Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...but check UR radio

2012-11-13 Thread Missouri Guy
> I can only figure one possible how someone is exactly on PTOS Fx and 
> repeated keep calling directly on the DX Transmit frequency and that 
> is that they have their radio set split and then reversed it while 
> still listening to both frequencies simultaneously. This way they 
> would hear the DX call but not know they were actually transmitting 
> on the calling frequency.
Some radios, like the IC775, have a nasty surprise 
when the radio is operated in the split mode.  As I
remember it, when the "receive" VFO is set on the DX freq,
it supposed to be turned off/attenuated while transmitting.  
True, it's down about 50db.  The surprise is when the attenuated
signal is run through a KW amp along with the "normal" TX
freq.  There's enough signal transmitted on the DX station's freq
to easily cause QRM!!  It gets worse when on say, 10m.
Charlie, N0TT
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread wa3mej
Why all of a sudden are we grumbling and growling about this?  This kind of 
behavior has been going on for as long as I can remember and I admit to being a 
fairly new ham compared to some here (only been a ham since 1965) but I have 
seen it happen since I was a noviceand what because someone didnt get a 
contact?  The world will not end based on people not getting contacts.. yes I 
know.. I would like to get one too but I will not die either.  AND it is only 
one of many problems on our bands IF we outted people for every little 
infraction of the rules we would no longer have anyone to talk to! Shall we 
spurn stations DXpeditioins that come 5 KHz below our frequency .. when we have 
been there for over half an hour and then all heck breaks loose on top of us 
because they are telling people up 5-10 and then they respone to people 15 KHz 
up the bands? Yes both of these things happened during the DXpedition to Yemen 
and other expeditions and continue to happen. Shall we spurn those stations 
that a bring politics into ham radio and dont stand up to say no the the 
hosting nation like Yemen did.. they refused to talk to Israel.. this kind is 
stuff has been around for as long as everyone on this list has been in 

Long Live Seal Team VI 

- Original Message -


Message: 25 
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 06:31:18 -0500 
From: "Bob Garrett" < > 
To: < >, < > 
Subject: Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws... 
Message-ID: <000501cdc192$663a1180$32ae3480$@net> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

Finally, a voice of reason! All this talk of "amps with handles", W3LPL 
spotting, public humiliation and avoiding this subject is BS. Like it or 
not, this behavior has been around for a long time. Personally, I sit back 
and wait till the tuning and jamming begins. While the cops are ranting on 
the QRG, I give my call up the band and often when the smoke clears, I 
squeak out a QSO. 

Last night, PT0S was on for hours and worked many many stations with very 
little QRM. Just relax guys and enjoy the chase. 
73, Bob K3UL
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Rick Kiessig
I'm not a dxpeditioner, but even so I frequently find myself on the
receiving end of pileups, particularly with EU. The behavior of some callers
occasionally makes the process very painful. It's also much more work than I
think some people understand. Callers who end with "enjoy the pileup"
actually rub me the wrong way. While there's a definite satisfaction that
comes out at the end, "enjoy" isn't really the right word for the feeling
that the dysfunctional callers provoke.

Some folks not only give their calls repeatedly, they don't wait for a
response and so end up talking on top of me, or they still respond when I
ask for a repeat on a particular partial that's not theirs, or they only
give a few letters of their call. I've noticed a number of callers who give
out parts of their call that make it sound like they might unusual DXCC. A
ZL DXer friend of mine has taken to only responding to people who give full
calls. I considered that, but even when they give full calls, I very often
will only catch a partial due to the pileup. And when I do call someone,
they still often call on top of me. I had one last night where I must have
called the guy five times, and he doubled with me every time. If they're
calling, you would think they might actually want to hear when I respond.
Some seem to enjoy the chase more than the catch.

So, for the dxpeds, who probably have a hundred times the number of people
calling as I do, all I can say is: I have some sense for how much work it
is, and I'm thankful they are willing fight the crowds (and I'd love a few

73, Rick ZL2HAM (ZM1G)

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Dave Heil
I agree with John.  Some of this stuff is accidental.  Some is from lack 
of experience and some, of course, is malicious.  It isn't really new 
but there is more of it now than before.


Dave K8MN

On 11/13/2012 15 50, John K9UWA wrote:

Sometimes its accidental guys. Picture this example.
DX says: TU
Everybody calls. I drop in my call twice at 30 WPM. Hear nothing. Drop in
call twice again. ... during that brief moment DX sends 7DX? and I don't hear
him as I am still transmitting call twice.
And again I hear nothing as DX is now listening for rest of the 7DX callsign.
Maybe I am on top of that guy? I don't know that. I Still haven't heard the DX
answer anyone so dump in the call twice more and listen.

And NO I can't run full break in with my remote operation. I miss that more
than the 1/2 second latency problem.

John k9uwa

With all the explanations and angst over this type of behavior truly it comes
down simply  to pure unabashed idiocy by our "comrades". I'd just like to sit
next to one of these guys while they r doing it and ask why? Are they serious
about trying to make a contact calling out of turn, calling when they can't
hear the DX, etc.  it seems to me they may trouble powering up the rig.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2012, at 9:33 AM, "Chortek, Robert L" 

I  amazed at the number of DXers who call non stop, almost regardless if

whether PT0S is working someone.  And then, my favorite, "7DX??". And many who
have no possible relation to that call keep sending.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:10 AM, "K4SAV"  wrote:

The thing I find amazing is the number of people that send on top of the

station that the DX is trying to work.  For the past two nights while
listening to PT0S and listening for the frequency of the station he is
working, I always hear the same station at that frequency sending non-stop on
top of the station the DX is trying to work.  This guy is on the #1 honor
role, and he isn't the only one that does this.  I guess he figures if he
makes himself enough of a pest, that the DX station will work him just to get
him out of the way.

Jerry, K4SAV

John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF
Antique Radio Restorations
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

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Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Lup Schlueter

Enjoy reading!
73 de Lup, DJ7SW

Am 13.11.2012 15:56, schrieb Chortek, Robert L:

<< John, k9uwa wrote:
Sometimes its accidental guys. Picture this example. DX says: TU Everybody 
calls. I drop in my call twice at 30 WPM. Hear nothing. Drop in call twice 
again. ... during that brief moment DX sends 7DX? and I don't hear him as I am 
still transmitting call twice.  And again I hear nothing as DX is now listening 
for rest of the 7DX callsign. Maybe I am on top of that guy? I don't know that. 
I Still haven't heard the DX answer anyone so dump in the call twice more and 

Yes, sometimes it is accidental, and I have been guilty of calling when I 
should be listening.  However, I am amazed at the number of hams on 160 meters 
who call when the KNOW they shouldn't!


Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws

2012-11-13 Thread W7RH
Kudos to the operators at PT0S for their adjustment to band conditions 
and volume of callers. I listened for two nights before making the dive 
into the mayhem. To me the first few nights the operators were going far 
to fast for the conditions especially for those in Rocky Mountain states 
and West. That 2000 plus mile wall of thunderstorms was just too much to 

Last night conditions were favourable and finally in the log. The 
operators at PT0S were alternating their listening frequencies back and 
forth. Perfect for those who don't have dual RX capability but with the 
real ability to "hear" the DX station. I think its called good operating 
and it is really under the control of the DX station to manage that aspect.

As for accidental and incidental TX on the DX stations calling frequency 
I can handle that. However, the band police were causing just as much 
damage as the intentional jammer. I might suggest that frequency 
spotters always post split and then up/down. I realize that RBNs can't 
handle this, operators beware.

What I can't handle is the intentional jamming that has been going on 
for what seems like forever. There is one in particular that has a 
unique identifying characteristic that needs to go away, loose his 
licence, equipment and spend jail time. The one I am speaking of targets 
DX'ers and contesters specifically. It really hurts in a contest when 
this guy shows up and kills your chances of a few new multipliers.

The characteristics of this signal are as follows: A power amplifier is 
in use, the signal is coming from the East at my location. The exciter 
is a tube type TX and is spotted absolutely zero beat. At this point a 
buffer or PA is tuned causing variation in amplitude and slight loading 
changes of frequency and increase in distortion.

Any help finding the culprit would be appreciated.

Bob, W7RH


Bob Kile, W7RH
“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
Will Rogers

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Roger D Johnson

I strongly suspect that some dirtbags transmit someones
callsign on top of the DX just to provoke the resulting
cacophony of UP, LID, IDIOT, etc that results. If people
would smarten up and not respond to these trolls the
situation would be much better.

73, Roger

Remember the Liberty (AGTR-5)
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/13/2012 7:56 AM, Chortek, Robert L wrote:

Yes, sometimes it is accidental, and I have been guilty of calling when I 
should be listening.

Of course, but not for six or seven TX/RX cycles!  We should be calling 
ONLY when we can copy the DX station well enough to know what's going 
on. I drop my call once, usually at 30 wpm if prop is decent, pause a 
couple of beats to LISTEN, then repeat that cycle. Yes, I call 
repeatedly, but with pauses to LISTEN after every call.

Someone sent me an email noting that W3GH was repeatedly calling out of 
line, but "no one had the guts to tell him."

As to TX on the DX frequency -- that's a simple mistake, we've all done it.

73, Jim K9YC
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Gary Smith
I know that I've been QRM on top of the DXPedition I've been trying 
to get, always accidentally but I've been on the Tx frequency & 
calling when the DX is looking for specific locations ile EU/AF/OC & 
so on. I've never intentionally QRMed anyone. As I said though, I've 
made unwitting mistakes.

I can only figure one possible how someone is exactly on PTOS Fx and 
repeated keep calling directly on the DX Transmit frequency and that 
is that they have their radio set split and then reversed it while 
still listening to both frequencies simultaneously. This way they 
would hear the DX call but not know they were actually transmitting 
on the calling frequency.

I think to ascribe that scenario to most of the callers is manganous, 
most I think put blinders on when calling and only focus on the DX 
calling back to them and all the UP & SPLIT & LID passes right over 
them,. Sometimes calling their call on frequency and saying up 5 will 
do it but most of them are hogs at the trough and are oblivious to 
everything except what they are listening for.

As to people calling when it obviously not them being called, I 
suspect on the innocent side of it & using my KA1J call for example, 
I hear a KA? Of course I reply till I hear the DX confirm or deny. I 
hear a 1o, there's a problem, I often have to correct DX that my call 
is ka1j not ka1o, they miss the dit at the beginning of the j. & 
there's different permutations where my munged call might be what 
they are coming back to. Sometimes I send my call with a ?BK and that 
works in my favor sometimes he was trying to hook someone else.

But back to farm animals, I think most of the people around the world 
that keep calling when the DX is obviously trying to pull a specific 
call out of the mud are selfishly hoping to overpower the station the 
DX is working on and hope that their signal will be clear enough that 
the DX gores to them and then the 1st station can try again if they 
want. The People who are doing this are pigs and do it deliberately. 

I find this incredibly offensive.

I remember a 2M SOB back in the E. St. Louis area who used to jam one 
of the St. Louis repeaters. All kinds of jamming styles; a frequent 
one was where he would speak in tongues and tell everyone he was 
speaking to China. One day his station was off the air and he never 
came back on the rest of the time I was there. Local clean-up I 
understand. I understand no farm animals were injured.

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Chortek, Robert L
<< John, k9uwa wrote: 
Sometimes its accidental guys. Picture this example. DX says: TU Everybody 
calls. I drop in my call twice at 30 WPM. Hear nothing. Drop in call twice 
again. ... during that brief moment DX sends 7DX? and I don't hear him as I am 
still transmitting call twice.  And again I hear nothing as DX is now listening 
for rest of the 7DX callsign. Maybe I am on top of that guy? I don't know that. 
I Still haven't heard the DX answer anyone so dump in the call twice more and 

Yes, sometimes it is accidental, and I have been guilty of calling when I 
should be listening.  However, I am amazed at the number of hams on 160 meters 
who call when the KNOW they shouldn't!


Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Lennart M

Bob, I agree with you. If I remember correctly, getting close to (NTCA)= no
tower climbing age, VP6DX used a very good procedure moving their TX QRG
up/down by about 0.5 kHz, more than enough to keep the real amateur bastards
away from making qrm on their TX FQ.
I guess this "new flue" is getting part of our hobby. Yes, it is only a
hobby but a very good one.

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread John K9UWA
Sometimes its accidental guys. Picture this example.
DX says: TU
Everybody calls. I drop in my call twice at 30 WPM. Hear nothing. Drop in 
call twice again. ... during that brief moment DX sends 7DX? and I don't hear 
him as I am still transmitting call twice. 
And again I hear nothing as DX is now listening for rest of the 7DX callsign. 
Maybe I am on top of that guy? I don't know that. I Still haven't heard the DX 
answer anyone so dump in the call twice more and listen.

And NO I can't run full break in with my remote operation. I miss that more 
than the 1/2 second latency problem.

John k9uwa

> With all the explanations and angst over this type of behavior truly it comes
> down simply  to pure unabashed idiocy by our "comrades". I'd just like to sit
> next to one of these guys while they r doing it and ask why? Are they serious
> about trying to make a contact calling out of turn, calling when they can't
> hear the DX, etc.  it seems to me they may trouble powering up the rig. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 13, 2012, at 9:33 AM, "Chortek, Robert L" 
> wrote:
> > I  amazed at the number of DXers who call non stop, almost regardless if
> whether PT0S is working someone.  And then, my favorite, "7DX??". And many who
> have no possible relation to that call keep sending.   
> > 
> > Bob AA6VB
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> > On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:10 AM, "K4SAV"  wrote:
> > 
> >> The thing I find amazing is the number of people that send on top of the
> station that the DX is trying to work.  For the past two nights while
> listening to PT0S and listening for the frequency of the station he is
> working, I always hear the same station at that frequency sending non-stop on
> top of the station the DX is trying to work.  This guy is on the #1 honor
> role, and he isn't the only one that does this.  I guess he figures if he
> makes himself enough of a pest, that the DX station will work him just to get
> him out of the way.
> >> 
> >> Jerry, K4SAV
John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread W2PM
With all the explanations and angst over this type of behavior truly it comes 
down simply  to pure unabashed idiocy by our "comrades". I'd just like to sit 
next to one of these guys while they r doing it and ask why? Are they serious 
about trying to make a contact calling out of turn, calling when they can't 
hear the DX, etc.  it seems to me they may trouble powering up the rig. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2012, at 9:33 AM, "Chortek, Robert L"  

> I  amazed at the number of DXers who call non stop, almost regardless if 
> whether PT0S is working someone.  And then, my favorite, "7DX??". And many 
> who have no possible relation to that call keep sending.   
> Bob AA6VB
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:10 AM, "K4SAV"  wrote:
>> The thing I find amazing is the number of people that send on top of the 
>> station that the DX is trying to work.  For the past two nights while 
>> listening to PT0S and listening for the frequency of the station he is 
>> working, I always hear the same station at that frequency sending non-stop 
>> on top of the station the DX is trying to work.  This guy is on the #1 honor 
>> role, and he isn't the only one that does this.  I guess he figures if he 
>> makes himself enough of a pest, that the DX station will work him just to 
>> get him out of the way.
>> Jerry, K4SAV
>> On 11/13/2012 1:29 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>>> I am sufficiently disgusted with behavior in the pileups tonight and last 
>>> night to observe that some using VE3XB repeatedly called PT0S when PT0S was 
>>> repeatedly calling NN6L. Since VE3 is about 2,000 miles closer to PT0S than 
>>> I am, and because he was calling over, and over, and over, I'd say it's 
>>> likely that he would have been copying PT0S at least as well as I was, and 
>>> I had no trouble telling that PT0S was calling NN6L.
>>> Only one example.
>>> 73, Jim K9YC
>>> ___
>> ___
>> Topband reflector -
> ___
> Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Chortek, Robert L
I  amazed at the number of DXers who call non stop, almost regardless if 
whether PT0S is working someone.  And then, my favorite, "7DX??". And many who 
have no possible relation to that call keep sending.   


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:10 AM, "K4SAV"  wrote:

> The thing I find amazing is the number of people that send on top of the 
> station that the DX is trying to work.  For the past two nights while 
> listening to PT0S and listening for the frequency of the station he is 
> working, I always hear the same station at that frequency sending non-stop on 
> top of the station the DX is trying to work.  This guy is on the #1 honor 
> role, and he isn't the only one that does this.  I guess he figures if he 
> makes himself enough of a pest, that the DX station will work him just to get 
> him out of the way.
> Jerry, K4SAV
> On 11/13/2012 1:29 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> I am sufficiently disgusted with behavior in the pileups tonight and last 
>> night to observe that some using VE3XB repeatedly called PT0S when PT0S was 
>> repeatedly calling NN6L. Since VE3 is about 2,000 miles closer to PT0S than 
>> I am, and because he was calling over, and over, and over, I'd say it's 
>> likely that he would have been copying PT0S at least as well as I was, and I 
>> had no trouble telling that PT0S was calling NN6L.
>> Only one example.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> ___
> ___
> Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread K4SAV
The thing I find amazing is the number of people that send on top of the 
station that the DX is trying to work.  For the past two nights while 
listening to PT0S and listening for the frequency of the station he is 
working, I always hear the same station at that frequency sending 
non-stop on top of the station the DX is trying to work.  This guy is on 
the #1 honor role, and he isn't the only one that does this.  I guess he 
figures if he makes himself enough of a pest, that the DX station will 
work him just to get him out of the way.

Jerry, K4SAV

On 11/13/2012 1:29 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
I am sufficiently disgusted with behavior in the pileups tonight and 
last night to observe that some using VE3XB repeatedly called PT0S 
when PT0S was repeatedly calling NN6L. Since VE3 is about 2,000 miles 
closer to PT0S than I am, and because he was calling over, and over, 
and over, I'd say it's likely that he would have been copying PT0S at 
least as well as I was, and I had no trouble telling that PT0S was 
calling NN6L.

Only one example.

73, Jim K9YC

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: "Outing the Scofflaws"

2012-11-13 Thread Doug Renwick
Last night on 80m it was kind of funny as I was spotted at least twice while
I was calling PT0S.  Must have had a big signal but no QSO.


I'll run the race, and I will never be the same again. 

-Original Message-

On 11/12/2012 1:48 PM, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy (K5MWH) wrote:
> I just tell my system not to spot anything from W3LPL. 

I don't understand the objection to W3LPL spots.  As I understand it, 
Frank is aggregating spots from a lot of skimmers and weeding out the 
bad one -- blown callsigns, flaky frequencies) and posting only clean 
spots.  What's the problem with that? I have VE7CC filters set to accept 
spots from W6, W7, VE7, VE6, plus CO and NM, and I purposely include PA 
in my "accept spots" list to get them, so that I know what the East 
Coast is hearing as a "preview" of what I might hear later. I also look 
at KH6 spots for the same reason.

73, Jim K9YC

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Bob Garrett
Finally, a voice of reason!  All this talk of "amps with handles", W3LPL
spotting, public humiliation and avoiding this subject is BS.  Like it or
not, this behavior has been around for a long time.  Personally, I sit back
and wait till the tuning and jamming begins.  While the cops are ranting on
the QRG, I give my call up the band and often when the smoke clears, I
squeak out a QSO.

Last night, PT0S was on for hours and worked many many stations with very
little QRM.  Just relax guys and enjoy the chase.  
73, Bob K3UL  

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-13 Thread Shoppa, Tim
I think we have to be careful, that innocent regular users of 160M for non-DX 
and non-PT0S-DX, don't get swept up as "calling PT0S". Especially with the DX 
sometimes listening UP through a broad swath of the band... and other times 
listening DOWN through a different swath... we don't know who they're listening 

(Then there's the DX that says they're listening up when really listening 
down!) There are other stations in the world, we all can remember :-)

Tim N3QE

From: Topband [] on behalf of Jim Brown 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

On 11/12/2012 8:36 AM, N1BUG wrote:
> I question how many good operators would have the... [ahem]
> "courage" to out the offenders.

I am sufficiently disgusted with behavior in the pileups tonight and
last night to observe that some using VE3XB repeatedly called PT0S when
PT0S was repeatedly calling NN6L. Since VE3 is about 2,000 miles closer
to PT0S than I am, and because he was calling over, and over, and over,
I'd say it's likely that he would have been copying PT0S at least as
well as I was, and I had no trouble telling that PT0S was calling NN6L.

Only one example.

73, Jim K9YC
Topband reflector -
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Jim Brown

On 11/12/2012 8:36 AM, N1BUG wrote:
I question how many good operators would have the... [ahem] 
"courage" to out the offenders.

I am sufficiently disgusted with behavior in the pileups tonight and 
last night to observe that some using VE3XB repeatedly called PT0S when 
PT0S was repeatedly calling NN6L. Since VE3 is about 2,000 miles closer 
to PT0S than I am, and because he was calling over, and over, and over, 
I'd say it's likely that he would have been copying PT0S at least as 
well as I was, and I had no trouble telling that PT0S was calling NN6L.

Only one example.

73, Jim K9YC
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread ZR
What gets me is the one who has a fantastic antenna farm but still has to 
resort to a tube with handles when he doesnt get thru right away with the 
store bought amp. The signal increase is dramatic and he is a regular on the 


It's like the guys we know who operate illegal power. Several of them are
well known contesters, and some are well known 160 guys.  Others are 

cheaters in contests.  No one ever confronts these guys, at least
directly...including me.

I was once accused of using illegal power in contests, through a third
party while I was out in KH6...untrue.  However, the guy who made the
accusation never came to me about it.

Unless you are in the guy's shack while he's doing whatever offense it is,
you never can know for sure if he is doing it.  Result, it's hard to get 

the guys face about it.


In a message dated 11/12/2012 4:37:05 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim, writes:

This  post may get moderated, but I will try it anyway.

I question how many  good operators would have the... [ahem]
"courage" to out the  offenders. As I say this I am thinking of
one particular individual whose  operating standards are consistently
deplorable. This was often the topic  of discussion on the DX chat
sites until the individual in question joined  the room. To my
knowledge no one has ever said one word to him about his  operating.
He was simply welcomed with open arms.

Honestly there is  so much that goes on these days it makes me wonder
if I really want to be  a DXer any more. It is all too common to see
remarks like this: "I thought  I heard him send two letters of my
call so I sent a report. I will check  the online log and see if I'm
there." By my standards and what my elmer  taught me, that is not a
QSO even if he is in the log. I certainly would  not count it.

That's all I'm going to say on the subject of poor  operating.

Paul  N1BUG
Topband reflector  -

Topband reflector -

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Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Buck wh7dx
I don't like seeing all the comments I'm reading in the cluster reports.   It's 
sad.. but it will pass soon.

Like someone else pointed out..  I'd hate to see people turn away from all the 
hassles of an expedition like PT0S because of the acts of some.

I haven't had contact with PT0S yet but I know there is still plenty of time.   
It's like a Black Friday Sale for them right now.   Crazy.

We just need to count on people to do the right thing and hope this unique 
group of tech nerds don't go down the same social garbage disposal as other 
areas in our Country right now.

That's my $.02

Bryan, WH7DX

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Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Gary K9GS

An interesting aside

When PT0S was on 80M last night there was a W0 with a wide raspy 
signal.  He was quite loud here in WI.  He was calling about 8 up and 
his signal was so bad he was covering up the transmit frequency of the PT0.

I sent him a courteous e-mail and he responded this morning that while 
he was transmitting on 80M his amp was tuned for 160M.

So sometimes a gentle notice does some good.  Not sure if that would 
have the same effect if it was intentional.

On 11/12/2012 12:03 PM, Michael Tope wrote:
Good advice, Mike. In fact, that's why I followed up my initial post 
with the suggestion that I had know way of knowing that the previously 
named offender was the actual perpetrator of the bad operating. In 
hindsight it would have been better to contact him privately and pass 
on my observations. Mea culpa.

73, Mike W4EF...

On 11/12/2012 9:36 AM, wrote:


Good advice. Remember to contact the potential offender off-list.

Mike N2MS

- Original Message -
From: Michael Tope 
Sent: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 17:27:01 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

For illegal power, there is not much you can do unless, as you say, you
are in the shack watching it. For bad operating you can diplomatically
mention to the offender that your heard someone using their call and
using very poor operating techniques (specifics supplied) and that you
figured that they would want to know about it. This avoids the direct
accusation by giving them the benefit of the doubt, but it does send the
message that the observed behavior( regardless of the perpetrator) is
totally unacceptable. I think any person with a conscience will
eventually get the message that they need to clean up their act. For a
person with no conscience, you can hope they find another hobby.

73, Mike W4EF
Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -



Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association:
Society of Midwest Contesters:
CW Ops #1032

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Gary K9GS

Since I sort of started this with my post last night...

I don't think that public humiliation is going to fix this problem. As 
others have pointed out, there is too much of a potential for abuse with 
people deliberately signing others callsigns, etc.  I think the best is 
peer pressure from locals who know who the culprit is.  I'd be willing 
to speculate that in most cases the operator causing the deliberate 
interference is known to local hams.  If it is someone you know.say 
something privately and constructively.

Everyone makes an occasional error.  Heck, I've inadvertently forgot to 
hit the split button on my K3 after turning on the sub receiver. That's 
really easy to do.  In fact, one of the things about the K3 that I think 
can cause problems if you're not careful is when you're set for split, 
say on 160M and QSY to another band.  When you go back to 160M the K3 
remembers the frequency and the split but the split is turned OFF.

Always look before you transmit.

On 11/12/2012 10:00 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:

Here's an idea that I'll toss up into the air as a (possible) first step in 
bringing a few of these lawless characters to heel:

Maintain some sort of an open-to-all web page that is frequented by would-be future DX'peditions that 
contains a master list of the call signs of those habitual displayers of stupid behaviour and poor decorum in 
pile-ups. "Members" of this select "club" would have earned their posting ONLY if their 
repeated crass procedures were duly noted and recorded by no less than THREE previous DX-peditions, and/or 
TEN "domestic" listeners attempting to get through in a pile-up...

I think that such numbers would effectively rule-out the possibility of error, 
especially such numbers as might be posted by actual past DX-peditions.

>From the sound of things, DX-peditions are fast going the route of the lawless wild, 
wild west anymore. How long will it be before those who go through all of the considerable 
financial & logistical hurdles in mounting such forays in the far flung corners of the 
world might finally throw up their hands in disgust & say that all of the work is 
simply not worth it...?

If anyone has any better suggestions for improvement, let's hear them...after all, we 
Hams are supposed to take considerable pride in our being a "self-policing" 
lot---so what are we waiting for...?

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Topband reflector -



Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association:
Society of Midwest Contesters:
CW Ops #1032

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: "Outing the Scofflaws" - Getting Old

2012-11-12 Thread Eddy Swynar

On 2012-11-12, at 12:35 PM, Jerry Keller (K3BZ) wrote:

> This topic is getting old.
> Here's another point of view: 
> Why should I let myself get aggravated over the poor operating habits of 
> others? 
> Why should their bad behavior take up my valuable time to give them the 
> attention they want?
> I can't be bothered writing complaints or naming names or "outing" anybody. 
> I have enough on my plate just to watch my own operating behavior.
> I have enough to do to try my best to comply with some sort of standard (such 
> as the DX Code of Conduct ). 
> There will always be "jammers", "cops", "tuner-uppers", and those that call a 
> lot but listen little the only meaningful thing I can do about it is to 
> minimize my own mistakes. 
> Every serious DXer I know says ignoring them is the best policy. 
> DXing in general (and breaking pileups in particular) is a challenge and 
> these guys are part of it. Making the contact IN SPITE OF THEM just makes it 
> that much sweeter. 

Hi Jerry,

I beg to differ with you...!

If this topic is considered to be "old", then it is so because no individual 
and / or group has bothered to take it on, and instead, have chosen to simply 
live with it, or in other words, appease the transgressors...

Am I aggravated over the poor operating habits of others...? You better believe 
that I am. All of us should be! It takes a LOT of work and dedication to build 
a decent, competitive station and antenna system for 160, and when someone 
deliberately & malicious refuses to "play by the rules" like so many others are 
attempting to do, I get GOOD and mad.

The whole malaise is getting far too large & widespread to ignore. And as I 
said before, if costly & labour-intensive DX-pedition efforts continue to be 
increasingly stymied by the deliberate and malicious stupidity of others, who 
can blame the organizers of such events if one day they all simply shrug their 
shoulders & say, "M'eh! Ain't worth the trouble."

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Michael Tope
Good advice, Mike. In fact, that's why I followed up my initial post 
with the suggestion that I had know way of knowing that the previously 
named offender was the actual perpetrator of the bad operating. In 
hindsight it would have been better to contact him privately and pass on 
my observations. Mea culpa.

73, Mike W4EF...

On 11/12/2012 9:36 AM, wrote:


Good advice. Remember to contact the potential offender off-list.

Mike N2MS

- Original Message -
From: Michael Tope 
Sent: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 17:27:01 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

For illegal power, there is not much you can do unless, as you say, you
are in the shack watching it. For bad operating you can diplomatically
mention to the offender that your heard someone using their call and
using very poor operating techniques (specifics supplied) and that you
figured that they would want to know about it. This avoids the direct
accusation by giving them the benefit of the doubt, but it does send the
message that the observed behavior( regardless of the perpetrator) is
totally unacceptable. I think any person with a conscience will
eventually get the message that they need to clean up their act. For a
person with no conscience, you can hope they find another hobby.

73, Mike W4EF
Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Chortek, Robert L

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread mstangelo

Good advice. Remember to contact the potential offender off-list.

Mike N2MS

- Original Message -
From: Michael Tope 
Sent: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 17:27:01 - (UTC)
Subject: Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

For illegal power, there is not much you can do unless, as you say, you 
are in the shack watching it. For bad operating you can diplomatically 
mention to the offender that your heard someone using their call and 
using very poor operating techniques (specifics supplied) and that you 
figured that they would want to know about it. This avoids the direct 
accusation by giving them the benefit of the doubt, but it does send the 
message that the observed behavior( regardless of the perpetrator) is 
totally unacceptable. I think any person with a conscience will 
eventually get the message that they need to clean up their act. For a 
person with no conscience, you can hope they find another hobby.

73, Mike W4EF
Topband reflector -

Topband: "Outing the Scofflaws" - Getting Old

2012-11-12 Thread Jerry Keller (K3BZ)
This topic is getting old.
Here's another point of view: 
Why should I let myself get aggravated over the poor operating habits of 
Why should their bad behavior take up my valuable time to give them the 
attention they want?
I can't be bothered writing complaints or naming names or "outing" anybody. 
I have enough on my plate just to watch my own operating behavior.
I have enough to do to try my best to comply with some sort of standard (such 
as the DX Code of Conduct ). 
There will always be "jammers", "cops", "tuner-uppers", and those that call a 
lot but listen little the only meaningful thing I can do about it is to 
minimize my own mistakes. 
Every serious DXer I know says ignoring them is the best policy. 
DXing in general (and breaking pileups in particular) is a challenge and these 
guys are part of it. Making the contact IN SPITE OF THEM just makes it that 
much sweeter. 

73, Jerry K3BZ
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Michael Tope
For illegal power, there is not much you can do unless, as you say, you 
are in the shack watching it. For bad operating you can diplomatically 
mention to the offender that your heard someone using their call and 
using very poor operating techniques (specifics supplied) and that you 
figured that they would want to know about it. This avoids the direct 
accusation by giving them the benefit of the doubt, but it does send the 
message that the observed behavior( regardless of the perpetrator) is 
totally unacceptable. I think any person with a conscience will 
eventually get the message that they need to clean up their act. For a 
person with no conscience, you can hope they find another hobby.

73, Mike W4EF

On 11/12/2012 8:48 AM, wrote:

It's like the guys we know who operate illegal power. Several of them are
well known contesters, and some are well known 160 guys.  Others are packet
cheaters in contests.  No one ever confronts these guys, at least
directly...including me.
I was once accused of using illegal power in contests, through a third

party while I was out in KH6...untrue.  However, the guy who made the
accusation never came to me about it.
Unless you are in the guy's shack while he's doing whatever offense it is,

you never can know for sure if he is doing it.  Result, it's hard to get in
  the guys face about it.
In a message dated 11/12/2012 4:37:05 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim, writes:

This  post may get moderated, but I will try it anyway.

I question how many  good operators would have the... [ahem]
"courage" to out the  offenders. As I say this I am thinking of
one particular individual whose  operating standards are consistently
deplorable. This was often the topic  of discussion on the DX chat
sites until the individual in question joined  the room. To my
knowledge no one has ever said one word to him about his  operating.
He was simply welcomed with open arms.

Honestly there is  so much that goes on these days it makes me wonder
if I really want to be  a DXer any more. It is all too common to see
remarks like this: "I thought  I heard him send two letters of my
call so I sent a report. I will check  the online log and see if I'm
there." By my standards and what my elmer  taught me, that is not a
QSO even if he is in the log. I certainly would  not count it.

That's all I'm going to say on the subject of poor  operating.

Paul  N1BUG
Topband reflector  -

Topband reflector -

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Cqtestk4xs
It's like the guys we know who operate illegal power. Several of them are  
well known contesters, and some are well known 160 guys.  Others are packet  
cheaters in contests.  No one ever confronts these guys, at least  
directly...including me.
I was once accused of using illegal power in contests, through a third  
party while I was out in KH6...untrue.  However, the guy who made the  
accusation never came to me about it.
Unless you are in the guy's shack while he's doing whatever offense it is,  
you never can know for sure if he is doing it.  Result, it's hard to get in 
 the guys face about it.
In a message dated 11/12/2012 4:37:05 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim, writes:

This  post may get moderated, but I will try it anyway.

I question how many  good operators would have the... [ahem] 
"courage" to out the  offenders. As I say this I am thinking of 
one particular individual whose  operating standards are consistently 
deplorable. This was often the topic  of discussion on the DX chat 
sites until the individual in question joined  the room. To my 
knowledge no one has ever said one word to him about his  operating. 
He was simply welcomed with open arms.

Honestly there is  so much that goes on these days it makes me wonder 
if I really want to be  a DXer any more. It is all too common to see 
remarks like this: "I thought  I heard him send two letters of my 
call so I sent a report. I will check  the online log and see if I'm 
there." By my standards and what my elmer  taught me, that is not a 
QSO even if he is in the log. I certainly would  not count it.

That's all I'm going to say on the subject of poor  operating.

Paul  N1BUG
Topband reflector  -

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread N1BUG

This post may get moderated, but I will try it anyway.

I question how many good operators would have the... [ahem] 
"courage" to out the offenders. As I say this I am thinking of 
one particular individual whose operating standards are consistently 
deplorable. This was often the topic of discussion on the DX chat 
sites until the individual in question joined the room. To my 
knowledge no one has ever said one word to him about his operating. 
He was simply welcomed with open arms.

Honestly there is so much that goes on these days it makes me wonder 
if I really want to be a DXer any more. It is all too common to see 
remarks like this: "I thought I heard him send two letters of my 
call so I sent a report. I will check the online log and see if I'm 
there." By my standards and what my elmer taught me, that is not a 
QSO even if he is in the log. I certainly would not count it.

That's all I'm going to say on the subject of poor operating.

Paul N1BUG
Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Eddy Swynar

On 2012-11-12, at 11:08 AM, wrote:

> Nice idea, but the majority of the really terrible stuff is done by guys  
> who don't sign their calltuning up, or pretending to be the DX station, 
> or  some kind of intentional interference.  We've all done the wrong VFO 
> thing  and sent our call on the DX stations freq.  That is easily identified 
> but 
> not the main problem.
> As far as a bad guy list...what's to stop someone from sending yours or my  
> call over and over on the station, thereby getting us on the bad guy list.  
> Maybe it is someone you or I supposedly POed in the past, or maybe the guy 
> is  just plain nuts and used our calls at random.
> The problem in the 60s and 70s was mostly stupidity and traffic cops.   I 
> agree it's gotten much worse than that now.

Hi Bill,

I thought of that, believe me, and have come to the conclusion that the very 
same idiots who deliberately jam DX-peditions are most likely simply frustrated 
by the fact that they never made it into the DX station log on their first 
call---so they'll "legitimately" continue to attempt to make a QSO, and in 
their "enthusiasm" to do so would, in all liklihood, NOT be adverse to calling 
out of turn, calling blind, etc. etc. etc.

In other words, they would eventually be caught & listed.

Yes, EVERYONE has called on the wrong VFO, etc. That's why I place emphasis on 
REPEATED transgressions, and NOT "one off" incidents...

As for some lout deliberating pirating your call sign & getting you 
blacklisted, you're absolutely correct: there would have to be some sort of a 
legitimate appeals process in order that one might "clear" one's call...but 
again, these are only thought starters as to possibilities. The only SURE thing 
right now is that certain fools on the air are robbing both DX-peditions and 
legitimate DX'ers from pleasure in this hobby, and that is NOT right. Yet there 
has been little, to no, relief in sight to date...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Topband reflector -

Re: Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Cqtestk4xs
Nice idea, but the majority of the really terrible stuff is done by guys  
who don't sign their calltuning up, or pretending to be the DX station, 
or  some kind of intentional interference.  We've all done the wrong VFO 
thing  and sent our call on the DX stations freq.  That is easily identified 
 not the main problem.
As far as a bad guy list...what's to stop someone from sending yours or my  
call over and over on the station, thereby getting us on the bad guy list.  
 Maybe it is someone you or I supposedly POed in the past, or maybe the guy 
is  just plain nuts and used our calls at random.
The problem in the 60s and 70s was mostly stupidity and traffic cops.   I 
agree it's gotten much worse than that now.
In a message dated 11/12/2012 4:00:59 P.M. Coordinated Universal Tim, writes:

Here's  an idea that I'll toss up into the air as a (possible) first step 
in bringing  a few of these lawless characters to heel:

Maintain some sort of an  open-to-all web page that is frequented by 
would-be future DX'peditions that  contains a master list of the call signs of 
those habitual displayers of  stupid behaviour and poor decorum in pile-ups. 
"Members" of this select "club"  would have earned their posting ONLY if their 
repeated crass procedures were  duly noted and recorded by no less than 
THREE previous DX-peditions, and/or  TEN "domestic" listeners attempting to get 
through in a pile-up...

I  think that such numbers would effectively rule-out the possibility of 
error,  especially such numbers as might be posted by actual past  

>From the sound of things, DX-peditions are fast going the  route of the 
lawless wild, wild west anymore. How long will it be before those  who go 
through all of the considerable financial & logistical hurdles in  mounting 
forays in the far flung corners of the world might finally throw  up their 
hands in disgust & say that all of the work is simply not worth  it...?

If anyone has any better suggestions for improvement, let's hear  
them...after all, we Hams are supposed to take considerable pride in our being  
"self-policing" lot---so what are we waiting for...?

~73~ de Eddy  VE3CUI -  VE3XZ

Topband  reflector -

Topband reflector -

Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

2012-11-12 Thread Eddy Swynar
Here's an idea that I'll toss up into the air as a (possible) first step in 
bringing a few of these lawless characters to heel:

Maintain some sort of an open-to-all web page that is frequented by would-be 
future DX'peditions that contains a master list of the call signs of those 
habitual displayers of stupid behaviour and poor decorum in pile-ups. "Members" 
of this select "club" would have earned their posting ONLY if their repeated 
crass procedures were duly noted and recorded by no less than THREE previous 
DX-peditions, and/or TEN "domestic" listeners attempting to get through in a 

I think that such numbers would effectively rule-out the possibility of error, 
especially such numbers as might be posted by actual past DX-peditions.

>From the sound of things, DX-peditions are fast going the route of the lawless 
>wild, wild west anymore. How long will it be before those who go through all 
>of the considerable financial & logistical hurdles in mounting such forays in 
>the far flung corners of the world might finally throw up their hands in 
>disgust & say that all of the work is simply not worth it...?

If anyone has any better suggestions for improvement, let's hear them...after 
all, we Hams are supposed to take considerable pride in our being a 
"self-policing" lot---so what are we waiting for...?

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Topband reflector -