JK 1.2.8 backward compatibility question

2005-01-20 Thread Gabriele Garuglieri
Hi developers,
we are currently using  JK connector with Tomcat 4.1.24 and i'm going to 
migrate applications from 4.1 to 5.5, so for a while 4.1 an 5.5 will 
coexist in the same machine.
I'm planning to install new JK 1.2.8, but i'm wondering about its 
backward compatibility so i have a few questions:
1- can JK 1.2.8 be used with Tomcat 4.1.24?
2- are old workers configuration files compatible with 1.2.8?
3- can JK from Tomcat 4.1.24 be used with Tomcat 5.5?

Thanks,  Gabriele.
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mod_jk: sticky_session deaults to 0 and not to 1 as documented.

2003-03-13 Thread Gabriele Garuglieri
Tomcat 4.1.21
connectors 4.1.21
Apache/2.0.44 (Unix) mod_jk/1.2.3-dev
If sticky_session property is not declared it defaults to 0 and not 1 as 
Migrating a working load balancing 4.1.12 configuration to 
mod_jk/1.2.3-dev gets calls distributed between the workers group 
members, breaking the load balancer, unless i declare sticky_session=1 
in the load balancer worker.

You can easily see in the code that if the property is not declared it 
defaults to JK_FALSE.

int jk_get_is_sticky_session(jk_map_t *m,
   const char *wname) {
   int rc = JK_TRUE;
   char buf[1024];
   if (m && wname) {
   int value;
   sprintf(buf, "%s.%s.%s", PREFIX_OF_WORKER, wname, STICKY_SESSION);
   value = map_get_int(m, buf, 0);
   if (!value) rc = JK_FALSE;
   return rc;
Putting line
value = map_get_int(m, buf, 0);
value = map_get_int(m, buf, 1);
makes everything working as documented.
Need to open a bug?

Regards,  Gabriele.

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RE: JK2 URI not correctly mapped for multiple virtual hosts in httpd.conf

2002-10-14 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Hi Mladen,
it's a pain having to express concepts in a language that is not mine.
Perhaps that's the reason why you don't understand me.
(and i  hope nothing i say can sound offensive to anyone, it's not my
intention. Believe me i'm trying to cooperate, not to put shame on anybody)

Please try to read further than the first line. Tomcat is not supposed to
resolve anything.
There is Apache in front of it that has to perform that task.

The problem is that when configuring jk2 with httpd.conf the way it's shown
Pls, do not believe me, try to setup a similar conf and run an ip trace.

I have right now, more or less ten tomcat instances, all of them happily
working with default server.xml and host name="localhost", and different
virtual host names within apache httpd.conf, with mod_jk. The only things i
changed were port numbers.

If what you say is true, then why ivdev01 tomcat instance works?
And why simply exchanging place of the virtual host definitions, within
httpd.conf, ivdev01 STOPS working and iv00 STARTS working?
And why if i map uri's into workers2.properties all the instances works?
And all of this without changing a bit of tomcat server.xml?

Pls, have a look into jkstatus.noworkers2.htm output. When using the order
shown into httpd.conf.noworkers2 file, there is the mapping for
because iv00 virtual host cames FIRST in READ ORDER than ivdev01 host.

If i reverse the order of virtual host definitons, ie ivdev01 FIRST then
iv00, the reverse happens. I will have mapping for
because now ivdev01 host cames FIRST in READ ORDER than iv00 host.

This problem only happens when i try to map the SAME URI PATHS do DIFFERENT
virtual hosts within the SAME httpd.conf.
If i map DIFFERENT URI PATHS to DIFFERENT virtual hosts all works.

Regards,  Gabriele.

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RE: JK2 URI not correctly mapped for multiple virtual hosts in httpd.conf

2002-10-14 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Hi Mladen,
I'll try to answer yor questions.
1- server.xml is the default one with host name="localhost"

2- the environmement i'm trying to replicate already works with mod_jk (you
may ask, so why don't you stick there? Well at least in the development env
i like to be on the bleeding edge of technology).
I have a group of developers, each of which has its own tomcat instance, a
couple of beta test environments and some production environments. That's
the reason to all those groups and load balancers, development and testing
and configuration experiments.
I tried to clean up the config i sent but something slipped in, in any case
this does not change the problem.
My sillogism is:  if a config is valid and it's working with mod_jk, then
it has to work, somehow, also with mod_jk2.

3- No there isn't. When the uri's are mapped into httpd.conf and not into
workers2.properties, like the conf files i sent,  there is NO way to call
iv00/*.jsp, beacuse this uri is not mapped anywhere.
If, in httpd.conf, i map as shown virtualhost iv00 then ivdev01,
ivdev01/*.jsp works, iv00/*.jsp DOES NOT WORK (404 Not Found).
If i reverse, in httpd.conf, the order of virtual hosts, ie  ivdev01 THEN
iv00, iv00/*.jsp works and ivdev01/*.jsp DOES NOT WORK (404 Not Found).

In the end when mapping same uri path to different virtual hosts ONLY THE
the correct tomcat instance.

If you say me that jk2 is not meant for this kind of configurations, i'll
forget everything (with regret because i've got the impression that it's a
bit faster and stabler than jk), and stick with jk. But IMHO this is not a
correct behaviour and for what in my possibilities i wish to cooperate to
solve this.

Best regards,  Gabriele.

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RE: JK2 URI not correctly mapped for multiple virtual hosts in httpd.conf

2002-10-14 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Sorry, i just realized that html files are cut out from mail, so i include
here the complete set of files as a zip file.

(See attached file: jk2uri-problem.zip)

Regards,  Gabriele.

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RE: JK2 URI not correctly mapped for multiple virtual hosts in httpd.conf

2002-10-14 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Solaris 2.8

Hi Mladen,
I'm sorry, but if i didn't miss anything, it doesn't work that way.
I think i tried all the possible (and some impossible) combinations within
httpd.conf but to no avail.
The problem is that when building the uri pattern name from JkSet and
JkUriSet the virtual host name is never attached to the path part of the

To show you what i mean i have included an extract of the real
configuration i'm trying to use. It is not complete but there's enough to
show exactly the problem.

The following three files show you the situation when the uri's are mapped
within workers2.properties
(See attached file: httpd.conf.workers2)(See attached file:
jkstatus.workers2.htm)(See attached file: workers2.properties.min)
As you can see in the jkstatus page the uri names are prefixed with the
host names as defined within workers2.properties and in this case when
calling each of the hosts the calls are routed to the correct workers.

The following three files instead shows the situation when the uri's are
mapped with JkSet and JkUriSet within httpd.conf.
(See attached file: httpd.conf.noworkers2)(See attached file:
jkstatus.noworkers2.htm)(See attached file: workers2.properties.min.nouri)
As you can see in jkstatus output, there's no mention of the uri for host
iv00 ant there's no way to have the relative worker to be called.

I home this is enough for you to undestand the problem.

Best regards,  Gabriele.

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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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JK2 tomcatId and load balancing

2002-10-11 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

If anybody is interested.
I was trying to implement a load balacer with mod_jk2 and i had to dig in
the code to discover that the worker propery tomcatId, within the code is
called route and is compared to session_route, coming attached to
jsessionid, that in turn is the jvmRoute, and that the two must match to
implement a working load balacer.
For the developers.
May be a more consistent naming could help while in the doc is still in the
development phase.
What do you think about calling it tomcat_jvmRoute?

Thanks,  Gabriele.

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JK2 URI not correctly mapped for multiple virtual hosts in httpd.conf

2002-10-11 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Suppose you have a configuration like this:

 ServerName srva
[ some apache specific conf omitted]
  JkUriSet group wrka
  JkUriSet group wrka

 ServerName srvb
[ some apache specific conf omitted]
  JkUriSet group wrkb
  JkUriSet group wrkb

Mod jk2 will save the uri's only by the names written in FilesMatch  and
Location without the virtual server name and alias, so after reading the
configuration  the only save uri set is the last one that was read,  as
seen from jkstatus "runtime uri info":

id   name host uri  group
0/*.jspsrvb /*.jspwrkb
0/servlet  srvb /servlet  wrkb

No mention of srva and all the requests for /*jsp and /servlet, wether sent
to srva  or srvb will be redirected to wrkb.
There is no way ( at least no one i could figure out) to map the requests
with the correct worker  unless you omit completely any jk2 config from
http.conf and map all the uri into workers2.properties.
But this is not feasible when you have many virtual hosts with many aliases
and many FilesMatch and Location, because of the explosive count of the
various combinations [(Number of VirtualHosts) * (number of names for each
VirtualHost) * (number of filesystems and webspace containers)] and the
fact that the discrimination of the requests is delegated to mod_jk2
instead of the more efficient apache.

Is this still work in progress or is a bug?

Thanks,  Gabriele

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RE: Tomcat 4.1.12: access log corrupted

2002-09-27 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Well, i rechecked all twice, i't a new fresh install.
The only old thing is the app context, that is not embedded into server.xml
but as a standalone file.
I still had a doubt about the jk module that was compiled for 4.1.10, but i
downloaded 4.1.12 connectors and recompiled them.
I tested both jk and jk2 with ajp3 connector with same results.
Also the application was recompiled against 4.1.12.
If nobody has any other hint, i'll open a bug.

BTW, sorry i posted the initial message both to user and dev lists breaking
the rules. I just changed my mind on where to send it, but hit the send
button too fast.

Regards,  Gabriele

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Tomcat 4.1.12: access log corrupted

2002-09-26 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Hi, i'm migrating  my webapp from 4.1.10 to 4.1.12, but i guess the access
log has gone a bit screwed up.
In the context descriptor of the app i have a valve like this:

that worked like a charm with 4.1.10.

Now with 4.1.12 have a look to a sample of what i see into it.
(Sorry for the weird looking but it's full of control characters that when
imbedded into the mail do strange things)
I think i should open a bug. Do i?


 - - [26/Sep/2002:13:13:04 1000] "POST
/InfoTraffic/situazione_viabilita.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 -

RE: tomcat 4.1.10: war deploy in default context not working.

2002-09-11 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

For anyone interested,
this is a bug.
Refer to

HTML Manager cannot deploy war file with path="/"
Regards,  Gabriele.

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RE: tomcat 4.1.10: war deploy in default context not working.

2002-09-09 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

anybody listening?
This problem is a real show stopper for us.
Can someone tell me if it's a real bug or something wrong that i'm doing?

Thanks,  Gabriele.

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tomcat 4.1.10: war deploy in default context not working.

2002-09-09 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

Hi all,
 tomcat 4.1.10
 ant 1.5
 solaris 2.8
 JDK 1.4.0_01

I have an application that to work must be deployed in the default
context "/".
It is working fine both when i define it with app.xml into webapps
and when i load it dynamically using the manager "install" command.
The following managers commands:
using path="/" to refer to default context act correctly on the

The problem is that i cannot deploy a war file of the same application
when using default context.

My deploy task is

and i receive the message
 [mdeploy] OK - Installed application at context path /

If a use manager "list" command i see:

[list] OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
[list] /manager:running:0:/usr/local/tomcat-4.1/server/webapps/manager
[list] /admin:running:0:/usr/local/tomcat-4.1/server/webapps/admi

In the server.xml file i find now the generated entry:

In the log i see:
2002-09-09 15:16:27 StandardWrapper[/manager:Manager]: Loading container
servlet Manager
2002-09-09 15:16:27 Manager: init: Associated with Deployer 'localhost'
2002-09-09 15:16:27 Manager: init: Global resources are available
2002-09-09 15:16:27 Manager: deploy: Deploying web application at '/'
2002-09-09 15:16:27 Manager: Uploading WAR file to
2002-09-09 15:16:30 Manager: Extracting XML file to
2002-09-09 15:16:30 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at
context path / from URL
2002-09-09 15:16:30 WebappLoader[/]: Deploying class repositories to work
directory /prd/iv00/portale/tomcat-4.1/work/Standalone/localhost/_
2002-09-09 15:16:32 WebappLoader[/]: Deploy class files /WEB-INF/classes to
2002-09-09 15:16:32 StandardManager[/]: Seeding random number generator
class java.security.SecureRandom
2002-09-09 15:16:32 StandardManager[/]: Seeding of random number generator
has been completed
2002-09-09 15:16:32 StandardWrapper[/:default]: Loading container servlet
2002-09-09 15:16:32 StandardWrapper[/:invoker]: Loading container servlet

Up to now everything looks good but...

If i refer the application as usual via browser i get:
HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request

If i try to undeploy the app using the manager "undeploy" command i get:
[undeploy] FAIL - No context exists for path /

The odd thing is that now i use manager "install" i see:
[install] OK - Installed application at context path /

and if i list i see (?!):
[list] OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
[list] /manager:running:0:/usr/local/tomcat-4.1/server/webapps/manager
[list] /:running:0:/prd/iv00/devel/infoviabilita-1.1/build
[list] /admin:running:0:/usr/local/tomcat-4.1/server/webapps/admin

You see the miracle? I have TWO application installed at default
context, one working (that installed with "install" comand) and one not
working (that installed with the "deploy" command).

The only way to get rid of that
context-not-context is to stop tomcat and manually delete the entry
from web.xml.

Obviously if instead of using path="/" i use any other valid context
to deploy, everything works ok. Well, it works in the sense that
tomcat acts correctly with the application, the app itself won't run
because it's not written to run in a context different from "/" and
its web.xml is not yet complete to have it run from a war file, but
at least i see the app is there.

Is this a bug or am i doing something really odd?

My best regards,  Gabriele.

055-420 2832

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Compiling mod_jk, mod_jk2 on Solaris

2002-08-30 Thread gabriele . garuglieri

For anyone who may be interested, i have managed to compile mod_jk and
of jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.9 for apache 2.0.39 under Solaris 2.8,
both configure and ant methods.
The tools used were:
 ant 1.5
 gcc 2.95.2
 libtool 1.4.2
 Autoconf 2.53
 automake 1.6
 JDK 1.4.0_01
If you download libtool package from one of the sunfreeware sites, i don't
in what environment it was built, but it produces wrong flags for ld and
link phase will fail. Libtool to produce reliable results is highly
sensitive to the environment so in any case i suggest to start with source
build it on your machine.
Here's what i did.
I'm assuming jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.9-src/jk as base directory, so
reference will be relative to this.

** mod_jk, configure method **
This compiles right out of the box so within native dir i run
 ./configure \
 --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
 --with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
 --with-java-platform=2 \
and that's it.

** mod_jk2, configure method **
Here things start to complicate.
native2/include/jk_global.h includes sys/ioctl.h that to expand correctly
solaris needs the BSD_COMP define to be set.
So as the easy option you can
 ./configure \
  --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
  --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.9 \
  --with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
  --with-java-platform=2 \


Otherwise if you are really brave you can modify support/jk_apxs.m4
the following two lines
This allow to pass additional CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS during the configure step
that will be merged with those produced by configure and apxs.
After this, again
 ./configure \
  --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
  --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.9 \
  --with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
  --with-java-platform=2 \
  --with-jni \
I know that for this the first line of jk_apxs.m4 is not really needed to
modified, but i have included it as a nice to have suggestion for the

*** mod_jk, ant method ***
WARNING: be aware that running ./configure into native or native2 dirs
build.properties, so if you customize it remember to save it if you ever
think to use ./configure. (i learned it the hard way)

Here you need to customize build.properties as indicated in the README then
the following lines:

the compiler defaults to cc so if you don't have installed Sun official
compiler or have an alias or link from cc to gcc you need the previous

j2sdk1.4.0_01/include/jni.h includes the platform dependent jni_md.h that
solaris is in j2sdk1.4.0_01/include/solaris, so to allow the include to
you should modify native/build.xml adding  to the "apache20" and "jni"
where the comment says  the following

build.native.extra_cflags=-pthreads -DNO_DBM_REWRITEMAP -DSOLARIS2=8
(this is broken in the mail but it must be a single line)
The values in this line are those used in my compilation but you should get
yours as the merge of the output of these commands
 /bin/apxs -q CFLAGS
 /bin/apxs -q EXTRA_CFLAGS
 /bin/apxs -q EXTRA_CPPFLAGS
plus the -DBSD_COMP define as previuosly explained.
(in the output of those commands you will possibly find "-g" and "-O" flags
they were set when apache was compiled. You should not use them since they
are controlled by so.debug and so.optimize properties)
This is needed because apacheConfig, that will extract those options from
is not yet working and if you want to compile with the same options as the
configure method you need to extract them manually from apxs.

After this from jk dir just run

 ant native

*** mod_jk2, ant method ***
Running ant native actually builds both mod_jk and mod_jk2.
For jk2 there would be no need to add
line into build.properties nor to modify native2/build.xml because into it
already are steps necessary to guess os and set the necessary includes, but
since the native target is always executed before you need to add this

Otherwise you can split the native target as follows





The same consideration apply to the -DBSD_COMP option added to the
build.native.extra_cflags property. It is only needed to compile jk2 but
without splitting the native target you need to set it also when compiling

To conclude, if i'm allowed to make