Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] connection reset by local host when switching player on Spotify and WiMP

2012-12-19 Thread Fermate

I have solved my original problem now.

The problem is that I did 3 differet things:
(And I am not shure what did the trick)

#1 I moved the LMS to a differen server.
From a PC running W7 to one running Windows server 2008 R2

#2 I Updated my connection to Homeseer (software that remote controls
LMS/Squeezeboxes from Homeautomation)

#3 I set up the server to do Streaming thru Proxy

it is most likely that one of he two lastone is the answer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch considered lower SQ than CD player on a high-end system?

2012-12-19 Thread Waldo Pepper

gln2 wrote: 
 I'm wondering if the Touch's analogue output is generally considered
 inferior to a mid-level CD player WHEN USING a high-end receiver/amp and
 speakers. (I realize a DAC can be a big improvement, but I'm not up to
 that step yet.)  For those who have listening experience using high-end
 equipment did you feel that your CD player outperformed the Touch? (I'd
 prefer no comments from experiences using ~$300 receivers with ~$400
 speakers, please.)
 I had my Touched hooked up to ceiling speakers for the past year, but
 just purchased a pair of high-end stereo speakers (Ascend Tower RAAL). 
 Just hooked up an unmodified Touch to them playing CD ripped FLAC files
 stored on a vortexbox and using the analogue out into a 200 wpc Classe
 amp.  I expected to be blown away, but just find the sound good. Sound
 quality does not seem as good as my previous speakers and CD player,
 which I got rid of a few years ago. This is the first time I've feed the
 Touch into a high-end stereo, and also the first time I've listened to
 these speakers, so I'm not sure why I'm disappointed.  It has also been
 a few years since I've had my prior high-end stereo, so I can't make any
 direct comparisons.  The speakers are very highly regarded, so could it
 be the Touch analogue out?  My CD player doesn't have variable out, so I
 would need to pull my old preamp out of storage in order to do a direct
 comparison with CD's.  So, I thought it would be good to get some

As you get older, so do your ears and the brain's interpretation of
sound. I am convinced my Pink Floyd collection doesn't sound as good on
the same CD player, amp and speakers as it did 10 years ago.
Speaker windings work hardening, amplifier capacitor drying, CD
degradation and worn in electronics.don't even go there with an
explanation. This is no cheap system. LINN throughout. Proven to myself
by listening to the same CDs on a newer system. The clarity just isn't
there anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch considered lower SQ than CD player on a high-end system?

2012-12-19 Thread JohnSwenson

On the digital filter issue here is what can happen:
lets say you are feeding the ADC in the recording studio an analog
waveform in which the peaks are exactly at the level to produce a Full
Scale (FS) output. What happens when a sharp peak (say a piano key
pressed hard) hits inbetween the sample points? The numbers that come
out of  the ADC are slightly less than FS, the sample time hits the
skirts rather than the peak. When these samples are fed to a DAC the
digital filter inside reconstructs the peak inbetween the original
sample points at exactly FS, the DAC handles that correctly and
everything is fine.  

But what frequently happens is the track gets processed and those
samples which were slightly below FS now get boosted so they are at
exactly FS. When THESE samples hit the digital filter in the DAC it now
produces a peak which is greater than FS. There are a few different ways
a DAC can deal with this. If it was not specifically designed to deal
with this issue that peak above FS will most likely wrap around and
become a FS peak of the opposite polarity, a short impulse as loud as
the DAC can  produce, a REALLY REALLY bad distortion! It can clip the
value, this is not  as bad since it is just chopping off the very peak
of the waveform, OR it can decrease the volume of the whole waveform
very slightly so it can properly reproduce these peaks above  FS. 

The last option seems like a good way to deal with it, BUT the chip
makers don't like doing this, it means everything is slightly lower in
amplitude which decreases the overall SN ratio of  the chip, and to a
chip maker that is  the single most important spec to get as good as
possible. Doing this to one of  their chips puts it at a disadvantage in
the marketplace. If every chip on the planet did this and did it by the
same amount, then it probably would not be an issue. But then you would
have massive creative specmanship going on.

John S.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Spotify crashes Touch regularly

2012-12-19 Thread HeadBanger

I am trialling Spotify at the moment and whilst I am impressed with the
vast library and sound quality the UI and stability are poor.

If I select an album to play it often crashes the Touch causing it to
reboot and then play what's selected. The UI is very limited as well -
not impressed at all for something that will eventually cost me £10

I cannot run Triode's plugin as I'm running FreeNAS (BSD) which isn't
supported unfortunately. I am on fixed IP addresses outside of the DHCP

Googling suggests that this has been a known bug for a long time and
occurs when connected to as well so will affect the UE range

Is there a fix coming? If not, how does Napster compare as I can get a
similar deal?


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