Re: Need help: Can't get Tomcat "examples" on Apache using

2002-08-28 Thread George Sexton

The default 4.0.4 server.xml has the Warp connector commented out. Search for 
8008 in server.xml, and uncomment that block.

Incidentally, that was an excellent request for help. 

Quoting Guoben Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
>   I can't get Tomcat "examples" display on Apache. 
> The following is a list of all I did and what I got.
>   Please, please help.  Many thanks!
> Guoben Li
> 1. Apache 1.3.26; Tomcat 4.0.4 on the same Solaris host
>http://myserver:8080/examples works well;
> 2. successfully compiled from 
>jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.4-src and copied to libexec/.;
> 3. in httpd.conf, added:
>LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
>AddModule mod_webapp.c
>WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
>WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples/
>WebAppInfo /webapp-info
>bin/apachectl configtest had [warn] "mod_webapp.c is already added" but
>"Syntax OK";
> 4. in server.xml, the only place changed was 'name=':
> name="" debug="0">
> 5. started tomcat with bin/ then restarted apache
>http://myserver/examples "The page cannot be found"
>http://myserver/examples/ "The page cannot be displayed"
>http://myserver/webapp-info/ however displays Host and Connections info:
>   Host 
>   Application Name "examples"
>   Root URL Path "/examples/"
>   Connection "conn"
>   Connection Name "conn"
>   Connection parameters "localhost:8008"
>   Provider "warp"
>   Configuration Details "Host: localhost Port:8008 Address: 
> Count: 1 Server ID: -653512835" 
> --
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George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.
Voice: 303 438 9585

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Need help: Can't get Tomcat "examples" on Apache using

2002-08-28 Thread Guoben Li


  I can't get Tomcat "examples" display on Apache. 
The following is a list of all I did and what I got.

  Please, please help.  Many thanks!

Guoben Li

1. Apache 1.3.26; Tomcat 4.0.4 on the same Solaris host
   http://myserver:8080/examples works well;

2. successfully compiled from 
   jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.4-src and copied to libexec/.;

3. in httpd.conf, added:
   LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
   AddModule mod_webapp.c

   WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples/
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
   bin/apachectl configtest had [warn] "mod_webapp.c is already added" but
   "Syntax OK";

4. in server.xml, the only place changed was 'name=':

5. started tomcat with bin/ then restarted apache

   http://myserver/examples "The page cannot be found"

   http://myserver/examples/ "The page cannot be displayed"

   http://myserver/webapp-info/ however displays Host and Connections info:

Application Name "examples"
Root URL Path "/examples/"
Connection "conn"

Connection Name "conn"
Connection parameters "localhost:8008"
Provider "warp"
Configuration Details "Host: localhost Port:8008 Address: Socket 
Count: 1 Server ID: -653512835" 

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