Just to say that I wholeheartedly endorse Roger’s comments on repeat 160 metre 
contacts. We are not all certificate hunters and many are only too happy to 
rag-chew. In 58 years on top band, I have no idea of my DXCC score but it’s 
quite a few. So please Mark K3MSB and all you others who are frightened of 
answering CQs from someone you may have worked before, if you hear us on please 
give us a shout even if just for old times sake! Don’s (WD8DSB) experience is 
very sad and the other guy must be a complete moron. How long does it take for 
a minimal QSO, RST + name?

I’m not sure I can climb out of the sack at 0000Z or 0300Z on a Wednesday 
though Roger!

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