Re: Remote Start and Stop of tomcat4.0.4

2002-08-22 Thread AMRAN121

I am also trying to do this, can this be done?

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JSSE/mod_ssl or wrong mailing list

2002-08-09 Thread AMRAN121

I posted this a couple of days ago and so far I have had no response so  am I 
asking a wrong question in the wrong mailing list does anyone know of a 
better place where my tomcat ssl encryption questions can be asked?

I had been following the recent disscusion of login + ssl which has been very 
useful info for me.

Also does anyone know which is better to use the mod_ssl or JSSE



I have just followed the Tomcat SSL HOWTO and I am able to get my 
https://localhost:443/ page. I then right-click on my mouse to get up the 
page properties; 

Protocol:Hyper Text Transfer With Privacy
Type: HTML Document
Connection:Not Encrypted
Size:  2572 bytes

but it says the page is not encrypted why does this happen? should it not 
state some sought of encryption like 128 bit?

I also tried the Apache + mod_ssl HOWTO and I do get an encrypted connection 
which says the following;

Connection:TLS 1.0, RC4 with 128 bit encryption (High); RSA with 1024 bit 


I have apache 1.3.26 (Linux box) + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.04 (Windows box)

The Tomcat server in my environment handles login forms processes them and 
then puts the user to their homepage. I wish to encrypt this login process. I 

don't think I need to use apache +mod_ssl to do any connection encryption 
because the login form is sent to the Tomcat server.  

I cannot figure out what I am missing? Can anyone help please?

Thanxs in Advance

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Tomcat not encrypting connection

2002-08-08 Thread AMRAN121


I have just followed the Tomcat SSL HOWTO and I am able to get my 
https://localhost:443/ page. I then right-click on my mouse to get up the 
page properties; 

Protocol:Hyper Text Transfer With Privacy
Type: HTML Document
Connection:Not Encrypted
Size:  2572 bytes

but it says the page is not encrypted why does this happen? should it not 
state some sought of encryption like 128 bit?

I also tried the Apache + mod_ssl HOWTO and I do get an encrypted connection 
which says the following;

Connection:TLS 1.0, RC4 with 128 bit encryption (High); RSA with 1024 bit 

I have apache 1.3.26 (Linux box) + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.04 (Windows box)

The Tomcat server in my environment handles login forms processes them and 
then puts the user to their homepage. I wish to encrypt this login process. I 
don't think I need to use apache +mod_ssl to do any connection encryption 
because the login form is sent to the Tomcat server.  

I cannot figure out what I am missing? Can anyone help please?

Thanxs in Advance

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Re: AW: Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Internet

2002-08-01 Thread AMRAN121

Firstly I am aware that their will be a perfomance hit but hopefully it will 
be a short term thing (approx 6 months.

Secondly I have been looking at ssh (openssh) I have set it up on apache but 
is it available for a windows environment too? or do i need to have a openssh 
gateway (made from linux) which then tunnels into the windows machine?


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Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Internet

2002-07-31 Thread AMRAN121

Hi All 

I was wondering if the following is possible

I have a Apache (1.3.26) web server on Linux and a tomcat (4.04) on Windows 
XP which communicates via the mod_jk module.  At present they are on the LAN 
but due to exceptional reasons I need to separate them and the only way I 
will be able to connect them is over the internet. Is it possible for me too 
safely have them running as if they were operating on a safe LAN as before 
without the need of a VPN?


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Re: security questions on header information

2002-07-10 Thread AMRAN121


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2002-07-10 Thread AMRAN121


I want to know what parameters need to be set for 

in tomcat 4.04 i did set tomcat home to be c:\Tomcat.


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Re: Apache Tomcat Web Root Path Disclosure Vulnerability

2002-07-10 Thread AMRAN121

can't we just catch this exception and return a customised error page! I have 
not tried this has anyone else tried this or something else?

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customised error pages rather than tomcats error pages

2002-07-09 Thread AMRAN121


I would like to know how can I set tomcat to output my own custom error pages 
when i get error 403, 404, 500 and so on rather than tomcats error pages.


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Re: customised error pages rather than tomcats error pages

2002-07-09 Thread AMRAN121

ok thanxs

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[Slightly off topic]Apache

2002-07-09 Thread AMRAN121

Hi All

I know this is off topic and this question is better poster in the apache 
group but since their are many users that use tomcat with apache I wondered 
if any one knows how to change the output that apache gives. For example at 
present apache gives the ip address but i want it to return a name. How do I 
do that also can I do the same for Tomcat?


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security questions on header information

2002-07-09 Thread AMRAN121


First off all I would like to know how can i find out what information Tomcat 
sends back in its header response when quized?

Second question can I control the header response?

Thirdlly can one set the response so that it only gives the server name and 
nothing else ? 

Finally from a security perspective does it matter if browsers can access 
info like tomcat 4.0 with mod_jk etc etc running on ip address 
... ?

Many Thanxs

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Re: AW: weird connection problems

2002-07-01 Thread AMRAN121

If you are using the standard jdbc-odbc bridge,
your database has to be on the maschine that
runs tomcat. My guess: if you test local you have 
a local database if you test on the server the 
database is in a different maschine than tomcat.

Yes this is true but why is it I can extract information from the database if 
I use JSP only but I cant retrieve information if I use JSP + JavaBean. 
Either both methods should work or none of them, right!?

From the top of my head the error message in the tomcat window was Microsoft 
ODBC error 3.

My configuration is:

Machine A:  Windows NT Tomcat 4.03 and j2sdk1.4 (datasource created in  DSN 

Machine B:  Windows 98, MS ACCESS 2000 Database 


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Re: The best website database!

2002-06-30 Thread AMRAN121

Hello Again

Just to say thanks alot to all the people for their invaluable advice I am 
checking out all the different links. I will be most likely switching me 
database soon!!!

Ok cheers

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How good is Tomcat to Attacks

2002-06-13 Thread AMRAN121

Hi All

I was reading the security attack posting and I was very interested to know 

1) How good is Tomcat to attacks? 
2) Is their a web site which rates web servers on how robust a server is to 
3)Is it possible to attack tomcat if you have Apache as the web server on one 
machine and tomcat as the jsp/servlet handler on a separate machine with 

I would be most interested to see how Tomcat weights upto some of its 
commercial counterparts. Is Tomcat any good or should we just use it to test 
our jsp/servlets and so on? thanxs. 


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Tomcat performance issues

2002-06-13 Thread AMRAN121

Hi All

I have designed some jsp pages which extract from a database. But the pages 
can take upto 5 minutes before they show the content. Is there anyway I can 
pinpoit where the bottle neck is. My current settings are APACHE +  MOD_jk + 
Tomcat 4.03 (could the bottle neck be my Apache and tomcat servers being on 
separate machines?) . Are there any tools that I can use to test the 
performance of my servers?


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I cannot run tomcat on XP proffesional

2002-05-31 Thread AMRAN121


I am having problems with starting tomcat 4.02 on windows XP. Tomcat was 
running fine on windows 95 and NT. I get the error message 

Windows cannot find '-Djava.endorsed.dirs='. Make sure you typed the name 
correctly, and then try again.

In the Tomcat dos window I get:

The JAVA_HOME environment is not defined correctly. This environment variable 
is needed to run the program correctly. The system cannot find the batch 
label specified - end.

The only thing I have not done on windows XP proffesional is that I have not 
set the environment memory to 4096 because I could not find the option in 
properties. I have checked my JAVA_HOME and I can compile java files but for 
some reasons they do not run and I dont understand why? Everything was ok on 
Windows 95 and NT. 

I have tomcat 4.03 and jdk 1.3.0 on XP 
Any guidance


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problem running apache and tomcat on seperate machines

2002-05-21 Thread AMRAN121


I am having problem running apache and tomcat on seperate machines. I am able to do it 
on the one machine but when I take out localhost and specify my machine IP address 
where it should find tomcat I get an Internal Server 500 error message.

In my file I have specified  This is where I have tomcat running

It works fine if I run it as localhost with tomcat running on my local machine. Any 
suggestions from anyone?

My current setup is Apache 1.3.20 on Redhat Linux 7.2 and Tomcat 4.0.3 on windows 95 
with mod_jk connectors.



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Of topic: When to use J2EE

2002-03-21 Thread AMRAN121


I normally program using JSP and Java Beans. I wanted to know why you need to 
program using EJB. I have read information at the Sun site but I really would 
like someone to share their personal experience of a situation where you 
would need to use it (Does it offer more security? Is their a good mailing 
list that I can join?). 
I have seen Tomcat does not do EJB so I have decided to  look at JBoss which 
is mentioned often in this mailing list are there anymore free EJB servers 
with good support. Any advice is most appreciated.

Thanxs in advance

Of topic: When to use J2EE

2002-03-21 Thread AMRAN121


I normally program using JSP and Java Beans. I wanted to know why you need to 
program using EJB. I have read information at the Sun site but I really would 
like someone to share their personal experience of a situation where you 
would need to use it (Does it offer more security? Is their a good mailing 
list that I can join?). 
I have seen Tomcat does not do EJB so I have decided to  look at JBoss which 
is mentioned often in this mailing list are there anymore free EJB servers 
with good support. Any advice is most appreciated.

Thanxs in advance

How to host a Site from Home without ISP

2002-03-15 Thread AMRAN121


Does anyone know of any good Site(s) that give you a step by step guide on 
how to host your own web site.

Also Can any one tell me what is the best platform to host a site on I know 
many ISP companies host on Red Hat Linux. Is this because it cost less the 

Final question What is the best Linux Operating System to host on. I have 
used Linux Mandrake because it is user friendly. Is this as good as Red Hat?

Any thoughts most welcomed I will be hosting on the Apache Web server with 
Tomcat as the application server. Tomcat will be on Windows NT.


Re: AW: How to host a Site from Home without ISP

2002-03-15 Thread AMRAN121

Sorry to all those I offended by posting up such questions. Anyway thanxs Jim.

If anyone has a Site they can refer me to then please advise


Re: (ANTON)Configuring apache + tomcat on separate machines

2002-02-15 Thread AMRAN121

Hello Anton Brazhnyk

Thanks for putting up the example I have tried to follow the example but I am 
still getting errors can you please please put up  a more comprehensive 
answer. I know alot of people are trying to set this up so it would help us 
all. An example of your httpd and all the other files in full will really 
really help.

Thanxs in advance and also thanxs for sharing the solution

Re: Configuring apache + tomcat on separate machines

2002-02-14 Thread AMRAN121


Configuring apache + tomcat on separate machines

2002-02-13 Thread AMRAN121


I have a problem with setting up Apache and Tomcat on separate machines. It 
works fine on one machine. So far I have mapped my drive to the second 
machine which is windows with tomcat. I have edited httpd and appended the 
following to the end-:

Include e:/j3t/tomcat/conf/tomcat.conf 

But I get a misconfiguration error when I try to get a jsp page. I dont know 
whats wrong can anyone shed any light. With an example, most appreciated.

I have searched the whole of the web and posted so many questions on the java 
developers community and jguru but no one seems to have a clue. I would be 
most happy if anyone can help.

thanxs alot

RE: Configuring apache+tomcat on separate macines

2002-02-13 Thread AMRAN121


Hi Sharanya I am able to configure on one machine but that is for windows. I 
want to be able to configure for Linux(Apache installed) and Windows(Tomcat 
installed with JBoss installed later on). If I do get any info I will pass it 
on. If you get any insight into the problem then plz pass on info.

Thanxs alot

Re: Configuring apache + tomcat on separate machines

2002-02-13 Thread AMRAN121

Yes I was thinking of configuring the mod_jk file. But mapping the network 
seems to be an easier option(I think). Coz when I use the Linux and Windows 
NT machine I will use SAMBA to map the Windows drive. Well this is my 
strategy so far.