Re: Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 250, Issue 20

2023-10-31 Thread Bill Weaver
I missed you guys on KH8/S (multiple tries ). Would love to take a crack at 
KH8 at sunrise here (1100Z - 1200Z). 

Safe travels and 73,
Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:53:27 -0400
> To: "Topband Reflector" 
> Subject: Re: Topband: KH8 Demand on TB
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed"
> Hello TobBanders,
> I am in American Samoa (KH8) and will be in the Manua Islands, AH54 (OC-77),
> later this week. I may have a chance to set up a 160 m station and operate
> for a few days. How much wanted is KH8 on TB? ClubLog indicates that it is
> quite rare at #30 on 160 m, but I find that hard to believe for a place
> recently activated by a number of groups.
> TKS,
> George,

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: E51D on 160 Tonight

2023-08-31 Thread Bill Weaver

Thanks for starting at 0930Z before our SR. You were coming through but too 
weak to work here in central KY. You were building after 10Z before you went 
QRT. I’ll keep listening for you guys!

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 239, Issue 13

2022-11-16 Thread Bill Weaver
I tried getting through to you but couldn’t quite make it. You were maybe 339 
here in central Ky.

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 07:17:31 + (UTC)
> From: Andree DL8LAS 
> To: topband reflector 
> Subject: Topband: Condx 160m  in EU last night
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I had a very nice 160m band evening/ night. First I worked Dietmar HS0ZFV 
> with a really good signal by my first call. Than I called CQ and had a nice 
> US pileup. Occasionally worked Kim HL5IVL after his CQ. Than I went back to 
> my frequence and worked a lot of DX. I am happy to found some new calls in my 
> log. At the end I had 40 QSO's only with NA.Really a surprise after month of 
> bad condx on topband.
> 73 Andy DL8LAS
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Bill N4AR; killed in auto accident

2021-11-24 Thread Bill Weaver
We are all shocked here in KY.

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> On Nov 24, 2021, at 16:06, Dan Flaig NP2J  wrote:
> Dan to inform that Bill N4AR ex: K4GSU was killed in an auto accident.
> I understand his wife servived but is injured.
> Info relayed to me by N8DX
> Bill was an amazing operator.
> He had what must of been the largest antenna farm anywhere at one time.
> Two many towers to count.
> Found memories of picnics hosted by Bill on Sunday of Dayton Hamventions 
> weekends. Always a gracious host.
> You will be missed
> 73
> Dan K8RF / NP2J
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
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Re: Topband: Congratulations - VE6WZ

2021-10-13 Thread Bill Weaver

Very well deserved Steve. Congratulations! And thanks for all the work you put 
into your videos.

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> On Oct 13, 2021, at 12:40, VE6WZ_Steve  wrote:
> Thanks for the cograts, and thanks to Yasme for selecting me.
> I only got an email from Yasme a few days ago telling me about this.
> I am both very surprised and honoured, especially to be alongside those well 
> respected past recipients.
> Although I can see the number of views on some of my videos, I am never 
> really sure how many guys either watch or get much out of them.
> Indeed there are others out there who are equally deserving and contribute to 
> our hobby, many of which are on this list and who have helped me.
> 73, de steve ve6wz
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: S9OK 160m EU

2021-10-06 Thread Bill Weaver
You were a fairly solid 529 into Central KY on my GAP vertical (Poor RX 
antenna). I gave you a few calls with no luck (apparently a bad TX antenna also 
:)). S9OK was just under the noise level. Work begins this weekend on a HI-Z 
4-square :).

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> On Oct 6, 2021, at 00:03, Andree DL8LAS via Topband  
> wrote:
> Hey topbanders, nice signal from S9OK this morning in DL. Worked also first 
> west coast this season. N7UA was real 559 today. Here is a short clip from 
> S9OK.
> 73 Andy DL8LAS 
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Inverted L's etc

2021-09-28 Thread Bill Weaver
I’ve seen people using a mini crossbow with the head removed from the bolt and 
replaced with a golf ball. It is extremely accurate.

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> On Sep 28, 2021, at 14:54, Pete Smith N4ZR  wrote:
> FWIW, the only thing that would concern me about that sort of solution is 
> the projectile, and its potential for damage if it should hit someone (or 
> something).  I personally prefer the tennis-ball cannon ( 
> for that reason.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
> web server at .
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster.
>> On 9/28/2021 1:58 PM, Michael Fischer wrote:
>> Stan - LOVE "just my 2Hz worth" stealing that from you om!
>> First of all thank you to each one of you who have contributed your thoughts 
>> particularly around the mechanical considerations for suspending the InvL, 
>> You guys are great teachers. Says the guy whose dad was the ME in the family 
>> and raised a son who had a tough time with math so he went into sales...  I 
>> am grateful for the grace you guys have for those of us to whom engineering 
>> does NOT come naturally..
>> FWIW, my weapon of choice for the past several years for launching lines 
>> over very high tree limbs has been the PVC cannon discussed in QST some 
>> number of years ago. My only changes to the design have been (1) to fill the 
>> projectile (also made from PVC) with lead fishing weights, initially so it 
>> could pull the monofilament I was using as a tag line back down the other 
>> side of the Douglas Firs which present a lot of friction.
>> I learned that (2), braided fishing line is lighter, tangles far less ( limp 
>> by nature), weighs much less and therefor can be shot much higher, presents 
>> less friction over the branch (almost guaranteeing you can get it to drop 
>> back to earth) and is much stronger as a tag line for pulling the heavier 
>> rope or paracord etc back over the branch ( that you ultimately use for 
>> suspending the antenna).
>> The PVC cannon is very accurate and I often get compliments from people 
>> about being able to choose the branch and put it exactly where I want it. 
>> Its' a great tool. I can comfortably shoot the projectile over 125' with 
>> approximately 90PSI in the cannon
>> Hope this helps someone..
>> 73,
>> Mike
>> K7XH (forever a TB newb)
>> _
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> _
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Re: Topband: RF Issues with Heart Pacemakers

2020-03-08 Thread Bill Weaver
I worked in engineering for a pacemaker firm for 16 years. About a half dozen 
of the other engineers were hams too. I never heard of any issues with RF 
interference (and I surely would have being right in the middle of it). I'm 
talking about 1990's technology as I have been retired for 20 years.

Bill WE5P

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On Mar 8, 2020, 14:11, at 14:11, Jim Brown  wrote:
>Hi George,
>Many years ago, I saw what I considered solid input that these devices 
>are not sensitive to RF at frequencies we use. The laws of physics 
>support that -- RFI is coupled either by by antenna action or a
>field. Devices like this are far too small for there to me much of 
>either, and proper design requires that their construction reject both 
>means of coupling by their construction.
>73, Jim K9YC
>On 3/8/2020 7:24 AM, George Taft via Topband wrote:
>> Is there anyone on the TB reflector with experience with this new
>pacemaker device?
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Re: Topband: 2019 STEW PERRY

2019-12-30 Thread Bill Weaver
I have him and UX2X in the log, but I'm in eastern zone 4 (central Ky). Most of 
west and central EU was easily workable here.
Bill WE5P

> On Dec 30, 2019 at 21:29, uy0zgwrote:
>  Hi All The US1Q station (EM2Q in ARRL 160) announced an unrealistic result : 
> This station is located in the 
> south-east of Ukraine. This is a very poor geographic location for working 
> with NA. Compare US1Q results with UX1UA, UR0MC, UX2X results. Especially 
> regarding the work with the 3rd zone! They say that evidence is needed  
> But how to prove that white is white, and black is black? Why are all new 
> technologies (WEBsdr and more) helping only dishonest people? And the truth 
> has no protection? Is it possible to live like that ?? -- Nick, UY0ZG 
> _ Searchable Archives: 
> - Topband Reflector 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: ZK3A

2019-10-08 Thread Bill Weaver
I had to work them twice on 40 (2nd time made it) and 30 (not uploaded yet) 
after solid Q's the first time that didn't make it into the log. I'm not 
surprised that you ran into this. Possibly a transcription issue under less 
than ideal condx.

Bill WE5P

> On Oct 8, 2019 at 14:21, ShelbyK4WWwrote:
>  Anyone else work ZK3A today about 0610Z, and the contact not appearing in 
> their online log search? Online log search indicates last QSO is database: 
> 08/10/2019 1103Z Thanks 73, Shelby - K4WW As I don't have an iPad nor iPhone, 
> sent from my PC _ Searchable Archives: 
> - Topband Reflector 
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