Re: Topband: Relay bounce

2022-02-22 Thread Wayne Kline

   My frist thought is to clean the contacts ( there open frame relays)

   For changing the relays Direct replacement  difficult . The Co that makes 
them  produces them in limited runs for  Amerirtron


Wayne ,W3EA
Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Steve London<>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 1:05 PM
To: Topband<>
Subject: Topband: Relay bounce

I am using an Ameritron RCS-4 antenna switch to select between beverage
antennas. Recently, it has developed a bad case of relay bounce causing an
S9 spike every time I switch between antennas. Any suggestions on how to
improve this ? Since it's only used for RX antenna selection, I'm amenable
to replacing the relays with something else, although I have had issues
before with other relays due to no current going through the contacts.

Thanks and 73,
Steve, N2IC
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Re: Topband: Top Ten Band Decoder Cable for Icom

2021-12-29 Thread Wayne Kline

After the sale of Top-Ten to DX Eng.   The two owners  were W2VJN and N3RD  
in the manual it gives pin out to the DB25  jacks’   should be easy to make  

The Icom radios are just a two wire Band Data   with the 7300 in it’s 13 pin 
conector and the other in the 1/8 conector

Wayne W3EA

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Tim Duffy<>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:45 AM
To: 'David Raymond'<>;<>
Subject: Re: Topband: Top Ten Band Decoder Cable for Icom

HI Dave

We are working on a solution for you.

Happy New Year!

Tim K3LR
CEO DX Engineering

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf 
Of David Raymond
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:29 AM
Subject: Topband: Top Ten Band Decoder Cable for Icom

Greetings Topbanders. . .

I'm looking for the interface cable for a Top Ten Band Aide Band Decoder
and an Icom radio.  Does anyone out there have an idea where I can get
one?  The guy that ran Top Ten has sold his operation to DX
Engineering.  DXE does not have the cable (they do sell the decoder).
Does anyone have the name or call sign of the gentleman that ran Top Ten
Devices?  Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

73 and a Happy, Healthy New Year to all (and good DX!). . . . Dave, W0FLS

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Re: Topband: Elevated radial number vs efficiency

2021-01-01 Thread Wayne Kline
My experience was not on top band BUT on a 80 meter 4 sq. initially I installed 
 4 gullwing elevated tuned radials for each of the 4 elements.
The array played will but over time it became quit clear on wet rain or even 
dew conditions  the array  played much better in transmit and not as much 
obvious in recive.  This prompted me to strip and install 112 ¼ wave radials 
per element.

Wayne ,W3EA
Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Mike Waters<>
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Elevated radial number vs efficiency

Thanks for catching that, Dave!

I certanly can't argue with Rudy N6LF, but those two λ/4 10' high elevated
radials in my old 160m page made that inverted-L a "killer"* in an ARRL 160
contest about 10 years ago. That was using only 100 watts. Broke a number
of DX pileups, to my utter amazement.

*Having said that, I had nothing else to compare it to in an A/B test!

73, Mike

On Fri, Jan 1, 2021, 3:37 PM Artek Manuals  wrote:

> Correction that should be N6LF (not N6FL)
> On 1/1/2021 4:26 PM, Artek Manuals wrote:
> > N6FL was quoted earlier ...
> >
> >
> > However N6FL states "The article is primarily intended to show why I
> > (he, N6FL)
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Re: Topband: Spurious transmissions on 1830 khz by CKTB (610 kHz)

2020-03-26 Thread Wayne
As a one-time broadcast engineer at a high power FM station, I believe 
whoever in responsible for performance will want to know what is 
happening --  management, not so much. Reports going back several years 
raise questions, though. A search says that CKTB is a 10K/5K day, night 
station.  Not a lot of power, but still problems can occur.

The people to talk to are the engineering staff or contract engineering 
people. They may not have engineering people on staff, depending on 
Industry Canada regulations. They will/should definitely want to know, 
however - unless CKTB doesn't pay promptly. Things like broken hardware, 
etc. in antenna structures come to mind, especially considering the 
reported sensitivity to wind. It's not a local problem if you're 400 
miles away. Such faults can create spurs as well as modulation problems.


On 3/26/2020 1:00 PM, DXer wrote:
>>Maybe some of our two trillion dollar aid package can be sent to 
Canada. Perhaps a mere $100,000 would let them replace their 
troublesome guy wires with commercial grade Phillystran.

This pandemic is very serious business. I would not waste any money 
uselessly. Tragically, a lot more money than we can print will be 
needed after all is said and done.

As for CKTB, being so close to the border, it's likely covered by 
international treaty. A call to the FCC may be all that is needed on 
your side.

73 de Vince, VA3VF
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Re: Topband: Topband resource

2020-01-14 Thread Wayne
Very good Jeff! See Google/Wikipedia.  Wiki says "on the order of 1 
pf/inch." (You must be as old as I am . . .)

- N7NG

On 1/14/2020 11:49 AM, Jeff Kincaid wrote:

Hi Fred,
Generally, a gimmick cap is two wires twisted together.  Your mileage 
will certainly vary, but I seem to recall a rule of thumb suggesting 1 
pF per inch.

Regards,Jeff W6JK

On Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 10:27:06 AM PST, fmoeves 
Mike, 160m antennas my favorite subject. I sure wish it would either 
get cold or dry out here... Winters here in Kentucky are so wet and I 
think it gets wetter every year. One thing I did read in that link was 
reference to a "gimmick cap"...not sure what that is?? 73 Fred KB4QZH

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Topband: T2AR now QRV on Topband

2019-07-02 Thread Wayne

From T2AR via N7NG:

On Jul 2, 2019, at 5:21 AM, John Mitton > wrote:

Hey gang (and Bernie too!),

Greetings from T2 where Tony (3D2AG) and I — after a fair bit of blood, 
sweat, and tears (yes all three) — have managed to put up an inverted L 
using Tony’s 18 meter tall Spiderpole for Topband. We strung out three 
elevated radials just above the lagoon high tide level and did some 
preliminary tweaking last night, which resulted in a bucketload of JA 
contacts on FT8 and CW. Occasional strong QRN from a public works 
project about a km away sometimes creates a challenge, but we seem to be 
OK without a receive antenna.

Other than Tony’s short-lived Topband activation here last year (strong 
winds ended it after one night), this is probably the first activation 
with real potential to log T2 since Stan was here in 2015. We realize 
its not an ideal time of year, but the opportunity arose to set in 
motion a humanitarian emcomm project for the remote islands so we make a 
mini-Dxpedition out of it.

We go QRT on Friday morning our time.
Hope to see you in the T2AR log.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Fwd: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters OK1YQ (OK1RD) Legitimacy???!!!

2019-06-22 Thread Wayne


That fact is that there isn't much [Topband] expertise left in 
Newington. I asked a casual question a month or so ago about OK1RD, 
etc., and was assured that an investigation was conducted. However, I am 
open to /*data*/: If you have specific examples that are questionable - 
like C21XF, which is very easy to deal with, send me the data, and I 
will personally investigate.

What I see /*here*/ isn't much more than conjecture.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

On 6/22/2019 11:09 AM, The Old Man wrote:

On 11/17/2018 5:42 AM, k1zm--- via Topband wrote:

Hmmm again
Okay - now I remember this guy and his shenanigans from way back.  OK1RD (now 
masquerading as OK1YQ - which is a callsign that does not appear on!)
Guys - I would recommend that any of us that are really interested send an 
email to the ARRL DXCC desk and ask that this 160m DXCC OK1YQ listing be taken 
down - and that this fellow be prohibited from participating in the DXCC 
program going forward.
This is ridiculous and I agree - who is now running the DXCC desk?  Sure wish 
NN1N and some of the older, wiser DXCC managers were still around to police 
this kind of activity!
What utter nonsense!

Hi Jeff,

Any word on this? It's been over 6 months and nothing but silence

This whole situation stunk to high heaven the first time  around. Why did it 
have to return for an encore?

Wasn't this all settled and put to bed years ago back when NC1L, NN1N & K1ZZ 
were running things?

The current crew of lightweights they have running things in Newington seem 
hell bent on seeing how fast  they can run 100 years of ARRL and and 80+ years 
of DXCC straight into the ground. Doesn't the Board take notice of matters such 
as this any more? It's an embarrassment for which all involved should be 

Seems like the days of W1CW and integrity and standards in the DXCC program are 
now gone for good. Maybe the time is ripe for Don Miller and Romeo to stage 
their comebacks too?


On 11/17/2018 5:42 AM, k1zm--- via Topband wrote:

In a message dated 11/17/2018 10:07:05 AM Coordinated Universal Time, writes:

If  OK1YQ is OK1RD as you say Bob, then pse read:;topic=110968.0

Peter SM2CEW

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Re: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

2019-02-20 Thread Wayne Kline
Watching this thread and agree the push up fiberglass tubes are satisfactory.  
But being a scronger  And  most two way RF based comunacation are a like Dodo 

I scored a  broken RF wise  Motorla  Station master. And a set of mounts….FREE 
for the asking .  24 ft.   long , I had to  remove the inside antennas to have 
the noneconductive support tube. Was  easly mounted  on s 4X4 mounted on a  
X frame made of 2X4’s

( had to remove in the summer to mow )

Call me frugal

Wayne  W3EA

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Topband  on behalf of Wes 

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 11:53:55 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

On 2/20/2019 7:15 AM, N4ZR wrote:
> Maybe 15-20 years ago, I used a very inexpensive push-up  fiberglass pole to
> support the loops of a K9AY loop system.  Alas. details and source have fled
> my brain, and much of what I've studied on line is much more expensive (and
> probably much sturdier) that what I had then. I'd appreciate any current
> suggestions.

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Re: Topband: 4.3 -10 Re: Rather use N-type (was Re: The answer to PL-259

2018-12-10 Thread Wayne Kline

I am not  famillar with the 4.3-10 jacks  so my response me not be  on target.

I only use RG 400 inside my shack or outside  in WX proof boxed as inerr jumpers

I use  ones from on FleaBay from China  10 pc   PL259 mail  for 11.95 free 
shipping   crimp/solder   and use heat shrink for strain relief…

Was sweep through a  HP TDR and no significant  imp bumps at   HF  Freq.   was 
a blip at 220 and above but that’s  N connector  terratory.

Wayne  W3EA

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Topband  on behalf of 

Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 7:35:26 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: 4.3 -10 Re: Rather use N-type (was Re: The answer to 

A few months ago I purchased a few sample 4.3-10 jacks and plugs. I have
not tried them yet but the jacks are close in size to N/UHF so replacement
should be easy. At the time they were a little difficult to find but they
seem to be gaining popularity. I think Arunas is correct that they will
soon be on the surplus market. It looks like a nice connector. I have not
found any solder/clamp type in the RG400 size yet.

John KK9A

ly2ij wrote:

Hi Frank,

4.3-10 can't be so expensive if compare new to new. E.g. 7/16 to 4.3-10
"brand" adapter bulk price is 10-15% higher than N to 7/16, also price
of few meters prefabricated "jumper cables" with 4.3-10 vs 7/16 differs
in 10-15%.

I hope it revers soon as and also cellular antenna life span is getting
so short -down to few years according some report - so we will have lot
of dismounted stuff soon ;)

The question is if they get popular for other cables than 1/2 and we get
right price there.

73 CU on bands


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Re: Topband: tennis ball launcher for antennas

2018-11-28 Thread Wayne Kline

I never used one of those pneumatic air launchers….. following your link  looks 
 like a great option.

In the past I have used a bow and arrow wit the bow having a Zebco spin cat 
real  attached. But was limited because  I have a 1000 ft road frontage tree 
line and arrows  descending can be a problem.

I  ran across a wrist rocket which uses a tennis ball … I  got a few hand balls 
 seemed to work better falling through the tree branches and have been using  
it in that configuration for a while.

My trees are not in the 100ft range but more in the 50/60 ft


Wayne W3EA

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Topband  on behalf of terry burge 

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 6:04:10 PM
To:; terry burge
Subject: Topband: tennis ball launcher for antennas

Sometime back I bought one of those cheaper launchers that shot a 1-1.5 oz. 
fishing weight with fishing line attached. It was scary because if that fishing 
weight hit something other that the ground or the fish line broke you never 
knew where that thing was going to land.

I now have a CSV19 Pneumatic Antenna Launching System like you can see at<>.
 I have used it with a lot of success and have seen it send a tennis ball over 
a 105' fir tree about half again as high. I think with the max 80# of pressure 
(think that is what the max is labeled)  can get a woven fish line over a tree 
at least 160' tall. 100+ feet for sure. The big thing is to have a lot of fish 
line on the fishing real and don't forget to open the bail. If you start 
breaking lines and try splicing them together that can be a problem catching on 
the reel spool. The new woven fish lines are even smaller and I think lighter 
than monofilament. Can't remember how many times I've had to search for the 
tennis ball because the 30-40# fishing line broke. Even have one on my third 
guy line up on my tower.

Wind can sometimes be a problem of course. Was really a problem with the first 
launcher using that in Keizer (in town). Hitting right above the top of a tall 
fir tree as a target you would be surprised just how far off one can go.



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Re: Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square

2018-10-11 Thread Wayne Kline

I assume  you only  installed ONE sloper and made your measurements ?

With all 4 installed  there is  way to much mutual  coupling to get a 
meaningful reading.

If your  readings were from only ONE antenna tuned with a length of 50 OHM 
cable at it’s feed point and trimmed to your desired  freq. and that FREQ will 
rise about 80 to 120 KC when the 4 are installed .

Wayne W3EA

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Topband  on behalf of terry burge 

Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 6:11:37 PM
To:; terry burge
Subject: Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square

Hello Guys and Gals,

Recently Tree did some work for me and one of the things was to put up the 
Comtek 80 meter 4-Square switching unit and a couple of pulley setups for my 
raising of the 80 meter slopers. Lately I've been chasing my tail around to get 
them dipped in around 3700-3750 Khz. Been adding or subtracting length of the 
slopers to bring them into resonance but it seems the more I work at it the 
worse things get. Today I dropped back to punt by rechecking my Rig Experts 
AA-170 with a 50 ohm load just to make sure it read did.

The sloper dipoles are MFJ 1779B's 'trim to length' except one I had to rebuild 
with a hy-que center SO-239. RG-213 from the switching unit to the Rig Expert 
and when put together using a long run of LMR-400 about 175-200' back to the 
shack. 75 ohm DXE foam RG-11/u coax quarter wavelength stubs from switching 
unit to each dipole center. Each 75 ohm stub has multiple ferrite snap on's 5 
or 6 to form current baluns.

Here is an example. SE sloper, read SWR of 3875-3850 Khz of 1.0:1 in the shack 
on Elecraft W2 wattmeter. 3799 Khz SWR 1.3,  3775 Khz 1.4, 3750 1.5, 3725 1.5, 
3700-3650 1.7...Added 19" each end and it seemed to read close to the same 
resonance!  Added 24" more each end and this time used the Rig Experts to check 
it out. Got two dips but not even where I was expecting them

Resonacne 4680 KhzSWR 1.16

RL 23.3 dB  |Z|   57.4 ohm

R:  57.5 ohms  X: 10.7 ohm

 C:  52000 nF up and down

R::  57.9 ohm XLL  -4878 ohm

second dip at 2169 Khz  SWR  1.07

RL 28.0 dB   |Z|  46.5 ohms

R:  46.5 ohms   x:  0.2/0.4 ohms

L:  2.2 nH

R::   46.4 ohmX||  (infinity or very high)

L:||  same infinity

And the frequency where I was trying to drop down from when I begain this 

3860 Khz

resonance now 3984 Khz   SWR  1.8:1

R:  10.9 dB |Z|  27.9 ohms

R:  27.9 ohmsx: -0.1

   c: infinity

R||  27.8 ohmsX||  -48000 up and down

C||  8pF

How can I add almost 4' of wire on each end and not drop the resonance down a 
couple hundred Khz? What is with the two dips way above and below where the 
128' sloper should be resonating? That is an approximate length since by this 
time and several days of adjusting I'm not sure what each dipoles length are. 
Since I have a 40 meter dipole near the slopers I tried raising and lowering 
about 10-15' up and down but it did not seem to change much. I'm beginning to 
instinctively cringe each time I have to tune up an antenna because this is 
what I know I'm in for. Especially with dipoles!

After all this I just made another run of the SWR across the band with the SE 

3550 Khz  1.7:1 ,   3600 Khz  1.7 ,  3650  2.0 ,  3700  1.7 ,  3750  1.7 ,  
3795  1.5  , 3825  1.3 ,

3850  1.1  ,   3875  1.0  ,   3900  1.1 ,  3925  1.3 ,  3950  1.5 …..see what I 



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Re: Topband: VK0EK Operation

2016-03-29 Thread Wayne Kline
  80 was FB   nothing covering up the VK0 from EPA..  pile up was the usual 
Keep Calling no mater what but his FREQ was OK
Not a peep out of him on low band the split was a roar   but No VK0 :( in 
Wayne W3EA  
> To:;
> From:
> Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:24:32 -0700
> Subject: Re: Topband: VK0EK Operation
> Be sure your noise blanker is off.
> Rick N6RK
> On 3/29/2016 11:57 AM, James Wolf wrote:
> > Anyone else have problems with the close split on 80 and 160 last night?
> > Key clicks were at times were covering up their transmit signal, which here
> > was not that strong.
> >
> > Jim - KR9U
> >
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> >
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: K5P good job !

2016-01-20 Thread Wayne Kline
I finally  bite and responded... 
My .02  ... IMO  and we all have one and they all don't agree  and  
things start spiraling out of control  FAST
IT's one thing to state an Opinion but if the Opinion takes on a tone of 
personal   attacks ...   HU
Have no place on a message boardPERIOUD 
 Back to my hole. 
 Wayne W3EA 
PS  no K5P this  am the 20th in EPA 

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 23:21:37 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: K5P good job !
> I agree and if that happens to me, then it's my stupidity that got me 
> there.
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
> > For what it's worth, I would be in favor of a little less tolerance of bad 
> > behavior. I'm talking about folks who repeatedly make personal attacks.  
> > There is a point at which it should not be tolerated. If folks can't behave 
> > like "gentlemen" on the Gentlemen's Band Reflector" they should be banned.  
> > 
> > 73,
> > 
> > Bob/AA6VB
> > 
> > 
> > From: Topband  on behalf of Cecil Acuff 
> > 
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:14 AM
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: Topband: K5P good job !
> > 
> > Hate to say it but when he left the Amps group he never looked back...I 
> > expect the same here.
> > 
> > There is a dedicated group of haters here...small but they are here.  I 
> > would imagine their contributions to the group otherwise are insignificant 
> > (as are mine) and will now probably find little joy in being here without 
> > Tom to focus their hate upon.
> > 
> > And no I'm not a Tom groupie or cheerleader.  But he did bring great value 
> > with his accurate technical insight and interest in advancing the technical 
> > state of the art of 160/80m antennas and radio sport in general.
> > 
> > But he's not the only brain on this group...there are several others and 
> > the group will go on in one form or another until they get tired of the 
> > crap and move on as well. (Some no doubt may have already exited quietly)
> > 
> > I personally think discussion of RHR or any commercial look a like should 
> > be banned from this groupstrictly!  It's a toxic subject best fought 
> > over someplace else.  As has already been demonstrated, it's not going to 
> > be solved here and only causes damage and pain.
> > 
> > I'm not driving the bus but if I were it would be straight to the penalty 
> > box with you if you brought it up or participated in it...second 
> > offense..ejectionbut that's just my personal opinion...that and a buck 
> > (inflation) will get you a cheap cup of coffee or maybe a QSL direct.
> > 
> > Cecil
> > K5DL
> > 
> > 
> > Sent using recycled electrons.
> > 
> > On Jan 19, 2016, at 7:22 AM, Gary Smith  wrote:
> > 
> > >> Hoping to see more posts from W8JI.  I'm not remotely qualified to
> > >> rank his substantial expertise and contributions to this group.
> > >>
> > >> 73
> > >> Joe VO1NA
> > >
> > > As am I. Tom leaving will be part of the end of learning about Ham
> > > Radio as I've always known it to be. When the knowledge bases are
> > > available no more, what is left?
> > >
> > > 73,
> > >
> > > Gary
> > > KA1J
> > > _
> > > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> > 
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: Weatherproofing F-type connectors

2015-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline
 Hi Larry
 Asked my local cable guy the same question.  Being a  belt and suspenders type 
I though  I should...
He replied  " Wayne I have 1000's of these   Blue ended  AMP connectors in my 
area .. other then being ripped out and @  Frequencies FAR above what you 
playing  at "
SO my beverage's and receiving 4 sq are  just Goof amp F connectors ...  YMMV
Wayne  W3EA 
> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:43:56 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Topband: Weatherproofing F-type connectors
> I'm in the process of installing a receive 4 square for 160
> using F type connectors and high quality flooded RG-6.
> Do these things need additional weatherproofing?
> As I recall all the many cable TV installations I have had
> over the decades, done by major cable and satellite companies,
> none have been weatherproofed.
> If its good enough for those guys, at those frequencies,
> shouldn't it be good for us at 1.8 MHz?
> 73,
> Larry K4AB
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests

2015-03-15 Thread Wayne Kline
 W2GD's so eloquently  expressed his feelings and I am 100% in agreement 
with him on this issue.
Ever since John AA1K gave a program at an FRC meeting in the early 80's  I have 
been  tweeking my 
battle with SN/ratio's   and man made nose. hours and hours, beverages, bogs 
K9AY and 4 sq receiving
array  and  every  wire  every ground rod , was located @ " MY QTH "   no 
my mountain HOME  
 This remote receiving is akin to the days we had a 2mter spotting NET. 
both simples and full duplex.
 some one would call out a station  i.e.  BY9QH  3539and for the un 
believer's  after a " few I can't hear him "
The call out station would  open hi FM mic to his R4C receiver  and  most of 
use  would be more determined  to 
RE Read ON4UN's low band DX'ing  to see what  we might be able to do. 
I was there when W2GD worked a VU on the top band ... with this CRAZY notion 
promoting remote receive sites.
I should have keep calling and listing to  keep his  2mtr mic open and pray
My  .02
Wayne   W3EA 

> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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Re: Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio

2015-02-05 Thread Wayne Kline
Makes you wonder !  I see it all the time.. There WIN 7 light speed machine 
with 32 GB  Ram and  QUADSSD's in Raid  takes 40 sec to flash screen 
Gosh I still remember to  the frustration of a transceiver with limited 
"Clarifier" and the joys of  Split RX and TX  boxes. during the BIG Romeo 
Now with LP Pans,  SDR's, RBN and SKimmers ( for the CW and now RITTY )  and 
Multiple Monitors  the shack  takes on a Mission Control environment.
   And  your frustration level off the scale when your wait timer go's off and 
the big  tube is ready and  !!!  
I my self enjoy the HUNT  the listening  on the other VFO trying to guess 
what and how he is operating.. Some  OP's are predictable  some it's a crap 
but that the FUN IMHO  My  .02 and then  some
 There is a old YouTube  skit  that  I visit time and again to keep  this in 
Wayne W3EA  
"Future" Of Ham Radio
> I suppose we should go back to spark gap transmitters and coherent
> detectors, too...  :-)
> 73, Tony K4QE
> "It seems that newcomers want the easy way out, and technology supplies it.
> > Instant gratification, regardless how hollow, seems to be the new goal..."
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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Re: Topband: Foreign stns using NA remotes for K1N

2015-02-04 Thread Wayne Mills
...which happens daily. 

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Tom W8JI
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 1:10 PM
To: David Raymond; TopBand
Subject: Re: Topband: Foreign stns using NA remotes for K1N

>I mentioned last week that we would be seeing over seas stations using 
>US based remotes stations to work K1N.  It was mentioned here that this 
>won't happen, and that the US remote station operators monitor this 
>activity carefully and do not permit it.  Well, it is happening.


How do you know it was a remote, and not someone using someone else's call
or someone using someone's station and not signing legally? Were you 
watching the Internet, like the NSA?   Maybe it was that KK6 fellow everyone

was trashing?  :)

73 Tom

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Re: Topband: CQWW160 Remote receiver rule

2015-01-29 Thread Wayne

Technically that is all true. "In the beginning," as rule ten says,
all contacts were to be made by the the same licensee. That was the
intent at the time.

But primarily because of multi-op _contesting,_ the practical
outcome was that when other operators come to your station to do a
contest, no one knows exactly who made "the" contact, So, that meant
that others could make QSOs for your DXCC, from your station.At the
same time, since it is perfectly legal to use another's station, it
became general practice to allow QSOs that you make from another
station. The current rule was written to reflect what had become
accepted practice over many years: That you had to be involved in each
QSO in one way or the other. 
Rule 10 might not be written with that same intent today, especially
considering the recent move to burden DXers with --  moral or ethical
73, Wayne, N7NG/6

- Original Message -
From: "Tom W8JI" 
To:"Roger D Johnson" , "TopBand List" 
Sent:Thu, 29 Jan 2015 19:13:03 -0500
Subject:Re: Topband: CQWW160 Remote receiver ru

 Where does it say this?

 73, Roger

 Rule ten of DXCC makes it all about the operator's call signs
(multiple). It 
 doesn't have to be his equipment or station. If it is his equipment,
 doesn't even have to be the operator as long as it is with (one of)

 The ARRL apparently doesn't have a problem with people using someone
 station to work DXCC. Following the rules, someone can earn DXCC and
 have personally made a single contact, or a person could have DXCC
and never 
 have made a contact using his own station.

 Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: NE7D loaded tower

2015-01-29 Thread Wayne Kline
  I can't speak  with knowledge on stepper antennas. BUT I can regarding  a Hi 
Gain discovery III
I shunt feed my 105 ft. Rohn 25   with only the 3 element 40 meter beam as  the 
top loading.
  More then once I burned a loading  wire over the years I had that 
SO from that experience a complex antenna  like SteppIR design   I would be 
VARY Leary !
Wayne   W3EA 

> From:
> Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 13:55:17 -0700
> To:
> Subject: Re: Topband: NE7D loaded tower
> I'm leary of shunt feeding a tower with a SteppIR on it. You are betting 
> that when transmitting on 160, you do not end up with a high voltage 
> point at any of the SteppIR motors that could damage them.
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
> On 01/29/2015 10:07 AM, Tree wrote:
> > I spent yesterday loading NE7D's tower on 160 meters and thought I
> > would share the results here as a data point.
> >
> > His tower is about 75 feet of Rohn-25 with a SteppIR DB18E on top.
> > You can see a picture of it here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Rocky put down about 15 radials and I spent the afternoon trying
> > different gamma match attach points.  We had a 600 pf variable cap at
> > the base.  My initial attach point was around 55 feet - which in the
> > end - might have been just fine - but was not producing any good
> > results initially.  I moved it down to around 45 feet and still had no
> > luck.
> >
> > My next step was to put a loading wire on top of the tower.  I made
> > one about 55 feet long and this did change things.  I did find I had a
> > very nice 80 meter antenna now - being able to move the resonant point
> > most anywhere on 80 I wanted.  I then increased the length of the
> > loading wire to about 65 feet and put a second one up going the
> > opposite direction.  I also put a gamma attach point up around 65 feet
> > and tried that.  The results were better - as I was able to get a good
> > match around 2.1 MHz - but not lower.  I decided to increase the
> > loading wires out another 12 feet or so - probably bringing them close
> > to 75 feet each - but things were still not very good.
> > Just for fun (or out of desperation) - I hooked up the 45 foot gamma
> > match wire again - and VOILA!!  I was able to get a 1.2:1 SWR anywhere
> > I wanted at the bottom of the band.  The 1.5:1 SWR points were about
> > 20 or 25 kHz away from the sweet spot.
> >
> > So - my conclusion - even with the SteppIR stretched out to the 20
> > meter position - it is not offering much in the way of top loading.
> > Perhaps there is a way to modify it to connect the parasitic elements
> > to ground to help with this - but this might be tricky as this model
> > allows any of the 3 elements to be driven.
> >
> > Our gold standard was a wire Rocky had up in the trees that he was
> > using on 160 meters previously.  It was actually a pretty good looking
> > antenna - with about 70 feet vertical and then some similar length
> > horizontal..  The new antenna seems to be a couple of S-units better
> > so far - so I think it is working as it should.
> >
> > I hope this information proves to be useful for others.  Keep an ear
> > out for an improved signal from NE7D on topband.
> >
> > Tree N6TR
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: over confident

2015-01-23 Thread Wayne
 Ooops...the rest of the story is_ don't send you call again after
you have heard it correct._ That might be illegal.

- Original Message -
From: "john" 
Sent:Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:13:10 +
Subject:Re: Topband: over confident

 as per Bernie, w3ur,always make sure they have your call right--paid 
 the price many times -too old now not to slow down and make sure 73 
 john w8wej
 On 1/23/2015 10:06 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:

 Worked EP6T last night, well sort of,...errr.. thought I did. He came
right back after I gave my call once on a new transmit frequency..
 I heard loud static crash, dah, qrm, 1FZ . I went back with a contest
type 5NN TU. He came back with a TU.
 and into my log book.

 Then I got a email from a, near by qth, DX friend.. Said "think he
had your call as N1FZ". It was past signal peak by the time I read the
email. The next day (Friday) found I was not in the EP6T online log
book, and N1FZ was.

 I should have given my call before and after giving him his
report, Will I try again, you can bet your bippy I will.


 PS: BOG Antenna notes have been updated,

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Re: Topband: over confident

2015-01-23 Thread Wayne
..that is, always make sure the op has your call correct _before you
send a signal report._ Always! 
(If you're worried that is technically illegal, sign your call at 40
wpm well after the QSO.)
Wayne, N7NG/6

- Original Message -
From: "john" 
Sent:Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:13:10 +
Subject:Re: Topband: over confident

 as per Bernie, w3ur,always make sure they have your call right--paid 
 the price many times -too old now not to slow down and make sure 73 
 john w8wej
 On 1/23/2015 10:06 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:

 Worked EP6T last night, well sort of,...errr.. thought I did. He came
right back after I gave my call once on a new transmit frequency..
 I heard loud static crash, dah, qrm, 1FZ . I went back with a contest
type 5NN TU. He came back with a TU.
 and into my log book.

 Then I got a email from a, near by qth, DX friend.. Said "think he
had your call as N1FZ". It was past signal peak by the time I read the
email. The next day (Friday) found I was not in the EP6T online log
book, and N1FZ was.

 I should have given my call before and after giving him his
report, Will I try again, you can bet your bippy I will.


 PS: BOG Antenna notes have been updated,

 Topband Reflector Archives -

 Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew Perry - aftermath

2014-12-28 Thread Wayne
Pretty risky, I'd say.  Lots of things work that shouldn't. Is that
good? Not usually. Those things often lead to worse. 
Sounds more like Ray has been reading an old Hugh Cassidy piece:

Paraphrasing: 'How will you ever know if they come back to you?' "How
will they come back if you don't call...'
Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

- Original Message -
From: "WW3S" 
Sent:Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:46:30 -0500
Subject:Re: Topband: Stew Perry - aftermath

 if you cant hear them, how would you ever know if they came back to

 On 12/28/2014 7:43:16 PM, Ray Benny ( wrote:
 Not True!

 Some stations wait around to listen for someone to will call them
after a
 QSO. Believe me, calling blind does work at times...

 I wouldn't do it if there were other stations calling or if it would

 unnecessary QRM!


 On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 5:32 PM, WW3S wrote:

 Calling blind ?!?!?! One of the first rules, if you cant hear
‘em, dont
 call ‘em.

 On 12/28/2014 7:25:25 PM, Ray Benny ( wrote:

 I went to the freq that you were spotted but never heard you. I

 blind several times, maybe you heard me, but nothing heard from you.
 heard and worked you previously with fair signals.

 Condx were very poor.


 On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Jim Brown 


 On Sun,12/28/2014 1:48 PM, ALEXEY OGORODOV wrote:

 On the bright side - first time ever in HC land, I heard DX signals

 on TB
 2 hours before my SS -
 Topband Reflector Archives -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-06 Thread Wayne Kline
 Hi  Carl
   Yes it seems that  we  stumbles across the same Crew  :)   .  No not really 
but the same experience.
The   " Strand"  what they called it ran from pole to pole  or  was used as 
down guy pole wires when the 
ENG. required  it for the extra pole  line capacity.
   Because  I was breaking up my guys   .  I had access to all the STUMP spools 
of strand. 
These were one's that they  perceived to be  less then 200 Feet, the distance 
between  poles.
I also given a full 5000 ft. roll that was dropped and the wooden side was  
broken off.
 So they would not even TRY to  cart it for installation.  
 So being a Ham you never know what scrounging my turn up
  And I don't want to talk about all the CATV line YIKES
Wayne W3EA  . . 

Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 10:30:43 -0400

Thanks for that nice report Wayne. Those are the 
same Grips Im using here.
I dont know about these days but when I was 
installing the 4 towers here I was informed that Rohn EHS was made in Korea as 
was just about all the utility and CATV strand. Rohn just added a premium cost 
to it.
When this town was cabled I got literally miles of 
left over 1/4 EHS and hardline from 1/2 to 7/8 for a couple of cases of beer. I 
used my 2 axle race car trailer to move it.  The installers had already 
been paid and dont transport but very little extra and besides their next job 
was in OHreal gypsies and higher than a kite most of the time.
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-05 Thread Wayne Kline
> The real danger is in doing things seriously wrong, like putting the loop 
> over something with inadequate radius. I've seen some pretty poor 
> installations. Some installers slip the loop over the tower leg, or worse 
> yet, over the leg plus a brace rod end. The rod puts a real sharp bump 
> against the grip.
> IMHO  you hit the nail on the HEAD.. with either material used. Did a 
> job on  Rohn 45  with torque arm assemblies
the installer/Ham did not use any thimbles in the  torque arm eyelets  or on 
the top  triangular flat plate
IT's unnerving when you adjust your lanyard over a set of torque arms and see 
only HALF of the  guy grip remaining and rusted broken strands staring you in 
the face. @ 45'and the  top set was worse from axial  twisting . but we 
had  fixed the lower set B-4 I climbed up there ...
Wayne  W3EA 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

2014-09-05 Thread Wayne Kline
 Just my  .02   
Some call them Tomatoes some call them Tomottos  
but even those fruits come in different size and texture  .
 When I built my station @ this QTH  4 guyed towers  with broken up guys  502 
insulators and
a PRE Formed guy Fasteners . A fellow FRC member had a source for 5000' rolls 
of 1/4  Strand and 502 insulators
and these  GUY grips  that are used in the Cable industry...  from pole to pole 
to support the cable.
These  grips had the 4 twisted wire with yellow tag
I had access to the Quality  Control Lab @ the Mack  Trucks test lab,
We first tested  Rohn 1/4 EHS.   to facilitate the pull  I installed 3  Press 
furls on each end
 all test were repeated 2X
The EHS began to stretch twist and fracture @  9K  and fail @ 10.2K  lb pull
Rohn PLP BIG GRIP (5) strand , with a length of  1/4 EHS   and the same furl at 
the end
never failed with the EHS stretching and failing at  11 + K 
lb pull
now the  Shorter 4 strand twist yellow tagged  with the same length EHS ( 16" 
exposed if my memory serves me )
 This to never Failed  and the  1/4  EHS  both times 
failing .
We painted layout dye on the 1/4 ehs/grip ends  looking for pull out   NONE was 
found on either  DEAD END
the guy grip loop end was around a solid 1 .250  rod to mimic a 502 or Rohn 
tower leg  or HD thimble.
I tried Thimbles  but the press destroyed them in the  clamp down securing  
phase . 
Conclusion  4 towers 180 plus guy grips   All 4 strand DEAD End type
and 25 years and  all A - OK... I even caught a lower level guy on my ROPS bolt 
on my BIG tractor
pulling so hard till I got to stop it Ripped the joint open and bent it 70 
degree on ROHN 25  
AND DID NOT FAIL. It's length was 73' with two 502's attached directly to 
the tower leg and three way equalizer plate.
MY  .02

> From:
> To:;
> Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 10:46:37 -0400
> Subject: Re: Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff
> > Preform comes from the name of a major grip manufacturer, not from "tower 
> > apes".
> >
> ** Which has never been denied by anyone in this discussion. OTOH linemen 
> and other strand installers use it as a general description thus my tower 
> ape terminology.
> >
> >
> > Dead end is the termination style of grip.
> >
> >
> ** Also previously discussed
> >
> > The normal "Guy Grip dead end" is typically used on any shorter length guy 
> > line that does not have rotational or twisting forces, and they are 
> > normally are rated at 100% of stand breaking strength (but you should 
> > check the catalog specs because some are less).
> ** As are the Big Grips rated at strand strength.
> >
> > The "Big Grip dead end" is the Prefomed Line Products name for the longer 
> > grips, and are better for longer guy runs that might twist.
> >
> > PLP manufactures custom grips that are not cataloged. PLP would probably 
> > be a better place for application advice than Ham tower parts vendors (who 
> > sell some pretty sketchy stuff at times) or Ham reflectors.  :)
> ** PLP marketing is aimed at commercial and industrial applications and not 
> hobbiests. Their idea of a radio tower starts where most ham versions let 
> off.
> > Every tower failure I have seen has come from incorrectly installed guy 
> > strand, saddle clamps, or anchors. I've seen towers where people splice 
> > guy lines with dead ends looped through dead ends!
> ** Ive even seen some with RatShak guy wire which is maybe 1/8. Ive never 
> used an inline splice either.
>  It's common to see someone
> > worry enough to buy extra long grips (which doesn't do much for strength), 
> >  > and then not worry about radius inside the loop (which just kills the 
> > strength).
> ** Good points
> Carl
> KM1H
> >
> >
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> >
> > -
> > No virus found in this message.
> > Checked by AVG -
> > Version: 2014.0.4765 / Virus Database: 4015/8155 - Release Date: 09/04/14
> > 
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Re: Topband: FT5ZM

2014-02-04 Thread Wayne Kline
Sorry to say no luck in EPA. One positive note,  I get to clean up 
paperwork  ; )

Wayne W3EA

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 4, 2014, at 10:00 AM, "Garry Shapiro"  wrote:

> I just worked him at 1455. He popped up to copiable and a minute later was in 
> the log. I am a happy boy. Still there, still not loud but easy copy.
> Garry
> On 2/4/2014 6:55 AM, Milt -- N5IA wrote:
>> Good morning Garry,
>> Well, all the tea leaves lined up here this AM.
>> He was first discernable at 1348.
>> Heard a good CQ & call sign at :50.
>> I started calling at :52.
>> I made it into his log, on the hour, at 1400.
>> He was wall to wall speaker quality for 10 minutes.
>> He faded out at 1425, a full 10 minutes after my sunrise.  His signal was 
>> audible here in SW NM, DM52lq for a total of 37 minutes.
>> And this morning's op was NOT interleaving VK stations with NA. So the note 
>> to the pilot may have helped on that account.
>> Good luck with your situation.
>> 73 de Milt, N5IA
>> -Original Message- From: Garry Shapiro
>> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 9:56 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Topband: FT5ZM
>> The west coast depends upon the morning bump and the only window is
>> between their sunset around 14Z and our sunrise around 1515 and
>> shrinking; the actual sunrise bump is, of course, short. Some areas east
>> of the Sierra in the Mountain time zone apparently have no mutual
>> darkness and therefore no opening at all, similar to what happened at
>> VK0IR in  1997.
>> Many west coast stations made good topband Q's over the weekend. Alas, I
>> was plagued with a powerline arc exactly in line with Amsterdam SP and a
>> deer took out my NW/SE Beverage. Now we are about to be clobbered by a
>> CME--the high SFI of the past week heralded its arrival and I join those
>> who are SOL. The prop gods are chortling.
>> Garry, NI6T
>> On 2/3/2014 6:45 PM, Les Kalmus wrote:
>>> They were on top band tonight but really weak at best. I heard them better 
>>> on the inverted L than the beverage which is really weird. They didn't 
>>> start calling until around 2330Z.
>>> The ditter was a pita.
>>> 73, Les W2LK
>>> On 2/3/2014 6:33 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
>>>> Well, it's academic for tonight because the only signals on frequency
>>>> I've heard all night were the buzzards throwing out carriers & the
>>>> occasional dits so to let us know they're there, waiting.
>>>> Band condx or local issues there keeping them off 160 it seems.
>>>> Gary, KA1J
>>>>> Gary,
>>>>> I know I worked them on 40 SSB last night, and I do not appear in the log.
>>>>>  So, I checked about a dozen other guys in the spots for 40 SSB last night
>>>>> who supposedly worked them after I did.  None of them appear in the log
>>>>> either.  Methinks there are some bands missing in today's upload!
>>>>> 73, Tony K4QE
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Gary Smith  wrote:
>>>>>> Rats, back in the chase, must have been a slim. Just checked clublogs
>>>>>> FT5ZM log and the 160M Q didn't show up but my 17M contact an hour &
>>>>>> a half later did. I know I heard them come back to me so it must have
>>>>>> been a slim but geez with the signals like they were, it sure sounded
>>>>>> like their signal.
>>>>>> Ugh...
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> KA1J
>>>>>>> Fingers crossed it wasn't a slim I worked. The signals were in & out
>>>>>>> but for 4-5 minutes I could hear them clearly. Time'll tell.
>>>>>>> If I did get him it was greatly because the kiddies weren't playing
>>>>>>> so hard today.
>>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>> KA1J
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> This email is 

Re: Topband: Speking of Hardline

2014-01-30 Thread Wayne Kline
 Good suggestion Ray.
  When I moved to this QTH  was TIGHT... I went to the local Cable Co. and 
spoke to the line Boss.
He gave me all the cable ends I wanted I originally feed my   4 towers with 
3/4" 75 ohm Catty hardline.
Give'em a try .
 Wayne W3EA
PS I also had permission to clean up there Stump  Strand  1/4 EHS   with most 
stumps below 120'  worked for me  :)
as I broke my guys with insulators , 

> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:32:12 -0700
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Topband: Speking of Hardline
> Have you tried the actual cable companies? My local Cableone cable service
> gave me a spool with about 800 ft on it. At the time, they had probably 6 -
> 8 spools with odds lengths in their yard, so giving one away was no big
> deal.
> Sometimes a case of beer helps make a deal!
> Ray,
> N6VR
> Chino Valley
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Gary Smith  wrote:
> > I've asked the local cable installers if they have any extra hardline
> > & no cigar. I need around 400' of it so Andrews is out of the
> > question. I'd like the 50 ohm line but will probably have to settle
> > for aluminum jacketed 75 ohm line.
> >
> > Any suggestions where else I might look to find something used?
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Gary
> > KA1J
> >
> > ---
> > This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
> > protection is active.
> >
> >
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
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Topband: Help With First 80M 4-Square

2013-12-23 Thread Wayne Willenberg
Now that my new tower and antennas are up and my Beverages are working
well, it’s time to move on to a 4-square for 80M.  (Fortunately, here in
the coastal area of South Carolina, the winters are mild enough that
outdoor antenna work is usually not hindered by the weather.)

As I did with my tower and the antennas on it, and my Beverage antennas, I
first sought out advice here on this Reflector before ordering many
expensive parts and making a major mistake.

The 4-square I have in mind is a traditional type.  By that I mean, 4
verticals, each ¼ wavelength long, ground mounted and arranged in a square,
spaced ¼ wavelength apart.  Each vertical will have at least 60, ¼
wavelength long radials under each of the four verticals.   Where the
radials from other verticals intersect, I would have 2-inch copper strap
for soldering the overlapping radials.

The controller I have in mind is the new one that recently became available
from Array Solutions.  As I understand it, Jay, the owner of Array
Solutions, has worked with ON4UN to optimize the use of a 90- degree hybrid
coupler, as discussed in Chapter 11 of *Low Band DXing*.  I have a dual
trace scope and an AIM 4170 to help with any “tweaking” that might improve
the performance of the array.

Regarding its location, the one vertical out of the four that would be the
closest to my tower (the only large vertical piece of metal in the yard) is
280 feet away. I have modeled the 4-square and the tower, and at this
distance I don’t see any substantial impact (less than 0.1 dB) on the
performance of the array.

All comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

73, and have a merry Christmas.  Wayne, KK6BT
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Need Help with First 80M 4-Square & Tower Location

2013-11-12 Thread Wayne Willenberg

Now that my 100 foot tower is installed, I would like to assemble a ground
mounted 80M vertical 4-square array.  Each of the 4 vertical elements would
be the full ¼ wavelength long and I would use 60 radials of ¼ wavelength
(in the air) length at the base of each vertical.  Where the radials
overlap, I plan to solder the radials to a 2” wide copper strap.

My question is, what is the minimum distance from my tower can the closest
80M element be so the tower does not impact the gain, F/B, and directivity of
the 4 square?  Is there a rule of thumb for this situation?

Just as members of this reflector helped me through the building my first
tower, I would really appreciate all the help you can give me on this

73, Wayne KK6BT
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Fw: Tree Conductivity

2013-08-09 Thread Wayne Kline
Yes that's a good IDIA but my main  concern will be " How do I find True SOUTH "
Wayne w3EA 
> Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 09:21:45 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Topband: Fw:  Tree Conductivity
> I guess then I will have to reposition my plastic owl to face true South.
> Gee, I wish band conditions were better!
> 73, Stew K3ND
Topband Reflector

Topband: article in the reflector

2013-02-26 Thread Thomas Wayne
A1I am requesting permission to publish the article by KA1J titled "Topband: 
Genius I Tells Ya, Pure Genius" in 

our radio club's newsletter. I am the editor of the Wobbly Oscillator, 
newsletter of the Cuyahoga Amateur Radio Society, in the
Greater Cleveland Ohio area. You can check us out and see past issues of the 
newsletter at
Thank you,
de Tom Wayne, WB8N
Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 Stub

2013-02-12 Thread Wayne Kline
Hello... B-4 the upcoming contest weekend. I need to make a 1/4 wave shorted 
stub for my 160 station. Other then RG8 or RG11   can you use RG6 ? Wayne, 
Topband Reflector

Topband: Blessed With Too Many Trees?

2012-12-31 Thread Wayne Willenberg
I am very fortunate that my home is located on 5 acres of land in the
country.  This make for a very low noise environment.

The problem I may have is my house is located on about 21/2 acres of
landscaped land that is surrounded by a forest in the remainder of the 5
acres.  The forest consists of very old trees that are 50 to 100 feet tall,
some of them having a diameter of 24 inches.  The question I have is to
what extent can there be mutual coupling between a vertical antenna and one
or more of my trees?  The answer to this question will determine if I can
effectively use vertical antennas on my property, and if so, how close they
can be to these large trees without altering the performance of the antenna.

The  ARRL Antenna Book states: "It is important to remember that mutual
coupling exists between any two conductors that are located near one
another."  So, the question is, i think, to what extent is a living tree a
conductor?  I have done a lot of reading about verticals, but I have not
seen this issue addressed.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

73, and Happy New Year, Wayne KK6BT
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Topband: Needed: Rule of Thumb

2012-12-27 Thread Wayne Willenberg
I have a 5' high chain link fence located  50' from where I would like to
put up an 80M vertical.  Obviously, I need to move the fence and
have plenty of room to move it. On the other hand, I want to minimize the
distance I move the fence due to the expense.

Is there a rule of thumb about how far away objects should be located to
prevent interference with the radiation pattern of a vertical?

Thanks for your help.

Wayne, KK6BT
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF

2012-12-05 Thread Wayne Kline

 Sorry Gary  Well documented in there announcement..  We  only accept  " 
Western-Union"   money order  SRI  Wayne, W3EA 
 > From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 22:08:58 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF
> I'm in as well. Do you take CC or PayPal?
> Gary
> KA1J
> > DXpeditioners:
> > 
> > Do you think you could take my word as a gentleman and enter me in
> > your log now for a QSO on every band?  Sure would save a lot of
> > aggravation later.
> > 
> > Bill VE3NH
> > ___
> > Topband reflector -
> > 
> ___
> Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF

2012-12-05 Thread Wayne Kline

Bob  What's the specific criteria regarding  " senior Ham discount" I am 64 but 
my birthday is around the planned trip.  Should I hold off making my contacts 
till after my Birthday ? or  are they  considering qualification is Colander 
month ? or year ? and as for LOTA... being on a fixed income  I am hoping they 
just send me a card for each contact with   some green stamps and  I'll  return 
a CARD ( hope they accept  mutable contacts on one label)  as soon as I  get 
ink for my  dot-matrix printer!  Wayne  , W3EA 
 > From:
> Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 19:16:35 -0800
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Topband: 3Y0IOF
> Count me in too.
> Can you give me a senior ham discount ?  I just turned 65.
> Can you also contact the ARRL LOTW group and update my countries total after 
> logging me in ?
> thanks so much
> Bob
> K6UJ
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
> > I'm in as well. Do you take CC or PayPal?
> > 
> > Gary
> > KA1J
> > 
> >> DXpeditioners:
> >> 
> >> Do you think you could take my word as a gentleman and enter me in
> >> your log now for a QSO on every band?  Sure would save a lot of
> >> aggravation later.
> >> 
> >> Bill VE3NH
> >> ___
> >> Topband reflector -
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Topband reflector -
> ___
> Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -


2012-12-04 Thread Wayne Kline

 WOW .. your announcement  made my Day... Reallythis will be the model all 
future , ALL FUTURE  Dxpeditions  will emulate, :/  Wayne W3EA  
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 13:26:49 -1000
> > Subject: Re: Topband: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 3Y0IOF
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > After a lot of negotiation we are pleased to announce a multinational team
> > of twelve is to undertake a Dxpedition to Bouvet Island from 25 March 2013
> > to 5 April 2013 using the callsign 3Y0IOF.
> > 
> > We will be operating 24/7 with five stations covering all bands 160m-10m.
> > 
> > We understand that Dxpeditions are all about you - the DX operator -
> > therefore we are pleased to announce some exciting new innovations.
> > 
> > We appreciate many of you feel you should not have to make any effort to
> > work us. Accordingly, we are offering you the chance to call us on the
> > telephone when you are ready for a QSO. That's right, we will give you a
> > phone number and when you are ready you can ring us and we will immediately
> > cease to work the pile up and call you on a frequency of your choice. Not
> > only that, we will also ensure an email is sent to you directly after the
> > QSO to confirm you are in the log. Furthermore, we are organizing a team of
> > experts who, if you wish, will fly in and set up your rig on the required
> > frequency, connect the antenna for you and make sure the heating or
> > ventilation is on so it is nice and warm or cool in your shack as the case
> > requires. Don't worry about propagation. We will make sure there is some
> > between us as we understand that is our responsibility and it's our fault if
> > there isn't.
> > 
> > If that is not for you then don't worry we are just as happy to work you in
> > a pile up. We realize that we will need to operate in accordance with your
> > operating habits so therefore we will understand if you call over the top of
> > another station we are trying to work, or when we are specifically calling a
> > part of the world you do not reside in, or if you are simply calling
> > aimlessly or while we are transmitting, or even if you call when you cannot
> > hear us. We will do our best to work you despite all this and yes we know
> > it's our fault if you do not make it into the log.
> > 
> > We wish to acknowledge the value Frequency Cops bring to a Dxpedition so to
> > recognize this we are going to specifically publicize some times when we
> > will arrange for some operators to deliberately call us on our frequency
> > instead of split. Frequency Cops can even register their availability with
> > us to help us ensure these periods get maximum uptake by the Frequency Cop
> > community. During these periods the Frequency Cops will be able to say or
> > send "up up!" to their hearts content. (Note: we will make sure we tell the
> > pile up to listen up and not down as the recent PT0S Dxpedition has taught
> > us that Frequency Cops don't know how to send "down" in CW).
> > 
> > We also don't want the "tuner uppers" to feel left out and like them we feel
> > dummy loads are completely overrated. So when we are ready to transmit on a
> > band we will give them the opportunity to tune up on our frequency before we
> > start working the pile up. Each period will start with us sending our
> > callsign and "QDL" ("Quick Dummy Loaders") so they will know when to
> > commence tuning up on us. We will allow for at least five minutes for this
> > as we know how important it is for the tuner uppers to make sure their
> > finals are good and ready. We acknowledge if they go bang it's our fault.
> > Depending on demand we will every now and then send "QDL" while working a
> > pile up so any tuner uppers late to the party can tune up on us as well.
> > 
> > Unfortunately we will not have cluster access while we are on Bouvet but we
> > know this will not stop you posting announcements and comments on the
> > cluster about our Dxpedition. Some suggestions for you to try include saying
> > what band you want us to QSY to or mode to operate on, the quality of our
> > ops and the usual "loud", "can't hear them here", "thanks for 7th band" or
> > "yee hah" comments. Likewise as we noted above we understand it's our fault
> > if you cannot work us and therefore we accept in that case you will post on
> > the cluster calling us the worst Dxpedition ever.
> > 
> > We can't wait to be of service to you.
> > 
> > The 3Y0IOF Team
> > 
> > ___
> > Topband reflector -
> ___
> Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Threading radials

2012-08-16 Thread Wayne Rogers
I use 1/2" 75 ohm hardline for shunt feed on my tower.  plenty of it around, 
shield is  aluminum protected from the elements.  Seems to work just fine.

Wayne N1WR

Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:28 PM
To: "N7DF" ; 
Subject: Re: Topband: Threading radials

> I find that 1/2 inch PVC pipe is handy for many things. It can be cut into 
> 6"
> spacers or insulators. I use it for spacers on my Shunt Fed tower's
> shunt feed rod. I used 1/2" EMT for the shunt feed rod and the PVC spaced 
> about
> every 24" to stabilize the rod. I use Black Tie-wraps to
> secure everything.
> 73  Price W0RI
> From: N7DF 
> Subject: Topband: Threading radials
> I have found that 20 foot lengths of 1/2 inch PVC pipe works very well in
> getting radial wires through, around and under the very prickly shrubbery 
> that
> gets in the way here in the New Mexico desert.  It is very inexpensive and 
> can
> be extended to as long a run as is needed.
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Image on 160M

2012-08-13 Thread Wayne Willenberg

As I am slowing working my way into 160M, I have been listening to my
new reversible 480ft Beverage antenna.

I live in a rural area.  However, there is one small town about 5 miles
from me.  The only really strong BC station near me is a 500W (day time)
(not 5,000W) station at 1.490MHz. It is about 7 miles away.  As I tuned
through the 160M band I found an image of that station at 1.915MHz.  With
the Beverage, in the *NE position* the image reads -117dBm and if I switch
to AM mode, I can understand the broadcast. I don't see any other signals
on the 160M band.

Is it normal to find images like this?

B/T/W, when I switch to the *SW position* (the direction of the transmitter
and the small town), the signal power rises to -110dBm, but the noise floor
also goes up.  Is it reasonable to assume the additional noise is probably
coming from the small town?

Thanks to everyone who has helped me slowly build a 160M station.

73, Wayne KK6BT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Beverage Measurements

2012-08-05 Thread Wayne Willenberg
I have posted several times on this reflector as I have slowly installed my
reversible Beverage antenna.

The antenna is 480ft long and runs in a NE – SW direction.  All of the
components are made by DXEngineering and was, I believe, designed by Tom,
W8JI.  It uses ladder line that is 5 feet off the ground for the antenna
and 75 Ohm coax for the feedline.  The antenna is now essentially complete.

>From my shack, I have run several plots on the antenna using my AIM 4170
with Zo = 50 Ohms.  (I have not attempted to calibrate the feedline)

Here is what I found over the entire *160M band*:

 In the NE direction, the SWR slowly rises from 1.6 to 1.9, at 1.9MHz, and
back down to 1.6.  The one resonant freq. is 1.8MHz.  The return loss is
essentially constant and -12dB.

In the SW direction, the SWR is essentially constant at 1.8 to 1.92MHz and
then smoothly moves down to 1.3 at the top of the band.

*80M Band*

In the NE direction, the SWR starts at 1.9 and slowly reduces to 1.3 at
3.6MHz and then slowly increases back up to 1.9. There are 2 resonant
points: 3.6MHz and 3.9MHz.  The return loss is -20dB at 3.6MHz.

In the SW direction, the SWR starts at 1.8, decreases to 1.2 at 3.6MHz,
increases again to 2.0 ant 3.8MHz and then lowers to 1.4 at the top of the
band.  There are 2 resonant points: 3.6 and 3.8MHz.  The return loss is
-22dB at the lowest SWR (3.6MHz).

*40M Band*

In the NE direction, the SWR starts at 1.9 and slowly decreases to 1.2 at
7.3MHz.  There is 1 resonant point: 7.3MHz.  The return loss is -22dB at

In the SW direction, the SWR starts at 1.9 and slowly decreases to 1.2, at
7.2MHz, and then climbs to 1.8 at the top of the band.  There is 1 resonant
point at 7.2MHz.  The return loss is -26dB at 7.2MHz.

Comments and observations would be greatly appreciated.  Bascially, what I
am interested in hearing is whether this data looks similar to Beverages
constructed by others.  In other words, does it seem to be working properly?

Thanks for your help.

73, Wayne KK6BT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: How to Measure Beverage Common Mode Noise

2012-07-24 Thread Wayne Willenberg
I am still working on my new Beverage antenna.

I have run about 400 ft of F6-type flooded coax from my shack to one end of
my Beverage antenna.  My question is: do I need to install a feedline
current choke about 20 feet from the end of the Beverage antenna (the
current choke would have its own separate ground.

To try to answer this questions, I have terminated the feedline with a 75
Ohm termination.  I then tuned by rig (Yaesu FT-5000) to 1.9MHz.  With no
other antennas connected to my rig I can connect and disconnect the
feedline from my rig with a push of a button on the front of the rig.

My receive bandwidth is set to 500Hz and I chose the middle of the day
because I heard it is often the most quiet time for 160M.

Simply by listening to the audio noise coming out of the speaker, I can't
detect any change when I switch the terminated feedline in and out.

Next, I turned on my Panadapter and displayed the frequency spectrum from
1.8 to 2.0MHz.  The Panadapter is calibrated using and Elecraft XG3 RF
signal source.  It reads -134 dBm when the feedline is switched in and out.

Finally, I connected my Fluke true reading RMS multimeter to the audio
output jack of the rig.  The average reading (the averaging is done by the
meter) reads 17.1mV without the feedline connected to the rig.  With the
feedline connected to the rig, the meter reads 17.2mV.

It would seem the first 2 measuring techniques indicate that there is no
common mode noise coming from the feedline.

On the other hand, the third technique, using the multimeter, seems to show
some difference.  However, I'm not sure if the multimeter is responsive to
the wide range of frequencies that must be present in the noise.

I would really appreciate comments on how to measure noise and if any of my
3 techniques are valid.  Is there another piece of equipment that would
give me more accurate results?

Also, I live in the country, with all utilities underground.  Does -135dBm
seem like a reasonable noise figure for my location?

Thanks for all of the help you have given me to date in slowly working into
the world of 160M.

Wayne, KK6BT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Beverage Noise Measurements

2012-06-22 Thread Wayne Willenberg
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am installing a reversible Beverage
system (480ft long) made by DX Engr.  I am using the 75 Ohm RG-6 "type"
flooded coax, recommended by DXE for the feedline.  I live in a very rural
area in South Carolina (all of the utilities are underground, and I am not
aware of any nearby AM stations).

I now have the feedline run from my shack to the feed point of the antenna.
 I have not yet installed the feedline choke.  Before I connected the
feedline to the antenna, I terminated it with a 75 Ohm load, and then went
back to the shack to look at some noise measurements.  I have a panadapter
made by LP-Pan using NaP3 software.  The panadapter is not calibrated, so
the measurements are only relative.

My rig is an FT-dx5000.  I turned off the amp and set the rig for CW (the
bandwidth is 500 Hz.)  The rig has a switch on the front panel that allows
me to connect and disconnect the Beverage antenna (just the feedline at
this point).

With my rig tuned to 1.9 MHz, and with the display averaged over a 1/2
second period, the display, and the digital readout was about -140dBm
(remember, this is not a calibrated system).  Then, when I connected the
feedline, I saw no change in the noise level and the digital reading stayed
approximately the same.  Also, listening to the noise, I could not detect
any change in volume.  I tried the same experiment but with the frequency
set to 3.8MHz.  I got the same results.  Does this sound reasonable or do I
have a problem in my measuring approach?

Next, I couldn't wait any longer, so I connected the ladder line to both
the feed point and the reflection unit.  I also connected the feedline to
the appropriate termination unit. Each end is only grounded with 1 ground
rod and the ladder line is just laying on the ground. (As time permits, the
ladder line will be supported at about 5 feet along its length and the
grounding will be greatly improved.)

I tuned my rig to a local AM commercial station (at 1.25MHz) and the
carrier read -90dBm (my rig's S-meter read about 10dB over S9, the
"S-Meter" on the panadapter read S4) with a bandwidth of 9kHz.  I could
clearly understand the transmission.  When I switched out the antenna
(without changing frequency or bandwidth) I measured -155dBm and could only
hear noise. I tried reversing the direction of the antenna, but couldn't
see or hear any difference.

Finally, I re-tuned to 1.9MHz CW and read -155dBM with the antenna
disconnected.  When I switched in the antenna, I saw a very strange effect.
 The noise "pumpted" from -155dBm to about -145dBm.  The noise level, with
no discernible signal, and from 1.82 to 1.98MHz, would rise and fall about
every second (the time was not consistent, nor was the amount of increase
in signal level).  I saw this pumping effect at 3.8MHz with a power
variation of about 15dBm.

Does any of this make sense, or am I just seeing artifacts of my panadapter?

Thanks again for all of the help so many of you have given me as I slowly
work into 160M.

Wayne, KK6BT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Reducing Noise in the Shack

2012-06-21 Thread Wayne Willenberg
As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, I am at the very beginning of
being able to operate on 160 and 80M’s.  (To date, I have only operated on
10, 15 and 20M.) I have been doing a lot of reading, primarily ON4UN’s
“Low-Band DXing.”

My rig (FT-dx5000) is located on a desk.  Immediately under the desk is my
computer, and just above the rig is a shelf on which sits 2 flat-screen

One of the points made in “Low-Band DXing” is the necessity of reducing
noise in the shack.  The author states at page 7-75: “It is essential to
feed the equipment at the shack through high-quality mains filters.”  In
looking for such filters, I have come across the W3NQN AC Line Filter.  It
seems to be built with quality components, but I have not been able to find
any specs on the amount of attenuation it provides to EMI and RFI noise at
various frequencies (either common or differential mode).  Could someone
recommend a “high-quality mains filter” or comment on the W3NQN filter?

The author goes on to state: “The bottom side of the operating table in my
shack is completely covered with aluminum sheet.  This represents a lot of
capacitance and virtually zero inductance, which is just what you want!
Quality mains filters are bolted directly to those sheets and the mains
outlet to which the equipment is connected is connected as well.  The
ground plane is connected with very short low-inductance wide straps to
long copper ground rods.”  Would someone please explain to me the purpose
of this ground plane and how it helps reduce noise? How does “a lot of
capacitance and virtually zero inductance” under a transceiver help reduce

Thanks in advance for advice and help for a newcomer.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Beverage Antennas & Trees

2012-06-20 Thread Wayne Willenberg
I am preparing to install a reversible Beverage antenna, using 450 Ohm
ladderline.  All of the components are from DX Engineering.  The maximum
length I could fit on my property was 480ft.  This would be the first of my
receive antennas for my first venture into 160 and 80M.

Here is my concern.  To fit an antenna of that length, oriented in a N-E or
S-W direction, it will have to go through a think grove of trees (many are
over 75ft high) and an even thicker underbrush of younger trees and junk
growth.  Despite all of the trees, I think I can keep it pretty much in a
straight line.  How significant will the attenuation be caused by all of
the branches and leaves?

Thanks for your help to a newcomer to your band.

Wayne, KK6BT
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-27 Thread Wayne Mills
I had previously mentioned that I have three LED lamps and hadn't noticed
any noise. Looking (listening) more closely, I have noticed noise on two of
them -- the Sylvania lamps purchased from Lowes. One of them is pretty bad.

I also mentioned that the bulbs were very hot, too hot to handle. Of course,
that isn't a direct indication of heat, but temperature. I will likely
purchase an AC wattmeter, but if someone has one just plug a fixture with an
LED lamp installed and see what it requires. If it's in line with the specs,
fine. With the temperature I observed on the surface of the lamp, there must
be considerable infrared radiation. Good for heating the house here 9 months
of the year -- no inefficiency at all.

I also note that the experiment in the You Tube video is measuring noise on
the mains line. What about radiated noise? Since the sample is referenced to
ground, it might be representative of any radiation. The noise that I
observed was affected by my hand in the vicinity of the lamp, surely
radiation. Not good.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson, Wyoming

From: Wayne Mills
Subject: RE: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.
To: "'Jim F.'", "'top Band'"
Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 12:32 PM

FWIW: for the last six weeks, I've been experimenting with three LED
40, 60 and 75 watts, Sylvania and UtilitechPro from Lowes and so far
noticed anything on Topband. I even disconnected the shield on the RX
this morning and still don't hear anything.

Wayne, N7NG

p.s. That 75 watt equivalent lamp seems to put out MORE than 60 watts of
heat. It really gets hot.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Topband Tower Antenna With Two meter Vertical

2012-04-19 Thread Wayne Rogers
Thanks to all that have responded.  My concerns have been lessened and I 
appreciate that.

My tower is 200 feet from the house.  I already have 7/8"  hardline run up 
the tower (Rohn 25, run outisde).  I'm not sure how successful I would be 
trying to run it inside - the tower is small and the hardline tough to work 
with.  I have a substantial grounding system around the house and all my 
coax from the tower is connected through surge arrestors and tied to a 
common ground at the entry point.  I am comfortable with this.

Thanks all that responded.  I am currently waiting delivery of a side mount. 
I'll advise the results when all is up and running.

73, Wayne

From: "Price Smith" 
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 12:11 PM
To: "'Wayne Rogers'" ; "'topband'" 

Subject: RE: Topband: Topband Tower Antenna With Two meter Vertical

> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:49 AM
> To: topband
> Subject: Topband: Topband Tower Antenna With Two meter Vertical
> Maybe a bit off topic, but I'm hoping someone can give me some insight.
> I use my 90' tower as a vertical on topband.  It's base is grounded, and I
> feed it with a gamma match.  Works great.  OK so far.
> I want to put a two meter vertical on the tower which will be used for 
> (packet, continuous 24/7 connected up to the two meter radio.
> My concern is protecting the two meter radio when I'm transmitting 1500
> watts into the tower on 160 meters.  Would like to hear from anyone who is
> doing this - will a simple high pass filter at the input to the two meter
> radio suffice to protect the radio from 160 meter RF?
> Also - on the antenna installation.  Typically the two meter vertical's
> outer conductor will be grounded to the tower at the base of the two meter
> antenna.  I could also keep the two meter antenna insulted from the tower
> for its entire length up to the lightning protector just before it enters
> the house.  What's the recommended practice?  Ideas?
> Thanks, Wayne N1WR  (160 op and also AEC Calvert Co. MD)
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> Wayne,
> I have 80ft of Rohn 45 tower with a 5el 20 meter beam at 81ft, 3el 15 at
> 90ft and 3el 10 at 100ft. I have a Diamond X200 on a side arm at 70ft. I
> shunt feed
> The tower with an Omega match. All the coaxes come to the ground. They go
> underground for  5ft to a box with PolyPhaser arrestors. Then they go into
> the
> House to my equipment. I put 10 snap-on ferrite cores on the 2meter coax 
> in
> the house. I have no inter action even when running QRO on 160 meters. 
> The
> Coaxes are NOT connected to the tower except at the shunt feed.
> I hope this helps.
> 73 Price W0RI near St. Louis, MO 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Topband Tower Antenna With Two meter Vertical

2012-04-15 Thread Wayne Rogers
Maybe a bit off topic, but I'm hoping someone can give me some insight.

I use my 90' tower as a vertical on topband.  It's base is grounded, and I feed 
it with a gamma match.  Works great.  OK so far.  

I want to put a two meter vertical on the tower which will be used for ARES 
(packet, continuous 24/7 connected up to the two meter radio.

My concern is protecting the two meter radio when I'm transmitting 1500 watts 
into the tower on 160 meters.  Would like to hear from anyone who is doing this 
- will a simple high pass filter at the input to the two meter radio suffice to 
protect the radio from 160 meter RF?  

Also - on the antenna installation.  Typically the two meter vertical's outer 
conductor will be grounded to the tower at the base of the two meter antenna.  
I could also keep the two meter antenna insulted from the tower for its entire 
length up to the lightning protector just before it enters the house.  What's 
the recommended practice?  Ideas?

Thanks, Wayne N1WR  (160 op and also AEC Calvert Co. MD)
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

2012-04-05 Thread Wayne Mills
FWIW: for the last six weeks, I've been experimenting with three LED lamps,
40, 60 and 75 watts, Sylvania and UtilitechPro from Lowes and so far haven't
noticed anything on Topband. I even disconnected the shield on the RX input
this morning and still don't hear anything.

Wayne, N7NG

p.s. That 75 watt equivalent lamp seems to put out MORE than 60 watts of
heat. It really gets hot.

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 9:22 AM
To: top Band
Subject: Topband: Home Depot LED bulb interference.

I bought two  LED  40 watt equivalent 110V. light bulbs from Home Depot that
only 9 watts of power, for $9.99 ea. 
They seemed like a good deal but cause noise interference on 160m and the FM
radio band.
(I did not try other bands.)
I like the bulbs but best use them away from your radio station and have
someone turn them off and on while monitoring your favorite
jim / W1FMR
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Deterring Critters was:Re: How Good is Good Enough?

2012-03-12 Thread Wayne Rogers
Go Mustangs!
Wayne from Mineola!!!

From: "ZR" 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:57 PM
To: ; 
Subject: Re: Topband: Deterring Critters was:Re:  How Good is Good Enough?

> Gary, the coyotes you and I grew up with were the stadium cheerleaders
> between Valley Stream Central and North.
> Boy, they were worse than the guys!
> Carl
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Garry Shapiro" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Topband: Deterring Critters was:Re: How Good is Good Enough?
>> Westerners naive about coyotes? That is an interesting concept. DC and
>> NYC are within the natural range of coyotes, but I have serious doubts
>> about England.
>> Coyote urine may "work", but it did not keep my feedlines from being
>> chewed by (eastern) Grey Squirrels that have displaced the native brown
>> units.
>> Garry, NI6T
>> On 3/12/2012 1:01 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>>> Man, you Westerners are naive!  We even have coyotes in downtown
>>> Washington and New York City.  Ratty looking, but out there hunting.
>>> Anyhow, the general idea is pick something the the wee beasties don't
>>> like, and lay it on!
>>> 73, Pete N4ZR
>>> The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at
>>> The Reverse Beacon Network at, blog at
>>> spots at, port 7000 and
>>>, port 7000
>>> On 3/12/2012 3:57 PM, Garry Shapiro wrote:
>>>> My experience with canid (coyote and wolf) urines suggests that if
>>>> canids are not the local predator of interest--coyotes in England?--it
>>>> may not work.
>>>> Garry, NI6T
>>>> On 3/12/2012 6:15 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>>>>> Two words - coyote urine.  Seriously  the local Southern States
>>>>> sells a critter repellent based on dried coyote urine.
>>>>> In our case, the biggest critter problem with my BOG so far has been
>>>>> deer - tangle-footed beasts!
>>>>> 73, Pete N4ZR
>>>>> The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at
>>>>> The Reverse Beacon Network at, blog at
>>>>> spots at, port 7000 and
>>>>>, port 7000
>>>>> On 3/12/2012 9:11 AM, Tracey Gardner wrote:
>>>>>> I'd be interested to  know what "critter/rodent" damage these BOGs
>>>>>> get?
>>>>>> My experience, in the UK, of leaving the last 60m of my Beverage 
>>>>>> lying
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the ground for a few days, is that the insulation got chewed through
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> seven places.
>>>>>> I would be interested in trying a BOG but I have a feeling that it
>>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>>> last long here.
>>>>>> 73s Tracey G5VU
>>>>>> ___
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>>>>> ___
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>>> ___
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>> ___
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>> -
>> No virus found in this message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 10.0.1424 / Virus Database: 2113/4866 - Release Date: 03/12/12
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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Re: Topband: LOTW Participation

2012-02-16 Thread Wayne Mills


There are a number of reasons why more people don't use logbook. There's the
perception that it's too complicated (mostly, IT guys have problems), and
the fact that non-US hams must send a letter to ARRL, unlike US hams. There
are also many people who like to collect paper cards. In Europe, the bureau
system is much more popular than it is in the US largely because incoming
and outgoing services are free with the membership in some national
societies -- never mind that their dues are far greater.


Actually, however, there are ma large number of hams who do use LoTW. Some
estimates put the number of at least semi-active DXers at around 100K to
150K. Consider then that the nearly 50K individual users of LoTW is quite
significant. Here's something to think about: I wouldn't be surprised to
learn that the percentage of regular LoTW users is higher than the
percentage of non-LoTW users also who QSL regularly. LoTW is a different
animal than conventional QSLing.


73, Wayne,  N7NG

Jackson, Wyoming




-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:28 PM
Subject: Topband: LOTW Participation




This has probably already been asked on here.. geeze I hope it doesnt start
another gripefest.  But I am wondering with the cost of QSL cards, postage
etc Why dont more people working DX (especially hams O-CONUS) use LOTW? It
appears that a lot of DX does not participate in LOTW.  Is it because they
dont like ARRL, dont like their activites controlled (if your not in the US
you gotta mail stuff in etc.) or what?   I just dont understand this is the
most painless method to get confirmation you could possibly have. Or maybe
they just like collecting all those cards that we put into shoe boxes and
put into the closet. 




I just got  22 QSLs for contacts work less than two months ago.. some of
them even less than a week ago.  How good can it get?  Sure make my work







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Re: Topband: k9ay Loop relay box?

2012-02-14 Thread Wayne Kline

I have built the K9AY kit from Far circuits  therer is also a write up on the 
kit  Freank K7SFN Comes wit hjust he Boards or 
compleat kit  Wayne W3EA 
 > From:
> To:;
> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 20:44:54 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: k9ay Loop relay box?
> Dan, if you find a source, let us know. TU
> 73,
> Dave
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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Re: Topband: Interference on 160

2012-01-21 Thread Wayne Kline

This phenomenon not a new one. with the advent of DX clusters and Telnet 
spotting networks. IMHO has heightened the blind calling practice.I do believe 
there should be some decorum especially on the low bands where the opening can 
be brief, to call then listen, but that's MHO.As far as a posted LID LIST.. It 
dose not take a rocket scientist to remember. the call's of operators who use 
the CONSISTENT dropping there call no mater what to get worked practice. If the 
DX the DX station subscribes to working him to get rid of the intenerating 
operator, Just rewards bad behavior and other start mimicking it till the 
pileup is a out of control. There has been much written on that subject.  Then 
there are the pile up police. who make more QRM then the offender .In there 
selfrightous way informing the world  ranting on about UP, Split or LID and 
filling the cluster or DX summit with there flaming remarks. ( and this elite 
DX God's are no angles just big mouth  jerks them selves) Again 
 there is northing more rewarding by  working a station AROUND these CC ( 
constant callers).  73's Wayne W3EA  > From:
> To:;
> Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 08:35:29 -0600
> Subject: Re: Topband: Interference on 160
> Great if you can do it.  But on the flip side it condones and encourages bad
> behaviour which may be part of the problem.  In any sport there is a referee
> who catches and penalizes bad behaviour.  Otherwise the game may get out of
> control.  You are the referee.
> Doug
> >-Original Message-
> >
> >I remember operating portable 9K2 while deployed to the combat theater
> >in 2002. The Russian & European QRM was unbelieveable, and almost
> >intolerable at times. However I politely told them to "stand by for USA"
> >and didn't get upset at all. I did not put anyone on a no QSL list. In
> >fact, when I returned stateside, I send every USA station a card at my
> >own expense. I didn't care how many times they called on top of the
> >station I was trying to work.
> >
> >73,
> >
> >John, W4NU
> >(K4JAG 1959 to 1998)
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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Re: Topband: 1820 BCB + My Problem Partially Solved

2011-12-25 Thread Wayne Rogers
Interesting stuff.

Here's a story.  Back in the mid 70's I was an engineer for the FAA up in 
the New England Region.  At the time we were working on improving ground 
systems on our radars.  I was with a team doing ground measurements at the 
Winthrop, MA long range radar site.  It involved setting out ground probes 
and measuring the ground resistance from the station ground to those points 
with a megger.  We were getting strange results.  We put a scope in place of 
the megger - and observed 3/4 volt modulated signal.  After a bit of 
investigating it turned out to be WBZ - local radio station with 
transmitting antenna a couple miles away!

Needless to say we put some effort into improving that ground system.

73 and Happy holidays to all,  Wayne N1WR

From: "Joe Giacobello, K2XX" 
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:00 PM
Cc: ; ; 
Subject: Re: Topband: 1820 BCB + My Problem Partially Solved

>  You said it, Tim!  I started tuning around the AM band on Thursday and
> noticed that in addition to the spurious AM stations on 1840, there were
> several BC AM signals above 1610 KHz.  They shouldn't be there.  Then I
> noticed that my 4-square RX array had lost directionality.  I use
> diversity reception on 160 and 80M with the array connected to my SDR-IQ
> and main RX and a vertical on the sub RX.  Obviously, the SDR's output
> is what's shown in the spectrum display and what my observations of the
> 1840 AM signal and the signals on 1810 KHz, etc. were based on.
> I switched things around so the vertical was connected to the SDR. The
> 1840 AM signal and the 1810 and related signals disappeared.  I went out
> and physically checked the array and found that one of the elements had
> shimmied down its mount so that its bottom was in contact with the
> ground.  After making repairs, things returned to normal: directionality
> returned to the array, the 1840 AM signal was gone and the 1810, etc.
> signals were minor blips.  It appears that the element's contact with
> the ground was acting like a detector and the resultant signal was mixed
> and amplified by the element's local amplifier. (I probably should
> install a BC trap to get rid of those blips.)  I've contacted both AM
> stations and told them that the problem originated here.
> The original problem with the strong wobbly signal on 1836 with smaller
> peaks on 1808.5 and 1847 still persists.  But since I have been
> exploring the AM bands in AM mode with 9 KHz selectivity, I've gotten
> some clues to its origin.  It may be some kind of motor control or
> related.  I have eliminated my own house as the source.  The nearest
> houses are at least a half mile away.  The hunt goes on.
> Thanks to all who offered suggestions.  Happy Holidays to all.
> 73, Joe
> K2XX
> On 12/22/2011 11:53 AM, Tim Duffy K3LR wrote:
>> That is a VERY important point Joe.
>> "getting mixed somehow"- often occurs without fault from either of the 
>> two
>> mixed stations - but as a result of a nearby rectification area (the 
>> right
>> metal hardware (rectifiers) coupled to a antenna of some sort with good
>> primary RF energy from the stations) - that maybe located many miles from
>> both stations - but "breeds" the mix. And that is what you hear on 160 
>> and
>> 80.
> [snip]
>> 73,
>> Tim K3LR
>> Subject: Re: Topband: 1820 BCB
>> At this point, I'm convinced that the source of the problem
>> is the 24 hour station and that the WPIN and WGFC signals are getting
>> mixed somehow to produce the AM signal on 1840.
>> 73, Joe
>> K2XX
>> I started to search in earnest for the source of the noise.
>> Typically, I only tune 160M between 1815 and 1840 and use that range
>> on my SDR-IQ panadapter.
>> Today, I opened up the range and immediately saw an AM signal on
>> 1840.  I was able to make out the audio and identified two local AM
>> stations: WGFC (1030 KHz) and WPIN (810 Khz).  The first is a low
>> power Mom and Pop station about eight miles away and the second is a
>> Blue Grass and Gospel station about 15 miles away.  Both are daytime
>> stations and QRT at around 5 PM at this time of year.
>>  I contacted both stations and both were extremely agreeable and
>> helpful.  It turned out that the engineer at WPIN was a very
>> knowledgeable ham who also worked 160M.  He was able to control the
>> 810 TX remotely, and while we were on the phone together, he turned it
>> off.  The AM signal on 1840 disappeared, but there was still a strong,
>> narrow carrier. The ca

Re: Topband: 1820 BCB

2011-12-23 Thread Wayne Rogers
>From a past experience - be very alert to dissimilar metals and rust.  Makes 
for an almost perfect diode mixer.  Chased after this on one of my antennas 
for months.

Wayne N1WR

From: "Dan Zimmerman N3OX" 
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 12:07 PM
To: "topband" 
Subject: Re: Topband: 1820 BCB

>> That is a VERY important point Joe.
>> "getting mixed somehow"- often occurs without fault from either of the 
>> two
>> mixed stations - but as a result of a nearby rectification area (the 
>> right
>> metal hardware (rectifiers) coupled to a antenna of some sort with good
>> primary RF energy from the stations)
> I had a bad mix on 1830kHz for a while that would FADE in and out.
> Well one night it got really awful and started bursting up to S7 or
> S8.  I listened to it on AM and heard the familiar pinging of CHU and
> I heard the other station identify as a loud local AM BCB station.
> Took me a couple hours of playing with stuff to figure out the loud
> local on 1500kHz was mixing with CHU on 3330kHz in a cheap TV rotor (I
> assume in the bearings) I had on a lightweight 30 foot mast holding my
> 20m Moxon.  I strapped around the rotor and the problem was gone.  The
> "bursting" was just from changes in my "diode" from the antenna
> blowing in the wind and moving the rotor housing slightly.
> 73,
> Dan
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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Re: Topband: Balun Design FCP XFMR Broken Link Repaired.

2011-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline

Nope  Still Broke Wayne W3EA 
 > From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:47:42 -0500
> Subject: Topband: Balun Design FCP XFMR Broken Link Repaired.
> ail
> The link in my previous e-mail was broken - this one works - Sorry Gang. 
> See you in SP this weekend.
> 73,
> Jack
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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Re: Topband: motorized matching caps

2011-12-15 Thread Wayne Kline

Who say's Ham radio is DEAD ?  The fiddling ,building, Experimenting IMO is a 
big part of  Amateur Radio.  In today's throw away society , it's a bigger 
challenge to explore or tweak a unit  or a system   That's why antennas are so 
intriguing , because no two installs are exactly the same.  You sound like me 
Ron..." I found an old Broken car  power antenna" HAHAAHAH I think I my have 
one laying in my,, you never know my need that pile !!!  73's Wayne W3EA 
 > Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 05:23:41 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Topband: motorized matching caps
> I recently increased the height of the tower I shunt feed for 160 to 
> 105'. Presently no antennas on the top only a bit of mast out the top. 
> The 2:1 BW is quite narrow so I decided to try to motorize one of the 
> caps in the omega match. First I used large air variables to get a 
> match. Then measured and found I had a vacuum variable that could be 
> used which was great because they take more "rotation" of the shaft to 
> change capacitance vs the air variables.
> I was trying to decide what motor to use and was digging around "stuff" 
> I had. I found an old broken car power antenna. Opening it I found it 
> had a quite large motor, 12V of course. I used the large "wheel" that 
> the plastic cable to raise and lower the mast was wound on to adapt to 
> the capacitor. Using the large wheel gave me a slower rotation which 
> turned out to be the perfect speed. Its fast but again, with the vacuum 
> variable it takes more movement so it all turned out well. And, best 
> part, the motor and gearing was FREE!
> 73
> Ron   N4XD
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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Re: Topband: ARRL 160 conditions

2011-12-04 Thread Wayne Mills
"Bang on zero beat" IS a problem. I am noticing more and more of that as (I
guess) more and more guys rely on SPOTTING SOFTWARE! Agh! It doesn't
make any sense to call exactly zero beat.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, using directional receive only antennas
seems to be a problem. Maybe I can't hear a station at all without my rx
antenna, but maybe I can't hear others in the wrong direction. I haven't
figured out the best way to use directional rx antennas. Maybe the someone
needs to develop antenna scanning software ;-) 

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Brian_ve7jkz
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: Topband: ARRL 160 conditions

Very disappointing indeed, although always nice to work the east coast, 
ME, WNY, VA, MAR (PEI) etc from the wet coast. And CE3 was a nice one. 
For the propagation experts out there did the poor conditions reflect 
the increasing solar flux as the new cycle gets going? Or is it just one 
of those things?

I was also surprised at some strong signals I called several times and 
they never came back. I put out about 400W or so to a shunt fed tower 
(56 feet with 8 element beam on top), with lots of radials, and like to 
think I get out reasonably well for what I have. So if some of these 
very strong signal stations don't hear me and continue CQ'ing what does 
it mean? Maybe they have very high noise levels in which case putting 
out a mega signal doesn't buy much if they can't hear those 
calling..? I would add that my home brew radio has a very neat way 
of ensuring I'm bang on zero beat so that's not the problem.

Tnx to all 205 who worked me.

Brian VE7JKZ
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Re: Topband: ARRL 160

2011-12-03 Thread Wayne Mills
Lots of 1, 2, 3, 4, and a few loud VE3 stations out here in Wyoming last
night. Several Carrib stations, no Europe. I had to use the receive 4-Sq a
few times while running, then forgot to go back to the vertical. Sorry about
that :-) 

Wayne, N7NG

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Eddy Swynar
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL 160

On 2011-12-03, at 11:03 AM, Gary Smith wrote:

> Sure was little DX on this end in CT, only 8 mults & 3,118 points. 
> Much less than last year. Interesting that overall the bands have 
> been doing nicely for DX, I'm looking forward to CQWW160 for DX. Do 
> love the 160 contests.

Hi Gary,

The conditions just do NOT seem to be there---at least not that I can

Only DX stations heard & worked here were "VP2M" & PJ5". Nothing from
overseas at all. And the furthest west that I could get was Colorado! Not a
single California, Oregon, or Washington State station to be had anywhere. I
wonder if the west coast has conversely noticed a shortage of 1's, 2's, &

Still, I've made 283 QSOs so far, basically just holding down a frequency, &
doing a wee bit of S & P'ing. We'll see what to-night brings...

Good luck, & my vy

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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Re: Topband: The 16th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

2011-11-21 Thread Wayne Rogers
Brian:  Contest operating is a great way to improve your code speed.  You 
can listen to the station make multiple contacts and pick out the exchange - 
then call him.  You will know what he will send, and you will be operating 
at a speed greater than normal.  This is a good opportunity for you.  Most 
contest operators will slow down for you.  Don't be afraid to send QRS.  And 
most important - have fun!

Wayne N1WR

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: The 16th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

> Brian, you might want to call CQ around 1860 kHz. We will find you.
> Or call anyone. CW tends to run slower on top hand than on HF contests due
> to a lower signal-to-noise ratio.
> Dave WX7G
> On Nov 21, 2011 1:35 PM,  wrote:
>> Hi Folks:
>> I'm a slow CW op (less than 10 WPM). Would it be worth my time to
>> participate, or will my slow speed slow down other stations and while I 
>> add
>> to the QRM?
>> 73
>> Brian, KD6NRP
>> ___
>> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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Re: Topband: T30RH

2011-03-04 Thread Wayne Mills
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Ryszard Tymkiewicz
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 1:32 AM
Subject: Topband: T30RH

Jacek is active again on TB...the problem he had last night it was
damaged automatic antenna is repaired but he is not
sure how it will work on 80m...anyway 160m is OK.
They have serious problems with internet connections but
first logs are  on their Web :
So far no QSOs with Europe.
Jacek will try to be active on RTTY ( mainly 30m) but it will
be in the end of their activity...Topband is the PRIORITY .

73 GL
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Jacek was very good on Topband this morning -- loud and excellent operating.
I spend 2 1/2 hours listening after an easy QSO at 0930Z.

What struck me was his patience with many east of here who were obviously
having difficulty copying him; working him two and three times before being
sure of their QSO. His location must be very quiet -- like H40AA on Topband
where hearing was much easier than anywhere in the states.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole, WY

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Topband INactivity

2011-03-01 Thread Wayne Mills

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Greg - ZL3IX
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Topband INactivity

Hi Eddy,

I would say that activity has been fairly normal, but propagation has 
been above average, especially over the CQ 160 SSB test.  My log book 
has far more entries in it than for any other year since being in ZL (we 
arrived 10 years ago)  Last weekend, John G3XRJ and I even managed an 
SSB QSO - the first ever.  Unfortunately prop seems to be pretty much 
back to normal now.

73, Greg ZL3IX

On 2011-03-02 02:38, Diane and Edward Swynar wrote:
> Good Day All,
> Is it just my singular imagination here, or has general activity on
> 160-meters declined significantly in the past few weeks...?

Activity seems down in the last two nights since the SSB contest. That may
be normal. The first was very noisy, but last night was quiet -- still not
much heard in Wyoming.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

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Re: Topband: Chat Room Confirmation

2011-02-17 Thread Wayne Mills
I have observed that many of these "confirmations" are made during the
contact. I often wonder exactly how and on which band the QSO was made.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of David Raymond
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Chat Room Confirmation

Receiving  informal confirmation that the contact was possibly made or not
made does not alter whether or not a contact really was made.  Informal
confirmation will not create receiving a QSL when it was not earned and
deserved.  I'm not advocating chat room confirmation, but I'm not sure what,
if any, harm is caused by this practice.

73 to all. . . Dave
> Frankly, that just ain't right. I'm not trying to be the "Chat Police"

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Re: Topband: Switching Beverages

2011-02-03 Thread Wayne Kline

To add to Carl's info
I  just finished building a K9AY array system and used Mouser #  8L01-12-101  
you can also use there 8L01-12-001  or  8L01-12-101
Wayne W3EA

> From:
> To:;
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 19:09:14 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: Switching Beverages
> I picked up 2 dozen 24VDC DIP style at a local hamfest after running home 
> with one and testing isolation. They were $1 each.
> Look in Mouser, DigiKey, Allied and other catalogs to find model # and specs 
> from Omron, Panasonic, etc. Ones rated to at least 1GHz are becoming rather 
> common.
> Carl
> KM1H
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Rik van Riel" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Topband: Switching Beverages
> > On 02/02/2011 11:20 AM, ZR wrote:
> >> Im currently using a pair of Ameritron RCS 4's and their isolation is
> >> horrible as designed. Im working on my own design using cheap 1 GHz 
> >> relays
> >> with 70dB of isolation at HF.
> >
> > You got my attention there. I want to build a K9AY array
> > and maybe a 2-wire beverage at some point, so I would
> > really like to know...
> >
> > Where can I find such relays? :)
> >
> > -- 
> > All rights reversed.
> > ___
> > UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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Topband: K9AY feed line

2011-02-01 Thread Wayne Kline

Hello Top Bands
 Got a question for you regarding the K9RA switchable array.  I would like to 
fed it with Flooded RG6  would this be a problem over 8x or   RG58 
I assume not 50 ohm designed 9:1 out put transformer @ 50 ohm impedance , there 
 would not be a big loss  in the low level signal with the  25%  increase in 
impedance ?
   Thanks  Wayne W3EA
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: VP8ORK

2011-01-31 Thread Wayne Rogers
I'm not familiar with north/south propogation on topband.  What are the best 
times for working South Orkney from the east coast US?

Thanks,  Wayne N1WR

From: "Tree" 
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 1:49 PM
Subject: Topband: VP8ORK

> All -
> The operation of VP8ORK on 160 meters has been pretty limited thus far.  I
> think the contest scared them off.
> They did appear for awhile around 0500Z the first night of the contest and
> made a number of QSOs with Europe and NA.  They had a pretty good signal
> and seemed to be hearing okay.
> I would imagine they will be pretty easy to work starting tonight after 
> the
> contest.
> We were worried that the operation Saturday AM was a bootlegger as the 
> QSOs
> did not appear during the log update later in the day.  However, they have
> showed up now in the recent update - so it was them.
> Good luck to all of those who need it for a new one.
> 73 Tree N6TR
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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