servlet mapping and relative path

2001-06-13 Thread Ofer Baranes

 I had some html file with relative path to images,html files .
 Then i start used servlet-mapping on web.xml and all the relative path
cause 404 error.
 I found (by enable debuging on server.xml) that the URI is missing the
'context' (which is 'gpp')
 without servlet mapping - 

2001-06-13 11:26:14 - ContextManager: ProcessRequest: R(
2001-06-13 11:26:14 - ContextManager: After processing: R( /gpp +
/html/main/blue.html + null)

 with servlet mapping   

2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: ProcessRequest: R(
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: After processing: R(  +
/html/main/blue.html + null)
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - ContextManager: No handler for request R(  +
/html/main/blue.html + null) 404
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /html/main/blue.html + null) null
2001-06-13 11:29:03 - Ctx(  ): Handler tomcat.notFoundHandler(null/null)

 Note that the request without mapping conatins the context=gpp and with
servlet mapping its miss.
Any idea ? 

RE: reload web.xml from servlet?

2001-06-12 Thread Ofer Baranes

I guess that a destroy() on the servlet should cause a new init() with the
ServletConfig as published on the web.xml.But it might be that it works only
if the container call a destroy() .

-Original Message-
From: Sebastian Schulz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 2:23 PM
Subject: reload web.xml from servlet?


is it possible to reload the servlets web.xml from a runing
servlet, so that a changed web.xml can affect the servlet
without having to restart tomcat?

many thanks in advance!


problems with sendRedirect() on relative path

2001-06-06 Thread Ofer Baranes

 I am tring to use the HttpServletResponse sendRedirect() method to show a
static page but i can't use relative path  only static path (which include
the context).The problem occure because of the default '/servlet' prefix
which is used on tomcat conf\servel.xml.This  default prefix force that each
accses to servlet will contain the /servlet on the URI.
Does anyone know how to solve that ? 

RE: problems with sendRedirect() on relative path

2001-06-06 Thread Ofer Baranes

Alex , actually i just learnd that using the RequestDispatcher is a better
solution since the response is for this request while redirct is creating
new  requestresponse.
By the way the RequestDispatch is showing static pages.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: problems with sendRedirect() on relative path

Hi Ofer!

You can specify a different context, that will not contain the /servlet
prefix. The prefix is set by context.

I don't think the suggestion that was sent before (RequestDispatcher)
will work, since it's a static page.

Un saludo,


Ofer Baranes wrote:
  I am tring to use the HttpServletResponse sendRedirect() method to show a
 static page but i can't use relative path  only static path (which include
 the context).The problem occure because of the default '/servlet' prefix
 which is used on tomcat conf\servel.xml.This  default prefix force that
 accses to servlet will contain the /servlet on the URI.
 Does anyone know how to solve that ?

problems with Tomcat 3.2.1 samples

2001-05-06 Thread Ofer Baranes

 Hi there , i install Tomcat 3.2.1 and i try to run its samples , but it

 What's wrong or miss in the next steps which i follow : 
 1 - add to my autoexec.bat :
set TOMCAT_HOME=c:\tmct321
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk13002
set PATH =
  2 - run the tomcat.bat file : 
   tomcat.bat start

  3 - open webapps\examples\servlets\index.html and hit the execute button
which fails(all the other examples failed as well)
  I haven't done any change to the server.xml.
  Am i using right the tomcat.bat ? should i use the web.xml in any way ? 

  What is wrong here ?!