Servlet Problems Uprgrading from Tomcat 3.2.x to Tomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-24 Thread Matt Frame
I am a newbie at Tomcat and Java so please forgive me if I am about to
ask some stupid question that everyone should no when working in this


Our customer has asked me to upgrade their Tomcat installation from
3.2.4 to 4.1.18.  This environment is on Windows 2000.  


I first installed Tomcat 4.1.18, from binary, and made my necessary
changes in server.xml and web.xml for the new system to see the servlet
directory and classes.  The default home page comes up just fine but
when I use the test page to hit the class I get the following error:


Error executing remote method java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException
occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested
exception is: no protocol:


This class uses RMI to call a listener to complete the process.


I am using Sun's Java SDK 1.4.1.  I have recompiled the classes with the
libraries pointing to the $CATALINA_HOME\common\lib so it knows about
the new activation.jar and servlet.jar.  I also set the classpath in the
runtime of the background listener program to use these same jar's (this
application attaches to the RMI on the standard port)


Here is my webapps web.xml file.  I did not make any changes to this for
the upgrade nor did I write it originally.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application





descriptionRMI URI that is used to post
incoming messages to CE /description

























servlet-nameHTTP Servlet/servlet-name








servlet-nameHTTPS Servlet/servlet-name









































!-- Define the context-relative
URL(s) to be protected --


!-- If you list http methods, only
those methods are protected --








I appreciate any help or insight someone can give me into getting this

RE: Servlet Problems Uprgrading from Tomcat 3.2.x to Tomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-24 Thread Matt Frame
Sorry, I found another person had asked this same question and my
problem was the same.  I had a space in the directory structure for the
Tomcat installation.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Frame [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 2:33 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Servlet Problems Uprgrading from Tomcat 3.2.x to Tomcat 4.1.18

I am a newbie at Tomcat and Java so please forgive me if I am about to
ask some stupid question that everyone should no when working in this


Our customer has asked me to upgrade their Tomcat installation from
3.2.4 to 4.1.18.  This environment is on Windows 2000.  


I first installed Tomcat 4.1.18, from binary, and made my necessary
changes in server.xml and web.xml for the new system to see the servlet
directory and classes.  The default home page comes up just fine but
when I use the test page to hit the class I get the following error:


Error executing remote method java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException
occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested
exception is: no protocol:


This class uses RMI to call a listener to complete the process.


I am using Sun's Java SDK 1.4.1.  I have recompiled the classes with the
libraries pointing to the $CATALINA_HOME\common\lib so it knows about
the new activation.jar and servlet.jar.  I also set the classpath in the
runtime of the background listener program to use these same jar's (this
application attaches to the RMI on the standard port)


Here is my webapps web.xml file.  I did not make any changes to this for
the upgrade nor did I write it originally.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application





descriptionRMI URI that is used to post
incoming messages to CE /description

























servlet-nameHTTP Servlet/servlet-name








servlet-nameHTTPS Servlet/servlet-name









































!-- Define the context-relative
URL(s) to be protected --


!-- If you list http methods, only
those methods are protected --


mod_jk Ajp13 and Tomcat 3.2.X

2002-11-14 Thread Chad Cannell

I am working on Tuning our Apache 2.0, mod_jk-2.0.42, Tomcat 3.2.3 on
Win2K config

In all I have read, I never have seen that you can set minProcessors,
maxProcessors, and acceptCount in the Tomcat 3.2.3 server.xml like:

Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler
Parameter name=port value=8009/
Parameter name=minProcessors value=10/
Parameter name=maxProcessors value=100/
Parameter name=acceptCount value=15/

I did that and the system degraded conciderably. If I remove them I do
better, like this:

Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler
Parameter name=port value=8009/

What do the minProcessors, maxProcessors, and acceptCount default to in
this config?
Can I use explictly set minProcessors, maxProcessors, and acceptCount in
Tomcat 3.2.3? Guidelines?


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Tomcat 3.2.x version differences

2002-08-19 Thread Michael finney


At, I was
looking at the following: 

The 3.2.1 release, like 3.1.1, was a security patch.
Version 3.2.2 fixed a large number of bugs and all
known specification compliance issues. Version 3.2.3
was a security update that closes a serious security
hole. Version 3.2.4 is a minor bug fix release. 

In a nutshell, 3.2.1 is not available at 3.2.4 is.

1) Are the Windows binaries of 3.2.1 available

2) Is there a document which spells out the
differences between 3.2.1 and 3.2.4 ?

Thank you, 

Michael Finney
719-572-1577 (H)
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Platform 
Co-founder of PPJDG -
Co-founder of cosAgile - Colorado Springs XP Users Group -

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Possible problem: ajp13 on Tomcat 3.2.x - need help

2002-07-18 Thread Shinta Tjio

We are using Apache 1.3.26 and Tomcat 3.2.2. We've seen some
clients to be hanging Apache on SSL read. The cause of this
hang seems to be network/TCP/IP issue. The read will eventually 
times out. When it times out, here's where the problem starts.
Tomcat seems to be grabbing some buffer that contains partial 
data of the previous request and call a servlet with it. The 
servlet will throw an exception because the data is bad. Here 
are the details (you will need to pull up the code to see what 
I mean).

When Apache read times out, mod_jk's
will return error. mod_jk will drop its connection to Tomcat and 
retry (up to JK_RETRIES times - see the service() function). In 
the retry, the HTTP header gets resent to Tomcat.

When Tomcat receives this header, it will eventually call 
Ajp13ConnectorRequest::decodeRequest(). This method will
attempt to read more data from mod_jk (the call to con.receive()).
This call will fail because mod_jk has yet again drop the
connection (in its 2nd retry to call read_into_msg_buff() fails).

Since this call (con.receive()) fails, the attribute blen is
never set to the content-length of this request. Instead, blen
has the value of the content-length of the previous request.

Because the call to con.receive() fails, the method decodeRequest()
will return -1. The caller to decodeRequest, 
Ajp13ConnectionHandler::processConnection(), doesn't check the error
code and it proceeds to call the servlet.

The servlet will issue a read and it will eventually call 

In doRead(), I dumped some values of the variables. pos is always 0.
blen is some number. The problem happens when blen is less than
the length of the buffer (variable len). The method will copy 
some data from bodyBuff, which is a left-over from previous

Note, I checked the source code for Tomcat 3.2.4. It doesn't seem
to be fixed yet. We may not have the luxury to upgrade to Tomcat 3.3
yet. So I am attempting to fix this, but I have a question:

Why does Ajp13ConnectionHandler::processConnection() not check
the error code from decodeRequest()? It seems to me like if it
gets an error in decodeRequest(), it should not call the service()
method which calls the servlet. 


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Tomcat 3.2.x

2002-03-19 Thread Daniel Bruce Lynes

I'm curious as to whether this problem is just me.  I haven't seen any 
mention of anyone else running into this problem.

However, what I'm experiencing (it doesn't happen in Tomcat 4.0.x), but I 
still need to get things working under Tomcat 3.2.x is:

1. deploy the war file
2. restart tomcat
3. attempt to run the application

Where the problem lies is in the jar/zip files that are in the 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/appname/WEB-INF/lib directory.  Some don't get loaded at 
all, and others only get partially loaded.  For the ones that only partially 
get loaded, even if I extract them into the classes directory, I still run 
into the same roadblock.

This phenomenon occurs under both Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1.  I can move 
my jar/zip files into the system lib directory, but then my servlets are 
foobar; Tomcat won't find them anymore.

Thanks in advance for any help or answers you might have.

P.S.  Any properties files I have won't get loaded from the WEB-INF/classes 
directory either...I have to put those into the $TOMCAT_HOME/classes 

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RE: Tomcat 3.2.x

2002-03-19 Thread Brandon Cruz

I use tomcat 3.2.4 and haven't noticed this problem.  Not sure about the
earlier versions of 3.2.x.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Bruce Lynes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: Tomcat 3.2.x

I'm curious as to whether this problem is just me.  I haven't seen any
mention of anyone else running into this problem.

However, what I'm experiencing (it doesn't happen in Tomcat 4.0.x), but I
still need to get things working under Tomcat 3.2.x is:

1. deploy the war file
2. restart tomcat
3. attempt to run the application

Where the problem lies is in the jar/zip files that are in the
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/appname/WEB-INF/lib directory.  Some don't get loaded
all, and others only get partially loaded.  For the ones that only partially
get loaded, even if I extract them into the classes directory, I still run
into the same roadblock.

This phenomenon occurs under both Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1.  I can move
my jar/zip files into the system lib directory, but then my servlets are
foobar; Tomcat won't find them anymore.

Thanks in advance for any help or answers you might have.

P.S.  Any properties files I have won't get loaded from the WEB-INF/classes
directory either...I have to put those into the $TOMCAT_HOME/classes

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RE: Tomcat 3.2.x

2002-03-19 Thread Robert Nocera

I was under the impression that you need to rename your zip files to jar
files to get Tomcat 3.2 to load them.  At least that's what I have
noticed in using Tomcat 3.2 with JBuilder.

Robert Nocera
New England Open Solutions
You supply the Vision.  We will do the rest.

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Bruce Lynes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: Tomcat 3.2.x

I'm curious as to whether this problem is just me.  I haven't seen any 
mention of anyone else running into this problem.

However, what I'm experiencing (it doesn't happen in Tomcat 4.0.x), but
still need to get things working under Tomcat 3.2.x is:

1. deploy the war file
2. restart tomcat
3. attempt to run the application

Where the problem lies is in the jar/zip files that are in the 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/appname/WEB-INF/lib directory.  Some don't get
loaded at 
all, and others only get partially loaded.  For the ones that only
get loaded, even if I extract them into the classes directory, I still
into the same roadblock.

This phenomenon occurs under both Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1.  I can
my jar/zip files into the system lib directory, but then my servlets are

foobar; Tomcat won't find them anymore.

Thanks in advance for any help or answers you might have.

P.S.  Any properties files I have won't get loaded from the
directory either...I have to put those into the $TOMCAT_HOME/classes 

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Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-10-02 Thread Renato Romano

I would like Tomcat avoiding to access the DB for EVERY ACCESS to a reserved
page. I think the best way to do this (apart from upgrading to Tomcat 4.0
!!) is to store the login info, or maybe just a flag I'm authenticated, in
the session object. Does anyone already made something similar ? Should I
only redefine methods in my Realm object ? Is there some security issue I'm
not taking care of ??


Re: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-10-02 Thread André de Jesus

If you are using container-managed authentication (the system that comes 
with Tomcat, that is configured for each Realm in the file server.xml), 
then the user roles and passwords are already automatically cached for 
each session (the isUserInrole() function and other similar functions do 
not trigger database accesses every time).

If, on the other hand, you are authenticating the users with you own 
authentication system, then you could cache the authentication 
information in a session object (this is exactly what Tomcat does by 
default). Then, all private pages would check if the session object 
exists and if the user has been authenticated before displaying the 
private information.

The only publicly visible key to this object is the session id, so all 
security problems could come from this session key being known to 
intermediate parties. Depending from the security level required by your 
application, you could consider setting lower expiration times for the 
session (or even explicitly expiring the session once some user 
operations have been successfully completed, with 
setMaxInactiveInterval()), or protecting the http communication with SSL.

Andre de Jesus

Renato Romano wrote:

I would like Tomcat avoiding to access the DB for EVERY ACCESS to a reserved
page. I think the best way to do this (apart from upgrading to Tomcat 4.0
!!) is to store the login info, or maybe just a flag I'm authenticated, in
the session object. Does anyone already made something similar ? Should I
only redefine methods in my Realm object ? Is there some security issue I'm
not taking care of ??


André de Jesus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEKTIX - Consultoria em Sistemas de Informação, L.da

RE: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-10-02 Thread Randy Layman

 -Original Message-
 From: André de Jesus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x
 If you are using container-managed authentication (the system 
 that comes 
 with Tomcat, that is configured for each Realm in the file 
 then the user roles and passwords are already automatically 
 cached for 
 each session (the isUserInrole() function and other similar 
 functions do 
 not trigger database accesses every time).

Actually that is not correct.  The JdbcRealm class that is provided
with Tomcat does do a database connection for each request.  It never stores
authentication information.

The provided class could be modified to provide the caching
requested, but you would have to recode the Realm (which isn't a big deal).
There is only a security risk if you store passwords unencrypted in memory
and someone has enough access to your system to perform a memory dump (and
then the intelligence of look at the dump and find the Map, List, or array
of authentication credentials).  The biggest problem to watch out for is
removing cached information - it a user changes their password and then
exits the application (either explicitly or implicitly) then you need to
make sure that their cached information is removed before they come back and
try to use their new password.

 If, on the other hand, you are authenticating the users with you own 
 authentication system, then you could cache the authentication 
 information in a session object (this is exactly what Tomcat does by 
 default). Then, all private pages would check if the session object 
 exists and if the user has been authenticated before displaying the 
 private information.
 The only publicly visible key to this object is the session 
 id, so all 
 security problems could come from this session key being known to 
 intermediate parties. Depending from the security level 
 required by your 
 application, you could consider setting lower expiration 
 times for the 
 session (or even explicitly expiring the session once some user 
 operations have been successfully completed, with 
 setMaxInactiveInterval()), or protecting the http 
 communication with SSL.
 Andre de Jesus
 Renato Romano wrote:
 I would like Tomcat avoiding to access the DB for EVERY 
 ACCESS to a reserved
 page. I think the best way to do this (apart from upgrading 
 to Tomcat 4.0
 !!) is to store the login info, or maybe just a flag I'm 
 authenticated, in
 the session object. Does anyone already made something 
 similar ? Should I
 only redefine methods in my Realm object ? Is there some 
 security issue I'm
 not taking care of ??
 André de Jesus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 TEKTIX - Consultoria em Sistemas de Informação, L.da

R: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-10-02 Thread Renato Romano

And what about just storing an I'm authenticated flag in the session,
associated with the username (which is already there...) ? This way I have
no problems about password changes... Therefore, i think password is already
stored clearly in the session object as the attribute j_password, isn't it

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: martedì 2 ottobre 2001 14.34
Oggetto: RE: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

 -Original Message-
 From: André de Jesus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Caching Login Info in Tomcat 3.2.x

 If you are using container-managed authentication (the system
 that comes
 with Tomcat, that is configured for each Realm in the file
 then the user roles and passwords are already automatically
 cached for
 each session (the isUserInrole() function and other similar
 functions do
 not trigger database accesses every time).

Actually that is not correct.  The JdbcRealm class that is provided
with Tomcat does do a database connection for each request.  It never stores
authentication information.

The provided class could be modified to provide the caching
requested, but you would have to recode the Realm (which isn't a big deal).
There is only a security risk if you store passwords unencrypted in memory
and someone has enough access to your system to perform a memory dump (and
then the intelligence of look at the dump and find the Map, List, or array
of authentication credentials).  The biggest problem to watch out for is
removing cached information - it a user changes their password and then
exits the application (either explicitly or implicitly) then you need to
make sure that their cached information is removed before they come back and
try to use their new password.

 If, on the other hand, you are authenticating the users with you own
 authentication system, then you could cache the authentication
 information in a session object (this is exactly what Tomcat does by
 default). Then, all private pages would check if the session object
 exists and if the user has been authenticated before displaying the
 private information.

 The only publicly visible key to this object is the session
 id, so all
 security problems could come from this session key being known to
 intermediate parties. Depending from the security level
 required by your
 application, you could consider setting lower expiration
 times for the
 session (or even explicitly expiring the session once some user
 operations have been successfully completed, with
 setMaxInactiveInterval()), or protecting the http
 communication with SSL.

 Andre de Jesus

 Renato Romano wrote:

 I would like Tomcat avoiding to access the DB for EVERY
 ACCESS to a reserved
 page. I think the best way to do this (apart from upgrading
 to Tomcat 4.0
 !!) is to store the login info, or maybe just a flag I'm
 authenticated, in
 the session object. Does anyone already made something
 similar ? Should I
 only redefine methods in my Realm object ? Is there some
 security issue I'm
 not taking care of ??

 André de Jesus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 TEKTIX - Consultoria em Sistemas de Informação, L.da

Security issues with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-08-21 Thread RoMaN SoFt / LLFB !!


 I'm using Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.2 with Apache 1.3.20 / mod_jk (Linux)
and I have some security-related questions:

1) I've read 3.2.3 is the latest available version for 3.2.x branch
and that it covers a security issue. What's about this security issue
and where could I read more about this issue? Could it be the
2001-07-02: Apache Tomcat Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

2) Is there any patch or is it planned a future release to cover the
2001-08-16: Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1 Error Message Information Disclosure
Vulnerability issue?

3) The following is a security issue I'm experiencing. It may be a
configuration error made by myself or perhaps some bug? I need some
help. Let's suppose you have a working .jsp page: Then if you use the following url the
.jsp source is showed instead of beeing executed by Tomcat:\bar/home.jsp. This is the way I'm using to mount
the context (excerpt from mod_jk.conf file):

Alias /bar /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/bar

JkMount /bar/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /bar/*.xml ajp13
JkMount /bar/servlet/* ajp13

Location /bar/WEB-INF/ 
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Location /bar/META-INF/
AllowOverride None
deny from all

 Am I missing something or the \ trick is a bug? Any workaround?

 Thanks in advance!

** RoMaN SoFt / LLFB **  

Re: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-06-12 Thread pedro salazar


I read a document which it tolds that or we put our application already
expanded, or by using a WAR file when TOMCAT is started, it will
automatically expand the web application archive file into its unpacked
form. I didn't know that there was a unpackWARfiles option! Where should I
get a manual with all these options documented?


- Original Message -
From: Darrell Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:54 PM
Subject: RE: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

 REPOST as I REALLY need help on this...

 I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to my

 Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
 Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?

 I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR
 but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
 encrypted files.  Any sources?


 Darrell Porter

 Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to
 the world he has none.

Re: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-06-12 Thread pedro salazar


I read a document which it tolds that or we put our application already
expanded, or by using a WAR file when TOMCAT is started, it will
automatically expand the web application archive file into its unpacked
form. I didn't know that there was a unpackWARfiles option! Where should I
get a manual with all these options documented?


- Original Message -
From: Darrell Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:54 PM
Subject: RE: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

 REPOST as I REALLY need help on this...

 I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to my

 Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
 Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?

 I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR
 but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
 encrypted files.  Any sources?


 Darrell Porter

 Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to
 the world he has none.

Re: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x [problem replying]

2001-06-12 Thread pedro salazar

Sorry, I have replied to the list two times because I was getting all my
emails delivered with this message:

The original message was received at Tue, 12 Jun 2001 05:55:23 -0700
from localhost []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 550 User unknown)

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 User unknown
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown

Hope this problem can be solved soon!
Sorry for my duplicated messages, again...


- Original Message -
From: pedro salazar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x


 I read a document which it tolds that or we put our application already
 expanded, or by using a WAR file when TOMCAT is started, it will
 automatically expand the web application archive file into its unpacked
 form. I didn't know that there was a unpackWARfiles option! Where should I
 get a manual with all these options documented?


 - Original Message -
 From: Darrell Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:54 PM
 Subject: RE: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

  REPOST as I REALLY need help on this...
  I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to
  Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
  Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?
  I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR
  but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
  encrypted files.  Any sources?
  Darrell Porter
  Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to
  the world he has none.

RE: WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-06-11 Thread Darrell Porter

REPOST as I REALLY need help on this...

I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to my

Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?

I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR file
but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
encrypted files.  Any sources?


Darrell Porter

Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to convince
the world he has none.

WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-06-05 Thread Darrell Porter

REPOST as I REALLY need help on this...

I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to my

Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?

I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR file
but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
encrypted files.  Any sources?


Darrell Porter

Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to convince
the world he has none.

WAR file behavior and Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-06-01 Thread Darrell Porter

I've read the documentation.  I've added the unpackWARfiles=FALSE to my

Why is Tomcat still unpacking the WAR file into the WEBAPPS directory?
Should it not simply be unpacking files to WORK as it needs them?

I had heard that it was possible to encrypt or password-protect the WAR file
but I can find no instructions on configuring Tomcat to access these
encrypted files.  Any sources?


Darrell Porter

Only a man who can not conquer his deficiencies feels the need to convince
the world he has none.

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-30 Thread Ronan Derby


I am having a similar white screen problem with Tomcat 3.1
on a production system. One of the JSPs works fine, there
is nothing wrong with the code, it has gone through some fairly
rigorous testing. However, every couple of days, the JSP 
white screens. I've spent some time looking into it, and
initially I thought there was something wrong with the JSP,
not being able to open database connections (our database wasn't
configured to allow a high number of connections), however, this
isn't the problem.

You mentioned in one of your emails that you were able to reproduce
the problem. Can you tell me how you did this, as we have had
difficulty reproducing it. We've tried pointing stress test tools
at the particular JSP to no effect.

We are running tomcat under Red hat linux 6.2 with JDK 1.3.
We use Apache, JServ and Tomcat. 

Any thoughts/help  on this would be appreciated. I'm going to
try modifying our max_threads settings and see if that gets us
anywhere, but info on reproducing this would be invaluable.



Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-29 Thread Kim Jong Tae

 I experienced TC 3.2.1 white screen problem!.
 I found   bug #1006 of TC 3.2.1 and I upgraded TC 3.2.2b3 and white
screen problem  never happened. I recommend you should upgrade TC 3.2.2..

 And if your application uses session, check your session timeout.
 If timeout is too long, your JVM may use  too big memory!   

 Good luck to you!

On Sat, 27 Apr 2024, Andrew McDonald wrote:

Thanks Bill for chasing this up, I really didn't want to repost.  I was
thinking of posting to the tomcat-dev list wrt these problems but I believe
tomcat-user is the more appropriate list for discussing these sorts of issues.

I thought I better give a few more data points:
- Last night I set the logging to FATAL on the tomcat.log, etc.  I read on
the tomcat-dev list that having it set on DEBUG is potentially dangerous:  the
logger may not be able to keep up under extreme load.
- I was almost *convinced* that I was running across bug #1006 too!  However
after installing tc 3.2.2b2 the problem remained.
- Jeff Kilbride suggested I try to cap the max_threads etc of the thread pool,
which may help.  I will be trying this soon (but not today:  Fridays are bad
days to modify production systems)

We need a solution to this and are willing to help in whatever way we can.  We
are testing commercial alternatives such as JRun and BEA despite my
reluctance:  Apart from these 2 critical problems I think Tomcat is great and I
love OSS projects such as this.  I'm expected to get this fixed through
whatever means possible so any suggestions would be appreciated.



Bill Graham wrote:

 I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
 where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
 what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
 VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
 bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.

 I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
 I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
 Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
 Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

 Hi there,

 First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
 nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
 purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
 Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
 deploying TC in production.
 A bit of background:
 We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
 past 12 months or so.
 We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
 PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
 glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
 We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
 You can see it at if you're interested at
 all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to

 We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
 Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
 have the best performance.

 On to the problems:
 1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
 Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
 (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
 will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
 our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
 enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
 to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
 a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
 whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
 looked into it and possibly fixed it.
 Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this

 2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
 always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
 Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
 stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
 threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
 segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
 I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
 problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
 doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

 Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
 Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
 would be great as well.

 Of course if you need more information please get back to me.

 Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-29 Thread Andrew McDonald

Indeed.  The documentation I've found doesn't seem to clarify this :(  but I'll
be testing and posting results here on the list.



Jeff Kilbride wrote:

 Hi Andy,

 Sorry, I was assuming you were using Tomcat with Apache. I'm not sure if you
 can configure thread pooling the same way in standalone mode or not. The
 configurations I was talking about were for the PoolTCPConnector class, I
 believe. It's worth a look, but I'm not sure it will apply in your case.


 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 10:23 PM
 Subject: Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

  Thank you very much for the advice Jeff.  I'll have a go at that.  We
  using a thread pool
  to run threads that make connections to our database but we have Tomcat in
  standalone mode.
  The Tomcat documentation describes setting the max_threads, etc of the
  connector but
  i'd suppose the other connectors would have the same/similar syntax.
  Jeff Kilbride wrote:
   I saw something on the dev list about Tomcat's default thread limit and
   under load, Apache processes could get stuck waiting for a Tomcat
   to become available.
   Have you changed any of the threading defaults in your server.xml file?
   Check out the Tomcat Users Guide here:
   and do a find for the phrase max_threads. It shows you how to
   min, max, and spare threads in Tomcat's thread pool and talks about the
   default values. If you up these values, maybe that will help.
   - Original Message -
   From: Bill Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:50 AM
   Subject: RE: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with
VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.
I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
Hi there,
First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is
nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
deploying TC in production.
A bit of background:
We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
past 12 months or so.
We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is
glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
You can see it at if you're interested at
all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to
We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
have the best performance.
On to the problems:
1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We
Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
(  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our
will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't
enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I
to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304
a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
looked into it and possibly fixed it.
Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve
2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it
always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:
stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
segfault.  During

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-29 Thread Andrew McDonald

Hi there!

Thank you very much for your report on the white screen problem.  There seems to
have been a lot of work on the web connector since I used it last and I was hoping
that this problem was resolved.  This is great news if I experience the same
behaviour you have.  Time for some testing!

Thanks for the advice re: session timeouts.  yes, we do use sessions.  I don't
believe we are going OOM but it's certainly worth investigating.

I will keep you all posted.  Best wishes.



Kim Jong Tae wrote:

  I experienced TC 3.2.1 white screen problem!.
  I found   bug #1006 of TC 3.2.1 and I upgraded TC 3.2.2b3 and white
 screen problem  never happened. I recommend you should upgrade TC 3.2.2..

  And if your application uses session, check your session timeout.
  If timeout is too long, your JVM may use  too big memory!

  Good luck to you!

 On Sat, 27 Apr 2024, Andrew McDonald wrote:

 Thanks Bill for chasing this up, I really didn't want to repost.  I was
 thinking of posting to the tomcat-dev list wrt these problems but I believe
 tomcat-user is the more appropriate list for discussing these sorts of issues.
 I thought I better give a few more data points:
 - Last night I set the logging to FATAL on the tomcat.log, etc.  I read on
 the tomcat-dev list that having it set on DEBUG is potentially dangerous:  the
 logger may not be able to keep up under extreme load.
 - I was almost *convinced* that I was running across bug #1006 too!  However
 after installing tc 3.2.2b2 the problem remained.
 - Jeff Kilbride suggested I try to cap the max_threads etc of the thread pool,
 which may help.  I will be trying this soon (but not today:  Fridays are bad
 days to modify production systems)
 We need a solution to this and are willing to help in whatever way we can.  We
 are testing commercial alternatives such as JRun and BEA despite my
 reluctance:  Apart from these 2 critical problems I think Tomcat is great and I
 love OSS projects such as this.  I'm expected to get this fixed through
 whatever means possible so any suggestions would be appreciated.
 Bill Graham wrote:
  I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
  where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
  what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
  VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
  bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.
  I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
  I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
  Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
  Hi there,
  First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
  nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
  purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
  Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
  deploying TC in production.
  A bit of background:
  We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
  past 12 months or so.
  We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
  PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
  glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
  We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
  You can see it at if you're interested at
  all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to
  We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
  Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
  have the best performance.
  On to the problems:
  1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
  Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
  (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
  will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
  our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
  enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
  to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
  a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
  whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
  looked into it and possibly fixed it.
  Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this
  2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
  always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
  Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
  stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
  threads is reached

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-27 Thread Jeff Kilbride

Hi Andy,

Sorry, I was assuming you were using Tomcat with Apache. I'm not sure if you
can configure thread pooling the same way in standalone mode or not. The
configurations I was talking about were for the PoolTCPConnector class, I
believe. It's worth a look, but I'm not sure it will apply in your case.


- Original Message -
From: Andrew McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

 Thank you very much for the advice Jeff.  I'll have a go at that.  We
 using a thread pool
 to run threads that make connections to our database but we have Tomcat in
 standalone mode.
 The Tomcat documentation describes setting the max_threads, etc of the
 connector but
 i'd suppose the other connectors would have the same/similar syntax.



 Jeff Kilbride wrote:

  I saw something on the dev list about Tomcat's default thread limit and
  under load, Apache processes could get stuck waiting for a Tomcat
  to become available.
  Have you changed any of the threading defaults in your server.xml file?
  Check out the Tomcat Users Guide here:
  and do a find for the phrase max_threads. It shows you how to
  min, max, and spare threads in Tomcat's thread pool and talks about the
  default values. If you up these values, maybe that will help.
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:50 AM
  Subject: RE: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
   I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
   where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
   what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with
   VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
   bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.
   I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
   I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew
   Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
   Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
   Hi there,
   First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is
   nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
   purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
   Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
   deploying TC in production.
   A bit of background:
   We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
   past 12 months or so.
   We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
   PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is
   glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
   We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
   You can see it at if you're interested at
   all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to
   We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
   Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
   have the best performance.
   On to the problems:
   1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We
   Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
   (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our
   will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
   our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't
   enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I
   to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304
   a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
   whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
   looked into it and possibly fixed it.
   Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve
   2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it
   always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
   Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:
   stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
   threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
   segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it
   I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
   problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
   doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

RE: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-26 Thread Bill Graham

I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.

I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

Hi there,

First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
deploying TC in production.
A bit of background:
We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
past 12 months or so.
We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
You can see it at if you're interested at
all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to

We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
have the best performance.

On to the problems:
1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
(  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
looked into it and possibly fixed it.
Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this

2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
would be great as well.

Of course if you need more information please get back to me.

Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running Compaq desktops in production
isn't the best idea ;)  That will be attended to.

Thanks in advance


Andrew McDonaldWe cannot reason ourselves out of our basic
Systems Administration irrationality. All we can do is learn the art
HOTcopper Australia  of being irrational in a reasonable way.  - Huxley

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-26 Thread Jeff Kilbride

I saw something on the dev list about Tomcat's default thread limit and how,
under load, Apache processes could get stuck waiting for a Tomcat thread
to become available.

Have you changed any of the threading defaults in your server.xml file?
Check out the Tomcat Users Guide here:

and do a find for the phrase max_threads. It shows you how to configure
min, max, and spare threads in Tomcat's thread pool and talks about the
default values. If you up these values, maybe that will help.


- Original Message -
From: Bill Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: RE: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

 I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
 where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
 what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
 VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
 bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.

 I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
 I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
 Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
 Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

 Hi there,

 First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
 nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
 purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
 Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
 deploying TC in production.
 A bit of background:
 We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
 past 12 months or so.
 We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
 PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
 glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
 We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
 You can see it at if you're interested at
 all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to

 We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
 Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
 have the best performance.

 On to the problems:
 1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
 Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
 (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
 will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
 our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
 enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
 to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
 a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
 whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
 looked into it and possibly fixed it.
 Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this

 2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
 always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
 Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
 stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
 threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
 segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
 I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
 problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
 doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

 Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
 Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
 would be great as well.

 Of course if you need more information please get back to me.

 Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running Compaq desktops in production
 isn't the best idea ;)  That will be attended to.

 Thanks in advance


 Andrew McDonaldWe cannot reason ourselves out of our
 Systems Administration irrationality. All we can do is learn the
 HOTcopper Australia  of being irrational in a reasonable way.  - Huxley

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-26 Thread Andrew McDonald

Thank you very much for the advice Jeff.  I'll have a go at that.  We *are*
using a thread pool
to run threads that make connections to our database but we have Tomcat in
standalone mode.
The Tomcat documentation describes setting the max_threads, etc of the ajpv12
connector but
i'd suppose the other connectors would have the same/similar syntax.



Jeff Kilbride wrote:

 I saw something on the dev list about Tomcat's default thread limit and how,
 under load, Apache processes could get stuck waiting for a Tomcat thread
 to become available.

 Have you changed any of the threading defaults in your server.xml file?
 Check out the Tomcat Users Guide here:

 and do a find for the phrase max_threads. It shows you how to configure
 min, max, and spare threads in Tomcat's thread pool and talks about the
 default values. If you up these values, maybe that will help.


 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:50 AM
 Subject: RE: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

  I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
  where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
  what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
  VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
  bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.
  I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
  I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
  Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x
  Hi there,
  First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
  nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
  purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
  Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
  deploying TC in production.
  A bit of background:
  We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
  past 12 months or so.
  We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
  PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
  glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
  We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
  You can see it at if you're interested at
  all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to
  We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
  Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
  have the best performance.
  On to the problems:
  1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
  Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
  (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
  will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
  our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
  enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
  to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
  a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
  whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
  looked into it and possibly fixed it.
  Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this
  2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
  always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
  Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
  stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
  threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
  segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
  I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
  problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
  doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.
  Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
  Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
  would be great as well.
  Of course if you need more information please get back to me.
  Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running Compaq desktops in production
  isn't the best idea ;)  That will be attended to.
  Thanks in advance
  Andrew McDonaldWe cannot reason ourselves out of our
  Systems Administration irrationality. All we can do is learn the
  HOTcopper Australia  of being irrational in a reasonable way.

Re: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-26 Thread Andrew McDonald

Thanks Bill for chasing this up, I really didn't want to repost.  I was
thinking of posting to the tomcat-dev list wrt these problems but I believe
tomcat-user is the more appropriate list for discussing these sorts of issues.

I thought I better give a few more data points:
- Last night I set the logging to FATAL on the tomcat.log, etc.  I read on
the tomcat-dev list that having it set on DEBUG is potentially dangerous:  the
logger may not be able to keep up under extreme load.
- I was almost *convinced* that I was running across bug #1006 too!  However
after installing tc 3.2.2b2 the problem remained.
- Jeff Kilbride suggested I try to cap the max_threads etc of the thread pool,
which may help.  I will be trying this soon (but not today:  Fridays are bad
days to modify production systems)

We need a solution to this and are willing to help in whatever way we can.  We
are testing commercial alternatives such as JRun and BEA despite my
reluctance:  Apart from these 2 critical problems I think Tomcat is great and I
love OSS projects such as this.  I'm expected to get this fixed through
whatever means possible so any suggestions would be appreciated.



Bill Graham wrote:

 I've also been experienceing a lot of the Number 2 problem described
 where Tomcat stops responding to http requests and I can't figure out
 what's causing it. I've been able to reproduce the problem with multiple
 VMs on both Linux and Solaris machines. I applied the patch for Tomcat
 bug #1006 and the hanging still occurs.

 I haven't come across any responses to Andy's first post so I thought
 I'd ask again. Anyone have any idea what's causing this?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew McDonald
 Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:56 PM
 Subject: 2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

 Hi there,

 First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
 nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
 purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
 Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
 deploying TC in production.
 A bit of background:
 We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
 past 12 months or so.
 We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
 PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
 glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
 We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
 You can see it at if you're interested at
 all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to

 We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
 Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
 have the best performance.

 On to the problems:
 1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
 Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
 (  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
 will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
 our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
 enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
 to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
 a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
 whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
 looked into it and possibly fixed it.
 Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this

 2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
 always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
 Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
 stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
 threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
 segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
 I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
 problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
 doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

 Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
 Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
 would be great as well.

 Of course if you need more information please get back to me.

 Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running Compaq desktops in production
 isn't the best idea ;)  That will be attended to.

 Thanks in advance


 Andrew McDonaldWe cannot reason ourselves out of our basic
 Systems Administration irrationality. All we can do is learn the art
 HOTcopper Australia  of being irrational in a reasonable way.

2 Critical Problems with Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-04-22 Thread Andrew McDonald

Hi there,

First I'd like to thank the developers for a great product.  Tomcat is a
nice piece of software.  And like all great OSS, very easy to raise a
purchase order for ;)  Thanks guys.
Unfortunately I have run into a couple of serious show-stoppers when
deploying TC in production.
A bit of background:
We have been running various incarnations of JServ and Tomcat over the
past 12 months or so.
We have 3 Application Servers: Two Compaq Deskpro PII/450s and one
PIII/500 with 128MB Ram each. They are running Linux, kernel is 2.2.19,
glibc-2.1.3.  We are currently running various incarnations of TC3.2.x
We run a Stock Trading Forum, which is made up of Servlets and JSPs.
You can see it at if you're interested at
all.  We are one of the most hit websites in Australia according to

We have tested Tomcat with the Solaris 1.3 JVM, IBM 1.3 JVM and
Blackdown 1.3 JVM (FCS).  I'm happiest with Blackdown.  It *seems* to
have the best performance.

On to the problems:
1.  We dubbed this one The Apache White Screen problem.  We connected
Tomcat to various versions of Apache =1.14 in the standard way
(  Symptom:  People using Internet Explorer to browse our site
will intermittently get a white/ blank screen instead of results from
our application.  When this happens, we believe the request doesn't even
enter the java code, so it may be a problem with the connector.  I seem
to recall (sorry this was about 8 months ago) Apache returning a 304 or
a 302.  I haven't re-tested this in a while, I was just wondering
whether people were aware of this problem in the past and had already
looked into it and possibly fixed it.
Our solution was to run Tomcat standalone, which seemed to solve this

2.  We dubbed this one The 132 Thread Problem, even though it doesn't
always happen with 132 threads; sometimes 128, 130, or if using the
Blackdown JVM, 134.  (wierd).   We use NATIVE threads.  Symptom:  Tomcat
stops responding to http requests after a certain number (~132) of
threads is reached.  When this happens it will either deadlock or
segfault.  During this time the box is fine, and to solve it temporarily
I just need to kill all the java processes and restart Tomcat.  This
problem occurs regardless of JVM and the version of the Linux Kernel
doesn't seem to make a difference.  It happens once or twice a week.

Assistance with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
Number 2 is the really important one but information regarding number 1
would be great as well.

Of course if you need more information please get back to me.

Oh, and btw, yes I realise that running Compaq desktops in production
isn't the best idea ;)  That will be attended to.

Thanks in advance


Andrew McDonaldWe cannot reason ourselves out of our basic
Systems Administration irrationality. All we can do is learn the art
HOTcopper Australia  of being irrational in a reasonable way.  - Huxley

Is it possible to use JNDI in Tomcat 3.2.x

2001-03-15 Thread Denis Kranjcec


I was trying to use JNDI in Tomcat and I didn't get anywhere.
My servlet should connect to EJB that is in another server on different

I know that it's possible to use JNDI in Tomcat 4 beta, but there isn't any
documentation and I don't have time to experiment.
Is there any documentation for using JNDI in Tomcat 3.2.x or 4 beta? Any
link? Any sample code?

Thanks in advance.

Denis Kranjcec