Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Yuri Blanarovich
Here we go again, speaking of misinformation, peer review, spreading 
false guru stuff.
You can not apply Kirchoff law from DC circuits to the current behavior 
along the STANDING WAVE RF radiator.
Current magnitude changes along the standing wave radiator, on the 
resonant dipole it is maximum at the center and minimum at the ends, 
cosine curve.
When loading coil, stub or resistor (load) is inserted along the circuit 
(wire) current into the load and out of it can vary according to the 
ratios of load values and position of insertion along the circuit 
(antenna wire).
Please see

73  Yuri, home of future DXcontestvention

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Tom W8JI wrote:

 So I modeled a half wave dipole in free space and sure enough the wire 
 segments on each side of the feed point carried equal current. I then 
 placed a resistive load at the center of one half-element (to 
 simulate? a lossy return) and now see that those segments no longer 
 carry equal currents, with less current on the side with the load. Can 
 someone please explain this?

 If you use enough segments so the program calculates small steps along 
 length, and a ground independent current source, you'll find current 
 on each side of the feedpoint exactly equal no matter what resistance 
 you insert.

 As a matter of fact, very little changes except loss unless the 
 resistance is high compared to common mode impedance at the resistor's 
 insertion point.

 Current immediately on each side of the resistance will be equal also, 
 unless we have enough antenna area in the segment length to allow a 
 large portion of displacement current compared to segment current.

 The only thing adding the resistor does, if you use enough segments 
 and enough resistance (compared to common mode impedance at the 
 insertion point), is change the current distribution shape. Kirchoff's 
 laws, or what we derrive from them, still applies. A two terminal load 
 or source MUST have equal currents at each terminal.

 Now if that two terminal thing is physically large enough to allow 
 significant displacement currents, that can provide a third (or more) 
 terminal. Nothing violates Kirchoff's law.

 The Feb 1983 QST article by Doty has 2 tables where they list RF 
 antenna and return current measurements as they added radials to 
 an elevated counterpoise and ground screen. With 6 radials they 
 measured 350 mA of antenna current and 220 mA of return current. 
 With 20 radials they measured 495/445 and with 48 radials 495/495. 
 What were they measuring?

 That's a good question.

 1.) He used Sevik's method of determining ground conductivity, but 
 that method is pretty much useless. A measurement of localized current 
 at 60 Hz doesn't mean a thing at radio frequencies, because skin 
 depths and dielectric effects are so vastly different.

 Anyone using a measurement at 60 Hz to determine characteristics at 2 
 MHz is just kidding himself. One can have a skin depth of hundreds of 
 feet, and the other just a few feet. They are not closely related at 
 all. It was a terrible method to start with.

 2.) I'm not sure what he was measuring, or trying to measure, what any 
 of it might mean, or how he concluded anything about efficiency or 
 currents. Nowhere in the article does it mention any isolation of the 
 feedline shield.

 I'm not positive what he measured, because he does not describe the 
 feedpoint system in detail, but it sounds like what he really measured 
 was the difference between current on the antenna base and current 
 into the radials. If he EVER read a difference there (which it appears 
 he did), then he had a third current path he did not account for. That 
 could have been the outside of the coax shield, or a ground rod that 
 was connected to the coax shield.

 Here is the rule that absolutely cannot be broken. This rule is cast 
 in concrete:

 The sum of currents flowing up into the antenna must ALWAYS equal the 
 sum of currents flowing out into a ground or grounds of some type.

 If I wanted to know efficiency change, I would measure field strength 
 change as I changed radials using  the same applied power levels for 
 every system. The last thing I would do is measure current 
 distribution and extrapolate that, through some theory, to reach a 
 conclusion about efficiency.

 The reason I say this is because I know for an absolute fact.base 
 impedance can vary all over the place with unrelated or unexpected 
 changes in efficiency. A radial system here that made base impedance 
 of a 1/4 wave vertical 50 or 60 ohms delivered the SAME field strength 
 as another system that made base impedance 35 ohms or so. This was for 
 the exact same height antenna above the radial field height.

 Since base impedance changes don't tell us efficiency, and since we 
 all should know the sum of currents at each terminal of the two 
 terminal feedpoint has to be exactly the 

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Tom W8JI
 You can not apply Kirchoff law from DC circuits to the current behavior
 along the STANDING WAVE RF radiator.

Yes, we can.

Kirchhoff's law is Kirchhoff's law, and is not frequency dependent.

I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise. Thinking Kirchhoff's law applied 
only to dc circuits is like thinking Ohm's law applies to dc circuits only.

73 Tom 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Yuri Blanarovich
Sooo, there is no current and voltage variation along the standing wave 
resonant dipole?
S, Jasik et al, all those antenna books, modeling programs showing 
RF CURRENT and/or RF VOLTAGE distribution along the (standing wave) 
solid antenna wire are thinking otherwise?
Like parallel LC circuit (say in amplifier) or RF choke doesn't have 
high RF voltage (low current) at one end and vice versa on the other 
Hint: take the neon bulb and slide it along the RF radiator. On the 
resonant circuit you would see brightest light at the tip (hig voltage, 
low current) with brightness diminishing towards the feed point (dipole) 
or RF grounded end. The current is just opposite, lowest at the tip, 
highest at the feedpoint. IT VARIES along the length of even solid wire!
Applying Kirchoff to wrong case and arguing against reality is just 

73 Yuri,

On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

 You can not apply Kirchoff law from DC circuits to the current 
 along the STANDING WAVE RF radiator.

 Yes, we can.

 Kirchhoff's law is Kirchhoff's law, and is not frequency dependent.

 I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise. Thinking Kirchhoff's law 
 applied only to dc circuits is like thinking Ohm's law applies to dc 
 circuits only.

 73 Tom
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Tom W8JI
 Sooo, there is no current and voltage variation along the standing wave
 resonant dipole?
 S, Jasik et al, all those antenna books, modeling programs showing
 RF CURRENT and/or RF VOLTAGE distribution along the (standing wave)
 solid antenna wire are thinking otherwise?
 Like parallel LC circuit (say in amplifier) or RF choke doesn't have
 high RF voltage (low current) at one end and vice versa on the other
 Hint: take the neon bulb and slide it along the RF radiator. On the
 resonant circuit you would see brightest light at the tip (hig voltage,
 low current) with brightness diminishing towards the feed point (dipole)
 or RF grounded end. The current is just opposite, lowest at the tip,
 highest at the feedpoint. IT VARIES along the length of even solid wire!
 Applying Kirchoff to wrong case and arguing against reality is just


Kirchhoff's laws apply to ANY system when we include displacement currents.

Displacement currents and Kirchhoff's laws have been around since the 
1800's. As far as I know, you are the only one ever steadfastly arguing 
against existance of displacement current. Inclusion of displacement current 
makes Kirchoff's laws applicable to open ended antennas and time-varying 

We seriously handicap ourselves when we think Kirchhoff's laws are only 
applicable to closed dc circuits.

73 Tom 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Richard (Rick) Karlquist
On 8/4/2012 10:47 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

 The reason I say this is because I know for an absolute fact.base
 impedance can vary all over the place with unrelated or unexpected changes
 in efficiency. A radial system here that made base impedance of a 1/4 wave
 vertical 50 or 60 ohms delivered the SAME field strength as another system
 that made base impedance 35 ohms or so. This was for the exact same height
 antenna above the radial field height.

Confirming Tom's test.  When I first built my 230 foot diameter ground
screen, consisting of #16 wires on a 3x3 foot grid with crossovers
soldered, I put up a 40 meter vertical in the center to test
the effectiveness of the grid.  I placed an HP 8640 signal generator 
running on a battery at the center of the grid and grounded it to the 
nearest wires.  I measured the driving impedance with a very
accurate RF bridge consisting of a transformer, variable resistor
and a null detector.  Tune sig gen to resonance, null, then
measure resistor with ohmmeter.

I was shocked to discover a driving impedance of 70 ohms.  I set up a 
receive antenna 1000 feet away monitored by an HP
spectrum analyzer.  I started adding radials to the vertical, the
ends of which were soldered to the grid.  I monitored the field
strength while doing this and found that it decreased with additional
radials until it reached 36 ohms at 60 radials.  I continued to
add radials until I had 120.  During all these changes, there was
no measurable change in field strength.  The spectrum analyzer
could resolve 0.1 dB.

So field strength is the gold standard, and impedance is the
lead standard.

Rick N6RK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Robert Carroll
Knowing both Tom and Yuri to be two of the best and brightest, I am sure
this is going to be an interesting discussion, and only the devil is making
me stir the pot a little in an impractical way. Kirchoff's Law is a
derivative of Faraday's law, and if you are in a situation where Mr.
Faraday's law is applicable, so is Kirchoff's law.  A very gory exposition
is provided by our electro-physicist buddies:

Mr. Kirchoff was a very productive fellow, having deduced, often from
thought experiments, similar laws named after him that apply to blackbody
radiation and photons.  His law that EE's love was motivated by thought
experiments at DC.  He also thought about the following situation.  A very,
very long wire in the free space of the cosmos is fed by a current source at
its center.  To keep the thoughts simple, toss in that the wire has no
resistive loss and that the current source is injecting 1 Ampere and
operating at 2MHz.  Just to cover your backside you might toss in that you
were in a nice part of space with no significant curvature weirdness.  How
much current would be measured in the wire at say 1 light year away from the
injection point?  You can rack your brain as to whether a numerical analysis
method of moments program running on the latest NASA parallel processing
behemoth would give an accurate answer, but there is no need.  That wire
would have emitted radiated power in each small segment along the way with
the total power emitted exactly equal to the power supplied by the source as
captive electrons within the wire oscillated their little hearts out.  With
finite current in, finite power would be radiated, and for all practical
purposes most of it would have been radiated segment by segment along the
wire long before Mr. Kirchoff could have been teleported a light year away
to make a confirming measurement.  When he did arrive at the chosen
measurement point he would find nearly but never all of the injected current
had disappeared.  This would not have been a surprise to him but maybe to
the rest of us. How could this have happened?  The wire was lossless after
all.  And if Mr. Kirchoff had brought along the proper sensor he might have
been able to detect a small but finite current travelling farther out on the
wire but nothing returning from reflections off the end of the wire,
especially since it has no end in the limit of his thought experiment.  In
fact there would be no standing waves anywhere on this wire in any practical
sense because it was for all practical purposes a travelling wave antenna
with no reflections coming back from the almost infinitely distant end.  The
electrons at his point of measurement would barely be oscillating at 2 MHz
and unless he had the very latest Agilent equipment he would not be able to
detect a standing wave there either despite the very distant end of the wire
being unterminated. 

What does this have to do with the current discussion?  Nothing in a
practical sense.  But it does point out one thing.  Kirchoff's law as we EEs
usually apply it is in reality a DC law.  It DOES usually apply to the RF
situations we encounter in hamdom--if we apply it carefully, as Yuri's
reference points out.  You won't find many successful designers applying it
in the same manner at 50 gigahertz. 

And hello to Yuri, whom I have not seen eyeball to eyeball in many years. In
case you don't know Yuri he is a true medical miracle.  How is the Tesla
Club, Yuri?  Plum Island has been up for sale if there is interest.  I'm
staying clear of it, though.

Bob W2WG 

P.S.  Don't fool around with a very long wire in space.  You might find
potentials (be careful how you define potential) on it produced in other
ways than by your little 2 MHz current injection if the wire is long enough.

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Yuri Blanarovich
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

Here we go again, speaking of misinformation, peer review, spreading false
guru stuff.
You can not apply Kirchoff law from DC circuits to the current behavior
along the STANDING WAVE RF radiator.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-05 Thread Tom W8JI
 to make a confirming measurement.  When he did arrive at the chosen
 measurement point he would find nearly but never all of the injected 
 had disappeared.  This would not have been a surprise to him but maybe to
 the rest of us. How could this have happened?

With an infinitely long conductor, the answer is displacement currents. 
There is no reflected wave, and no need for a reflected wave.

It's all part of Maxwell's equations.

If we look at any conductor at any frequency any change in current along 
length is always by charges going somewhere. The path can be through 
displacement currents with alternating current.

This is why current distribution is different in a small component of 
limited shunt capacitance to the surrounding environment than a large 
component when shunting capacitive reactance starts to be comparable to 
series impedance. That's why we should keep high reactance loading coils 
away from external conductors, and not put top hats right against coils, or 
use large metal end caps on coils.

This effect causes problems in physically large high impedance plate chokes, 
and is the main reason we should avoid excessive inductance and use minimum 
size chokes in RF applications.

73 Tom

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread K4SAV
Bob Kupps wrote:
 So I modeled a half wave dipole in free space and sure enough the wire 
 segments on each side of the feed point carried equal current. I then placed 
 a resistive load at the center of one half-element (to simulate? a lossy 
 return) and now see that those segments no longer carry equal currents, 
 with less current on the side with the load. Can someone please explain this?


You are misinterpreting what you are seeing.  When you put a resistor in 
one side of a dipole you modify the current distribution in both sides 
of the dipole and the side with the resistor has a large decrease in 
current at the point where the load is located.  So the current 
distribution is considerable different in the two halves of the dipole.  
The source is at the center of a segment.  Since you can only measure 
the current at the center of the segments adjacent to the feedpoint 
(that's one segment away, on each side, from the feedpoint) the current 
will be different.  That one segment difference away from the feedpoint 
is enough to show a difference in current.  If you want to see the 
current at the feedpoint use the Src Dat tab.  It only lists a single 
current because it's the same in both sides, except 180 degrees out of 

It's impossible to violate the law stated by Tom.  If you want an easy 
way to test this, wire a battery to a bulb, measure the magnitude of 
current out the negative terminal of the battery and then measure the 
current out the positive terminal of the battery.  If you don't get the 
same answer, you have a measurement error.

Jerry, K4SAV

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread w4buw

 Gustav Kirchhoff

-Original Message-
From: K4SAV
To: topband
Sent: Sat, Aug 4, 2012 11:04 am
Subject: Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

Bob Kupps wrote:
 So I modeled a half wave dipole in free space and sure enough the wire 
egments on each side of the feed point carried equal current. I then placed a 
esistive load at the center of one half-element (to simulate? a lossy return) 
nd now see that those segments no longer carry equal currents, with less 
urrent on the side with the load. Can someone please explain this?

You are misinterpreting what you are seeing.  When you put a resistor in 
ne side of a dipole you modify the current distribution in both sides 
f the dipole and the side with the resistor has a large decrease in 
urrent at the point where the load is located.  So the current 
istribution is considerable different in the two halves of the dipole.  
he source is at the center of a segment.  Since you can only measure 
he current at the center of the segments adjacent to the feedpoint 
that's one segment away, on each side, from the feedpoint) the current 
ill be different.  That one segment difference away from the feedpoint 
s enough to show a difference in current.  If you want to see the 
urrent at the feedpoint use the Src Dat tab.  It only lists a single 
urrent because it's the same in both sides, except 180 degrees out of 
It's impossible to violate the law stated by Tom.  If you want an easy 
ay to test this, wire a battery to a bulb, measure the magnitude of 
urrent out the negative terminal of the battery and then measure the 
urrent out the positive terminal of the battery.  If you don't get the 
ame answer, you have a measurement error.
Jerry, K4SAV
R RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread HAROLD SMITH JR
That is correct, as Mr Kirchoff said.

Price W0RI

You are misinterpreting what you are seeing.  When you put a resistor in 
one side of a dipole you modify the current distribution in both sides 
of the dipole and the side with the resistor has a large decrease in 
current at the point where the load is located.  So the current 
distribution is considerable different in the two halves of the dipole.  
The source is at the center of a segment.  Since you can only measure 
the current at the center of the segments adjacent to the feedpoint 
(that's one segment away, on each side, from the feedpoint) the current 
will be different.  That one segment difference away from the feedpoint 
is enough to show a difference in current.  If you want to see the 
current at the feedpoint use the Src Dat tab.  It only lists a single 
current because it's the same in both sides, except 180 degrees out of 

It's impossible to violate the law stated by Tom.  If you want an easy 
way to test this, wire a battery to a bulb, measure the magnitude of 
current out the negative terminal of the battery and then measure the 
current out the positive terminal of the battery.  If you don't get the 
same answer, you have a measurement error.

Jerry, K4SAV

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread Tom W8JI
So I modeled a half wave dipole in free space and sure enough the wire 
segments on each side of the feed point carried equal current. I then placed 
a resistive load at the center of one half-element (to simulate? a lossy 
return) and now see that those segments no longer carry equal currents, 
with less current on the side with the load. Can someone please explain 

If you use enough segments so the program calculates small steps along 
length, and a ground independent current source, you'll find current on each 
side of the feedpoint exactly equal no matter what resistance you insert.

As a matter of fact, very little changes except loss unless the resistance 
is high compared to common mode impedance at the resistor's insertion point.

Current immediately on each side of the resistance will be equal also, 
unless we have enough antenna area in the segment length to allow a large 
portion of displacement current compared to segment current.

The only thing adding the resistor does, if you use enough segments and 
enough resistance (compared to common mode impedance at the insertion 
point), is change the current distribution shape. Kirchoff's laws, or what 
we derrive from them, still applies. A two terminal load or source MUST have 
equal currents at each terminal.

Now if that two terminal thing is physically large enough to allow 
significant displacement currents, that can provide a third (or more) 
terminal. Nothing violates Kirchoff's law.

The Feb 1983 QST article by Doty has 2 tables where they list RF antenna 
and return current measurements as they added radials to an elevated 
counterpoise and ground screen. With 6 radials they measured 350 mA of 
antenna current and 220 mA of return current. With 20 radials they 
measured 495/445 and with 48 radials 495/495. What were they measuring?

That's a good question.

1.) He used Sevik's method of determining ground conductivity, but that 
method is pretty much useless. A measurement of localized current at 60 Hz 
doesn't mean a thing at radio frequencies, because skin depths and 
dielectric effects are so vastly different.

Anyone using a measurement at 60 Hz to determine characteristics at 2 MHz is 
just kidding himself. One can have a skin depth of hundreds of feet, and the 
other just a few feet. They are not closely related at all. It was a 
terrible method to start with.

2.) I'm not sure what he was measuring, or trying to measure, what any of it 
might mean, or how he concluded anything about efficiency or currents. 
Nowhere in the article does it mention any isolation of the feedline shield.

I'm not positive what he measured, because he does not describe the 
feedpoint system in detail, but it sounds like what he really measured was 
the difference between current on the antenna base and current into the 
radials. If he EVER read a difference there (which it appears he did), then 
he had a third current path he did not account for. That could have been the 
outside of the coax shield, or a ground rod that was connected to the coax 

Here is the rule that absolutely cannot be broken. This rule is cast in 

The sum of currents flowing up into the antenna must ALWAYS equal the sum of 
currents flowing out into a ground or grounds of some type.

If I wanted to know efficiency change, I would measure field strength change 
as I changed radials using  the same applied power levels for every system. 
The last thing I would do is measure current distribution and extrapolate 
that, through some theory, to reach a conclusion about efficiency.

The reason I say this is because I know for an absolute fact.base 
impedance can vary all over the place with unrelated or unexpected changes 
in efficiency. A radial system here that made base impedance of a 1/4 wave 
vertical 50 or 60 ohms delivered the SAME field strength as another system 
that made base impedance 35 ohms or so. This was for the exact same height 
antenna above the radial field height.

Since base impedance changes don't tell us efficiency, and since we all 
should know the sum of currents at each terminal of the two terminal 
feedpoint has to be exactly the same (unless Kirchhoff law is a joke), and 
since field strength was never measured, the entire article is a puzzlement 
to me.

73 Tom 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread K4SAV
Tom W8JI wrote:
 If you use enough segments so the program calculates small steps along 
 length, and a ground independent current source, you'll find current on each 
 side of the feedpoint exactly equal no matter what resistance you insert.


Yes current on each side of the feedpoint is always the same but you 
can't see that with an NEC measurement because you are always measuring 
one segment away from the feedpoint and when the current distribution in 
the wires are not equal, there will always be a difference.  Using many 
segments will cause the difference to be small but never zero (unless 
the current distribution on each side of the antenna is symmetrical).  
This is the information Bob was missing.

Jerry, K4SAV

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread Tom W8JI
Hi Bill,

 Tom, it's worth adding to this that trying to make current measurements in 
 the ground using 60hz is pretty useless for another reason: induced 
 currents from the ac power system (especially in north america). 60hz will 
 be present on just about anything -- you'll even see it on a scope by just 
 touching an unconnected probe with your finger.

That must be a problem, too.

The entire concept of using 60 Hz, or any frequency far from the operating 
frequency, is just bizarre to me. It seems like once someone publishes an 
article, everyone just accepts the article without question.

Skin depth on 160 meters can be 50 feet or 5 feet. Skin depth at 60 Hz is 
probably all the way to the rock bed, although it would mostly involve the 
area between the rods if they are short. I'm sure losses are far different 
on 60 Hz than 2 MHz.

Sylvania Township had soaking-wet sandy black loam. Septic systems wouldn't 
even work. Using that AC current test, my soil was 80 to 120 mS/m anywhere I 
could reach with a cord.

Looking at broadcast data from an AM station's 1560 kHz proof,  my area was 
about 20 mS/m to 30 mS/m. I'd bet it was close to 25 mS, even though the 
test said 80+.

 Commercial ground resistance meters use much higher frequencies (a few 
 hundred hz up to a few khz if I remember correctly). I've had to design 
 equipment for measuring fluid conductance before and I used a sine wave of 
 around 450hz (high enough to avoid 60hz harmonics and between the 
 nearest two as well), and a bandpass filter on the receiving end. Trying 
 to just use 60hz will result in unpredictable measurement errors and worse 
 yet, those errors will vary geographically even when moving only 
 relatively small distances.

There is a method using RF right at the operating frequency with a screen 
and rod through the center, using an antenna analyzer. I don't know the 
reference, but I like the one that inflated my ground conductivity. It made 
me feel really good.  :-)

73 Tom 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: return current - what is it?

2012-08-04 Thread K4SAV
Tom W8JI wrote:
 I think you may be selecting the wrong type of source, if you are using

 In the source-type selection, chose SI, not I.   A split source places 
 the source at a segment junction, so you can see current leaving each 
 terminal of the source.

I forgot about the SI source.  That will effectively place the source at 
a segment junction.  Actually it places two sources in the middle of two 
adjacent segments and that simulates almost the same thing 
(insignificant difference if you have sufficient segments).  Since the 
currents are listed at the center of segments, the listing will have the 
currents at the ends of the two sources, which of course will be the 
same value you assigned to the source.  Current is not allowed to change 
between those two segments because the currents are forced to be the 
assigned value.

This won't work if you use the dual voltage source (SV), which 
effectively places it on a segment end (with enough segments).  Because 
it is implemented as two voltage sources on adjacent segments, the 
current is allowed to change between the two segments, and you will see 
a difference in current at the ends of the SV source (assuming an 
antenna with unsymmetrical currents in each side).

None of the NEC sources violate Kirchoff's laws, but the implementation 
of the SI and SV sources isn't exact and doesn't exactly approximate a 
real source (for which NEC doesn't allow you to see the actual current 
at the ends of the source).  But why bother, most people know the answer 
anyway.  The problem is just understanding what the numbers mean that 
the program is giving.

Jerry, K4SAV

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK