Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2013-01-04 Thread Eryk

Hi Triode,

it's VIA Vinyl Audio VT1731

The latest firmware is #4.

I'm not familiar with linux but to get new ALSA you have to get
new Linux kerlner? It's not possible to get new ALSA for
kernel (this number displays 'uname -a' command)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread Triode

scintilla wrote: 
> I just plugged in the NAD and when I attempt to send a 192k FLAC to the
> DAC via EDO through coax, the NAD shows 96k on the display.  I seem to
> recall from way back in this thread or somewhere else that the Touch
> firmware can't identify the 192k files even though they are passed
> through.  So, is the NAD decoding a 192k file at the correct rate, and
> merely showing the rate sent by the Touch, or is something else going on
> here?  I'm confused.

Does it sound ok? If you don't have Flac "Native" decoding enabled in
the server's file types menu, then you need 7.8 firmware on touch for

However if its only the display then it probably means that the status
bits in spdif are wrong - I've never looked at that to see and didn't
change anything for this...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2013-01-04 Thread Triode

Eryk wrote: 
> Hi Triode,
> it's VIA Vinyl Audio VT1731
> The latest firmware is #4.
> I'm not familiar with linux but to get new ALSA you have to get
> new Linux kerlner? It's not possible to get new ALSA for
> kernel (this number displays 'uname -a' command)?

Can you prove that it works in ASYNC mode on a modern linux desktop -
without this there's no chance it will.  It would be good to see the
output of lsusb for it from a desktop machine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] GMT Time displaying as GMT+8

2013-01-04 Thread lrossouw

On the NAS check that both the time and the time-zone settings are
correct.  Also check time-zone on  These should match.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] IR blaster: Will (almost) any IR emitter work?

2013-01-04 Thread pery

There are plenty of them:

My local store has this "triple unit" (swedish site)

best regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread scintilla

Triode wrote: 
> Does it sound ok? If you don't have Flac "Native" decoding enabled in
> the server's file types menu, then you need 7.8 firmware on touch for
> this.
> However if its only the display then it probably means that the status
> bits in spdif are wrong - I've never looked at that to see and didn't
> change anything for this...

It does sound OK, and I checked the file types for the server and native
FLAC is enabled.  Though I haven't performed an update on this box in
awhile, it shows 7.7.2.  Is 7.8 a beta?  Thanks for the reply Triode. 
Very much appreciate your work on this plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread Triode

scintilla wrote: 
> It does sound OK, and I checked the file types for the server and native
> FLAC is enabled.  Though I haven't performed an update on this box in
> awhile, it shows 7.7.2.  Is 7.8 a beta?  Thanks for the reply Triode. 
> Very much appreciate your work on this plugin.

OK so no upgrade required - is there a sox process running? [i.e. is the
server resampling?]  If not then I'd consider just a cosmetic issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread scintilla

Triode wrote: 
> OK so no upgrade required - is there a sox process running? [i.e. is the
> server resampling?]  If not then I'd consider just a cosmetic issue.

I haven't proactively implemented any SOX that I am aware of.  I assume
that means activating a plugin of some sort?  The server is functioning
on a basic install set up.  So, I will assume that this is a non-issue
and the incorrect datarate flag is simply being sent to the NAD.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread Triode

scintilla wrote: 
> I haven't proactively implemented any SOX that I am aware of.  I assume
> that means activating a plugin of some sort?  The server is functioning
> on a basic install set up.  So, I will assume that this is a non-issue
> and the incorrect datarate flag is simply being sent to the NAD.

No its part of the standard install - check which processes are running
when you play 192k

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread scintilla

Triode wrote: 
> No its part of the standard install - check which processes are running
> when you play 192k

Apologies, but where do I look for that? The log file or windows

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread scintilla

Triode wrote: 
> No its part of the standard install - check which processes are running
> when you play 192k

I do see a sox.exe in windows processes, and when I stopped the process
the music stopped.  So this is progress, but now what?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread Triode

scintilla wrote: 
> I do see a sox.exe in windows processes, and when I stopped the process
> the music stopped.  So this is progress, but now what?

Sounds like it is working in normal non EDO mode.

OK - do you definately had EDO installed and the output set to digital
output?  This should mean it tells the server the max sample rate is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread scintilla

Triode wrote: 
> Sounds like it is working in normal non EDO mode.
> OK - do you definately had EDO installed and the output set to digital
> output?  This should mean it tells the server the max sample rate is
> 192k

Yes, it is installed with digital only output selected and there is no
analog output currently.  Should I try a re-install of the plugin and
restart everything?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread dustinsterk

Triode wrote: 
> Its not documented in any way... What you need to do is use poky to
> build the normal image including the kernel.  This is documented on the
> wiki for building squeezeos. You need to build the latest 7.7 image. 
> This will cause poky to fetch and patch the logitech version of 2.6.26. 
> I'd verify you can do this and then load the image on the device before
> going any further.
> Good luck!
> I've then selectively applied a set of patches from more recent usb
> kernel changes - the diff for this from the standard build 2.6.26 is
> here: 
> Then recompile linux and rebuild the image - by just compiling linux and
> the image, poky won't fetch and extract the original linux.  Here's the
> set of commands I used:
> Here's an extract from a history from the vm I was doing that on:
> 2016  bitbake linux-fab4 -c compile -f
> 2017  bitbake squeezeos-image
> 2018  cd tmp-fab4/deploy/images/kernel-image/
> 2019  cp ../fab4.bin .
> 2020  unzip fab4.bin
> 2023  zip kernel-test11.bin board.version upgrade.md5 zImage 
> You could ignore steps 2018-2023 as they are only to extract the kernel
> from the full image.  16 and 17 will build the image after up apply the
> patch.

Bad new for the Schiit DACsthey do NOT support Linux.  They work
great in Windows but stay away if you plan to use them for the EDO and
the Touch:

"Sorry, as stated in the FAQ, we don't support Linux on any of our

Jason Stoddard

Thanks again Triode for all of your hard work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR blaster: Will (almost) any IR emitter work?

2013-01-04 Thread aubuti

No guarantees, but yes, only an ordinary IR emitter is needed. And as
you have observed, there are many.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SqueezePad or iPeng app?

2013-01-04 Thread rrosen999

pippin wrote: 
> While I'm obviously biased (I'm the author of iPeng), I have to agree
> what's been said above.
> iPeng and SqueezePad really follow somewhat different paradigms so you
> can't really compare them on a "better" scale independent of personal
> preferences.
> SqueezePad tries to be as close to the other Squeezebox UI's as possible
> to make it familiar for Squeezebox users and flatten the learning curve
> while my goal with iPeng is to make the long-term experience as
> efficient as possible. Most iPeng users use the App every day and
> typically also several times per day so I believe it pays to invest a
> few minutes of learning to get quicker access to the functionality
> through things like a flatter menu hierarchy, it's "play modes" to speed
> up playlist building, direct access to all your players etc.
> Also, iPeng has been around for longer than the current iteration of the
> Squeezebox UI so it has some UI history of it's own that sometimes
> borrows more from other iPad Apps than the Squeezebox universe.
> Same on the UI appearance. SqueezePad tries to keep a clean look by
> using a lot of whitespace (ok, black space) around UI elements and
> accepts to show actual library content only in a very small part of the
> screen while iPeng tries to free up as much space for actual library
> content as possible so that it can show things like large artwork while
> browsing, which in turn probably makes the overall appearance more
> crammed.
> It's really a question between: Do you want to stay as closely to the
> familiar Squeezebox UI as possible and accept it's limitations
> (SqueezePad is still performing much better than the Logi App or
> SqueezePlay) or do you want to get as much as possible out of it and
> accept that it might sometimes behave or look a bit differently.
> Both Apps have all the functionality of the Logitech App or the
> Squeezebox iteself plus some features of their own which you don't get
> on any other controller.

Any plans for a Squeezeplay-like client for Mac OSX? I use a Mac Mini in
our family room as the platform to pick up music via Squeezeplayer from
the LMS on my NAS as well as movies via VLC.
I love iPeng on the 4s phone and iPad.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SqueezePad or iPeng app?

2013-01-04 Thread pippin

I have thought about it a few times, but then: is there really a need?
There's the web interface which has most of the functionality.
And on the player-side there are at least SqueezeSlave (for which there
is a nice menu bar integration) and of course SqueezePlay itself (which
I use on my Mac Mini server and which works fine).

OK, a native App could bring a bit more Mac-like appeal and maybe be a
bit faster but I think the browser interface offers quite a bit of
flexibility, too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-04 Thread SoftwireEngineer

I am currently using TT3.0 for digital output of mostly 16bit/44.1kHz.
What would be a good deal for a USB converter (ofcourse, with EDO) that
would beat this convincingly ? Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] LMS on Touch - does it run

2013-01-04 Thread 05mattjax

05mattjax wrote: 
> I'll give it a try and report back.

A factory reset sorted it. What a pain!

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