tomcat.policy, SSL and SQL -> AccessControlException

2001-02-04 Thread gerd trautner

hi all,

i have troubles configuring the tomcat.policy file.

my application reads some data from a mysql database running on port 3306, localhost.
i use the classes to connect to it and everything run fine.
i also use basic authentification with tomcat, the user data are also in the mysql 

now i want make everything secure. i tried a lot and i got nearly everything working 
but i am not able to set the tomcat.policy, that the classes within 
my servlets are allowed to connect to the mysql database.

//java.  the jars are in jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext.
grant codeBase "file:d:/jdk1.2.2/lib/-" {permission;};
grant codeBase "file:d:/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/-" {permission;};
grant codeBase "file:d:/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext/-" {permission;};

// Tomcat gets all permissions.
grant codeBase "file:d:/tomcat/lib/-"   {permission;};
grant codeBase "file:d:/tomcat/classes/-"   {permission;};

//my application directory
grant codeBase "file:d:/tomcat/webapps/shv_wb/WEB-INF/classes/-" {permission;};
grant codeBase "file:d:/tomcat/webapps/shv_wb/WEB-INF/lib/-" {permission;};

it is realy confusing, because tomcat is able to read the authority-data for the basic 
authentification out of the database, but my servlets are not allowed to do this.
i get this message from tomcat: access denied ( 
localhost resolve)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at KMAnmeldungen.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$

can anyone help?

tanks a lot,

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defining secure / non secure content

2001-02-05 Thread gerd trautner


is it (or where is it) possible to define parts of an directory as secure (SSL) or non 
secure content?
f.e. i want one servlet to be accessable via ssl only and another one (in the same 
directory) via
the http protocol. is there a way?


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Re: Logging errors on Tomcat Startup

2001-02-05 Thread gerd trautner

see server.xml in tomcat/conf

to  Hi,I have problem during the start of TomCat servertomcat start After few seccond, 
>TomCut write some errors on the screen and then that window desappear. I can not see 
>what is the problem. My question is: Can I see log of those errors??? Thanks!!!

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2001-02-06 Thread gerd trautner

Has anyone set up tomcat to run as a service and with the security manager?

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memory and/or ms problem

2001-03-01 Thread Gerd Trautner

Hi tomcat-users,

I am having some memory related troubles with my servlets running on
tomcat 3.2.1 on an win nt 4 workstation machine.
I read all previous messages in the list with the term "memory" in it,
but everything i try does not help.

problem: the memory consumption of the java.exe increases slightly, the
over all memory consumption of the system increases fast and memory is
not released. after a week (and about 400 hits or so) the server runs
out of memory (tomcat gives a OutOfMemoryError and quits).

what i did:
- set java max heap size (nothing changed)
- set max_threads (30), max_spare_threads(20) and min_spare_threads(5)
  for both http and https ConnectionHandler
- set session-timeout to 1 Minute
- added System.gc() to end of every servlet

my application uses servlets and mysql, i close every mysql connection
and i am not able to find anything i could change to get the memory

I also use ms-stresstool and i can simulate this memory-problem.

could anyone give me some assistance please?


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Re[2]: memory and/or ms problem

2001-03-01 Thread Gerd Trautner

Hi Randy,
Thursday, March 01, 2001, 1:15:06 PM, you wrote:

RL> Look at your code.  My experience has been that Tomcat doesn't leak
RL> any memory.  Check that you haven't set your sessions to never time out
RL> (otherwise each session will continue to collect digital dust).  Also check
RL> that you don't have any structures in memory of static classes that continue
RL> to grow with each request (in-memory logs that flush to disk when some event
RL> happens would one example of a place to look).

Did some additional test and: you are rigth, something in my code is
the reason for the growing memory consumption.but i can't imagine what
it is.

so the test i did was:
stress a servlet that just writes a text. i stressed it really and
nothing happend, the memory consumption growed, but gc brought it down
to starting level.


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Re: How can I change PORT!!

2001-03-02 Thread Gerd Trautner

Hi Choak,
Friday, March 02, 2001, 10:48:45 AM, you wrote:

CV> hi all,
CV> I'm new user of TOMCAT, I wanna change jsp path from webapps to others. When I 
try it, I can't run my jsp files any more how can I create new port for my new site?
CV> thanks for advance.

CV> choak




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Re[3]: memory and/or ms problem

2001-03-02 Thread Gerd Trautner

hi all,

i found the reason for the growing memory consumption of my servlets.

i use servlets to get data out and in a mysql database and generate
html pages with PrintWriter.print(...) statements.
my servlets often use:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   //do something with data

each request an instance of a servlet is created and the servlet
starts reading data out of the database and writes it in the
PrintWriter stream.
But what happens if the PrintWriter has no target (because the user
sends another request or more then one other requests)? I am not sure,
but it seems that the servlet tries to write to the PrintWriter stream
and has no success. the result is a growing amount of instances of a
servlet which try to write to a PrintWriter and have no success. and
it seems they keep try writing (and consuming memory) a long time ...

my solution is to check the error state of a Printwriter before
writing in it. so the code from above looks like this:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   if (out.checkError()) break;
   //do something with data

for my application it seems to work, but i think there must be a better
any ideas?


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Re[3]: memory and/or ms problem

2001-03-02 Thread Gerd Trautner

hi all,

i found the reason for the growing memory consumption of my servlets.

i use servlets to get data out and in a mysql database and generate
html pages with PrintWriter.print(...) statements.
my servlets often use:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   //do something with data

each request an instance of a servlet is created and the servlet
starts reading data out of the database and writes it in the
PrintWriter stream.
But what happens if the PrintWriter has no target (because the user
sends another request or more then one other requests)? I am not sure,
but it seems that the servlet tries to write to the PrintWriter stream
and has no success. the result is a growing amount of instances of a
servlet which try to write to a PrintWriter and have no success. and
it seems they keep try writing (and consuming memory) a long time ...

my solution is to check the error state of a Printwriter before
writing in it. so the code from above looks like this:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   if (out.checkError()) break;
   //do something with data

for my application it seems to work, but i think there must be a better
(why does the write statement throws an exception and the print
statement not?)
any ideas?


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Re[3]: memory and/or ms problem

2001-03-02 Thread Gerd Trautner

hi randy, thanks for your tips!

i think i found the reason for the growing memory consumption of my

i use servlets to get data out and in a mysql database and generate
html pages with PrintWriter.print(...) statements.
my servlets often use:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   //do something with data

on each request an instance of a servlet is created and the servlet
starts reading data out of the database and writes it in the
PrintWriter stream.
But what happens if the PrintWriter has no target (because the user
sends another request or more then one other requests)? I am not sure,
but it seems that the servlet tries to write to the PrintWriter stream
and has no success. the result is a growing amount of instances of a
servlet which try to write to a PrintWriter and have no success. and
it seems they keep try writing (and consuming memory) a long time ...

my solution is to check the error state of a Printwriter before
writing in it. so the code from above looks like this:
Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..,..,.. from ..");
while (
   if (out.checkError()) break;
   //do something with data

for my application it seems to work, but i think there must be a better
(why does the write statement throws an exception and the print
statement not?)
any ideas?


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setContentType / File download

2001-03-13 Thread Gerd Trautner

Hi tomcat-user,

i have some troubles using the setContentType method.
I want to generate a CSV file of my database data and send it to the
browser. the browser should then say "save file as filenam.csv" ...

what i do is:


this works for netscape browsers, but ie wants to save index.html.

any tips?


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Re: AW: setContentType / File download

2001-03-14 Thread Gerd Trautner

Andreas Mecky,
Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 1:14:45 PM, you wrote:

> Hi,

> try this:
> response.setContentType(application/msexcel);
> response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","inline; filename="here goes my
> filename");

> this works for me in IE and NS.

yes, this works. thanks!


Re: Two requests when sending rtf files

2001-03-26 Thread Gerd Trautner

Had the same troubles with csv file: try this:

Andreas Mecky,
Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 1:14:45 PM, wrote:

response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","inline; filename=filename");

this works for me in IE and NS.


Reto Badertscher,
Monday, March 26, 2001, 9:44:30 AM, you wrote:

> When generating and sending a rtf file from a servlet, the browser ask for
> - display from current location
> - saving the document

> When "display from current location" is chosen by the user, the servlet
> receives a second request (that means the file will be generated a second
> time), when "saving the document" no additional request is sent to the
> servlet.
> The following parameters are set for sending the rtf document:
>   aRes.setContentType("application/rtf");
>   aRes.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachement;filename =
> myDocument.doc");

> I appreciate any hint/idea to avoid the additional request.

> Thanks in advance

> Reto Badertscher
