Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch Question for Audiophiles

2010-09-13 Thread Kevin Haskins

Phil Leigh;576253 Wrote: 
 Linn gear that has ultra-high quality SMPS such as pre-amps, CD players,
 Tuners etc are indeed unchanged to my ears by mains leads (that I have
 tried). For example, Nordost Valhalla made no difference over the stock
 mains lead.
 However, Power amps do seem to be slightly affected in some cases by
 some mains leads, IME.
 I'm keeping an open mind on this. I've studied a lot of info on the web
 about this, and there does seem to be a view that there may be something
 to investigate here. I happen to have some suitable carbon-film
 resistors and polyprop caps... When I get time, I'm going to try
 snubbing my various linear supplies to see if there is any effect.
 Agreed. Never heard any impact of directionality myself... and I do
 have directionally marked speaker and interconnect cables...

Getting past the endless debate about cables. the Touch is a true
audiophile grade component.I'm very happy with the playback via the
analog outputs.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review in upcoming Stereophile issue

2010-08-23 Thread Kevin Haskins

Audio is a diverse market with diverse individuals.   Any review
magazine faces that fact no matter what approach they take.

Getting consensus is like hearding cats.   It just isn't going to
happen.   I enjoy Stereophile even though I cannot afford many of the
items and I probably don't agree with some of the opinions published.  
No harm... no foul as far as I'm concerned.  

I'm just glad they are open-minded enough to review a $300 part that is
aimed at the mass market.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Best Volume Setting

2010-08-20 Thread Kevin Haskins

Mnyb;570459 Wrote: 
 100% and then use the preamps level would be better.
 50% is to little , sbs uses a 24bit digital volume control so it's
 quite good, but 50% would be to close for comfort.
 100% if you have a volume controll in the preamp this would maximise
 snr ratio on the Touch.
 I'm not sure of the spec re output voltage bu the Touch at full tilt
 100% should compare roughly with any CD player and you dont use volume
 on those.
 Historically squeezeboxes have had sensible output levels not extremely
 quit nor to much output.
 If you have an vintage preamp of some kind maybe a analog attentuator
 at input would be usefull, some older preamps could have very sensitive

It is fairly hot at 100%.   I measure PP 5V on the scope with just some
music playing.I should upload a sine wave and get a nice pretty
picture.I'm trying to use it on my active speakers with 60-70% --
100% so that I can just avoid dealing with another volume control.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Best Volume Setting

2010-08-20 Thread Kevin Haskins

Phil Leigh;570622 Wrote: 
 Stick some inline attenuators in... 15-20dB should do the trick

I can just change the gain structure of the amp.   Either can work...
but obviously large value resistors add Johnson noise.It won't be
audible but it is just as easy to change the feedback resistors so like
any anal audio nerd I'll go with the less inaudible solution.;-)

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How well does the Touch work?

2010-04-11 Thread Kevin Haskins

mlsstl;533436 Wrote: 
 I've used a SB3 with a Lavry DA10 DAC for the past couple of years as my
 primary music source. 
 The Touch arrived Friday and I spent quite a bit of time the past
 couple of days listening to the Touch. I level-matched the SB3/Lavry
 output with the Touch and synced the two players. I was then able to
 switch between the two inputs for back-to-back comparison. 
 The difference between the SB3 analog out and though the Lavry is quite
 noticeable to me (though I don't consider the SB3 analog bad - just
 rather pedestrian.)
 In comparing the Touch analog out to the SB3/Lavry, the difference is
 extremely subtle in my book. I have to strain to hear the difference. I
 am very impressed and will probably end up selling my Lavry. In
 audiophile-land, the Touch has no right to sound as good as it does for
 the price. ;-)
 However, I'm sure others will disagree with that thinking, but that's
 fine by me. When I have to strain to hear the difference between two
 pieces of equipment, that's a sign for me to let go of the issue and
 just enjoy the music.

It is just good rational decision making.   I see so many people who
let other people determine their preferences that it is refreshing to
see the other side of the coin.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Volume readout in dB?

2010-04-11 Thread Kevin Haskins

Valentino;533136 Wrote: 
 Is there a way to display the Touch volume setting in dB yet? 
 If not: To whom do I donate?
 Have been using and loving this part of Herger's MusicInfoSCR plugin
 for Classic and Transporter, but as far as I understand this plugin is
 not compatible with the Touch.

You could do it in dB of gain or amount of voltage gain but obviously
it wouldn't translate to dB of output because you would also need to
know the gain of the preamp/amplifier attached and the sensitivity of
the loudspeaker.   Then of course you would need to know the
measurement distance so once you get to actual dB output the situation
becomes complex and dependent upon several system variables.

So...dB of gain is somewhat arbitrary as is the volume bar.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Kevin Haskins

johnas;532442 Wrote: 
 I contacted HD Tracks, here's what they said:

Wow I bet he is going to learn to keep his mouth shut.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Availability of the Wall Mount accessory?

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin Haskins

I could machine one out of 6061 for $100 so I hope that is a typo. ;-)

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Availability of the Wall Mount accessory?

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin Haskins

I could machine one out of 6061 for $100 so I hope that is a typo. ;-)

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why Purchase a Touch??

2010-04-03 Thread Kevin Haskins

For me it is the form-factor and dedicated design.  PCs are great
all-purpose tools but they rarely have the elegance of a purpose
designed application hardware/software platform.

The Touch is compact, has a nice form factor and easy interface, can
act as its own server (so I can plug-in an external drive), and from
all accounts, respectable hardware for audio reproduction.   

Sure... I could build a fan-less computer, throw a copy of Windows on
it and run a touchscreen LCD, either a high-end sound card or run to an
external DAC but it isn't as polished as a dedicated product.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power supply requirement for Touch?

2010-04-03 Thread Kevin Haskins

People are still going to buy tweaked power supplies.   Why?   Because
they are available and audio is an addiction.   It needs no logic.  :-)

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-02-18 Thread Kevin Haskins

Whether you can hear it or not is not the point.  The fact that many
people believe THEY can hear it and are willing to pay for it is why it
has value.  If you can advertise 24/192 and use that in the marketing
materials it has financial value and it is another item on the bullet
list of features.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Powered speakers for Touch

2010-02-06 Thread Kevin Haskins

I'm designing something for my personal use at home.   I design
transducers and loudspeakers for a living so it isn't too hard for me to
put together something that fits my needs in terms of size and function.

I'm milling an aluminum base that goes on top of one loudspeaker and
holds the Sqeezebox Touch.  It is an active design so the amps and DSP
are on the back of the loudspeaker.  There is one wire that connects the
two and the signal stays in the digital domain until after the DSP where
it goes through the D/A converter and into the Class D amplification
stage.   My wife didn't want anything but a remote and the speakers have
passed her small enough test.  Once I finish I'd be happy to post
pictures and details.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] technical info audiophile about SB Touch

2009-12-08 Thread Kevin Haskins

perito industriale;493597 Wrote: 
 depends that which are the quality of the speakers utilized, the
 environment and which is the ability to hear differences. :-)) For most
 people is enough quality mp3 that does not mean it's the best, the
 difference between an mp3 and a wav file I think it's recognizable by
 equipment of average quality.
 Certainly if there is some component that prevents the plant to hear
 these differences is pointless to change the DAC
 I will experiment with the internal DAC of the Touch but I think i will
 use the coax output to connect an external DAC like the Musical Fidelity
 VDAC that promises good performance at relatively low cost 

I design transducers so I can safely say, it doesn't matter how much
you spend, or what the marketing department says, the very most
expensive and best loudspeaker has orders of magnitude more distortion
than does the DAC in the Touch.   ;-)

That is my only point.

Kevin Haskins

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] technical info audiophile about SB Touch

2009-12-08 Thread Kevin Haskins

perito industriale;493639 Wrote: 
 But that got to do!
 You're comparing 2 different things. You can not compare the distortion
 of the signal and the power .. :-O
 Distortion then is not the only parameter on which you decide the
 quality of a component hifi / hiend!
 is important but not the only, if you're a designer you should know

THD+N is pretty useless as a sole metric, that is true.  Especially
with loudspeakers where the on/off-axis FR measurements are more
important.   But... when you are splitting hairs over 0.005 THD+N Vs.
0.0001 THD+N, it is almost guaranteed that there is little audible
difference between the two.   Also, you have to more broadly define how
it is measured.  Small amounts of odd-order are very audible, higher
amounts of even order harmonics much less so.Also, you would have to
know where the distortion components are in relation to the frequency
band.   You can listen to 10% THD  at 20 Hz and not tell a distorted
sinewave from an undistorted one.So... yes, it is more complicated
than a simple single number but there is plenty of research showing what
is and what is not audible. 

With transducers, we are very happy to get 1% THD+N at higher listening
levels.   Those distortion products are both even  odd order depending
upon the mechanism causing them.I'd say we are pretty safe in saying
that those non-linearities swamp those that are another 40-60dB further
down.   It is like saying you can appriciate the sound of your hifi
while using your chainsaw.  Nobody would consider that a rational
exercise, yet we routinely make such comparisons when judging audio
components.   The rational person, turns off the chainsaw before they
fine tune their audio system for best performance.  The irrational
person quibbles about the nuances of the performance while ignoring the

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