Re: Opinions on detecting browser type for WML vs. HTML

2001-10-23 Thread Brendan McKenna


You could also check the accept request header for an explicit 
mention of wml, which should only be present in a WAP/WML browser.

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Servlets and JSP Error Pages

2001-10-01 Thread Brendan McKenna


Is there a way to route exceptions thrown in servlets to a JSP 
error page?

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: Cookies.

2001-09-24 Thread Brendan McKenna


: I am sending a cookie of 6402 bytes from Internet Explorer to tomcat,
: but tomcat tell's me that the received length is 5095 bytes ?

: The data is a very simple strings (comma separated values) the strings
: are escaped/unescaped before sending.

You're trying to put too much data into the cookie.  With 
anything more than a few bytes (>128 or so, in my experience), you're 
better off storing the information locally and passing the user some 
sort of key that you can use to retrieve that information for them.

As I recall, the 'original' Netscape cookie spec limited the 
size of the data being passed in cookies to 4K, but I can't find the 
spec on Netscape's web site any more

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: JDBC Connection Pool Theory ??

2001-09-24 Thread Brendan McKenna

Hi Jon,

: What I want to know is how much of a difference connection pooling
: really makes? My application isn't taking a lot of hits, so, maybe if
: it was, I would notice the difference, but, right now, I see no need
: to use connection pooling.

: Jon 

Part of the reason behind connection pooling is simply that 
building a connection to the database can be quite expensive (in terms 
of time), so in order to make your application appear more responsive, 
having a pool of pre-built connections which you can use right away 
makes the overall response time that much shorter, since each request 
isn't going through the effort of building (and, at the end, tearing 
down) the database connection.

It's entirely possible that you feel that the responsiveness of 
your application is adequate at the moment, if you're not getting a lot 
of traffic, that's certainly reasonable.  It's just that the facility 
is there, should your application's user base grow to the point where 
you need it.  No one's holding a gun to your head and insisting that 
you should use it.

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: File not readable

2001-08-16 Thread Brendan McKenna


Any chance that Apache/Tomcat is running under a different 
(i.e., less privileged) user than your user id, and thus not able to 
read the file?

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: Accessing certificate from servlet

2001-07-04 Thread Brendan McKenna


I've gotten this working before, using Apache 1.3.19 and the 
corresponding, earlier version of mod_ssl, but the rest of my 
configuration is the same.  One thing that I don't see is the 
'SSLVerifyClient require' directive in your httpd.conf.  I don't think 
that Apache actually prompts the client for a certificate unless that's 
present.  Are you being prompted to select the certificate to use?

My configuration looks essentially like yours, but with a 
couple of differences:

Alias /ttest "/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/ttest/"

Options Indexes 


SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +StrictRequire
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 1

This is all in my mod_jk.conf file, but the location shouldn't 
make a difference.  I am requiring SSL in the /ttest directory, and SSL 
with a Client Certificate in the /ttest/login directory.  Netscape does 
prompt me to specify the certificate to use for authentication since I 
have more than one available.  The SSLVerifyDepth directive (set to 1) 
is appropriate in my situation, where I am using certificates generated 
by a local CA (done with OpenSSL), but may not be appropriate for other 
purposes -- you'll probably want to verify what exactly you need with 
someone who's a bit more security-issue-literate than I am before doing 
anything serious.

The reason for all the  stuff is that the server 
is sometimes brought up without SSL support for testing (this is a 
development server, not a live one).


: Hi!
: I have Apache 1.3.20 + mod_ssl 2.8.4 + Tomcat 3.2.1, using Ajp13 with
: mod_jk.
: From a servlet I need to access the SSL environment variable containing
: information about the certificate sent by the client's browser
: (SSL_CLIENT_CERT). Although I seem to have all the necessary configuration
: lines in place nothing seems to work. For instance, I have the following
: lines in httpd.conf:
: -
: SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +CompatEnvVars +StrictRequire
: SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
: SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
: AddModule mod_jk.c
: JkExtractSSL On
: JkHTTPSIndicator HTTPS
: JkWorkersFile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
: JkLogFile  logs/jk.log
: JkLogLevel warn
: JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
: JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
: -
: Any guesses?? I would be really thankful!
: Best Regards,
: André Rocha
: __
: PT Inovação,S.A. Tel: +351 222 079 325
: Largo de Mompilher, 22, 2ºA Fax:+351 222 079 303
: 4050-392 Porto - Portugal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: I need help in tomcat configuration with Oracle 8.1.7

2001-07-03 Thread Brendan McKenna


If I remember correctly, you have to be using at least jdk1.2 
in order to run Tomcat, but the file is intended for use 
with jdk1.1.  You might have better luck if you used 
(which you can get from

: Hello,
: I would like to know whether anyone is able to give me a hint towards =
: solving the following scenario. If anyone is available on consultation =
: basis, it is fine too.
: I have developed website personalization engine in java that comes with =
: it's own kind of application server to handle the client access requests =
: to the oracle 8.1.7 db through the use of tomcat 3.1 I am using the =
: oracle thin driver and in order to handle the requests =
: through the jdbc. However tomcat giving me serious errors and my client =
: application can't login to the database. Would anyone be able to help me =
: on that matter?=20
: Thanks
: Tobias Hansen
: Hello,
: I would like to know whether anyone is able to give me a 
: hint towards solving the following scenario. If anyone is available on 
: consultation basis, it is fine too.
: I have developed website personalization engine in 
: java that comes with it's own kind of application server to handle the 
: client access requests to the oracle 8.1.7 db through the use of tomcat 3.1 I am 
: using the oracle thin driver and in order to handle the requests 
: through the jdbc. However tomcat giving me serious errors and my client 
: application can't login to the database. Would anyone be able to help me on that 
: matter? 
: Thanks
: Tobias Hansen

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: mod_ssl?

2001-05-29 Thread Brendan McKenna

: Hi all!
: Would someone be able to tell me where to find mod_ssl?

: Thanks.

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: javax.xml.parsers.* not found

2001-05-18 Thread Brendan McKenna


Perhaps it's a typo but the directory should be:

c:\jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext (you forgot the last subdirectory)

: Hello,
: I am trying to write a testing xml program. I downloaded jaxp.jar,
: crimson.jar and xalan.jar files from sun and put them in c:\jdk1.3\jre\lib.
: and in classpath. In my testing program, I import javax.xml.parsers.*. When
: I compiled the program, I got error message "Package javax.xml.parsers not
: found in import." Any idea for what am i wrong?
: Thanks,
: Jack Li
Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: jsp and servlet

2001-05-10 Thread Brendan McKenna


: Hi,
: in a jsp page I have an object with scope application. Can I use this object
: from a servlet?

Yes, in the servlet, use this.getServletContext() to get the 
ServletContext, then use getAttribute(name) to retrieve the
attribute.  The ServletContext is the application scope.
: Thanks
: Andrea
Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: to obtain browser name and version

2001-05-10 Thread Brendan McKenna


: Hello,
: Is there a way to obtain the browser name and version in JSP?


You'll have to decode the string you get back a bit, but that's 
how you do it...

: Thanks,
: Jack Li
Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: Obtaining SSL Certificate in Servlet/JSP Page?

2001-05-10 Thread Brendan McKenna


A little follow-up to my own message, sorry.

- You have to use the ajp13 interface from Apache to Tomcat.
- You have to have your apache properly set up (we had an
  error in ours).
- The certificate is then available as the 
  javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate attribute on the 
  HttpServletRequest object associated with the request,
  the cipher suite is available as:
  javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite, and the SSL session
  is javax.servlet.request.ssl_session (depending on
  exactly what parameters you've specified in your
  mod_jk.conf file (this is with all the default values

Thanks to Thomas Bezdicek for pointing me in the right 

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Obtaining SSL Certificate in Servlet/JSP Page?

2001-05-10 Thread Brendan McKenna


We are using the following environment:

Linux / Apache 1.3.19/mod_ssl/mod_jk  / Tomcat 3.2.1 

In a portion of our application, we're using apache/mod_ssl to 
require the user to present us with a client certificate.  All of this 
works fine.  Where we're having a problem is in getting the certificate 
that the client has passed to apache in our JSP pages and Servlets 
running under Tomcat.  Is this even possible?  We've looked at the 
various javax.servlet.* API's and it doesn't seem to be.  Have also 
looked over various portions of the Tomcat code and don't really see 
anything there.

Does anyone have any clues as to how we can do this?

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: Error when compiling mod_jk under HPUX 11.00 : jk_global.h

2001-05-03 Thread Brendan McKenna


In general, it's an iterative process.  You don't have 
sys/select.h on your machine.  Fine.  Comment it out and try your 
compile again.  This time it'll fail because those items that it 
expected to find definitions for in that header file aren't there.  So 
you'll need to find where on your system those items are defined. (In 
this case, you're going to need to find where the select(2) call is 
defined on your system, as well as the macros that are used with it.  
Your system's man pages are a good place to start your search.)  Where 
you commented out the '#include ', now add in the correct 
includes for your system.  And so on...

Repeat this process for all of the headers you don't have, 
until you don't get any errors any more.

I don't have access to an HPUX system, so I can't help any more 
than that, sorry.

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: ODBC-JDBC ** with JSP ** : 'No suitable driver'

2001-05-02 Thread Brendan McKenna


If you unzipped the file into the WEB-INF/lib directory, then 
you did it in the wrong place.  They should go in the WEB-INF/classes 
directory.  I've been using that approach successfully here for a while 


: Ok, I'll try that.
: Nevertheless, I already tried to put the developped classtree of 
: (oracle.jdbc) in the lib directory (unzipped file), and 
: it didn't work properly either. I may guess that renaming the .zip in .jar 
: would have the same (non-)effect, wouldn't it ?
: Jean-François
Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065


2001-05-02 Thread Brendan McKenna


Is the listener running, and does your connection URL specify 
the correct host and port for it?

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Re: Accessing Context Parameters from JSP Page...

2001-04-30 Thread Brendan McKenna

Hi Milt,

Thanks for responding.  I've actually figured out my problem, 
and it was (unfortunately) far more mundane.  What I'd done was the 


Which, of course, cause the problem because of the quoting.  
Once I changed the outer quotes from double quotes to single quotes, 
everything worked fine.

I actually used to live in Urbana, many many moons ago (I left 
in 1977), I imagine it's changed a bit in the interim

Thanks again.


Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065

Accessing Context Parameters from JSP Page...

2001-04-27 Thread Brendan McKenna


Newbie question here.  I've looked in the FAQ (and, for that 
matter, in the Servlet API specs) and am having trouble figuring out 
how to access parameters specified via   in my JSP 
pages.  Am trying to use <%= application.getInitParameter() %>,
but Jasper complains that the parameter has no value.  This -seemed- to 
me to be the way to do it.  I've also tried using 
config.getInitParameter(), to no avail.

I am certain that the matching parameters have values in the 
web.xml file, and that the names that I am using match the names 
specified.  So I figure that I must be doing something else wrong...

Now, if only one of you kind souls could point out the error of 
my ways for me.

Brendan McKennaEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Development Strategist Phone: +353-61-338177
Taringold Ltd. Fax:   +353-61-338065