[tor-relays] Ext Relay Operators: Please Upgrade to!

2022-05-04 Thread Mike Perry
Tor contains a very important performance improvement, 
called Congestion Control.

You can read more about this improvement here:

The TL;DR is that users of Tor 0.4.7 will experience faster performance 
when using Exits or Onion Services that have upgraded to 0.4.7.

We have packages in available for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, and BSD:
  - Debian: https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/
  - Ubuntu: https://support.torproject.org/relay-operators/operators-4/
  - Fedora/CentOS: https://support.torproject.org/rpm/tor-rpm-install/
  - BSD: 

We would like to have a large fraction of Exit relays upgraded before 
our next Tor Browser Stable Release, on May 31st. Please let us know if 
you have any problems upgrading to this release.

Additionally, while non-Exit relays do not need to upgrade, they will 
notice the effects of congestion control.

All relay operators who pay for bandwidth by the gigabyte may want to 
consider enabling hibernation, to avoid surprise cost increases:


All relays may also experience higher CPU usage. If this is a problem, 
rate limiting relay bandwidth will also help:


We also recently fixed an issue with overload reporting in and


This should mean that there are far fewer false positives in the 
overload reporting on https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html.

If after upgrading to either of those versions, you still see overload, 
please see:


P.S. There is a known warn bug with vanguards-lite on first startup. It 
is harmless: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40603

Mike Perry
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] cases where relay overload can be a false positive

2022-02-07 Thread Mike Perry

On 1/23/22 5:28 PM, s7r wrote:

Mike Perry wrote:

We need better DoS defenses generally :/

Of course we need better defense, DoS is never actually fixed, no matter
what we do. It's just an arms race the way I see it.

Well, I am extremely optimistic about 

Despite random internet hate on PoW, in the context of onion service DoS 
(which is our main cause of overall network DoS and actual overload), it 
looks very likely to be an effective option.

Prop325 describes how we can use PoW to build a system that auto-tunes 
itself such that only circuits with a sufficient level of PoW succeed. 
This means that we won't use PoW at all, unless it is needed (ie: only 
require the level of PoW needed to jump the queue of DoS requests, and 
advertise this level in the service descriptor).

In this way, an attack can be made considerably more expensive (and most 
importantly: less profitable) for an attacker, with the only effect that 
clients wait a bit longer to connect, to solve the PoW, and only while 
an attack is ongoing. If this system is effective enough, DoS-for-ransom 
attacks should vanish due to low profitability. And because the system 
auto-tunes, we should also no longer need PoW at all, after it is 
deployed, because of this deterrent effect. Win-win-win.

Jamie Harper did an implementation of this proposal:

David, asn, and I did a prelim code review of that branch, and while it 
needs more unit tests, and we need to reduce some of its external 
dependencies, it was of surprisingly high code quality. Unfortunately, 
Jamie graduated and moved on to other things.

But if we reduce the consensus weight or assume at network level that 
relay X should be used less because of a super tiny percent of dropped > circuits we could end up in wasting network resources on one side, and

on the other side, maybe granting better probability chances for evil
relays that we have not discovered yet to grab circuits. A consensus 
parameter is of course appropriate here, maybe 20% is a big threshold

and should be less, but right now even 0.1% is reported and treated as
overload, IMO this is not acceptable.

I generally agree here. For this, I filed:

An important detail here is that ntor drops *are also* a form of that 
same kind of bias away from attacked relays, and toward evil relays.

If a relay is under such heavy DoS such that it is already dropping X% 
of ntors, it is *already* being forced to not carry X% of circuits. So, 
at minimum, it is reasonable to give it X% less traffic. However, this 
reduction must also be subject to the limits of not stripping the guard 
flag away just for overload/DoS, as I mentioned in my previous post.

At any rate, before we even consider using overload-general for relay 
weighting, we first need to transition the bwauths to use congestion 
control, and monitor how that system behaves wrt reducing overload, 
before we also try to add in overload-general. So it will be a while, 
and we will have time to thing about and analyze this stuff further.

Mike Perry
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] cases where relay overload can be a false positive

2022-01-12 Thread Mike Perry

On 1/12/22 5:36 PM, David Goulet wrote:

On 01 Jan (21:12:38), s7r wrote:

One of my relays (guard, not exit) started to report being overloaded since
once week ago for the first time in its life.

The consensus weight and advertised bandwidth are proper as per what they
should be, considering the relay's configuration. More than this, they have
not changed for years. So, I started to look at it more closely.

Apparently the overload is triggered at 5-6 days by flooding it with circuit
creation requests. All I can see in tor.log is:

[warn] Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit creation
requests! Please consider using the MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config option or
choosing a more restricted exit policy. [68382 similar message(s) suppressed
in last 482700 seconds]

[warn] Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit creation
requests! Please consider using the MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config option or
choosing a more restricted exit policy. [7882 similar message(s) suppressed
in last 60 seconds]

This message is logged like 4-5 or 6 time as 1 minute (60 sec) difference
between each warn entry.

After that, the relay is back to normal. So it feels like it is being probed
or something like this. CPU usage is at 65%, RAM is at under 45%, SSD no
problem, bandwidth no problem.

Very plausible theory, especially in the context of such "burst" of traffic,
we can rule out that all the sudden your relay has become facebook.onion

Metrics port says:

tor_relay_load_tcp_exhaustion_total 0

tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="tap",action="processed"} 52073
tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="tap",action="dropped"} 0
tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="fast",action="processed"} 0
tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="fast",action="dropped"} 0
tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="ntor",action="processed"} 8069522
tor_relay_load_onionskins_total{type="ntor",action="dropped"} 273275

So if we account the dropped ntor circuits with the processed ntor circuits
we end up with a reasonable % (it's  >8 million vs <300k).

Yeah so this is ~3.38% drop so it immediately triggers the overload signal.


So the question here is: does the computed consensus weight of a relay
change if that relay keeps sending reports to directory authorities that it
is being overloaded? If yes, could this be triggered by an attacker, in
order to arbitrary decrease a relay's consensus weight even when it's not
really overloaded (to maybe increase the consensus weights of other
malicious relays that we don't know about)?

Correct, this is a possibility indeed. I'm not entirely certain that this is
the case at the moment as sbws (bandwidth authority software) might not be
downgrading the bandwidth weights just yet.

But regardless, the point is that it is where we are going to. But we have
control over this so now is a good time to notice these problems and act.

I'll try to get back to you asap after talking with the network team.

My thinking is that sbws would avoid reducing weight of a relay that is 
overloaded until it sees a series of these overload lines, with fresh 
timestamps. For example, just one with a timestamp that never updates 
again could be tracked but not reacted to, until the timestamp changes N 

We can (and should) also have logic that prevents sbws from demoting the 
capacity of a Guard relay so much that it loses the Guard flag, so DoS 
attacks can't easily cause clients to abandon a Guard, unless it goes 
entirely down.

Both of these things can be done in sbws side. This would not solve 
short blips of overload from still being reported on the metrics portal, 
but maybe we want to keep that property.

Also, as a side note, I think that if the dropped/processed ratio is not
over 15% or 20% a relay should not consider itself overloaded. Would this be
a good idea?

Plausible that it could be better idea! Unclear what an optimal percentage is
but, personally, I'm leaning towards that we need higher threshold so they are
not triggered in normal circumstances.

But I think if we raise this to 20% let say, it might not stop an attacker
from triggering it. It might just make it that it is a bit longer.

Hrmm. Parameterizing this threshold as a consensus parameter might be a 
good idea. I think that if we can make it such that an attack has to be 
"severe" and "ongoing" long enough such that a relay has lost capacity 
and/or lost the ability to complete circuits, and that relay can't do 
anything about it, that relay unfortunately should not be used as much. 
It's not like the circuit will be likely to succeed or be fast enough to 
use in that case anyway.

We need better DoS defenses generally :/

Mike Perry
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] growing guard probability on exits (2020-10-15)

2020-10-16 Thread Mike Perry

On 10/16/20 3:49 AM, nusenu wrote:
> lets see when this graph stops growing
> https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/2/code/view/1uaA141Mzk91n1EL5w0AGM7zucwFGsLWzt-EsXKzNnE/present/

Yes let's keep an eye on this. I doubt it is directly related, but it
could be a side effect.

However, I suspect that the KIST change will most affect Guards,
especially those used by loud clients. It will allow them to handle much
more traffic from loud clients, and probably get higher consensus values
as a result.

> why is this relevant?
> It puts more entities into an end-to-end correlation position than there used 
> to be
> https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats/#tor-relay-operators-in-end-to-end-correlation-position

I share this concern. It seems plausible and even likely to me that
Exits are more likely to be surveilled than non-Exits, which makes them
more dangerous to use in both entry and exit positions. Additionally,
the use of an Exit in the Guard position leaks information, since you
will never use that Exit to connect anywhere, and this is visible over a
long period of time, leading to Guard discovery.

I want to remove the ability for Exits to become Guards entirely. In
addition to the correlation and Guard discovery issues, it has
historically caused much excess complexity for load balancing.

If Exits can't also become Guards, the load balancing equations become
way more legible and no longer have the "poorly defined constraint"
problem. This means the complicated scarcity cases from the solution go

> and it might also decrease exit traffic on exits when a tor client
> chooses an exit as guard

Hrm... this will be a function of how many clients choose that Exit.
This process will take months, because of the long guard rotation
period. If we keep flapping in and out of Exits-as-Guards, they are
unlikely to accumulate many clients.

The guard rotation period is another source of load balancing pain.

For outstanding issues with our attempt at solving it, see:

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] rerouting exits

2020-10-11 Thread Mike Perry

On 10/11/20 3:08 PM, nusenu wrote:
>> Are your scanners available for others to run? I understand that it is a
>> risk that making them public may allow bad exits to avoid them, but is
>> it ok if other specific people use and adapt the scanners?
> You don't need to actively perform scans (in the sense of establishing 
> circuits)
> to detect rerouting exits, onionoo provides you with the required data:
> OR IP:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/onionoo.html#details_relay_or_addresses
> Exit IPs:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/onionoo.html#details_relay_exit_addresses

I meant the code for your other scans. We have my original scanner (part
of torflow repo), and one phw wrote, and another set of onion service
attack scanners. TPI might consider also running your scanners in
addition to or instead of some of these. Plus more people running
scanners may mean faster results and easier result confirmation...
Though, this is subject to obvious issues with this being an arms race,
if scans are discovered, of course.

I also agree with your ticket about the time rotation feature. And I'm
not sure we should necessarily publish this info anymore.

I think this and similar ideas should be explored. We're trying to
figure out how to put it all together into an approach that makes sense.

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] BadExit: Rerouting exit relays detected (1)

2020-10-11 Thread Mike Perry
On 10/11/20 1:17 PM, nusenu wrote:
>> I am losing patience with the "let's play nice and let exit IP addresses
>> be predictable" model... We are not being treated well by the banhammer
>> brigade, and it might be time to flip some tables. I would not call
>> simply using a different exit IP than your relay's OR port a bad exit.
> I'm not calling exit relays using distinct IPs or inbound (OR) and outbound
> connections "BadExits" either, quite the opposite, all exits should be using
> https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en#OutboundBindAddressExit
> if they have spare IPs.
> That is why I implemented and automated that configuration in relayor.

Ok that sounds reasonable. Thanks!

> I believe I can tell rerouting exits from exits having distinct IPs for
> inbound and outbound connections - in most cases.

Are your scanners available for others to run? I understand that it is a
risk that making them public may allow bad exits to avoid them, but is
it ok if other specific people use and adapt the scanners?

>> Remember that our directory authorities are deliberately independent
>> from TPI though, and even what I think is not necessarily what TPI
>> thinks. The dirauths may have different opinions. Coordinating policy of
>> this nature is difficult and requires consensus building.
> Since dir auths have been removing these kinds of relays, I don't think there
> is any policy change necessary.

Ok great! Sometimes I am surprised by their decisions, and I didn't see
this one.

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] BadExit: Rerouting exit relays detected (1)

2020-10-11 Thread Mike Perry

On 10/11/20 10:20 AM, nusenu wrote:
> Thanks for the report, I have forwarded it for removal.
> li...@for-privacy.net:
>> Wtf, this exit has addresses that do not belong to it!
>> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/385527185E26937D05E0933DD29FF1699056CAF3
> Yes, rerouting exit traffic is a practice we have observed in the past.
> BadExit: Rerouting exit relays detected (1)
> The following exit relays are routing their traffic back into the tor network:
> ---
> nickname: exitnew
> First seen: 2020-09-25 12:00:00
> Consensus weight: 1410
> AS: Choopa, LLC
> OR IP address:
> Exit addresses: 
> https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/385527185E26937D05E0933DD29FF1699056CAF3
>> I'm very sure there are only nifty rabbits on the subnet!
> niftybummy has relays outside of

I am losing patience with the "let's play nice and let exit IP addresses
be predictable" model... We are not being treated well by the banhammer
brigade, and it might be time to flip some tables. I would not call
simply using a different exit IP than your relay's OR port a bad exit.

However, re-routing exit traffic back into Tor like this is not the
answer. It is simply wasteful. I am in favor of delisting such relays.

Remember that our directory authorities are deliberately independent
from TPI though, and even what I think is not necessarily what TPI
thinks. The dirauths may have different opinions. Coordinating policy of
this nature is difficult and requires consensus building.

Again, I understand your frustration.

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Collaborative Bad-Abuse-Sender Blocklist

2020-10-09 Thread Mike Perry

On 9/28/20 1:54 PM, Matt Corallo wrote:
> Different folks have different views on abuse reports, and that's perfectly 
> OK. But "taking it up with list XYZ" isn't
> going to change that (see discussion on NANOG a few months ago on this very 
> topic =D) - people are always going to have
> their own views on who's responsibility it is to solve "abuse" (under their 
> current definition). My personal abuse
> policy is "I reach try to help you, but if you keep sending the same 
> automated stuff over and over and don't reply when
> I reach out, I drop your mails". I figure there are several Tor exit node 
> operators with similar policies and
> collaborating on such blocklists would save all of us with similar policies 
> time.

Absolutely. I suspect the problem is ideological. The abuse resolution
camp seems to be largely subscribe to the "force ISPs to identify
abusers and ban them" model. They do not want to hear about mitigation
strategies or alternatives, other than their banhammer and abuse notice
spamming approaches. Making a banlist of banhammer spammers like that is
a brilliant move.

I grew so tired of my personal email sever constantly ending up in
DNSRBLs for no reason (even with DKIM and SPF), that after 20 years of
DIY email, I was forced to moved to paid provider.

This model is broken, its assumptions are contrary to our values, and it
serves to support the business interests of tech oligarchs that believe
that the world should be run by a handful of oligarchical ISPs and email
providers, with government-issued identity for all.

Fuck that.

Good luck, Matt! Thanks for being awesome!

P.S. Your mails ended up in my provider's spam filter. Dug them out for
great justice ;)

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Malicious Tor relays - post-analysis after two months

2020-10-06 Thread Mike Perry
On 10/5/20 9:15 AM, Georg Koppen wrote:
> Mike Perry:
>> On 10/3/20 6:38 AM, nusenu wrote:
>>>> Me and several tor relay operator friends have questions about
>>>> Malicious Tor exit nodes. How do you define a node as malicious ?
>>> In the particular case (at least the initial detection): Traffic 
>>> manipulation at the exit relays.
>>>> How bad is the situation now ?
>>> This group [1] is still rather active and at this point they run a 3 digit 
>>> number
>>> of relays, but it is not the only malicious group that is active on the Tor 
>>> network and
>>> might not even be the group I worry about the most.
>>> [1] 
>>> https://medium.com/@nusenu/how-malicious-tor-relays-are-exploiting-users-in-2020-part-i-1097575c0cac
>>>> Is there any other risk than ssl
>>>> striping ?
>>> I think so, yes.
>>> The good thing about ssl-stripping attacks is, that it is easy
>>> to protect against and easy to detect (if you are aware). The catch is that
>>> most users are probably not aware.
>>> So when compared with all other types of attacks that malicious relays can 
>>> perform,
>>> ssl-stripping is probably not the biggest worry.
>>>> After the long
>>>> discussion on the tor relay mailing list, what will be implemented as
>>>> a solution ?
>>> As far as I can see, nothing will change/be implemented in the near future
>>> at the Torproject or Tor directory authority level.
>>> for Roger's (long term) plan see:
>>> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/metrics/relay-search/-/issues/40001
>>> linked from
>>> https://blog.torproject.org/bad-exit-relays-may-june-2020
>>>> * is there / will there be things
>>>> implemented as a conclusion of the "call for support for proposal to
>>>> limit large scale attacks" ?
>>> Nothing came out of that thread.
>>>> * has it been possible to prepare / set
>>>> up precautions to avoid this king of situation
>>> I don't think anything has been implemented to prevent or reduce the risk 
>>> of this from reoccurring.
>> Unfortunately, our OODA loops[1] on all development and funding actions
>> are devastatingly, catastrophically long. This is due in part to slow
>> funding cycles, and in part due to an internal debate over Agile vs
>> Waterfall methodology[2]. I am in the Agile camp. I believe that Agile
>> will help us respond to things like this in hours, days, or at most
>> weeks, rather than months and years.
> If one has folks working on the topic, maybe. But that was and is not
> the problem here. We did not have a bunch of engineers who messed up
> their Waterfall model. We had and still don't have (as of me writing
> this mail) anyone being assigned to work on that.
> So, Agile or whatever would not have helped us in that scenario.

The waterfall-style RFP is exactly why it took two years between our
discussions of the need for network health work, and our ability to
allocate staff to it.

To do the conception, initiation, analysis, and design, the performance
proposal probably cost the organization somewhere between $150k-$250k,
if we did a full accounting. We also relied heavily on volunteer
expertise and input.

This debate has happened many times in many industries. Here is another

The Agile world is anti-dogmatic. There is no one true Agile. Here is a
model that proposes breaking up the RFP phase into an Agile/Lean style
discovery contract and main contract, to accommodate waterfall-style RFPs:

With an Agile/Lean discovery contract, we would have had resources to
perform some prototype discovery of the scope of the network scanning
problem, and (re)ran some preliminary MVP scans ourselves. Instead, we
had to shoot from the hip and wait. Meanwhile, evidence of the exit
problem's severity was not actionable by us, due to related org and
community issues of overwork and stress.

That Agile/Lean model for contracts parallels the Agile model for
development, as previously linked:

On Monday, we agreed to run the development of the performance contract
in a more Agile way. Unfortunately, we still have to wind down the final
deployment phases of other projects before we can spin up network
health. We planned for this in the performance proposal tim

Re: [tor-relays] Malicious Tor relays - post-analysis after two months

2020-10-03 Thread Mike Perry
On 10/3/20 6:38 AM, nusenu wrote:
>> Me and several tor relay operator friends have questions about
>> Malicious Tor exit nodes. How do you define a node as malicious ?
> In the particular case (at least the initial detection): Traffic manipulation 
> at the exit relays.
>> How bad is the situation now ?
> This group [1] is still rather active and at this point they run a 3 digit 
> number
> of relays, but it is not the only malicious group that is active on the Tor 
> network and
> might not even be the group I worry about the most.
> [1] 
> https://medium.com/@nusenu/how-malicious-tor-relays-are-exploiting-users-in-2020-part-i-1097575c0cac
>> Is there any other risk than ssl
>> striping ?
> I think so, yes.
> The good thing about ssl-stripping attacks is, that it is easy
> to protect against and easy to detect (if you are aware). The catch is that
> most users are probably not aware.
> So when compared with all other types of attacks that malicious relays can 
> perform,
> ssl-stripping is probably not the biggest worry.
>> After the long
>> discussion on the tor relay mailing list, what will be implemented as
>> a solution ?
> As far as I can see, nothing will change/be implemented in the near future
> at the Torproject or Tor directory authority level.
> for Roger's (long term) plan see:
> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/metrics/relay-search/-/issues/40001
> linked from
> https://blog.torproject.org/bad-exit-relays-may-june-2020
>> * is there / will there be things
>> implemented as a conclusion of the "call for support for proposal to
>> limit large scale attacks" ?
> Nothing came out of that thread.
>> * has it been possible to prepare / set
>> up precautions to avoid this king of situation
> I don't think anything has been implemented to prevent or reduce the risk of 
> this from reoccurring.

Unfortunately, our OODA loops[1] on all development and funding actions
are devastatingly, catastrophically long. This is due in part to slow
funding cycles, and in part due to an internal debate over Agile vs
Waterfall methodology[2]. I am in the Agile camp. I believe that Agile
will help us respond to things like this in hours, days, or at most
weeks, rather than months and years. Agile is how I ran the Tor Browser

We just signed a funding proposal that covers "network health", which in
theory covers network scanning to find and respond to problems like
this. However, the funding is scoped to scalability and performance
work. It will be a little bit of a stretch to cover this type of exit
scanning too, but at least we will have Tor Project staff allocated to
this kind of work now.

The proposal took 18 months of background planning from us, ~6 months of
background research from me, and a couple months of proposal review,
with one revision round. Because of these issues on both sides, it has
literally been years since we identified this problem area, and got
funding to act on it.

The good news is we start Monday.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop

2. https://www.seguetech.com/waterfall-vs-agile-methodology/

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How do I get the *current* Tor exit node IP address over the control port?

2020-01-30 Thread Mike
As I have explained to Matt in an off-list message (as suggested by
him) my intentions are not malicious. Looking forward to his answer.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How do I get the *current* Tor exit node IP address over the control port?

2020-01-27 Thread Mike
Hi Matt,

On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 08:56:32 -0500 Matt Traudt wrote:

> stem's get_circuits() function on a controller.
> https://stem.torproject.org/api/control.html#stem.control.Controller.get_circuits
> You'll get a list of circuit objects, which each have a path. For each
> circuit that is built for the purpose of carrying your traffic to a
> non-onion destination, the last item in the path is an exit node.

Thanks for the reply.

The reference to get_circuits seems to imply the first answer linked in
my S.O. question - a short python code which lists all circuits:


To get the IP address of the current Tor exit node (the one which would
be used if I attempt a connection to a non-onion destination) I use one
of these:

(1) torsocks curl https://ipinfo.io/ip
(2) torsocks dig @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short

Both these commands give the same IP address but it is the same as the
last one listed by python script given above (which uses get_curcuits).
Am I doing something wrong?

> It's all in the stem documentation. I would familiarize yourself with
> it.

I am trying to but as I am still new to Python, so it is still beyond
my level.

> Also, this is a mailing list for Tor relay operators to talk about
> relay operation stuff. tor-talk@ might have been a better place for this.

It is the first time I use these lists, so please forgive me. Should I
stop posting here instantly and re-post the original question to

> Note your misconception that there is only **one** circuit or **one**
> exit at a time. Not true. Tor may choose to open new circuits for a wide
> variety of reasons. The remainder of this email is a copy/paste response
> I use on Reddit when people seem to have this misconception.

Perhaps if I should have clarified my global goal:

I want to be able to receive a new **different** IP address for
different connections which a bash script makes. Suppose (simplified):


torsocks curl http://site1.com
torsocks curl http://site2.com

Currently I get-new-tor-ip like this (simplified):

oldip=$(torsocks dig @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short)
while [ "${newip}" == "${oldip}" ]
newip= ... # As described in 

I am willing to avoid the call to an external service.

I understand the rest of your explanations but I am afraid I am not
clever enough to find the answer to my goal in them.

Can you help?

Again: if it is inappropriate to ask here, I can repeat the question in
tor-talks. Just let me know please. Thanks.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] How do I get the *current* Tor exit node IP address over the control port?

2020-01-27 Thread Mike

How do I get the external IP address of the current Tor exit node (the
one which is in use) without using external services/websites (through
curl or otherwise) but only through the Tor control port functionality
(using bash or python3).

*I have also asked on https://stackoverflow.com/q/59923289
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Operator straw poll: Reasons why you use Tor LTS versions?

2019-09-05 Thread Mike Perry
Roman Mamedov:
> On Thu, 05 Sep 2019 02:11:00 +0000
> Mike Perry  wrote:
>> 1. "I didn't know that Debian's backports repo has latest-stable Tor!"
> I only looked to backports when I get a warning on the metrics website that my
> versions are not recommended. Aside from that, I thought that running LTS on
> relays is actually beneficial, to prevent any newly introduced bugs in the
> current latest versions from having an impact on the network infrastructure.

We are moving towards relying on CI for finding functional bugs, and
code review and static analysis for security issues.

I don't believe that current LTS periods of time will necessarily
provide better results for either of these classes of risk than
investing in better CI and in other forms of diversity than just release

However, I could see a middle ground where we shorten LTS timescales for
the relay side, but don't eliminate them, as we work towards where we
want to be with CI and security issue risk reduction (or other forms of

>> 2. "I didn't see the Tor Project repos mentioned in Tor's Relay docs!"
> I was using them in the past, but then decided not to, as it's adding some
> management overhead and also one more potential security weakpoint.

These two strike me as being likely to be very high on the list of
common reasons, when the choice is deliberately made.

What can we do to reduce management overhead?

Right now, there are quite a lot of separate pages pointing to different
pieces of the steps of adding our repo. Is that the problematic piece?
Are there additional things make it more of a hassle than it should be?

Someone else mentioned ansible. Would an ansible playbook that add our
repositories and their gpg keys make this easier? Or is it better just
to keep the steps all on a single page?

Where does the security weakpoint risk come from? Does
apt-transport-tor/onion service repository availability help in your
mind here?

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Operator straw poll: Reasons why you use Tor LTS versions?

2019-09-04 Thread Mike Perry
>> On 5 Sep 2019, at 12:11, Mike Perry  wrote:
>> Unfortunately, we still have something like 2500 relays on either Tor
>> 0.2.9-LTS or Tor 0.3.5-LTS.
>> What are the reasons for this? My guess is the top 5 most common
>> responses are:
>> 1. "I didn't know that Debian's backports repo has latest-stable Tor!"
>> 2. "I didn't see the Tor Project repos mentioned in Tor's Relay docs!"
>> 3. "I'm running a distribution that Tor Project doesn't have repos for."
>> 4. "I rolled my own custom Tor from git and forgot about it."
>> 5. "My relay machine was not getting any updates at all. Oops."
>> Does anyone have a reason that they think many other relay operators
>> also share?
> 6. When I tried to update, it didn't work with my old config> 7. I need 
> features that only exist in older Tors
>   - I can think of Tor2web, there may be others

Are these common? I feel like this is long-tail. I'm looking for most
common reasons first. After we address the most common reasons, we can
pick our favorite long-tail use cases and decide if those are worth
forward-porting or back-porting individual features for. But not before
the common cases are dealt with. That way lies madness, and no progress,

> 8. I am maintaining research or other patches against tor, and rebases
>are difficult

Again, common? I'm going to guess not common (or self-supporting), but
this does feel like something we could measure by checking for git
versions that don't make sense to us in the full descriptor archives.

>> How can we fix that for you, or at least, how can we make it easier to
>> run the very latest stable series Tor on your relay?
> The answers are probably something like:
> 6. Provide better relay operator support, and direct me to those support
>channels in the log messages, when my relay fails to launch

+1 100%. I think this will go light years towards getting rid of non-LTS
Tors and LTS tor's alike, regardless of reason. Then we can ask the

> 7. Support old features for longer> 8. Stop refactoring so much code

Nah. I'm not interested in these, even if populism demands them. Some
shit needs to go away because it is not safe to keep around, and some
stuff needs to be better organized to make it easier to improve.

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Operator straw poll: Reasons why you use Tor LTS versions?

2019-09-04 Thread Mike Perry
Hello relay operators,

Thanks for running relays, and thanks to those of you who are moving off
of our old EOL Tor versions. Thanks especially to those of you who moved
directly to Tor 0.4.1!

We would like to transition the LTS Tor to be for use in
edge/client/non-relay infrastructure only. We would like to minimize
even that use.

We need to update our network protocols to improve performance,
security, and to add defenses against DoS attacks. Doing this while
supporting LTS for relays is expensive, especially when large backports
must be done to keep the network safe. It also slows down the uniform
deployment of performance improvements, which contributes to the
frustrating user experience of abysmal-but-rare performance edge cases.

Unfortunately, we still have something like 2500 relays on either Tor
0.2.9-LTS or Tor 0.3.5-LTS.

What are the reasons for this? My guess is the top 5 most common
responses are:

1. "I didn't know that Debian's backports repo has latest-stable Tor!"
2. "I didn't see the Tor Project repos mentioned in Tor's Relay docs!"
3. "I'm running a distribution that Tor Project doesn't have repos for."
4. "I rolled my own custom Tor from git and forgot about it."
5. "My relay machine was not getting any updates at all. Oops."

Does anyone have a reason that they think many other relay operators
also share?

How can we fix that for you, or at least, how can we make it easier to
run the very latest stable series Tor on your relay?

Mike Perry

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor bridge on Windows 10 going down for a reason I cannot detect?

2018-10-23 Thread Mike Mitch
which part?
MS statement by Bill Gates was a Article published in I think it was '95 or
6.  The contracts with cable companies are published via trades over the
last several years (6-7)  AT&T does not like the idea of a part of the
I'net they don't control and have stated that "Anytime we find a user on a
TOR network we will slow down their connection" this about 8 years ago.
Access with DHS and NSA are strictly participatory and like with "Facebook
in 2016" questionably illegal based on "FISA" warrants and your 6th
amendment right to face your accuser.  All this, of course is the reason
Julian Asange and Edward Snowden have been forced to flee the country.  But
then again, I am no one...

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:15 PM niftybunny 

> Source?
> > On 23. Oct 2018, at 23:13, Mike Mitch  wrote:
> >
> > I noticed that the system is running Windows10?   If this is the
> situation then you might want to downgrade the server to anything.  Not
> knowing the ISP service I cannot say for certain, but, ATT and most of the
> cable companies have signed agreements with NSA and DHS to interrupt
> services to the dark web, or at least report and track access.  MS Win10 is
> actually copying everything back to the MS servers furthering Bill Gates
> dream of having "Every Computer in the World on a single peer to peer
> network".  See if there is a "Router" log that might identify an external
> access problem or "Denial of access" issue.  Good Luck!!!
> >
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor bridge on Windows 10 going down for a reason I cannot detect?

2018-10-23 Thread Mike Mitch
I noticed that the system is running Windows10?   If this is the situation
then you might want to downgrade the server to anything.  Not knowing the
ISP service I cannot say for certain, but, ATT and most of the cable
companies have signed agreements with NSA and DHS to interrupt services to
the dark web, or at least report and track access.  MS Win10 is actually
copying everything back to the MS servers furthering Bill Gates dream of
having "Every Computer in the World on a single peer to peer network".  See
if there is a "Router" log that might identify an external access problem
or "Denial of access" issue.  Good Luck!!!

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 1:47 PM Keifer Bly  wrote:

> >  Something weird happened here -- it's like the process went to sleep
> for 31 hours. This is the sort of thing that happens when you close your
> laptop and then open it 31 hours later.
> Good point out, but that seems very strange as it is a desktop computer my
> relay runs on, which is set (via the Windows sleep settings) to not turn
> fully off and only put the screen to sleep. The relay was online for a few
> days without interruption beforehand. I use Avast as my antivirus software,
> which notifies me if it detects something as a virus which it has not done.
> Strange. I am running the newest version of both tor and obfs4, and I keep
> Windows up to date as well. My web browser was playing a video the whole
> time which did not get interrupted at all, so it doesn't look like my
> internet stopped..?
> Thanks for the thoughts and help. Wonder what could have caused it out of
> the blue
> > you should've
> redact Tor log to remove external IP address and unhashed fingerprint as
> this mailing list is public and can be read by anyone.
> Ahhh... darn that's a good point. The good news is I have a dynamic ip
> (from my ISP) which shouldn't be too difficult to change if needed.
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 1:34 AM Roger Dingledine  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 01:13:53AM -0700, Keifer Bly wrote:
>> > Tonight when I went to check it, tor metrics said it had said it was
>> offline for the last 11 hours.
>> Two thoughts, based on your log:
>> > Oct 19 23:33:16.972 [notice] Opening OR listener on
>> > Oct 19 23:35:05.000 [notice] Registered server transport 'obfs4' at
>> '[::]:9002'
>> It looks like your ORPort is 9002, and also your ServerTransportListenAddr
>> is trying to use 9002? That could result in weirdness.
>> > Oct 21 17:35:00.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor's uptime is 1 day 17:59
>> hours, with 1 circuits open. I've sent 11.54 MB and received 43.60 MB.
>> > Oct 23 00:47:29.000 [warn] Your system clock just jumped 112349 seconds
>> forward; assuming established circuits no longer work.
>> Something weird happened here -- it's like the process went to sleep
>> for 31 hours. This is the sort of thing that happens when you close your
>> laptop and then open it 31 hours later.
>> There are not many Windows relays (or bridges), so it could be all sorts
>> of things -- a libevent bug? A thing that Microsoft chose to implement in
>> a surprising way that's different from every other platform? An antivirus
>> app that tried to hook the Tor process and ended up wedging it for 31
>> hours? A clock that jumped backwards by 31 hours?
>> I wonder if it's https://trac.torproject.org/26360
>> --Roger
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Canned Abuse Response

2018-08-04 Thread Mike Perry
Nathaniel Suchy:
> See: https://www.torproject.org/eff/tor-dmca-response.html.en and
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki//doc/TorExitGuidelines and
> https://www.torservers.net/wiki/abuse/dmca

See also:

> On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 2:04 PM  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm just curious, does anyone happen to have a canned abuse response that
> > contains the safe harbor provisions of the DCMA? I figured I would ask
> > before I wrote up a really long email.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Conrad
> >
> > --
> > Conrad Rockenhaus
> > Fingerprint: 8049 CDBA C385 C451 3348 776D 0F72 F2B5 26DA E93F
> > Public Key:
> > https://pgp.key-server.io/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0F72F2B526DAE93F
> > https://www.rockenhaus.com
> > --
> > Get started with GreyPony Anonymization Today!
> > https://www.greyponyit.com
> >
> >
> > ___
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> >

> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] HoneyPot?

2015-10-29 Thread Mike Perry
Green Dream:
> Mirimir: aside from the nickname, do you have any reason to believe it was
> out of the ordinary? The exit policy mostly only seems to allow
> non-encrypted services (80 but not 443, 143

A while ago we were actively marking nodes that only allowed
non-encrypted services as BadExit, since there were no satisfactory
explanations given as to why nodes should need this policy.

Back then, the most common explanation people gave was "I need the
ability to block traffic that looks evil." Unfortunately, all mechanisms
available to do this will also end up blocking legitimate content at
some rate. Nobody was using anything more advanced than snort-style
regular expressions that matched things that happened to look like

FWIW, I am personally in favor of reinstating such a policy. I doubt the
situation has changed.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor relays without AESNI

2015-09-15 Thread Mike Perry
Sebastian Hahn:
> Hi,
> > On 16 Sep 2015, at 05:22, nobody  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am looking at renting a dedicated server on a unmetered 100 Mbit/s
> > connection, but the CPU is a Intel G850, which is old (Q2 2011) and does
> > not have AES-NI. Will this CPU be too slow to make use of the bandwidth?
> I'm currently running pushing between 14 and 25MB/s each direction on
> a machine that doesn't have aesni using two separate Tor processes. Each
> uses one core up to a maximum of around 80%.
> CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  CPU   Q8200  @ 2.33GHz.

If this is 14-25 Megabytes/sec per core (and corresponding tor process),
then this is also consistent with what I remember.

Without AES-NI: ~100Mbit per core. With AES-NI: over 300Mbit per core.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-21 Thread Mike Perry
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 12:30 AM, Mike Perry  wrote:
> > I submitted a proposal to tor-dev describing a simple defense against
> > this default configuration:
> > https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-August/009326.html
> nProbe should be added to the router list, it's a very popular
> opensource IPFIX / netflow tap.
> http://www.ntop.org/products/netflow/nprobe/

While ntop is FLOSS, nProbe itself seems to be closed source. There's a
FAQ on the page about it.

As such, I was only able to discover that its default inactive/idle
timoeut is 30s. I couldn't find a range.
> For those into researching other flow capabilities...
> There are also some probes in OS kernels and
> some other opensource taps, they're not as well known
> or utilized as nProbe.
> Other large hardware vendors include Brocade, Avaya,
> Huawei, and Alcatel-Lucent.

Out of all of these, I was only able find info on Alcatel-Lucent. It
uses cflowd, which appears to be a common subcomponent. It's timeout
ranges are the same as Cisco IOS.

What I really need now is any examples of common routers that have a
default inactive/idle timeout below 10s, or allow you to set it below
10s. So far I have not found any.
> Lots of SDN and monitoring projects can plug in
> with gear like this, because, FTW...
> http://telesoft-technologies.com/technologies/mpac-ip-7200-dual-100g-ethernet-accelerator-card
> http://www.hitechglobal.com/IPCores/100GigEthernet-MAC-PCS.htm
> http://www.napatech.com/sites/default/files/dn-0820_nt100e3-1-ptp_data_sheet_3.pdf
> https://www.cesnet.cz/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hanic-100g.pdf
> http://www.ndsl.kaist.edu/~kyoungsoo/papers/2010-lanman-100Gbps.pdf
> http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/netmap/

I think these devices are wandering into the "adversarial admin"
territory (see section 3 of the proposal). I want to focus on the case
where the adversary demands/sniffs/exploits routers likely to be
installed in most networks.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-20 Thread Mike Perry
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 3:40 AM, Mike Perry  wrote:
> >> But consider looking at average flow lifetimes on the internet. There may
> >> be case for going longer, bundling or turfing across a range of ports to 
> >> falsely
> >> trigger a record / bloat, packet switching and so forth.
> >
> > This interests me, but we need more details to determine what this looks
> > like in practice.
> NANOG list could link specific papers regarding nature of the internet.
> The various flow exporters have sensible default timeouts tend cover
> that ok for purposes intended.
> > I suspect that this is one case where the switch to one guard may have
> > helped us.
> In that various activities such as ssh, browsing, youtube, whatever
> are confined to being multiplexed in one stream, that makes sense.
> > However, Tor still closes the TCP connection after just one
> > hour of inactivity. What if we kept it open longer?
> The exporting host has open flow count limited by memory (RAM).
> A longer flow might be forced to span two or more records.
> The "flags" field of some tools and versions may not mark
> a SYN seen in records 2+, the rest of tuple would stay same.
> Active timeout gives periodic data on longer flows, typically
> retaining start time but implementations can vary on state.
> Here's an early IOS 12 default...
>   Active flows timeout in 30 minutes (1~60)
>   Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds (10~600)
> Also consider what is wished to hide, big iso download,
> little http clicks, start time of some characteristic session
> rippling across or appearing at edges, active data pumping attack.
> And what custom flowish things and flow settings an adversary
> might be doing to observe those. Traditional netflow seems
> useful as idea base to form a better heuristic analysis system.

I submitted a proposal to tor-dev describing a simple defense against
this default configuration:

I'm also working on an implementation of that defense:

Anyone with netflow experience should feel free to chime in there (or
here if you are not subscribed to tor-dev), but please be mindful of the
adversarial considerations in section 3 (unless you believe that
adversary model to be invalid, but please explain why).

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-13 Thread Mike Perry
Mike Perry:
> grarpamp:
> > The questions were of a general "intro to netflow" nature, thus
> > the links, they and other resource describe all the data fields,
> > formation of records, timeouts, aggregation, IPFIX extensibility, etc.
> > Others and I on these lists know what "360 gigs" of netflow looks like.
> Well, right, then. Let's get to the meat of it.
> > *What* specific info are you looking for beyond that?
> I am looking to understand what "360 gigs" aka "(3.2 billion records)"
> of netflow over 3 months looks like, and also if we can expect this to
> be standard practice, somewhat outside the norm, or indicative of
> someone who has specifically tuned their netflow config to attack Tor
> (should the opportunity arise).
> Assuming the boingboing comment is accurate, and it's just one exit IP,
> then we're probably looking at two exits worth of data (either
> UtahStateExit0+UtahStateExit1, or UtahStateExit2+UtahStateExit3).
> Each of these exit pairs appears to have averaged a little over
> 10Mbit/sec sustained over the most recent 3 month period according to
> https://globe.torproject.org. The exits are running some version of the
> Reduced Exit Policy, so there should be no bittorrent traffic. Likely
> mostly web traffic by connection count, and probably even byte count.
> In three months, there are 7,776,000 seconds. So we're looking at 441
> records per second in this dataset.
> For 10Mbit/sec worth of sustained web traffic, that sounds about
> connection-level resolution to me. Do you agree?

(Yay! Thinking once and posting two posts at once to three different
lists. I'm like some kind of Internet champion! ;)

I think I needed to do one more division. This is roughly one record per
3KB of traffic (which I think you alluded to earlier). Rather high if we
expect this to be web traffic, even if there was only 1 web request per

So then, what is the most likely configuration that would generate this
many records? Is it indeed likely to be some BOFH scenario, or might
there be some common (if half-insane) policy that ends up producing this
many records?

Here's Globe for UtahStatExit2 and 3 for easy access:

The bandwidth histories have no current data, but you can click on the 3
month tab to get the numbers I used.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-13 Thread Mike Perry
Sharif Olorin:
> Mike,
> Additionally, I should clarify that bro and netflow have some
> fundamental differences and are usually used for different things (but
> both are common in large networks). Bro's very stateful and is more
> focused on IDS-type applications, whereas netflow is more directed
> towards traffic accounting, which is why bro has all the stateful
> stuff about TCP connections. bro would be more commonly found at
> a university, but netflow's probably more relevant if you're looking
> at what the typical ISP will retain for a long time.

Yes, unfortunately this is why "just set up bro/netflow at home and try
it!" is not really helpful. It is obvious that these systems can in
theory be configured to log+analyze all data for all time, especially if
it is just my tiny DSL line with one person browsing the web over Tor
and I have a few TB worth of disk to burn.

However, speculation about the evil BOFH who twiddles his mustache and
tunes netflow to deanonymize all Tor users forever is rather boring to
me. It's a scenario that's unlikely to happen at scale, or be practical
for full analysis of the entire Tor network. Even if we are looking at
such a BOFH in the Utah case, we have yet another datapoint against the
evil BOFH correlation theory: These logs were useless!

The important question to me is: "If we assume honest Tor nodes, what
level of logging is likely to be practiced at their ISP or AS today
without their knowledge, and what technical measures are available to us
to reduce that potential impact?"

In this Utah exit case, the exit operator in question is indeed honest,
and we're looking at an upstream admin who just happened to be logging
stuff, likely as per some standard (if heavy-handed) connection-level
logging policy.

I suspect that type of adversary will be possible to defeat with similar
amounts of padding that will defeat hidden service circuit setup
fingerprinting, website traffic fingerprinting, traffic type
classification, and a host of other low-resource attacks...

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-13 Thread Mike Perry
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 3:40 AM, Mike Perry  wrote:
> > However, Tor still closes the TCP connection after just one
> > hour of inactivity. What if we kept it open longer?
> The exporting host has open flow count limited by memory (RAM).
> A longer flow might be forced to span two or more records.
> The "flags" field of some tools and versions may not mark
> a SYN seen in records 2+, the rest of tuple would stay same.
> Active timeout gives periodic data on longer flows, typically
> retaining start time but implementations can vary on state.
> Here's an early IOS 12 default...
>   Active flows timeout in 30 minutes (1~60)
>   Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds (10~600)

This is helpful. To clarify, when a record is split due to timeout,
a new record will have the start end end timestamps for the new flow?

Do collectors tend to recombine these split flows?

Otherwise, from these defaults, it sounds like Tor's one hour timeout on
client TLS connections seems reasonable, and perhaps not worth raising,
since even if we were using padding and keep-alives, the flow data would
still record a fresh byte count record + timestamp every 30 minutes?
> > As such, I still look forward to hearing from someone who has worked at
> > an ISP/University/etc where this is actually practiced. What is in
> > *those* logs?
> The questions were of a general "intro to netflow" nature, thus
> the links, they and other resource describe all the data fields,
> formation of records, timeouts, aggregation, IPFIX extensibility, etc.
> Others and I on these lists know what "360 gigs" of netflow looks like.

Well, right, then. Let's get to the meat of it.

> *What* specific info are you looking for beyond that?

I am looking to understand what "360 gigs" aka "(3.2 billion records)"
of netflow over 3 months looks like, and also if we can expect this to
be standard practice, somewhat outside the norm, or indicative of
someone who has specifically tuned their netflow config to attack Tor
(should the opportunity arise).

Assuming the boingboing comment is accurate, and it's just one exit IP,
then we're probably looking at two exits worth of data (either
UtahStateExit0+UtahStateExit1, or UtahStateExit2+UtahStateExit3).

Each of these exit pairs appears to have averaged a little over
10Mbit/sec sustained over the most recent 3 month period according to
https://globe.torproject.org. The exits are running some version of the
Reduced Exit Policy, so there should be no bittorrent traffic. Likely
mostly web traffic by connection count, and probably even byte count.

In three months, there are 7,776,000 seconds. So we're looking at 441
records per second in this dataset.

For 10Mbit/sec worth of sustained web traffic, that sounds about
connection-level resolution to me. Do you agree?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-13 Thread Mike Perry
Sharif Olorin:
> > At what resolution is this type of netflow data typically captured?
> For raw capture, timestamps are typically second-resolution. The
> resolution post-aggregation is a different question. Keep in mind that
> netflow is just the most common example; many networks don't use Cisco
> netflow, but have something that meets the same requirements,
> storing relatively more or less data (e.g., pmacct, bro).
> > Are we talking about all connection 5-tuples, bidirectional/total
> > transfer byte totals, and open and close timestamps, or more (or less)
> > detail than this?
> That's about right; some systems (e.g., pmacct in some configurations)
> store a four-tuple of (src,dest,tx,rx) while throwing out the
> ports and aggregating over the tx and rx flows such that connections
> can no longer be uniquely identified. What's stored from Cisco netflow
> is quite flexible[0]. Other systems like bro default to storing
> one record per connection, with all the information in a five-tuple
> plus things like IP TOS and byte counts.
> > Are timestamps always included?
> Yes, to some granularity (there's not much point in storing connection info
> without times, for any of the reasons people normally store connection
> info). The most recent system I set up (bro) records connections with
> second-precision timestamps; the one before that (pmacct) stored
> aggregates over ten seconds (src,dest,tx,rx).

So in the bro-based system (which sounds higher resolution) the final
logged data was second-precision timestamps on full connection tuples?

So if I have a connection to a Tor Guard node opened for 8 hours, at the
end of the session, your system would record a single record with:

Or would it record 8*60*60 == 28800 records, with one record stored per
second that the connection was open/active?

> > I think for various reasons (including this one), we're soon going to
> > want some degree of padding traffic on the Tor network at some point
> > relatively soon, and having more information about what is typically
> > recorded in these cases would be very useful to inform how we might want
> > to design padding and connection usage against this and other issues.
> arma or others can probably explain why this is a hard problem; I
> don't know enough in this area to comment.

I think any system that is storing connection-level data (as opposed to
one record per timeslice of activity on a tuple) is likely to be rather
easy to defend against correlation.

I also think that systems that store only sampled data will also be very
easy to defend against correlation. Murdoch's seminal IX-analsysis work
required 100-500M transfers to get any accuracy out of sample-based
correlation at all, and even then the false positives were a serious
problem, even when correlating a small number of connections.

We have a huge problem right now where all of the research in this area
claimed extremely effective success rates, and swept any mitigating
factors under the rug (especially false positives and the effects of
large amounts of concurrent users or additional activity).
> > Information about how UDP is treated would also be useful if/when we
> > manage to switch to a UDP transport protocol, independent of any
> > padding.
> I don't think UDP helps you at all here. What makes you think it might?

Well, it seems harder to store a full connection tuple for open until
close, because you have no idea when the connection actually closed
(unless you are recording a tuple for every second during which there is
any activity, or similar).

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-13 Thread Mike Perry
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 7:45 PM, Mike Perry  wrote:
> > At what resolution is this type of netflow data typically captured?
> >
> > Are we talking about all connection 5-tuples, bidirectional/total
> > transfer byte totals, and open and close timestamps, or more (or less)
> > detail than this?
> All of the above depends on which flow export version / aggregation you
> choose, until you get to v9 and IPFIX, for which you can define your fields.
> In short... yes.
> But consider looking at average flow lifetimes on the internet. There may
> be case for going longer, bundling or turfing across a range of ports to 
> falsely
> trigger a record / bloat, packet switching and so forth.

This interests me, but we need more details to determine what this looks
like in practice.

I suspect that this is one case where the switch to one guard may have
helped us. However, Tor still closes the TCP connection after just one
hour of inactivity. What if we kept it open longer? Or what if the first
hop was an encrypted UDP-based PT, where it was not clear if the session
was torn down or closed?

> > recorded in these cases would be very useful to inform how we might want
> > to design padding and connection usage against this and other issues.
> "Typical" is really defined by the use case of whoever needs the flows,
> be it provisioning, engineering, security, operations, billing, bigdata, etc.
> And only limited by the available formats, storage, postprocessing,
> and customization. IPFIX and

"Typically", I appreciate your answers grarpamp. They're "typically"
correct, but sometimes they have more flavor than I'm looking for, and
in this case I am worried it may end up silencing the people I'd really
like to hear from. I want real data from the field, here. Not
speculation on what is possible.

> > I think for various reasons (including this one), we're soon going to
> > want some degree of padding traffic on the Tor network at some point
> > relatively soon
> Really? I can haz cake nao? Or only after I pump in this 3k email and
> watch 3k come out the other side to someone otherwise idling ;)

You can say that, but then why isn't this being done in the real world?
The Snowden leaks seem to indicate exploitation is the weapon of choice.

I suspect other factors are at work that prevent dragnet correlation
from being reliable, in addition to the economics of exploits today
(which may be subject to change). These factors are worth investigating
in detail, and ideally before the exploit cost profiles change.

As such, I still look forward to hearing from someone who has worked at
an ISP/University/etc where this is actually practiced. What is in
*those* logs? 

Specifically: Can we get someone (hell, anyone really) from Utah to
weigh in on this one? ;)

Otherwise, the rest is just paranoid speculation, and bordering on
trolled-up misinformation. :/

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] clarification on what Utah State University exit relays store ("360 gigs of log files")

2015-08-12 Thread Mike Perry
Sharif Olorin:
> > I would expect most US universities to be logging netflow in the very
> > least. Even if the Tor operator isn't keeping logs, it seems safe to assume
> > the network operator is.
> I'd be surprised if it was different for non-US universities - I'd
> expect this to be the case for every university with its own AS, and
> probably most without. It's not specific to universities either; it
> would be a rare ISP that doesn't retain netflow for traffic accounting
> purposes. It's often somewhat aggregated, but to varying degrees - the
> last such system I worked on was designed to retain indefinitely at
> sub-minute granularity for training/crossvalidation of network anomaly
> detection.

Green & Sharif (& any others with direct netflow experience) - 

At what resolution is this type of netflow data typically captured?

Are we talking about all connection 5-tuples, bidirectional/total
transfer byte totals, and open and close timestamps, or more (or less)
detail than this?

Are timestamps always included? Are bidirectional transfer bytecounts
always included? Are subsampled packet headers (or contents)
sometimes/often included? 

What about UDP sessions? IPv6?

I think for various reasons (including this one), we're soon going to
want some degree of padding traffic on the Tor network at some point
relatively soon, and having more information about what is typically
recorded in these cases would be very useful to inform how we might want
to design padding and connection usage against this and other issues.

Information about how UDP is treated would also be useful if/when we
manage to switch to a UDP transport protocol, independent of any

Thanks a bunch!

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] BWauth no-consensus state in effect

2015-08-04 Thread Mike Perry
Roger Dingledine:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 08:53:33PM +0200, nusenu wrote:
> > Has this fallback happened before (=some experience on the potential
> > impact available) or is this outage happening for the first time since
> > the bwauths are in place?
> Indeed, it happened a few times back in 2010-2011 when we were
> first rolling out the bwauths:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/torperf.html?graph=torperf&start=2009-05-06&end=2015-08-04&source=all&filesize=50kb
> but it's been mighty stable since then.
> Interestingly, you'd expect a big bump in torperf response times
> when we switched to self-advertised weights. But there isn't one:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/torperf.html?graph=torperf&start=2015-07-06&end=2015-08-04&source=all&filesize=50kb

Some years ago, Karsten made a nice overlay of bw auth failures to
torperf data, which allowed us to see a 4-5X reduction in torperf fetch
times while the bw auths were active vs not.

I just added a comment to
https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16696#comment:3 asking
Karsten to repeat this visualization. That might be a bad place to do
it, though. Might need a new ticket (or tickets)?

> I'm guessing this is because we have enough relays, with enough capacity,
> to handle the current load adequately.

I'm wondering if the downtime in this case hasn't happened for a long
enough stretch of consecutive consensus periods for it to impact the
network. That might be one explanation. Spare capacity might be

> But that doesn't mean the current relays are useless. Historically
> speaking, it means pretty soon more users will show up, once word gets
> out that Tor isn't as slow as it used to be. :)

I worry that the "capacity economics" involved here might not have the
same properties as they used to, and that we might not see increased
adoption as a result.

In particular, the switch to one guard makes it much more likely that a
new user will pick a slow guard and this will cause them to have a
horrible Tor experience.  With three guards, you had a much better
chance to get at least one fast guard in that case, and then CBT could
sort out which was which.

In my case, I usually pick my guards manually for ease of use with my
firewall, and as a result performance is always very fast with the three
fast guards I have chosen (I often get throughput 750k-1MB/sec for large
transfers). In some instances where I have not selected my guards
manually, Tor Browser is unbearably slow. Like really, really painfully
slow. The whole time. Until I reinstall it.

This makes me think that the performance of people who pick guards from
the tail is much much worse than the performance of the top guards, and
this property likely is acting as a deterrent to adoption. If even a
small fraction of users perceive Tor as totally unusable, the word of
mouth is still going to be "OMG Tor is like SO UNUSABLY SLOW!!"

So long as this keeps happening, I suspect it is unlikely for people to
rush to Tor because it is now faster.

I think once we expect most of the clients to have switched to 1 guard,
we should get some torperf graphs going for guards of various
capacities, and see what the actual effects of this are.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Ports 465 and 587 vanished from reduced exit policy?

2015-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
It appears that some years ago someone quietly removed port 465 and 587
from the reduced exit policy at
without an explanation.

I've added them back in, since these ports should only be used for
user-authenticated SMTP, and not spam. Has anyone experienced any abuse
from these ports that involved non-authenticated mail/spam?

Otherwise, it seems that exit operators who were using the reduced exit
policy should consider updating their polices to include these ports.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [Site5 #TZZN-12908]: DMCA Complaint: mybox.ganton.ca

2015-06-24 Thread Mike Perry
listed above is a violation of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 106. In
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Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Quantum Insert detection for everyone

2015-04-22 Thread Mike Perry
I'm being a jerk and cross-posting to tor-relays, because I want to make
sure that relay operators are aware of the differences in the Snort vs
HoneyBadger approach.

Chris Dagdigian:
> I run a US-based exit node and would be interested in a way to run
> this software without compromising the users exiting my node.
> Looking forward to your additional writeups - especially anything
> geared towards exit nodes and quantum insert detection.

I too look forward to David's writeup!

For what it's worth, I think HoneyBadger is likely to be safer for
exits, more comprehensive, more accurate, less noisy, and more high
performance than a Snort-based solution.

HoneyBadger is focused only on this particular attack and is written in
golang, whereas Snort has tons of rules for everything and is written in
C. This means that HoneyBadger will have a much smaller vulnerability
surface and should be much harder to directly exploit than Snort. Since
we're talking about detecting and capturing attacks from well funded
state/world-class adversaries here (wow, what a world), vulnerability
surface minimization and general memory safety are top priority.

Snort is also vulnerable to tailored attacks designed to flood its logs
and/or avoid detection. Snort is particularly susceptible to missing
stateful attacks designed to subvert its stateless rule-based approach to
detection. Several types of TCP injection attacks that rely on TCP
reassembly will likely fall into this category (type 4 in:

HoneyBadger also appears to have better logging options than the Snort
rules. David has been in contact with malware researchers who were quite
insistent that to properly analyze 0day, a single evilpacket is very
likely to be insufficient -- context is essential, especially if the
attacker wants to obfuscate the attack or otherwise avoid exploit

Hence the need to provide optional full-take and rolling logging options
that make it easier to extract the full TCP stream of a tampered
connection, as well as related concurrent traffic (such as a stream from
a related HTTP redirect to an ephemeral URL). I've been talking with
David about ways to place these logs on a ramdisk or an ephemerally
encrypted partition, so that when detailed logs are needed, they can be
handled as safely as possible.

> >David Stainton <mailto:dstainton...@gmail.com>
> >April 22, 2015 at 2:41 PM
> >Greetings,
> >
> >Did you all see this Wired article about Quantum Insert detection?
> >
> >https://www.wired.com/2015/04/researchers-uncover-method-detect-nsa-quantum-insert-hacks
> >
> >These TCP injection attacks are used by various entities around the
> >world (not just NSA!) to target individuals for surveillance or
> >perhaps to add their computers to a botnet for other purposes.
> >
> >If you do not use a VPN or Tor you can run "Quantum Insert" detection
> >on your computer and detect when you receive an attack attempt.
> >However be advised that proper sandboxing is important here because
> >intrusion detection and protocol anylsis tools are notoriously
> >insecure and get pwned all the time.
> >
> >If you are a Tor exit relay operator you have the options of running
> >detection software; However you should not publish the results
> >publicly without mixing in some noise or your published data might
> >make it possible for some adversaries to deanonymize Tor users. If
> >your country has strict telecommunications laws then it might only be
> >legal for you to perform this type of detection if you do not perform
> >logging.
> >
> >For the past several months... in my free time I've been slowly
> >developing a very comprehensive TCP injection attack detection tool
> >called HoneyBadger:
> >
> >https://github.com/david415/HoneyBadger
> >
> >Quantum Insert is a NSA codeword for "TCP injection attack", however
> >either of these terms are too vague. During my research I was able to
> >classify 4 different types of TCP injection attack. When I say that
> >HoneytBadger is comprehensive what I mean is that Honeybadger can
> >detect ALL of these types of TCP injection attack types... I describe
> >them briefly here:
> >
> >https://honeybadger.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
> >
> >Here's the Fox-IT blog post about their Quantum Insert detection software:
> >http://blog.fox-it.com/2015/04/20/deep-dive-into-quantum-insert/
> >
> >I am going to work on writing a much more comprehensive blog post; it
> >will be filled with gory technical details AND it will include
> >information on how to use HoneyBa

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] please advise on renting a gigabit capable dedicated server

2015-01-05 Thread Mike Perry
> Hi tor users, my coworkers and I are considering getting together to
> run a gigabit exit relay and are curious if you all have advice as to
> the best place to go shopping for a server with 1gbps dedicated
> bandwidth in a location that is helpful to the network. Someone on irc
> pointed me to this list, but I'm happy to ask on another if it would
> be more appropriate. Thanks in advance!

Some friends and I used to run a 1GBit Reduced Exit[1] in the US at
Applied Operations[2] for $800/mo, which included hardware rental. Not
sure if that deal is still available, but they were Tor-friendly.

1. https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy
2. http://www.appliedops.net/.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How many IOERRORs are common ?

2014-10-28 Thread Mike Patton

On 29/10/2014 5:23 am, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Toralf_F=F6rster?= 
> Watching the status of a tor-relay (4 MB bandwith, guard + exit, having more 
> than open 1000 connections) with arm shows a rather high frequent amount of 
> connection errors. Nearly every seconds or so a connection can't be 
> established.
> /me just wonders if this is common (replaced ip addresses with )

My exit isn't the size of yours but at times has supported quite a bit of 
traffic and I haven't ever seen one of these errors.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Anonbox Project

2014-10-16 Thread Mike Perry
Andrew Lewman:
> Perhaps a more constructive approach is to help define what the golden
> standard for a true tor router should be at
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/Torouter.  There are a
> bunch of open tickets and design questions which need thought, research,
> and solutions.

FWIW, I spoke with someone named 'torrouter' in #tor-dev IRC a couple
months back. I'm not sure if they were related to this project, but I
pointed out that the biggest problem with a simple "torify everything"
Tor router is that there are tons and tons of apps on your computer that
love to make network connections and broadcast information about your
computer to remote servers. This problem was first analyzed in 2008 at
PETS: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~mroe/research/pets2008.pdf.

Since then, we've seen the advent of app stores, account-based
autoupdates, Dropbox, iCloud, things like Ubuntu's "Spotlight" search,
and many many more chatty things. Not to mention the web browser
tracking problem, of course.

The problem with naively shoving all of this stuff over Tor is that Tor
Exit nodes (and services watching for long-term Exit IP usage
correlation) can see that user "AnonymousDissident1" really is the same
as "frank.grimes.sf.ca@gmail.com" who has a Dropbox account that he
paid with his credit card.

This may not be a problem for many people, but statements like "The
anonabox uses Tor to allow anyone to access the Internet anonymously
without having to install any software" and "The result is strong,
secure anonymity. Using the anonabox hides your location, as well as all
the other personal data that leaks through ordinary Internet use" are
really not something you can claim if you are operating in this way.
Location in particular will probably still leak all over the place due
to chatty apps you have installed that broadcast it happily.

All of that said, I immediately followed this bad news up with an offer
to the 'torrouter' IRC nick that I would be happy to work with them to
design a secure pairing system between Tor Browser and a Tor router,
such that if you were using Tor Browser, it could get configuration
information from your Tor router so that it used it as an upstream
proxy, or such that Tor router would then install a firewall that only
allowed certain Tor Guard/bridge IPs through.

In this mode, the Tor router could actually act as a defense-in-depth
mechanism that would block all non-proxied traffic, providing additional
protection against browser or other remote exploits, by only allowing
properly Tor-configured application traffic to exit onto the Tor

I imagine the same sort of mechanism could also be used to provide
defense-in-depth for OrBot+OrWall+Android and Tails users.

Unfortunately, the 'torrouter' nick stopped talking to me at this point.
I'm not sure if they just didn't want to put in this extra work, or were
intimidated by how much work this, or what. Granted this would not be
trivial to implement, but the offer to help come up with a design for it
still stands, though. We can figure out the implementation and
development cost sharing details after we have a good design.

I'm not sure such a thing could be designed and implemented by their
January 2015 rollout date goal, but I suspect they're going to struggle
to meet that anyway with this much interest. I wished they'd actually
talked to us about this earlier, instead of ignoring my offer then.

As a result of their claims not matching up to reality, I've been
debating writing a blog post warning about the various issues with
Anonabox, but that seemed premature at this point, too. I suppose it
still may come to that, though, if they keep ignoring us and making
extreme, unsubstantiated, and inaccurate claims, especially with our
trademark and logo plastered on the thing, as if it were an endorsement,
or even our product.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Oniontip

2014-09-29 Thread Mike Perry
Donncha O'Cearbhaill:
> Thanks everyone for all the feedback. I'm delighted to see OnionTip is
> being used and that relay operators are getting some (usually token)
> appreciation.
> Mike, I've taken on board all the feedback you gave to this list on 2nd
> September. I've just pushed some changes. There is now a listing of all
> previous transactions sent from OnionTip, their size and the number or
> relays they have selected to pay.[1]
> The number of selected relays gives a rough indication of how many
> people are just paying the default (to all the relays) or are setting
> their own criteria.
> I've also published a Python script to validate the transactions
> completely from the blockchain based on the seed I use to generate
> addresses [2].
> I'm open to all suggests for a better distribution strategy. At the
> moment I definitely think the incentive is somewhat wrong when someone
> gets a much larger share by running a middle relay in a cheap bandwidth
> location than someone running a smaller exit in a geographical diversity
> location.
> As most people seem to use the defaults, for a start I'm going to add an
> option so that Exits receive a premium on their bandwidth share by
> default (maybe 1.5-2x).
> If there are any particular questions anyone has about the data or
> donations so far, I'm happy to pull the data from the DB and try to
> answer them. For one, I'm going to try find out how many relays had
> bitcoin address listed in their first day or two. Maybe it can give an
> indication how many new relay operators are being pulled in because of
> OnionTip.
> Thanks again for all the feedback so far. I look forward to seeing what
> we can do to improve OnionTip, and to continue supporting the growth of
> the Tor network.
> Regards,
> Donncha
> [1] https://oniontip.com/transactions
> [2]
> https://github.com/DonnchaC/oniontip/blob/master/scripts/payment-check.py

Thank you for publishing these scripts! 

I think the most important thing right now is for us to be able to
easily tell what the system is doing, and I think you have done that.

As for what the default *should* be, I think we may want to think about
that for a bit depending on what we think we want to encourage in the
network. If we get an idea as to if Exits are actually more expensive to
run than non-Exits, we can use that to guide these bonuses.

Thanks a lot for OnionTip! It's now got my vote for inclusion on the Tor
donations page!

> On Sun, 2014-09-28 at 02:32 -0700, Mike Perry wrote:
> > Thomas White:
> > > Hmmm... appears to be have been upgraded since I last checked then
> > > (which was only a few weeks ago!). Nicely done oniontip. I stand
> > > corrected.
> > 
> > Well, my original ask was for everyone to be able to verify that all
> > 12.36 BTC that oniontip has received (as of right now) has actually been
> > distributed how the users have asked. 
> > 
> > I suppose that since individual users can easily inspect that their
> > donation has gone to the relays they selected (by looking at
> > blockchain.info for their one-time use address), it is unlikely that the
> > system will get away with cheating for long. But it is still hard for a
> > new donor to tell if any other donors have been swindled recently, using
> > simple blockchain inspection. They basically have to click around on the
> > individual relay recipient keys to make sure everything looks legit.
> > 
> > This makes me nervous in terms of endorsement. I can easily see hundreds
> > of users getting swindled before one of them suddenly realizes that
> > there is an extra bitcoin address in their transactions that is not in
> > the original relay list they selected, or that the actual bitcoin
> > distribution was slightly different than what they selected. If all
> > users could inspect all donations easily, this type of compromise would
> > be found quicker.
> > 
> > Ideally, it would be possible to verify all of these questions (and many
> > more) with only the blockchain. For instance, a comment in the bitcoin
> > transaction could indicate the OnionTip options selected, and a single
> > page on the website could allow us to view all donations to the system.
> > 
> > 
> > Beyond this, I think there are actually interesting sociological
> > questions we could answer with easy access to the OnionTip donation data
> > and option selection. I'm very curious how donors are choosing to
> > distribute their Bitcoin to the relays.
> > 
> > For instance:
> > 
> > 1. Is OnionTip encouraging the type of network div

Re: [tor-relays] Oniontip

2014-09-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thomas White:
> Hmmm... appears to be have been upgraded since I last checked then
> (which was only a few weeks ago!). Nicely done oniontip. I stand
> corrected.

Well, my original ask was for everyone to be able to verify that all
12.36 BTC that oniontip has received (as of right now) has actually been
distributed how the users have asked. 

I suppose that since individual users can easily inspect that their
donation has gone to the relays they selected (by looking at
blockchain.info for their one-time use address), it is unlikely that the
system will get away with cheating for long. But it is still hard for a
new donor to tell if any other donors have been swindled recently, using
simple blockchain inspection. They basically have to click around on the
individual relay recipient keys to make sure everything looks legit.

This makes me nervous in terms of endorsement. I can easily see hundreds
of users getting swindled before one of them suddenly realizes that
there is an extra bitcoin address in their transactions that is not in
the original relay list they selected, or that the actual bitcoin
distribution was slightly different than what they selected. If all
users could inspect all donations easily, this type of compromise would
be found quicker.

Ideally, it would be possible to verify all of these questions (and many
more) with only the blockchain. For instance, a comment in the bitcoin
transaction could indicate the OnionTip options selected, and a single
page on the website could allow us to view all donations to the system.

Beyond this, I think there are actually interesting sociological
questions we could answer with easy access to the OnionTip donation data
and option selection. I'm very curious how donors are choosing to
distribute their Bitcoin to the relays.

For instance:

1. Is OnionTip encouraging the type of network diversity we want? Do we
   want to suggest changes to the default donation mode to encourage
   better diversity?
2. UI is still confusing to me. Is this UI causing people to prefer a
   certain type of donation over others, where they probably shouldn't?

   a. Is anyone actually using the Guard or Exit filters? If not, this
  means my super-cheap and unreliable FDC middle node will probably
  get me more OnionTip donations than either a more stable Guard
  node, or a more hassle-prone Exit node. This seems like an
  undesirable way to incentivize relay operation. Is it happening?
  Or are most people selecting Guard+Exit?
   b. Are people taking advantage of the country selection dialog? Are
  they doing it in a way that is favoring underrepresented countries?
  Or are people just choosing countries based on the next World Cup
  match, the current Olympic gold medal count leader, or some other
  crazy notion that seems to make little sense to network diversity?

3. What are big donors doing? Do they always select the default choice? 

   a. If so, we should think waaay harder about what this choice is.

   b. If not, what do they want? Do they like specific or strange
  countries? Do they like countries with the fewest relays? With the
  lowest current bandwidth? With the best laws? Do we agree with
  their choices, and want to make it easier for other donors to make
  them too? Or should we be concerned, and try to encourage other

   c. Maybe only big donors get scammed with extra BTC destination
  addresses or a different transaction entirely? How can I see if
  other recent big donors have been scammed?

> On 28/09/2014 03:28, Ed Carter wrote:
> > The process is completely transparent.  All Bitcoin transactions
> > are viewable by the public on the Bitcoin blockchain.  The Bitcoin
> > addresses are posted by the relay operators themselves in their
> > contact info on their relay.  I can confirm that I receive
> > donations made to the address I posted on my relay.
> > 
> > My relay: 
> > https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/3C49A7D9BEBC668352F627CE60B1FE9B628DD2EA
> >
> >  Blockchain.info web page showing donations received to my
> > address: 
> > http://blockchain.info/address/1GXZVChXoxgrBzqMsCrWGu2ua6VTKSH6U1
> > 
> >> My concern (which has been highlighted before by Mike Perry) is
> >> that the site lacks accountability and transparency. There is no
> >> way to verify the donations actually reach the operators.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Estimating the value and cost of the Tor network

2014-09-25 Thread Mike Perry
I really need identity fingerprints to see how much traffic your node is
actually pushing, what its consensus weight is, when and how often it is
hibernating, if it is otherwise strangely rate limited, etc.

Kees Goossens:
> Hello Perry. 
> 5 TB/month for 20 euro/month at transip in the NL. I run a non-exit relay 
> there. (Thinking about making it an exit.)
> Kees
> --
> Kees on the move
> > On 25 Sep 2014, at 03:03, Mike Perry  wrote:
> > 
> > Moritz Bartl:
> >> Prices vary widely across different countries. We pay between $400 and
> >> $1500 per Gbit/s per month in "popular and cheap locations". In a
> >> scenario where we want to grow the network and at least keep the current
> >> geographical diversity (or even grow it), we'd have to at least equally
> >> strengthen less fortunate locations.
> > 
> > Right. With just one or two identity fingerprints, I can give an
> > estimate on the minimum cost to build an equivalent Tor network with the
> > same capacity, as I have already done. This is not very interesting,
> > though, as you point out.
> > 
> > But with just one or two good example identity fingerprints (with
> > pricing) in key locations, I can tell us how much investment it would
> > take to build the Tor network with the diversity we want, using our
> > current load balancing and network load. 
> > 
> > In other words, I can easily calculate what it would cost to ensure that
> > the network path selection was made up of W% of RU, X% of US relays, Y%
> > of EU relays, Z% of JP relays, etc etc.
> > 
> > With many more datapoints I can tell us how much the current Tor network
> > actually costs with its current diversity, but I think that is actually
> > less interesting, unless we wanted to be able to make assumptions like
> > "As soon as we start paying people for bandwidth, all of (or X% of) our
> > volunteers will instantly disappear" (which seems unlikely to me, but
> > others think is a realistic concern).
> > 
> > *But* In order to do any of this, I need specific identity fingerprints
> > and prices to do that calculation first. Again, I want to extrapolate
> > from real relays, using our current load balancing.
> > 
> > So far only two people have given me identity fingerprints with actual
> > pricing information. I need way more.
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Mike Perry
> > ___
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Estimating the value and cost of the Tor network

2014-09-24 Thread Mike Perry
Moritz Bartl:
> Prices vary widely across different countries. We pay between $400 and
> $1500 per Gbit/s per month in "popular and cheap locations". In a
> scenario where we want to grow the network and at least keep the current
> geographical diversity (or even grow it), we'd have to at least equally
> strengthen less fortunate locations.

Right. With just one or two identity fingerprints, I can give an
estimate on the minimum cost to build an equivalent Tor network with the
same capacity, as I have already done. This is not very interesting,
though, as you point out.

But with just one or two good example identity fingerprints (with
pricing) in key locations, I can tell us how much investment it would
take to build the Tor network with the diversity we want, using our
current load balancing and network load. 

In other words, I can easily calculate what it would cost to ensure that
the network path selection was made up of W% of RU, X% of US relays, Y%
of EU relays, Z% of JP relays, etc etc.

With many more datapoints I can tell us how much the current Tor network
actually costs with its current diversity, but I think that is actually
less interesting, unless we wanted to be able to make assumptions like
"As soon as we start paying people for bandwidth, all of (or X% of) our
volunteers will instantly disappear" (which seems unlikely to me, but
others think is a realistic concern).

*But* In order to do any of this, I need specific identity fingerprints
and prices to do that calculation first. Again, I want to extrapolate
from real relays, using our current load balancing.

So far only two people have given me identity fingerprints with actual
pricing information. I need way more.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Estimating the value and cost of the Tor network

2014-09-23 Thread Mike Perry
Hello everyone,

I would like to put together some estimates on bounds of the current
value and cost of the capacity of the Tor network as it is, and use that
to generate some rough guestimates on what it would cost to grow it
(assuming we solved all the complicated problems with respect to
maintaining diversity and operator incentives).

In order to make these estimates, I need some people to tell me:
 1. Your node identity fingerprints.
 2. How these fingerprints map to hardware, CPU cores, and uplink.
 3. How much you are paying for this uplink per month.

If you are paying less than market rate because of a friendly ISP,
ideally you would also tell me what the standard market rate is at that

If you have multiple nodes at multiple datacenters, please break these
costs and fingerprints out individually rather than telling me aggregate

I'd most like to hear from people who are doing the recommended
best-practice of running one Tor process instance per CPU core, are
paying for dedicated uplink at around 100Mbit/sec or higher at a
datacenter, and who are not CPU bound on any of their Tor processes. If
this does not apply to you, I'd still like to hear from you, but please
tell me these details of your setup.

Exit node data is most useful, but I am happy to hear about non-exits
too. I suspect they may be much cheaper on average, and getting some
data on this is also important. Unfortunately, bridges are not that
useful at this time.

You do not need to send this information publicly to the list. I am
happy to receive it privately via GPG. My GPG key id is
0x29846B3C683686CC, and that key signs all of my mail to all torproject
lists. You can get it here:

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Fwd: Call for a big fast bridge (to be the meek backend)

2014-09-17 Thread Mike Perry
Forwarded from tor-dev to here, in case any relay operators missed this:

- Forwarded message from David Fifield  -

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:12:23 -0700
From: David Fifield 
To: tor-...@lists.torproject.org
Subject: [tor-dev] Call for a big fast bridge (to be the meek backend)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

The meek pluggable transport is currently running on the bridge I run,
which also happens to be the backend bridge for flash proxy. I'd like to
move it to a fast relay run by an experienced operator. I want to do
this both to diffuse trust, so that I don't run all the infrastructure,
and because my bridge is not especially fast and I'm not especially
adept at performance tuning.

All you will need to do is run the meek-server program, add some lines
to your torrc, and update the software when I ask you to. The more CPU,
memory, and bandwidth you have, the better, though at this point usage
is low enough that you won't even notice it if you are already running a
fast relay. I think it will help if your bridge is located in the U.S.,
because that reduces latency from Google App Engine.

The meek-server plugin is basically just a little web server:

Since meek works differently than obfs3, for example, it doesn't help us
to have hundreds of medium-fast bridges. We need one (or maybe two or
three) big fat fast relays, because all the traffic that is bounced
through App Engine or Amazon will be pointed at it.

My PGP key is at https://www.bamsoftware.com/david/david.asc if you want
to talk about it.

David Fifield
tor-dev mailing list

- End forwarded message -

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] oniontip.com

2014-09-01 Thread Mike Perry
Donncha O'Cearbhaill:
> Thanks everyone for all the feedback I've received about OnionTip. It
> was originally created in a rush during a hackathon so there is
> definitely room for improvement.
> Mike Perry, as Mike Cardwell has said, it is currently possible to
> select a subset of relays to receive donations by using the filters
> (Country, Exit flag, Guard flag) at the the top of the OnionTip page.
> I'd like to expand these filters and maybe tweak the defaults to provide
> a greater share to exits. Exit bandwidth is more valuable to the
> network, and I believe it should be incentivised accordingly.

Ah, it was in no way clear to me that I was actually restricting my
donation to these nodes as opposed to just viewing them. I suppose I may
be dense, but I expect many others will think similarly, especially
since the UI for selection says "Only show ..." and not "Only donate to

> I completely agree that it's important the service and its payments are
> externally auditable. From an implementation point of view, when a user
> filters a particular set of relays and clicks the donate button, a new
> bitcoin keypair and address is derived and stored in the database along
> with the list of relays they've selected. Creating a new address for
> each donation is the simplest way of ensuring a users donation goes to
> the correct set of relays they select. Forwarding the donation directly
> from that one-time-use address to the receiving relay operators also
> allows the user to easily and immediately confirm on the blockchain that
> their donation was forwarded correctly.

Ah, I see. Ok. Makes sense.

> From an external point of view, next week I'll add a page to the site
> where anyone can view all previously sent transactions. I'll also
> publish the master public key which corresponds to the addresses I'm
> generating along with a script to confirm they are being generated
> without any tricks.

Ok. I can't speak for everyone at Tor, but I think this kind of
verifiability is what will make it much easier for us to agree to add a
link to OnionTip on our donations page.
> There's a few other issues in the current implementation which I have
> outlined on the Github repo
> (https://github.com/DonnchaC/oniontip/issues). I'll send a post to the
> list early next week with my proposed solutions and and look for some
> feedback before I implement them.

Great! Keep us in the loop.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] oniontip.com

2014-08-29 Thread Mike Cardwell
* on the Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 08:31:36PM -0700, Mike Perry wrote:

> 1. It should allow me to select if I want to donate only to nodes that
> have the Exit flag. Running an exit is way more involved (and often more
> expensive) than running a normal node, and I think it would be good to
> give folks the option to target their donation in this way. And perhaps
> encourage it as the default donation mode.
> 2. It also already seems to have GeoIP information, at least on the
> country level. There are all sorts of interesting selectors that could
> be done with this. You could donate to relays in countries in inverse
> proportion to the number of relays they have, to encourage
> jurisdictional diversity, for example. Or more simply, just pick a
> country. This one is admittedly less cool and more complicated to figure
> out than just the Exit vs non-exit thing, though. (Do you also weight
> countries per-capita? Per internet user? Per Tor user? etc).

You already seem able to do stuff like, filter based on country and
Exit status, and then donate only to those nodes that are listed.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
OpenPGP Key35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3   B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F
XMPP OTR Key   8924 B06A 7917 AAF3 DBB1   BF1B 295C 3C78 3EF1 46B4

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] oniontip.com

2014-08-28 Thread Mike Perry
Sebastian Urbach:
> Hi,
> I like to suggest adding oniontip.com to the "Donate" section on the
> tor website. It's a nice possibility to help the Relay-Oerators.

While I think OnionTip is awesome, I'm a little concerned about its
apparently built-in lack of external auditability. Why is it generating
one-time use Bitcoin addresses, for example?

If it is for key material protection reasons, why can't these one-time
addresses flow through a single more protected address, that is easy to
verify that it is performing as expected?

Amusingly, I'm perhaps the most vocal critic about the public visibility
of bitcoin transactions on our lists, but in this case, it would provide
a clean audit trail for the service, which is already mostly public
anyway, at least on the output side. And the input side is the
responsibility of the user to keep private with proper address use
and/or mixes, at least in the Bitcoin world as it is today.

While I'm at it, I have a couple wishlist items for this thing. I don't
think these are blockers to recommending the service as much as
auditability is, but they sure would be cool:

1. It should allow me to select if I want to donate only to nodes that
have the Exit flag. Running an exit is way more involved (and often more
expensive) than running a normal node, and I think it would be good to
give folks the option to target their donation in this way. And perhaps
encourage it as the default donation mode.

2. It also already seems to have GeoIP information, at least on the
country level. There are all sorts of interesting selectors that could
be done with this. You could donate to relays in countries in inverse
proportion to the number of relays they have, to encourage
jurisdictional diversity, for example. Or more simply, just pick a
country. This one is admittedly less cool and more complicated to figure
out than just the Exit vs non-exit thing, though. (Do you also weight
countries per-capita? Per internet user? Per Tor user? etc).

In my opinion, each of these breakout options should have their own
dedicated (intermediate/flow-through?) BTC address, so it is possible to
perform auditing for each of them using only the blockchain.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Advertised Bandwidth

2014-08-15 Thread Mike Patton
Hey there,

The advertised bandwidth will increase gradually. Well mine did.


On 16/08/2014 10:28 am, IceFish ThreeTwo 
> Hello!
> I'm unclear as to what the "Advertised Bandwidth" is on Atlas. My node has 
> it's bandwidth set to 700Kb/s, however on Atlas the Advertised Bandwidth is 
> around 7Kb/s. I'm on day three of running this relay and I have read the 
> Early Lifecycle blog post, but I'm still confused as to why the Advertised  
> Bandwidth is a hundredth of what I have it set to. 
> Thank you!
> Ice Fish
> -- 
> Sent from my iPhone
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] OnionTip.com distributes Bitcoin donations to all BTC addresses set in ContactInfo

2014-08-14 Thread Mike Cardwell
That depends entirely on how much people donate. At the bottom
of their front page it currently states that 335.26 mBTC have
been donated so far. Ie, a third of a bitcoin. It's impossible
to predict how much might be donated in future.

On the other hand. It costs you nothing to stick a bitcoin
address in a config file to find out.


* on the Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 05:23:27PM -0700, IceFish wrote:
> How much does it actually pay out? Like is it worth it? I run a fairly slow 
> small node
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Aug 13, 2014, at 17:05, Mike Patton  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> On 14 Aug 2014 08:34, Ed Carter  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Tim Semeijn schreef op 10/08/14 17:33: 
> >>>>> On 8/10/14, 4:32 PM, b...@unseen.is wrote: 
> >>>>> Hi, 
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> apparently this hasn't been discussed here yet. About a month ago, 
> >>>>> Donncha O'Cearbhaill build https://oniontip.com/ during the Dublin 
> >>>>> Bitcoin Hackathon. It is a webapp which automatically extracts all 
> >>>>> Bitcoin addresses set in the ContactInfo variable of the torrc and 
> >>>>> distributes Bitcoin donations based on the consensus weight. 
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> There are already 100+ relays listed which represent around 5% of 
> >>>>> the total consensus weight. In just a few weeks they distributed 
> >>>>> around 125 US$. 
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> There are many other theoretical ways to provide compensation to 
> >>>>> tor relay operators (see 
> >>>>> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-incentives-research-roundup-goldstar-par-braids-lira-tears-and-torcoin)
> >>>> but I really like this very simple and practical approach. 
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Thoughts? ___ 
> >>>>> tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> >>>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> >>>> 
> >>>> I myself added a bitcoin address to the ContactInfo variable of my 
> >>>> nodes when I saw a tweet about this initiative. It is a nice way to 
> >>>> offer a way to donate to multiple node running volunteers instead of 
> >>>> donating to a specific person or organization. 
> >>>> 
> >>>> My nodes take up 20% of the current donations based on consensus so it 
> >>>> would be nice if more relay operators take part in this project to 
> >>>> make it resemble the current Tor network better.
> >>> 
> >>> I really like this and I've added an address to my exits (4.2% of total 
> >>> exit consensus). However, for this to really kick off I'd recommend 
> >>> adding visibility on how many donations were received and how it was 
> >>> distributed across relays. There should be safeguards to prevent 
> >>> oniontip.com from taking a part of the money, etc. 
> >>> 
> >>> Tom 
> >>> 
> >>> ___ 
> >>> tor-relays mailing list 
> >>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> >>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> >> 
> >> Agreed, this is pretty awesome.  It allows independent relay operators to 
> >> receive donations no matter where they are in the world whether or not 
> >> they are affiliated with any group. 
> >> 
> >> The donations are transparent, since the money can be followed on the 
> >> Bitcoin blockchain to ensure that your donation made it to the individual 
> >> addresses of the relay operators. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ___ 
> >> tor-relays mailing list 
> >> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> >> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> > 
> > I like it! I've already made AUD $0.05!!! ;)
> > 
> > M.
> > ___
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
OpenPGP Key35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3   B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F
XMPP OTR Key   8924 B06A 7917 AAF3 DBB1   BF1B 295C 3C78 3EF1 46B4

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] OnionTip.com distributes Bitcoin donations to all BTC addresses set in ContactInfo

2014-08-13 Thread Mike Patton

On 14 Aug 2014 08:34, Ed Carter  wrote:
> > Tim Semeijn schreef op 10/08/14 17:33: 
> >> On 8/10/14, 4:32 PM, b...@unseen.is wrote: 
> >>> Hi, 
> >>> 
> >>> apparently this hasn't been discussed here yet. About a month ago, 
> >>> Donncha O'Cearbhaill build https://oniontip.com/ during the Dublin 
> >>> Bitcoin Hackathon. It is a webapp which automatically extracts all 
> >>> Bitcoin addresses set in the ContactInfo variable of the torrc and 
> >>> distributes Bitcoin donations based on the consensus weight. 
> >>> 
> >>> There are already 100+ relays listed which represent around 5% of 
> >>> the total consensus weight. In just a few weeks they distributed 
> >>> around 125 US$. 
> >>> 
> >>> There are many other theoretical ways to provide compensation to 
> >>> tor relay operators (see 
> >>> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-incentives-research-roundup-goldstar-par-braids-lira-tears-and-torcoin)
> >>>  
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >> but I really like this very simple and practical approach. 
> >>> 
> >>> Thoughts? ___ 
> >>> tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> >>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays 
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> I myself added a bitcoin address to the ContactInfo variable of my 
> >> nodes when I saw a tweet about this initiative. It is a nice way to 
> >> offer a way to donate to multiple node running volunteers instead of 
> >> donating to a specific person or organization. 
> >> 
> >> My nodes take up 20% of the current donations based on consensus so it 
> >> would be nice if more relay operators take part in this project to 
> >> make it resemble the current Tor network better. 
> > 
> > I really like this and I've added an address to my exits (4.2% of total 
> > exit consensus). However, for this to really kick off I'd recommend 
> > adding visibility on how many donations were received and how it was 
> > distributed across relays. There should be safeguards to prevent 
> > oniontip.com from taking a part of the money, etc. 
> > 
> > Tom 
> > 
> > ___ 
> > tor-relays mailing list 
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays 
> > 
> Agreed, this is pretty awesome.  It allows independent relay operators to 
> receive donations no matter where they are in the world whether or not 
> they are affiliated with any group. 
> The donations are transparent, since the money can be followed on the 
> Bitcoin blockchain to ensure that your donation made it to the individual 
> addresses of the relay operators. 
> ___ 
> tor-relays mailing list 
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays 

I like it! I've already made AUD $0.05!!! ;)

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] obfsproxy issue

2014-07-31 Thread Mike Patton

On 01/08/2014 3:00 am, Fereydoon Sepehri  wrote:
> Dear All,
> I want to set up tor Bridge. the bridge is up and working normally.
> I decided to use obfsproxy to set up obfs3 bridge.
> I installed Python, python-pip and obfsproxy.
> the obfsproxy is in "/usr/bin/" directory. The "obfsproxy which" command did 
> not show this directory but this:
> -bash: /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy: No such file or directory
> could you please advise me on this issue.
> Best Regards
> Fereydoon

As a suggestion, perhaps take the error meager as instructive? Try putting 
obfsproxy in /use/local/bin instead of /use/bin.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay not on Atlas or Globe?

2014-07-30 Thread Mike Patton
Yes is there now. Very strange. I restarted it today because of a Tor update 
and a few hours later it was fine.


On 30/07/2014 9:48 pm, Neuman1812  wrote:
> Its there...
> https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/527ACFA6E729CF1CF3203444BA7E5E6CA6CE7F89
> On 07/29/2014 07:58 PM, Michael Patton wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>   I have started a new exit relay recently (NetFreedomTest3 - 
>> 527ACFA6E729CF1CF3203444BA7E5E6CA6CE7F89) and it has been up over 5 days 
>> now.  It has started seeing some decent traffic lately too.  However I can't 
>> find the relay in Atlas or Globe?
>> Any ideas?
>> M.
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Running tor in VPS - keep away snooping eyes

2014-07-03 Thread Mike Cardwell
* on the Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 10:02:06AM +0200, Lunar wrote:

>>> I have done all that, so covered on that aspect. Was wondering if disk 
>>> encryption and use of something like TRESOR would be useful?
>> The private keys for the node are sensitive, and even the
>> .tor/state file for the guard nodes could be if the attacker
>> does not already have that info, same for any non default
>> node selection stuff in torrc. Tor presumably validates
>> the disk consensus files against its static keys on startup
>> so that's probably ok yet all easily under .tor anyway.
> Some says that it's better to leave the disk unencrypted because in case
> of seizure by the police, they can easily attest that the system was
> only running Tor and nothing else.

Even if it's encrypted, you can easily attest the exact same thing by
handing over your password... If you choose to do so.
> Some disagrees and says that we should always encrypt to make tampering
> and (extra-)legal backdoor installation more difficult.
> I believe the best strategy has never been really determined so far.

I know of only two benefits to not encrypting.

1.) On some systems, for some workloads, you might have some level of
improved performance. For a Tor node, I doubt there is any
noticable difference.

2.) You can reboot without having to enter a password.

Encryption gives you choice. The choice to hand over your password/key
or not. As far as I'm concerned, "the best strategy" *has* been
determined and it's to encrypt...

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
OpenPGP Key35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3   B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F
XMPP OTR Key   8924 B06A 7917 AAF3 DBB1   BF1B 295C 3C78 3EF1 46B4

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] VPS for tor exit nodes

2014-06-03 Thread Mike Patton
I have an exit with exigent here in Australia. They advised by email that they 
don't have an issue with Tor.


On 4 Jun 2014 08:56, I  wrote:
> > So can you post some provider names? 
> Comsitec.de is one which is ok with exits but I have a lot of trouble getting 
> their attention when it stops. 
> It is in Germany which is much better than being in USA because the mentality 
> is better. 
> Two I have which now say exits are not accepted are Lunanode and Bluevm. One 
> which was expensive but good is DrServer/AbusiveCores. The guy set up Tor 
> when I had a problem with Linux!. 
> Since some have said yes to exits when I paid but a week later 'introduced a 
> new policy' I wonder if it is worth being open. If you know what can be done 
> with fifteen VPSs for the next nine months which can't have Tor please tell 
> me. 
> Lowendbox.com is good for scavenging addresses and sudden bargains but it may 
> be better in the long run to pay a little more and get more cooperation. 
> It may be more useful to Tor at the moment to provide bridges and for that, I 
> believe, the very cheapest VPSs would do the job e.g. $AUD15/year. 
> Robert 
> > So can you post some provider names? 
> ___ 
> tor-relays mailing list 
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays 
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Exit node little traffic after Named flag?

2014-05-28 Thread Mike Patton
Hi all,

I started running an exit node as a test, about a month ago. Initially 
everything was fine and traffic was good up to my throttled limit.

However since my relay got given the Named flag, my traffic has been very very 

Any idea why that would be?

Relay nick is NetFreedomTest2


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exiting only port 8333

2014-03-23 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks Roger, that does indeed clear things up.

For background, I maintain the bitcoinj project which is a widely used Java
Bitcoin implementation. We are planning on bundling the Orchid Tor client
and switching on Tor by default for Bitcoin wallets that are based on this
library, if we can. We'll see how it goes but if the UX impact is not too
bad then we might be adding approximately 750,000 to 1M clients after the
update fully rolls out everywhere (which would take a while). About half a
million of those are Androids that would be waking up at least every 24
hours and sometimes more frequently.

I guess we can tweak Orchid so that it uses port 8333 in the policy rather
than the exit flag for selection of its exit nodes. Should not be difficult.

I've looked at the bandwidth graphs and see that since September Tor has
been adding more bandwidth capacity than usage, and Bitcoin SPV is low
bandwidth anyway so that seems fine. Though I'm curious what happened in
September - correlated with Snowden revealing that Tor wasn't cracked yet?
But, I couldn't find any graphs of CPU capacity. Seems like the impact of
lots of Bitcoin wallets building circuits would mostly be on the CPU side
rather than the bandwidth side. Orchid supports NTor so I'm hopeful the
impact would be fairly low, perhaps even lost in the noise.

If you have any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear them.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exiting only port 8333

2014-03-18 Thread Mike Hearn
+Roger, as I'm curious as to the rationale.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 9:12 PM, grarpamp  wrote:

> > If I'm not mistaken, you need to open two of the ports 80, 443 and 6667
> > to gain the Exit flag
> It's in dir-spec.txt as such. Probably under some rationale of
> making nodes most widely beneficial. I'd think soaking up btc
> traffic would be useful, if exit traffic stats supported that
> need... is it 20GB per thick btc client now?, plus ongoing...

Yes, and allowing people to exit only Bitcoin traffic seems beneficial in
other ways:  you're not likely to get abuse reports from just allowing port
8333, so the cost of being an exit for that is much lower. And it'd indeed
take bandwidth pressure off other nodes.

> > but not having that flag doesn't mean that you're not
> > an exit
> > Try waiting some days to see if there's some traffic on port 8333.
> The atlas graphs do show traffic for such nodes
> providing essentially just 8333. They're usable manually,
> just not automagically by the client I think. I forget
> how their traffic is picked up.

The globe page for my node shows "exit probability: 0" so I guess I'm
indeed not being sent any.

> There are 850+ nodes allowing 8333.
> Have you considered running an onion:8333 seed node
> to both serve btcnet and keep traffic off the exits?

Yes but it doesn't get any traffic for reasons I haven't bothered to figure
out yet. Anyway we can't run all of Bitcoin over Tor because it'd kill off
our (admittedly quite weak) anti-sybil defences.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Exiting only port 8333

2014-03-17 Thread Mike Hearn
I would like to be an exit for port 8333 only. I have configured my relay
to do this, but I am not being listed with the relay flag and do not see
any traffic exiting my node (at least not using arm). I saw an FAQ that
says this is because you have to exit web traffic to get marked as an exit.
I do not wish to do this.

Is there any way to exit just one port?
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Problems with domestic ISP blocking publicly listed relays

2014-01-28 Thread Mike Perry
> On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 19:02:32 +
> Paul Blakeman  allegedly wrote:
> > 
> > SO…
> > Can using a Tor relay result in your IP getting a “bad” flag?
> Yes. Running a Tor node on an IP address you share with your domestic
> usage can result in you being unable to reach sites which blacklist Tor
> nodes. This sometimes only happens with exit nodes, but some site
> operators are even more draconian than others and just block all Tor
> IPs. This can be particularly unfortunate if the site in question is
> your bank.

This is correct, *if* you are running a Tor relay (even a non-exit). And

> > Is there anyway of running a relay where you “hide” your IP?
> No. Tor relay IP addresses have to be visible to be reachable.

This is not fully correct. You can run your Tor relay as a Tor Bridge,
in which case its IP is not visible in the public node directory. We
only hand it out to people who solve a captcha on

We're also looking for people to run Obfsproxy bridges, which are also
unlisted but additionally obscure their traffic so the traffic does not
look like a Tor. As far as I know, we don't provide packages for this
yet, but if you are technically inclined, you can set one up manually on
Linux by following these instructions:

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How effective is "NumCPUs"?

2014-01-24 Thread Mike Perry
Or, you know, you could just run one tor daemon per core as has been

Thanks for your understanding and your patience with us while we work on
this and a couple other slightly difficult and pressing engineering

Christian Dietrich:
> I've got arround 200 mbits with an Intel Xeon E3-1230v2 (not over
> 30% total cpu usage - 1 core at ~100%).
> Pretty slow for an dedicated gigabit connection, due to this fact
> i've killed my nodes.
> The ticket for this "problem" is still not solved, after 3 1/2 years. :[
> quote from the ticket(would sign that):
> May I suggest to get this at critical priority?
> 21th century crypto software can't afford to be not fully-threaded ;)
> No CPU sold today is mono-core anymore, and I sure few people would
> run a tor dedicated relay up 24/24 to see it used at only 1/n'th of
> its capacity.
> >On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:49 , Alexander Dietrich wrote:
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>a relay I'm running is currently at about 0.80 load average. It has a 
> >>dual-core CPU and I have configured "NumCPUs 2". I'm still in the process 
> >>of finding the bandwidth limit.
> >>
> >>Should I keep increasing "RelayBandwidthRate" on the single Tor process, or 
> >>is it a better idea to start a second process?
> >In my experience, CPU load does not depend much on the amount of traffic, 
> >but much more on the number of connections/handshakes.
> >___
> >tor-relays mailing list
> >tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> >https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Would be good if Tor were more multithreaded.

2014-01-24 Thread Mike Perry
The NumCPUs option only causes OnionSkins (circuit creation requests) to
be processed on additional threads. This is only a portion of the CPU
cost of a tor relay (doesn't include TLS, circuit-level AES, packet
handling/memory operations, etc), and now that the network is switching
over to the considerably faster ntor circuit handshake, it will become
an even smaller one.

Making Tor fully multithreaded for all of its CPU-intensive operations
is a large task. 

For now, the best option for high speed relays is to run multiple Tor
daemons with separate OR ports. If you have AES-NI, you can do about
300Mbit per Tor daemon. If not, you can do about 100Mbit per daemon. You
can run at most two daemons per external IP, so if you have a higher
capacity uplink than that, you have to get more IPs from your provider.

Sebastian Urbach:
> Hi,
> Did you consider the numCPUs option ?
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Sincerely yours
> Sebastian Urbach
> --
> Those who would give up essential Liberty,
> to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve
> neither Liberty nor Safety.
> --
> Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790),  Inventor,
> journalist, printer, diplomat, and statesman
> Here's where top hangs out on Libero. Seems it would be a better
> situation if Tor would actually use the second core.
> top - 12:05:07 up 5 days, 21:35,  1 user,  load average: 0.33, 0.43, 0.34
> Tasks: 130 total,   2 running, 128 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu0  : 47.2%us, 21.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 17.6%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi, 13.8%si,  0.3%st
> Cpu1  :  0.0%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
> Mem:   1914136k total,   718704k used,  1195432k free,   139588k buffers
> Swap:  3981304k total,0k used,  3981304k free,   116320k cached
> 1340 _tor  20   0  566m 224m  36m R 71.7 12.0   6168:37 tor
> 9887 nobody20   0 21644  13m  892 S  7.3  0.7   0:31.85 scamper
> 9889 root  20   0  102m  916  772 S  0.7  0.0   0:02.80 sed
> 9921 root  20   0 15028 1312  992 R  0.3  0.1   0:00.19 top
>1 root  20   0 19232 1480 1212 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.27 init
>2 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bandwidth authority algorithm is cracked

2014-01-21 Thread Mike Perry
nothing more than ten or fifteen minutes in any week.
> > 
> > The local node bandwidth calculation is consistently 490-495
> > Kbytes/sec.  Very stable.  Very consistent.
> > 
> > The Tor bandwidth authorities assign values anywhere from 100
> > Kbytes/sec to almost 700 Kbytes/sec in an oscillating pattern with a
> > period of about one week.
> > 
> > Something is seriously wrong with that.
> > 
> > ___ tor-relays mailing
> > list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays 
> > ___ tor-relays mailing
> > list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org 
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> > 
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] New GPG key for Mike Perry

2013-09-27 Thread Mike Perry
Hi everyone, 

I've finally made a new GPG key (after a scant 7 years!). 

This new key will be used to sign email from me going forward, and will
be used to sign software releases until such time as I get around to
creating a second set of keys on a hardware token for that purpose.

While I dislike the Web of Trust for a number of reasons*, my plan is to
cross-certify these two sets of new keys, and also sign both with my old
key. Hence I will not immediately be issuing a revocation for my old

The new key is attached, and is available on the keyservers (with a
signature from my old key) at:

Here's the fingerprint and current subkey information for reference:
pub   8192R/29846B3C683686CC 2013-09-11
  Key fingerprint = C963 C21D 6356 4E2B 10BB  335B 2984 6B3C 6836 86CC
uid  Mike Perry (Regular use key) 

sub   4096R/717F1F130E3A92E4 2013-09-11 [expires: 2014-09-11]
sub   4096R/A3BD8153BC40FFA0 2013-09-11 [expires: 2014-09-11]

This message should also be signed by my previous key, which was used
extensively to sign my email and my source code releases prior to today.

* Ensuing flamewars about the Web of Trust should reply only to tor-talk.

Mike Perry


[tor-relays] Overload data for Exit vs Non-Exit (and Guard vs Middle)?

2013-08-30 Thread Mike Perry
To try to get to the bottom of the recent influx of clients to the Tor
network, it might be useful to compare load characteristics since 8/19
for nodes with different types of flags.

People with Munin setups: it would be especially useful if you could
post links/graph images for connection counts, bandwidth, and CPU load
since 8/19.

I'm particularly interested if people with just the Exit flag (w/o
Guard) are seeing increased connection counts that aren't explained by
uptime or ramp-up. So far the only datapoint I have for this is 
but it looks like that node just rebooted and possibly rekeyed, so it's
connection increase could just be due to that.

It would also be interesting to see if Guard+Exits are seeing a greater
increase in connection counts than just Guards. 

I'm also wondering if any aspects of the load has any other relation to
node flags.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] hardware

2013-07-11 Thread Mike Perry
Andy Isaacson:
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 08:46:20PM +0200, Andreas Fink wrote:
> > can someone give me hints on what hardware would be best suited to run
> > big fat tor exit nodes connected with multiple 1gbps or 10gps links?
> > We are considering putting some fat boxes near major internet
> > exchanges of the world.
> Modern Xeon, AES-NI is helpful, HT is not very helpful (but not hurtful
> either), higher clock rate is more helpful than more cores.  4GB of RAM
> per core, you can probably get away with 2GB/core but why skimp.
> Noisetor uses most of a 4-core X3350 2.6 GHz to push ~500 Mbps
> symmetric.  That's without AES-NI, so I'd expect a quadcore 2.5 GHz
> AES-NI to be able to fill a 1Gbps pipe.

This sounds right (~100Mbit per CPU core without AES-NI), but it would
be good to hear Moritz weigh in here with some additional datapoints for
AES-NI. Last I heard, AES-NI gets you ~300Mbit per core, but I have no
direct experience myself.

The key thing to know is that Tor is still not great at multithreading.
In fact, the torrc option 'NumCPUs' is mostly useless for relays at
this scale.

For this reason, you want to run one tor daemon per CPU core, with a max
of two per IP, and something like 2-4GB of RAM per daemon like Andy
said. That's why we have noiseexit01a-d, Amunet1-8, manning1-2, etc. 

You probably also shouldn't run too many of these sized relays by
yourself, either. It is generally considered poor form to run too much
of the Tor network by yourself until other people can catch up and
balance your efforts. I would look for ways to decentralize/delegate
once you got beyond a couple gbits or so for this reason. Please feel
free to ask the list for suggestions on legal and admin structure for
accomplishing this.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Final Warning Notice

2013-07-11 Thread Mike Perry
Chris Sheats:
> Mike-
> >> Is their problem the amount of work they have to do because of the abuse
> >> and legal complaints? Then offer to handle them directly.
> >>
> >> The best way to do so is to become the contact address for the IP. With
> >> your Regional Internet Registry, the process is usually called SWIP [1].
> >> The issue you might run into is that SWIP is only available for a
> >> minimum of 8 IPv4 addresses. So they might charge you more and you might
> >> have to switch to a new IP address.
> >>
> >> You probably should switch to a non-exit policy while negociating. If
> >> you and CondoInternet are not able to find a process where you could
> >> handle abuses directly, fast non-exit relays with good bandwidth are
> >> still a very useful contribution to the network! (and they would not get
> >> any legal complaints)
> >
> > Yes, I want to emphasize the value of being a high capacity non-exit
> > relay. I want to investigate various types of padding for Website
> > Traffic Fingerprinting and correlation, and I think that if we end up
> > having more Guard bandwidth than Exit bandwidth, we can write parameters
> > into the consensus that instruct clients to use this extra capacity for
> > padding:
> > https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7028
> >
> > Did they shut you down entirely, even forbidding non-exit for some
> > reason? Or did you decide to move to a new ISP that supports exits?
> I turned Tor off voluntarily, and have been planning on reconfiguring
> my node for relay-only traffic. In previous correspondence, I asked if
> there were any other Tor Exit's on their network, and they said no. So
> this isn't a good precedent for TorProject/Seattle volunteers
> considering that they provide 100 and 1000 Mbps service.

Yeah, this is the flip side to my suggestion of switching to non-exit..
In terms of advocacy for Tor, it may be more important to send them a
message by taking your business elsewhere.

I guess it all depends on how expensive their service is, and if you
would keep using it anyway for other purposes. 

How much does the service cost? And you only get 1 dedicated IP at
1Gbit, or do you get more?

Note that only 1 IP means you can only run 2 Tor instances on that, and
even with AES-NI, each Tor instance probably caps out at about 300Mbit
at most. Without AES-NI, you probably could only push 100-150Mbit per
Tor instance...

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Final Warning Notice

2013-07-11 Thread Mike Perry
> Chris Sheats:
> > Hey tor-relays,
> > 
> > The past few months, since I upgraded my net connection to 1Gbps, I've
> > hit the top 40 fastest relays and the top 20 fastest exit nodes,
> > peaking to over 17 MB/s. I've always prided the fact that my ISP,
> > CondoInternet in Seattle, has been very welcoming of my reduced exit
> > node. In the past, the malicious activity hasn't been "too much" for
> > my ISP--examples here: http://yawnbox.com/1461--but now they want me
> > to shut it down. What are my options?

By "reduced", were you using the ReducedExitPolicy? This would eliminate
the bittorrent complaints. It sounds like you were, but I wanted to
confirm (and your node is no longer in the consensus :/).


> Is their problem the amount of work they have to do because of the abuse
> and legal complaints? Then offer to handle them directly.
> The best way to do so is to become the contact address for the IP. With
> your Regional Internet Registry, the process is usually called SWIP [1].
> The issue you might run into is that SWIP is only available for a
> minimum of 8 IPv4 addresses. So they might charge you more and you might
> have to switch to a new IP address.
> You probably should switch to a non-exit policy while negociating. If
> you and CondoInternet are not able to find a process where you could
> handle abuses directly, fast non-exit relays with good bandwidth are
> still a very useful contribution to the network! (and they would not get
> any legal complaints)

Yes, I want to emphasize the value of being a high capacity non-exit
relay. I want to investigate various types of padding for Website
Traffic Fingerprinting and correlation, and I think that if we end up
having more Guard bandwidth than Exit bandwidth, we can write parameters
into the consensus that instruct clients to use this extra capacity for

Did they shut you down entirely, even forbidding non-exit for some
reason? Or did you decide to move to a new ISP that supports exits?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Theft of Tor relay private keys?

2013-07-02 Thread Mike Perry
> Hello all, please help me understanding this:
> supposed, the NSA were able to break into a large scale of tor nodes,
> stealing the tor private server key. At the same time they were able
> to gather all traffic they can get. Wouldnt this increase the
> likelihood that data from complete circuits can be decrypted and
> traced back to the original sender?

If their intercepts are passive, merely stealing relays' private
identity key won't accomplish much because Tor uses Forward Secrecy for
both the relay TLS links and for circuit setup.

However, if their intercepts are active (as in they can arbitrarily
manipulate traffic in-flight), then stealing either Guard node keys or
directory authority keys allows complete route capture and traffic
discovery of targeted clients.

So you are right to worry about this, in my opinion. I am also very

I want to make some changes to Tor to make such key theft easier to
detect, less damaging, and harder to make use of:

However, I want to do a lot of other things in 0.2.5.x though too, and
there's this whole browser thing that I'm technically supposed to be
paying attention to too, so I might not get to those. :/

That first one (#7126) is probably a good volunteer/student project for
someone who likes Python, though. It would be easy to make a prototype
with Stem, txtorcon, or even TorCtl.
> Maybe this is paranoid, but this arises the question for me: what
> would happen when I stop my tor node once a week, throw away my keys
> and restart tor so that new server keys were generated. So NSA would
> have to break into my system again, but this would make it harder for
> NSA agency to decrypt circuits where my host is involved.

I am in favor of regular identity key rotation for relays, and I want to
work towards supporting that better by default:

I think keeping your keys on a ramdisk or encrypted filesystem with a
memory-only random key (so if you experience unexplained reboots, etc
they go away) is a good idea.

Also, since Tor reads/creates its identity key at startup and doesn't
need the file afterwords, you can even 'shred'/'wipe' it after that, so
the adversary can't easily pull them off the FS while the system is

Better still, you can load a Kernel module to disable gdb debugger
support so the adversary has to actually dig through/manipulate raw
memory to get the key (which will be error prone and is more likely to
lead to crashes/panics/reboots): https://gist.github.com/1216637

I started describing these and related ideas here:

But I got distracted by more pressing issues before I could finish the
scripts.. Also, many of those encrypted+authenticated Tor container
things probably don't make much sense without Secure Boot to
authenticate the boot process up until you can start up Tor. :/

> What were the disadvantages for the tor network? Would this confuse
> the tor director in any way?  

Sort of. Weekly identity key rotation is too frequent to recommend for
people to do for a few reasons. 

First, it takes the bandwidth measurement servers a couple days to ramp
up your capacity of your new identity key, so you will spend a lot of
time below your max throughput. Second, you would also likely never get
the Guard flag. Third, there are also load balancing issues with Guard
nodes where as soon as you get the Guard flag, it will take 1-2 months
before clients switch to your new Guard, so you will also likely spend
that time at less than your full capacity.

> Would it be able to keep the nickname or would it have to change also?
> Would this have effect on the onion address if I had a hidden server?

No and no, but your hidden server might have brief downtimes/descriptor
publish times that correlate with your key rotation. Not sure how severe
that is in practice.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Tor is out

2013-06-16 Thread Mike Perry
resents a bugfix on a previous bugfix: the original fix
>   attempted in was incomplete. Fixes bug 8235; bugfix
>   on
> - Give a less useless error message when the user asks for an IPv4
>   address on an IPv6-only port, or vice versa. Fixes bug 8846; bugfix
>   on
>   o Minor features:
> - Downgrade "unexpected SENDME" warnings to protocol-warn for 0.2.4.x,
>   to tolerate bug 8093 for now.
> - Add an "ignoring-advertised-bws" boolean to the flag-threshold lines
>   in directory authority votes to describe whether they have enough
>   measured bandwidths to ignore advertised (relay descriptor)
>   bandwidth claims. Resolves ticket 8711.
> - Update to the June 5 2013 Maxmind GeoLite Country database.
>   o Removed documentation:
> - Remove some of the older contents of doc/ as obsolete; move others
>   to torspec.git. Fixes bug 8965.
>   o Code simplification and refactoring:
> - Avoid using character buffers when constructing most directory
>   objects: this approach was unwieldy and error-prone. Instead,
>   build smartlists of strings, and concatenate them when done.

> ___
> tor-talk mailing list
> tor-t...@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-talk

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Skype banned tor-nodes?

2013-05-28 Thread Mike Perry
Cross-posting to tor-relays to give everyone the heads up - I just added
33033 to the ReducedExitPolicy page for Skype:

Non-relay related discussion should remove tor-relays from the Cc.

James Brown:

> Hello, people!
> Because many my contacts continue to use Skype and don't want to use any
> nice soft (such as jabber, torchat and etc.) I need to use it too.
> For protecting of my location and etc. I use it only through Tor (on VM
> working under transparently-torifed user).
> Some days ago I would be very, very difficalt to connect to skype
> through the Tor-net (earlier it was very easy).
> As can I see in my Vidalia, my skype application can make resolving
> through tor and can connect to hosts through port 443, but conncetions
> with port 33033 cannot establish (I can the the trying to open it and
> after it it closed immediatly).
> As can I see the skype doesn't work without that connections which now
> establishes very rarely.
> I have 2 versions:
> a) the Skype team ban the Tor-connections to skype (but I can still
> connect to skype to ports 443 and I can to browse their web-site and
> even log in to it through the Tor without any problems)
> or
> b) many Tor-exits don't let the above-mentioned port (33033) in their
> ExitPolicy.

> It is not good from the Skype team if they do the first.
> If the second  hypothesis is right I ask owners of Exit-nodes, if it
> possible, to let that port in their ExitPolicies.

Not sure if that's actually the problem, but if the only way you can
get to Skype is to use a Bittorrent-supporting exit, it certainly seems
like a possibility.

Thanks for the heads up James!

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Can you double check my exit policy for usefulness while minimizing complaints

2013-04-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Nate Homier (t...@universal-mechanism.org):

> I was wondering if I have a good compromise between not allowing
> BitTorrent and allowing enough ports to be useful.  Here's mine.

I think the better question is "Why do you think you should remove the
ports you removed from the ReducedExitPolicy?"

If you can't answer that question, you should just use the

> How does this compare with this policy located here:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy
> Should I use the official Tor reduced policy or is mine good enough to
> be useful while minimizing complaints.

If you're already going to run an exit, it is best to be as permissive
as possible. It is a bad idea arbitrarily restrict the apps that people
can use Tor for without very good reason. 

After you remove bittorrent, most of the abuse mail you'll get will be
due to 80 and 443 anyway. There are also technical reasons to avoid
having 1000 slightly different versions of the reduced exit policy.

Hence the reduced policy allows every app port that we could find in
use, *except* bittorrent.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] tor-relays Digest, Vol 20, Issue 24

2012-09-30 Thread Mike Edwards

Hi, thanks all. It looks like the port forwarding is not working. I get the 
message below when I try the test suggested. I guess it must be something to do 
with the modem router and when I get a chance I'll try testing if I can get any 
incoming traffic - not sure how best to do this though...maybe set up an FTP 
server and try to access it!

I'm also thinking of using a proxy. My friend suggested hidemyass.com any other 
suggestions would be really gratefully received.

Thanks again, all really helpful replies.

Cheers, M

The requested resource could not be loaded. libcurl returned the error:
couldn't connect to host

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Directory Port Reachability Test Failed?

2012-09-28 Thread Mike Edwards

Hi There,

I have been keeping a causal eye on Tor for quite a few years now and 
have been getting more and more worried about the data/meta data that is 
being collected and the known and unknown micro and macro ways in which 
it can be used to harm/manipulate individuals, groups and societies. 
Anyway, last week I got a new Android phone and installed Orbot and then 
happened to watched the latest Juiced Media Rap News which prompted me 
to set up Tor on my Linux laptop. Since then I have (for the last few 
days) been trying to set up a Tor relay to help the community but 
haven't managed. I have read quite a few guides including the one on the 
TorProject site (https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en). 
I'm pretty stuck and hoping someone might be able to help?

My hardware set up is:
Boradband phone line into > modem router (no wireless and only 1 out 
going Ethernet port - I have tried login into this box but can't!) 
plugged in via Eithernet into > Netgear wireless router which 
communicates over wireless with my  > Thinkpad laptop running Ubuntu 
12.04 (see a photo my  modem router and wireless router set-up here: 
http://flossnotes.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/tor-relay.html )

I have Tor set up as a relay as per the configuration guide (see 
screenshots of the "Sharing tab (everything else is default)*. I have 
set up port forwarding on the Netgear wireless router for ports 9001 and 
9030 (see screenshot*). I have stopped my Laptops fire wall using Fire 
Starter. And, in desperation I have even set-up my laptops IP in the DMZ 
settings on the Netgear wireless router (see screenshot*)

*photos and screen shots here: 

Again in more detail...
1) I have Tor running and my internet traffic from Firefox is going 
through it. I know this because when I visit: 
https://check.torproject.org/ I'm met with the message "Congratulations. 
Your browser is configured to use Tor" and I get these messages in the 
Tor message log

"[Fri Sep 28 14:22:32 2012] The Tor Software is Running - You are 
currently running version " (git-4a0c70a817797420)" of the 
Tor software."

"[Fri Sep 28 14:23:28 2012] External IP Address Changed - Tor has 
determined your relay's public IP address is currently xx.xxx.xx.106. If 
that is not correct, please consider setting the 'Address' option in 
your relay's configuration."

"[Fri Sep 28 14:23:38 2012] Connected to the Tor Network - We were able 
to successfully establish a connection to the Tor network. You can now 
configure your applications to use the Internet anonymously."

2) I have followed the configuring Tor relay guide and get these messages,

"[Fri Sep 28 14:23:38 2012] Checking Server Port Reachability - Tor is 
trying to determine if your relay's server port is reachable from the 
Tor network by connecting to itself at xx.xxx.xx.106:9001. This test 
could take several minutes."

"[Fri Sep 28 14:43:28 2012] Server Port Reachability Test Failed - Your 
relay's server port is not reachable by other Tor clients. This can 
happen if you are behind a router or firewall that requires you to set 
up port forwarding. If xx.xxx.xx.106:9001 is not your correct IP address 
and server port, please check your relay's configuration."

(I get the same message for port 9030 - Directory)

3) I have configured my Netgear router to forward ports 9001 and 9030 
asa per the instructions here: 

4) I have stopped my laptops firewall.

5) On the Netgear router I have set up my laptops IP to sit outside of 
the firewall in the "DMZ" so as far as I understand, it should be 
exposed to all external requests!

Sorry for such a long first post. I'm pretty frustrated!

Any help would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Mike
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Massive ongoing google groups spamming

2012-09-13 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (mor...@torservers.net):

> On 07.09.2012 00:15, tor-admin wrote:
> > Running an Exit without custom WHOIS, all abuse message are received by my 
> > ISP and forwarded. So I have to temporarily ban google groups. How do other 
> > operators deal with this?
> We receive the same reports and answer them like always; now, as they
> are still coming in, we ignore them.

Yes, we even have a template for the Google Groups case on the wiki:

But if the same person keeps sending you the same abuse message as
opposed to actually trying to get Google to block the offending
authenticated Google account, well that person has spamming issues of
their own.

Are Google Groups accounts easier to create than Gmail accounts for some
reason? I was under the impression Gmail has hated on account creation
over Tor for some time now.. 

If that is still true, it's likely this new abuser uses both Tor and
non-Tor... Thus simply blocking Tor from Usenet (even if we could) as
the abuse complaint demands is unlikely to stop the abuse.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Port Usage Statistics for "Allow all" nodes

2012-08-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Steve Snyder (swsny...@snydernet.net):

> On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:44pm, "Mike Perry"
>  said:
> > Here's the read and write statistics from the ExtraInfo descriptors
> > from a handful of the fastest default-policy and reduced-policy
> > relays:
> > 
> Pardon my tangent, but: The enormous discrepancy in read/write values,
> if accurate, makes a mockery of AccountingMax for purposes of tracking
> bandwidth used.

These are per-port exit stats. I believe AccountingMax is for *all*
relayed traffic.

For every byte the exit writes to a port, that is a byte it had to read
on an orconn from another relay.

Similarly, for every byte an exit read from a port, that is a byte it
has to write to an orconn to another relay.

Thus, for exit relays, *total* upstream and downstream will be mostly
symmetric. There may be some discrepencies for packing data into 512
byte cells, though.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Port Usage Statistics for "Allow all" nodes

2012-08-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (mor...@torservers.net):

> At torservers.net, we run some large exit relays with an "allow all
> except port 25" policy.
> These are statistics from ARM showing exit port statistics of a fast
> exit running for seven hours at 30-40 MB/s:
> 443   HTTPS   17650   (%55)
> 80HTTP10625   (%33)
> 8344  739 (%2)

How long has this relay been up using that IP? Was the exit only 7 hours

And is this read+write, or just one direction?

Here's the read and write statistics from the ExtraInfo descriptors from
a handful of the fastest default-policy and reduced-policy relays:

Default exit lumumba read 819.7M
   other: 66.5% 80: 22.7% 443: 5.1% 51413: 1.4% 6881: 1.2% 182: 0.8% 
Default exit lumumba wrote 257.7M
   other: 91.4% 443: 1.9% 80: 1.8% 6881: 1.6% 62686: 1.5% 51413: 1.5% 

Default exit chomsky read 744.0M
   80: 44.7% other: 40.1% 443: 10.0% 182: 1.1% 51413: 1.0% 4000: 0.7% 
Default exit chomsky wrote 164.3M
   other: 85.2% 443: 5.1% 80: 4.8% 51413: 2.7% 32460: 1.0% 6881: 1.0% 

Default exit politkovskaja2 read 872.3M
   other: 70.5% 80: 19.3% 443: 4.2% 51413: 1.8% 182: 1.1% 6881: 0.9% 
Default exit politkovskaja2 wrote 292.4M
   other: 92.8% 443: 1.6% 12762: 1.4% 51413: 1.4% 80: 1.4% 6881: 1.3% 

Default exit politkovskaja read 887.8M
   other: 70.7% 80: 19.1% 443: 4.2% 51413: 1.5% 6881: 1.0% 23877: 0.8% 
Default exit politkovskaja wrote 301.3M
   other: 93.0% 443: 1.7% 51413: 1.5% 80: 1.5% 6881: 1.3% 45682: 0.8% 

Default exit rainbowwarrior read 695.0M
   80: 43.9% other: 41.7% 443: 9.5% 182: 1.4% 51413: 0.9% 6881: 0.6% 
Default exit rainbowwarrior wrote 148.5M
   other: 86.9% 443: 5.3% 80: 4.7% 51413: 1.4% 6881: 1.3% 8333: 0.2% 

Misc Exit bouazizi read 662.9M
   80: 78.4% 443: 20.6% 8080: 0.3% other: 0.2% 22: 0.1% 8333: 0.1% 
Misc Exit bouazizi wrote 30.4M
   443: 56.5% 80: 42.9% other: 0.2% 8080: 0.1% 22: 0.1% 8333: 0.1% 

Misc Exit assk2 read 314.6M
   80: 78.1% 443: 20.4% 563: 0.5% 8333: 0.4% 8080: 0.2% 3389: 0.1% 
Misc Exit assk2 wrote 13.3M
   443: 55.1% 80: 42.9% 8333: 1.1% other: 0.9% 8080: 0.1% 3128: 0.0% 

Misc Exit assk read 275.6M
   80: 78.6% 443: 20.3% 8333: 0.5% 8080: 0.3% 3389: 0.1% other: 0.1% 
Misc Exit assk wrote 12.4M
   443: 55.5% 80: 41.9% 8333: 2.0% other: 0.6% 8080: 0.1% 995: 0.0% 

Misc Exit Amunet6 read 265.1M
   80: 78.0% 443: 19.6% 8080: 1.0% 22: 0.9% 3389: 0.1% 8333: 0.1% 
Misc Exit Amunet6 wrote 10.7M
   443: 54.2% 80: 44.7% 8333: 0.4% other: 0.4% 22: 0.1% 81: 0.1% 

Misc Exit noiseexit01b read 250.2M
   80: 78.0% 443: 20.5% 8080: 0.5% 81: 0.4% 8333: 0.2% 995: 0.1% 
Misc Exit noiseexit01b wrote 10.9M
   443: 53.0% 80: 45.2% 8333: 1.1% other: 0.5% 8080: 0.1% 995: 0.0% 

Misc Exit raskin read 670.2M
   80: 77.6% 443: 21.2% 8080: 0.3% 563: 0.2% other: 0.2% 81: 0.2% 
Misc Exit raskin wrote 30.3M
   443: 57.3% 80: 42.1% 8333: 0.3% other: 0.3% 995: 0.0% 8080: 0.0% 

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays

2012-07-24 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Nils Vogels (bacardic...@gmail.com):

> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
> > Thus spake k...@damnfbi.tk (k...@damnfbi.tk):
> >
> > > Hey all,
> > > Have you contemplated sending this over to the hackerspaces list?
> >
> > There exists THE list for hackerspaces? Well hot damn. Are these them:
> > http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/
> >
> > Also, how do we recognize reputable Hackerspaces from "Sketchy bunch of
> > d00dz who think it will be totally awesome fun to pwn a bunch of Tor
> > users?" Should we check for previous reliable Tor relays from them?
> > Should we just not care?
> It's funny this comes up now :) I know for a fact that most Dutch
> hackerspaces either run a tor node, or have a member running a Tor node.
> Their motives have never been questioned, so why start now :)

Yeah, I was asking a subset of Roger's parent question: "Should we fund
new relays by new people, fund new relays by existing community members,
or fund upgrades to existing relays by existing community members?"

I think if we just start dumping money on total strangers who have never
run Tor exits before, it is less likely to lead to a stable outcome
where those exits continue to exist.

> In most countries there is a foundation covering multiple hackerspaces,
> these are usually where you'd want to start. If you need some more contacts
> in the Benelux and UK area, I can lend a hand.

Good suggestion. I do generally agree that hackerspaces are a great
untapped potential for running more Tor nodes. It is definitely
something that should be explored. Not sure who (if anyone) is tasked
with driving this whole exit sponsoring initiative yet, though.

I also like the idea of favoring larger, better organized hackerspaces
that are more likely to be able to continue to manage their exits over
the long term.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays

2012-07-24 Thread Mike
In my short experience of running an exit relay on a cheap vps I can say.
You can do this on less than 30 a month. It might not be true 100 mbit 24/7
but does that really matter? If you get enough interested parties it should
balance out right?
For surfing/email etc 10 mbit is plenty I think? Mine averaged around 10
mbit/s 24/7 which isn't bad for a cheap unlimited
vps. Who doesn't like a fast ToR network but the reality is, those speeds
are perfectly acceptable for most of what
ToR users do. If for some reason you need to upload a few gigs of leaked
files, than force the network to connect to one of the faster relays. (but
even still there are a lot residential connections that can't utilize the
full upstream bandwidth the exit offers anyway)
If you lock the exit ports down, there should not be any DMCA issues with
the provider and you.
I never was called out for issues with spam. Forum admins who deal with
spam have several ways of dealing with it. So unless someone decides to use
your exit for email spam and a lot of it. I wouldn't worry about the spam
down any exit relays. Haven't read of that on the list yet actually. DMCA
will indeed make your provider not like you.
in closing, don't discredit the cheaper solutions. They do work just fine
and you don't need a pocket of money to throw at something.
Telling the provider what you plan on doing and educating them works
wonders as well. It has for me at least.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Nils Vogels  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
>> Thus spake k...@damnfbi.tk (k...@damnfbi.tk):
>> > Hey all,
>> > Have you contemplated sending this over to the hackerspaces list?
>> There exists THE list for hackerspaces? Well hot damn. Are these them:
>> http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/
> Yeah, that's the one :-)
>> Is there a specific sub-list we should focus on? Announce? Discuss?
>> Other?
> Probably the main list, possibly discuss.
>> Also, how do we recognize reputable Hackerspaces from "Sketchy bunch of
>> d00dz who think it will be totally awesome fun to pwn a bunch of Tor
>> users?" Should we check for previous reliable Tor relays from them?
>> Should we just not care?
> It's funny this comes up now :) I know for a fact that most Dutch
> hackerspaces either run a tor node, or have a member running a Tor node.
> Their motives have never been questioned, so why start now :)
> In most countries there is a foundation covering multiple hackerspaces,
> these are usually where you'd want to start. If you need some more contacts
> in the Benelux and UK area, I can lend a hand.
> --
> Simple guidelines to happiness:
> Work like you don't need the money,
> Love like your heart has never been broken and
> Dance like no one can see you.
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Call for discussion: turning funding into more exit relays

2012-07-24 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake k...@damnfbi.tk (k...@damnfbi.tk):

> Hey all,
> Have you contemplated sending this over to the hackerspaces list?

There exists THE list for hackerspaces? Well hot damn. Are these them:

Is there a specific sub-list we should focus on? Announce? Discuss?

Also, how do we recognize reputable Hackerspaces from "Sketchy bunch of
d00dz who think it will be totally awesome fun to pwn a bunch of Tor
users?" Should we check for previous reliable Tor relays from them?
Should we just not care?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] How many PK operations does a typical home-run relay or bridge do in 24 hours?

2012-07-14 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Karsten Loesing (kars...@torproject.org):

> At the Florence hackfest I was asked for the typical number of RSA
> operations performed by a relay or bridge, say, per day.  We're mostly
> interested in home-run relays and bridges on DSL lines and similar,
> because that's where Torouter devices will be deployed, too.  So,
> Amunet and TorServers are out here. :)

Dude, if crypto acceleration works out on these things, 8 of them shoved
in a 1U space might be cheaper to deploy than a beefy 8-core 1U machine.
Of course, most sane datacenters might consider this a fire hazard,
unless we can create some sort of safe racking harness for them...
> Tor has a built-in feature to count PK operations.  If one sends a
> USR1 signal to the tor process, it writes a line like this to its log
> file (though this line comes from a client):
> Jul 10 18:31:22.904 [info] PK operations: 0 directory objects signed,
> 0 directory objects verified, 0 routerdescs signed, 2968 routerdescs
> verified, 216 onionskins encrypted, 0 onionskins decrypted, 30
> client-side TLS handshakes, 0 server-side TLS handshakes, 0 rendezvous
> client operations, 0 rendezvous middle operations, 0 rendezvous server
> operations.
> Of course, if someone has more thoughts on measuring how many PK ops a
> relay or bridge does, please say so! :)

What does the log line mean? It looks like these are counts since
startup? I assume your plan is to divide by the total uptime of the

Does SIGHUP clear them? Can they get cleared in other sitations?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] case law on for exit nodes

2012-05-24 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Andy Isaacson (a...@hexapodia.org):

> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:10:48PM +0200, Rejo Zenger wrote:
> > > There are at least two cases where the exit operator has been
> > > slapped with a 'national security' gag order and cannot talk about
> > > the case.
> > 
> > These two are both German cases? - if you are allowed to elaborate on
> > that.
> I have no personal knowledge about the cases at hand, but "national
> security gag order" sounds like a USA NSL:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Letter

I would also like to take this opportunity to display my "I have not
received an NSL" card.

I think it's still legal to do *that*, right? ;)

But who knows about the upstream ISP(s) or the random stool duster on
shift at the datacenter that day...

To be fair, it sounded like there was a possibility the NSL might have
been more like "WTF just happened? Was that really a Tor node?"

But who knows. It could have been "Give me dem keys, or else!" kind of
thing. My vote would be "time for new keys" in that case.

Maybe we should get a legal opinion on if these things can actually be
arbitrarily coercive in nature. "Give me your key. Also, keep using it.
Also, tell your mother you hate her and wish she was dead."

Does the madness ever end?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] too many abuse reports

2012-05-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Jon (torance...@gmail.com):

> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
> > > On Tue, 22 May 2012 13:29:54 -0500
> > > Jon  allegedly wrote:
> > >
> > > > Yep same here, got notice today from ISP on a report of the 20th for
> > > > alledged hacking with someone using sqlmap. the reporting ip was a
> > > > brazilian gov ip address.
> > > >
> > > > I just blocked the port and kept on serving
> >
> > As of yet, no one has mentioned the port. Out of curiosity, is it
> > included in the Reduced Exit Policy?
> > https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy
> >
> >  The port was 57734 - of course that doesn't mean another port could be
> used

Are you sure that's not the source port (which is randomized) for the
incident? This is a weird destination port.

If so, simply switching to the Reduced Exit Policy (or adding a reject
line for *:57734) would prevent the attack from using your exit. No need
to stop exiting entirely.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] case law on for exit nodes

2012-05-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Daniel Case (danielcas...@gmail.com):

> On 22 May 2012 22:12, Rejo Zenger  wrote:
> >
> > Who knows about cases where the owner of Tor exit node was prosecuted or
> > taken to court for information that was up- or downloaded using his/her Tor
> > node? Basically, I'm looking for case law on running Tor exit-nodes.
> >From the Legal FAQ:
> *Has anyone ever been sued or prosecuted for running Tor?*
> *No*, we aren’t aware of anyone being sued or prosecuted in the United
> States for running a Tor relay. Further, we believe that running a Tor
> relay — including an exit relay that allows people to anonymously send and
> receive traffic — is lawful under U.S. law.

AFAIK, this is still true in the US. However, I'm pretty sure I've seen
at least 3 court cases in the EU on this list (though too busy to dig
them up right now). There have also been several equipment seizures in
the EU that never escalated to a court case...

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] too many abuse reports

2012-05-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake mick (m...@rlogin.net):

> On Tue, 22 May 2012 13:29:54 -0500
> Jon  allegedly wrote:
> > Yep same here, got notice today from ISP on a report of the 20th for
> > alledged hacking with someone using sqlmap. the reporting ip was a
> > brazilian gov ip address.
> > 
> > I just blocked the port and kept on serving

As of yet, no one has mentioned the port. Out of curiosity, is it
included in the Reduced Exit Policy?

Also, I think the right answer is a solution like
rather than blocking anything on the relay side.

> I assume you mean "IP address" rather than "port" here. 
> Despite offering, I wasn't given the opportunity to do that.

Yeah, this sucks. But hey, if you're forced to be a middle relay, you
now have a lot of really super cheap options for bandwidth. You should
consider shopping around. Bandwidth litterally gets cheaper every year.

For example, last year, FDCservers was charging $600/mo for 1 Gbit
dedicated. This year, they now provide a 10 Gbit line for that price!

FDC doesn't allow exits either, but the falling price points tells me
you should seriously try to renegotiate price with your ISP (or just
move elsewhere) if they are degrading your service by forcing you into

Exit bandwidth is worth paying a premium for, because it does require
more resources at the ISPs end in terms of occasional abuse noise. You
could also try negotiating upwards if your ISP's prices are already
competitive with FDC's for middle service. Something tells me they're
not, though :).

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] sustained bandwidth drop through noisetor

2012-05-02 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Andy Isaacson (a...@hexapodia.org):

> noisetor-01 was pushing 300-400 Mbps of traffic from 2012-02-15
> through 2012-04-13.  Since mid-April we've seen traffic decrease
> significantly; over the last week, our daily peak has been 260 Mbps
> (versus 450 Mbps in March) and our daily trough has been 100 Mbps
> (versus 300 Mbps in March).
> The traffic levels dropped off in a smooth fashion over a 10 day period,
> April 15-25 if I read the graphs correctly.
> Has there been a change in the routing algorithm, or any other network
> changes that might explain this drop?

The loss of non-TBB Torbutton users might explain a drop post Apr 20th,
when their ability to move tabs around was borked by FF12:

But otherwise, according to
https://metrics.torproject.org/consensus-health.html, all 5 bw auths are
voting, and I have not changed the algorithms. 

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Towards a Tor Node Best Best Practices Document

2012-04-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Fabian Keil (freebsd-lis...@fabiankeil.de):

> > You're failing to see the distinction made between adversaries, which
> > was the entire point of the motivating section of the document. Rekeying
> > *will* thwart some adversaries.
> I'm not arguing that rekeying is useless. I just think that for
> most Tor relays reboots are usually not the result of a compromise
> and the lack of reboots doesn't proof anything either (I'm aware
> that you weren't implying this).
> For a relay operator concerned about key theft, rekeying after
> a certain amount of time, even if there's no sign of a compromise,
> seems to make more sense to me.

They seem orthogonal, but yes, I should mention periodic rekeying if
your relay machine uptime exceeds something like 6mos? 1yr? RSA-1024
probably doesn't have a very long shelf-life as-is...

> > > Are "weird memory gymnastics" really that much more effort
> > > than getting the relevant keys through ptrace directly?
> > 
> > If they require a kernel exploit to perform, absolutely. If there are
> > memory tricks root can perform without a kernel exploit, we should see
> > if we can enumerate them so as to develop countermeasures.
> My assumption was that a root user could get the key (or reenable
> ptrace) through /dev/mem without relying on kernel exploits.

Apparently /dev/mem only allows access to low physical memory (<1M) and
BIOS regions on most distros due to CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM, so it's not a
sure shot by any means. 

After reading a few mailinglist archives about kernel.modules_disabled,
it looks like there is a contingent of kernel developers who are arguing
for "layered security" over "perfect security", and they are working to
enumerate and close holes that elevate root directly to ring0. Even if
the LKML people occasionally refuse to take their patches for old
unixbeard dogmatic reasons, it looks like they are still being picked up
by RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu.

But, this reminds me that I might need to add a "Auditing
Recommendations" section to the APT.  Technically, the truly paranoid
should also keep pristine copies of their initrd, kernel, modules, and
init itself, and veryify/replace them in the event of sketchy activity.
But the question of how to actually verify/replace these files while
using an untrusted kernel is another matter..  A few ways come to mind,
but if we specify just One True Way, obviously custom rootkits could
still be written to cloak against it...

In my mind it's OK if some methods fail, because it's all about taking
away full certainty of success and certainty of undiscoverability from
the adversary. That alone will change their incentives to use the

> > > I suspect getting the keys through either mechanism might be
> > > trivial compared to getting the infrastructure in place to use
> > > the keys for a non-theoretical attack that is cost-effective.
> > 
> > The infrastructure is already there for other reasons. See for example,
> > the CALEA broadband intercept enhancements of 2007 in the USA. Those can
> > absolutely be used to target specific Tor users and completely
> > transparently deanonymize their Tor traffic today, with one-time key
> > theft (via NSL subpoena) of Guard node keys. 
> CALEA might provide access to the traffic, but the attacker still
> has to analyze it. I'm not saying that is impossible or inconceivably
> hard, but I'd expect it to be a lot more complicated than getting the
> keys from a system the attacker already have root access.

Wrt to analysis, for tagging there is none needed. It's a fire and
forget method that can be deployed as an extension module to existing
intercept solutions. You just use a modified stunnel (or similar TLS
proxy) to embed a unique identifier into the circuits of clients you're
interested in, read it out again at compromised exits, and log the
traffic along with its unique ID.  If a tagged circuit is created to a
non-compromised exit, that exit just kills it for you instantly before
streams even get attached (for example, during the client bootstrap
process or during predictive circuit building), and the client happily
transparently retries until it creates a successful circuit to a
compromised exit.

Yes, there are things we can do to defend against these attacks in the
client. See https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5456 for
some of those. But I think we should also take this opportunity to think
a little deeper about protecting and rotating relay keys in the first

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Towards a Tor Node Best Best Practices Document

2012-04-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (mikepe...@torproject.org):

> You're failing to see the distinction made between adversaries, which
> was the entire point of the motivating section of the document. Rekeying
> *will* thwart some adversaries.
> > I suspect getting the keys through either mechanism might be
> > trivial compared to getting the infrastructure in place to use
> > the keys for a non-theoretical attack that is cost-effective.
> The infrastructure is already there for other reasons. See for example,
> the CALEA broadband intercept enhancements of 2007 in the USA. Those can
> absolutely be used to target specific Tor users and completely
> transparently deanonymize their Tor traffic today, with one-time key
> theft (via NSL subpoena) of Guard node keys. 

Btw, before the above causes someone to jot "Enemy Combatant" down in a
file somewhere, I just want to clarify that I believe "lawful intercept"
is a total sham, dangerously weakening critical infrastructure for
little gain. Once deployed (too late!), it can and will be exploited by
a wide variety of actors (too late!).

Also, replace "NSL subpoena" with "any variety of intimidating thugs
with guns (and/or money)". They're pretty much the same level of "due
process" IMO.

Further, I think we can expect many/most relay operators to run straight
to the EFF/ACLU/FBI in the event of coercion (destination depends on
adversary).  However, I do *not* believe we can expect the same from
arbitrary datacenter admins. Hence, I feel that one-time key theft is a
valid and realistic adversary, given current weaknesses in the Tor
protocol and client software.

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Towards a Tor Node Best Best Practices Document

2012-04-16 Thread Mike Perry
 them so as to develop countermeasures.

> I suspect getting the keys through either mechanism might be
> trivial compared to getting the infrastructure in place to use
> the keys for a non-theoretical attack that is cost-effective.

The infrastructure is already there for other reasons. See for example,
the CALEA broadband intercept enhancements of 2007 in the USA. Those can
absolutely be used to target specific Tor users and completely
transparently deanonymize their Tor traffic today, with one-time key
theft (via NSL subpoena) of Guard node keys. 

> I think your proposed measures might be useful for a relay
> operator with a compatible system who is interested in spending
> more time on his relay's security than he already is.
> It's not clear to me, though, that they improve the security
> of the Tor network significantly enough to be worth requiring
> them or even calling them best practices (which could demotivate
> operators who can't or don't want to implement them).

Did I fail to motivate the defenses? In what way can we establish "more
realistic" best practice defenses that are grounded in real attack
scenarios and ordered by attack cost vs defense cost? I thought I had
accomplished that...

> Trying to require the steps or shaming operators into following
> them might reduce the number of relay operators (or limit their
> growth) significantly enough to make the attacks you seem to be
> concerned about cheaper ...
> Having said that, I don't see anything wrong with putting your
> suggestions in a section that starts with a paragraph like:
> | Here are a couple of things you could do to improve your
> | relay's security some more. Whether or not you consider
> | them worthwhile is up to you and if you decide against some
> | or all of them or if they don't work on your system, your
> | relay is still appreciated.

Ok, yes, I have no intention of making anything mandatory. It's not
really possible anyways, and heterogeneity probably trumps it.

For the paragraphs I've trimmed, assume I more or less agree with your

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Towards a Tor Node Best Best Practices Document

2012-04-12 Thread Mike Perry
/ram1 /mnt/tor-root/var/lib/tor/keys
 cd /mnt/tor-root/
 chroot .

Once you start your tor process(es), you will want to copy your identity
key offsite, and then remove it. Tor does not need it to remain on disk
after startup, and removing it ensures that an attacker must deploy a
kernel exploit to obtain it from memory. While you should not re-use the
identity key after unexplained reboots, you may want to retain a copy
for planned reboots and tor maintenance.

 scp /mnt/tor-root/var/lib/tor/keys/secret_id_key 
 rm /mnt/tor-root/var/lib/tor/keys/secret_id_key

Upon suspicious reboots, you can verify the integrity of your tor image
by simply calculating the sha1sum (perhaps copying the image offsite
first). You do not need to do anything special with the var loopback.

These steps should prevent even adversaries who compromise the root
account on your system (by rebooting it, for example) from obtaining
your identity keys directly, forcing them to resort to kernel exploits
and memory gymnastics in order to do so.

Don't forget to periodically update the libraries stored on your
loopback root using a trusted offsite source, as they won't receive
security updates from your distribution.

One alternative to make your loopback fs creation, tor startup, and
maintenance process simpler is to statically compile your image's tor
binary on an offsite, trusted computer. If you do this, you should no
longer need to bother with chrooting your tor processes or copying
libraries around. However, it still does not save you from the need to
recompile that binary whenever there is a security update to the
underlying libraries, and it may come at a cost of exploit resistance
due to the loss of per-library ASLR.

Ok, that's it. What do people think? Personally, I think that if we can
require a kernel exploit and/or weird memory gymnastics for key
compromise, that would be a *huge* improvement. Do the above
recommendations actually accomplish that?

If so, should we work on providing scripts to make the loopback
filesystem creation process easier, and/or provide loopback images

Even the APT defenses end up not working out, I would sleep a lot better
at night if most relays deployed only the defenses to one-time key
theft... Thoughts on that?

Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bandwidth scanner status ?

2012-01-19 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Sebastian Urbach (sebast...@urbach.org):

> I want to ask for an status update regarding the bandwidth scanner
> project. It's been 3 weeks or so since we last heard anything.

PID feedback has been off since I last notified the list about
shutting it off, on Dec 19th.

Some consensus params have changed due to dirauth instability, consensus
method chnge, and confusion. In particular, the bwauthpid=1 param was
explicitly set and unset a few times, and then set again, but the bw
auths remained in their former "Section 2 compatible" mode of
operation because no other feedback params were set for the duration.

for more info on the consensus params that alter bw auth behavior, and
please read the rest of the spec if you're interested in getting more

Mike Perry
Exterminate all dogma.
Permit no exceptions.

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-19 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Sebastian Urbach (sebast...@urbach.org):

> > Yeah, I agree. I think that it's now clear that both the variance and
> > the mean of the torperf graphs are way above norm, and we don't have
> > much other explaination for it other than the feedback experiment not
> > working. The question is why?
> I don't want to be the guy who posts always the bad news ...
> I can happily report that the load, since your last mail, increased
> rapidly to max values and also the performance from the metrics page
> seems to be increasing very well right now.
> If you want to take a look for yourself:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/routerdetail.html?fingerprint=0aff5440ae93f2ed679b20e543081710312b7333
> Coincidink ;-) ?
> I dont think so ...
> I hope that this will relieve a little bit pressure from you, Mike.

Just to be sure, I decided to shut off the experiment on Sunday at 3pm
US Pacific time anyways. It looks like the performance has in fact
gotten worse since then.

Does this mean the feedback was definitely working? Who the hell
knows. But it does seem clear that the transition between the two
states is definitely a rocky one that requires patience and repeated
trials to sniff out.

I am going to leave it disabled for another week, just to see how it
recovers, then turn it back on again, possibly with the addition of
https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4730 if I get a hot
minute, but possibly without it, just to watch the transition again.

Robert Ransom is quite insistent on the need for this as well:
https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4708, but that system
doesn't really need me to build it, as it can be done independent of
the bwauths. I also think #4730 is more likely to capture the problem
we were seeing with fast nodes being fast only sometimes, and it will
be way less work.

Thanks for bearing with me, but we still might have a ways to go
before we really get to the bottom of this one.

I will keep you posted.

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Sebastian Urbach (sebast...@urbach.org):

> Around the 24 of November the performance graph reported a value below
> 4 sec. per 50kb, and right now including the last few days we can
> barely reach 6 sec. per 50kb.
> Or in other words, we lost way more than 50 % peformance since that
> day. Unless you guys are about to really step up the game i strongly
> suggest to shred the chances made in the last weeks.
> The original plan was to speed up things with the modified bandwidth
> scanners. Its probably safe to say that this experiment is a
> complete bust.

Yeah, I agree. I think that it's now clear that both the variance and
the mean of the torperf graphs are way above norm, and we don't have
much other explaination for it other than the feedback experiment not
working. The question is why?

Intuitively, feedback makes a lot of sense.  If there is a ton of
spare capacity on fast nodes, why shouldn't we try to use it?
Similarly, if slow nodes can't keep up with the network throughput
average, clearly they are a bottleneck and should have reduced traffic
directed at them until they have more spare capacity.

What is causing it to break so badly on the torperf graphs, then?  Is
it bugs? Is it bad choice of setpoints? Is it that we are using the
wrong metric?

Until we have answers for at least some of these questions, I am
inclined to keep playing with it.

I've made the following changes this afternoon:

1. On the assumption that we're seeing the huge increase in variance
on torperf because faster nodes are only *sometimes* at max capacity,
but most of the time have enough spare capacity to get good
measurements, I have stopped "filtering" measurements for them (ie I
have stopped selecting only the fast measurements). I am still
applying filtering to overly punished nodes, so that they don't get
punished too much by being paired with slow peers.

2. I have changed the circ failure target from the network average to
0.0% failure. 

3. I have changed the Guard feedback interval from 2 weeks to 1

My plan is to let these changes run for another couple days, and if
they don't seem to change anything, I plan to try 1 week on, 1 week
off cycles of the experiment, to see if we can detect any patterns in
exactly when and why torperf starts to go south.

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-13 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Tim Wilde (twi...@cymru.com):

> We're not seeing source port exhaustion, but we are seeing two warns,
> one of which I haven't been able to nail down:
> 2011 Dec 13 20:22:07.000|[notice] We stalled too much while trying to
> write 8542 bytes to address "[scrubbed]".  If this happens a lot,
> either something is wrong with your network connection, or something
> is wrong with theirs. (fd 409, type Directory, state 2, marked at
> main.c:990).

Hrm.. Haven't seen this one before...

> 2011 Dec 13 22:26:45.000|[warn] Your computer is too slow to handle
> this many circuit creation requests! Please consider using the
> MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config option or choosing a more restricted
> exit policy. [18 similar message(s) suppressed in last 60 seconds]

Ah, we should be handling this issue with the fix for #1984:

> The second warn I figure I should be tuning myself with
> MaxAdvertisedBandwidth, and it's happening on BigBoy, the relay on
> this box that's doing the majority of its bandwidth.  So I'm not sure
> if it's anything that your feedback loop should be involved in or not.

It's a shame this log message makes such a crazy recommendation wrt
MaxAdvertisedBandwidth. But I guess some tweak is better than no
tweak. Hopefully we can make this go away without you needing to lower
it, though. Can you ping me on IRC if you keep getting these warns
after leaving MaxAdvertisedBandwidth alone?

> One other data point, I have seen (also sporadically) some indications
> in my system logs of hardware hangs on the ethernet interface all of
> this is running through, so I'm slightly suspicious that it's to blame
> for the *Dragon problems.  It doesn't really explain why BigBoy isn't
> affected though, and I haven't been able to definitively prove
> anything yet, so I'm just not sure.

This sounds incredibly familiar. What ethernet card + driver version
do you have? Some combos of are pretty abysmal about IRQ load
balancing and interrupt optimizations, or at least they were on old
kernels (which may still apply if you are CentOS).

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (mikepe...@torproject.org):

> Thus spake Tim Wilde (twi...@cymru.com):
> > > I try to keep everything I do documented on that wiki. All these
> > > servers run four instances of Tor each (one per core) and traffic
> > > is accounted for in total. Also, keep in mind that vnstat counts
> > > both incoming and outgoing traffic, so 700Mbps in vnstat are really
> > > only 375 per direction.
> > 
> > Ah, okay, thanks for the clarification, I was thinking those numbers
> > were for single Tor instances.  That makes me feel a lot better then,
> > especially with the combination of directions. :)  I'm pushing around
> > 600Mb/sec total in+out on my piece of bit iron so I'm much closer to
> > the same ballpark than I thought.  Thanks, and thanks again for your
> > documentation!
> Moritz, Andy, Tim, and others with Gbit+ Guards and/or Exits:
> Could you guys ensure you are not running into TCP socket exhaustion
> on any of your relays? It is a possibility, esp for Guard+Exits with
> gobs of CPU and gobs of throughput.
> I am curious if we will need to do this or not:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4709

It looks like Moritz is seeing some evidence of TCP sourceport
exhaustion in his Tor logs:
"[warn] Error binding network socket: Address already in use".

He's also monitoring TCP connection counts on each IP interface:
netstat -ntap | grep $INTERFACE_IP | wc -l

It appears that right now, he's at only about ~10k connections per IP,
and not experiencing any log lines at the moment. It is possible this
is a transient condition caused by overly-agressive scrapers and/or
torrenters who flock to the node for a short while and then move on?

Reports on the recent appearance or prevelance increase of that or
other warns from others will be helpful.

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Tim Wilde (twi...@cymru.com):

> > I try to keep everything I do documented on that wiki. All these
> > servers run four instances of Tor each (one per core) and traffic
> > is accounted for in total. Also, keep in mind that vnstat counts
> > both incoming and outgoing traffic, so 700Mbps in vnstat are really
> > only 375 per direction.
> Ah, okay, thanks for the clarification, I was thinking those numbers
> were for single Tor instances.  That makes me feel a lot better then,
> especially with the combination of directions. :)  I'm pushing around
> 600Mb/sec total in+out on my piece of bit iron so I'm much closer to
> the same ballpark than I thought.  Thanks, and thanks again for your
> documentation!

Moritz, Andy, Tim, and others with Gbit+ Guards and/or Exits:

Could you guys ensure you are not running into TCP socket exhaustion
on any of your relays? It is a possibility, esp for Guard+Exits with
gobs of CPU and gobs of throughput.

I am curious if we will need to do this or not:

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Jon (torance...@gmail.com):

>  In adding further info on the topic, I have noticed and looked back
> over the past couple of weeks and have seen a drop of of usage of
> about 43% s of today. I am not in the higher bracket as others, but I
> have been in the 3 bars bracket only up till recently.
> Don't know if this will help, but if it does, add it to the rest of
> the info you have already received.

What helps more is your node nick and/or idhex string. If you're not
comfortable talking about that publicly, knowing if you are Guard,
Exit, Guard+Exit, or just Stable (Middle) node helps.

I actually do expect that this system may cause some slower nodes
(especially those with capacities close to or below the network stream
average of ~70Kbytes/sec) to experience less traffic. This does not
mean the nodes are useless. It just means that we should try to use
them infrequently enough such that when they are used, they can
provide enough capacity to not be a bottleneck in a circuit.

We are still waiting for the effects of the Guard bug to fully
dissipate. I am cautiously optimistic that things are getting better,
but we'll need to keep an eye on things for a bit longer to be sure, I

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Sebastian Urbach (sebast...@urbach.org):

> Seems to get better in the last hours ...
> I want to suggest strongly a change for the metrics / performance site.
> The displayed default size is 50KB and should be changed to 1MB. 50 KB
> ist out of touch with reality for any service i can think of. Could you
> please encourage your colleagues to do that ?

We want to optimize primarily for the low-latency web case, not bulk

The one exception to this is Youtube/user-generated video, which I
agree does fall more in the 1MB case. However, the state of web
browser tech for user-generated video still sucks in the absence of
Flash, so it is still not yet our primary focus.

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Sebastian Urbach (sebast...@urbach.org):

> Am Sat, 3 Dec 2011 18:57:22 -0800
> schrieb Mike Perry :
> Hi,
> > I've made five major changes to try to address these issues:
> > happens over the next week or so.
> Well, somebody has to say it and it seems to be me. The second try is
> also a complete bust. Since your post the performance is getting worse
> and worse every day, though my relays behaviour is pretty normal.

Yes, I have noticed the huge gain in the metrics.tp.o graph. 

> Any conclusions from the second try Mike ?

I do not fully understand the cause of it yet, but I did find a rather
nasty bug in the treatment of Guard nodes, where we were not properly
using the "bwauthmercy" consensus param for them, and were punishing
slow guards through multiple rounds of negative feedback. This could
skew the metrics data, and could alter the flow of traffic through the
rest of the network, but there may be other issues at work, too :/.

I am going to wait until the Guard numbers recover from the bug, which
should take 24-48hrs, and then dig deeper next week if the metrics
numbers still persist to be bad.

Please ping back then if your relays still appear to be underloaded
(or overloaded to the point of emitting warns about having too many
circuit creation requests in the log).

Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Bandwidth Authority PID Feedback Experiment #2 Starting

2011-12-03 Thread Mike Perry
Over Thanksgiving and into early this week, we ran an experiment to
test a feedback mechanism to attempt to allocate usage of the Tor
network such that the measured stream capacities through all relays
became equal:

This experiment failed in 3 ways:

1. It drove many relays down to 0 utilization. Scott Bennett noted
this in his post to tor-relays, and at least one 10Mbit relay operator
also commented on the traffic drop-off of their node in #tor.

2. It only created one PID 'setpoint' for the entire network, even
though different types of nodes see different load characteristics,
and despite it being impossible to shift load from an Exit node to a
Middle node, for example.

3. It kept allocating bandwidth to some relays (especially Middle and
non-default-policy Exits) until they hit INT32_MAX in the consensus,
and everything finally exploded. We then shut off the feedback by
removing the consensus parameters.

I've made five major changes to try to address these issues:

1. Don't perform multiple rounds of negative feedback for slow nodes.

2. We now group nodes by their flags into four categories (Guard,
Middle, Exit, and Guard+Exit), and compute a different PID setpoint for
each class.

2. Circuit failure now counts more. Circuit failure is our CPU
overload signal, as nodes that hit CPU overload being dropping
onionskins and failing extends. Instead of using the circuit success
rate as a multiplier against the pid_error, we now actually compute a
circ_error similar to the pid_error, and use it as the pid_error if it
is more negative. We also now set FastFirstHopPK 0 to ensure that
Guard nodes also get tested for circuit failure.

3. Raised the PID setpoint slightly, which should prevent us from
piling quite so much weight onto fast relays.

5. Cap feedback via a consensus parameter.

All of these changes are governed by consensus parameters. See:
for more details.

The parameters governing feedback are bwauthnsbw=1 and bwauthti. So
long as one or both of these are present and non-zero in the consensus
parameter list, the feedback experiment is active.

We'll probably be running this next experiment for about a week (or
perhaps longer if it doesn't explode and seems to improve performance
on https://metrics.torproject.org/performance.html) starting tonight
or tomorrow.

Please keep an eye on your relays and tell us if anything unexpected
happens over the next week or so.


Mike Perry

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Sorry, HotMail users, you're rejected

2011-08-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Steve Snyder (swsny...@snydernet.net):

> OK, I'm backing down from this after discovering the huge number of
> IP addresses associated with *.hotmail.com and *.live.com names.
> >They understood entirely
> Must be nice. My ISP, on being informed that I run a Tor exit node,
> informed me that I was responsible for all traffic leaving my server
> and that they would cancel my account if I didn't take stops to
> solve the problem.

The response here is to tell them you accept full legal responsibility
for the traffic. The reality is that your actual legal responsibility
is zero in most countries, but it might make them feel better that you
acknowledge it will be you proving that in court, not them.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs

Description: PGP signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Sorry, HotMail users, you're rejected

2011-08-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Steve Snyder (swsny...@snydernet.net):

> Got another threatening e-mail from my ISP today, prompted by another SpamCop 
> complaint regarding spam run through HotMail.  HotMail records the address of 
> the originating server and that, again, is my exit node.
> So I have to curtail exit access to HotMail.  Yeah, it sucks, but I know of 
> no way to block the sending of webmail while still allowing it to be 
> retrieved.

Make sure this is done via exit policy and not iptables or DNS filter.

Also, are you sure you have the whole hotmail netblock?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs

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