
to the webserver port revealed that the index.jsp was being served by
Apache, not Catalina.

I'll mess around with it this weekend and see if I can get it to work "as
advertised" and report back my results, but I have a couple of guys
waiting on a servlet container that works with our *.j framework to test
today, so I'm temporarily falling back to 3.2.

I'm really happy that this approach is being followed as it's much more
(ultimately) intuitive than the way it's done in 3.2 because it's simpler.

Thanks again,


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 Nick Bauman wrote:
  On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   Nick Bauman wrote:
Uhhh, I just realized something
With TC 3x, you could map an extension from Apache to the servlet engine
with an AddHandler directive. I see nothing like this for TC4. Can someone
enlighten me?
   The design goals for mod_webapp say that it should respect web.xml mappings --
   in other words, if you added a servlet-mapping entry for "*.foo" to a
   particular servlet, then that is what would happen at runtime.
  I totally do not understand this! I'm dense or something: How does Apache
  / DSO* know about something in the web.xml?
 This is the key architectural difference between mod_webapp and the current 
 of connectors.  When mod_webapp establishes its initial connection from Apache to
 Tomcat, the configuration information (extracted from the property getters of the
 internal Context object) is sent back to the connector in order to configure
 everything about this particular webapp.
 From the sysadmin perspective, this means we can forget all about having to 
 things twice (once in httpd.conf and once in web.xml).  It's also a requirement of 
 2.3 spec -- if we create a "servlet container" using Apache+Tomcat together, it (the
 combination) must still obey all the servlet spec requirements, including respecting
 things in web.xml.
  If I grok you, this still relies on having /foo mapped to the servlet
  container in Apache. I'm in a situation where Apache's DocumentRoot _is
  the same as_ the top level of the WAR, but I want Apache to serve the
  *.html and *.gif and *.jpg and *.png and I want Tomcat to only do the *jsp
  and a special mapping (in this case *.j).
 Then what you'd want is to configure the ROOT webapp to have a context base equal to
 your Apache document root.  If you want things mapped to servlets, just do them with
 servlet-mapping entries *exactly* like you would for Tomcat stand-alone.  As I
 mentioned earlier, the connector takes over the "default servlet" mapping, so it will
 handle everything that is *not* explicitly mapped to a servlet (i.e. all the static
 Again, this is all the design goals -- I have not tested the current implementation 
 see if it achieves these goals yet.  In particular, I recall seeing bug reports about
 mapping the ROOT context.
   The primary difference between Tomcat 4.0 stand alone and Tomcat 4.0 behind
   Apache is the mapping for the "default" servlet.  In the stand-alone case, this
   is mapped to the Tomcat servlet that serves static resources.  In the connected
   case, they would be served by Apache.
  I don't see how this works in my case. I'm being dense, I think.
 If you were running Tomcat stand-alone, you would accomplish the goal of mapping *.j
 files to a particular servlet like this (in your webapp's web.xml file):
 and this rule would get applied to all incoming requests -- a request for "foo.j"
 would be sent to your servlet, while a request for "foo.html" would be handled by the
 default file-serving servlet.
 In Tomcat4+Apache, you do *exactly* the same thing.  The only difference at runtime 
 that Apache becomes the "default file-serving servlet" instead of the servlet inside
 Does that help?
   At any rate, this is the theory -- Pier can comment on current practice.  I know
   he's working on a bunch of bug fixes for the originally reported problems.
  I would like to have it work in my case, but in order for me to help make
  it happen, I need to understand the goal, which I don't understand. If you
  or Pier can nurse me along a bit, I will work on making it happen in my
  case (I do know C) and give it back to the community.
  Thanks a ton anyway, Craig.
  Nicolaus Bauman

Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Jon Stevens

on 1/19/01 11:51 AM, "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Agreed ... I'm talking about the *Apache Tomcat* release cycle, where we
 agreed in the release plan to have a feature freeze / bug fix round on 4.0,
 and work towards a production quality release quickly.  API surgery is not
 something normally done late in a cycle like this.  That is why it needs to be
 discussed (and voted on, IMHO) before we change what was previously agreed to

I thought that this is what we are discussing right now. :-) I'm +1 on doing
API surgery at this point...especially given that you are doing development
towards a release of Tomcat 4.x based on a Servlet API version that isn't
release either. :-) What if the Servlet API changes tomorrow? That would be
more API surgery as well IMHO. Also, given that this would be surgery
towards making things more compatible with the Servlet API, I think that it
is more than justified. :-)


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Re: Catalina + Apache

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Nick Bauman wrote:


 These design goals are AWESOME. It makes much more sense to do this
 way. However, I _did_ do this as you mentioned: I have *.jsp and *.j
 mapped to specific servlets in my ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and all I got was
 the output of index.jsp as something Netscape had to download. telnetting
 to the webserver port revealed that the index.jsp was being served by
 Apache, not Catalina.

 I'll mess around with it this weekend and see if I can get it to work "as
 advertised" and report back my results, but I have a couple of guys
 waiting on a servlet container that works with our *.j framework to test
 today, so I'm temporarily falling back to 3.2.

 I'm really happy that this approach is being followed as it's much more
 (ultimately) intuitive than the way it's done in 3.2 because it's simpler.

I'm glad you like it, although you should really thank Pier Fumagalli -- it's his 
(which I agree with) and effort that has really been working towards this.

As I mentioned several times, what I was describing is the *theory* of what mod_webapp 
supposed to accomplish.  To ensure that it becomes *reality*, please feel free to 
your time (as you did above) in testing the current connector, identifying places where
there are bugs, posting patches, etc.

I know Pier has a bunch of bugfixes currently in his local CVS tree, so hopefully we 
will be
much closer to the "reality" end of the scale soon.

 Thanks again,



 On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

  Nick Bauman wrote:
   On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
Nick Bauman wrote:
 Uhhh, I just realized something

 With TC 3x, you could map an extension from Apache to the servlet engine
 with an AddHandler directive. I see nothing like this for TC4. Can someone
 enlighten me?

The design goals for mod_webapp say that it should respect web.xml mappings --
in other words, if you added a servlet-mapping entry for "*.foo" to a
particular servlet, then that is what would happen at runtime.
   I totally do not understand this! I'm dense or something: How does Apache
   / DSO* know about something in the web.xml?
  This is the key architectural difference between mod_webapp and the current 
  of connectors.  When mod_webapp establishes its initial connection from Apache to
  Tomcat, the configuration information (extracted from the property getters of the
  internal Context object) is sent back to the connector in order to configure
  everything about this particular webapp.
  From the sysadmin perspective, this means we can forget all about having to 
  things twice (once in httpd.conf and once in web.xml).  It's also a requirement of 
  2.3 spec -- if we create a "servlet container" using Apache+Tomcat together, it 
  combination) must still obey all the servlet spec requirements, including 
  things in web.xml.
   If I grok you, this still relies on having /foo mapped to the servlet
   container in Apache. I'm in a situation where Apache's DocumentRoot _is
   the same as_ the top level of the WAR, but I want Apache to serve the
   *.html and *.gif and *.jpg and *.png and I want Tomcat to only do the *jsp
   and a special mapping (in this case *.j).
  Then what you'd want is to configure the ROOT webapp to have a context base equal 
  your Apache document root.  If you want things mapped to servlets, just do them 
  servlet-mapping entries *exactly* like you would for Tomcat stand-alone.  As I
  mentioned earlier, the connector takes over the "default servlet" mapping, so it 
  handle everything that is *not* explicitly mapped to a servlet (i.e. all the static
  Again, this is all the design goals -- I have not tested the current 
implementation to
  see if it achieves these goals yet.  In particular, I recall seeing bug reports 
  mapping the ROOT context.
The primary difference between Tomcat 4.0 stand alone and Tomcat 4.0 behind
Apache is the mapping for the "default" servlet.  In the stand-alone case, this
is mapped to the Tomcat servlet that serves static resources.  In the connected
case, they would be served by Apache.
   I don't see how this works in my case. I'm being dense, I think.
  If you were running Tomcat stand-alone, you would accomplish the goal of mapping 
  files to a particular servlet like this (in your webapp's web.xml file):
  and this rule would get applied to all incoming requests -- a request for "foo.j"
  would be sent to your servlet, while a request for "foo.html" would be handled by 

Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Hans Bergsten

 This mail doesn't "commit" yourself to anything - I'm asking for your
 intention to help and what would you like to help with.

I think this is a great way to get a feel for the amount of
support before putting it up for a formal vote. 

Based on the number of answers I've seen so far, I assume that 
it will be put up for a vote soon. I ask, however, that you
wait with that until we have an agreement on how to interpret
our decision guidelines (or amend them if needed) for a vote
on a Release Plan. I want to avoid a "Florida recount situation",
where the rules are being made up while the votes are counted ;-)

There's a thread with the subject "Release voting rules" on the
General list. I ask that all Committers, especially PMC members,
join the discussion there so that we can get this clarified ASAP
and move on.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software
Author of JavaServer Pages (O'Reilly),

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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Quoting Jon Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 on 1/19/01 11:51 AM, "Craig R. McClanahan"
  Agreed ... I'm talking about the *Apache Tomcat* release cycle, where
  agreed in the release plan to have a feature freeze / bug fix round on
  and work towards a production quality release quickly.  API surgery is
  something normally done late in a cycle like this.  That is why it
 needs to be
  discussed (and voted on, IMHO) before we change what was previously
 agreed to
 I thought that this is what we are discussing right now. :-) I'm +1 on
 API surgery at this point...

Ok, I've thought about the issue, and I don't really like the change from 
Valves to Filters, because I have the following concerns :
- Valves are internal. They access internal objects. Making them filters will 
lead to more typecasting and more rtti.
- I'd like a clarification on how much response and request wrapping would 
occur. Basically, all internal filters should be able to mutate freely either 
the request object or the response object by typecasting the request and the 
response. I don't see anything preventing this if we're inside the servlet 
container (except what the servlet API says).

Do you think either of these is justified ?


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Valve APIs

2001-01-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This is an adaptation of the pattern that Peter Donald proposed
 yesterday, to be
 slightly more aligned with the Filter API:
 public interface Valve {-- similar to javax.servlet.Filter
 public Container getContainer();-- Many valves need this
 public void setContainer(Container container);
 public void invoke(Request request, Response response,
 Pipeline pipeline) throws IOException, ServletException
 and the typical usage pattern in invoke() would be
 ... preprocess the request ...
 pipeline.invoke(request, response);
 ... postprocess the response ...
 where the pipeline would manage the details of where the current request
 is in
 the set of Valves to be processed, handles the "falling off the end"
 and so on.
 The following changes would be required inside the Tomcat 4.0 source
 (I would be willing to undertake this, if the proposal is approved,
 unless some
 other committer would like to volunteer instead):
 * Rewrite the existing Pipeline and Valve interfaces
 * Create standard Pipeline implementation class(es) that
   can be used by all containers, including support for pooling
   if that approach is selected.
 * Modify all existing Container and Valve implementations to
   utilize the new APIs.  In most cases, these changes would
   be simplifications in the common ContainerBase and ValveBase
   classes, although each individual Valve would need to have
   its invoke() method signature and the way it invokes the next
   Valve in the pipline updated to the new APIs
 * Release of a second beta that incorporates this change, to allow
   regression testing and make sure nothing got broken along the way.
 * After completion, forward port to the 4.1 repository to maintain
 I recommend that we do this change, and do it in 4.0 (rather than
 waiting for
 4.1).  The revised design pattern is cleaner and easier for Valve
 and doing this in 4.0 would avoid an incompatible API change between 4.0
 What do you think?

Forget about my other email : this one clarified everything.


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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 Quoting Jon Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  on 1/19/01 11:51 AM, "Craig R. McClanahan"
   Agreed ... I'm talking about the *Apache Tomcat* release cycle, where
   agreed in the release plan to have a feature freeze / bug fix round on
   and work towards a production quality release quickly.  API surgery is
   something normally done late in a cycle like this.  That is why it
  needs to be
   discussed (and voted on, IMHO) before we change what was previously
  agreed to
  I thought that this is what we are discussing right now. :-) I'm +1 on
  API surgery at this point...

 Ok, I've thought about the issue, and I don't really like the change from
 Valves to Filters, because I have the following concerns :
 - Valves are internal. They access internal objects. Making them filters will
 lead to more typecasting and more rtti.

As you will see from the proposal, I'm not suggesting we actually use filters.
In particular, the request and response objects passed to Valves are the internal
ones (org.apache.catalina.Request / org.apache.catalina.Response) to maintain
access to the internals.

As you note, Valves are for internal things and Filters are for application
things.  The proposal is to make the two APIs structurally similar, but still
recognize the differences.

 - I'd like a clarification on how much response and request wrapping would
 occur. Basically, all internal filters should be able to mutate freely either
 the request object or the response object by typecasting the request and the
 response. I don't see anything preventing this if we're inside the servlet
 container (except what the servlet API says).

The arguments to Valve.invoke() are still the internal request and response
objects, just as they are today.

Although I didn't mention it earlier, the Filter API allows for wrapping request
and response objects (such as when a servlet uses them in a RequestDispatcher).
The current Valve implementation already supports wrapping in a very similar
manner, although in practice it will not be needed often - because a Valve can
mutate the request and response objects to some degree, while a Filter cannot.

You would still need to wrap the response, for example, if your Valve wanted to
modify the data content of the response (such as applying compression, or an XSLT
transformation).  However, you should choose to implement functionality like this
as a Filter if you can, for maximum portability, and reserve Valve
implementations for implementing internal-to-Tomcat functionality.

 Do you think either of these is justified ?



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Stay Tuned...

2001-01-19 Thread James Duncan Davidson

I've been a bit silent in these days after the PMC meeting.. I've been
preparing for a big trip to Dublin/Prague/NYC+LinuxWorld over the next two
weeks. Luckily I'll be stuck on a plane for 10 hours later today and will be
catching up with all email. Replys will flow in from Dublin. :)

Just FYI -- I hate being silent for too long.. :)

Also, if anybody in Dublin/Prague/NYC would like to get together and chat,
my schedule may permit such meetings (over beer of course!). Send me private
mail if you are interested and we'll see what can happen.

James Duncan Davidson[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  !try; do()

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[PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan


One of the unique (AFAIK) features of Tomcat 3.2 as a servlet container is the
fact that you can choose to run Tomcat under a Java SecurityManager (when
running under a Java2 JDK), with corresponding fine-grained control over the
resources that a particular web application can access.  In addition, the
security manager can be used to constrain an application from accessing Tomcat
internals (for example, by trying to cast the HttpServletRequest it receives
back to the Tomcat internal implementation class).

This feature has long been on the wish list for 4.0, and recently Glenn Nielsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has volunteered to complete it.  Those involved in
3.2 will recall that Glenn was also the primary "mover and shaker" in
implementing the security manager feature there.

Currently, as a stopgap security measure, Tomcat 4.0's web application
classloader implements some specific restrictions on access to particular Java
packages -- for example, an application level class is not allowed to load any
class in the org.apache.catalina.* hierarchy.  While this does indeed protect
the internal implementation classes, it becomes redundant once running under a
security manager is installed -- the checkPackageAccess() method serves this
purpose in a much more powerful and controlled approach.


Currently, the internal object that implements the Java Servlet API objects
exposed to application components implement the corresponding API interfaces
directly.  For example:

public class StandardSession
implements HttpSession, Session, Serializable {



so that, when an application calls request.getSession, an instance of this class
(suitably cast to HttpSession) is returned.  The application cannot cast the
returned object to an org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession, because of
the customized restrictions implemented in the web application class loader.

Switching to the security manager for protection requires a change in this
approach, because the security permissions of a StandardSession are based on
where *that* class was loaded from, and not from the interfaces it implements.


For each Servlet API interface that represents an internal Catalina object
exposed to an application object, create a new
org.apache.catalina.facade.XFacade class according to the following basic

* Pass the internal object to the constructor (the facade
  will be a wrapper around it).

* Implement the appropriate servlet API interface (so the
  facade object can be passed to application components)

* For each public method in the interface, implement a doPrivileged
  block that calls the corresponding method on the underlying
  internal Catalina object.

For example, the session facade object would look something like this:

package org.apache.catalina.facade;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.catalina.Session;

public class SessionFacade implements HttpSession {

protected Session session = null;

public SessionFacade(Session session) {
this.session = session;

public String getId() {
new PrivilegedAction()
public Object run() {
return (session.getId());

... same pattern for all other public methods ...


Additionally, the logic that implements request.getSession() would be modified
to look up and return the facade object associated with the current session,
instead of the actual StandardSession object itself.


Implementing the remainder of the security manager logic in Tomcat 4.0 was part
of the agreed-upon original release plan, and Glenn has volunteered to undertake
the other changes necessary to Catalina and Jasper to make this happen (and
there are lots of them -- thanks Glenn!).  It seems that adding the facade
classes, according to the pattern described above, will be necessary to complete
this work.

Therefore, I feel we should implement this change in Tomcat 4.0, and create a
new beta to allow testing of the results.  This can be done in the same beta
release with the changes for the Valve API if that is also agreed upon.

However, I'm currently committed on other activities.  In order to achieve these
changes in a timely manner, I'm looking for a volunteer to implement these
changes, if the proposal is accepted.



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Re: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You would still need to wrap the response, for example, if your Valve
 wanted to
 modify the data content of the response (such as applying compression,
 or an XSLT


BTW, I think compression should be part of the HTTP connector. Every modern 
browser out there sends accept-encoding headers with the appropriate value :
- IE 5 sends : gzip, deflate
- Mozilla sends : gzip,deflate,compress,identity
- Netscape 4.7 sends : gzip
So roughly 95% of the requests will be wrapped by a compression valve. I also 
think that compression should be considered basic functionality.

 However, you should choose to implement functionality
 like this
 as a Filter if you can, for maximum portability, and reserve Valve
 implementations for implementing internal-to-Tomcat functionality.

Makes a lot of sense.


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RE: Catalina + Apache

2001-01-19 Thread GOMEZ Henri

I'd like to see the fixes for mod_webapp about cookies.
I've asked many time on the list about the problem but
never got any answers -(

"...handing C++ to the average programmer seems roughly comparable to
handing a loaded .45 to a chimpanzee."
 -- Ted Ts'o

-Original Message-
From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Catalina + Apache

on 1/19/01 12:21 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" 

 I know Pier has a bunch of bugfixes currently in his local 
CVS tree, so
 hopefully we will be
 much closer to the "reality" end of the scale soon.

Why isn't development happening in public? Having local CVS 
tree does not
encourage community development.


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Re: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Alex Chaffee


I'm using Tomcat 3.2 on several production sites and I'm not ready to
switch to 4.x yet.  

I'm sorry I haven't had the time to contribute like I did last summer,
but I'll see if I can scrounge up some non-billable hours.  At any
rate, I can definitely help with app testing, and hopefully with code

 - A

Alex Chaffee   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
jGuru - Java News and FAQs
Creator of Gamelan
Founder of Purple Technology
Curator of Stinky Art Collective

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Nice package name. I wonder where you got it :)

* Pass the internal object to the constructor (the facade
  will be a wrapper around it).

* Implement the appropriate servlet API interface (so the
  facade object can be passed to application components)

* For each public method in the interface, implement a doPrivileged
  block that calls the corresponding method on the underlying
  internal Catalina object.


I would wrap the request and response using the facades at the last moment, 
just before going into the filter pipeline.
That way, we only need to implement the standard servlet API functions in the 
Would that work ?

 Therefore, I feel we should implement this change in Tomcat 4.0, and
 create a
 new beta to allow testing of the results.  This can be done in the same
 release with the changes for the Valve API if that is also agreed upon.

Since it's the API changes day, may I then suggest that we just merge back all 
the changes done so far in 4.1, which deal with replacing the resources package 
with JNDI context. It works, and it's solid. I don't feel like we should leave 
a whole deprecated package in there, that we'll have to support anyway.

 However, I'm currently committed on other activities.  In order to
 achieve these
 changes in a timely manner, I'm looking for a volunteer to implement
 changes, if the proposal is accepted.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Kief Morris

Craig R. McClanahan typed the following on 02:00 PM 1/19/2001 -0800

For each Servlet API interface that represents an internal Catalina object
exposed to an application object, create a new
org.apache.catalina.facade.XFacade class according to the following basic

* Pass the internal object to the constructor (the facade
  will be a wrapper around it).

* Implement the appropriate servlet API interface (so the
  facade object can be passed to application components)

* For each public method in the interface, implement a doPrivileged
  block that calls the corresponding method on the underlying
  internal Catalina object.

Sounds cool. If the application doesn't use the security manager,
will the object simply continue "raw" without being wrapped by
the facade to avoid the added overhead? e.g:

// Raw session
Session mySession = whatever;

if (security_enabled) {
mySession = new SessionFacade (mySession);

// Raw or facade session, doesn't really matter


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Kurt Schrader

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Remy Maucherat wrote:

 Since it's the API changes day, may I then suggest that we just merge back all 
 the changes done so far in 4.1, which deal with replacing the resources package 
 with JNDI context. It works, and it's solid. I don't feel like we should leave 
 a whole deprecated package in there, that we'll have to support anyway.

So what do we need a 4.1 branch for then?

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Kurt Schrader wrote:

 On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Remy Maucherat wrote:

  Since it's the API changes day, may I then suggest that we just merge back all
  the changes done so far in 4.1, which deal with replacing the resources package
  with JNDI context. It works, and it's solid. I don't feel like we should leave
  a whole deprecated package in there, that we'll have to support anyway.

 So what do we need a 4.1 branch for then?

If we take the action Remy recommends, we won't.  I'm +1 for this (it will certainly
reduce the effort of double-committing all the changes), if we're willing to accept
the fact that it will increase the time before a 4.0 production quality release is

The 4.1 branch was originally created because of a "feature freeze" on 4.0.  The
various proposals today are effectively to "unfreeze" the 4.0 branch, so that some
new functionality (already committed on the 4.1 branch) can get moved into 4.0
instead, along with the other proposed changes that would otherwise need to be posted
to both.

We can recreate the 4.1 branch at some future point when 4.0 is refrozen.


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sendRedirect to PDF - repeats 3 times?

2001-01-19 Thread Dave Frankson

all,I am experiencing a strange error, and I'm hoping someone can point 
me in the right direction.Using Tomcat 3.2.1 or the latest 3.3, I have a 
simple servlet that has two lines of code in its doGet method which forwards a 
request to a pdf: System.out.println("Forwarding to the 
PDF...");response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:8080/campus/pdf/iep.pdf");When I use IE 5.0 (version 
5.00.2920.) and hit the servlet with a GET request, the servlet executes 
three times and then fails to redirect to the pdf.The weird thing is 
this doesnt happen in IE 5.5 and it doesnt happen in Netscape. I need to 
get this fixed, and I was hoping someone could point me at the code I need to 
work with.Thanks,Dave 

Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Remy Maucherat

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Kurt Schrader wrote:
  So what do we need a 4.1 branch for then?
 If we take the action Remy recommends, we won't.  I'm +1 for this (it
 will certainly
 reduce the effort of double-committing all the changes), if we're
 willing to accept
 the fact that it will increase the time before a 4.0 production quality
 release is

Given the delay caused by the security manager support inclusion and the Valve 
modifications, it won't probably cause any additional delay.

 The 4.1 branch was originally created because of a "feature freeze" on
 4.0.  The
 various proposals today are effectively to "unfreeze" the 4.0 branch, so
 that some
 new functionality (already committed on the 4.1 branch) can get moved
 into 4.0
 instead, along with the other proposed changes that would otherwise need
 to be posted
 to both.
 We can recreate the 4.1 branch at some future point when 4.0 is

It that case, I suggest that the 4.1 branch be merged back ASAP. Having a non-
beta quality web connector in a beta wasn't a good thing anyway, IMO.

I wrongly interpreted the proposal on the security manager, as I was answering 
an email dealing with i18n at the same time (so I'm +1 now).
As Kief suggested, I think that no wrapping should occur if no security manager 
is present (common sense).

There is also a code change needed to provide proper i18n support. Instead of 
putting in a hack in 4.0 to get around one half of the issue, I suggest instead 
that some code is moved from the connector.http package to the connector 
package (some buffers, as well as some code which needs to be merged into 


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sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik

neither of the above functions work properly when I am using a non standard
port for https (ex: 445 instead of 443)

Apache 1.3.14
Tomcat 3.2.1 +
Open SSL 0.9.6
mod_ssl 2.7.?-1.3.14

any idea why this is happening?

Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
From: "Remy Maucherat" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Kurt Schrader wrote:

  So what do we need a 4.1 branch for then?

 If we take the action Remy recommends, we won't.  I'm +1 for this (it
 will certainly
 reduce the effort of double-committing all the changes), if we're
 willing to accept
 the fact that it will increase the time before a 4.0 production quality
 release is

Given the delay caused by the security manager support inclusion and the
modifications, it won't probably cause any additional delay.

 The 4.1 branch was originally created because of a "feature freeze" on
 4.0.  The
 various proposals today are effectively to "unfreeze" the 4.0 branch, so
 that some
 new functionality (already committed on the 4.1 branch) can get moved
 into 4.0
 instead, along with the other proposed changes that would otherwise need
 to be posted
 to both.

 We can recreate the 4.1 branch at some future point when 4.0 is

It that case, I suggest that the 4.1 branch be merged back ASAP. Having a
beta quality web connector in a beta wasn't a good thing anyway, IMO.

I wrongly interpreted the proposal on the security manager, as I was
an email dealing with i18n at the same time (so I'm +1 now).
As Kief suggested, I think that no wrapping should occur if no security
is present (common sense).

There is also a code change needed to provide proper i18n support. Instead
putting in a hack in 4.0 to get around one half of the issue, I suggest
that some code is moved from the connector.http package to the connector
package (some buffers, as well as some code which needs to be merged into


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The case of the disappearing webapps...

2001-01-19 Thread David Weinrich

I have some weird behavior with tomcat-4.x ( both 4.0 and 4.1 from cvs ) 
if I do the following:

  * place a .war file in the webapps directory ( in this case the 
struts .war files ).
  * startup catalina normally...everything works fine.
  * shutdown catalina.
  * startup catalina again normally.

the expanded directories corresponding to the .war files 
now are missing all content...the only things that remain 
are the *.xml and *.tld files in the WEB-INF directory.
  I haven't yet submitted a bug report, as I wanted to make 
sure this wasn't a known-issue and possibly locate the 
source of the problem first. Has anyone else had this 
problem or anything like it yet?

David Weinrich

note: the system this is running on is Win2k and jdk/jre 1.3

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Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Dan Milstein


Which connection protocol are you using?  ajp12?  ajp13?  jserv?


Filip Hanik wrote:
 neither of the above functions work properly when I am using a non standard
 port for https (ex: 445 instead of 443)
 Apache 1.3.14
 Tomcat 3.2.1 +
 Open SSL 0.9.6
 mod_ssl 2.7.?-1.3.14
 any idea why this is happening?
 Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
 Filip Hanik
 Technical Architect


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik


should I try ajp13?


Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Milstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and
non standard ssl port


Which connection protocol are you using?  ajp12?  ajp13?  jserv?


Filip Hanik wrote:

 neither of the above functions work properly when I am using a non
 port for https (ex: 445 instead of 443)

 Apache 1.3.14
 Tomcat 3.2.1 +
 Open SSL 0.9.6
 mod_ssl 2.7.?-1.3.14

 any idea why this is happening?

 Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
 Filip Hanik
 Technical Architect


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik

this is what happens, the sendRedirect or include or forward switches the
url from saying https to say http even though the port is http


Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.
Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.


Apache/1.3.14 Server at Port 9701
Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Milstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and
non standard ssl port


Which connection protocol are you using?  ajp12?  ajp13?  jserv?


Filip Hanik wrote:

 neither of the above functions work properly when I am using a non
 port for https (ex: 445 instead of 443)

 Apache 1.3.14
 Tomcat 3.2.1 +
 Open SSL 0.9.6
 mod_ssl 2.7.?-1.3.14

 any idea why this is happening?

 Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
 Filip Hanik
 Technical Architect


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 4.0-beta API Change: Security Manager Facades

2001-01-19 Thread Jason Brittain

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Nice package name. I wonder where you got it :)


Unless I understand wrong, isn't a "facade" already a well known feature
that allows Tomcat 3.x to use more than one different version of the
Servlet API?  Am I wrong and it does more than just that?

If I'm right, that means you're proposing to use the name "facade"
in the Tomcat 4 codebase to have a completely different meaning,
right?  If this is the case, could we instead use a different name?  I'm
not sure what name I would use..  "sandbox" maybe?

Jason Brittain
Software Engineer, Olliance Inc.
Current Maintainer, Locomotive Project

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Re: The case of the disappearing webapps...

2001-01-19 Thread David Weinrich

Ok, I think I have found the problem, and I am guessing the following is

19-Jan-2001 15:10:44 StandardHost[localhost]: Undeploying web application at
context path /struts-test
19-Jan-2001 15:10:44 StandardHost[localhost]: Removing expanded directory

 * the container is trying to undeploy the application
   ( hey I didn't even know this happened ;) because it was
   deployed from a .war file.

19-Jan-2001 15:10:44 HostConfig[localhost] Error undeploying web application
at context path /struts-test Cannot delete file
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.remove(

 * Win2k is not allowing the container to delete a library file
   that it thinks is currently in use ( struts.jar in this case ).

19-Jan-2001 15:11:06 StandardHost[localhost]: Deploying web application at
context path /struts-test from URL

  * catalina finds the struts-test directory and doesn't re-deploy the
application from the .war file.

If I shutdown, delete the expanded directories, and restart, the .war files
deploy normally:

19-Jan-2001 15:56:26 StandardHost[localhost]: Recording expanded app at path
19-Jan-2001 15:56:26 StandardHost[localhost]: Deploying web application at
context path /struts-upload from URL
19-Jan-2001 15:56:26 StandardHost[localhost]:
19-Jan-2001 15:56:26 StandardHost[localhost]:   Proposed directory name:

I will try to dig into this more later tonight/this weekend. Any
further hints/ideas would be appreciated :)

David Weinrich

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Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Dan Milstein

I don't know if that will fix the problem, but if you could try that (i.e. using ajp13 
and seeing if you still have this problem), that would definitely help me narrow this 
down (and since there seem to be some basic redirect problems in TC 3.2 / mod_jk, that 
would be very, very helpful).



p.s. What browser are you using?

Filip Hanik wrote:
 should I try ajp13?
 Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
 Filip Hanik
 Technical Architect
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dan Milstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:18 PM
 Subject: Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and
 non standard ssl port
 Which connection protocol are you using?  ajp12?  ajp13?  jserv?


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and non standard ssl port

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik

Good catch,
it works fine with the Ajp13 protocol.
so now we know where the problem is. thanks a lot for your help

Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
From: "Dan Milstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and
non standard ssl port

I don't know if that will fix the problem, but if you could try that (i.e.
using ajp13 and seeing if you still have this problem), that would
definitely help me narrow this down (and since there seem to be some basic
redirect problems in TC 3.2 / mod_jk, that would be very, very helpful).



p.s. What browser are you using?

Filip Hanik wrote:


 should I try ajp13?


 Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
 Filip Hanik
 Technical Architect

 - Original Message -
 From: "Dan Milstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:18 PM
 Subject: Re: sendRedirect, include and forward don't work with mod_jk and
 non standard ssl port


 Which connection protocol are you using?  ajp12?  ajp13?  jserv?



Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Interceptors

2001-01-19 Thread Paulo Gaspar

Damn, that is somethink I would like very much to see.

Many people indent HTML with spaces - those who code by hand.
Some of them (size conscious) unindent them for production 
and sometimes partially indent again for fixing something!

And we often use "font" tags everywhere because of browsers 
with bad CSS support. 

I would feel much better about those spaces and font tags 
thinking how little they would weight after gziped.

Ok! I know that all HTML (with all those repetitive tags) 
benefits a lot from compression. But for me (and those HTML 
coders) there is a feel good factor on gzip support.

Have fun,

 -Original Message-
 From: Remy Maucherat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 23:10

 BTW, I think compression should be part of the HTTP connector. 
 Every modern 
 browser out there sends accept-encoding headers with the 
 appropriate value :
 - IE 5 sends : gzip, deflate
 - Mozilla sends : gzip,deflate,compress,identity
 - Netscape 4.7 sends : gzip
 So roughly 95% of the requests will be wrapped by a compression 
 valve. I also 
 think that compression should be considered basic functionality.


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Re: sendRedirect to PDF - repeats 3 times?

2001-01-19 Thread Dan Milstein

Are you using TC in standalone mode?  

If not, are you using mod_jk?  If so, which protocol are you using for your web server 
talk to Tomcat (ajp13? ajp12? jserv?).  Now that I mention it, what web server are you 


 Dave Frankson wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am experiencing a strange error, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right 
 Using Tomcat 3.2.1 or the latest 3.3, I have a simple servlet that has two lines of 
code in its doGet method which forwards a request to a pdf:
 System.out.println("Forwarding to the PDF...");
 When I use IE 5.0 (version 5.00.2920.) and hit the servlet with a GET request, 
the servlet executes three times and then fails to redirect to the pdf.
 The weird thing is this doesnt happen in IE 5.5 and it doesnt happen in Netscape.  I 
need to get this fixed, and I was hoping someone could point me at the code I need to 
work with.
 Dave Frankson


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Call for volunteers

2001-01-19 Thread Michael Percy

It was good meeting and speaking with you at the PMC meeting. I would be
more than happy to help with the following:

 2. Bug reports/verification: we have a large number of bug reports,
 most of them against previous versions of tomcat. We need 
 people to look
 at the bugs, try to reproduce them in the proposed 3.3, try to fix
 them. If possible, we need a simple reproduction code that 
 can be added to
 the regression suite.

 3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it 
 should do
 its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

 4. Testing/Building/mod_jk: If you use tomcat with a web 
 server, we need
 help making sure it works fine and eventually getting a 
 compiled version
 of mod_jk for your platform ( if you use a "special" OS or 
 configuration ).

Solaris 7 SPARC

 5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is 
 probably a better
 and more important test than our regression )

 7. User support/documentation: If you managed to get tomcat3 
 working, you
 may be able to help others and reduce the load on commiters.

To what degree I can help with docs, I will.


Michael Percy
Portera Systems

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2001-01-19 Thread Jayesh

I tried configuring welcome-file attribute like below.

It doesn't work.

Please help.

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cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/tests/share/gtest

2001-01-19 Thread costin

costin  01/01/19 18:35:36

  Added:   src/tests/share/gtest
  Added missing file, needed to run the self-test ( was moved from share/
  since was not a required part of tomcat, and is used only in the test
  app ).
  There are many enhancements needed to make it really easy to run the
  tests. I guess we'll do them as we go.
  I also did a small change - GTest new extends Task and uses log() instead
  of System.out(). ( I'll check in a jsp file that runs the test - the change is
  needed to send the output to the right destination ).
  Note: this is a change to the CVS HEAD. IMHO there is nothing to stop
  fixes to go in - as long as we don't call it anyway. I'll commit a number
  of fixes over the weekend - including restoring the JDK1.1 build ( plus
  a solution that will simplify supporting JDK1.1 ), and I'll probably finish
  the .jsp taglib that runs the tests. Lazy consensus should work as before -
  if anyone has a problem with any checkin, please -1 it.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  jakarta-tomcat/src/tests/share/gtest/
   * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
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   *Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,
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   * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software
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   * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]
  package org.apache.tomcat.util.test;
  import java.util.*;
  /** Test a web application. Will send a http request and
  verify the response code, compare the response with a golden
  file or find strings.
  public class GTest extends Task {
  String prefix="http://localhost:8080/test";
  String host="localhost";
  int port=8080;
  int debug=0;
  String description="No description";
  String request;
  Hashtable requestHeaders;
  String content;
  // Expected response
  boolean magnitude=true;
  boolean exactMatch=false;
  // Match the body against a golden file
  String goldenFile;
  // Match the body against a string
  String responseMatch;
  // the response should include the following headers

Tomcat bug - corrupt library

2001-01-19 Thread Filip Hanik

if you add in a corrupt library to WEB-INF/lib/
then tomcat will not process the remining of the libraries (jar, zip files)
and will start up without notifying you,
later when you try to load a class that was in a library that didn't get
loaded you get a null pointer.
I had a hard time tracking this down, but finally figured out that one of
our jar files got corrupt during the FTP transfer and that resulted in the a
lot of jar files didn't get loaded.
I would strongly recommend that Tomcat throws an exception if it can not
load a jar file, or at least give some warning.
let me know if you want specific examples, or more explanation

Namaste - I bow to the divine in you.
Filip Hanik
Technical Architect

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 6:35 PM
Subject: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/tests/share/gtest

costin  01/01/19 18:35:36

  Added:   src/tests/share/gtest
  Added missing file, needed to run the self-test ( was moved from share/
  since was not a required part of tomcat, and is used only in the test
  app ).

  There are many enhancements needed to make it really easy to run the
  tests. I guess we'll do them as we go.

  I also did a small change - GTest new extends Task and uses log() instead
  of System.out(). ( I'll check in a jsp file that runs the test - the
change is
  needed to send the output to the right destination ).

  Note: this is a change to the CVS HEAD. IMHO there is nothing to stop
  fixes to go in - as long as we don't call it anyway. I'll commit a number
  of fixes over the weekend - including restoring the JDK1.1 build ( plus
  a solution that will simplify supporting JDK1.1 ), and I'll probably
  the .jsp taglib that runs the tests. Lazy consensus should work as
before -
  if anyone has a problem with any checkin, please -1 it.

  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  jakarta-tomcat/src/tests/share/gtest/

   * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
   * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
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   *Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,
   *if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.
   * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Tomcat", and "Apache Software
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   * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]
  package org.apache.tomcat.util.test;