Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread Mnyb

Interesting info . Did not know how it was done in windows .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread JJZolx

Index? Are you talking about moving the location of LMS' library
database? That's fairly easy to do.

There are several command-line options that you can pass to LMS on
startup that let you relocate folders that can't be set from within the
LMS settings in the web interface.

--cachedir "D:\slim\cache" --logdir "D:\squeeze\logs" --prefsdir

The --cachedir option indicates where the cache/data folder is to be
found. The cache directory contains all of the music library databases
as well as caches for things like web pages. The --logdir option
specifies the location of the folder where logs are kept. The --
prefsdir option locates the preferences folder, where program settings
and plugin settings are kept. However, there's a bug in the compiled
Windows EXE that prevents --prefsdir from working properly when run as a
Windows service, so only --cachedir and --logdir will work.


If you want to add one or more of these options for LMS run as a Windows
service, you'll need to edit the Windows registry, which is fairly
simple. Find the entry for the Windows LMS service, which I believe is
located at 


and find the ImagePath key. It will have an entry that launches the
program, probably something like:

C:\Program Files\Squeezebox\server\SQUUEZ~3.EXE

Edit this string to add the --cachedir option. (Also make sure that the
program's path is enclosed in double quotes, if it's not already.)

"C:\Program Files\Squeezebox\server\SQUUEZ~3.EXE" --cachedir


If, instead, you run LMS as a user process when someone logs on, you'll
need to find the Startup folder shortcut that launches LMS and edit its
target path similarly. Do that by editing the properties.


If you use the LMS control panel application to change from running as a
Windows service to starting up at logon (or vice versa), you'll lose
this customization, as the service registry entry or the shortcut will
be re-created.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread garym

jdt7385 wrote: 
> That is a very appealing alternative to reripping the CDs. Do you think
> I lose any "real world" quality in the conversion? If not I am already
> headed toward conversion city (first I must learn how to do the
> conversion...then batch conversion, etc.; however, the dBpoweramp
> documentation seems to be good, as you mention). Many thanks for your
> help. You and the others on this forum have provided some really helpful
> information, for which I am very grateful. Thanks to all of you.

WAV are lossless. FLAC is lossless. You won't lose *any* quality (real
world or even theoretically).  A conversion of lossless (wav) to
lossless (FLAC) will result in the same audio data. Your FLAC files
(after a batch conversion) will be EXACTLY the same data as the WAV
files they were created from.  I think the only reason people are
hinting at reripping is that the WMA ripping process (or itunes) is not
a secure process (unlike, for example, dbpoweramp or EAC).  Now it it
probably true that 95%+ of your WAV rips are perfect. The "secure
ripper" value only kicks in on tracks that have issues (and by the way,
this could be on first time played, new out of package CDs). In my
thousands of rips, I'd say less than 5% have any problems (i.e., would
have been perfect rips on about any old ripper).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> If you will be using dbPowerAmp and mp3tag there is no pressing need to
> re-rip anything. Just do a batch conversion of your wav files to flac
> using dbPowerAmp and clean up the tags with mp3tag. You can always
> re-rip the CDs at your leisure whenever you have time.
> Remember that both dbPowerAmp and mp3tag are very powerful programs
> which can be configured to exactly what you want. Plus both programs are
> very well documented with tons of hints and how to's available with just
> a little old google search.

That is a very appealing alternative to reripping the CDs. Do you think
I lose any "real world" quality in the conversion? If not I am already
headed toward conversion city (first I must learn how to do the
conversion...then batch conversion, etc.; however, the dBpoweramp
documentation seems to be good, as you mention). Many thanks for your
help. You and the others on this forum have provided some really helpful
information, for which I am very grateful. Thanks to all of you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Based on what you've written I would guess that there are several
> different "artist" tags on the Emmylou Harris files. Download mp3tag and
> check all the tags within the files by using the extended tags feature.
> Most likely it will show something like this:
> artist: Emmylou Harris
> albumartist: Harris, Emmylou
> and/or
> album artist: Harris, Emmylou
> and/or
> artistsort: Harris, Emmylou
> Just delete or change the field and do a clear and rescan of your music
> library.

You are absolutely right. The problem was with artistsort, which on one
of the albums did show Harris, Emmylou. Until you advised me, I did not
know about the extended tags section. I was puzzled because the basic
information for all the albums did reflect "Emmylou Harris" as the album
artist and the artist. I changed the artistsort setting and now the
albums do indeed show up under the E index and not the H index. Many
thanks for the help.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread rayman1701

garym wrote: 
> all this is true, except your statement about harddrive failure. ANY
> hard drive will most likely fail eventually. So the ipod hd and the
> vortexbox hd are both equally likely to fail eventually. That's why any
> data you want to save needs to be backed up.  Even data on CDs will fail
> too (CDs become unreadable, etc. after a number of years, although this
> mostly relates to CDR, CDRW, etc. (not so much commericial music CDs
> (although they can go bad too).  Bottom line...backup all data, at least
> once, maybe to multiple locations. Large USB drives are dirt cheap now,
> so not much reason not to have a good backup.
> p.s. Buy a cheap IPOD cradle (the APPLE one is fine) and connect this
> with a power cable to electricity and analog out cable to the inputs of
> your Stereo. When you want your music, drop your IPOD into the the
> cradle and it's ready, set your stereo receiver to AUX, CD, or whatever
> the input is labled on your receiver.  All done and it will sound quite
> good!  The Wadia ipod cradle with DAC bypass is way, way, way overkill
> for playing mp3 files to your stereo.

+1  Completely agree.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread garym

LeeA wrote: 
> plus not have to reload the Vortex cuz it won't fail as a hard drive
> within the IPOD will eventually..that's what you're saying..I think?

all this is true, except your statement about harddrive failure. ANY
hard drive will most likely fail eventually. So the ipod hd and the
vortexbox hd are both equally likely to fail eventually. That's why any
data you want to save needs to be backed up.  Even data on CDs will fail
too (CDs become unreadable, etc. after a number of years, although this
mostly relates to CDR, CDRW, etc. (not so much commericial music CDs
(although they can go bad too).  Bottom line...backup all data, at least
once, maybe to multiple locations. Large USB drives are dirt cheap now,
so not much reason not to have a good backup.

p.s. Buy a cheap IPOD cradle (the APPLE one is fine) and connect this
with a power cable to electricity and analog out cable to the inputs of
your Stereo. When you want your music, drop your IPOD into the the
cradle and it's ready, set your stereo receiver to AUX, CD, or whatever
the input is labled on your receiver.  All done and it will sound quite
good!  The Wadia ipod cradle with DAC bypass is way, way, way overkill
for playing mp3 files to your stereo.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-01 Thread Triode

rudolffischer wrote: 
> Hi Triode
> I am a Linux newbie and did the following: 
> - Installed WinSCP on the PC
> - started it in SCP mode and opened the messages file on the Touch
> - searched for audio.output and found the following lines:

1) You need to enable audio.output logging at debug level from the Touch
menus - Settings > Advanced > Logging
2) Reboot touch
3) Login with winscp and type "less /var/log/message"

You should be able to page through that and find an entry somewhere
after a page or two marked <- below


  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: ERROR  audio.output - decode_alsa_fork:178 
jive_alsa failed to start
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: DEBUG  audio.output - decode_alsa_init:266 
Playback device: hw:CARD=TXRX
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: DEBUG  audio.output - decode_alsa_fork:143 fork 
jive_alsa -v -d hw:CARD=TXRX -c default -b 400 -p 4 -s 24 -f 1 
  Jan 24 00:00:31 udhcpc[723]: Sending discover...
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: pcm_test:904 max sample rate 192000   
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: audio_thread_execute:933 audio_thread_execute
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: _pcm_open:722 Opened device hw:CARD=TXRX using 
format: S24_LE sample rate: 44100
  Jan 24 00:00:31 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezeplay.applets - 
AppletManager.lua:317 Registering: SetupSoundEffects

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-01 Thread rudolffischer

Hi Triode
I am a Linux newbie and did the following: 
- Installed WinSCP on the PC
- started it in SCP mode and opened the messages file on the Touch
- searched for audio.output and found the following line:

Jan  2 13:40:08 squeezeplay: ERROR  audio.output - decode_alsa_fork:178
jive_alsa failed to start

no mention of 96khz or 192khz

This does not sound very healthy to me
Thanks and regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread Mnyb

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Yes, I  found the information where you had said. I have Windows 7 and
> it located under Program Files.
> I also see, that LMS does not let you change this as easy as the
> location of Playlists and Music Libraries.
> There is probably a good reason for this, so I am content not to change
> this.
> Thanks!

It's not to hard many people have done it, but I have no win install of
LMS so I could not say where to go looking for the config file .

Some precaution is needed stop LMS edit config and move all the old
stuff to the new location and then start LMS again another snag can be
permissions LMS must be able to read and write the files on their new

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread Cut-Throat

Yes, I  found the information where you had said. I have Windows 7 and
it located under Program Files.

I also see, that LMS does not let you change this as easy as the
location of Playlists and Music Libraries.

There is probably a good reason for this, so I am content not to change


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread Mnyb

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Is it within the Music Library Folder or somewhere else?
> Can you change the location of the index?

Depends what platform ?

Normally the database files are in the cache folder ( where that is
depends on OS but it's definetelynonmthe system drive, check LMS
settings info page for exact location on your computer/NAS )

Except for when using a drive directly on the Touch where they are in a
hidden directory on the connected drive.
And on ready NAS where they they are on the share .

And yes you can change this location by editing a file... Somewhere (
wait I'll check )

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread LeeA

rayman1701 wrote: 
> The Touch's analog outputs are really good.  You can just run the Touch
> to the analog inputs of your classic receiver and should be good to go.
> Depending on the receiver, you might or might not need another iPod dock
> to run an iPod thru.  The downside with the iPod, and I've got 7 in the
> house, is capacity.  With a Squeezebox solution, the only limit is how
> many drives you want to use.  Plus it's easier to get lossless quality
> without running out of space.  I've got almost 59,000 tracks and even
> when converted to AAC, I need multiple iPods.  And it's also easier to
> have backups of everything with the Squeeze system since drives will
> fail and you will have to re-load the iPod at some point, it happens.

No, my receiver has no digital inputs at allaside from the issue of
capacity, and most of my collection is MP3s I've burned to CDs,  the SB
solution offers more capacity.the IPOD solution is lesser cost...but
the sound with either would be equal?   Thanks!

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread LeeA

aubuti wrote: 
> Remembering the 5 yo advice...hey, youngster, digital isn't necessarily
> better. And you certainly can't listen to it.
> Whether your music is on CDs or USB sticks, it is already digital. To
> listen to it, you need to have it converted to analog. For this you need
> a DAC (digital-analog-converter). DACs come in many shapes, sizes, and
> quality levels. Anything that takes digital music source and outputs
> analog has a DAC. So CD players have DACs, and iPod has a DAC going to
> the headphone output, the SB has a DAC going to the analog outputs, a
> digital receiver has a DAC, a computer sound card with analog outputs
> has a DAC. You get the picture.
> You only need one DAC. The DAC in the Touch is very good. Not the best
> that money can buy, but extremely good value for money.
> Hope this helps, kid  :-)

Here a DAC, there a DAC, everywhere a DAC, DAC...Got're
saying the IPOD has it's own DAC so I wouldn't need/want the
fancy/schmancy i20-Pure dock...even tho it's supporters say it creates
better sound cuz the signal out of the IPOD is reconverted into digital,
via the i-20,  before it enters my 30 yo non-dig receiver.   So aside
from storage issues..and I think 160 GB would be enuf, the IPOD to my
ole receiver would produce decent soundand if I go with the
Vortexbox Appliance--SB Touch--...I'll getequally good sound but
more storage capacity plus not have to reload the Vortex cuz it won't
fail as a hard drive within the IPOD will eventually..that's what you're
saying..I think?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread kidstypike

jdt7385 wrote: 
> The albums used in my example (Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole) were
> ripped using Windows Media Player and the artist names input exactly the
> same way (first name first last name last). When the information is
> viewed in Windows Media Player the artist information is displayed that
> way, i.e. Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole. So I don't know why the
> information appears in a different way in Squeezebox. Apparently there
> is no way to fix this with the wav files. A similar problem with flac
> files could perhaps be fixed with mp3tag. Is there any way to correct
> tag information of wav files with dBpoweramp? The only reason I belabor
> this a bit is that I am not going to be able to rerip my CDs to flac
> right away and at this time there is no consistency with how the artist
> information will appear in the index.
> Thanks for your help.

Apparently when Windows Media Player rips to WAV, it doesn't actually
tag the files, but keeps it's own database. If the WAV files contain no
tags then the LMS scanner uses "Guess Tags" from the file/folder name to
populate it's database.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread aubuti

LeeA wrote: 
> and as I'd would be wanting better digital sound just
Remembering the 5 yo advice...hey, youngster, digital isn't necessarily
better. And you certainly can't listen to it.

Whether your music is on CDs or USB sticks, it is already digital. To
listen to it, you need to have it converted to analog. For this you need
a DAC (digital-analog-converter). DACs come in many shapes, sizes, and
quality levels. Anything that takes digital music source and outputs
analog has a DAC. So CD players have DACs, and iPod has a DAC going to
the headphone output, the SB has a DAC going to the analog outputs, a
digital receiver has a DAC, a computer sound card with analog outputs
has a DAC. You get the picture.

You only need one DAC. The DAC in the Touch is very good. Not the best
that money can buy, but extremely good value for money.

Hope this helps, kid  :-)

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Where is the index stored for your Music Library.......

2012-06-01 Thread Cut-Throat

Is it within the Music Library Folder or somewhere else?

Can you change the location of the index?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread ralphpnj

jdt7385 wrote: 
> The albums used in my example (Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole) were
> ripped using Windows Media Player and the artist names input exactly the
> same way (first name first last name last). When the information is
> viewed in Windows Media Player the artist information is displayed that
> way, i.e. Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole. So I don't know why the
> information appears in a different way in Squeezebox. Apparently there
> is no way to fix this with the wav files. A similar problem with flac
> files could perhaps be fixed with mp3tag. Is there any way to correct
> tag information of wav files with dBpoweramp? The only reason I belabor
> this a bit is that I am not going to be able to rerip my CDs to flac
> right away and at this time there is no consistency with how the artist
> information will appear in the index.
> Thanks for your help.

If you will be using dbPowerAmp and mp3tag there is no pressing need to
re-rip anything. Just do a batch conversion of your wav files to flac
using dbPowerAmp and clean up the tags with mp3tag. You can always
re-rip the CDs at your leisure whenever you have time.

Remember that both dbPowerAmp and mp3tag are very powerful programs
which can be configured to exactly what you want. Plus both programs are
very well documented with tons of hints and how to's available with just
a little old google search.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread garym

jdt7385 wrote: 
> The albums used in my example (Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole) were
> ripped using Windows Media Player and the artist names input exactly the
> same way (first name first last name last). When the information is
> viewed in Windows Media Player the artist information is displayed that
> way, i.e. Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole. So I don't know why the
> information appears in a different way in Squeezebox. Apparently there
> is no way to fix this with the wav files. A similar problem with flac
> files could perhaps be fixed with mp3tag. Is there any way to correct
> tag information of wav files with dBpoweramp? The only reason I belabor
> this a bit is that I am not going to be able to rerip my CDs to flac
> right away and at this time there is no consistency with how the artist
> information will appear in the index.
> Thanks for your help.

have you tried with mp3tag? it handles some sorts of wav tagging. Not
sure about WMP treatment, but in many cases, the player itself uses the
WAV info in its own special way.  Sorry I don't have any good
suggestions for you, but you've hit on the major problem with wav universal tagging standard

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> the tagging issue with WAV is that there is no tag standard for wav and
> every player does it different.  Thus the main advantage for FLAC (good
> tagging). And both Wav and FLAC are lossless. Lossless=lossless, so
> there is no sound quality difference one way or the other.
> for tagging, this tells me that your tags must have an ARTISTSORT or
> ALBUMARTISTSORT tag for Emmylou Harris (with the "sort" tag containing
> "Harris, Emmylou".

The albums used in my example (Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole) were
ripped using Windows Media Player and the artist names input exactly the
same way (first name first last name last). When the information is
viewed in Windows Media Player the artist information is displayed that
way, i.e. Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole. So I don't know why the
information appears in a different way in Squeezebox. Apparently there
is no way to fix this with the wav files. A similar problem with flac
files could perhaps be fixed with mp3tag. Is there any way to correct
tag information of wav files with dBpoweramp? The only reason I belabor
this a bit is that I am not going to be able to rerip my CDs to flac
right away and at this time there is no consistency with how the artist
information will appear in the index.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> dbPowerAmp must certainly can burn a CD from flac files, or from just
> about any music file format out there.

That is good news indeed. I was inclined to keep the wav files already
on the drive as wav (not rescan as flac) to avoid the need to convert
from flac in order to burn CDs. If I can burn directly from flac there
is no reason to keep any wav files. Thanks for the information.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread Mnyb

Watch out for sort tags too , Ella may be under F as in Fitzgerald

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread rayman1701

The Touch's analog outputs are really good.  You can just run the Touch
to the analog inputs of your classic receiver and should be good to go.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-01 Thread Triode

rudolffischer wrote: 
> I have FLAC set to native and everything else to disabled, so Logitech
> Media Server should not transcode or downsample. I am wondering if this
> could be a bug with the Synology Version of Logitech Media Server?

If EDO is installed correctly and you have the spdif output selected
then the player should tell the server that the max sampling rate is
96k.  I think there's a log message on the player saying what the max
sampling rate is.  If you enable logging for audio.output then I think
you will see this in /var/log/message if you log into Touch - check
whether it is 96 or 192k.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-01 Thread rudolffischer

I have FLAC set to native and everything else to disabled, so Logitech
Media Server should not transcode or downsample. I am wondering if this
could be a bug with the Synology Version of Logitech Media Server?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread LeeA

kidstypike wrote: 
> For info
> The i-20 dock has a built-in DAC, as aubuti points out a 30 year old
> receiver would probably not have a digital input.

Thanks, people...I am making progress but remember I'm still 5,
the objection to buying an I pod Classic 160 gb and a i20 pure dock is
that since my old receiver doesn't have a digital input, I'd still get
lousy analog sound from the IPODso I'd be looking at about $250 for
the IPOD, plus $100 for the i20 Pure and whatever a newer digitally
ready receiver might costsay $200  for a total of $550.

But.even tho the Vortexbox looks like the best solution if I go with
the SB Touch, I'm still feeding the signal into the same ole 30 yo
analog, (tell me if I'm wrong about that, pls), I'd be
looking at buying a Vortexbox for about $430, plus the SB Touch for
about $250, and as I'd would be wanting better digital sound just as I
would if I went with the Ipod --i20 pure configuation--, a new digital
receiver receiver for about $200 for a total of $880.

To play devils advocate (I know, unusual for a 5 yo to do that):  would
I not have the same issues with the Vortexbox Appliance that I'd have
with a HDD into the SB, namely, doing full scans over and over, going
into sleep mode, etc?...and if the answer if no,  would the
Vortexbox-SBTouch-digital rec still justify spending $330 more than the
IPOD-i20 pure-new digital receiver option?

Many thanks, people.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread ralphpnj

garym wrote: 
> dbpa is mostly a CD "ripper" but there is a program included that can
> also "burn" CDs from digital files.  Frankly, I've not once needed to
> ever use it as there is no longer any use case I have for music on a
> physical CD

The dbPowerAmp CD Writer (as it is properly called) is quite handy for
burning CDs to played in one's car, on one's boat, etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread garym

jdt7385 wrote: 
> I chose wav because i did not know which format to choose. I ripped my
> CDs using Windows Media Server and just chose one of the formats
> (happened to be wav) that offered the best quality of the choices
> offered. At this time I have no reason to prefer wav to flac. However,
> since my CDs are 16 bit, I don't know that the audio quality of flac
> would be any better than that of wav. I do, however, have some tagging
> issues due (I think) to the limitations of the Windows Media Player
> tagging system. I also have quite a few flac files that I have
> downloaded (mostly vinyl rips) that are 24 bit. Since Squeezebox will
> play both the wav and flac files I am not that concerned about leaving
> (for now at least) most of the CD files in wav. At this time I am just
> feeling my way through, trying to address the problems I encounter along
> the way. One recent issue is the artist listing: some are listed first
> name first and others are listed last name first. I can't find a way to
> fix that problem.
> Edit: I did not describe the tagging issue correctly. The artist name
> does appear first name first but is listed under the last name in the
> index. For example, "Emmylou Harris" appears under "H" and not under
> "E". Other artist names appear, as they should, under the first name in
> the index. For example, "Holly Cole" appears under "H", not under "C".
> Thanks for your reply.

the tagging issue with WAV is that there is no tag standard for wav and
every player does it different.  Thus the main advantage for FLAC (good
tagging). And both Wav and FLAC are lossless. Lossless=lossless, so
there is no sound quality difference one way or the other.

for tagging, this tells me that your tags must have an ARTISTSORT or
ALBUMARTISTSORT tag for Emmylou Harris (with the "sort" tag containing
"Harris, Emmylou".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread ralphpnj

jdt7385 wrote: 
> You are far more advanced that I at this point in time. For now it
> appears that I will wind up with dBpoweramp and mp3tag. For now I will
> be quite happy if I can get those programs to give me well tagged rips
> to flac, then be able to convert them to wav or some other format in
> order to burn CDs when needed (or perhaps dBpoweramp can burn CDs with
> flac files...I have not gotten that far). As for backup, I have a rather
> basic system. I just use another hard drive mounted in a mobile rack
> tray for my backup. As files change I place the backup drive into the
> mobile rack, copy/delete or whatever necessary to change the files,
> remove the backup drive and store it in a closet. Primitive perhaps, but
> it works. Thanks for your reply.

dbPowerAmp must certainly can burn a CD from flac files, or from just
about any music file format out there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Things needed for successful ripping and maintenance of a music
> library:
> dbPowerAmp: worth every penny of its low price.
> Back up: A full mirrored back up is a must. If you think ripping a CD
> collection once is a pain, just think how painful re-ripping that
> collection will be if your hard drive fails and you have no back up. I
> know because I learned the hard way.
> mp3Tag: either this free program or any other quality tagging program is
> another must have.
> Renamer: a good batch renaming program will also come in quite handy.
> Image editing program: a good image editing program will also come in
> handy for managing and maintaining good cover art. I use FastStone Image
> Viewer, a very nice free program which handles most graphic formats as
> well as scans.
> DVD Audio Extractor: for extracting audio from DVD-Video and DVD-Audio
> discs.

You are far more advanced that I at this point in time. For now it
appears that I will wind up with dBpoweramp and mp3tag. For now I will
be quite happy if I can get those programs to give me well tagged rips
to flac, then be able to convert them to wav or some other format in
order to burn CDs when needed (or perhaps dBpoweramp can burn CDs with
flac files...I have not gotten that far). As for backup, I have a rather
basic system. I just use another hard drive mounted in a mobile rack
tray for my backup. As files change I place the backup drive into the
mobile rack, copy/delete or whatever necessary to change the files,
remove the backup drive and store it in a closet. Primitive perhaps, but
it works. Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread ralphpnj

jdt7385 wrote: 
> Thanks for your quick reply. I did not do a good job of describing the
> artist listing issue. Here is an example: The artist listing for
> "Emmylou Harris" appears as "Emmylou Harris" (not "Harris, Emmylou" as I
> said in my post...sorry about that). However, the artist listing appears
> under "H" and not "E". Other (and I think most) artists are listed under
> the initial of the first name. For example, "Herbie Hancock" appears in
> correct alphabetical order under "H". The Emmylou Harris albums are
> tagged as "Emmylou Harris" and not "Harris, Emmylou". So far I am unable
> to figure out what is causing the inconsistent listing.
> Edited: The Herbie Hancock example is a bad example since both names
> appear under "H". I'll take a big "duh" on that one. Better example of
> one that works correctly: "Holly Cole" appears under "H" and not under
> "C". Sorry about the multiple errors in describing the problem.

Based on what you've written I would guess that there are several
different "artist" tags on the Emmylou Harris files. Download mp3tag and
check all the tags within the files by using the extended tags feature.
Most likely it will show something like this:

artist: Emmylou Harris

albumartist: Harris, Emmylou


album artist: Harris, Emmylou


artistsort: Harris, Emmylou

Just delete or change the field and do a clear and rescan of your music

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

RussellMrgn wrote: 
> dBpoweramp is the way to go.
> Over the last 3 years, I with a friend have been converting our combined
> music collection to FLAC (14,000+ cd's). My ripper of choice is
> dBpoweramp, as its interface is much easier than EAC.
> With a collection this large, backing up your music is a must, and for
> this I use a backup program called GoodSync. It's worth the time and
> pain to do it right and although its not free the small cost of paying
> for dBpoweramp is worth it's weight in gold. Once you have paid for the
> program, you will have free updates and access to its metadata page,
> which uses 4 databases to lookup and tag your music and the benefit of
> accurip, a nice feature for telling you that your rip is accurate, based
> on other users submissions.
> With the use of codecs from the dbps site, you can re encode ripped
> music to almost any format that you wish i.e. WAV to FLAC. Another thing
> of note between the two programs (dbpa + EAC) is that accurip was
> written by Spoons, the guy who wrote dBpoweramp, and he is very active
> and helpful on his support forums on any questions that you may have.

I found that I am apparently not smart enough to use EAC so I am trying
dBpoweramp (and mp3tag for fixes). You guys who are ripping 5 digits
worth of CDs are making me feel better about having A"only" 4 digits
worth. The input I am getting in this forum is very helpful to help my
avoid an further missteps (the first big one being to spend a lot of
time ripping with Windows Media Player, which produced less than ideal
results). Thanks for the post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> name listing is simply how you tagged the files when you ripped.  Some
> were tagged "Neil Young" and some were tagged "Young, Neil".  Many
> people use ARTISTSORT tags to hold, for example, "Young, Neil" and then
> let the ARTIST tag be "Neil Young".  This is nice because the Now
> Playing screen shows "Neil Young" but the sorting in the library is
> under "Young, Neil".   
> mp3tag will be your friend in terms of cleaning up tags on existing
> rips. Fairly simple, but can be powerful. Can do lots of batch
> operations, etc.

Thanks for your quick reply. I did not do a good job of describing the
artist listing issue. Here is an example: The artist listing for
"Emmylou Harris" appears as "Emmylou Harris" (not "Harris, Emmylou" as I
said in my post...sorry about that). However, the artist listing appears
under "H" and not "E". Other (and I think most) artists are listed under
the initial of the first name. For example, "Herbie Hancock" appears in
correct alphabetical order under "H". The Emmylou Harris albums are
tagged as "Emmylou Harris" and not "Harris, Emmylou". So far I am unable
to figure out what is causing the inconsistent listing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

bmor wrote: 
> I have two systems, a home theatre with a Pioneer avr and a two channel
> with integrated amp and cd player. I use WAV files because my Pioneer
> avr will play that format directly from a USB portable hard drive, but
> won't play flac, so I didn't have much choice about the format. I use a
> Touch on the two channel system with a duplicate hard drive plugged in
> directly. I use EAC for ripping.
> I had the problem of "unknown artist" and a few other things so I used
> Foobar to check the tagging info and found it varied a lot from file to
> file. What worked for me was to edit the tags and simplify the info to
> Artist, CD Title, Genre and track number. I don't have access to Foobar
> at the moment but I think those were the categories.
> I also think that folder structure is important. I found i need to have
> an artist folder and then individual album sub-folders. On compilations
> I needed to create an artist folder name and place the album folder in
> it. For example, Atlantic records put out some jazz compilations of
> various artists, one called Keyboards, another Best of the 50's. I had
> to put the two under a folder I called Atlantic. I don't recall the
> tagging I did, would have to check. Anyways, all is good now, the Touch
> organizes everything as it should, so it is possible to use WAV files if
> you have a reason to like I did.

I chose wav because i did not know which format to choose. I ripped my
CDs using Windows Media Server and just chose one of the formats
(happened to be wav) that offered the best quality of the choices
offered. At this time I have no reason to prefer wav to flac. However,
since my CDs are 16 bit, I don't know that the audio quality of flac
would be any better than that of wav. I do, however, have some tagging
issues due (I think) to the limitations of the Windows Media Player
tagging system. I also have quite a few flac files that I have
downloaded (mostly vinyl rips) that are 24 bit. Since Squeezebox will
play both the wav and flac files I am not that concerned about leaving
(for now at least) most of the CD files in wav. At this time I am just
feeling my way through, trying to address the problems I encounter along
the way. One recent issue is the artist listing: some are listed first
name first and others are listed last name first. I can't find a way to
fix that problem.

Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread garym

jdt7385 wrote: 
> Wow, 10,000 CDs...makes my 1600 files seem small. I tried using EAC but
> cannot seem to make it work. I just now downloaded the trial version of
> dBpoweramp and am going to give it a go.
> One issue I have with Media Server is that the listing of artist is
> inconsistent. Some artists are listed first name first (my preference)
> and others are listed last name first. I cannot find any setting in
> Media Server that allows me to set this up. Is there a way to do that?
> Perhaps I should start a new thread rather than asking an off topic
> question in this one.

name listing is simply how you tagged the files when you ripped.  Some
were tagged "Neil Young" and some were tagged "Young, Neil".  Many
people use ARTISTSORT tags to hold, for example, "Young, Neil" and then
let the ARTIST tag be "Neil Young".  This is nice because the Now
Playing screen shows "Neil Young" but the sorting in the library is
under "Young, Neil".   

mp3tag will be your friend in terms of cleaning up tags on existing
rips. Fairly simple, but can be powerful. Can do lots of batch
operations, etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
> I also think that dbpoweramp is worth every penny. It is fast, reliable,
> the tags are great - especially for classical music and  easy to use.
> Been ripping like crazy, also retouching tags with mp3tag.
> You really should re-rip your discs, might be less work than trying to
> tag your wave files in the end. Do a bunch every day, you will get there
> in the end...

I could not make EAC work for me (due, I am sure, to my lack of
understanding how to do it). I just downloaded dBpoweramp and worked
with it a little. I think I will be able to use it with the help of the
documentation. My priorities at this time are to get a system set up
that works well (and that I am able to use), then start the process of
reripping CDs (at least those that have any tagging problems). It looks
like I will end up using the dBpoweramp/mp3tag combination.

Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> Agree. I use Dbpa. And use mp3tag for tag cleanup. Although not needed
> much after dbpa.
> Edit: And I'm in the process of reripping about 10,000 CDs to FLAC with
> dbpa. Couldn't be more pleased.

Wow, 10,000 CDs...makes my 1600 files seem small. I tried using EAC but
cannot seem to make it work. I just now downloaded the trial version of
dBpoweramp and am going to give it a go.

One issue I have with Media Server is that the listing of artist is
inconsistent. Some artists are listed first name first (my preference)
and others are listed last name first. I cannot find any setting in
Media Server that allows me to set this up. Is there a way to do that?
Perhaps I should start a new thread rather than asking an off topic
question in this one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread garym

ahertzberg wrote: 
> Thanks Gary- will try when home later. I'm not tech savvy at all
> (converting my cds pushed all of my anxiety buttons :))- I hope it'd be
> ok if I report back to you later.

no problem. mp3tag is powerful but used out of the box is simple for
some tasks (including the one I suggested).  Other ways to do this too,
but doesn't hurt to have mp3tag dealing with any tag issues (for almost
any sort of file, not just mp3 files)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread ahertzberg

garym wrote: 
> install mp3tag. Open the ella solo albums (great albums by the way) and
> highlight a track, right click, and select "extended tags".   Do you see
> anything odd here?  AlbumArtist unexpected.  Compiulation flag? 
> ArtistSort field?
> download mp3tag from here:

Thanks Gary- will try when home later. I'm not tech savvy at all
(converting my cds pushed all of my anxiety buttons :))- I hope it'd be
ok if I report back to you later.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread garym

ahertzberg wrote: 
> Thanks... one big one that's not showing up in the "Artist" tab is Ella
> Fitzgerald-- I have lots of her Songbooks and other albums. What's weird
> is "Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong", and "Ella Fitzgerald and Duke
> Ellington" are in there (separate albums, not the Ella solo albums).
> There must be something I need to manipulate in itunes.
> No- no DRM.

install mp3tag. Open the ella solo albums (great albums by the way) and
highlight a track, right click, and select "extended tags".   Do you see
anything odd here?  AlbumArtist unexpected.  Compiulation flag? 
ArtistSort field?

download mp3tag from here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread ahertzberg

garym wrote: 
> are any of these compilation CDs (or perhaps incorrectly marked as
> complilations). And LMS automatically treats a CD that has at least one
> different track artist as a compilation unless you add an "Album
> Artist".   Do you see any of these missing artists in albums under the
> "various artists" listing in LMS?
> p.s. And I assume none of these missing artists are tracks purchased
> from itunes in the old days when they had DRM. DRM tracks do NOT show up
> (are not playable) in LMS.

Thanks... one big one that's not showing up in the "Artist" tab is Ella
Fitzgerald-- I have lots of her Songbooks and other albums. What's weird
is "Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong", and "Ella Fitzgerald and Duke
Ellington" are in there (separate albums, not the Ella solo albums).
There must be something I need to manipulate in itunes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread garym

ahertzberg wrote: 
> I've been loading my squeezebox touch for the first time. Approximately
> 1000 albums in iTunes. For some reason all of my music artists aren't
> loading under the main "Artists" tab. The"Music Folder" is fully
> populated. Am I doing something wrong??
> Thanks.

are any of these compilation CDs (or perhaps incorrectly marked as
complilations). And LMS automatically treats a CD that has at least one
different track artist as a compilation unless you add an "Album
Artist".   Do you see any of these missing artists in albums under the
"various artists" listing in LMS?

p.s. And I assume none of these missing artists are tracks purchased
from itunes in the old days when they had DRM. DRM tracks do NOT show up
(are not playable) in LMS.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Artist folder not fully loading

2012-06-01 Thread ahertzberg

I've been loading my squeezebox touch for the first time. Approximately
1000 albums in iTunes. For some reason all of my music artists aren't
loading under the main "Artists" tab. The"Music Folder" is fully
populated. Am I doing something wrong??


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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread kidstypike

aubuti wrote: 
> If you buy a "Vortexbox Appliance" it is a works-right-out-of-th-box
> solution. It is a low powered pc with the Vortexbox software
> per-installed. 
> One problem with #1, and your thought about tossing the CDs entirely,
> may be the quality of your current copies. What format are they in on
> the USB sticks? I have to think that they are in a lossy format such as
> MP3 or AAC. If they were in a lossless format (such as FLAC, Apple
> Lossless, etc.) then 500 CDs would require much more than two 32GB
> sticks. Even if you cannot hear the difference between a lossless and a
> lossy encoding on your current system, think twice before discarding the
> original CDs that have the full fidelity if all you will have left is
> the lossy copies. 
> And getting back to #1, a high-end dock will not make lossy encodings
> sound any better, so think twice before shelling out a lot of money for
> a high-end dock. And I think you meant the dock would convert
> digital-to-analog, not the other way around, as your 30 year-old
> receiver is unlikely to have a digital input, and because the signal is
> starting out digital on the iPod or USB, and you need it in analog to
> hear with your humanoid ears.

For info

The i-20 dock has a built-in DAC, as aubuti points out a 30 year old
receiver would probably not have a digital input.

|Filename: Pic01.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-01 Thread alcarp

rudolffischer wrote: 
> Hi all,
> This EDO plugin is great stuff, thanks a lot, Triode. Unfortunately so
> far I have not managed to get it to work. I have the following setup:
> Synology DS411+II with Logitech Media Server  7.7.2 - r33893 (latest)
> Squeezbox Touch with EDO Plugin 0.7
> Weiss DAC202 connected over SPDIF Coax
> I downloaded and installed the EDO Plugin as per the instructions in the
> first post. The file I play is definitely 192khz. It correctly streams
> to the Weiss DAC202 @192khz through a PC based streamer (foobar2000).
> With the Squeezebox the file plays at 96khz and the "More Info" Field on
> the squeezebox reads:
> Bitrate: 4738kbps VBR (converted to 705kbps FLAC)
> Sample Rate: 192khz
> Sample Size: 24bit
> For some reason Logitech Media Server seems to insist on downsampling
> the file to 96khz. Does anyone have an idea where I might start looking
> to resolve this?
> Thanks and regards
> Rudi

You must get the server to stream in native FLAC for anything above
96khz not to be downsampled.  To do this, go to settings and under
filetpyes set FLAC to Native.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numpty alert...(Sorry in advance!)

2012-06-01 Thread irons1965

Thanks, will have a rummage when I get home from work

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread aubuti

If you buy a "Vortexbox Appliance" it is a works-right-out-of-th-box
solution. It is a low powered pc with the Vortexbox software

One problem with #1, and your thought about tossing the CDs entirely,
may be the quality of your current copies. What format are they in on
the USB sticks? I have to think that they are in a lossy format such as
MP3 or AAC. If they were in a lossless format (such as FLAC, Apple
Lossless, etc.) then 500 CDs would require much more than two 32GB
sticks. Even if you cannot hear the difference between a lossless and a
lossy encoding on your current system, think twice before discarding the
original CDs that have the full fidelity if all you will have left is
the lossy copies. 

And getting back to #1, a high-end dock will not make lossy encodings
sound any better, so think twice before shelling out a lot of money for
a high-end dock. And I think you meant the dock would convert
digital-to-analog, not the other way around, as your 30 year-old
receiver is unlikely to have a digital input, and because the signal is
starting out digital on the iPod or USB, and you need it in analog to
hear with your humanoid ears.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread LeeA

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Both 2 and 3 will have mostly the same issues because they are mostly
> the result of running the server built in to the Touch (referred to as
> TinyLMS), its a stripped down version of the server in order to fit in
> the Touch. The slowness issues, having problems scanning etc are due to
> the TinyLMS running on a low powered computer (the Touch) with a very
> small amount of memory. The only advantage going with a stick has is it
> might avoid the disconnecting problems of an HDD when it sleeps. So an
> SDD isn't going to help either for most of the issues.
> Number 4 is a good solution, you do NOT need windows to do this. If you
> get a PC compatible small low powered computer you can use vortexbox
> software which contains a linux OS and all the server software etc and
> is free. The cheapest solution is a sheevaplug ($100) and squeezeplug
> software which again includes linux as the OS. Even running on a
> sheevaplug is going to give you a way better experience then running off
> TinyLMS. 
> John S.

Thanks very much, Johnnumber  4 seems, for me, a little, make that very complicated since it's not a right out
of the box solution.You didn't mention #1--any thoughts on it?

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