RE: Tomcat 4.1.30 ThreadPool.adjustLimits

2004-08-24 Thread jblayer

Thanks for the + feedback. Apologies for response delay - I'm digest only 
and also had wicked work backlog past couple weeks. Will submit a Bugzillia 
item as requested. 

Additional questions seem relevant prior to that (in the "be careful what 
you ask for..." department ;-). With the outlined patch (MAX_THREAD_MIN=2) 
in place... 

(1) I config minProcessors="1", maxProcessors="2" and I appear to get 
servicing of a single request. Increment maxProcessers and I get concurrent 
servicing of 2 requests, and so on. What exactly is the additional thread 
used for (shutdown listener? thread pool manager? something else?). From an 
audit trail perspective, this would seem to be valuable information to 
retain in the context of any change. 

(2) When I stack up requests to a given server - throw a lot of concurrent 
requests at it - I see one of the following entries in the (catalina.out) 
log file: 

[ERROR] ThreadPool - -All threads (2) are currently busy, waiting. Increase 
maxThreads (2) or check the servlet status 

SEVERE: All threads (2) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads (2) 
or check the servlet status 

The above generated (indirectly) out of ThreadPool.runIt() when it has to 
block on a "run thread" request.
This anything to worry about? I do have acceptCount="6" set for what that's 


-Jim Layer- 

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 8:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat 4.1.30 ThreadPool.adjustLimits 

That was an excellent message. 

Your approach is flawless.  You can keep using your hack, which isn't that 
crude at all.  You can keep using the 5.x Connector code by and large with 
4.1.30 (though not earlier versions of Tomcat 4.1), it should be just fine.  
And I tend to agree than 10 as MAX_THREADS_MIN is too
high: something like 2 or 3 seems reasonable to me.  Please open a Bugzilla 
item asking for this to be modified, and I will address it. Thanks, 

Yoav Shapira 

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Tomcat 4.1.30 ThreadPool.adjustLimits

2004-08-03 Thread jblayer
I have several questions that apparently center around the 
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool class contained in the 
tomcat-util.jar file included in the Tomcat V4.1.30 distribution. 


Using V4.1.30 in a standalone, relatively minimal configuration with the 
Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector. Deployed on several hundred (ultimately several 
thousand) UNIX servers of various flavors. Least common denominator server 
types supporting only JVM 1.2.2 limit us to 4.x Tomcat. Tomcat used solely 
for foreign system access to server data via specialized servlets in a 
confined/controlled environment (not internet exposed). Resource 
considerations require limiting Tomcat to a tiny fraction of it's concurrent 
connection capacity (primary function of servers is to host a vast load of 
multi-user business management applications).  What I'm after is limiting to 
a max of 4 concurrent connections on the "stock" configuration. 

Initially though I could simply set maxProcessors="5" and minProcessors="1" 
(earlier experimentation suggested actual concurrent connections was one 
less than maxProcessors value). I unfortunately misinterpreted the warning 
message generated during startup, "WARNING: maxThreads setting (5) too low, 
set to 10", to be a suggestion. I now understand this is a statement that 
Tomcat (ThreadPool.adjustLimits() method logic, in particular) actually 
reset the maxProcessors value to 10. 

Went looking for ThreadPool in V4.1.30 source (based on warning message 
origin tags) without success, then remembered something about TC V4.1.30 
using TC V5.x Coyote connector. Then located what I believe to be the 
operative logic in jakarta-tomcat-connectors portion of Tomcat V5.0.19 
source (version I happened to have handy). Sure enough, method 
adjustLimits() forces maxThreads value (apparently set by digester logic 
based on TC4.x.x maxProcessors) to MAX_THREADS_MIN (hardwired to 10 in 
source) if value supplied in server.xml is less than that. 

I knocked off a copy of org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool, changed 
MAX_THREADS_MIN to 2, compiled, and surgically deployed resulting classes 
under server/classes (effectively overriding the ThreadPool class in 
server/lib/tomcat-util.jar) on a test box. Appears to be behaving 
reasonably, now limiting concurrent connections to that specified in 
server.xml file.  I know - crude hack - but I didn't have much recourse 
without fielding something to front-end Tomcat. 

My questions: 

(1) Is there some other reason for this essentially arbitrary (upward) 
adjustment of the maxProcessors/maxThreads value - beyond the rational 
provided in the source commentary "... fix provides reasonable settings for 
a single CPU with medium load."? 

(2) Is the ThreadPool source from Tomcat V5.0.19 the appropriate "version" 
to use as I have outlined above? (It appeared to be the closest date match 
to the Tomcat V4.1.30 release, but I couldn't find any specific references 
to where the tomcat-util.jar file in V4.1.30 originated.) 

While my little "hack" appears to be working - I'm still testing the crap 
out of it - would be nice to know if there is something I may have missed, 
so any input from those intimate with V4.1.30 & V5.x logic would be most 


Jim Layer 

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Re: TC V4.1.29 Coyote Connector / minProcessors maxProcessors / Confusion

2004-03-26 Thread jblayer
The second observation: two requests to the same servlet always 
handled serially. Tomcat normally creates one instance of a servlet 
for every declaration in web.xml.  The exception is SingleThreadModel 
(deprecated, don't use this) servlets.  There's no provision in tomcat 
to create more instances as the load on the server increases (maybe 
there is such a provision and I've missed it?).  Instead, the 
processing threads should call the servlet methods in parallel.  I'm 
not sure why you're not seeing this behavior, perhaps someone else 
could comment, as I have to run to a meeting ;) 

Yoav Shapira

Yes - All you mentioned per Servlet spec expected behavior - why I was 
surprised at what I was seeing. I have additional qualification data but
believe I should post under a new thread / subject appropriate. 
-Jim Layer-
egg-on-face update: 

Wasn't controlling my variables closely enough. Weird non-concurrent
behavior I observed was confined to brower-based tests. Screwed up
on the earlier multi-instance client test tool exercise - works as
expected when I'm explicitly controlling client behavior (headers, etc.). 

Thanks (Yoav) again for your help, 


-Jim Layer- 

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Re: TC V4.1.29 Coyote Connector / minProcessors maxProcessors / Confusion

2004-03-26 Thread jblayer
Shapira, Yoav writes: 

I think your testing, servlets, configuration is all fine.  The
maxProcessors-1 observation is something I've noticed in the past, but
as you say I don't think many people care because they deal with ~75
maxProcessors (the default value).
Thanks - glad to know I'm not off in the weeds on that... 

The second observation: two requests to the same servlet always handled
serially. Tomcat normally creates one instance of a servlet for every
declaration in web.xml.  The exception is SingleThreadModel (deprecated,
don't use this) servlets.  There's no provision in tomcat to create more
instances as the load on the server increases (maybe there is such a
provision and I've missed it?).  Instead, the processing threads should
call the servlet methods in parallel.  I'm not sure why you're not
seeing this behavior, perhaps someone else could comment, as I have to
run to a meeting ;) 

Yoav Shapira
Yes - All you mentioned per Servlet spec expected behavior - why I was 
surprised at what I was seeing. I have additional qualification data
but believe I should post under a new thread / subject appropriate. 

-Jim Layer-

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RE: TC V4.1.29 Coyote Connector / minProcessors maxProcessors / Confusion

2004-03-25 Thread jblayer

Thanks for the quick reply... 

Create a servlet that takes a long time to process, so you can easily
observe the connections.  Then make sure you make two concurrent
requests to that servlet, and that the servlet's HTML output doesn't
contain images, CSS references, or any other entities which would cause
a separate HTTP connection to be initiated by the browser for that one
page. This type of page is the most common cause for perceived problems
with concurrent request processing.
I wasn't working with any images, etc. - reduced quickly to KISS level
configs & testing as a consequence of more than a couple of decades
worth of battle scars ;-) 

Simple servlet, doGet implementation, simple HTML out, 30 second sleep.
Built several variants, different only in class name. Manual deployment,
no WAR file, a set of servlet classes in several different contexts.
Servlets HelloWait, HelloWait2, HelloWait3, etc. Contexts cctest1,
cctest2, etc. 

Used a multi-tabbed browser (Mozilla) to test, though behavior the same
with separate browsers on multiple clients (enlisted the aid of several
of my cohorts). Also used lovely little multi-threaded Java HTTP test
client gadget to slam in requests from multiple clients concurrently. 

First observation: 

Behavior in general indicates number of concurrent requests serviced
equal to maxProcessors - 1 (not maxProcessers-minProcessors as I
suggested in earlier email). 

Second observation: 

This one really threw me. Independent of maxProcessors value, multiple
concurrent requests to the same servelet in the same context appear
to be handled serially - one at a time. Multiple concurrent requests,
each to a different servlet in the same context or a servlet in
another context appear to be handled concurrently, subject to my
first observation. 

I was ready to buy the maxProcessers-1 thing as a simple implementation
oversight - not surprising since most use Tomcat for much higher volume
stuff. Second observation suggests something really strange with 4.1.29
(most of our earlier testing experimentation was with 4.1.27) or I have
made a really toady configuration error. 

I have attached 2 representative servlet source samples - pretty
trivial, server.xml, default web.xml (renamed as web_default.xml) and
example context web.xml for servlets. Would have zipped but found
that not permitted for list mail. Maybe something in these I'm doing

Tomcat running (for test execution) on an HP dual proc (Intel PIII 1.133
GHz) platform running Linux - RedHat 7.1 - little or no extraneous load
during the testing. 

Any insight might have would be well appreciated. 



import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

 *  Servlet used to test concurrent connections. Waits for 30 seconds
 *  before returning from doGet method.
 *  @author LayerJB

public class HelloWait extends HttpServlet
 * Process the HTTP GET request.
 * @param   req An HttpServletRequest object that contains the
 *  request the client has made of the servlet.
 * @param   res An HttpServletResponse object that contains the
 *  response the servlet sends to the object.
 * @exception   ServletExceptionThrown if the request for the
 GET could not be handled.
 * @exception   IOException Thrown if an input or 
 error is detected when the servlet
 handles the request.

public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
String sStart = dateFormat.format(new Date());

ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
out.println("doGet start: " + sStart +
"We're waiting 30 seconds...");
catch (InterruptedException ignore) {};

out.println("Done Waiting: " +
dateFormat.format(new Date()) +


import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

 *  Servlet used 

TC V4.1.29 Coyote Connector / minProcessors maxProcessors / Confusion

2004-03-24 Thread jblayer
I'm a little confused regarding TC V4.1.29 Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector
attributes minProcessors and maxProcessors. Server config docs state
minProcessors == number of connection threads to start initially
and maxProcessors == the maximum number of connection threads that
the server will create. 

This suggested to me that with minProcessors="1" and
maxProcessors="2", the server would allow 2 concurrent connections. 

I tried the above values and found the server would handle 1
connection. Increasing to maxProcessors="3", 2 concurrent connections
were available, and so on. 

Seems maximum_concurrent_connections=(maxProcessors - minProcessors),
a slightly different relationship than I gathered from the docs. 

I was hoping someone could confirm this as normal, or is there maybe
a bug that I should perhaps watch for correction of later. 

Additional minutia (to perhaps avoid adjacent questions ;-): 

Deploying Tomcat Standalone on a variety of Unix platforms. Likely will
update to V4.1.30 shortly. Avoiding V5.0.x because a significant number
of the (older) target systems are stuck on JVM 1.2.2 

Using TC for moving data / messages, servlets only, no web pages, JSP,
etc. Limiting concurrent connection count to relatively low numbers
due to resource constraints on many of these platforms. 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 



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