Tomcat with JBoss/Tomcat

2003-09-29 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I have an application running quite happily under Tomcat 4.1.24.  I have
been informed that it is desired to run an instance of JBoss with Tomcat
(3.2.1) on the same machine for some other development. Has anyone had
any experience doing this kind of thing - in other words, do Tomcat and
JBoss/Tomcat, as 2 different processes, "play nice", or does one of the
two processes have a problem (as in, is one a "resource hog") when the
other is used? Are there some system conflicts that need to be resolved

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re:crypto problem

2003-08-25 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Maxime Colas des Francs wrote:

> I attempt to use openpgp in my web application
> For that i use an external provider.
> I put jar files in WEB-INF/lib and in a 'load-on-startup' servlet, i call
> Security.addProvider() and i read a public key from a file for futur
> encryptions.
> I start tomcat manually (with and it works, i encrypt
> but my problem is :
> when application restart "not manually", by class modified or by manager
> application stop & start request,
> my 'load-on-startup' servlet is re-executed, and freeze when public key is
> reading ...
> and in my catalina.out i find this :
> Algorithm ElGamal not available
>  at javax.crypto.SunJCE_b.a(DashoA6275)
>  at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(DashoA6275)
>  at cryptix.openpgp.algorithm.PGPElGamal.(
>  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
> Method)
>  at
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>  at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>  at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>  at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.algorithm.PGPAlgorithmFactory.getPublicKeyAlgorithm(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.packet.PGPKeyPacket.decodePublicData(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.packet.PGPPublicSubKeyPacket.decodeBody(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.packet.PGPPacketFactory.readPacket(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.provider.PGPKeyBundleFactory.helper(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.provider.PGPMessageFactory.generateBinary(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.provider.PGPMessageFactory.generateAscii(
>  at
> cryptix.openpgp.provider.PGPMessageFactory.engineGenerateMessages(
>  at
> cryptix.message.MessageFactory.generateMessages(
>  at pkg.SetupServlet.init(
>  at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(
>  at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
>  at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(
>  at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.reload(
>  at
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader$
>  at
> so initialisation failed and i have to restart tomcat manually (so all
> other web applications in the container)
> someone can help me ?

I hope I can...

What JDK version are you using, 1.3 or 1.4? 1.4 didn't like it when I
had a "Security.addProvider()" line in my code. You might check out the
cryptography forum at  - that was VERY helpful to

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: maxThreads

2003-08-18 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Ben Ricker wrote:
> Running against a database? Are you pooling the connections? We hit
> maxthreads when either the DB is messed up (i.e., someone locks a table)
> or before, when the programmers forgot to run socket_close() on the DB
> connection, thereby returning it to the pool.

Why, yes I am going against a database - we could never get Tomcat
connection pooling working right with it, so we went with just internal
(Ingres db) connection pooling. I don't know a whole lot about that, as
that's not the primary app I work on - it's kind of been just "there",
if you know what I mean, but now that you mention it, I think someone
might be able to lock a table - I'll have to look into that. Forgive me
for showing my ignorance, but is socket_close() a Java routine? I don't
think I've seen that before - we probably call it something different.
Is it anything like invalidating a session?

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-08-18 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Halstead, Chris wrote:

> The first thing you need is a thread dump of the Tomcat process at the time you are 
> experiencing > all threads busy.  You are 100% correct in your assumption that 
> raising maxThreads will just  > delay the inevitable.  Once you have a thread 
> dump you can investigate what section of code has  > all of your threads blocked.  
> Until then it's all just speculation...

Thank you! I'll try that! I did that once before, when I was testing
things..."kill -3 " was it? (I'm on a Solaris box) I *hope* I wrote
that down!

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-08-18 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I am getting this message in my catalina.out file: "SEVERE: All threads
are busy, waiting. Please increase maxThreads or check the servlet
status500 500"; I have no idea why all threads would be busy and

In the standard distribution of Tomcat 4.1.24, the value of maxThreads
is 75; this number (in the  element would cause Tomcat to
"shut down" after a couple of hours on my moderately busy server. It was
suggested to me that I raise this value, but all it appears to have done
is delay the inevitable stopping of Tomcat once all the threads were
busy and waiting; but I thought that Tomcat recycled threads, no? What
are the threads waiting for to tell them to stop waiting? How can I get
them to "move on"?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: connectionTimeout

2003-08-14 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Bill Barker wrote:

> It depends on which  you are using.  The value of "0" is
> simply
> that both the Http-Coyote and the Jk-Coyote would both behave as the
> docs
> describe for "-1".

Yes, Coyote was what I was thinking of.

> For the Jk-Coyote Connector, you usually want the connectionTimeout
> disabled, or at least set to a large value (e.g. 5min).  The mod_jk
> module
> will reuse the connection for different requests, so the only reason
> to have
> a connectionTimeout at all is to free up Threads after a peak-request
> spike.
> I've got a Linux 7.x box configured this way, but on my Solaris boxes
> I
> always disable 'connectionTimeout'.

This brings up an interesting point. Is this parameter akin to Apache's
"TimeOut" directive? If so, then would it not be a problem if you had
the Tomcat connectionTimeout set to some low value (let's say, 1 min)
and Apache TimeOut set to the default (5 min)? I would think Apache
would pass a request along after, say 4 min, but Tomcat would've timed
out, no? Or are they not related as I'm thinking?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Problem in Integrating Tomcat with Apache

2003-08-14 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
John Turner wrote:

> "localhost" is a distinct virtual host name that ONLY WORKS ON THE LOCAL
> "some.ip.address" is a distinct virtual host name, just like "localhost"
> or "".  If you don't have that IP address set up as a
> hostname in Apache's httpd.conf and Tomcat's server.xml, you will not
> get a successful request. thing that was never clear to me - are you saying that you
need to have BOTH "localhost" AND the IP address set up as hostnames in
httpd.conf and server.xml? If there's no "localhost" defined, are there
some particular repercussions?


Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-08-06 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I am still looking for information about the "connectionTimeout"
attribute of a element in server.xml, past what's in Tomcat's
Server Configuration Reference; from what I've read, the default value
is 6 (milliseconds), but the server.xml that came with the 4.1.24
that I downloaded is set to "0". Is there a reason for this? Does "0" do
anything special? According to the sample server.xml, "-1" disables
connection timeouts - under what situations would I want to do that? 

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Connection Pooling HELP

2003-08-04 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Gregg Bolinger wrote:

> I am trying to get connection pooling working with Tomcat 4.1.24-LE.
> Below is some relevant code.  Tomcat starts up just fine.  I have all my
> JAR files I need in the right place.  If I create my own connection
> using JDBC it all works just fine.  But using a connection pool is
> failing.  The error message is after all the code.

>And I get this error message
>javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance
>at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
>at AddReference.processRequest(
>at AddReference.doPost(
>at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

This may not help, but I have heard of this happening when some needed
.jars were missing from CATALINA_HOME/common/lib - in particular,
commons-dbcp.jar and commons-pool.jar.

Lynn Hollerman.

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connection pooling - user vs. username

2003-08-04 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
A question regarding Tomcat connection pooling - according to the JNDI
Datasource HOW-TO, the parameter for username should be placed in the
 section thusly:



But I've also seen this parameter also called just "user". According to
the docs, "Resource parameters are defined by name, and the precise set
of parameter names supported depend upon the resource manager (or object
factory) you are using - they must match the names of settable JavaBeans
properties on the corresponding factory class." This would seem to say
that it makes a difference whether "user" or "username" is used, but
I've seen working examples where either "user" or "username" is used,
and the same object factory is used. Which is it? I tried looking at the
API and didn't find an answer - anyone?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: connection pooling and server.xml

2003-08-01 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Bill2 wrote:

> I am using Tomcat 4.0.4, MySQL Max 3.23.51 on Linux 7.2 and
> mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar.  I got it to work in my
> development environment NetBeans 3.5, but when I put it on the
> production server by changing the server.xml file as instructed at:
> Tomcat doesn't  even start.
> I have looked in the log files for startup errors, server.xml parsing
> errors, etc. but can't find any.  Any ideas on what is going wrong or
> how to figure out what it doesn't like about the server.xml file?

I'm not familiar with NetBeans, but can you verify that Tomcat is indeed
running in both environments - say without pooling? When you try to
start it in production, is anything happening to your catalina.out file?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Problem confinguring MySQL JNDI Datasource RH Linux 7.2

2003-08-01 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Scott Stewart wrote:
> Well, at first glance it appears that you are using an incorrectly named
> parameter for the DataSource implementation that you are now using.  The
> link you provided states that you need to provide a parameter named "user";
> however, you are still using the "username" parameter that I provided in my
> example.  Try changing this to "user".

I had a question about this very thing - I noticed the same difference
and was about to ask if it mattered, since this is a  and not
an element itself. I went to the on-line Tomcat JNDI Datasource HOW-T),
and it was given as "username" there, and in a message from someone
saying that he'd verified that his server.xml was doing connection
pooling, it was also "username". I don't have the source code, and I'm
no XML guru - but does it matter?


Lynn Hollerman.

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RE: Problem confinguring MySQL JNDI Datasource RH Linux 7.2

2003-07-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Scott Stewart wrote:

> You certainly can define your MySQL JNDI Datasource within the
>  node in server.xml.  This is how I have it set up
> currently and everything works fine (I am running Tomcat 4.1.24).  I sent
> the following out the other day in response to a different thread, but it
> applies here as well:
> Context reference to global DataSource
> --
>   type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

I had seen several messages that said a MySQL JNDI datasource needed to
be in its own ; however, none of them mentioned the
 element - and as a matter of fact, I was just looking at
the "official" definition of that, as someone else sent me a server.xml
with that in it and I wasn't sure what it was doing. Your example makes
it clearer.

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Problem confinguring MySQL JNDI Datasource RH Linux 7.2

2003-07-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman

> I have followed instructions provided for configuring JNDI Datasource for MySQL 
> (,
>  and am running into problem on RedHat Linux 7.2.
> Here is my configuration:
> RedHat Linux 7.2 (kernel-2.4.7-10)
> Tomcat 4.1.24 (Clean install)
> MySQL 4.0.12
> Using mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar (driver installed in 
> $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/)
> I copied the example code straight from the URL and made following change to DBTest 
> context for >my system and mysql driver.
> !-- Class name for mm.mysql JDBC driver -->
> driverClassName
> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
> url
> jdbc:mysql:// system>:3306/javatest?autoReconnect=true
> I get following error in catalina.out when bringing up test.jsp that uses the 
> datasource.
> DBCP borrowObject failed: java.sql.SQLException: Server connection failure 
> during >transaction.
> Does any one have any advice on what may be wrong?
> I have successfully configured Tomcat 4.1.24 using the JNDI datasource howto example 
> code on >Windows 2000 using mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar, with MySQL 
> 3.23.44.

Is that server.xml snippet in  or its own
? It needs to be in its own . Also, where are your
username and password defined? I'm using 4.1.24, and I get a message in
catalina.out if I leave those out (they should be defined in the
 as parameters). According to some other questions I've
seen about this, that error often comes up due to a permissions problem
with MySQL - does the user you're using have access rights (in MySQL)
for the db?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Does tomcat 4.1.24 come with conf files?

2003-07-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman

> I have decided to start over so I went to the Jakarta website and downloaded
> tomcat 4.1.24 and the conf directory is empty - is it suppose to be this way?

This is what you will see if you use the un-tar that comes with Solaris.
You have to use the GNUtar program to un-tar the file. Try it, and
you'll see the /conf stuff.

Lynn Hollerman.

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"starting background thread"

2003-07-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
When I was running Tomcat 4.0.4, I would get messages like the subject
line in my log file - I see a  element was set up in server.xml
to create the log file each day. However, I've upgraded to 4.1.24, and I
don't see these messages anymore; I thought I had figured out how to get
them created, but putting in a  element like I had in the
server.xml for 4.0.4 resulted in the log file having plenty of
information about the headers and data being served. I thought perhaps I
needed to add a "verbosity" attribute as described in Tomcat's Server
Configuration Reference, but that didn't have the effect I wanted ( I
set verbosity="4"). I'd imagine there were other ways of getting the
information on the starting and stopping of each thread, but it was nice
to have that info in a file I could refer to - especially when trying to
figure out what caused a server crash over a long weekend! I can get
along without that information in the logs, but does anyone know if it's
just a matter of changing some setting to get that printed out?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: [Fatal Error] :2:5118: Content is not allowed in trailing section.

2003-07-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Venkatesh K. Kesavan wrote:
>   I have been using tomcat 4.0 till date and recently I upgraded to
> 4.1.24. My application is working in 4.1.24 but tomcat server screen
> shows the error "[Fatal Error] :2:5118: Content is not allowed in
> trailing section."  whenever I open any jsp.(error repeated till the
> jsp
> is completely displayed in the browser). I don't get this error in
> tomcat 4.0. Why is this error due to? How do I correct it? Thanks in
> advance for your help.

We recently moved from 4.0.4 to 4.1.24 and got a similar error - but
after some research, I found that error was due to another upgrade we
did, from JDK 1.4.1 to JDK 1.4.2. The main app we use uses a lot of XML,
and we needed a newer version of xalan.jar (I think 2.5.1 was the one we
needed)(got it from the site) to put in
{CATALINA_HOME}/lib/endorsed. This *might* fix your problem...

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-07-28 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I have a question about the "connectionTimeout" attribute of a
 element in server.xml; from what I've read, the default
value is 6 (milliseconds), but the server.xml that came with the
4.1.24 that I downloaded is set to "0". Is there a reason for this? Does
"0" do anything special? According to the sample server.xml, "-1"
disables connection timeouts - under what situations would I want to do

Lynn Hollerman.

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"starting background thread"

2003-07-17 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
When I was running Tomcat 4.0.4, I would get messages like the subject
line in my log file - I see a  element was set up in server.xml
to create the log file each day. However, I've upgraded to 4.1.24, and I
don't see these messages anymore; I thought I had figured out how to get
them created, but putting in a  element like I had in the
server.xml for 4.0.4 resulted in the log file having plenty of
information about the headers and data being served. I thought perhaps I
needed to add a "verbosity" attribute as described in Tomcat's Server
Configuration Reference, but that didn't have the effect I wanted ( I
set verbosity="4"). I'd imagine there were other ways of getting the
information on the starting and stopping of each thread, but it was nice
to have that info in a file I could refer to - especially when trying to
figure out what caused a server crash over a long weekend! I can get
along without that information in the logs, but does anyone know if it's
just a matter of changing some setting to get that printed out?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: problem going from 4.0.4 -> 4.1.24

2003-07-08 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Geralyn M Hollerman wrote:
> I am trying to migrate my applications from using Tomcat 4.0.4 to using
> Tomcat 4.1.24; I *thought* I had everything configured correctly so the
> behavior on 4.1.24 would be the same as on 4.0.4, but that's not what
> I'm seeing. There aren't any errors in any of the many logs that I'm
> generating, so I'm not sure where else to look.
> What I had set up in 4.0.4 was for one of my applications to be the
> default application - and in server.xml (of 4.0.4), all I needed to do
> for that was in the  element for that application - make it
>  . However, if I do that in
> 4.1.24, I get the standard Tomcat install page, minus the images, which
> are expected to be in the same directory. I have to specify "/MyApp" on
> the address line to get MyApp to display. Any ideas as to what I'm doing
> wrong?
> Something else that I'd think would be related - I noticed in 4.0.4 that
> the Tomcat install page was called "index.html", and it was in
> /webapps/ROOT, but in 4.1.24, that same file was called "index.jsp". To
> make things the same, I renamed the file to .html, but the browser's
> address line shows that "index.jsp" is being served, even tho the same
> file is displayed. Why?

Answering my own question (I think - I may've caused more problems):

The whole problem I was having here, going from 4.0.4 to 4.1.24, seemed
nothing but weird and counter to the way Tomcat usually works, and to me
that means that there's something else wrong that I haven't thought of.
Well, after staring for a while at another version of server.xml, the
comment popped out at me that my defaultHost name (in )had to
match the name in the ServerName directive in Apache; at the time, I
just thought that was something more I needed to double-check. So I
looked at my httpd.conf - the ServerName was defined as "myserver:80",
whereas in the Tomcat 4.1.24 server.xml, it was just "myserver". So I
added the ":80" to the name in server.xml and restarted - and then
everything worked as I expected it to! (But the jury is still out as to
whether or not this caused other problems!) 

Lynn Hollerman.

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problem going from 4.0.4 -> 4.1.24

2003-07-08 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I am trying to migrate my applications from using Tomcat 4.0.4 to using
Tomcat 4.1.24; I *thought* I had everything configured correctly so the
behavior on 4.1.24 would be the same as on 4.0.4, but that's not what
I'm seeing. There aren't any errors in any of the many logs that I'm
generating, so I'm not sure where else to look. 

What I had set up in 4.0.4 was for one of my applications to be the
default application - and in server.xml (of 4.0.4), all I needed to do
for that was in the  element for that application - make it
 . However, if I do that in
4.1.24, I get the standard Tomcat install page, minus the images, which
are expected to be in the same directory. I have to specify "/MyApp" on
the address line to get MyApp to display. Any ideas as to what I'm doing

Something else that I'd think would be related - I noticed in 4.0.4 that
the Tomcat install page was called "index.html", and it was in
/webapps/ROOT, but in 4.1.24, that same file was called "index.jsp". To
make things the same, I renamed the file to .html, but the browser's
address line shows that "index.jsp" is being served, even tho the same
file is displayed. Why?

Lynn Hollerman.

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RE: connection pooling - how to verify it's in use

2003-07-02 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Gregory, Carlton wrote:
> Are you trying to see the (total connections available -- total connections
> used) info?

No. All I want to do is be able to show someone that connection pooling
is indeed being used, rather than what we've been using to connect to a
database. I can have a message printed out that a connection has been
made, sure, but that doesn't prove that the I'm actually doing
connection pooling.  I was thinking perhaps there was an entry made in,
say, catalina.out if some setting were altered?

Lynn Hollerman.

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connection pooling - how to verify it's in use

2003-07-02 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I have a question about connection pooling I can't seem to answer after
reading the Tomcat FAQ or either JNDI HOW-TO. I'm using TC 4.1.24 and
have followed all the instructions on setting up a connection pool thru
Tomcat for an application (this one uses an EDBC driver) - and I can see
how I can verify that it gets a connection to the database. But I'm not
sure just how to tell that it's using a connection pool(I've been known
to screw-up in reverse); is there some setting in server.xml that would
allow me to see that the connections are using a pool?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: tomcat-user Digest 1 Jul 2003 20:23:51 -0000 Issue 3015

2003-07-01 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Eric J. Pinnell wrote:
> > I could be was my understanding that JK2 was only supported by
> > CoyoteConnector.  Since both, I believe, use the AJP13 protocol, I guess
> > its possible that Ajp13Connector could/would/might work.  I know more about
> > what DOES work than what DOESN'T work. ;)
> It works *sorta*.  It connects and passes data but some freakish things
> happen once in a while.  We had a problem with this configuration (JK2 to
> Ajp13Connector, that was put in by mistake) and it would do stuff like
> forget to pass HTTP headers every so often.  Wierd stuff like that.

Freakish things once in while? Weird stuff? Sounds like what's happening
to us...this is with TC 4.0.4 that I have Ajp13Connector with JK2 - I
also have a TC 4.1.24 with CoyoteConnector/JK2 running in test and would
like to move to that one. Do you have any strange error messages showing
up in your Apache log that could be connected to this? 

More importantly, to "fix" this, was it just a matter of substituting
"Coyote" for "Ajp13" in server.xml, or was there more to it?


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: mod jk2 problem, segmetation fault

2003-07-01 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
> John Turner wrote:
> Tomcat comes with a JK2 compatible connector enabled by default on
> port
> 8009.  The class name for this connector is CoyoteConnector.
> Ajp13Connector is for JK and is incompatible with will never
> work.

Whoa! I couldn't get the CoyoteConnector to work with 4.0.4 (I got
errors in catalina.out about the CoyoteConnector not being found), but
the Ajp13Connector behaved fine with JK2 - at least I *thought* - we
*have* had some odd things going on with Tomcat 4.0.4 lately, but
attributed that to trying too many upgrades at one time (like JDK 1.3 ->
JDK 1.4, upgrade of an EDBC driver) as we didn't see anything obvious in
any Tomcat or Apache logs...I can see (thru "ps -ef") when Tomcat and/or
Apache are/is running, and from the messages in the various logs, it
appears things are working right, but...what would I see that might tell
me that there was a problem with Ajp13Connector?


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Deployment of WAR-files

2003-06-24 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Phillip Qin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - compile your code
> - create a context.xml in META-INF
> - make the war
> - use tomcat manager to deploy
> To prevent war from expanding, set unpackWar to false in server.xml's Host
> element.
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: June 24, 2003 10:44 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Deployment of WAR-files
> I have a simalar problem with deployment. I refer to the .war file in the
> context yet it still gets expanded.  No matter what I do it gets expanded?
> Thanks,
> -Mark
> - Original Message -
> From: "Johannes Lietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:40 AM
> Subject: Deployment of WAR-files
> > I've got a question regarding the deployment of WAR-files in Tomcat:
> >
> > What is the right way to proceed?
> > I tried putting my WAR-file into webapps (like I would do e.g. in
> > Weblogic), but Tomcat does not recognise it, only if I go to the
> > manager-app and use its install feature.
> >
> > Are there any tutorials or workflow descriptions for this?

If I might add to this discussion - something I've found on both a PC
and a Solaris system - if I'm not using the Tomcat manager to deploy an
application, I not only have to restart Tomcat, I have to restart my
whole system - or maybe I'm not being technically precise here; I have
to log out and back in on Solaris, reboot the PC. THEN the .wars I put
in /webapps will expand (unpack) and deploy with the start-up of Tomcat.
All the docs I've read say to "just drop the .war in /webapps and
restart Tomcat" but that never worked for me...

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-06-23 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I am currently using Tomcat 4.0.4 and Apache 2.0.46 and the mod_jk2
connector. As I understand it, a client request comes in to port 80,
which Apache is listening on, and if necessary, it passes the request on
to Tomcat via the mod_jk2 connector. Now, I'd like to implement SSL -
but I'm not sure just how to interpret what the FAQs and HOW-TOs are
telling me - I *think* what they're saying is that I should let Apache
take care of SSL and configure Apache for - as in, for mod_ssl. But the
Tomcat docs talk about un-commenting the SSL  element in
server.xml - do I need to do that as well? How does that work, then,
with 2  - how are Apache and Tomcat joined?

And if I have Apache and Tomcat interfaced, just what do I need to do
for Tomcat when implementing SSL? The Tomcat SSL HOW-TO appears to be
talking about using Tomcat as a standalone - or maybe I'm not reading it
Lynn Hollerman.

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Re:error when shutting down tomcat

2003-06-04 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Sandeep wrote:
> i hav installed tomcat on a hp-ux server. i hav abs no probs using it. but
> it gives an error when i shut it down using ./ after 2 or 3
> tries it shuts down properly. the error msg is as follows :-
> $./
> Using CATALINA_BASE:   /home/sandeep/tom/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24
> Using CATALINA_HOME:   /home/sandeep/tom/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24
> Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/sandeep/tom/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/temp
> Using JAVA_HOME:   /home/sandeep/java1.3
> Catalina.stop: Connection refused
> Connection refused
> at Method)
> at Source)
> at Source)
> at Source)
> at Source)
> at Source)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.stop(
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
> $./
> shuts down after 2-3 tries.

I have this exact same problem - on a Solaris 8 system running Tomcat
4.0.4. I thought this error might be somewhere in, as that's
what does the " stop", but I also see it using just I'm not sure what "Connection refused" indicates - is it a
timing problem? Can this error be safely disregarded? As Sandeep
mentions, there are no problems (that I can see) with running Tomcat,
just this error on shutdown.


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Tomcat problems every morning.

2003-06-03 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
"Januski, Ken" wrote:
> For what it's worth I use Tomcat 4.0 and mySQL in production environment and
> don't have any of the aforementioned problems. I DO restart mySQL from
> script on daily basis but I never had any problems that caused me to do so.
> I just wanted a daily backup of the database and daily transactions and for
> me the simplest way to do it was to just stop the service, do whatever I
> needed and then restart. But I had no problems before I switched to the
> daily restart.

That is exactly the case for me. We have a 4.0.4 version of Tomcat
running here with no problems like I've been describing - those problems
are limited to 4.1.x versions that I've tried. 
Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Tomcat problems every morning.

2003-06-03 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Chong Yu Meng wrote:

> You could write a small program (not a servlet) that polls the database
> (i.e. connect to the database, retrieve some data, disconnect) at
> regular intervals and records to a file both successes and failures.
> Then maybe trigger a server reboot when it detects a connection problem.
> This will add some overhead to both your app server and database server,
> so, be advised. You could run this for a couple of days, just enough to
> collect data to show to the DBA's.

For the stuff I'm working with, *I'm* the DBA. I thought about trying
just what you suggested, but what stopped me was when we had a 4.0.x
version of Tomcat running on another server and it didn't display any of
the "Communication Link Failure" problems I saw; this all cropped up
when I first got my hands on a copy of 4.1.12. I noticed that 4.1.12 was
the first version I had where Tomcat did the connection pooling as well,
although I didn't *think* I was using it - maybe I'd best take a closer
look at that part of the docs!

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: JK2 apache2 log errors

2003-05-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Michael Cardon wrote:
> What does it mean when it says, "Can't find child 2954 in scoreboard?"  Is
> the 'scoreboard' have something to do with the shm.file?

As far as I know, no, the two aren't related. My sysadmin had commented
the stuff about a Scoreboard directive in httpd.conf out, and I'm not
sure if I understand what it's intended to be used for. Perhaps there is
someone out there more familiar with it?


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: JK2 apache2 log errors

2003-05-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Michael Cardon wrote:
> Can anyone explain the following errors to me?  This is from the error_log
> file of the httpd (apache2) server.
> [Fri May 30 12:24:12 2003] [error] jk2_init() Can't find child 2954 in
> scoreboard
> [Fri May 30 12:24:12 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok
> /etc/httpd/conf/
> [Fri May 30 12:24:12 2003] [error] mod_jk child init 1 -2
> [Fri May 30 12:24:12 2003] [error] jk2_init() Can't find child 2956 in
> scoreboard

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I saw the same thing on my Solaris box
using jk2; I  *think* you can safely disregard that "mod_jk child init 1
-2". As far as that jk2_init goes, I would get that if I started up
Apache before Tomcat had completed starting - I just got used to doing
something else in between the start of one and the start of the other to
avoid that error...

Lynn Hollerman.

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Apache 2.0.45/Tomcat4.0.4/mod_jk/ajp13 - I got it to work!!

2003-05-31 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Whew! It's all over now but the documentation...

After over a week of scouring the Net, reading documentation over and
over to grasp any possible subtleties, and basically trying anything I
could think of, I have at last gotten my Apache to talk to my Tomcat via
mod_jk - I know yesterday I posted where I was trying mod_jk2, but since
I couldn't get that to even serve static pages and mod_jk WOULD, I
decided to try mod_jk again. So I went back thru my configs and re-set
everything to the way I'd first tried it, and I got to the same point -
in using the Tomcat /examples, I could get static pages (like .html) to
display, but .jsps and servlets would give me 400 (Bad Request) remarks
in my apache log 

For some reason, I happened to stare at a comment in my server.xml file

this was right before where the  element is for the Tomcat
Standalone engine. When I re-read it, something in me said "Of course!
You fool, you haven't told the  that's doing the ajp13 stuff
which host to use, you haven't given it any s, how is that part
of Tomcat supposed to know what to do when it's handed a request?!" I
copied all the stuff from my  element and below, to its ,
in the Standalone Tomcat engine (which I'm using on port 8080, just to
make sure I can still "see" stuff thru Tomcat) to beneath the definition
of the Tomcat-Apache engine where the ajp13 stuff was used. I restarted
Tomcat, then Apache, and the example servlets and .jsps now executed!

Ok, now that I know more about Apache, Tomcat, mod_jk, mod_jk2, and
ajp13 than I ever wanted to...

I'm not in a mood right now to see how mod_jk2 works in the mix...maybe
later - I don't want to tempt fate right now. But I'm pretty confident
that now it'll also work fine.

Thanks to all those who have put up with me and helped me with my
trials! I will try and return the favor - just ask!

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: How to create directories unser webapps?

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
John Turner wrote:
> This only works if you allow symbolic links (not recommended).  In recent
> versions of Tomcat, you have to explicitly define symbolic links as being
> "OK"...they are disabled by default.

I didn't realize is there a better (recommended) way to refer
to a directory ouside of the Tomcat context?


Lynn Hollerman.

---Original Message---

> On Thu, 29 May 2003 10:32:02 -0500, Geralyn M Hollerman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > stephanj wrote:
> >> Is it not possible to create directories to organize your users with
> >> Tomcat?
> >
> > I *think* I understand what you want to do...we needed something
> > similar, so we created a directory outside of the Tomcat context and
> > then, in the /Tomcat/webapps directory, put a symbolic link to that
> > directory outside of Tomcat (call it /New). Now we can access /New by
> > pointing to http://hostname:8080/New - this is along with a similar
> >  statement in server.xml. I hope this is what you had in mind!

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Re: Need Help in clearing my doubts

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Joe wrote:
> According to one of the mail which I have received, I saw him putting
> this in apache : httpd.conf:
>   JkWorkersFile
> /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/conf/
>   JkLogFile /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/logs/mod_jk.log
>   JkLogLevel debug
>   JkOptions +ForwardDirectories
>   Alias /examples /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/webapps/examples
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride None
> deny from all
> I tried putting the same thing into my httpd.conf, and now accessing the
> example folder on port 80 works!.

'gmh2441' is me! That was an effort of mine, based on something I'd read
- I've been to John Turner's site and tried his HOW-TO, but since we
weren't using the exact same versions, I wasn't sure whether it would
work or not. What I have read since, in an Apache-Tomcat book at a local
bookstore, was that I needed that  entry in there. It works
for you? That's GREAT! It didn't for me - but then again, there may've
been something else unintended in there - I'll have to look again. I can
get static files to display, but I can't get .jsps or .class files to
execute - I see from my apache log that every request gets a 400 (bad
request) response.

> My question is :
> 1) Based on the above config, it is asking apache to 're-direct' this
> folder to the tomcat container and thus run on it. In that case, is
> apache pushing all the jobs to tomcat instead?. What if some of the
> files in this folder contains some html and is tomcat or apache
> processing it??

I think there was a "JkMount" directive after all that - I believe that
would decide which files go to Apache and which to Tomcat.

> 2) Secondly, if I were to have more folders which I need to publish on
> the web, does it mean that I have to add or of it on this config file in
> order for it to work?

Try this URL for the answer to this - it's a sample mod_jk.conf file
from John Turner.


Basically, if I understand your question right, the answer is yes.
> 3) I would appreciate if there are some kind soul could give me some URL
> on how to utilize apache tomcat to process both static and jsp content.

Well, for starters, John Turner's site ( was
excellent; there were some answers at the apache site
(; some more good advice at; and at There was
also something I found useful, about mod_jk2, at But the main thing I found
was that about every site I went to, I had to REALLY look around to find
what I needed - and more often than not, I had to settle for a partial
answer to any question I had.


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Apache2/Tomcat/mod_jk2/ajp13

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
At 04:51 PM 5/29/2003 -0700,  Vincent J. Buonassisi wrote:
>i wish i could better help you but i am having problems as well in trying 
>to get these components working together.  but, i will try to give you 
>meager comments based on my reading/experience.

Thanks! I appreciate it - it seems I have read so many different views
what to do for this, I'm never sure if I'm understanding everything I
the way it was meant! It's good to hear from someone who is going thru
same thing I am!

>one question: were you able to get rid of the mod_jk2 error at startup in 
>apache ([error] mod_jk child init 1 0) that you wrote about earlier?

Not today, no. I never got a response to the question about it, but I
it wasn't hurting anything - at least that I could see. Maybe that's the 
source of all my problems? I don't know!

>i believe that the file jk2.socket should be created on the tomcat side 
>when tomcat starts up and reads the file (i think that the 
>file is read if you have defined a jk2 connector in the server.xml 
>file).  however, i see that you have the line for creating this socket 
>commented out and you also don't list the unix domain socket (channelUnix) 
>in the handler list handler.list.

I read that the jk2.socket file was created by Tomcat - but I thought
see a sample one SOMEWHERE. Where did I define the file? 
Hmm, I can't remember right off, but that location sounds right. I
familiar with the notion of a UNIX domain socket, and I didn't come
that until late in my reading, so I don't think that part is vital, as
as TCP/IP sockets are used by default, and of course both Tomcat and
have the same references in their configs.

>have you looked at all of the tomcat log files (catalina.out, etc) to see 
>if there are any errors?  i've noticed that errors will not be identified 
>w/ an 'error' tag but will be embedded in w/ the rest of the informational 
>logging messages.

Is there some way of getting more informational messages (like adding a 
timestamp) into catalina.out? I haven't looked at that all that much,
about all I see is stuff like "Starting service Tomcat Apache" - it'd be 
nice(and helpful) to see more info! I *think* I'm looking at the right'd be nice if there was a log for mod_jk2, tho I did see how to 
define a "status" worker for it to prove to me that mod_jk2 was ok...

>i have not tried using tcp/ip sockets to see if i get the same results 
>that you do.  but, i will try it to see if i get better results.

Like I mentioned, I didn't use UNIX sockets as I didn't see them
until late in my reading. UNIX sockets are supposed to be  much, much 
faster than TCP/IP sockets and are supposed to offer better performance
well, without this working as it is supposed to, I can't confirm that as 
being true or false!

Now, I have also tried mod_jk; using that gets rid of that first
we were talking about (which is something I don't understand - I get the 
error with mod_jk*2*, but the error itself refers to "mod_jk" - did
just forget to update the error message?), and I get a little further -
in, instead of getting a blank page and an 400 (bad request) message in
apache log, I get a static page (usually a .html page, like index.html
the Tomcat examples), and then the 400 message in the log when I go to 
execute a .jsp or a .class file.

I think I've beaten server.xml and httpd.conf about to death; maybe
something in, say, web.xml that I need to be looking at?

Thanks for the reply!

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I want to connect Apache and Tomcat.

The versions I have available to me are:

Apache 2.0.45
Tomcat 4.0.4

I have tried both mod_jk and mod_jk2 with no success. 

I have read several FAQs, HOW-TOs and other documents on the Web and
read countless messages about doing this.

In my server.xml, I am using Ajp13Connector, as I get a "ClassNotFound"
in catalina.out if I try and use the CoyoteConnector.

As I understand from what I have read, for mod_jk I would need to create
a file and put this in my {Tomcat}/conf directory -
this is all it contains: -
worker.ajp13.type=ajp13 -

Then I would have to make some modifications to the Apache httpd.conf
file, like so:

---from httpd.conf ---
  JkLogFile /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/logs/mod_jk.log
  JkLogLevel debug
  JkOptions +ForwardDirectories
  Alias /examples /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/webapps/examples
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None
deny from all

  JkMount /examples/jsp/* ajp13
---from httpd.conf 

I tried this, using mod_jk v. 1.2.3; if I browsed to, I would get the index.html
that displays the list of examples, and I could view their source code.
However, if I clicked on the "Execute" link (any one), I would get the
source code for the .jsp that was supposed to be executed. I tried some
variations on the JkMount directive, but nothing would make the .jsp be
executed. I couldn't find anything on the Net about my particular
combination of Tomcat and Apache, but I did read that mod_jk2 was
supposed to be a complete re-write of mod_jk, so I thought I'd try that

In looking around the Web for info for jk2, I found a document on
intergrating Apache 2.0.39, Tomcat 4.0.4, and mod_jk2; I followed this
to the letter the best I could. It agreed with another message I read
about how with Apache 2 it was possible to either embed your mod_jk2
configurationinto httpd.conf or use seperate files for it - the person
writing the document said that none of his mod_jk2 configuration was
embedded in his httpd.conf, so that he wouldn't need to reformat the
configs if he needed to change to another version of Tomcat. The only
modification to his httpd.conf file was the line

LoadModule jk2_module modules/

For mod_jk2, this jk2 configuration was done using 2 files, and goes in the {Tomcat}/conf directory, while goes in {Apache}/conf. is supposed to
allow you to "override and set various values on the tomcat side of
mod_jk2" - here's what mine looked like: ---
#list of needed handlers

#Set the derault port for the channelSocket

#Information about a UNIX domain socket - we don't have this.
Supposedly, the 
#UNIX domain socket is used for speed only
#if this is used, add "channelUnix" to the handler.list above

#Dynamic library

# This will enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2
apr.jniModeSo=/opt/apache/modules/ ---

And here begin my questions.

- I cannot find a "jk2.socket" file anywhere - is this somewhere in the
Tomcat configs?

- notice the directory "/apache" - this is acutally a symbolic link (I'm
on a UNIX system) - the directory is actually called "httpd-2.0.45" -
I've tried using the different names for it, and it doesn't seem to
matter - or does it?

- as far as the UNIX domain socket and dynamic library go, the document
said that without the dynamic library section the UNIX domain socket
would fail, but a regular TCP/IP socket would still work. but UNIX
domain sockets were much, much faster. So does that mean I should
removed the part about the dynamic library if I'm using TCP/IP sockets?

Here is, found in {Apache}/conf ---

# Example socket channel
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

#Needed for UNIX domain socket - but we don't have that

# define the worker
#This uses the TCP/IP socket instead of the UNIX domain socket
#Uncomment the next line to use the UNIX domain socket


Re: How to create directories unser webapps?

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
stephanj wrote:
> Is it not possible to create directories to organize your users with Tomcat?

I *think* I understand what you want to do...we needed something
similar, so we created a directory outside of the Tomcat context and
then, in the /Tomcat/webapps directory, put a symbolic link to that
directory outside of Tomcat (call it /New). Now we can access /New by
pointing to http://hostname:8080/New - this is along with a similar
 statement in server.xml. I hope this is what you had in mind!


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: CoyoteConnector (was Re: Access Log Valve)

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
"Shapira, Yoav" wrote:
> Howdy,
> Why not just use the latest tomcat release?  It has the CoyoteConnector
> by default.

At a later date, we may. But for right now, I would like to be able to
follow a HOW-TO that refers to uncommenting the CoyoteConnector to use
it, and uncommenting it gives me a "ClassNotFound" error about Coyote.
So is there something else I need to do to use Coyote?

Lynn Hollerman.

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CoyoteConnector (was Re: Access Log Valve)

2003-05-30 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
"Shapira, Yoav" wrote:
> Howdy,
> Just comment it in server.xml.  It's commented out by default.

Question about some of those things commented out...the reference to a
CoyoteConnector as a  element is also commented out in the
server.xml I have - and I tried un-commenting it to use CoyoteConnector;
that gave me a "ClassNotFound" error in catalina.out - is there
something more I need to do to use Coyote?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: error starting apache w/ mod_jk2

2003-05-29 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
Chong Yu Meng wrote:
> Vincent J. Buonassisi wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i am using apache 2.0.45 and tomcat 4.1.24 on redhat 8.0.  i am able
> > to start tomcat just fine and am able to connect to it thru my web
> > browser.  but, when i start up apache i get the following error:
> >
> > [Wed May 28 15:40:32 2003] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
> > digest authentication ...
> > [Wed May 28 15:40:32 2003] [notice] Digest: done
> > [Wed May 28 15:40:33 2003] [error] mod_jk child init 1 0
> > [Wed May 28 15:40:33 2003] [notice] Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)
> > configured -- resuming normal operations
> Vincent,
> That does not look like an error. An annoyance maybe. In any case, you

I hate to break in like this, but I get that error as well; I'm curious
- it doesn't seem to cause any obvious problems, but it does say
"[error]" - should I be concerned that there's something wrong that I
don't see?

Lynn Hollerman.

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