JDBCRealm with Postgres Behaving Strangely When Accessed using IE

2002-10-01 Thread Val

Hi everyone,

I've got a strange problem that may be browser related or could be due to my
development environment.  I couldn't find any reference to this problem
occurring for anyone else when I dug around the archives, but I'm hoping
that some experienced person will recognize what may be happening to I can
get past it.

I am using DW MX to create the user interface of my Web application.  Tomcat
4.1.12 is the web container and it is installed on RH Linux 7.3.  PostgreSQL
7 is the database.  I'm using JDBCRealm for security, and it is form based.
Everything seems to be working fine, except when I try to view it from my
development machine on Windows 2000 using IE 6.  In that particular
environment, if MX is open, after I've logged in and cruised around my files
that are in the "restricted" folder, I will click on a link, and the browser
closes, and I get an error saying that it can't find a temporary file on

I'm assuming this might be a caching problem, but why only when MX is open?
If MX is NOT open, then, every once in a while (more frequently after it
happens once), I'll get the login screen displaying, even though I have been
logged in.  This happens a lot if I hit the refresh button in my browser.
Sometimes, I'll know it is going to happen, because one of the images on the
page I've clicked through to will display as a broken image with only the
alt text displaying.  Then, I know that if I click on any other link on that
page, it will present me with the login screen.  I will then login and get
the page I was trying to click to.  This does not happen if I am viewing the
pages through NS 6.2 on the same machine.

This does not happen on any machines using IE 6, so long as it is not my
development machine outside of my internal network.  Does anyone have any
thoughts on what this could be?  Is this really a Tomcat issue, or could
this be a Macromedia issue?  Could it be a combination of MX and Tomcat?
Maybe it is a coincidence, but it just seems strange that when MX is open,
the browser crashes and the MX environment displays the error message that
it can't find a temporary file on "C:".  Frustratingly, I can't get it to
duplicate that little problem since I rebooted the Linux machine and
restarted Tomcat, so whatever it was doing before, that might actually no
longer be a problem.  Still, it should not be forcing me to relogin when
I've logged in, and why IE?  Is it the session variables?  What
configuration file, if any, can I even look in?  Everything is set up in the
server.xml and the web.xml as directed in the various documents I found on
the Net, and it works for the other person that tried it with IE from a
remote location, so it shouldn't be the config files, I think.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


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IIS - Tomcat 3.2.1

2001-07-17 Thread val


I have 2 problems in using tomcat 3.2.1 with IIS(4 or 5), whereas it is
configured following the 'how  to IIS - Tomcat' doc :
1) It is impossible to get the remote user from java code (method
getRemoteUser always returns null) with IIS4
  With IIS 5, I can correctly get the remote user if I comment
the line "/myContext/*=ajp12" in uriWorkerMap.properties file.

2) On both configuration the http request is emptied : there are no
parameters in request after submit 
  It happens randomly...

Thanks for any help


Re: Manual session management

2001-07-18 Thread val

Giorgio Saviane a écrit :

> Hi!
> I'm using Tomcat with a telephone (interactive-voice-recognition)
> client.This client communicates with the servlet via HTTP, and it all works
> well, except for one thing. When I start a new session, Tomcat sends a
> "Set-Cookie" and a "Set-Cookie2" response header, both containing the
> "JSESSIONID=" parameter; the problem is, I can't manage to propagate the
> session in my request, I mean, to make tomcat recognize my request as part
> of the same session. With Allaire JRun, it was sufficient to pass the
> parameter without changes in the GET query string, but I tried this way with
> tomcat, and it doesn't work.
> How can I do it? Of course, my client doesn't support cookies, nor
> is capable of an automatic URL-rewriting... the question is, how can I
> 'fake' it manually?
> Best regards,
> Germano


You should try :

in server.xml file (tomcat/conf)

which will enable url rewriting on your server and disable cookies.

Auto Login Using Form Based Authentication

2003-06-10 Thread Val T.

I have an atypical situation in that I am trying to auto login users from
another system (a Lotus Domino system) when they connect to my JSP
application.  I am using Tomcat 4.1.18 and have form based authentication
working on it.  I would prefer if the users did not have to explicitly
login, because, as far as they are concerned, it's all part of the same

Here is what I was hoping to be able to do:

The user, who is already logged in on the Domino system, clicks on the link
to my application.  The link contains the user's UserID, as a parameter.
The page they are linking to is in a restricted area, so Tomcat serves up
the login page, which takes the UID parameter, retrieves the related
password from the database, and logs the user in onload.

I have it all working beautifully, EXCEPT that I can't seem to be able to
retrieve the parameter from the URL.  I suspect that it is lost when,
instead of serving up the destination page, Tomcat serves up the login page
instead.  Is there a way to pass a parameter to the login page?  I think the
issue is the fact that you can't just call the login page directly.  Does
anyone see a way around this?

I was thinking that maybe I'd have to link to an index page first, and then
write a cookie, which I'd have to access from the login page.  That seems
like such a round-about way to go, when it would be so much simpler to just
grab a parameter from the URL.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Can I set up 2 realms for the same server so I can access 2 databases

2003-06-18 Thread Val T.

I've got two sites set up on one server, and I am trying to set up security
for each of them.  They use 2 different databases.  Is it possible to set
things up in the server.xml the way I have below, or do I have to put all
users in the same database?  I can't find anything on the Web that deals
with this issue.


Thank you for any help.


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Re: Can I set up 2 realms for the same server so I can access 2 databases

2003-06-18 Thread Val T.
- Original Message -
From: "Angus Mezick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: Can I set up 2 realms for the same server so I can access 2

>According to the spec, you can have 0 or 1 realms configured.  Now, if
>you want to rewrite the code that uses the realms for logging people in
>I think you can use 2 DB's.

Thank you for the info.  I think I'll set up one database for logging in.


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Invalid pc in line number table

2003-06-18 Thread Val T.

Does anyone understand what might be causing this error?  The log files
don't enlighten me at all, and searching on the Web brought no resolution.

replylibrary is a package name, and SampleReply is the class.  I'm accessing
it from a JSP.  It works fine on another site, and all other files and
classes in this site work fine.  What is an invalid pc in line number

The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: replylibrary/SampleReply (Invalid pc in
line number table)
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:295)
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:241)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Invalid pc in line number table

2003-06-18 Thread Val T.

> Strange error... What are the JDK's that are involved along with the
> Environment and`what version of Tomcat?
> I'd say it is some sort of incompatibility between the two, is one maybe a
> very early version of the JDK? Also what JDK was it compiled under?

It's not that, because I've got it compiling just fine on another
application on the same server.  It's on a RH Linux 7.3 machine with Tomcat
4.1.18, JDK 1.4 and I'm accessing a MySQL database (3.23).

I don't even know where to look next.


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Re: Invalid pc in line number table

2003-06-18 Thread Val T.

I just wanted to post the fact that this error message has been cleaned up.
I deleted the file that was giving me problems and dropped in a copy from
the site where it was working fine.  They were both originally copied from
the same source, so I don't really know what the difference was.  I guess
something must have gotten corrupted somehow.

While I have it working now, I have no idea how it broke or how it was

I just wanted to let the list know it was resolved, and I thank you for your


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Directory Structure Problems

2004-06-10 Thread Val T.

I've encountered a difficulty in a web site implementation, which uses
Tomcat 4.1.18 on RH Linux 8.0, MySQL 3.23.54, J2SDK 1.4.1_01, and connection
pooling with Form based authentication.  Everything was working fine, until
some tweaks were done to the proxy server.

The directory strucuture is as follows:

CATALINA_HOME/webapps/LiveSite/[main files and folders]

I'm told that there is an Apache proxy server set up, that forwards the
requests to Tomcat.  When it was originally set up, requests that came in
for www.companyName.com would be redirected to the LiveSite folder, and the
index.jsp page was served up.  I noticed that the URL in the browser would
display the "LiveSite" folder in the address bar, after www.companyName.com,
like this:


After some tweaks were done on the proxy server, the LiveSite folder no
longer displays in the address bar.  As a matter of fact, if you include it,
you get a 404 page not found error.  This would all be fine, and an
improvement, since it hides the directory structure, if it weren't for what
it has done to the authentication process.  Everything under the Restricted
folder requires login.  So, when everything was working, a person would
login, and, once authenticated, they would be able to happily do their thing
in that admin area.

Now, however, they can login in (usually after three attempts), but the
stylesheets are no longer recognized, the javascripts are not recognized,
images are broken, and if you click on a link, you are presented with the
login screen again.  There seems to be domain/directory structure confusion
in the server.

My problem is that I don't know which server is confused.  I think that this
LiveSite folder is now the default root folder.  I tried to set this as such
in the server.xml file in Tomcat, to see if that would help.

So, whereas I'd had the context as this:

I tried changing it to this:

This at first looked like a good move, until I discovered that doing this
gave me the following error:

java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

so I've put it back the way I had it.  At least people can view the site,
though they can't use the restricted admin area, because they keep getting
the login page coming up.  It's like the session is lost, but the log files
in Tomcat don't show an error.

In the web.xml file for the site, this is what I have for the security
constraint on the restricted folder:

   only let the admin users login

Since the problems started with tweaks that were done on the proxy server, I
think we should be looking there.  But I've been told that the problem is
probably with the site or Tomcat.  However, all of the documentation that
I've read, and the searching I've done in the archives, has brought me to a
dead end.  And I still think there must be something that either should be
done in Tomcat to accommodate the fact that requests are going through a
proxy (though the same settings that I've got on this site work on other
sites that are on the same server--they're just not the default sites), or
there should be something done to the proxy itself.

I have been searching for a solution for two days, and don't know what
direction to go in.  The Tomcat logs don't indicate that there is a problem
at all, unless I have the context path as "", and searching on the
SQLException didn't get me anywhere.

If anyone can give me a direction to look, I'd be really grateful.

Thanks for any help.


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