RE: Speed of jsp:useBean tags.

2004-11-10 Thread Derek Clarkson

Technically (and I haven't looked at the usebeans source to confirm) using
usbeans should be faster. The reason is that unless absolutely necessary,
the code should pass around a reference to the bean, not make a copy of it
which would be slow. So event if you add this bean to multiple scopes, there
will be only one copy. Using a series of setAttribute methods would be
slower as there is a lot more code being executed.

Now having said that, I would not have thought that in the final count there
would be any visible difference. Unless you are calling thousands of
methods, the visible difference would be practically nothing. 

I would be looking at the process that is taking the 8 seconds. Is there any
way you can speed this up ? Break it up into parts and time each part -
where is the time being taken ? For example you might find that the database
access is slow. Looking at the queries you might see some which are not
using indexes, etc.

Hope this helps. 

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

-Original Message-
From: Andoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 10 November 2004 10:59 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Speed of jsp:useBean tags.


I have an application which is just a front-end for a main-frame. The
process on the mainframe which my application calls takes 8 seconds to
complete so I am trying to make my Java application as fast as possible so
that there is as little time as possible wasted.

Can anybody give any tips or sites for speeding up Tomcat/Java/Webapps?

Can anybody tell me if using jsp:useBean tags to pass an entire object to
a JSP is a slow way of doing things? Am I quicker passing a list of strings
using various request.setAttribute() methods? Or is this insignificant?

I am really stuck because I don't know how to choose the best way of going
forward. If I can't significantly improve the speed of the app. I should
just abandon the project but that is not desirable as you can imagine!


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RE: Buffering and redirection to the errorPage

2004-11-10 Thread Derek Clarkson

This sounds like something I have encountered. The basic question is that
how do you redirect to an error page if youa re writing to the output stream
rather than going to another JSP, and have an exception ?

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

-Original Message-
From: Carl Olivier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 11 November 2004 1:09 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Buffering and redirection to the errorPage


I have a question with regards buffering of output and subsequent errorPage
redirection.  Maybe I am missing something.

The default buffer size for a JSP page response is 8kb.  If an exception is
thrown AFTER 8kb has been written (and the initial chunks has been
committed) then the redirection to the errorPage (if specified) does not
occur.  Does this sound right?

I have solved this during debugging by increasing the buffer size to a
larger kb amount on offending pages, then removing the setting once
debugging has occurred.

Is there anyway to enforce the redirection to the errorPage?



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RE: hide source of a page

2004-11-08 Thread Derek Clarkson

If you mean the raw source before execution of JSP code and tags then yes
because this text is never sent to the browser. If you mean the resulting
HTML then no it cannot be blocked at all because the browser has to be able
to see it in order to render it. Some people have tried tricky javascript
stuff to stop popup menus and the likes, but the reality it that these are
too easy to get around and even if you cannot see it in the browser, you can
easily see it by looking in your cache. 

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

-Original Message-
From: Sunitha Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 November 2004 11:55 AM
Subject: hide source of a page

Hi folks:
Can viewing the source code of a page be blocked in tomcat?

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RE: hide source of a page

2004-11-08 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hmm, that's a huge effort to go to. I would be interested to know what sort
of applications people consider it important to hide the html for. For
normal web pages I cannot see any reason why you would bother. After all,
the important thing is the content not the html. And in reality, html is
just content plus tags so why worry about whether someone can see them ? 

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 November 2004 2:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: hide source of a page

I had such a requirement at work one time, although fortunately I talked
some sense into the higher-ups and they forgot about it, but not before I
worked up an entire proof-of-concept document.  IN THEORY, this could make
it very difficult for would-be hackers, although I wouldn't say fullproof.

The idea was to set up a frameset with one invisible frame and one
full-screen frame.  Into the invisible frame would go an ActiveX control
that was encrypted with a custom binary encrypter program (could be an
applet too, but obfuscation isn't as good as encoding a binary). 
Basically, every form submission to the server would go through the control,
and every response from the server would go through it, both encrypted.  On
the response from the server, HTML is generated out of the control and
placed into the frame in an obfuscated form.  Javascript it used to guard
against right-clicks and keyboard shortcuts, and since the app starts up in
it's own chromless window, it's relatively secure from most clientside
exploits.  There is a handshake between the control and the server at
startup that basically sets up a temporary public/private key pair, the
point being to make it impossible to just issue commands via Telnet.  You'd
have to fake considerably more than just some URLs or header variables.

So, the idea is that you could probably still get at the source, but it
wouldn't be in cache so you'd probably have to use a memory scanner, but
even if you did that it would be in an obfuscated form.  Not impossible to
decypher, but probably hard enough that most people wouldn't both. 
Getting at the server is going to be difficult.  You could still decompile
the control, but that's not going to be at all easy either considering the
obfuscation and encryption (think a PE compactor approach).

I think making it tough is about as good as you can hope to do, but as
Steven said, it's ALWAYS going to be defeatable one way or another.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Steven J. Owens wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 09:37:09PM -0500, Dov Rosenberg wrote:
The only thing I can think of to hide the source of the page is to 
create your own private label browser or perhaps load the source of 
the page in a hidden frame and use some javascript to display the text 
you want. Not sure why you would want to go thru the hassle - there 
are lots of ways to defeat any measure.
  You're right, this is futile, because it's trivial to get the 
 source of the page, no matter what you do at the browser level.  The 
 browser has to see the source to render it, therefore the server is 
 providing the source, upon request, to anything that knocks at port 80 
 and asks for it.  Getting the source is as simple as telnetting to the 
 webserver on port 80 and faking the commands.  Or run a packet sniffer 
 in the network you're browsing from.  Or run a logging http proxy on 
 your own machine and point your browser at it.
  You can't show something to people and keep it secret at the same 

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RE: is it possible to go to https and return to http?

2004-11-03 Thread Derek Clarkson

Our site drops in and out of secure mode to do credit card transactions. We
have a single instance of tomcat sitting behind an apache server. We have
two virtual apache servers listed which talk to this tomcat. One os
non-secure which takes the bulk of the action, and the other is setup as
secure. When we want to take a user to secure, the next document is simple
linked as a https connection rather than http. As the secure server is
listening on the 443 port it picks it up instead of the non-secure one.

The only issue we encountered when doing this is that when this happens it
starts a new session. So anything stored in the http session (shopping
basket) cannot been seen. The original designers of the system got arround
this by using an RMI server and transfering objects through it to the new
session. To say this was complicated and error prone would be an
understatement. Recently we ripped this out and added the ID of the http
session as a parameter to the urls going into the secure instance. By doing
this, the Tomcat automatically looked for and reconnected to the orginal
session. Thus allowing us to keep things simple and remove a lot of bug
ridden code.

Hope this helps.

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

-Original Message-
From: Acácio Furtado Costa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2004 4:32 AM
Subject: is it possible to go to https and return to http?

We need to use https  for authentication and in 1 or to 2 url´s in our

In other case we prefer to stay in http mode . To do this we need to
redirect the connection to https and return to http .

How can we do this?

Acacio Furtado Costa
Pesquisa e Tecnologia

GIA - Magnesita S/A
*(0xx31) 3368-1349

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Tomcat just STOPS

2004-10-28 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hi all,
Tricky bug. We've been all over our system and cannot figure out
what is going on. The tomcats (we have 2 tomcat 4.1.24's behind an apache
server, just stop reponding after a couple of days. Restart them and
everything is fine. Then some undefinied period later, one or both will just
stop ahain. It can be as little as an hour or as a long as a week. But they
will not stay up reliably. 

No errors are produced in the logs and there are no messages indicating
anything is wrong.

Has anyone encountered this ?

Derek Clarkson
Global Applications
Lonely Planet Publications
ph: (03) 8379-8000 x8041
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature!

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Load balancing for uptime

2004-03-15 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hi all,
We have an app written in a mix of JSP, servlets and struts across 3
instances of apache, tomcat and an RMI server. To say that it's a pile of
smelly stuff is an understatement, however it works (mostly) and our
customers depend on it. At least once a week though it crashes with out of
memory errors. 

Until we can redesign and fix it we are looking for a way to keep it up. One
suggest has been to have two servers running with a common DB server, and to
use a load balancer to allow us to keep one server up whilst we boot the
other, then vice versa. Thus on a daily basis we can reboot both machines
whilst mainting a working system for the users. 

Can anyone see any problems with this ? I'm concerned about issue realed to
session management, etc.


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RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window

2004-03-08 Thread Derek Clarkson
Hmm, the popup is this case is definitely accessing a different domain. We
have our main site and a secure site for transactions
( We actually don't care about sessions on the popup secure
site because it uses it's own session. The problem appears to be that once
the popup has been fired, the main ( site looses it's
session. We are also having problems with people who run two browsers on two
of our sites. This also causes session lose. Although I am inclined to think
that the real problem is the browsers over writing each others cookies.

My real problem is that I have not been able to find much doco which
discusses session tracking on multiple sites and multiple browsers. So if
you know any please link me to it ;-)

I have gotten around most of this by setting the cookies domain to be with a path of /, but ideally I would like to not have to do
this and let Tomcat do it's thing so that we don't have to have cookies

If it was me, I would never have designed it this way, but the system was
built by someone else ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 4:18 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window

We had a cookie problem here at work, and it was all the same domain, and we
couldn't figure it out.. until we recognized that and
were two *different* domains, and therefore the browser would treat them
So we have apache set up like so:
virtual host name:

Someone accesses
they're redirected (internally) to login.jsp (under then they put
in their user/pass and their session is prepopulated.
Then they are issued a
sendRedirect to ''. 
An apparently authenticated user accesses they're redirected
(internally) to login.jsp (under the second authentication then
In fact they both did, but to the end user it looks like they have to login
twice. And of course, it works fine if you just came in through
Is the popup perhaps accessing something like this? (looks like the same
domain but isn't)?
As for this:
 This may be part of the problem
 as my research indicates that tomcat regard path changes as being 
 context changes and therefore issues a new session.

Does the popup load something from a completely different webapp context?
If this is the case, then the jsessionid wouldn't work, because it's tied to
the first context.  It's not just a 'simple' path change, like on a web
server. It's a whole new app.

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 5:25 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window
 Yes, here is my reply to the postings you linked to:
 Hello everyone, I just found this posting. I have had the same 
 problem. Opening a window causes the session to change.
 BIG NOTE: I have reproduced this in FireFox - therefore it is NOT IE 
 I solved it by writing a cookie for JSESSIONID explicitly setting the 
 domain to our domain and the path to the root path /. It seems these 
 two parameters are required to solve this.
 Interestingly enough, when I monitored the cookies being used through 
 out the program, I would regularly see two cookies called JSESSIONID. 
 One my custom built cookie and the other being Tomcats session 
 tracking one. What interesting is that despite setting the domain and 
 path, both cookies returned nulls in these fields.
 I'm still trying to figure out how Tomcat sees a new window as a new 
 session, although within my app, we are also loading a jsp from a 
 different path. This may be part of the problem as my research 
 indicates that tomcat regard path changes as being context changes and 
 therefore issues a new session.
 Hope this helps.

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RE: Loosing sessions when poping a window

2004-03-04 Thread Derek Clarkson
Yes, here is my reply to the postings you linked to:

Hello everyone, I just found this posting. I have had the same problem.
Opening a window causes the session to change. BIG NOTE: I have reproduced
this in FireFox - therefore it is NOT IE specific.

I solved it by writing a cookie for JSESSIONID explicitly setting the domain
to our domain and the path to the root path /. It seems these two
parameters are required to solve this.

Interestingly enough, when I monitored the cookies being used through out
the program, I would regularly see two cookies called JSESSIONID. One my
custom built cookie and the other being Tomcats session tracking one. What
interesting is that despite setting the domain and path, both cookies
returned nulls in these fields. 

I'm still trying to figure out how Tomcat sees a new window as a new
session, although within my app, we are also loading a jsp from a different
path. This may be part of the problem as my research indicates that tomcat
regard path changes as being context changes and therefore issues a new

Hope this helps.

Loosing sessions when poping a window

2004-03-03 Thread Derek Clarkson
Hello everyone,
I've been tracking this for days. I'm using a Tomcat 4.1.29/IE6
setup. I've inherited an application written in a mix of JSP, struts and
servlets (A mess). The application stores a user object in the session when
it logs on. This works fine until it pops a window to talk to a secure
server. When you close this window and return to the main window, the next
jsp creates a new session instead of reusing the one initially create. Hence
it cannot find the user object and assumes they have logged of. 

The only solution I've found is to create a JSESSIONID cookie and set the
domain to my domain and path = /. I would prefer to let Tomcat do the
session tracking so that it can handle browsers with cookies turned of. 

Has anyone encountered this problem and can give me a better idea of what is
going on ? At the moment I think that tomcat is creating new sessions if the
JSPs are in different paths. I.e. and would have different sessions. At leasts that appears
to be part of the problem.

Any ideas ?


Newbie problem with Sessions

2004-03-02 Thread Derek Clarkson
Hi guys,
Not sure if I'm in the right list for this ;-)

I'm trying to debug an application which has basically been cobbled together
by a number of previous programmers using a mix of servlets, jsp and struts.
The app also uses 3 contexts - 2 normal and 1 secure via apache. The problem
is this, if I log on and setup some stuff on the main site, the software
uses the same session through out. Security is done but storing a user
object in the session. If I then perform a CC transaction which requires the
secure server to be used and then come back to the main server, the session
is lost and the system insists I logon again. Then every time I try to
access a page it keeps creating new sessions and insisting I relogon. This
only seems to happen after I access the secure server. I have to restart the
browser to get everything working again.

I've logged the session ids which is how I tell when it starts accessing
different sessions. The software appears to have originally been written to
use cookies, but whilst they are stored, they are not used anywhere. 

1. If the software creates and stores a cookie, but never actually retrieves
it, can this effect the session ? I've read something about cookies
controlling sessions, but I don't know how this works.

2. What sort of things will cause a server to start a new session ? 

Any help much appreciated.


RE: Can someone direct me to the documentation.

2004-02-26 Thread Derek Clarkson
Thanks Filip,
I've never looked at that before. I'd just looked at the class files
thinking it might be in there. I'll have a good read of it know that I have
it ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik (lists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 12:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Can someone direct me to the documentation.

why document it again, when you have it in the specification :)


-Original Message-
From: Derek Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Can someone direct me to the documentation.

Hi all,
I've found over time that the Apache and associated projects web site is
either extremely good, or extremely bad when it comes to finding certain
pieces of documentation. The lastest one that's been driving me nuts is
wanting to find a reference to the tags that can be set inside the servlet
namespace in a web.xml file. Specifically I was hunting for details on the
load-on-startup tag, what it did exactly and what the numbers ment. I
seached the Apache sites, the web, everything I could find and all I got was
some references in various news groups. It was enough to tell me what I
needed to know, but I would still like to know where the offical reference
is for this part of the web.xml file.

Can anyone point me to a URL ?


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Can someone direct me to the documentation.

2004-02-26 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hi all,
I've found over time that the Apache and associated projects web site is
either extremely good, or extremely bad when it comes to finding certain
pieces of documentation. The lastest one that's been driving me nuts is
wanting to find a reference to the tags that can be set inside the servlet
namespace in a web.xml file. Specifically I was hunting for details on the
load-on-startup tag, what it did exactly and what the numbers ment. I
seached the Apache sites, the web, everything I could find and all I got was
some references in various news groups. It was enough to tell me what I
needed to know, but I would still like to know where the offical reference
is for this part of the web.xml file. 

Can anyone point me to a URL ?


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RE: log comming big after....

2004-02-26 Thread Derek Clarkson

Been looking at log4j recent. It has the ability to specify sizes on log
files and what to do with them once they are full.


-Original Message-
From: FRANCOIS Dufour [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: log comming big after

hi to all
my video chatt aplication have to serve image from user end to other user
end the log file is simply growing every second is there a way to keep only
like the 20 last request in log?

thank in advance


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Trying to get Struts 1.1 working with tomcat in Eclipse

2004-02-16 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hi all,
I have tomcat 4.1.29 installed and am trying to get it to fire up in
Eclipse. So far it runs, however if I include the struts.jar from the struts
1.1 directory I downloaded, tomcat throws an exception claiming it cannot
find the StandardServer class. If I use an older struts.jar from my struts
1.0 directory it works fine. I cannot see why it should have problems
finding the StandardServer.

Any ideas ?

Exception details :-

17/02/2004 17:39:19 org.apache.commons.digester.Digester startElement
SEVERE: Begin event threw exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.commons.digester.Rule.begin(
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.startElement(Unknown
wn Source)
entHook(Unknown Source)
her.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Catalina.start: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.startElement(Unknown
wn Source)
entHook(Unknown Source)
her.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

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Multiple instances of Tomcat - why would you do it ?

2004-02-11 Thread Derek Clarkson

Hello everyone,
I've just started a new job where I've been asked to be the tech
lead on a project. The software originated from an external company who
designed it to run on 3 instances of tomcat. There is an instance for the
main applications for our customers, an instance for the admin section and
another for secure transactions. All running on the same PC. These instances
also communicate between each other in order to pass information from one to
the other via RMI. 

I've never worked on a mulit instance installation before and no-one here
knows why it was done this way (it's not documented). Can you guys give me
any thoughts on why a multi-instance might be setup like this ? What are the
advantages over a single tomcat instance, etc ? 

Essentially I'm trying to understand whether this was a good solution for
our use. Understanding the sorts of reasons for doing it will help me to
work out any possible future changes. 


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RE: Multiple instances of Tomcat - why would you do it ?

2004-02-11 Thread Derek Clarkson
He he, thanks. By the looks of the code I'm seeing - I'm going with the
space bats reason ;-) 

-Original Message-
From: Josh Rehman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2004 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Multiple instances of Tomcat - why would you do it ?

If the instances talk to each other via RMI, it's likely that the original
developers intended each instance to be run on a different box. 
They may have thought this would positively affect scalability.

It may also be that they partitioned the app such that each container has
different priveledges and responsibilities, and therefore it made sense to
seperate them and configure them seperately.

It may also be that the original developer was testing a theory and so did
it that way.

It may also be that the developers were being paid per CPU.

It may also be that one of the architects was driven mad by alien space
bats, and so designed this system to prepare himself for leaving this

The last one seems most likely to me. However, I could be wrong, so I'd ask
the original developer.

Derek Clarkson wrote:
 Hello everyone,
   I've just started a new job where I've been asked to be the tech
 on a project. The software originated from an external company who 
 designed it to run on 3 instances of tomcat. There is an instance for 
 the main applications for our customers, an instance for the admin 
 section and another for secure transactions. All running on the same 
 PC. These instances also communicate between each other in order to 
 pass information from one to the other via RMI.
 I've never worked on a mulit instance installation before and no-one 
 here knows why it was done this way (it's not documented). Can you 
 guys give me any thoughts on why a multi-instance might be setup like 
 this ? What are the advantages over a single tomcat instance, etc ?
 Essentially I'm trying to understand whether this was a good solution 
 for our use. Understanding the sorts of reasons for doing it will help 
 me to work out any possible future changes.
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 use, copy or disclose its content to anyone.  You must not copy or 
 communicate to others content that is confidential or subject to 
 copyright, unless you have the consent of the content owner.

Josh Rehman

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Class not being found - please help !

2003-02-05 Thread Derek Clarkson
Hi all,
We've got tomcat 4.1 running in linux and have successfully loaded the 
postgres drivers by placing the jar file in the /var/tomcat4/common/lib 
directory and developed a site. However, I have just created a java class 
which I wish to use on the site, but every time I try to load the class in a 
JSP page I get this error :

Generated servlet error:
/var/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/_/ cannot resolve 
symbol  : class wwSecurity
location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp

I first tried placing the class in a jar in the /var/tomcat4/common/lib/ 
directory. I then tried /var/tomcat4/shared/lib. I also tried placing the 
.class file in the classes directories of these locations and the 
WEB-INF/classes directory. Of course I restarted tomcat after each attempt.

I have not been able to get tomcat to find the class once. Can anyone help ?

Derek Clarkson
Web: http://users/bigpond/net/au/drekka

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Re: Class not being found - please help !

2003-02-05 Thread Derek Clarkson
Thanks all. The problem was purely because I had not placed the classes into 
packages. It now works fine.

On Thursday 06 February 2003 11:49, Nicole Hibbard wrote:
 I'm kinda a newbie, but I'll try to help.  Your class file should be under
 the same directory as you jsp in the WEB-INF folder.  For example:
 I have a test.jsp that uses GetTestResults.  Then there should be (in the
 same directory as the jsp) a WEB_INF folder containing the
 GetTestResults.class file.

 Good Luck

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:44 PM
 Subject: Class not being found - please help !

 Hi all,
   We've got tomcat 4.1 running in linux and have successfully loaded the
 postgres drivers by placing the jar file in the /var/tomcat4/common/lib
 directory and developed a site. However, I have just created a java class
 which I wish to use on the site, but every time I try to load the class in
 a JSP page I get this error :

 Generated servlet error:
 /var/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/_/ cannot resolve
 symbol  : class wwSecurity
 location: class org.apache.jsp.index_jsp

 I first tried placing the class in a jar in the /var/tomcat4/common/lib/
 directory. I then tried /var/tomcat4/shared/lib. I also tried placing the
 .class file in the classes directories of these locations and the
 WEB-INF/classes directory. Of course I restarted tomcat after each attempt.

 I have not been able to get tomcat to find the class once. Can anyone help

 Derek Clarkson
 Web: http://users/bigpond/net/au/drekka

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Derek Clarkson
Web: http://users/bigpond/net/au/drekka

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