Re: Ant 1.6.1 configuration :

2004-05-17 Thread QM
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 06:52:37PM -0700, Mike Pakrer wrote:
: I am attempting to use md_jk2, Tomcat5.0.19 , Ant
: 1.6.1 , and Apache 2

Which OS and JDK?
-and how did you install Ant?  (tarball, RPM, etc.)

Check ${HOME}/.antrc to confirm that the $ANT_HOME declared there points
to the proper place.  Also, check the current $ANT_HOME in your shell

There may also be an antrc or ant.conf file in /etc somewhere.  I recall
once than an Ant RPM left such a file and caused quite the runaround...

I point at this just because I have Ant 1.6.1 working out of the box, so
I'd be wary of touching any files.

: I am told through various tutorials that
: I need all of these working together to be able to run
: jsp pages.

Not true.  All you need to run JSPs is:

1/ a properly configured container (say, Tomcat)
2/ a text editor

Please, that's not a stab at you; I just get frustrated when I see
tutorials throw the kitchen sink at someone.

Ant will make your life easier as you start doing more Java work, and
Apache/mod_jk(2) may help in the long run, but they are certainly not
required to get started with basic JSP/servlet work.



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Ant 1.6.1 configuration :

2004-05-17 Thread Mike Pakrer

I am attempting to use md_jk2, Tomcat5.0.19 , Ant
1.6.1 , and Apache 2, to serve web pages with jsp, and
other stuff. I am told through various tutorials that
I need all of these working together to be able to run
jsp pages.

I am having trouble with ant 1.6.1 when I attempt to
run it [ $ ant ] .  

I get error message: Exception in thread "main"
org/apache/tools/ant/launch/Launcher .

After looking through all of the files in my $ANT_HOME
directory, I found what looked to be a problem in
file: In this file was code which read: 
push @ARGS, ",

When I went up one directory from apache-ant-1.6.1/bin
-- where sits, I found what appears to be
referred to in :

On this note, in , this was written.

my $localpath = "$HOME/lib/ant-launcher.jar";

In this case, $HOME was set to:
/usr/local/apache1.6.1/bin (i.e. $ANT_HOME). However,
the directory for lib doesn't exist in bin, so I
declared $HOME  to be /usr/local/apache1.6.1/

After making this change -- I still get the same error

So, i changed:

push @ARGS, ",

to read the same, except I added ".html" to the end of
"Launcher" -- as this is the name of the file.

It looks to me like the path to : should be :
 But I am not sure how to write this in the Perl

Does anyone have an understanding of what might be
wrong with my files configurement?

Any insight would be most appreciated.

Mike Parker

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