Yes, here is my reply to the postings you linked to:

Hello everyone, I just found this posting. I have had the same problem.
Opening a window causes the session to change. BIG NOTE: I have reproduced
this in FireFox - therefore it is NOT IE specific.

I solved it by writing a cookie for JSESSIONID explicitly setting the domain
to our domain and the path to the root path "/". It seems these two
parameters are required to solve this.

Interestingly enough, when I monitored the cookies being used through out
the program, I would regularly see two cookies called JSESSIONID. One my
custom built cookie and the other being Tomcats session tracking one. What
interesting is that despite setting the domain and path, both cookies
returned nulls in these fields. 

I'm still trying to figure out how Tomcat sees a new window as a new
session, although within my app, we are also loading a jsp from a different
path. This may be part of the problem as my research indicates that tomcat
regard path changes as being context changes and therefore issues a new

Hope this helps.

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