Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New User With BIG Problem

2010-06-06 Thread Astroimage


Thank you for the reply. I am siting tight until I talk to tech



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favourites - how do they work?

2010-06-06 Thread H�agen-Dazs

Another newbie-question: What is the purpose of 
I use tinySB for playing my music off my USB-HDD plus streaming
internet-radio. Do I need


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Stuck with HelloWorld plugin to Touch

2010-06-06 Thread erland

bandi;553225 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the quick response. What I'd like to do is a simple tool
 that tells me when the next train comes (yes, I often miss the train).
 I was thinking about a screensaver or something I can start from the
 Extras menu. Based on your description I guess I'm after an applet and
 not a plugin, right?
Depends, if you plan to get the train times from some web site, it
sounds kind of similar to the CTABusTracker plugin which hooks into the
SuperDateTime plugin and is displayed on the Touch through Custom Clock

However, using that approach would mean that you have to rely on other
plugins, of course with the advantage that you need to write less code

If you won't want to use the above mentioned approach, I would probably
implement it as an applet. Also, note that if you don't have a
Squeezebox Server on a separate computer, just must implement it as an
applet. The above mentioned approach only works if you have a separate

bandi;553225 Wrote: 
 I guess I would need to read thru the SqueezeCenter or SqueezePlay
 development guides, or would
 you recommend something else..?
Unfortunately, the documentation isn't that good at the moment, so if
you reed the above pages, keep that in mind.

My recommendations are:

If you like to implement it as a plugin, take a look at:
And look at the CTABusTracker source I linked above. The code is in the
*.par file in the lib directory, just unzip it with a zip tool.
The following API description for the API of SuperDateTime which you
would hook into, is probably also useful:

If you like to implement it as an applet, I would take a look at the
applet samples I posted in the previous post plus the following wiki
page which describes one of them:

If you have development related questions, it's better to ask them in
the Developers section of the forum since that's where all the third
party developers and Logitech developers listens.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favourites - how do they work?

2010-06-06 Thread garym

Häagen-Dazs;553231 Wrote: 
 Another newbie-question: What is the purpose of 
 I use tinySB for playing my music off my USB-HDD plus streaming
 internet-radio. Do I need

short answer is no. is when you want to listen to internet
radio, pandora, etc. WITHOUT running your own SbS or the tinySB (which
is your own SbS just running on the touch itself).  You still had to
tell tinySB your credentials at some point. But again, if you
are running your own SbS or tinySB, you don't need to connect to directly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox touch DLNA UPNP?

2010-06-06 Thread mdm

alfista;553220 Wrote: 
 The preferred setup IMHO is having the disk(s) containing the music
 directly connected to the hardware that runs the Squeezebox server...

agree, but I have no other computers just my laptop... that is why I
choosed Touch not Duet or any. Touch is an elegant solution, so I'll
give it a try before considering a datacentre setup around my place...
thks for reply.

garym;553221 Wrote: 
 I recently setup a system with TOUCH attached to USB harddrive (with its
 own power) containing about 54,000 mp3/aac files. Running tinySC and
 works smoothly.  Edit: and the Touch is connected via WIFI for purposes
 of streaming internet radio, pandora, etc. with about a 65% wifi signal.

that's good. you calm me down. thks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and Spotify.. killer combo

2010-06-06 Thread seth_space

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: I like spotify on the touch

- yes.. please
- no thanks, other solution
- maybe, not sure
- There are alternative ways to play that many files

i know.. look at the included links.. but alas, there's no solution so


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread mdaudioguy

erland;553178 Wrote: 
 Maybe someone should give Logitech a call and ask them instead of
 spreading rumors based on guesses and third party sources ?
 Or maybe someone from Logitech reading this thread could just deny or
 confirm it ?
 Sure, Logitech might discontinue their top of the line consumer music
 player 2 months after it has been released when many reviewers gives it
 high ratings, but do you guys really think this is the case ? 
 Of course, nothing really surprises me anymore but why would they do
 this ? 
 Because a few users have problems with it ? No product have 100%
 satisfied users.
 A more probable reason for this is probably that the factory isn't able
 to keep up with the demand so they are just temporary out of stock. Due
 to this they might have to focus on fewer retailers. I'm just guessing,
 but it feels like discontinue the Touch would be somewhere at the end of
 the list, there can be a lot of other reasons why Crutchfield don't have
 them in stock.
Say what you will, but I'm not spreading rumors. I've only reported
what I've seen on Crutchfield's website, and what one of their agents
chatted to me. How is that third party? I'd say that would be second
party at worst. Admittedly, a possibly misinformed second party in the
case of the Crutchfield agent. Anyhow, this thread is not so concerned
about the discontinuance of the Touch from Logitech, as it's
availability from Crutchfield.

As far as being temporarily out of stock goes, Crutchfield usually
indicates such on their site. Of course, this could be due to somebody
miscoding something in their inventory/webpage. Again, just reporting
the facts as I see 'em.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread Tony T

maggior;553322 Wrote: 
 Consitent messages haven't come forth from Logitech employees, so what
 makes anybody think correct information would come from a reseller? 
 Read the threads about the Reciever and about the Touch's availabity
 from resellers after it was released - there was miscomunication galore
 within Logitech.
 I'm with Erland on this one - I don't think it's been discontinued, I
 think Logitech has discontinued providing units to Crutchfield to sell,
 I don't think the product itself is discontinued.

Maybe Logitech is getting ready to release a new Touch with a faster
processor for TinySC.
For example, Apple is not shipping Mini Mac's, but the speculation is
not that the Mini Mac is discontinued, but that a new model will be
released this week.

(as I fan the flames of idle speculation.)

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread krochat

audio53;553325 Wrote: 
 Best Buy has it in this week's flyer for $149.

Before anyone gets too excited, that's the Radio ($50 off), not the


iZotope SRC (96kHz offline upsampler) - Touch - TacT RCS 2.2X -
Convolver PC (w/Acourate filter)- Apogee Big Ben - (TacT S2150 -
Vandersteen 3a Signature + TacT S2150 - TacT W210)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread Tony T

maggior;553332 Wrote: 
 Perhaps...but if that's the case, there will be a lot of very pissed off
 Touch owners that are struggling with TinySC.  
 What they could do is sell the current one as the Touch, drop $100 from
 the price and market it as a player only.  The could call the new one
 Touch2 or Touch+.  The Touch+ would have a souped-up CPU that can run
 TinySC and charge the full $300.
 Idle speculation is always fun :-).

I was joking :)

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread maggior

Tony T;553323 Wrote: 
 Maybe Logitech is getting ready to release a new Touch with a faster
 processor for TinySC.
 For example, Apple is not shipping Mini Mac's, but the speculation is
 not that the Mini Mac is discontinued, but that a new model will be
 released this week.
 (as I fan the flames of idle speculation.)

Perhaps...but if that's the case, there will be a lot of very pissed
off Touch owners that are struggling with TinySC.  

What they could do is sell the current one as the Touch, drop $100 from
the price and market it as a player only.  The could call the new one
Touch2 or Touch+.  The Touch+ would have a souped-up CPU that can run
TinySC and charge the full $300.

Idle speculation is always fun :-).


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Point at folder on usb disk.

2010-06-06 Thread JohnSwenson

You can't do that with a connected USB drive. The tinySBS (bultin
server) ALWAYS sets the root of the disk as the point it starts looking
for files. There is no easy way to change this, its built into the code.
Its theoretically possible to rewrite the code and maybe write a patch
that could be installed with the Patch Installer, but nobody has done
that yet.

Another possibility is to reformat the disk under linux as an EXT3
partition and use a symbolic link to put the root of the music at the
root of the disk, but it sounds like you probably don't want to do

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread JohnSwenson

The most obvious upgrade is an increase in memory. Doubling the memory
size would be a very simple design change and could probably be done
on the fly without changing anything else or any software. New ones
after a certain date could just have twice the memory.

Upping the processor speed is not so easy. There is no pin compatible
processor with a faster speed so it would take significant redesign of
the board. Freescale does have the iMX51 series which goes up to 800MHz
which has almost the same capabilities as the existing iMX35 processor,
but not exactly the same. This would definitely be a significant board
redesign and probably some small software changes. That would certainly
have to be a new model. 

At this point there has been no hint that Logiteh is even thinking
about new hardware. We do know that many of the Touch developers have
been reassigned to different tasks within Logitech which makes new
hardware versions somewhat less likely. My impression is that Logitech
wants to milk as much as they possibly can from the existing Touch
before even thinking about any new hardware.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Need to eject before reset power?

2010-06-06 Thread JohnSwenson

Pushing the button does NOT do a proper software shutdown, so yes you
should always do an eject before pushing the button.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch at Crutchfield - Discontinued??

2010-06-06 Thread Pat Farrell
On 06/07/2010 12:03 AM, JohnSwenson wrote:
 The most obvious upgrade is an increase in memory. Doubling the memory
 size would be a very simple design change and could probably be done
 on the fly without changing anything else or any software. New ones
 after a certain date could just have twice the memory.

Which would be good but it would not stop all the whining about 
TinySC, it would still be tiny, just maybe a bit bigger. There would 
still be practical limits on the size of libraries, plug-in support, etc.

 At this point there has been no hint that Logitech is even thinking
 about new hardware.

The product has been on the market for a few months. I can't think of 
any reason that management, at Logitech or anyplace else, would pour a 
bunch of money to developing a replacement for a new product with zero 
guarantee that the improvements would result in the massive sales growth 
to pay for the engineering.

I find speculation of a replacement ungrounded. Replacing the Boom with 
a Touch-based heart, may make sense. I'm not holding my breath.

Whether Crutchfield carries the Touch or not is a silly topic, there 
have been only a tiny few facts and a ton of speculation onto the cause, 
meaning and implications of something that may or may not have happened.

This thread is not worth the electrons spent spreading its content. IMHO.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Big problem + Choosing usb hd for Touch...

2010-06-06 Thread carib

jwo;553185 Wrote: 
 I'm now a happy guy.

I got mine working too with a Hitachi SDMINI 350GB HDD.  I had to add a
USB Power Hub for it to work properly but it works just fine.  Only
music files and one cover.jpg in each artist folder but everything
worked as expected with a little over 60,000 tracks of mixed MP3's and
FLAC files.  Thanks all for the valuable advice and personal
experiences given here.  I'm happy I had the patience to eventually get
it to work ... it really wasn't that hard after all.


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