Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-10 Thread Alex Brollo
Far from being interested about #irc protocol in general, my interest is
focused on read-only channels, and on parameter segment of
specific rows of specific channels (but I see that all channels follow a
similar pattern).

My idea is to use my very basic listening bot to select rows, to parse
parameters and to write them on a file. End of irc bot work. Another cron
script will read (and delete) output file and operate on the list of
new/edited pages. Consider that tasks I'm implementing do not require an
immediate revision of pages by the bot; on the contrary, it's more
efficient, IMHO, to wait some time after an human user edit, since often
human editors don't use PreView and find something to fix as they see the
result of their edit.

So, considering only the last edit of a page in an interval of 10-15
minutes, many unuseful edits by bot can be avoided.

It's something very far from "async programming", I guess: a primitive
approach, but IMHO it should run.

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-10 Thread Platonides
River Tarnell wrote:
> PS: I cringe every time I see someone "parsing" IRC lines with things like
> strncmp(line, "PRIVMSG ", 8) or strstr(line, " :").  The IRC protocol is very
> simple, and tokenising it properly is really not that difficult.  (Every
> argument is separated by a space; if the first byte of the argument is ":",
> remove it and stop splitting.)

You forget the first argument, where a leading : means that it is a full
name (the only one you will ever see as a client).
Except the PING, which has no sender (it's always the local server), all
command follow the pattern:
The action can be performed by a "user" (joining a channel, sending a
message...) in which case it is the sender, or it may be a numeric where
the sender is a server.
The number of parameters depend on the action, with the last one taking
up to the end of line if beginning by :
Theoretically, some arguments should be counted from the beginning and
others from the end, thus allowing new parameters to be added in the
middle. In the practise, the client format is fixed and that isn't
really relevant.

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-10 Thread River Tarnell
Hash: SHA1

Михајло Анђелковић:
> I was returning the server whatever it was sending to me as a ping. This is 
> how it worked like two years ago. Has something changed?

This is the correct way to do it, but many IRC client implementations are lazy 
and are written by people who guess the protocol, and end up with an incomplete 
understanding, or simple don't care enough to implement it correctly since the 
incorrect solution works in most cases.

(As someone else pointed out, many IRC servers (especially hybrid-derived ones) 
use a "ping cookie" on connect; it was originally intended to defeat source 
address spoofing, but more recently has been used against other attacks.  If 
you don't reply correctly to a ping from one of these servers, you won't be 
able to connect.)

- river.

PS: I cringe every time I see someone "parsing" IRC lines with things like 
strncmp(line, "PRIVMSG ", 8) or strstr(line, " :").  The IRC protocol is very 
simple, and tokenising it properly is really not that difficult.  (Every 
argument is separated by a space; if the first byte of the argument is ":", 
remove it and stop splitting.)
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-10 Thread River Tarnell
Hash: SHA1

> Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?

Someone is suggesting it: you.  That's pretty much the point of the list; 
there's more than one person on it.

- river.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (FreeBSD)


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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-10 Thread Alex Brollo
2010/12/10 MZMcBride 

> Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So much
> easier than trying to write your own script in Python using sockets and
> manual pongs and all that jazz.

Once more, it's amazing to see how different meanings can have the word
"easier". :-)
Recently I tried to follow the suggestion of an expert, encouraging me to
use NetBeans for jthon... "easier" than my old beloved Idle interface for
basic python  I hardly survived. :-P

You are so largely overestimating my abstract knowledge of such stuff...
Nevertheless, my rough, basic, DIY routines run, and they do "magic" jobs!
So I presume easier, for me, to go on step by step with rough, brief, banal

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Alex Brollo
2010/12/10 Giftpflanze 

> > Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So
> > much easier than trying to write your own script in Python using
> > sockets and manual pongs and all that jazz.
I'm going to drag as deep as I can into Thanks
for suggestion. This will help me into the second step: and now that I have
my clean parsed #irc message... how can I use it for my tasks, sometimes
simple, sometimes far from simple, while listening for other messages? I'd
try a DIY (do it yourself)  way... but I guess that it's not so an exotic
problem, nad that's much better to study a little bit.

> Here’s my RE that parses the RC IRC message in all aspects I know of:
> The first line splits the server line into the actual IRC message and
> the channel (i.e. wiki) it is coming from. The sending nick is ignored
> since noone is allowed to talk at all and because it may change.
> The second splits the message into its 6 constituent parts. That works
> for every single line at the moment (sometimes a detail changes and we
> are left with a mess), be it even a log entry and not an ordinary edit,
> because the surrounding markup is present at every line. Sometimes the
> message is too long for the IRC format (which allows for 512 bytes
> including the final \r\n), so beware of cut off lines.
> The REs are in the re_syntax(n) Tcl-style format (since this is taken
> from my MediaWiki Tcl Library [~gifti/bot/irc.tcl]) but can easily be
> adopted to other languages I assume. I use \003 and \002 instead of
> direct ASCII for better readability and transportability. Consider that
> the color codes are sometimes with leading zeros, sometimes not.
> regexp {:[^ ]+ PRIVMSG #([^ ]+) :(.*?)} $line -> channel message
> regexp {\00314\[\[\00307(.*)\00314\]\]\0034 (.*)\00310 \00302(.*)\003
> \0035\*\003 \00303(.*)\003 \0035\*\003 \(*\002*\+*([^)]*)\002*\)*
> \00310(.*?)\003*} $message -> title action url user bytes comment

VERY interesting, thank you!

Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Giftpflanze
MZMcBride schrieb:
> Alex Brollo wrote:
> > 2. The script bring(s) into life a python bot, who reads 
> > RecentChanges at 10 minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps 
> > more efficient a #irc bot listening it.wikisource #irc channel for 
> > recent changes in your opinion? Where can I find a good python 
> > script to read #irc channels?
> Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So 
> much easier than trying to write your own script in Python using 
> sockets and manual pongs and all that jazz.

The process of IRC listening is not that dramatic, regardless of 
language. That could easily be made manually.

> You're more than welcome to look around my home directory (check 
> /home/mzmcbride/scripts/irc/) for some IRC bots. The bot I 
> specifically use to relay to is on 
> another server, but I'd be happy to post the code for you if you'd 
> like. His name is snitch and he supports all Wikimedia wikis, multiple 
> channels, and stalks per-page, per-user, or per-wiki.


Here’s my RE that parses the RC IRC message in all aspects I know of:

The first line splits the server line into the actual IRC message and 
the channel (i.e. wiki) it is coming from. The sending nick is ignored 
since noone is allowed to talk at all and because it may change.

The second splits the message into its 6 constituent parts. That works 
for every single line at the moment (sometimes a detail changes and we 
are left with a mess), be it even a log entry and not an ordinary edit, 
because the surrounding markup is present at every line. Sometimes the 
message is too long for the IRC format (which allows for 512 bytes 
including the final \r\n), so beware of cut off lines.

The REs are in the re_syntax(n) Tcl-style format (since this is taken 
from my MediaWiki Tcl Library [~gifti/bot/irc.tcl]) but can easily be 
adopted to other languages I assume. I use \003 and \002 instead of 
direct ASCII for better readability and transportability. Consider that 
the color codes are sometimes with leading zeros, sometimes not.

regexp {:[^ ]+ PRIVMSG #([^ ]+) :(.*?)} $line -> channel message

regexp {\00314\[\[\00307(.*)\00314\]\]\0034 (.*)\00310 \00302(.*)\003 
\0035\*\003 \00303(.*)\003 \0035\*\003 \(*\002*\+*([^)]*)\002*\)* 
\00310(.*?)\003*} $message -> title action url user bytes comment


Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread MZMcBride
Alex Brollo wrote:
> Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an error:
> now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study more: but
> what/where have I sto study? :-(
> 2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at 10
> minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc bot
> listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your opinion? Where
> can I find a good python script to read #irc channels?

Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So much
easier than trying to write your own script in Python using sockets and
manual pongs and all that jazz.

You're more than welcome to look around my home directory (check
/home/mzmcbride/scripts/irc/) for some IRC bots. The bot I specifically use
to relay to is on another server, but I'd
be happy to post the code for you if you'd like. His name is snitch and he
supports all Wikimedia wikis, multiple channels, and stalks per-page,
per-user, or per-wiki.



Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Platonides
Sumurai8 (DD) wrote:
> Well... you can actually send every 3 minutes a PONG-message without
> listening to the IRC-channel and the server will gladly accept that
> ^_^ . That's what I did at the time I didn't know about the
> timeout-option of a socket :) But most of the time it is just better
> to follow the rules and end each line with \r\n (nice, didn't know
> about that, so changed it in my script :) ), send a PONG-msg followed
> by everything that was send after the PING-message, etc, etc.

Some ircds will, with every right to do so, not complete your login into
the network in that case.
Strangely, I don't see that kind of protection in freenode's ircd-seven
despite being alledgedly protected from the javascript spam that plagued
the last days of hyperion[1].


Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Platonides
Михајло Анђелковић wrote:
> Long ago I have noticed that the irc server is kicking my bot out
> after some time from some reason.
> Then I looked closer and noticed there is a server's ping around that
> mishaps. Alright, then I just added an ad-hoc pong:
>   public void responsePing(String line) {
>   try {
>   out.println("PONG :" + 
> line.substring(line.indexOf(":")+1));
>   } catch(Throwable th) {
>   // ...
>   }
>   }
> And said it to go to hell. Pure storytelling is not why I am writing
> this. I have a question. I was returning the server whatever it was
> sending to me as a ping. This is how it worked like two years ago. Has
> something changed?
> M


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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Alex Brollo
Ok. I've my listening bot; at the beginning I've been  a little confused by
irc color codes, but I realized that they can be used to parse effectively
#irc messages.

Just the time to mount my "irc color-based parser" then I'll be ready to use
data enough for now I presume.

Then I'll read again your posts, to see if I can understand them (I only
used some keyword to browse the web searching what I need...)

Thank you again.

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Sumurai8 (DD)
You are probably missing a PING-message whilest listening to IRC and
then closes the connection when it doesn't receive a PONG in like 180

2010/12/9 Михајло Анђелковић :
> Long ago I have noticed that the irc server is kicking my bot out
> after some time from some reason.
> Then I looked closer and noticed there is a server's ping around that
> mishaps. Alright, then I just added an ad-hoc pong:
>        public void responsePing(String line) {
>                try {
>                        out.println("PONG :" + 
> line.substring(line.indexOf(":")+1));
>                } catch(Throwable th) {
>                        // ...
>                }
>        }
> And said it to go to hell. Pure storytelling is not why I am writing
> this. I have a question. I was returning the server whatever it was
> sending to me as a ping. This is how it worked like two years ago. Has
> something changed?
> M
> ___
> Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Михајло Анђелковић
Long ago I have noticed that the irc server is kicking my bot out
after some time from some reason.

Then I looked closer and noticed there is a server's ping around that
mishaps. Alright, then I just added an ad-hoc pong:

public void responsePing(String line) {
try {
out.println("PONG :" + 
} catch(Throwable th) {
// ...

And said it to go to hell. Pure storytelling is not why I am writing
this. I have a question. I was returning the server whatever it was
sending to me as a ping. This is how it worked like two years ago. Has
something changed?


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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Sumurai8 (DD)
Well... you can actually send every 3 minutes a PONG-message without
listening to the IRC-channel and the server will gladly accept that
^_^ . That's what I did at the time I didn't know about the
timeout-option of a socket :) But most of the time it is just better
to follow the rules and end each line with \r\n (nice, didn't know
about that, so changed it in my script :) ), send a PONG-msg followed
by everything that was send after the PING-message, etc, etc.

2010/12/9 Bryan Tong Minh :
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Platonides  wrote:
>> Sumurai8 (DD) wrote:
>>> Oops, forgot to put a return after the pongmsg, like this:
>>> IRC.send("PONG %s\n" % pong)
>>> The IRC-server will try to process the line after it finds a \n in your msg
>> According to the protocol, it should be a CRLF (\r\n). Although a bare
>> \n seems to be commonly accepted as well.
> In fact some ircds only look at the first 4 chars, PONG, regardless
> whether there is a new line at all.
> Bryan
> ___
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Bryan Tong Minh
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Platonides  wrote:
> Sumurai8 (DD) wrote:
>> Oops, forgot to put a return after the pongmsg, like this:
>> IRC.send("PONG %s\n" % pong)
>> The IRC-server will try to process the line after it finds a \n in your msg
> According to the protocol, it should be a CRLF (\r\n). Although a bare
> \n seems to be commonly accepted as well.
In fact some ircds only look at the first 4 chars, PONG, regardless
whether there is a new line at all.


Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Platonides
Sumurai8 (DD) wrote:
> Oops, forgot to put a return after the pongmsg, like this:
> IRC.send("PONG %s\n" % pong)
> The IRC-server will try to process the line after it finds a \n in your msg

According to the protocol, it should be a CRLF (\r\n). Although a bare
\n seems to be commonly accepted as well.

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Sumurai8 (DD)
It's just a plain idea how you can make an irc bot. Possible solutions
are making the buffer bigger or preserving the last message if it
doesn't end with a \n. For WikiLinkBot the first solution works just
fine (If reading the recent changes every 10 minutes just works fine,
making a bigger buffer should do the job (max. 500 edits in 600
seconds, then just make the buffer a little bigger).


2010/12/9 River Tarnell :
> Hash: SHA1
> Sumurai8 (DD):
>>     text = IRC.recv(1024)
>>     msgs = text.split('\n')
> This seems to have a bug: if there's more than 1024 bytes waiting, you could
> receive only part of the final message; so you will truncate that message, and
> the next recv will receive the other half (which will then be effectively
> junk).
>        - river.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (FreeBSD)
> ubsAnR/+E/8WtjZuD1Qrc78S5v68ZQ5/
> =z4ru
> ___
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Alex Brollo
2010/12/9 Platonides 

> Alex Brollo wrote:
> > 2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at
> > 10 minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc
> > bot listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your
> > opinion?
> Yes. Specially since you presumably want to get *all* RecentChanges
> which makes the 10 minutes value arbitrary.

Thanks to all from you.  My 10 minutes interval readings were only a trick
to skip over  my "continuously listening" unskillness. I'll study a little
bit the socket stuff and your code, then - I guess - I'll ask you again for
details/troubles. :-)

Consider that I'm VERY slow when learning new routines and presently
I've no idea about what precisely is "a socket". :-)

Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Platonides
Alex Brollo wrote:
> 2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at
> 10 minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc
> bot listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your
> opinion?

Yes. Specially since you presumably want to get *all* RecentChanges
which makes the 10 minutes value arbitrary.

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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Alex Brollo
2010/12/9 Bryan Tong Minh 

> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Alex Brollo  wrote:
> > Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an
> > error: now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to
> study
> > more: but what/where have I sto study? :-(
> >
> Please give the specific error message. It is hard to believe that the
> error is "the server dislikes sys.path".

It gives an error for that line, precisely mentioning sys.path. I didn't
save the message, but I can try to reproduce it.

Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread River Tarnell
Hash: SHA1

Sumurai8 (DD):
>     text = IRC.recv(1024)
>     msgs = text.split('\n')

This seems to have a bug: if there's more than 1024 bytes waiting, you could
receive only part of the final message; so you will truncate that message, and 
the next recv will receive the other half (which will then be effectively 

- river.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (FreeBSD)


Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Sumurai8 (DD)
Oops, forgot to put a return after the pongmsg, like this:
IRC.send("PONG %s\n" % pong)

The IRC-server will try to process the line after it finds a \n in your msg

Op 9 december 2010 17:04:24 UTC+1 heeft Sumurai8
 het volgende geschreven:
> irc listening with python is fairly easy; just use a socket
> import socket
> IRC = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> IRC.connect(('', 6667))
> while True:
>     text = IRC.recv(1024)
>     msgs = text.split('\n')
>     for msg in msgs:
>         if msg.split(' ', 1)[0] == "PING":
>             pong = msg.split(' ', 1)[1]
>             IRC.send("PONG %s" % pong)
>         print msg
> If you want to do periodically things, like writing the output to a file very 
> 10 minutes, you have to set a timeout. Otherwise the script will wait at the 
> recv-line till it receives data
> 2010/12/9 Alex Brollo 
>> 1. I'm testing my skill and I run my script under cron. The python script 
>> begin with these rows (and it runs):
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> import os,sys
>> if not sys.platform=="win32":
>>     sys.path.append('/home/alebot/pywikipedia')
>>     os.chdir("/home/alebot/scripts")
>> Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an 
>> error: now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study 
>> more: but what/where have I sto study? :-(
>> 2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at 10 
>> minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc bot 
>> listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your opinion? 
>> Where can I find a good python script to read #irc channels?
>> Thanks - I apologize for so banal questions.
>> Alex
>> ___
>> Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Sumurai8 (DD)
irc listening with python is fairly easy; just use a socket

import socket
IRC = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
IRC.connect(('', 6667))
while True:
    text = IRC.recv(1024)
    msgs = text.split('\n')
    for msg in msgs:
        if msg.split(' ', 1)[0] == "PING":
            pong = msg.split(' ', 1)[1]
            IRC.send("PONG %s" % pong)
        print msg

If you want to do periodically things, like writing the output to a
file very 10 minutes, you have to set a timeout. Otherwise the script
will wait at the recv-line till it receives data

2010/12/9 Alex Brollo 
> 1. I'm testing my skill and I run my script under cron. The python script 
> begin with these rows (and it runs):
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import os,sys
> if not sys.platform=="win32":
>     sys.path.append('/home/alebot/pywikipedia')
>     os.chdir("/home/alebot/scripts")
> Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an error: 
> now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study more: 
> but what/where have I sto study? :-(
> 2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at 10 
> minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc bot 
> listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your opinion? 
> Where can I find a good python script to read #irc channels?
> Thanks - I apologize for so banal questions.
> Alex
> ___
> Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Toolserver-l mailing list (
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Re: [Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Bryan Tong Minh
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Alex Brollo  wrote:
> Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an
> error: now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study
> more: but what/where have I sto study? :-(
Please give the specific error message. It is hard to believe that the
error is "the server dislikes sys.path".


Toolserver-l mailing list (
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[Toolserver-l] Two beginner questions

2010-12-09 Thread Alex Brollo
1. I'm testing my skill and I run my script under cron. The python script
begin with these rows (and it runs):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os,sys

if not sys.platform=="win32":

Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an
error: now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study
more: but what/where have I sto study? :-(

2. The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at 10
minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc bot
listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your opinion?
Where can I find a good python script to read #irc channels?

Thanks - I apologize for so banal questions.

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