gln2 wrote: 
> I'm wondering if the Touch's analogue output is generally considered
> inferior to a mid-level CD player WHEN USING a high-end receiver/amp and
> speakers. (I realize a DAC can be a big improvement, but I'm not up to
> that step yet.)  For those who have listening experience using high-end
> equipment did you feel that your CD player outperformed the Touch? (I'd
> prefer no comments from experiences using ~$300 receivers with ~$400
> speakers, please.)
> I had my Touched hooked up to ceiling speakers for the past year, but
> just purchased a pair of high-end stereo speakers (Ascend Tower RAAL). 
> Just hooked up an unmodified Touch to them playing CD ripped FLAC files
> stored on a vortexbox and using the analogue out into a 200 wpc Classe
> amp.  I expected to be blown away, but just find the sound "good". Sound
> quality does not seem as good as my previous speakers and CD player,
> which I got rid of a few years ago. This is the first time I've feed the
> Touch into a high-end stereo, and also the first time I've listened to
> these speakers, so I'm not sure why I'm disappointed.  It has also been
> a few years since I've had my prior high-end stereo, so I can't make any
> direct comparisons.  The speakers are very highly regarded, so could it
> be the Touch analogue out?  My CD player doesn't have variable out, so I
> would need to pull my old preamp out of storage in order to do a direct
> comparison with CD's.  So, I thought it would be good to get some
> opinions.
> Thanks.

As you get older, so do your ears and the brain's interpretation of
sound. I am convinced my Pink Floyd collection doesn't sound as good on
the same CD player, amp and speakers as it did 10 years ago.
Speaker windings work hardening, amplifier capacitor drying, CD
degradation and worn in electronics.....don't even go there with an
explanation. This is no cheap system. LINN throughout. Proven to myself
by listening to the same CDs on a newer system. The clarity just isn't
there anymore.

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