[tor-dev] Development Calendar

2013-11-18 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Hello humans,

I know that meetings and scheduling are a pain. That sucks. Here's a
calendar of our regular meetings, which might make it easier:


I hope that helps a bit. Here are some thoughts.

It's a Google calendar. Yeah, about that. Calendars are hard, and I
couldn't find anything free and open that seemed as easy and
convenient as Google calendar. If you know of something FLOSS that's
as easy and convenient, you should tell me, and help me move it over.
In the mean time, you don't need a Google account to use it, and you
can read it on the web or with an iCal feed. Complaints and
suggestions welcome.

Access/collaboration. I think you need a Google account to editing
things. If you have a Google account and you want to edit this thing,
drop me a line with a blurb and a Google account adress. I'll add you.
If you don't have a Google account, fear not too hard. If you email
me, I'll add something to the calendar for you. Here are things you
should include in your email:

* title for the event/meeting;
* timezone, start, and end times;
* location, IRC channel, phone access procedure, or whatever;
* repeat schedule;
* any content or description for the body; and
* anything else you think is important.

Updates. This calendar should remain accurate, especially for meetings
which I plan or am at. I use it as *my* primary calendar of public Tor
meetings, so it'll always represent my current view of the universe.

Anything else?

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Proposal status changes the last 17 months.

2013-11-15 Thread Tom Lowenthal
On 14 November 2013 10:35, Nick Mathewson ni...@freehaven.net wrote:
 Here's a summary of the proposals that have changed their status and
 become closed, dead, or superseded since the last one of these emails
 I sent out (last year).
 I'll try to send these out more regularly.

Nick, you're awesome. Is compiling and sending these a task which has
to be done by a knowledgeable human, or is there a conceivable path to
replacing yourself with a robot for this task?
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Help me guague how full your plate is via regular check-in conversations

2013-11-12 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Howdy folks,

I've heard back from some of y'all about getting regular chats
scheduled (and have even scheduled some!). Thanks. I haven't heard
back from everyone, so if you write to tor-reports, you should also
write back to schedule some time. This is just a reminder that you
should totally do that thing.

Also, know this: I am quite amenable to all kinds of communications.
I'd like something real-time, so email, regular mail, Pond, and
carrier Pigeons aren't great. However, XMPP, IRC, Ostel [that's SIP
with ZRTP], and all sorts of other things which aren't really words
but are totally ways of talking are great. I will even install Skype
if you ask me to, but I'll judge you for it, (just a little).

One moderately-F AQ on my previous mail pertained to **who exactly**
should talk to me. If you should email tor-reports monthly, you
should talk to me. If Tor gives you money, that probably means you. If
you volunteer on a project for which other people give Tor money, that
also means you. If you think you might be a person who wants to work
on a project for which people give Tor money (and perhaps even get
paid for it), that might mean you too, and if I know what you want to
do, there's a slightly-increased likelihood of us pitching someone
doing that thing.

Hope to hear from you soon,

On 29 October 2013 11:30, Tom Lowenthal m...@tomlowenthal.com wrote:
 Hello fighters for freedom,

 When applying for grants, planning future work, and otherwise thinking
 about what capacity we have leftover to do things in the future, it's
 really useful to know who's doing what and how much of it. I get some
 of this information from our sponsor/project-specific meetings, but it
 doesn't seem to be the full picture, so I'd like to trot out that old
 chestnut of regular one-on-one chats.

 This means that I'd like to spend between thirty and sixty minutes
 talking with each of you, once every week or two. I'd like to
 calibrate the frequency so that we can get calls down to 30 minutes
 each, with room to kvetch and have a conversation that's a little more
 than just rattling off deliverable status and time assignments.

 I think that the right group for this is the folks who post to
 tor-reports. If you post to tor-reports, please get back to me by the
 end of the week with your availability for a regular weekly check-in,
 as well as any thoughts you have about medium, format, or anything
 else. If you're not currently on tor-reports and think you should
 check in, or vice versa, you should probably drop me a line too.

 Any questions or suggestions?

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Please help me plan and run meetings in ways that you'll find most helpful

2013-11-06 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Hi, my name is Tom, and I run meetings.

There, I've said it. I've admitted it, and that's the first step on
the road to recovery.

We've been doing regular meetings for little over a month now, and I'd
like to get some feedback and solicit suggestions, complaints, and
ways to make the meetings suck the least they can. Please let me know
what's working for you, what isn't working, and what should be better.

In a slight departure from the norm, I'm even interested in
non-constructive criticism: if something isn't working for you, but
you don't know how to fix it, please still tell me so that I can try
to come up with a way to mitigate it.

Thanks for your feedback,
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] REMINDER: Buoyant Otter outreach, training, documentation in an hour.

2013-10-29 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Tor psyops group,

We'll be meeting in #tor-dev in just under an hour to scheme, plan,
and otherwise prepare out ongoing outreach, training, and
documentation efforts.

See y'all in an hour.
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] REMINDER: Attentive Otter IM meeting in 1h [1430 Pacific]

2013-10-16 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Today at **1430h Pacific** (an hour from now), we'll be in #tor-dev
talking about how to turn Instantbird into TorMessenger, or
MessengeTor, or OnionTalk, or something.

Some of you noticed my cunning test of putting different times in the
subject and the body. The body was right, it's 1430 Pacific!

See y'all soon!

On 15 October 2013 21:57, Tom Lowenthal m...@tomlowenthal.com wrote:
 Sorry about this late notice too. I thought I'd sent these times out
 already, but apparently I was rather mistaken.

 We'll be in #tor-dev tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1430 Pacific to
 talk about the Tor IM project. We may take up to 90 minutes, and plan
 to meet again next week, probably at the same time unless there are

 Arlo came up with [a cunning plan][1] m'lord. You should totes read it
 and come tomorrow with questions and suggestions about how best to
 implement Instantbird as the Tor IM app.

 See y'all tomorrow. Play nice, now.

 [1]: https://gist.github.com/arlolra/6969273
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] REMINDER: Boisterous Otters helpdesk meeting in 1h

2013-10-15 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Today at 1100h Pacific (an hour from now), we'll be in #tor-dev to
discuss how we're going to start offering webchat support, in line
with the [draft][1] produced by Colin (Phoul), with help from Lunar
and Erinn (Helix).

See y'all soon!

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Cute Otter hidden services publishing: tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1130 Pacific

2013-10-15 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Sorry about the late notice, folks. I thought I'd sent these times out
already, but apparently I was rather mistaken.

We'll be in #tor-dev tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1130 Pacific to
talk about hidden services, scaling thereof, and safe publishing
therewith. We may take up to 90 minutes, and plan to meet again next
week, probably at the same time unless there are conflicts.

It'd be super neat if you could familiarize yourself with [Sina's
proposal][1] before the meeting. Come with constructive comments and

See y'all tomorrow.

[1]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-October/005558.html
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Attentive Otter IM: tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1400h Pacific

2013-10-15 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Sorry about this late notice too. I thought I'd sent these times out
already, but apparently I was rather mistaken.

We'll be in #tor-dev tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1430 Pacific to
talk about the Tor IM project. We may take up to 90 minutes, and plan
to meet again next week, probably at the same time unless there are

Arlo came up with [a cunning plan][1] m'lord. You should totes read it
and come tomorrow with questions and suggestions about how best to
implement Instantbird as the Tor IM app.

See y'all tomorrow. Play nice, now.

[1]: https://gist.github.com/arlolra/6969273
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] ACTION REQUESTED: Help me plan deliverables for Sponsor F, Year 4 [due Friday, discussion Monday]

2013-10-14 Thread Tom Lowenthal

Sponsor F year 3 ends at the end of this month. Fear not though, for
year 4 starts right after that! We need to get to work planing the
things that we'll do during year 4, so that we can tell Sponsor F what
they are and all that good stuff. For your convenience, I have
prepared a [RiseUp pad][1] where we can put all our ideas (no I don't
have an [AllOurIdeas][2] instance).

For convenience and expediency, I would very much like it if you could
get your ideas into this pad before **Friday 2013-10-18**. Then folks
can look at them over the weekend, and we can talk about it next
**Monday 2013-10-21, from 1100-1230h Pacific**.

If you are in the `to` field, that's because I have some particular
reason to believe that you are likely to be involved in year 4
(probably because you were in year 3). You should totes make sure you
get your plan into the pad.

To get started, you should head over to the [pad][1] and add your
thoughts. Any questions?


[1]: https://pad.riseup.net/p/Vt0TDXcdH0PB_Tor-Sponsor-F_Year-4
[2]: http://www.allourideas.org/
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Otter-related outreach, training documentation meeting is at 1530h Pacific on Tuesday 2013-10-15

2013-10-10 Thread Tom Lowenthal
It'll be in #tor-dev.

If you want to be in the `to` field for future emails, announcements,
and so on (rather than just reading them on `tor-dev` or
`tor-assistants`), you should add your name, IRC nick, and email to
the [Buoyant wiki


On 8 October 2013 16:20, Tom Lowenthal m...@tomlowenthal.com wrote:
 People of Earth, heed my call!

 Based on feedback that Boisterous Otters has too much to do, and on
 the fact that current Boisterous meetings are using their full time on
 only half the topics, we're splitting Boisterous into two components.

 The first component is going to stick with the name Boisterous, and
 deals with the first two activities: the helpdesk, and l10n. If you're
 already working on these things, nothing is changing for you, and you
 may be able to stop reading this right here.

 The second component is picking up the name **Buoyant**, and will deal
 with the remaining activities:
 * written materials on general communications security
 * short videos multi-language training videos
 * outreach to Iranians and the Iranian diaspora
 * social-media, radio, and television outreach.
 * training, and train-the-trainer work

 If that sounds like your cup of tea, kettle of fish, or flagon of ale,
 then you should come help us get started by filling in this [Doodle][]
 **by Wednesday afternoon** so that I can plan a meeting at the end of
 this week or the beginning of next. Please fill out the Doodle if
 you're definitely coming, and plan to be part of the core effort. If
 you just want to show up to spectate or lend a hand, there's no RSVP

 I plan to look at the Doodle around 1700-1900h Pacific tomorrow, and
 I'll use whatever it says then to try and pick the best time. I'll
 send the time out to tor-dev, bcc-ing everyone who's expressed an
 interest or answered the poll. That's 24 hours to give me your
 availability, but only about 16 hours between when I send out the time
 and the first possible meeting slot, so check your mail tomorrow
 evening Pacific.

 If you have any specific suggestions about venue, format, or other
 running *of the meeting*, and you plan to be there, please reply
 publicly or privately before I send out the scheduling meeting. If you
 have specific plans about how to git'er done, you can either email me,
 or bcc me on a tor-dev-bound email with an appropriately-ottery
 subject line. Do note, however, that other folks may not be able to
 read your suggestions if you send them less than 12 hours before the
 meeting. I'll try to read them anyway, but that's only out of the
 kindness of my heart.

 Questions on a postcard please,

 [Doodle]: http://doodle.com/pm5cfunbcwuyrwh6
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Attentive Otter IM bundle update

2013-10-09 Thread Tom Lowenthal
We had a meeting as scheduled at 1100h Pacific. We broadly agreed that:
* we don't want to use Pidgin/libpurple
* we have a mild preference for Instantbird.

We have some open questions about Instantbird:
1. What sort of attack surface does Instantbird present, compared to
-- say -- a browser.
2. What's the timeline for Instantbird implementing OTR, and how are
they going about it.

Our current plan is to go for a more thorough investigation of
Instantbird, and work out what we'd need to do to take Instantbird and
produce Tor Messenger, and what roadblocks stand in our way. We were
unable to find a lead for this project during the meeting. Afterwards,
Arlo volunteered to put together such a plan, and possibly even
execute it.

Arlo has committed to putting that plan together by the end of the
weekend. If we allow Monday morning to read and digest Arlo's work, we
should reconvene some time on Monday afternoon, Tuesday, or Wednesday
next week. [Let me know when you're free.][1]

I've decided to send out updates to both tor-dev and tor-assistants,
as well as to the individual addresses of folks who are interested.
I'm committed to using the string Otter and Attentive in the
subject line. If you want to get those emails, please [edit the wiki
page][2] to add that info. I've only put my info there for now, so
please edit it if you want to get personal attention in future emails.

What you should do now:
1. Please [tell me about your availability][1] to meet next week.
2. Please add your name, preferred email, and IRC nick to the
appropriate section of the [Attentive Otter wiki page][2].

[1]: http://doodle.com/g7xq4e2x8pgf7vda
[2]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Otter/Attentive

On 9 October 2013 09:04, Tom Lowenthal m...@tomlowenthal.com wrote:
 Hello hello,

 This is your roughly 60-minute reminder that we'll be comparing
 proposals for the IM browser bundle on #tor-dev in about an hour. For
 your reference, and to brush up on the research that everyone
 valiantly did, the analyses are:


 That's all for now.
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] [30-minute reminder] Cute Otters hidden services and publishing meeting at 1500h Pacific in #tor-dev

2013-10-09 Thread Tom Lowenthal
See you soon.
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] [ACTION REQUESTED] Attentive Otter IM bundle: meeting scheduling; team signup [due Friday]

2013-10-09 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Please read your other mail or the [wiki][2] for a status update. In
addition, I would like you to do the following two things:

1. [Tell me about your availability][1] to meet next week.
2. Add your name, preferred email, and IRC nick to the appropriate
section of the [Attentive Otter wiki page][2].

For maximum effectiveness, you should before about 1530h Friday, since
that's when I'll send out the meeting invite. If you haven't filled
the Doodle out, I won't account for your availability. If you haven't
added your details, you'll need to read `tor-dev` or `tor-assistants`
to find out when the meeting is.

[1]: http://doodle.com/g7xq4e2x8pgf7vda
[2]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Otter/Attentive
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] REMINDER: Boisterous Otter helpdesk/l10n meeting in 2h, at 1200 Pacific

2013-10-08 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Hello all,

This is your irregularly-scheduled reminder that we will be discussing
the Helpdesk and translation in just a smidge over two hours (that's
1200h pacific) in #tor-dev on irc.oftc.net.

Highlights will include hearing from Sherief, Lunar, and Phoul about
their research into ways to provide support chat accessible through
our website. We'll also make a preliminary incursion into the topic of
organizing shifts at predictable times. How very exciting!

Other developments: I'm going to slice and dice Boisterous into two
separate components which we'll run in parallel, otherwise these
discussions and whatnot are going to run forever each. In this track,
we'll continue with helpdesk and l10n. The other track will focus on
outreach, training, videos, and documentation.

If you're mainly in it for the helpdesk/l10n, you have nothing further
to do: your meetings are just shorter. If you're interested in
outreach, training, videos, and documentation, (and I already know
that Kelley, Karen, Runa, and Sherief might be), then look for the
meeting-scheduling message to go out to tor-dev, probably today. If
you drop me a line, then I'll try to do something clever to make sure
that the message hits your inbox too.

That's all from this reminder. Any questions, folks?
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] RESPONSE REQUESTED: scheduling Otter-related outreach, training, documentation c. kickoff [due wednesday]

2013-10-08 Thread Tom Lowenthal
People of Earth, heed my call!

Based on feedback that Boisterous Otters has too much to do, and on
the fact that current Boisterous meetings are using their full time on
only half the topics, we're splitting Boisterous into two components.

The first component is going to stick with the name Boisterous, and
deals with the first two activities: the helpdesk, and l10n. If you're
already working on these things, nothing is changing for you, and you
may be able to stop reading this right here.

The second component is picking up the name **Buoyant**, and will deal
with the remaining activities:
* written materials on general communications security
* short videos multi-language training videos
* outreach to Iranians and the Iranian diaspora
* social-media, radio, and television outreach.
* training, and train-the-trainer work

If that sounds like your cup of tea, kettle of fish, or flagon of ale,
then you should come help us get started by filling in this [Doodle][]
**by Wednesday afternoon** so that I can plan a meeting at the end of
this week or the beginning of next. Please fill out the Doodle if
you're definitely coming, and plan to be part of the core effort. If
you just want to show up to spectate or lend a hand, there's no RSVP

I plan to look at the Doodle around 1700-1900h Pacific tomorrow, and
I'll use whatever it says then to try and pick the best time. I'll
send the time out to tor-dev, bcc-ing everyone who's expressed an
interest or answered the poll. That's 24 hours to give me your
availability, but only about 16 hours between when I send out the time
and the first possible meeting slot, so check your mail tomorrow
evening Pacific.

If you have any specific suggestions about venue, format, or other
running *of the meeting*, and you plan to be there, please reply
publicly or privately before I send out the scheduling meeting. If you
have specific plans about how to git'er done, you can either email me,
or bcc me on a tor-dev-bound email with an appropriately-ottery
subject line. Do note, however, that other folks may not be able to
read your suggestions if you send them less than 12 hours before the
meeting. I'll try to read them anyway, but that's only out of the
kindness of my heart.

Questions on a postcard please,

[Doodle]: http://doodle.com/pm5cfunbcwuyrwh6
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Sponsor F: update; next meeting [in *two weeks*]

2013-09-30 Thread Tom Lowenthal
Today, at 1100 Pacific, we spent more than 90 minutes discussing
[Sponsor F][]. Here's the summary.

**READ THIS**: The next Sponsor F meeting will be held in a mere two
weeks on **2013-10-14, at 1100h Pacific in #tor-dev**.

This is a schedule change: from now on, the meetings will be every two
weeks. It's possible that we may have to increase this to every week,
depending on how fast we work, and how long meetings are taking. If
you should be at these meetings but cannot make Mondays at 1100h
Pacific, please contact me, and I'll start the process of finding a
better time or times.

If you are individually in the `cc` field of this message, it's
because I think that there's something which I think you need to do
for Sponsor F before Halloween. You should also come to the next
Sponsor F meeting. If you can't make the meeting, or don't think this
work applies to you, you should get back to me ASAP so we can fix it.

Is something else missing, wrong, or messed up? I'd like to know.

[Sponsor F]: 

 * * * * *

Core Phase 2 Deliverables

UDP Transport [#10]

**[On Track: Minimal]** Karsten will work with Rob to complete the
Shadow simulation of this work, then write up a full report on this,
probably with Stephen's help. We expect both tasks to be complete by
Halloween. This likely represents a minimal outcome for this

Combine obfuscation (obfsproxy) with address-diversity (flashproxy) [#11]

**[On Track: Minimal]** The work of integrating obfsproxy with
flashproxy is done. George will include this in the next released
version of the pluggable transports browser bundle. George will also
write a report on this work. Ximin and David will help. By Halloween,
the report will be complete and the bundles will either be released or
well on their way through testing. This likely represents some
combination of minimal or intended outcomes for this deliverable.

Bridge Metrics [#12]

**[Done: Intended]** Our reporting code has been merged into master.
It will ride the trains or flow downstream or whatever your favorite
code development cycle imagery is, and show up in future releases. As
it goes through alpha, beta, and release, gets picked up and adopted
by more operators, we'll get more comprehensive sample coverage, and
better data. This likely represents an ideal outcome for this

N23 Performance Work [#13]

**[On Track: Alternate]** Roger doesn't think that N23 is as good as
we thought it was, so he's going to write a report on the various
performance improvements we've implemented lately; the performance
work which we though about, but decided not to implement, and why; and
a wishlist of future performance work and research. He'll have this
done by Halloween. This likely represents an alternate outcome for
this deliverable.

Improved Scheduling [#14]

**[On Track: Intended]** Nick will work with Roger and Andrea to
implement an improved scheduler (possibly based on picking randomly,
weighted by bandwidth), and -- if possible -- also to refactor `cmux`.
If time permits, Nick will also attempt to simulate this using Shadow
, probably with Karsten's help. Finally, Nick will produce a full
report before Halloween. This likely represents an intended outcome
for this deliverable.

Alternate `Fast` Flag Allocation [#15]

**[At Risk]** The person who we initially expected to do this work
does not seem to be available to do it. We need to find an alternate
plan to execute this deliverable. If you think you can do it, please
read [ticket #1854][#1854] and get in touch.

[#1854]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1854

VoIP Support [#16]

**[On Track: alternate]** Our implementation strategy for this was
high-latency send-an-mp3-over-XMPP using Gibberbot/Chatsecure, or a
similar system. The internal milestone was to have a release candidate
available today. Sadly, Nathan (who is on point for this) wasn't on
the call. Fortunately, Nathan [blogged][guardian-1] about Chatsecure's
`12.4.0-beta4` ten days ago, and a tantalizingly-named
([sig][chatsecure-release-sig]) is available in the Guardian Project
[release directory][guardian-releases]. The outlook seems good, but
Tom will follow up with Nathan as soon as possible to verify these
outrageous claims. Nathan, if you're reading this, could you get in
touch (email, IRC, XMPP, whatever). Thanks!


[tor-dev] Kickoff Meeting Times for Project Otter [all next week]

2013-09-25 Thread Tom Lowenthal
There seem to be relatively good times for all three Project Otter
kickoff meetings next week.

There's no need to RSVP, but if you can't make it and have something
to contribute please try to provide that input as soon as possible in
the form of a comments section on the relevant page on the wiki.

Otter index page:

All the meetings will be held in #tor-dev on `irc.oftc.net`. Here are the times:

* Attentive Otters [IM bundle]: Weds 2013-10-02 1100-1200 Pacific
* Boisterous Otters [Help/outreach/l10n]: Weds 2013-10-02 0900-1000 Pacific
* Cute Otters [Hidden services  publishing]: Weds 2013-10-02 1600-1700 Pacific

If you have other questions or there are other problems, please reply here.

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] IRC meeting to discuss sponsor F progress on Wed July 3, 16:00 to 17:00 UTC in #tor-dev

2013-06-22 Thread Tom Lowenthal
I'm fine for that time  date.

On 21 June 2013 05:19, Andrea Shepard and...@torproject.org wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 07:44:21PM +0200, Karsten Loesing wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd like to schedule an IRC meeting to discuss what progress we made on
 sponsor F deliverables in June.  Suggested time and place are:

   Wed July 3, 16:00 to 17:00 UTC in #tor-dev

 That time in other timezones is:

   9:00 in San Francisco
   12:00 in Boston
   18:00 in Berlin
   19:00 in Athens
   21:30 in New Delhi

 People who should attend are: Roger, Nick, Andrea, George, David,
 Sathya, Moritz, Linus, Andrew, Tom, and anyone else who wants to attend.

 If your name is on that list and the suggested date or time doesn't work
 for you, please let me know, either here or in private mail.  An
 alternative date would be:

   Tue July 2, 16:00 to 17:00 UTC in #tor-dev

 I'm going to send out another reminder by the end of next week that will
 contain the definite date.

 Uh, sorry, but the odds of 9 AM happening in my time zone are not too good
 unless it's on the tail end of the previous day's period of consciousness.

 Andrea Shepard
 PGP fingerprint: 3611 95A4 0740 ED1B 7EA5  DF7E 4191 13D9 D0CF BDA5

 tor-dev mailing list

tor-dev mailing list