Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread GeorgeWallner
>On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:12:59 -0500
>Ken  wrote:
> QRP may be fun for the QRP station but it's often a PITA 
>for the station on the other end.   
Hear, hear,

That is the strangest part of it: in most contest (except 
the Stew Perry) all the credit goes to the QRP station, 
while the hard work is done at the other end. Calling with 
1 kW takes the same effort as with 5 watts.

I often work QRP (SM6CPY just this Saturday night) and I 
know that the hard work is done by the receiving station. 
But when conditions are poor, I turn on the PA. It makes 
life easier.

BTW, I was QRP in the 160 m ARRL contest and I was very 
pleasantly surprised by the large percentage of stations 
that were able to copy me. TKS guys!


George, AA7JV
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Band Plan

2011-12-11 Thread
According to IARU, our Japanese friends aren''t "DX" on 160 and get to miss out 
on their own DX in the "window" unless the DX listens down below 1.825not a 
fan of the "Plan," de W6UQZ 

--- On Sun, 12/11/11, ZR  wrote:

From: ZR 
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
To: "Ken" , "Eddy Swynar" 
Date: Sunday, December 11, 2011, 3:38 PM

> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
>> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & 
>> limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz 
>> of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part 
>> of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 
>> 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting 
>> their quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together!     Not complaining about 
> your advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m 
> bandplan (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812            QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected 
> from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck 
> I should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 
> 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).
> 73, Ken WA8JXM

I agree with the IARU plan for digi (-;


UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread ZR

> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
>> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & 
>> limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz 
>> of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part 
>> of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 
>> 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting 
>> their quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together! Not complaining about 
> your advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m 
> bandplan (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected 
> from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck 
> I should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 
> 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).
> 73, Ken WA8JXM

I agree with the IARU plan for digi (-;


UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread ZR

- Original Message - 
From: "Ken" 
To: "ZR" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:03 PM, ZR wrote:

>  QRP can be fun and I guess I'll never
> understand the type of operator who needs a 3CX15000 and a world class
> antenna farm to boost his ego.


QRP may be fun for the QRP station but it's often a PITA for the station on 
the other end.

I'm not saying that most of us need a KW on CW, I sold my SB220 in 1974. But 
I hate trying to dig some station out of the mud to get 50% copy just so 
that he can get his jollies with miles per milliwatt.

Yes, I've operated a little QRP and decided it wasn't fair to the stations 
on the other end.

Obviously, YMMV.

73, Ken WA8JXM

Ken, Im far from anti QRO as many on here and the Amps reflector know. My 
amps are a LK-500ZC and Alpha 76 PA on the primary and second station 
respectively. Backups are a MLA-2500 and DTR-2000L and the only time they 
get used is when I cycle them thru once a year for a week.  In fact I run an 
amp repair and 6M conversion business.

OTOH there is very little I need on any band and since I hate most of whats 
on TV, especially what the OL watches; cant read a book constantly and Im 
too old to surf porn in the Internet Ive taken up other excuses to be in the 
basement. QRP is one of them. Restoring vintage AM and SSB gear plus 
building AM amps and modulators is another. VHF to microwave also takes some 
of my time.

Since QRP appears to be more popular in EU Id say any CW op worth his salt 
over there is capable of digging out weak signals.


No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4074 - Release Date: 12/11/11

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO / Bandplan

2011-12-11 Thread James Rodenkirch

Steve: I'll be on Top Band all week starting this evening so I'd be more than 
happy to offer up UT, IF'N we can connect (CW only, no JT or SSB stuff and I 
can only crank out 20 watts so might be a challenge).

My shameless plug, to complete QRP WAS on 160 meters, remains:  CT, VT, RI, SC, 
FL, ME, IN and MD 

72, Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV


> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:42:58 -0500
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO / Bandplan
> Ive found @ least here on the E.coast,in my VERY LIMITED time on TB  that
> 1800-1815 seems to be CW/QRP, CW/Rag chewing, & General CW however you want
> to call it + W1AW Code Practice/Bullitens @ 1802.5
> 1815-1835 PPl looking for DX and DX stations (CW)
> 1835-1840 Digital JT65, PSK31 DX INCLUDED , With JT65 Being @ 1838 USB DIAL
> 1840-1900 + SSB/AM
> Above 1900 All ive ever heard was SSB... I cant TX there so i dont
> personally know the norm.
> Problem with the IARU 'RECOMENDED" Band Plan is if we all stuck to
> that...then No or FEW Intl Digital QSO's wld take place. And the U.S. QRP
> community would just see all this digi stuff,
> I go where the majority is, I wont be cq'ing on JT65 @ 1.807.. because no
> one is there, been there ..tried that... not to mention that digi modes
> like JT65 that take a Solid Minute to decode, you cant just VFO hunt for
> them like CW & RTTY ect..especially when ALOT of JT65 Sigs are
> unaudible..not all of them.
> For domestic CW QSO's 1800-1815 I would personally say is a good spot with
> 1810 being the typicall QRP calling QRG.  1815-1835 is where u will find
> the hunters of dx..  I will amend my aformentioned sentence by saying
> RARELY do I hear any one QRP or QRO making  domestic CQ's  below 1809..
> with the bulk from 1809-1815, altho it does happen from time 2 time
> especially durring contest time. This is also not to say that some DX isnt
> here, im sure they are, as the information that I can find shows Japan
> having allocations from 1810-1825 and then a large gap and then again from
> 1907.5-1912.5.
> Also know where the GL is, and keep in your head that ppl may be looking
> for propagation to that area  ( dark - to - GL  or GL-to-GL ) especially if
> there is or has been recent prop to that area.. If you hear for instance
> some one @ 1815 calling 'CQ ASIA' ( As I hear alot durring GL,  then you
> know.. that there is a probability of prop to that area and to give room.
> Watch the DX cluster, And the skimmer Pages close.(
> ect ect )
> I personally frequently call ' CQ WEST ' on 160 CW.. or.. 'CQWUS' meaning
> CQ Western US on JT65 following MY DARK - to - GL path.. looking for
> western states on 160.. this isnt when I want to rag chew with someone
> south of me. Or a state away. Mabey CQ GL wld be a better option.. but then
> im sure some one will think im CQ'ing to wish some one good luck, hihi. (
> Common Sense area )
> When if comes to 160m its best to know where you want to work.. and then
> know what their allocations are, Because even where there is,
>  geographically a bulk of countries, such as Europe, many of their
> allocations are different on 160m.
> In regards to SSB, I dont think in my short time on the band, Ive ever
> heard a SSB or AM signal below 1845 with the majority above 1850.
> Have fun, enjoy the band(s)
> P.S. Shameless plug - I am looking for
> AK-AZ-CA-HI-ID-KS-MS-NV-NM-OK-OR-SD-TX-UT on 160,  JT65 or CW prefered.
> 73's
> -Steve Raas
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 11:04 AM, James Rodenkirch
> wrote:
> >
> > Too funny:  There's the "plan" as listed by Ken...
> >
> > Then, you go to the AC6V web site and you find this:
> >
> > 1.810 QRP CW Calling
> > frequency
> >
> > 1828.5 --
> > DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here
> >
> > 1.830-1.840 CW,
> > RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only
> >
> >
> >
> > 1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs
> > only
> >
> >
> > 1.825 - SSB QRP Calling Freq
> >
> > 1910 - SSB QRP Calling
> > Freq
> >
> > Then, you go to the ARRL web site and you find THIS!
> >
> > 1.800 - 2.000
> >CW
> >1.800 - 1.810
> >Digital Modes
> >1.810
> >1.843-2.000
> >SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes
> >1.910
> >1.995 - 2.000
> >Experimental
> >1.999 - 2.000
> >Beacons
> > Now, I don't really care, as long as SSB operators stay away from the
> > lower end of the band 'cuz I'll just find a nice spot at the lower end to
> > call CQ or look for other operators as far up as my loading coil "lets me,"
> > so to speak and not worry too much about it.  Just wish more hams got on
> > Top Band - love the excitement of working someone on the east coast

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Ken

On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:03 PM, ZR wrote:

>  QRP can be fun and I guess I'll never 
> understand the type of operator who needs a 3CX15000 and a world class 
> antenna farm to boost his ego.


QRP may be fun for the QRP station but it's often a PITA for the station on the 
other end.   

I'm not saying that most of us need a KW on CW, I sold my SB220 in 1974. But I 
hate trying to dig some station out of the mud to get 50% copy just so that he 
can get his jollies with miles per milliwatt.  

Yes, I've operated a little QRP and decided it wasn't fair to the stations on 
the other end.

Obviously, YMMV.

73, Ken WA8JXM

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

2011-12-11 Thread Howard K2HK

Sounds like both of your ideas are good ones to try first. One other suggestion 
is to change from a gamma to an omega match. You're pretty close now so if the 
snow and cold doesn't impede your trips to the tower you ought to make that amp 
happy w/o too much problem


> From:
> To:;
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:21:56 -0500
> Subject: Topband:  Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower
> My match on the tower went from 1.0 x 1. To 1.9 x 1 after I installed the
> new antenna.  In terms of loss, this isn't a huge change but my amplifier
> doesn't like the change.  Before I spend a lot of time running back and
> forth to the tower making random changes, any thoughts as to what I can do
> to improve the match.  I'm currently using one series capacitor 1000PF for
> the matching network.  I have attempted to adjust this capacitor but it
> looks like the 1.9 x 1 is the low point.  Perhaps some thoughts - increase
> or decrease the spacing of the shunt wire?  Move the connection up or down
> on the tower?  
> Before I get to crazy, just wanted to look to the base of knowledge on this
> reflector for your input.
> 73 and tnx in advance.
> Bob K3UL
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread ZR
My primary interest on CW is DX so Ive not even listened below 1810 except 
in a contest. To work QRP DX on 160 wait for the nights that EU and 
Carribean are pounding in and find stations nobody else is calling. With 
100mw Ive received 339 to 559 reports from EU and up to 579 in the 
Carribean. After all its only 40dB below a 1000W (-;
The rig is usually a TS-940 or TS-950SD with an Oak Hills QRP wattmeter 
attached that has full scale ranges of 100mw, 1W, 10W and a thru position. A 
switchable attenuator eliminates having to use the power controls at its low 
end where it is very touchy.. QRP can be fun and I guess I'll never 
understand the type of operator who needs a 3CX15000 and a world class 
antenna farm to boost his ego.

- Original Message - 
From: "James Rodenkirch" 
To: ; 
Cc: ; 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

> Oh - that DX crowd doesn't scare me, Eddy...smiling!
> I know to watch out for that "dx window" Hi Hi
>> From:
>> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 09:52:14 -0500
>> To:
>> CC:;
>> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
>> Hi Guys,
>> QRP on 160-meters is fun, alright---and there's at least one QRP contest 
>> every year that's dedicated just to the band (you've missed it by a 
>> matter of about 1-1/2 weeks!).
>> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & 
>> limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz 
>> of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part 
>> of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 
>> 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting 
>> their quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
>> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
>> ___
>> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4074 - Release Date: 12/11/11

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

2011-12-11 Thread Herb Schoenbohm
Bob,  To avoid the trips up and down the tower in the winter merely add 
an Omega cap from the shunt to ground,  You can start with a bread 
slicer and replace with a fixed mica later when yu find what you need.
IMHO I would replace, when you can, the shunt wire with a three or four 
wire cage feed as this will broaden out your B/W response significantly. 
If you don't want to try an Omega match then i recommend a CLC network 
rather than a straight series Cap.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 12/11/2011 1:21 PM, Bob Garrett wrote:
> Hello Topbanders,
> It is getting cold in the Northeast and as I get older, I dislike the cold
> even more.
> In April of this year, I replaced my Cush craft D40 40 meter rotable dipole
> with an OptiBeam OB-4030 dipole for 30 and 40 meters right at the top of the
> mast.  The overall length of the antenna is about ten feet longer and I am
> assuming that it has added some additional capacitance to my 100 foot shunt
> fed tower with a Cush craft X7, A3WS, 5 EL M2 6 meter yagi and the new
> OptiBeam dipole.
> My match on the tower went from 1.0 x 1. To 1.9 x 1 after I installed the
> new antenna.  In terms of loss, this isn't a huge change but my amplifier
> doesn't like the change.  Before I spend a lot of time running back and
> forth to the tower making random changes, any thoughts as to what I can do
> to improve the match.  I'm currently using one series capacitor 1000PF for
> the matching network.  I have attempted to adjust this capacitor but it
> looks like the 1.9 x 1 is the low point.  Perhaps some thoughts - increase
> or decrease the spacing of the shunt wire?  Move the connection up or down
> on the tower?
> Before I get to crazy, just wanted to look to the base of knowledge on this
> reflector for your input.
> 73 and tnx in advance.
> Bob K3UL
> ___

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO / Bandplan

2011-12-11 Thread Steven Raas
Ive found @ least here on the E.coast,in my VERY LIMITED time on TB  that
1800-1815 seems to be CW/QRP, CW/Rag chewing, & General CW however you want
to call it + W1AW Code Practice/Bullitens @ 1802.5

1815-1835 PPl looking for DX and DX stations (CW)

1835-1840 Digital JT65, PSK31 DX INCLUDED , With JT65 Being @ 1838 USB DIAL

1840-1900 + SSB/AM

Above 1900 All ive ever heard was SSB... I cant TX there so i dont
personally know the norm.

Problem with the IARU 'RECOMENDED" Band Plan is if we all stuck to
that...then No or FEW Intl Digital QSO's wld take place. And the U.S. QRP
community would just see all this digi stuff,
I go where the majority is, I wont be cq'ing on JT65 @ 1.807.. because no
one is there, been there ..tried that... not to mention that digi modes
like JT65 that take a Solid Minute to decode, you cant just VFO hunt for
them like CW & RTTY ect..especially when ALOT of JT65 Sigs are
unaudible..not all of them.

For domestic CW QSO's 1800-1815 I would personally say is a good spot with
1810 being the typicall QRP calling QRG.  1815-1835 is where u will find
the hunters of dx..  I will amend my aformentioned sentence by saying
RARELY do I hear any one QRP or QRO making  domestic CQ's  below 1809..
with the bulk from 1809-1815, altho it does happen from time 2 time
especially durring contest time. This is also not to say that some DX isnt
here, im sure they are, as the information that I can find shows Japan
having allocations from 1810-1825 and then a large gap and then again from

Also know where the GL is, and keep in your head that ppl may be looking
for propagation to that area  ( dark - to - GL  or GL-to-GL ) especially if
there is or has been recent prop to that area.. If you hear for instance
some one @ 1815 calling 'CQ ASIA' ( As I hear alot durring GL,  then you
know.. that there is a probability of prop to that area and to give room.
Watch the DX cluster, And the skimmer Pages close.( ect ect )

I personally frequently call ' CQ WEST ' on 160 CW.. or.. 'CQWUS' meaning
CQ Western US on JT65 following MY DARK - to - GL path.. looking for
western states on 160.. this isnt when I want to rag chew with someone
south of me. Or a state away. Mabey CQ GL wld be a better option.. but then
im sure some one will think im CQ'ing to wish some one good luck, hihi. (
Common Sense area )

When if comes to 160m its best to know where you want to work.. and then
know what their allocations are, Because even where there is,
 geographically a bulk of countries, such as Europe, many of their
allocations are different on 160m.

In regards to SSB, I dont think in my short time on the band, Ive ever
heard a SSB or AM signal below 1845 with the majority above 1850.

Have fun, enjoy the band(s)

P.S. Shameless plug - I am looking for
AK-AZ-CA-HI-ID-KS-MS-NV-NM-OK-OR-SD-TX-UT on 160,  JT65 or CW prefered.


-Steve Raas

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 11:04 AM, James Rodenkirch

> Too funny:  There's the "plan" as listed by Ken...
> Then, you go to the AC6V web site and you find this:
> 1.810 QRP CW Calling
> frequency
> 1828.5 --
> DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here
> 1.830-1.840 CW,
> RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only
> 1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs
> only
> 1.825 - SSB QRP Calling Freq
> 1910 - SSB QRP Calling
> Freq
> Then, you go to the ARRL web site and you find THIS!
> 1.800 - 2.000
>1.800 - 1.810
>Digital Modes
>SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes
>1.995 - 2.000
>1.999 - 2.000
> Now, I don't really care, as long as SSB operators stay away from the
> lower end of the band 'cuz I'll just find a nice spot at the lower end to
> call CQ or look for other operators as far up as my loading coil "lets me,"
> so to speak and not worry too much about it.  Just wish more hams got on
> Top Band - love the excitement of working someone on the east coast, for
> instance, at 0500 local time (as I did with AA1K a month or so back) with
> QRP power.  Just to be able to get on Top Band is a big plus for me with my
> limited space for a low band antenna...!
> 72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV
> QRP ARCI Contest Manager
> > From:
> > Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:52:05 -0500
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> >
> >
> > On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> >
> > > One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, &
> limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz
> of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of
> the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about

Re: Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

2011-12-11 Thread Gene Smar

 Before making physical changes to the shunt feed system, can you try 
changing the length of the StepIR element to see if that affects the match? 
If it does or doesn't make a difference, that would be valuable info for the 

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Garrett" 
To: "'Jim F.'" ; "'top Band'" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:21 PM
Subject: Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

> Hello Topbanders,
> It is getting cold in the Northeast and as I get older, I dislike the cold
> even more.
> In April of this year, I replaced my Cush craft D40 40 meter rotable 
> dipole
> with an OptiBeam OB-4030 dipole for 30 and 40 meters right at the top of 
> the
> mast.  The overall length of the antenna is about ten feet longer and I am
> assuming that it has added some additional capacitance to my 100 foot 
> shunt
> fed tower with a Cush craft X7, A3WS, 5 EL M2 6 meter yagi and the new
> OptiBeam dipole.
> My match on the tower went from 1.0 x 1. To 1.9 x 1 after I installed the
> new antenna.  In terms of loss, this isn't a huge change but my amplifier
> doesn't like the change.  Before I spend a lot of time running back and
> forth to the tower making random changes, any thoughts as to what I can do
> to improve the match.  I'm currently using one series capacitor 1000PF for
> the matching network.  I have attempted to adjust this capacitor but it
> looks like the 1.9 x 1 is the low point.  Perhaps some thoughts - increase
> or decrease the spacing of the shunt wire?  Move the connection up or down
> on the tower?
> Before I get to crazy, just wanted to look to the base of knowledge on 
> this
> reflector for your input.
> 73 and tnx in advance.
> Bob K3UL
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread w7dra
I have an 1825 crystal so that is where i usually hang out, with a
vairied power level depending upon which final in use: 833a, 211, or 6V6.

mike w7dra

On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:52:05 -0500 Ken  writes:
> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> > One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, 
> & limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 
> 10-KHz of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions 
> there, that part of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ 
> QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the 
> wrath of the DX crowd hunting their quarry therein...! Be 
> forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together! Not complaining 
> about your advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU 
> recommended 160m bandplan (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally 
> disconnected from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the 
> heck I should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually 
> hang around 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).  
> 73, Ken WA8JXM
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

2011-12-11 Thread Bob Garrett
Hello Topbanders,

It is getting cold in the Northeast and as I get older, I dislike the cold
even more.

In April of this year, I replaced my Cush craft D40 40 meter rotable dipole
with an OptiBeam OB-4030 dipole for 30 and 40 meters right at the top of the
mast.  The overall length of the antenna is about ten feet longer and I am
assuming that it has added some additional capacitance to my 100 foot shunt
fed tower with a Cush craft X7, A3WS, 5 EL M2 6 meter yagi and the new
OptiBeam dipole.  

My match on the tower went from 1.0 x 1. To 1.9 x 1 after I installed the
new antenna.  In terms of loss, this isn't a huge change but my amplifier
doesn't like the change.  Before I spend a lot of time running back and
forth to the tower making random changes, any thoughts as to what I can do
to improve the match.  I'm currently using one series capacitor 1000PF for
the matching network.  I have attempted to adjust this capacitor but it
looks like the 1.9 x 1 is the low point.  Perhaps some thoughts - increase
or decrease the spacing of the shunt wire?  Move the connection up or down
on the tower?  

Before I get to crazy, just wanted to look to the base of knowledge on this
reflector for your input.

73 and tnx in advance.

Bob K3UL

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: HK0NA Malpelo 2012 Topband update

2011-12-11 Thread Gregg Marco W6IZT

I thought I would take a moment to update the 160 meter community on our
Topband plans for the upcoming HK0NA 2012 DXpedition to Malpelo. We have
kept the DX community at large up to date through the normal news outlets.
However this update is more specific to our 160 meter operating plans.


We will have 2 operating locations. Both locations will have 160 meters
capabilities and legal limit amplifiers. The distance between the  two
operating locations is approximately 300 meters and the difference in
elevation is almost 200 meters!  Two operating locations are a necessity to
provide a low take off angles in all directions.  


The camp lower in elevation "OP B, or Baja" will be our main camp and is
located adjacent to the military facilities. "OP A, or Alto" will be located
very close to the top of the highest point on Malpelo. The antennas for OP A
will be located on top of the highest peak. The personnel operating from OP
A will have to make a very difficult and dangerous 200m vertical climb on a
daily basis to man the stations. OP B will be the primary 160m station for
the eastern US, Europe, South America, and Africa. OP A will be the primary
operating location for the western US, JA/Asia, and VK/ZL.


Our current antenna plans call for an Inv L for 160 at OP B, with Pennants
for receive, and for OP A an Inverted V broadside to the US and JA for 160
and Pennants for receive. At 300 meters above the sea we are confident that
the efforts to establish this operating location and antenna selection will
result in an outstanding signal on 160 to those areas of the world that have
been most challenged to work Malpelo in the past.


Establishing an operating location from OP A comes at a considerable
expense. We have expanded an already strong team with the addition of
several experienced DXpeditioners to man the increased number of stations.
(from 6 to 10). This has also enabled us to extend our stay on the island.
We are making every effort to minimize the risk in transit for OP B to OP A
through the extensive use of safety equipment wherever possible. Fortunately
we have a commitment from the Columbian Military and the crew of our
transportation vessel to assist with transporting equipment, fuel and water
to the OP A site.


An advance team of operators from Columbia are leaving for the island on
Christmas day to begin the efforts of establishing the camp infrastructure,
and setting up the antennas.


One of our goals is to drop Malpelo out of the top 100 on the DXCC most
wanted list from the current spot of #11 worldwide. Operations of this
magnitude are expensive. This one in particular also comes with a
significant element of risk. The operators are bearing the majority of the
expenses. But without support from equipment sponsors, major DX
organizations, clubs, and individuals this trip would not be possible.


Contributions are still needed and very welcomed. Please visit our website
at and click on "how can I help"..


Lastly, we have a tremendous group of equipment and DX organization
sponsors, please support them whenever possible.


73s, Happy Holidays, and hopes that we are in your log on 160!






UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Jerry Sevik's Book -

2011-12-11 Thread Jim F.
Just ordered the W2FMI book (~$20) and a T300A-2 core (~$14) from Amidon.
(Minimum order $20) lists the W2FMI book for ~$300 new and ~$178 used...   Unbelievable 
Thanks Guy / K2AV for your technical insight and extreme patience...
jim / W1FMR
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 108, Issue 30

2011-12-11 Thread wb2lmv
All the more reason to populate the band. I work some DX and I am thrilled to 
do so, but I also enjoy working the QRP stations and ragchewing. I like to keep 
in mind that Topband is the "gentleman's band" and we should all coexist 
accordingly. Here is an example: Just last week I started calling CQ around 
1.812 looking for a QSO, after my third call I heard a very weak signal, I 
couldn't make it out so I sent "?"After not hearing any response, one of 
the strong local DXer stations sent "QRL DX" I immediately sent "R" and moved 
away. Not all of us little stations can hear what someone else might be able to 
hear with a beverage or better equipment then we may be using. That's the fun 
of Top Band, it's always challenging and when we make that special contact it's 
a bigger thrill then on some of the other bands. I'm looking forward to working 
everyone DX or local!
Very 73 to all Topbanders, Glenn WB2LMV

Message: 7
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 08:33:57 -0500
From: Ken 
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Gary Smith wrote:

> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with 
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was 
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as 
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A 
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely 
> alive. 100mW... nice!

I agree, there is not a whole lot of activity on 160 cw or digital even though 
the band is quite capable.   Activity seems to be mostly devoted to contesting 
and DX, (or SSB.)



UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread James Rodenkirch

Too funny:  There's the "plan" as listed by Ken...

Then, you go to the AC6V web site and you find this:

1.810 QRP CW Calling

1828.5 --
DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here

1.830-1.840 CW,
RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1.825 - SSB QRP Calling Freq

1910 - SSB QRP Calling

Then, you go to the ARRL web site and you find THIS!

1.800 - 2.000
1.800 - 1.810
Digital Modes
SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes
1.995 - 2.000
1.999 - 2.000
Now, I don't really care, as long as SSB operators stay away from the lower end 
of the band 'cuz I'll just find a nice spot at the lower end to call CQ or look 
for other operators as far up as my loading coil "lets me," so to speak and not 
worry too much about it.  Just wish more hams got on Top Band - love the 
excitement of working someone on the east coast, for instance, at 0500 local 
time (as I did with AA1K a month or so back) with QRP power.  Just to be able 
to get on Top Band is a big plus for me with my limited space for a low band 
72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV
QRP ARCI Contest Manager


> From:
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:52:05 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> > One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & limit 
> > operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz of the 
> > band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of the 
> > band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 
> > 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting their 
> > quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together! Not complaining about your 
> advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m bandplan 
> (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected 
> from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck I 
> should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 
> 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).  
> 73, Ken WA8JXM
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Ken

On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & limit 
> operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz of the 
> band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of the band 
> is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 
> 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting their quarry 
> therein...! Be forewarned...

The Ham world needs to get their act together! Not complaining about your 
advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m bandplan 
(dated October 2010):

1800-1810   digi modes
1810-1830   CW
1830-1840   DX window

Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected from 

I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck I 
should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 1836-38 
for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).  

73, Ken WA8JXM

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread James Rodenkirch

Oh - that DX crowd doesn't scare me, Eddy...smiling!

I know to watch out for that "dx window" Hi Hi


> From:
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 09:52:14 -0500
> To:
> CC:;
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> Hi Guys,
> QRP on 160-meters is fun, alright---and there's at least one QRP contest 
> every year that's dedicated just to the band (you've missed it by a matter of 
> about 1-1/2 weeks!).
> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & limit 
> operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz of the 
> band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of the band 
> is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 
> 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting their quarry 
> therein...! Be forewarned...
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Ian Wade G3NRW
___Original Message_
From: James Rodenkirch 
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011   Time: 06:17:37

>1810 is the suggested frequency, Mike - I tend to start there, 
>listening, to see if any other QRP stations are around but I tend to 
>not hang around there too much as I don't think of myself as "QRP" as 
>much as just challenging myself to do well with lessHi Hi


If you want to work some *real* DX, you might consider sliding up a few 
Hz, as 1810 is the lower band edge for most of Europe.

Ian, G3NRW

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Eddy Swynar
Hi Guys,

QRP on 160-meters is fun, alright---and there's at least one QRP contest every 
year that's dedicated just to the band (you've missed it by a matter of about 
1-1/2 weeks!).

One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & limit 
operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz of the 
band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of the band 
is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 
1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting their quarry 
therein...! Be forewarned...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread mikefurrey
That sounds fun ... I have a knight kit station I may try ... an Ocean 
Hopper and the Knight Broadcaster adjusted to slide up to 160, watt or so on 
160 AM. That would be ridiculous. I use that Broadcaster each year in my 
physics and engineering classes when my students build crystal radios ... 
h  slide the crystal radios up to 160. I could only hope for a Q 
with someone in the neighborhood.

73, Mike WA5POK

-Original Message- 
From: Bill Stewart
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

Congrats, Gary, on the QRPp QSO. QRP on top band is quite an accomplishment 
and is a real thrill when it happens. I recently built a 4 coil Meissner 
osc, from a 1924 QST. It uses a C-301A ('24 vintage) tube at about 4 watts 
input...and probably about 1.5 out. I strung up a 160m Windom at 30-35 
feet...thot it would be a dummy load...but so far I've worked about 5 
states...and Eddy, VE3CUI and getting pretty good reports. If you hear me 
down at the low end of 160, pse give me a call.
Have fun...73, Bill K4JYS (NC)

- Original Message -
From: "Gary Smith" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:44:28 AM
Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with
N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was
absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as
a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A
599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.

Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely
alive. 100mW... nice!

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread ZR
I have a total of 13 countries on 160 with 100mw Gary and almost DXCC at 5W; 
a few more on 160 and I'll have 9 band QRP DXCC. When conditions cooperate 
anything is possible.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Smith" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:44 AM
Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely
> alive. 100mW... nice!
> Gary
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4073 - Release Date: 12/10/11

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread ZR
One of my QRP rigs is a pre WW2 Meissner Signal Shifter coupled with a 1934 
National FB-XA.


- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Stewart" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

> Congrats, Gary, on the QRPp QSO. QRP on top band is quite an 
> accomplishment and is a real thrill when it happens. I recently built a 4 
> coil Meissner osc, from a 1924 QST. It uses a C-301A ('24 vintage) tube at 
> about 4 watts input...and probably about 1.5 out. I strung up a 160m 
> Windom at 30-35 feet...thot it would be a dummy load...but so far I've 
> worked about 5 states...and Eddy, VE3CUI and getting pretty good reports. 
> If you hear me down at the low end of 160, pse give me a call.
> Have fun...73, Bill K4JYS (NC)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary Smith" 
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:44:28 AM
> Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely
> alive. 100mW... nice!
> Gary
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4073 - Release Date: 12/10/11

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Bill Stewart

Congrats, Gary, on the QRPp QSO. QRP on top band is quite an accomplishment and 
is a real thrill when it happens. I recently built a 4 coil Meissner osc, from 
a 1924 QST. It uses a C-301A ('24 vintage) tube at about 4 watts input...and 
probably about 1.5 out. I strung up a 160m Windom at 30-35 feet...thot it would 
be a dummy load...but so far I've worked about 5 states...and Eddy, VE3CUI and 
getting pretty good reports. If you hear me down at the low end of 160, pse 
give me a call.
Have fun...73, Bill K4JYS (NC) 

- Original Message -
From: "Gary Smith" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:44:28 AM
Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with 
N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was 
absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as 
a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A 
599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.

Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely 
alive. 100mW... nice!

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread Ken

On Dec 11, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Gary Smith wrote:

> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with 
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was 
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as 
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A 
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely 
> alive. 100mW... nice!

I agree, there is not a whole lot of activity on 160 cw or digital even though 
the band is quite capable.   Activity seems to be mostly devoted to contesting 
and DX, (or SSB.)

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread James Rodenkirch

1810 is the suggested frequency, Mike - I tend to start there, listening, to 
see if any other QRP stations are around but I tend to not hang around there 
too much as I don't think of myself as "QRP" as much as just challenging myself 
to do well with lessHi Hi

I'll be on 160 this evening, probably around 2000 Mountain Time and, of course, 
early tomorrow morning around 0800Z - hope to hear and work you!

Jim R. K9JWV


> From:
> To:;;
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 07:13:17 -0600
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> What is the QRP frequency on 160? Sounds fun. Would like to give it a try 
> with my newly finished K3.
> 73, Mike WA5POK
> -Original Message- 
> From: James Rodenkirch
> Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 4:28 AM
> To: ;
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> Way to go, Gary!
> I'll be on Top Band this week, starting this evening, lookin' for QSOs with 
> anyone BUT really hoping to have Qs with CT, VT, RI, SC, FL, ME, IN and MD 
> so I can complete QRP WAS on 160 meters!
> I have a sked with a fella in IN early tomorrow morning - 0100 my time, 0300 
> his - so I'll be there if anyone is interested in working me from those 
> states, in particular but from where ever.  I'll be operating during the 
> Stew, as often as time permits, offering up my 4 points to y'all and 
> certainly hope to work lots of you!
> 72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 02:44:28 -0500
> > Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> >
> > By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with
> > N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was
> > absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as
> > a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A
> > 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> >
> > Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely
> > alive. 100mW... nice!
> >
> > Gary
> > KA1J/QRPp
> > ___
> > UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread mikefurrey
What is the QRP frequency on 160? Sounds fun. Would like to give it a try 
with my newly finished K3.

73, Mike WA5POK

-Original Message- 
From: James Rodenkirch
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 4:28 AM
To: ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

Way to go, Gary!

I'll be on Top Band this week, starting this evening, lookin' for QSOs with 
anyone BUT really hoping to have Qs with CT, VT, RI, SC, FL, ME, IN and MD 
so I can complete QRP WAS on 160 meters!

I have a sked with a fella in IN early tomorrow morning - 0100 my time, 0300 
his - so I'll be there if anyone is interested in working me from those 
states, in particular but from where ever.  I'll be operating during the 
Stew, as often as time permits, offering up my 4 points to y'all and 
certainly hope to work lots of you!

72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV

> From:
> To:
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 02:44:28 -0500
> Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely
> alive. 100mW... nice!
> Gary
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

2011-12-11 Thread James Rodenkirch

Way to go, Gary!

I'll be on Top Band this week, starting this evening, lookin' for QSOs with 
anyone BUT really hoping to have Qs with CT, VT, RI, SC, FL, ME, IN and MD so I 
can complete QRP WAS on 160 meters!

I have a sked with a fella in IN early tomorrow morning - 0100 my time, 0300 
his - so I'll be there if anyone is interested in working me from those states, 
in particular but from where ever.  I'll be operating during the Stew, as often 
as time permits, offering up my 4 points to y'all and certainly hope to work 
lots of you!

72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV


> From:
> To:
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 02:44:28 -0500
> Subject: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> By no means any shadow of a record but I just had a CW QSO on TB with 
> N3LCW/QRP in Md & me in CT; about 300 miles apart. The band was 
> absent of signals till down at the bottom, there he was calling CQ as 
> a QRP so I switched the amp off, turned the K3 down to 5W and got A 
> 599. a bit later I dropped it to 100mW and got a 559 from his K2.
> Kind of amazing there aren't more people on 160, it's definitely 
> alive. 100mW... nice!
> Gary
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK