RE: Logging with tomcat

2003-09-16 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez

 Yoav == Yoav Shapira Shapira writes:

 Yoav Howdy, Where are your commons-logging, commons-logging-api
 Yoav jars, and logging configuration file?




(I'm testing both versions)

I guess the problem can be the configuration file. I don't know where
it is or where should be.

Thank you!

 Yoav Yoav Shapira Millennium ChemInformatics

  -Original Message- From: Francisco Vides Fernandez
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 15,
  2003 5:37 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Logging
  with tomcat
  I'm trying to do some loging using tomcat and commons-logging, but
  I don't know how to make it work properly.
  I'm using org.apache.commons.Log, and if I do something like
  log.error (something);
  It works properly, and I can see the output in tomcat log files,
  but if I do
  log.debug (something);
  log.trace (something);
  can't see any output. I've RTFM from tomcat and commons-logging,
  and tried with values of debug in Context, Logger and
  such. Also search the mail archives, but couldn't find anything on
  how to configure this.
  Could someone help me or point me in the right direction?
  Thanks in advance
  +- | Francisco Vides Fernández
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Director técnico.  | Teléfono fijo:
  952 60 29 59 | Teléfono móvil: 661 67 32 73 | Fax: 952 60 29 59 |
  Dédalo Ingenieros | PGP:
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 Yoav and may not be saved, copied, printed, disclosed or used by
 Yoav anyone else.  If you are not the(an) intended recipient, please
 Yoav immediately delete this e-mail from your computer system and
 Yoav notify the sender.  Thank you.

 Yoav -
 Yoav To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional
 Yoav commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
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| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
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Logging with tomcat

2003-09-15 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez


I'm trying to do some loging using tomcat and commons-logging, but I
don't know how to make it work properly.

I'm using org.apache.commons.Log, and if I do something like 

log.error (something);

It works properly, and I can see the output in tomcat log files, but
if I do

log.debug (something);


log.trace (something);

can't see any output. I've RTFM from tomcat and commons-logging, and
tried with values of debug in Context, Logger and such. Also
search the mail archives, but couldn't find anything on how to
configure this.

Could someone help me or point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance

| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
| Teléfono móvil:  661 67 32 73
| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
| PGP:

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SSL Apache/Tomcat encrypting a subdirectory

2003-09-11 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez
 Kai == Kai Schliemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I did something similar. I have an Apache serving static content, and
Tomcat for Jsp and servlets. Tomcat is hidden behind a firewall, the
webapp can only be seen through apache. So, to protect a directory
with, you only have to configure a location inside an apache ssl
virtual host, and deny access to this directory through
non-ssl. Apache and tomcat will interact through mod_jk2 as usual.

Hope this helps.


 Kai Hello list, I have the following problem:

 Kai I'm running Apache 1.3.27 on Suse Linux 8.2 (Server 1) and
 Kai Tomcat 4.1.24 on Suse Linux 8.2 (Server 2).  I'm using mod_jk as
 Kai connector for Apache/Tomcat which works fine without
 Kai SSL-configuration.

 Kai My JAVA-Webapp is running on Tomcat (Server 2).  I can connect
 Kai to my JAVA-Webapp through the URL  Now I
 Kai want a subdirectory (online) of this webapp to run in ssl-mode
 Kai (e.g.  I just want the directory
 Kai online (and all of its subdirectories) to be ssl-encrypted not
 Kai the complete domain

 Kai How can I do that?

 Kai Thanks in advance.

 Kai Kai

 Kai -
 Kai To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 Kai [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional
 Kai commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
| Teléfono móvil:  661 67 32 73
| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
| PGP:

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jdbc servlets and jsp

2003-09-08 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez

Is the postgres jar locate somewhere the app have access to? Good
places are: commons/lib in $CATALINA_BASE or WEB-INF/lib in the
application directory.


 Luke == Luke Vanderfluit [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Luke Hi, I'm having a few probs (fun) getting jdbc to work in
 Luke servlets and jsp, tomcat in other words.

 Luke I've successfully got jdbc working with postgresql in a regular
 Luke java class.

 Luke I have tried using the same code adapted to a servlet and jsp
 Luke to get a database connection happening from there, however no
 Luke luck,

 Luke Is there anything I need to set up in server.xml or web.xml
 Luke before it can work?

 Luke here is my jsp and servlet code:
 Luke  jsp file -=-=-=-= html
 Luke head /head %@ page language=java import=java.sql.* %
 Luke body %

 Luke Class.forName(org.postgresql.Driver); Connection
 Luke myConn=DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:postgresql:mboard,
 Luke luke, );

 Luke % /body /html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= servlet code
 Luke =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= import javax.servlet.*; import
 Luke javax.servlet.http.*; import*; import java.sql.*;
 Luke import java.text.DateFormat;

 Luke /** * ShowEmployees creates an HTML table containing a list of
 Luke all * employees (sorted by last name) and the departments to
 Luke which * they belong.  */ public class ShowEmployees extends
 Luke HttpServlet { Connection dbConn = null;

 Luke   /** * Establishes a connection to the database.  */ public
 Luke void init() throws ServletException { String jdbcDriver =
 Luke org.postgresql.Driver; String dbURL =
 Luke \jdbc:postgresql:mboard\, \luke\, \\;

 Luke try { Class.forName(org.postgresql.Driver).newInstance();
 Luke //load driver dbConn =
 Luke DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:postgresql:megaboard,
 Luke luke, ); //connect } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 Luke throw new UnavailableException(JDBC driver not found: +
 Luke jdbcDriver); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new
 Luke UnavailableException(Unable to connect to:  + dbURL); } catch
 Luke (Exception e) { throw new UnavailableException(Error:  + e);
 Luke } }

 Luke   /** * Displays the employees table.  */ public void
 Luke service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 Luke response) throws ServletException, IOException {
 Luke response.setContentType(text/html);

 Luke PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

 Luke try { //join EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables to get all data
 Luke String sql = select * from message;;

 Luke   Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs =
 Luke stmt.executeQuery(sql);

 Luke   out.println(HTML); out.println(HEADTITLEShow
 Luke Employees/TITLE/HEAD); out.println(BODY);
 Luke out.println(TABLE BORDER=\1\ CELLPADDING=\3\);
 Luke out.println(TR); out.println(THName/TH);
 Luke out.println(THDepartment/TH);
 Luke out.println(THPhone/TH); out.println(THEmail/TH);
 Luke out.println(THHire Date/TH); out.println(/TR);

 Luke   while ( { out.println(TR);

 Luke out.println(TD + rs.getString(resusername) +
 Luke /td);

 Luke out.println(/TR); }

 Luke   out.println(/TABLE); out.println(/BODY/HTML);

 Luke   rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {
 Luke out.println(H2Database currently unavailable./H2); }

 Luke out.close(); } }

 Luke any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, kind regards
 Luke Luke

 Luke --

 Luke  when my computer smiles,
 Luke I'm happy ===.~ ~, Luke
 Luke Vanderfluit |'/'] Mobile: 0421 276 282 \~/`

 Luke -
 Luke To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional
 Luke commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
| Teléfono móvil:  661 67 32 73
| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
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Re[3]: Charset encoding issue

2003-09-08 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez

I had a similar problem with RH9.0. Form data enconded with
application/x-www-form-urlencoded worked just fine with iso8859-1
special characters, but multipart/form-data made strange things

If I declared the page encoding to be UTF-8, the data was correctly
sent, but the browser was unable to show it properly later. I tested
this with every browser I have access to: Mozilla, Galeon, Firebird,
Konqueror, IE 6.0, and the behavihour was similar in every case.

If I declared the page encoding to be iso8859-1, data was corrupted.

The root of the problem seemed to be in my LOCALE settings. I had
es_ES.UTF-8, and when I changed this to es_ES (without UTF) everything
worked fine again. This is the same in Tomcat 4.0.6 and 4.1.27. I've
found the solution, but I also like to understand better what is
happening here.


| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
| Teléfono móvil:  661 67 32 73
| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
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RE: Charset encoding issue

2003-09-07 Thread Francisco Vides Fernandez

I've recently have a similar problem with spanish language. What OS
are you running Tomcat on? What are your LOCALE settings?

 lima == lima  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 lima Hi, guys. How are you ?  I have a jsp page with some form
 lima fields. I don't know how is the right way to set the charset
 lima (because we're using portuguese characters). This is the only
 lima configuration that have worked for me :

 lima %@ page contentType=html/text; charset=UTF-8%

 lima (...)

 lima form (...) enctype=multipart/form-data

 lima Is it right ? Is there other way ?

 lima Thanks in advance.

 lima -
 lima To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional
 lima commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Francisco Vides Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Director técnico.
| Teléfono fijo:   952 60 29 59
| Teléfono móvil:  661 67 32 73
| Fax: 952 60 29 59
| Dédalo Ingenieros
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