Re: Problem starting TOMCAT on Win 2000

2001-06-11 Thread Shravan Shashikant

  I think you need to set the path of java in your environment variables.
The error system cannot... is generally associated with dos not finding
the executable to run the,include the jave home and tomcat home
in your PATH variable of your comp.also,i think its mentioned in the
tomcat documentation too.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Priya Gupta wrote:

I dowloaded the Tomcat 3.2.2 and unzipped all the
 files in a folder: foo\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2
I set the TOMCAT_HOME variable set
and JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.2.2
But still when I try startiing Tomcat from command
 it says The system cannot find the Path specified
Also I have copied the tools.jar file in the Path.
It would be really nice if someone can help me out
 of this!
Thank you
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Tomcat JDBC-ODBC Crashes

2001-04-30 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Hi there,
   I am using Tomcat with jdk122 on win 2000.I use MS ACcess and to
communicate with that I use the SUn jdbc-odbc bridge.The problem i'm
facing off late is that Tomcat crashes even though I close my connecitons
with the st.close() and con.close() statements.
 Are there any better odbc drivers bcos i heard that sun itself doesnt
endorse its jdbc-odbc bridge too much.Or am i facing a problem which i do
not know?
Thanks and Regards,

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing
your temper.
-- Robert Frost

Re: heavy Traffic will rise Mem usage extremly

2001-04-28 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Hi Wolle,
   Even I face the probelm you mentioned regularly.I actually have no idea
how to tackle it.I raised it a few weeks back and was suggested to move to
JDK122 but even with that I havent been able to tackle this issue.
  It would be great if anybody here has found a solution to his problem.I
have seen memory on my tomcat jvm rising to 29mb for processing of a
servlet.but even after the processing it retains the same memory,even
though i call System.gc().I dont have a clue.
Thanks and Regards,

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing
your temper.
-- Robert Frost

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Wolle wrote:

 i have testet some Servlets, and i'm prof that I give all the Readers
 and Writes free, when a error occurs, so my Servlets are mostly memory
 leak free.
 So, when I  make a big traffic to my servlets, the memory usage of
 Tomcat will rise extremly, and after that it won't give these memory
 free.And so the Server will become slow.
 Is that a error in Tomcat, or must I set some enviroment in the Tomcat
 server.xml or so ?
 I have build some extra Commands in the Serverlet to call System.gc() or
 System.runFinalization(), but no changes will occurse.
 I have read about the VM that in some VM it's normal that they give not
 all the memory free.
 W. Klum told me that you can explzit turn the JIT Compiler of , but how
 could I do this ?
 I have test it all with JDK1.3 , JDK1.3.02 (with CLIENT VM , and SERVER
  on Linux Suse 7.1 and Linux Mandrake 8.0 with Tomcat 3.2.2b2 with ajp12
 and ajp13 Protocol over mod_jk, 98 MB RAM and Apache
 1.3.17-10/mod_ssl2.7.1-0  and apache 1.3.19-3/mod_ssl 2.8.2-5.
 Every time I get the same result.
 The server will slow done with lot's of memory usage by Tomcat, the only
 way to resolve it is to restart tomcat.
 I have produce the high traffic with making a refresh very often.
 Has someone the same error, or is it still only a error on my system ?
 Please help me, it's urgent,
 thank you for inconvenience,

Cookie Problem

2001-04-25 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Hi there,
   I have a problem using Cookies in my servlet.I am able to create the
cookie and log in but then I have an option where I ask the user if he
wanst to save his password and there I write a cookie for say 9 days.But
when he wnts to logut ,I execute the following code.
 out= response.getWriter();

   HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();

for(int i=0; i  cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie thisCookie = cookies[i];
   String name = cookies[i].getName();
   String value = cookies[i].getValue();
   //out.println(   + name +  :  + value);
if (thisCookie.getName().equals(user)) {
// Delete the cookie by setting its maximum age to
//out.println( Before deleting user  );
Cookie killcookie = new Cookie(user,null);
//Cookie killcookie = new
response.addCookie(killcookie); //merciless!!!
out.println( new - After deleting user  );

The weird thing is I am not able to deleet the cookies in IE 5 by using
the above method.I can still see the cookies which I had created,in the
Cookies folder.They are not deleted.I heard somewhere that it takes 4-5
mins to delete cookies in IE.But then its been a day now and I know
Windows's slow but then this just takes the cake.AM I doing something
wrong here(it seems to work fine with NEtscape and in other versions of
IE). If you've an efficient code or mechanism on how to tackle the Logout
problem which's really bugging me,do tell me.
  Also,if setMaxAge is not used while creating the cookie then its not
written to the Cookies folder.DOes it exist only in the browser header in 
this case? 
Thanks and Regards,

Timeout issue

2001-04-23 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Hi there,
   I have a problem with a certain servlet code of mine which takes a lot
of time to execute.The problem is that since it takes a lot of time to
execute,the browser times out the servlet after say 5 minutes.I heard
somewhere that this can be remedied by using out.flush() for the output
stream;that didnt work and i learnt later that the problem is actually
with Apache which buffers output in 8k units.I was wondering whether this
setting could be changed or if there were any other solution to this
problem.I looked at certain threading issues but am generally
uncomfortable using the meta header and refreshing it every 10
seconds,till the thread of the task is completed.
  Also,found out that we can increase the timeout for the apache web
server by changing the httpd.conf file.But is there anyway to reduce the
output buffer size?
Thanks  Regards,

Re: Timeout issue

2001-04-23 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Thanks Jon,
  Well,I guess thats pretty much the only option unless I get the Apache
source code and make the changes and compile it!..I had a doubt over
here.How do you handle multiple users accessing the same servlet of
yours.I mean,at the same time if 2/more  users access your servlet and
consider for a moment that,what one person requires to be done from the
servlet is different from what the other person wants.basically if the
parameters are different,i dont see how you can handle multiple users
accessing the servlet and being provided the results they asked
for.Probably there is a way,but I'm ignorant here and would like to know
if and how its possible.

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Jon Barber wrote:

 Hi Shravan,
 I've recently had the same situation and we solved it thus :
 Encapsulate the lengthy process in an object that implements Runnable, 
 complete with an isFinished() call.  Start a seperate thread to execute this 
 and place the object in the httpsession.  Send a page back to the user with, 
 say, a 5 second refresh which updates the user on the status of the process.
 It's not ideal, as it is a form of polling, but it gives the opportunity for 
 user feedback.  We cached the last 5 processing times and could give an ETA 
 to the user based on the mean.
 On Monday 23 April 2001 08:13, Shravan Shashikant wrote:
  Hi there,
 I have a problem with a certain servlet code of mine which takes a lot
  of time to execute.The problem is that since it takes a lot of time to
  execute,the browser times out the servlet after say 5 minutes.I heard
  somewhere that this can be remedied by using out.flush() for the output
  stream;that didnt work and i learnt later that the problem is actually
  with Apache which buffers output in 8k units.I was wondering whether this
  setting could be changed or if there were any other solution to this
  problem.I looked at certain threading issues but am generally
  uncomfortable using the meta header and refreshing it every 10
  seconds,till the thread of the task is completed.
Also,found out that we can increase the timeout for the apache web
  server by changing the httpd.conf file.But is there anyway to reduce the
  output buffer size?
  Thanks  Regards,

Memory buildup on Tomcat JVM

2001-04-23 Thread Shravan Shashikant

Hi there,
  Was wondering whether you guys had a similar problem as I have been
having.A servlet code has hashtables and vectors in it and I do alot of
assignment for these vectors/hashtables in the code..around 1000 vector
elemtns and 100 hs elemnts.i clean it up after execution and set them to
null,but my memory for the java vm starts around 9k when the code starts
executing and at the end of its at around 24K(chked it out in the task
manager)..basically it doesnt seem to cause much trouble but was wondering
what the problem is and if it can be rectified..
Thanks and Regards,