Re: suppressing white space in jsps

2001-08-22 Thread Johannes Lehtinen

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way to suppress the whitespace that is output by jsp's in 
 Tomcat/Catalina?  I have a simple jsp that generates a .csv, and sets the 
 HTTP headers so that it opens in Excel (intranet app).  Even with cramming 
 all the jsp intro stuff on one line, I still end up with one blank line as 
 the first line of output.  (actually, one newline code).

I have been using two approaches when producing output formats where extra
newlines are not allowed.

Either I leave them inside tags like...

  %@ whatever...
  %%@ whatever..
  %Here goes the first line of output

...or using comments like...

  %@ whatever... %%--
  --%%@ whatever... %%--
  --%Here goest the first line of output

I have to admit this is not very elegant so I would be happy to know of
any cleaner alternatives.

Johannes Lehtinen [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Re: Multiple Url Patterns

2001-08-21 Thread Johannes Lehtinen

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Jonathan Holloway wrote:

 My problem is that I need to access exactly the same servlet but using
 a different url pattern.
 Is it possible to deploy a servlet under two pattern. i.e. as follows 

Does it matter if you get two instances of the same servlet? If two
instances is ok then you can include two servlet/servlet sections
using the same servlet-class but different servlet-name and map these two
two different URLs.

The Deployment Descriptor DTD seems to allow only one url-pattern in
servlet-mapping (reading the servlet 2.2 spec).

Johannes Lehtinen [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Re: Running Tomcat as a nonpriviledged user

2001-08-18 Thread Johannes Lehtinen

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:

  I am starting the Tomcat from /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat script (using it in
  stand-alone mode) using exec su -c $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ tomcat.
 Seems all right for me, apart the exec command... But it really depends on
 how you installed your RC script. 

That's true, the exec is really not required. It is probably a remainder
from my earlier setups. I also left out the input/output redirection.

 Can I include it in the docs for TC4.0? With the obvious modifications, of
 course :) :) :)

Sure, it is much more convenient to point people to official docs than
resending old e-mails around :)

Johannes Lehtinen [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Running Tomcat as a nonpriviledged user

2001-08-17 Thread Johannes Lehtinen

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Doug Sparling wrote:

  I personally would never run a web app as root just
  for the black hole of security issues dealing with the outside internet.
 Do you create a 'tomcat' user? I'm assuming
 permissions or owner must be changed under

I am running Tomcat 3.2.3 as a 'tomcat' user in a 'tomcat' group. By
default, I have made all files owned by root and made them world-readable
(not writable) using something like this (as a root)

  cd .../jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3
  chown -R root:root .
  chmod -R go= .
  find . -perm -100 -exec chmod go+x \{\} \;
  find . -perm -400 -exec chmod go+r \{\} \;

Then I have done the following changes (as a root).

  cd .../jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3
  mkdir logs ; chown tomcat logs ; chmod 755 logs
  mkdir work ; chown tomcat work ; chmod 755 work
  cd conf
  touch iis_redirect.reg-auto
  chown tomcat iis_redirect.reg-auto
  touch mod_jk.conf-auto
  chown tomcat mod_jk.conf-auto
  touch obj.conf-auto
  chown tomcat obj.conf-auto
  touch tomcat-apache.conf
  chown tomcat tomcat-apache.conf
  chown tomcat

If you use conf/tomcat-users.xml for authentication (not really a good
idea if you have anything dynamic there), you most probably want to do

  chown tomcat tomcat-users.xml ; chmod 400 tomcat-users.xml

Depending on the level of paranoia you might want to do the same to some
other configuration files as well.

Note 1: You might not want to make the 'logs' directory world-readable,
again depending on the desired local security level.

Note 2: You could also place the modifiable tomcat owned directories/files
to a different location in a file system and use symbolic links in
jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3 (or tweak configuration) for clarity (I have logs -
/var/log/tomcat, for example).

The webapps have been installed as root owned, world-readable files. I
extract them by hand (doing cd webapps ; mkdir foobar ; jar xf
../foobar.war as a root). None of my webapps need write access to
anywhere else than /tmp.

I am starting the Tomcat from /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat script (using it in
stand-alone mode) using exec su -c $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ tomcat.

I hope I didn't forget anything. This works for me on a production server.
The procedure to run Tomcat as a nonpriviledged user should really be
better documented because no-one runs (well, should not run IMO) it as a
root owned daemon in a production environment.

Best regards,

Johannes Lehtinen [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Problem with security constraints on /

2001-08-16 Thread Johannes Lehtinen

Hello, Tomcat users!

Earlier this week I stumbled on the following problem. I already found a
solution to it but I am still not sure whether I had misconfigured things
or whether this is a Tomcat bug that should be filed (didn't find an
existing record). Could someone with more expertise confirm if the
following is correct behaviour according to servlet standard (short
explanation would be nice in that case). I am using Tomcat 3.2.3.

I have a servlet mapped to / (within its application context) and I have
restricted the access to / using the following webapp definition.

- clip -



- clip -

However, when I point my browser at
Tomcat lets me in without basic authentication! Now, when I do the
following modification...

- clip -
-  url-pattern//url-pattern
+  url-pattern/*/url-pattern
- clip -

...everything starts working as expected and I have to provide a user name
and password. Is this really how it is supposed to work?

Thanks for clarifications!

Johannes Lehtinen [EMAIL PROTECTED],