RE: Out of memory

2005-08-12 Thread Wolfgang Hackl

> You can modify the memory settings for the windows service also in the
> service.bat file itself. I've been known to uninstall the service, modify 
> the bat file and then service install again. 

Forget about a reinstall. Use regedit and go to 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache software Foundation\Procrun

and edit the JvmMx and JvmMs settings as your deployment requires.

Kind regards

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Re: jsvc.exec error: syscall failed in set_caps

2005-04-17 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Georges Roux wrote:
I can't start tomcat 5.5.9 as a daemon on linux on port 8080 (default 
nothing is running on this port
and have only thi error in logs/catalina.err

jsvc.exec error: syscall failed in set_caps
jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 4
Try "modprobe capability". I think there is also a bug filed concerning 
this problem.

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Re: Trouble with JDBC (I need a little help)

2005-03-16 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Maxime wrote:
I'am asking for help because I have a problem that it's making me crazy.

[Program code and logs snipped]

Thank you very much for the help, it will be very appreciated !
I am not familiar with MySQL therefore just a guess: I do not see a 
single close() statement. Close your ResultSets and Statements after 
usage (read some JDBC tutorials)! If this does not help with your 
current problem, this might be the next problem you run into anyway.

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Re: Tomcat 5 shutdown issue with jsvc commons daemon

2005-03-16 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Hi Bernhard!
Bernard wrote:
I get the following error:
"jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 143"
There was a Thread here in December called "Session restart replication 
when using jsvc". Bill Barker recommended to use CVS HEAD of the 

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Re: tomcat load-balancing maintenance strategy?

2005-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Sng Wee Jim wrote:
1.	Is it possible to pass the session information to TomcatA before
shutting down TomcatB? For eg. we want to perform servers upgrade, so we
down TomcatB, upgrade it, start TomcatB, before doing the same to

This is what a cluster does. See for 
more information.

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Re: Migration from Tomcat 4.1 to Tomcat 5.0

2005-03-02 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Kiran Patel wrote:
I have a application runing on Tomcat 4.1.  I want to change to Tomcat 5.0.  I already installed Tomcat 5.0.28 and configured server.xml and web.xml according to the document.  But when I click startup.bat, I get the error windows can not find '-Djava.endorsed.dirs=' .  I get the same error with starting startup.bat from Tomcat 4.1, but the start tomcat from Tomcat 4.1 is working fine.  I am running my web apps from Tomcat 4.1 without any problem.  What am I doing wrong?  Please help me.  I need to change to newer version due to performance issue.  I will appreciate any help.

Hi Kiran!
Try to install your Tomcat as an operating system service by using 
service.bat. This script sets the parameter java.endorsed.dirs. Having 
Tomcat as service is more convenient as it can be started automatically 
after booting, you don't have an extra DOS box and so on.

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Re: The number of tomcat directory for multiple tomcat instances

2005-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Terry Chung wrote:
I'm running APACHE 2.0.48 with Tomcat 4.1.29 on HP box/os.
I'm running multiple tomcats that are connected to Apache using round-robin
load balancing.  All tomcat instances and apache is running on the same HP

This configuration seems a bit strange. If you have only one machine, I  
see no need to balance load between instances. There is always the 
maximum load on this machine.

The document I read states that I need a unique CATALINA_HOME for each
tomcat instance.  Is there a way  to have one CATALINA_HOME and have
multiple server.xml file in the conf directory?
If I need individual catalina_home for each tomcat instance, than what is
the minimum sub-directories needed for each catalina_home? i.e., do we need
all of /logs, /webapps, /work, and /temp?

There must only be one unique CATALINA_HOME but individual CATALINA_BASE 
for each instance. Please read the section "Advanced Configuration" in 
the file RUNNING.txt which comes with tomcat for instructions.

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Re: Register Tomcat as a service?

2005-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Hay, Markus wrote:
I have an application that requires Tomcat (4.1.30 or later) and I'd
like to know how I can register Tomcat as a service if the user does not
do this during the install. In my installer, I can check the registry to

Hi Markus,
this can be achieved with the file service.bat which comes shipped with 

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[OT] Making jsvc multiple instances enabled

2005-01-13 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
I would like to discuss whether it makes sense to have the commons 
daemon able to work with multiple tomcat instances out of the box. Since 
I know of at least two jsvc commiters reading this list and I think this 
is of interest for tomcat users, too, I start a discussion thread here.

The commons daemon ships a script which starts Tomcat as an 
operating system service on UNIX-like systems. The concept which I 
propose is to enhance this script and add a wrapper script to the 
distribution of the commons daemon. The wrapper script's task is to 
enable customisation and to be placed in /etc/init.d (or wherever your 
start scripts reside). It exports an individual instance name, the 
CATALINA_BASE, additional CATALINA_OPTS and finally calls the 
script. Please see the end of this message for full examples of these 

There are some shortcomings in in terms of multiple instances 
that force you either to make an adapted copy of for each 
instance (which is impractical for maintenance) or to adapt this script 
in a sophisticated way and apply your own concept to make 
reusable. Following are the issues that need to be addressed:
- Test whether CATALINA_BASE is set; otherwise (i.e. is 
called without wrapper script on a single instance setup) set it to 
- TMP_DIR: change to $CATALINA_BASE/temp
- pid file: make it unique by adding the instance's name to the file name
- CLASSPATH: use commons-daemon.jar from the DAEMON_HOME instead of 
- improve parameters for the jsvc call:
-- specify the pidfile: -pidfile $PIDFILE \
-- specify the CATALINA_BASE: -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \
- in order to stop the right instance, reuse the pid file specified 

So the questions are:  Does anyone agree with me and does it make sense 
to file a patch or a feature request to the commons daemon team?

Kind regards
--- start Wrapper Script "/etc/init.d/" 

# A wrapper script to set instance dependant variables and start the 
tomcat as
# an OS service afterwards
export CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/tomcat/instances/Test
export CATALINA_OPTS=" -Djava.awt.headless=true"

# Call the jsvc script to launch a Tomcat instance
/usr/local/tomcat/ $1
--- end  Wrapper Script "/etc/init.d/" 

--- start adapted "" -- (licence snipped) 

# if CATALINA_BASE is not set assign the value of CATALINA_HOME to it
if [ -z "CATALINA_BASE" ]
case "$1" in
   # Start Tomcat
   $DAEMON_HOME/src/native/unix/jsvc \
   -user $TOMCAT_USER \
   -home $JAVA_HOME \
   -pidfile $PIDFILE \
   -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
   -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \$TMP_DIR \
   -outfile $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out \
   -errfile  '&1' \
   -cp $CLASSPATH \
   # To get a verbose JVM
   #-verbose \
   # To get a debug of jsvc.
   #-debug \
   # Stop Tomcat
   PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
   if [ -n $PID ]
   kill $PID
   rm $PIDFILE
   # Restart Tomcat
   $0 stop
   $0 start
   echo "Usage $0 {start|stop|restart}"
   exit 1;;
--- end adapted "" 

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Re: can't run tomcat with jsvc

2005-01-03 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Haluk Durmus wrote:
I had the same problem on my Debian after a distribution upgrade from 
Woody with kernel 2.4.18 to Sarge and kernel 2.6.8. I traced the jsvc 
call with strace -f. So I got the following messages:

[pid 11313] capset(0x19980330, 0, 
not permitted)
[pid 11313] write(2, "jsvc.exec error: ", 17) = 17
[pid 11313] write(2, "syscall failed in set_caps", 26) = 26

It seems that some things regarding security and/or cryptography have 
changed in the kernels. What helped me out of my situation was:
modprobe capability

This solved my problem with the Error set_caps.

Nice to hear.
But now I have an other one!
jsvc didn't bind to port 80
Error in catalino.out log:
Jan 3, 2005 2:24:34 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
SEVERE: Error starting endpoint Permission denied:80

Please verify that no http server (apache, squid etc.) is running --> 
only one process may use a port.

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Re: can't run tomcat with jsvc

2005-01-03 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Haluk Durmus wrote:
I wan't to use Tomcat 5.5.6 as our default Webserver on port 80.
That's why I start it with "jsvc", that should give the chance
to run on prots <1024  for nonroot-user.
but get Error-Message in log file:
jsvc.exec error: syscall failed in set_caps
jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 4

Hi Haluk,
I had the same problem on my Debian after a distribution upgrade from 
Woody with kernel 2.4.18 to Sarge and kernel 2.6.8. I traced the jsvc 
call with strace -f. So I got the following messages:

[pid 11313] capset(0x19980330, 0, {CAP_SETGID|CAP_SETUID|CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE, 
[pid 11313] write(2, "jsvc.exec error: ", 17) = 17
[pid 11313] write(2, "syscall failed in set_caps", 26) = 26
It seems that some things regarding security and/or cryptography have 
changed in the kernels. What helped me out of my situation was:
modprobe capability

Unfortunately, you did not post furter details describing your system. I 
Hope this helps anyway.

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Re: Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Trond G. Ziarkowski wrote:
I recently switched from using Tomcat 5.0.28/jk2/Apache2 to running 
tomcat standalone using jsvc. This works great for me except for one 
thing; Sessions are not replicated when I restart tomcat. To stop 
Tomcat I'm using 'kill -9 `cat /var/run/`'. When Tomcat is 
stopped this way the StandardManager does not serialize the sessions 
to SESSIONS.ser.

Can I stop Tomcat in another way, to make it serialize the sessions?

Hi Trond,
by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.

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Re: best way to setup multiple instances of tomcat

2004-12-23 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Greg Lappen wrote:
Also, I'm thinking that I probably don't want them both running off 
the same install directory because what if I want to test a new 
version of Tomcat in the test environment?  The only thing I'm saving 
by having them both run from the same directory is a few megs of space 

Hi Greg,
you might search for the file RUNNING.txt in /usr/local/tomcat for more 
information. There were other threads on 9th and 13th December 2004 in 
this list discussing the same topic. Your particular problem can be 
solved by specifying the appropriate parameter (-outfile) when starting 
your tomcats using jsvc (the java commons daemon). I wrote a script and 
a short description for installation of multiple tomcat instances and 
put it to .

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Re: Two Tomcat installations on one server in Windows 2K3

2004-12-13 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
footh wrote:
[running more than one Tomcat on a single machine]
First off, I want to run Tomcat as a service and that
seems to talk about running multiple instances with
the startup script.
It is likely that you want to use one version of Tomcat to run your web 
sites. So, I assume you have downloaded a distribution and put it 
somewhere on your server. This location is called CATALINA_HOME. For a 
single instance CATALINA_HOME = CATALINA_BASE, i.e. no need to care about.

Second, item number 4 more or less says for multiple
instances "you can use CATALINA_BASE" as an argument
but doesn't really explain CATALINA_BASE.  Is it the
install directory of Tomcat?  Or is it a directory
where I have another set up "webapps" and context
configuration files.  I can't quite visualize what it
means to use CATALINA_BASE and how to set up the
If you want to have more than one operating system service, you must 
copy certain parts (mostly configuration files) from your CATALINA_HOME 
directory to a new location. This new directory is called CATALINA_BASE. 
  A CATALINA_BASE is a directory containing configuration files etc. 
that are individual to an OS service. The executable files do not need 
to be copied since they will be re-used.

You need to call service.bat with appropriate parameters (CATALINA_BASE 
is the most important one) in order to install an OS service. The 
init-scripts (Unix) or registry settings (for Windows look around at 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\Apache Tomcat) for 
the service always call the same tomcat executables. The service 
parameters determine wich config files to use.

So for each Tomcat instance, you need to change the server.xml in the 
specific CATALINA_BASE to have your services listening to different IP 
addresses and/or TCP ports (same changes for shutdown port and AJP 
connectors necessary).

I hope this helps. If it is not sufficient, I could provide you with a 
screenshot of my directory layout.

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Re: How to start multiple Tomcats

2004-12-09 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Robert Lin wrote:
We are trying to setup an automated J-Unit test from Ant using Cruise
Control where we need multiple copies of tomcat servers running (by
supplying different server.xml files).  

I suppose you want the same Tomcat binaries but different configuration 
per Tomcat instance. Search for the file RUNNING.txt in the root 
directory of your Tomcat distribution. They call this setup "Multiple 
Tomcat 5 Instances".

Is there something I'm missing, any suggestions?  Thanks in advance. 

What you need to do is to create a new CATALINA_BASE (i.e.: copy the 
files and directories specified in the file RUNNING.txt and edit the 
individual server.xml to avoid TCP ports collisions). Then you need to 
pass the "-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE" argument to the startup 
command. In case your Tomcats run on Linux, you might succeed with the 
MITI script ( Any feedback is welcome, 
because I am curious whether it is useful at all).


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Re: [ANN] Multiple Instances Tomcat Installer

2004-11-15 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Peter Crowther wrote:
From: Wolfgang Hackl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To be serious, I am of the opinion that the Tomcat project can benefit
from an application that helps Administrators with installation and
management of multiple Tomcat instances (which is a superset of MITI's

Yes please!  We have an extra requirement - we have multiple
*developers* running separate Tomcat instances on the same box.  We want
to ensure that they can run a Tomcat instance from their own filestore,
but without the ports colliding.  They may not all have root access on
the box.
Any thoughts as to whether MITI could help with this?
Hi Peter!
As a workaround you might add all developers to the same group or tune 
the chmod/chown/chgrp statements in the script. Please consider the 
TOMCAT_USER variable in the script, too. Root access is not 
necessary as long as you can do without a start script and links in 
/etc/init.d. The start script gets generated to $CATALINA_BASE anyway 
and hopefully can be started with developers' privileges from there.

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[ANN] Multiple Instances Tomcat Installer

2004-11-12 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Hi everybody!
I created a shell script for helping with the installation of multiple
Tomcat instances. You may want to use it if you need to accelerate the
creation of a new service.
The script is called MITI - Multiple Instances Tomcat Installer. MITI
performs actions analogous to the "Advanced Configuration" section in In addtion
to that, MITI keeps track of the services' Ports for HTTP, JK2 and
Shutdown. MITI automates the adaption of each server.xml since it
updates these ports in server.xml with sed according to a ports database
(flat file).
MITI can be downloaded at One reason for
me launching this project was that I want my effort to be useful for the
public. Another reason is that I haven't found installation scripts for
the UNIX-like platforms. In opposition to that, there is an installation
wizard for the Windows platform and I don't like *NIX/BSD to be
discriminated  ;-)
To be serious, I am of the opinion that the Tomcat project can benefit
from an application that helps Administrators with installation and
management of multiple Tomcat instances (which is a superset of MITI's
features). Once I even tried to write a Java GUI to manage server.xml
properties but put that software aside for various reasons. Would you
consider an app like this useful? Any comments, hints and suggestions
are welcome.
Kind regards,
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Re: Running Tomcat from jsvc

2004-10-26 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
When I start Tomcat using $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ everything works 
fine. But now I want to run Tomcat as a daemon under a non-root user.
The log (line 626)[3] is telling me that "server.xml" couldn't be 
loaded, but it didn't tell why.
Hi Volkmar,
did you check the file system permissions of your $CATALINA_HOME 
directory? As I can see from my installations, server.xml has read and 
write permissions exclusively for its owner. My conclusion is that the 
directory must belong to the user, will run the service (wwwrun says 

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