Topband: QRP on 160?

2024-07-02 Thread Tom Boucher
For many years after I was licensed in 1960, we were limited in G-land to
10 watts input to the PA (not output). So working DX was a major
achievement, although there were quite a few 'fat watts' around!
G3PU used to regularly work VK and ZL with a genuine 10 watts from his
cliff top QTH on the south coast. G3ERN was another genuine 10 watter who
worked VK/ZL.

Somewhere in my log there is a QSO with George AA7JV when he was running 5
watts in Miami with an excellent signal.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ARRL DX CW Contest

2024-02-18 Thread Tom Boucher
Best top-band conditions I've heard in a while. Mid-West and West Coast
romping in both mornings, including CA - N6RO and WA6KHK.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Inverted-L Question

2023-12-21 Thread Tom Boucher
For comparison my inverted-L is similar to yours with a 94 ft vertical
section and 43 ft horizontal (ish). It is on a tall tree, not a tower.

Like you, I use an L-network to match it and get a feed impedance on 1826.5
KHz of 50+j0. I have a 1600pF capacitor in parallel but no inductor as I
simply extended the antenna length to make it slightly inductive.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ZL1AZ

2023-10-11 Thread Tom Boucher
Good signals peaking at my sunrise this morning from Dennis ZL1AZ. Nice to
hear 160 conditions improving.

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Topband: Unsubscribing

2021-09-18 Thread Tom Boucher
Hello Greg,

Just to say thanks a million for the countless 160 metre QSOs we have had,
mainly at UK sunrise, over the past 15 years. Your remote station receiving
capability has always amazed me. I can imagine your frustration at hearing
and copying us so many times, when we were not hearing you. Sometimes it
was the other way round. Proof enough that one way propagation does exist
on 160.

I won’t be joining you on microwaves, but if you do decide to set up a 160
remote facility again in Cape Town, I will be listening for you!

We hope to visit ZS1 again when these travel restrictions are lifted and
when we do, we will certainly get together.

Best 73,
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Topband Conditions

2021-01-05 Thread Tom Boucher
Just to add to the discussion on band conditions, Mike W4EF near LA was
romping into UK this morning, Tuesday at 0800 sunrise, peaking 8 to 9 and
Larry N7DD was well over the 9. Apart from those two, the band was devoid
of CW during the short time I was on.
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: DXE Thunderbolt

2020-12-06 Thread Tom Boucher
David G3WGN,

I'm sure you must have some tall trees down there in the Dart Valley! You
could save yourself a bundle in shipping charges alone by putting up a
simple wire inverted 'L' or a 'T'.

Use a pneumatic tennis ball launcher to place the halyard over the tree at
the highest point. I have one of these and will even come down and do it
for you as you're not far away!

My 'L' is 90 feet up and 43 feet out to another tree. It is matched at 1825
KHz by a simple 1,600 pf high voltage ceramic capacitor as an L-network
from base to the radial field. These caps are hard to come by these days,
so rather than making the antenna slightly longer and inductive, it is
probably better to make it slightly shorter and capacitive and then
matching with a small shunt inductor, known as a 'hairpin'.

Look forward to hearing you on 160!
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 conditions

2019-12-15 Thread Tom Boucher
It's nice to hear the band back in good shape again after a few years. Big
CW signal from W4EF in CA this morning along with ZL3IX, also a string of
JAs/HL earlier this week.

Let's keep the 160 CW activity up!

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Safety with pneumatic tennis ball launchers

2019-08-31 Thread Tom Boucher
G4FTC wrote "The one thing that scares me with the tennis ball launcher is
the risk of the plastic air reservoir exploding..."

- which is why I always put on safety goggles when using mine.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 conditions

2019-01-13 Thread Tom Boucher
Outstanding sunrise conditions at 0800 today on top band. FM5BH on 1818 KHz
S9+. ZL3IX on 1826.5 long path peaking S8/9 on my meter.

RBN skimmers showing excellent path to USA but very little other activity.
Come on guys, turn that computer off and plug the key in!

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Poor conditions in 2018??

2018-11-13 Thread Tom Boucher
I have to disagree with Steve VK6VZ and Dave W0FLS about conditions so far
this season on topband. Although talking about different paths and times,
regular daily long path skeds between myself with several other G's and
ZL3IX, have been remarkably successful and I have logged 23 completed QSOs
since 21st September this year. That's not quite a complete Q per day, but
taking into account the days one of us didn't show up, it's not far short!

Also, the RBNs have indicated good propagation to USA/Canada most days at
UK sunrise. West coast stations have been conspicuous by their absence
though, with the exception of a couple of big signals from AZ and AB. US
activity is not particularly good at our sunrise, probably explained by
most folks needing 8 hours sleep!

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m Parasitic array (VE6WZ_Steve)

2018-10-31 Thread Tom Boucher
Fascinating presentation Steve, thank you.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Topband conditions

2018-09-21 Thread Tom Boucher
A couple of hours this morning on 160 CW yielded FR4NT, VE6WZ and ZL3IX as
well as some other old friends, so considering the high static levels,
conditions are pretty good!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Capacitive vs. Inductive Matching of Inverted 'L'/'T'

2018-09-03 Thread Tom Boucher
I used to use a slightly shortened 'L' with a small inductor at the base
until I was told by LA5HE that he could hear me on 80 as well as 160!
Using capacitor matching forms a low pass network which will reduce
harmonic radiation. The inductor method forms a high pass L-network.

BTW, why is it called a 'hairpin' inductor? Looks nothing like a hairpin,
or does it?

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Air wound coil

2018-09-02 Thread Tom Boucher
Bob W7RH - you don't need expensive hard-to-find vacuum capacitors to
match  a quarter wave 'L' or 'T' on top band. I use cheap multilayer high
voltage disc ceramics and these have been working perfectly at QRO levels
with my inverted 'L' for years.
I use 1600pF made up from 1000pF + 470pF + 220pf all rated at 6.3KV and
available (over here) from CPC at less than $4 for 10.
Antenna is slightly longer than a quarter wave so it is inductive and the
capacitors form the other part of the L-match network.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Top band sloper resonance

2018-08-19 Thread Tom Boucher
Gary KA1J,
It struck me that maybe you originally cut your sloper a little longer so you 
could match it with a simple capacitor. 
My inverted L is resonant on its own, somewhere down in the 1.750 region. It’s 
effectively matched to 50 ohms by an L network but the series inductance part 
of the network is made by lengthening the antenna a little. I have a parallel 
high voltage ceramic capacitor from the feed point to radials.
I can’t check the actual values because I’m currently on vacation in W4 land.

Sent from my iPhone
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Wednesday activity night

2018-03-15 Thread Tom Boucher
Roger G3YRO – conditions haven’t been all bad on 160 lately. ZL3IX and I have 
had 7 good long path QSOs in this month so far.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: 160 activity night

2018-02-22 Thread Tom Boucher
Sorry guys, I thought I posted the following about a month ago. Must be a long 
delay echo on the 160 reflector!


Just to say that I wholeheartedly endorse Roger's comments on repeat 160 metre 
contacts. We are not all certificate hunters and many are only too happy to 
rag-chew. In 58 years on top band, I have no idea of my DXCC score but it's 
quite a few. So please Mark K3MSB and all you others who are frightened of 
answering CQs from someone you may have worked before, if you hear us on please 
give us a shout even if just for old times sake! Don’s (WD8DSB) experience is 
very sad and the other guy must be a complete moron. How long does it take for 
a minimal QSO, RST + name?

I'm not sure I can climb out of the sack at Z or 0300Z on a Wednesday 
though Roger!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-22 Thread Tom Boucher
Just to say that I wholeheartedly endorse Roger’s comments on repeat 160 metre 
contacts. We are not all certificate hunters and many are only too happy to 
rag-chew. In 58 years on top band, I have no idea of my DXCC score but it’s 
quite a few. So please Mark K3MSB and all you others who are frightened of 
answering CQs from someone you may have worked before, if you hear us on please 
give us a shout even if just for old times sake! Don’s (WD8DSB) experience is 
very sad and the other guy must be a complete moron. How long does it take for 
a minimal QSO, RST + name?

I’m not sure I can climb out of the sack at Z or 0300Z on a Wednesday 
though Roger!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: D10 Field Telephone Cable

2018-01-09 Thread Tom Boucher
Vic/David – looks like D10 field telephone cable may be readily available at:
GBP 64.50 for 800 metres sound a pretty reasonable price to me.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Conditions improving

2017-10-30 Thread Tom Boucher
Really good to hear 160 conditions getting better by the day! Greg ZL3IX was 
peaking 569 running only 50 watts on long path at my sunrise today. Forget the 
digital modes and start bashing that key!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Jeff's Book

2017-02-08 Thread Tom Boucher
Just to say I received my copy of Jeff's 'DXing on the edge' today,
complete with 19 chapters, bought from 'Book Depository' via Amazon. Price
including shipping was GBP 15.26. Now for some interesting reading!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: 160 M Inverted 'L'

2016-11-09 Thread Tom Boucher

You don’t need expensive vacuum capacitors or bread slicers/toast racks to 
match your 160 metre ‘L’. I use a low pass L-network consisting of 0.95 
microhenrys in series and 1600 pF in parallel with the coax. 

The inductor is not real and is made by slightly extending the length of the 
antenna, which is 90 ft up and 46 ft horizontal.

The 1600 pF cap is made up of several high voltage 6.3 KV disc multilayer 
ceramic capacitors in parallel. These are readily available and cost 2 or 3 GBP 
each from CPC/Farnell (CA05041 series made by Murata). I have been using this 
arrangement for some ten years at significant power levels without any failures.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 80-160M remote autotuner needed (Mike DeChristopher)

2016-07-15 Thread Tom Boucher
I just can’t figure out why you would use 807s in a remote tuner!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Laurel Hardy

2015-08-11 Thread Tom Boucher

Interesting that in the 1930s you folk in the colonies called the thing an 
“aerial” and not an “antenna”!

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: BCB Interference

2014-09-23 Thread Tom Boucher
Rather than use a filter capable of handling the transmit power, surely a 
better solution for the K3 would be to use a separate 160m receiving antenna, 
via a small filter on the BNC auxiliary antenna input.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Slick Contest Operation

2014-01-03 Thread Tom Boucher
G4FKA: Once upon a time, all QSOs probably sounded like that!

What do you mean 'Once upon a time'? Have you listened on 160 lately?


Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Slick Contest Operation

2014-01-03 Thread Tom Boucher
..sorry, posted to wrong reflector!
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Digi Mode Spurious Issues

2013-12-31 Thread Tom Boucher
W8JI said: Collins got burned by this. They tried running a pure audio tone 
into the 
SSB transmitter of the early S line to generate CW.

.as did KW with their KW2000 over here.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Balun Question

2013-10-25 Thread Tom Boucher
Gary KA1J - take a look at this excellent article on ferriste baluns by GM3SEK:

Topband Reflector

Topband: 'Hairpin' matching

2013-09-20 Thread Tom Boucher
The excellent web site for calculating matching network values should have 

not the one I posted yesterday.


Topband Reflector

Topband: 'Hairpin' matching

2013-09-19 Thread Tom Boucher
Just to add a comment on this thread: 

I do not use an inductor to match my inverted 'L', just a capacitor from coax 
centre/bottom of wire to the radial point. Further I do not use big wide space 
'toast-rack' Cs, but tiny ceramic ones rated at 6.3KV which will handle very 
decent amounts of power and are readily available over here. They seem to 
handle the high currents at the bottom of the quarter wave 'L' quite happily.

I measure the impedance at resonance of the antenna without any matching 
network, then use

to calculate the L-network values needed. Fit the parallel capacitor then 
lengthen the antenna slightly to bring it back to the required frequency. This 
provides the inductance necessary for the L-network. 

Needless to say, your MFJ, or Palstar ZM-30 in my case, antenna analyser will 
probably give you the wrong sign for the reactive part of the antenna's 
impedance. This had me going for a long time before I realised the problem! 
Check this by moving the analyser frequency LF from resonance and the impedance 
should show -jX (capacitive). Moving the analyser HF from resonance should show 
inductive reactance (+jX).

My inverted 'L' needs 1600pF to give me 50 + j0.

I have also made switched L-networks to successfully resonate the same antenna 
on some other bands.


Topband Reflector

Topband: Fw: Inv-L joy

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Boucher

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Boucher 
To: 160 reflector 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:30 PM
Subject: Inv-L joy

What bothers me about putting the actual antenna wire across the tree is that 
it is then very close and in fact touching the tree. I'm not sure what loss the 
tree would cause by having it so close.

My inverted-L is held 85 ft up in an ash tree by nylon rope. I have a rope and 
insulator near the bottom which stands it off from the tree in the direction of 
the top section. I guess mine is 5 or 6 ft away at the top and further at the 

Nylon rope is pretty good from an abrasion viewpoint but it will still abrade. 
My L came down recently after well over a year of backwards and forward over 
the branches, so now my annual maintenance will include lowering the antenna, 
shortening the halyard at the top end to allow a fresh section of rope across 
the branches.

Polyester rope is not nearly as abrasion resistant as nylon but looks very 
similar, so be careful what you are using!

Topband Reflector

Topband: Broadband dipoles

2013-02-26 Thread Tom Boucher
It's the reference to termination resistors in the SPX data sheet that bothers 


K1FZ wrote:
The antenna in a simpler single dipole configuration has the wire ends tied 
with a perimeter wire  to give very wide frequency banding. For a modern 
version of the old T-top see.

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Broadband dipoles

2013-02-26 Thread Tom Boucher
Yes Tom, I was going to mention the polyprop guys as well. Worst stuff you 
can use. Well remember a 60' mast bent across my neighbours roof as a result 
of using polyprop guys which had degraded in UV. You get splinters of the 
stuff in your hands as well!

I use polyester (Terylene, Dacron, Trevira) for guys which seems pretty 
good. Nylon is super strong so I use it for halyards but it does have a 
fairly high stretch so not ideal for guys.


W8JI wrote:

You mean this part of the SPX data sheet that screams dummy load?   :-)

Tower guys are made of tough
polypropylene rope. The resistive terminations are
mounted in protective, ventilated containers.

(Polypropylene, unless some special UV inhibited stuff, is terrible in
sunlight. Nylon is much better. Polyproplene lasts about a year or two 

while typical nylon lasts a dozen years)

Any antenna that says no tuner required and covers all frequencies with 

low SWR should raise the snake-oil caution flag.

Topband Reflector

Topband: Antenna analysers in close proximity to BC station

2012-11-04 Thread Tom Boucher
That's an interesting idea Red and worth a try.


WO0W wrote: Perhaps you can take a portable transmitter and manual tuner to 
the site.  At the point where you wish to place an L network, attach the manual 
tuner and transmitter and adjust the tuner for a good match.  Take the tuner 
away from the source of interference, put a 50 Ohm dummy load on the tuner 
input, and measure the impedance on the tuner output with the MFJ-259B.  I 
believe that should be close to the value of the impedance of the antenna that 
was measured, with little or no affect from the strong broadcast signal.

Topband reflector -

Topband: Antenna analysers in close proximity to BC station

2012-11-04 Thread Tom Boucher
Thinking again about this, we have missed out a stage. After measuring the 
tuner output impedance, we need to make a temporary L network which, when 
terminated with 50 ohms, looks like the antenna. Now put the MFJ on this 
terminated network and measure it's R +/- jX values which will represent the 


WO0W wrote: Perhaps you can take a portable transmitter and manual tuner to 
the site.  At the point where you wish to place an L network, attach the manual 
tuner and transmitter and adjust the tuner for a good match.  Take the tuner 
away from the source of interference, put a 50 Ohm dummy load on the tuner 
input, and measure the impedance on the tuner output with the MFJ-259B.  I 
believe that should be close to the value of the impedance of the antenna that 
was measured, with little or no affect from the strong broadcast signal.

Topband reflector -

Topband: Antenna analysers in close proximity to BC station.

2012-11-02 Thread Tom Boucher

A ham friend asked me to design a matching network for his 160 metre end fed 
quarter wave, so I asked him to provide an impedance reading using his 
MFJ-259B. I would then use the Berkley site 
 ) to provide the necessary values for an 'L' network, as I have done many 
times at my own station.


The readings he provided were total nonsense and quite erratic, so we concluded 
his MFJ-259B was dead. He assured me that he always does a static discharge 
before connecting the MFJ.


So I paid him a visit, taking along my Palstar Antenna analyser thing, which 
has always performed well at home, and what-do-you-know, the readings on that 
were also erratic, total nonsense and it behaved in a way I have never seen 


Than someone suggested the problem may be due to a 50Kw BC station on 909 KHz, 
situated less than 5 miles away, causing both antenna analysers to misbehave.


We ended up with a good old-fashioned link coupled parallel tuned circuit with 
the antenna tapped a few turns up from the ground end. This works fine but he 
is power limited due to arcing across the tuning capacitor. So we would ideally 
like to revert to the 'L' network plan, but how to use the antenna analyser in 
the presence of a high BC station field. Anyone any ideas?



Topband reflector -

Topband: DSL knocks out when on topband

2012-07-17 Thread Tom Boucher

On the recommendation of John G3PQA, I recently changed my router from a D-Link 
unit to an ADDON NWAR-3670 which appears to have much better RFI immunity. I'm 
not getting any dropouts at all now and I do not have an OZ1CTK type filter in 
line, just some ferrite rings of unknown origin on all the lines in and out. 
With the old D-Link router the internet connection would drop when running 50W 
on 160 or 80 even though my antennas are some 3 or 400 feet away from the house 
and 'phone line.

Some of the newer modems are plainly more RFI proof.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: TB Season

2012-03-16 Thread Tom Boucher
G3OIT wrote:
We don't have animals here that eat antennas

Well something just ate my control cable to my remote antenna switch box! Pesky 
rabbits I think.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest

2012-02-12 Thread Tom Boucher
Nice to work some old friends last night although G activity seemed low and the 
last couple of hours were a little painful. 160 QSOs with at least one dupe 
which was my logging error (sorry Terry!) Nice quiet channel for almost all of 
the contest and noticeably few keying clicks on the band - perhaps all those 
FT1000s have now been modified. The K3 once again showed its superb close-in 
performance and is just great in split Rx or diversity modes. My 85 ft high 
inverted 'L' is probably not the best transmitting antenna for a UK contest and 
I would probably do better with a horizontal dipole - next time perhaps.

Shack was minus 2 degrees C so as well as the amp, had the fan fire running 
full belt. Unfortunately tripped the mains breaker part way through so had to 
reduce power somewhat (the fire, not the amp!)

Conditions for DX were not particularly good although the band was open to 
North America with some weak signals. VE1ZZ called me 5 minutes into the 
contest - Jack must have been in full daylight at that time. K2ZM, N2FQ and 
N4RJ were the others with WD5R as my last Q. To the east UA9XF was a good 
signal but no JAs heard.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Fw: RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest

2012-02-12 Thread Tom Boucher
Tree - delete this please - sent it to the wrong reflector!
73, Tom G3OLB

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Boucher 
To: 160 reflector 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest

Nice to work some old friends last night although G activity seemed low and the 
last couple of hours were a little painful. 160 QSOs with at least one dupe 
which was my logging error (sorry Terry!) Nice quiet channel for almost all of 
the contest and noticeably few keying clicks on the band - perhaps all those 
FT1000s have now been modified. The K3 once again showed its superb close-in 
performance and is just great in split Rx or diversity modes. My 85 ft high 
inverted 'L' is probably not the best transmitting antenna for a UK contest and 
I would probably do better with a horizontal dipole - next time perhaps.

Shack was minus 2 degrees C so as well as the amp, had the fan fire running 
full belt. Unfortunately tripped the mains breaker part way through so had to 
reduce power somewhat (the fire, not the amp!)

Conditions for DX were not particularly good although the band was open to 
North America with some weak signals. VE1ZZ called me 5 minutes into the 
contest - Jack must have been in full daylight at that time. K2ZM, N2FQ and 
N4RJ were the others with WD5R as my last Q. To the east UA9XF was a good 
signal but no JAs heard.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: First attempt at beverage antenna, not working as expected

2011-01-17 Thread Tom Boucher
Just a few comments to Mark WD4ELG: 

I too have a single short Beverage, about 350' over clay soil and sloping up a 
hill to the west, fed with about a quarter mile of RG58. It's really too short 
for top-band, but it does work. Myself and some other Gs have been carrying out 
daily long path tests with ZL3IX each morning at sunrise for a long while and 
the beverage has shown itself to be definitely a great advantage over the 
transmit antenna, an inverted 'L' at 80' and located well away from the house. 

The transmit antenna itself is not a bad one for receiving as I am in an 
electrically quiet rural location. Usually signals are slightly better on the 
Beverage but not hugely. Then occasionally there is a huge difference. An 
example of this was 2 mornings ago when Greg was peaking an excellent 579 on 
the short bev, but was barely readable on the 'L'. I'm not at all sure of the 
propogation mechanism at work here - anyone any ideas?

I usually use the two antennas in diversity receive mode on a K3 which gives an 
added advantage.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK