Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Client restricted due to licensing restrictions (are you not in the US)?
Got it! Thanks MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
[SlimDevices: Touch] Client restricted due to licensing restrictions (are you not in the US)?
All of a sudden starting today, all 3 of my Touch devices are displaying the following when trying to access Pandora through them: CLIENT RESTRICTED DUE TO LICENSING RESTRICTIONS (ARE YOU NOT IN THE US)? 31897 I am also receiving the same message when trying to access Pandora through Logitech Media Server. Any ideas as to what is going on? +---+ |Filename: Squeezebox Touch (Copy).jpg | |Download:| +---+ MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch display is now different since latest firmware update
I was prompted to update the firmware to the latest firmware today on all 3 of my Touches. Upon completion of the update all 3 of the Touches completely dropped off the wireless network and could not connect. Also, all 3 were missing features and settings features that were there prior to the update. I finally had to reboot my wireless router even though none of the other wireless devices in my house were having any issues connecting or seeing the network. Now that all is back online again, I noticed that one of the Touches cannot setup the screen preferences the way it was prior. Prior, I had the Album Artwork showing as well as time remaing, name of Album, Track # and Track title... now I can get the above but without the Artwork, or I can get the Artwork by itself without any of the above... I truly do not understand why this is always such a cluster *#&$^ each and every update... Any suggestions on how to get the screen preference back? Thanks -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
I should also add that recently Squeezebox Server simply stops playing. I can do this 2 or 3 times immediatly when playing an album or wait for a hour or so before it happens. Everytime it happens the web interface shows that the track is still playing, each of the Squeezeboxes themselves show that the track is continuing to play. However, the audio stops! To get it going again I have to click on the PLAY arrow. This makes playing a Playlist all the way through impossible. Why is this happening??? -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
I should also add that if I stop the track from the server first before shutting the server down. Once the server is shut off the touch screesn sasy NOT PLAYING -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
Yes, I am aware there is a certain amount of buffer and yes music continues to play for a short while. This is true with all of my Squeezeboxes. Yes, when it reaches the end of the buffer it stops playing music. However, the Touches continue to show the album artwork and the progress bar continues to count down when the server is shut off, but it never finishes just continues to run. All of my other Squeezeboxes go blank on the screen and show nothing. I am not in the habit of turning off my Squeezeboxes when not in use, just the server. The Squeezeboxes go blank. But the Touch continues to display what was running and appears to still be running. If I shut the Touch off the date and time will display on the screen. When I turn it back on... it will continue to show the last album track played and appear to still be playing. -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
I can certainly do that. However, on all my other Squeezeboxes I have never had to do this. The Touch are the only ones that keep playing. With regards to shutting down the server... my preference is to shut it down when not in use. The issue again, doesn't happen to any of my other Squeezeboxes... just the 2 Touch. -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
I am not clear of the question. I turn off the computer dedicated to music when I am not using it. The issue is not in the turning off of the server but rather that the Touch keeps playing when it is turned off. -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
Is there anyone that can help with this? -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
It doesn't play to the end of the song. It just keeps playing... or... shows that it is playing. -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
nobody?? -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list
[SlimDevices: Touch] Screen still shows tune is playing after Squeezebox Server is shut down
Unlike either of the 3 older Squeezeboxes I own, the new Touch continues to show the track information and cover artwork and progress bar of the tune playing when Squeezebox Server is shut down. With my other 3 Squeezeboxes, when the server is shut down, the screens of the Squeezeboxes will go blank after the buffered amount of the tune ends. With the new Touches this does not happen. If I shut down the Server the Touch continues to show the Album artwork, track information and progress bar of the tune playing. I actually raised this issue with support shortly after getting my 2 Squeezebox Touches and they stated this was a bug. Does anyone have any ideas? -- MannyL MannyL's Profile: View this thread: ___ Touch mailing list