Re: JSP Precompilation / JSPC / JSP servlet mapping

2003-07-18 Thread Justin Ruthenbeck
At 09:24 AM 7/18/2003, you wrote:

I've set my Tomcat 4.1.24 installation to production mode, i.e. I've set 
'development' to false, 'reloading' to true and 'fork' to true in 
If you're in production, reloading should be false (you don't want to poll 
for changed resources).

I have some JSPs that are modified from time to time.  My questions are:
... all answered many times.

STFA for "precompile" or derivatives:
RTFM under "Web Application Compilation"
If you still can't find the answers, post again and we'll clarify.


1a. Why is the package name for java files generated from a JSP 
compilation different when using JSPC and when you let Jasper compile the 
JSP when you access it (especially for JSP in directories in a context)?

1b. Can you use JSPC to precompile JSPs into the work directory without 
having to wait till they are accessed or using something like UNIX's wget 
to 'touch' the file and force a compilation?

2. How exactly does Jasper precompile JSPs into the work directory?  Can 
one write an Ant build file to precompile JSPs in a context to the work 
dir the same way Jasper does?

3. If you've precompiled your JSPs and mapped them in web.xml would Jasper 
precompile them and reload them if they are subsequently modified?

4. What are the advantages of mapping JSPs in web.xml as opposed to having 
Jasper compile them in the work directory?


Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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Re: JSP Precompilation / JSPC / JSP servlet mapping

2003-07-18 Thread Lukas Bradley

"Then, the declarations and mappings for the servlets which were generated
during the precompilation must be added to the web application deployment
descriptor. Insert the ${webapp.path}/WEB-INF/generated_web.xml at the right
place inside the ${webapp.path}/WEB-INF/web.xml file. Restart the web
application (using the manager) and test it to verify it is running fine
with precompiled servlets. An appropriate token placed in the web
application deployment descriptor may also be used to automatically insert
the generated servlet declarations and mappings using Ant filtering
capabilities. This is actually how all the webapps distributed with Tomcat
are automatically compiled as part of the build process."

This is the part that is very unclear.  Please explain the use of the
webXmlFragment and how it can be used to place the mappings into a web.xml.


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Re: JSP Precompilation / JSPC / JSP servlet mapping

2003-07-18 Thread Justin Ruthenbeck
At 01:46 PM 7/18/2003, you wrote:
"...An appropriate token placed in the web
application deployment descriptor may also be used to automatically insert
the generated servlet declarations and mappings using Ant filtering
capabilities. This is actually how all the webapps distributed with Tomcat
are automatically compiled as part of the build process."
This is the part that is very unclear.  Please explain the use of the
webXmlFragment and how it can be used to place the mappings into a web.xml.
See Ant's Filter task documentation.  Basically, you take your web.xml as 
you have it (without any of the precompiled jsp information) and add a 
token like "@jspServletXml" where you want the fragment placed at.  Then 
define a  in your build xml (using "jspServletXml" and 
"webXmlFragment") and copy your existing web.xml to a new location (with 
filtering=true) -- this replaces "@jspServletXml" with jasper2's generated xml.

Disclaimer: I don't use this method because the Ant tasks don't do what 
I  need it to do (I need to support builds with precompile for multiple 
appservers).  Instead, I manually enter all information for our precompiled 
jsps in the web.xml and use a different script for running jspc.


Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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