Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread daleyb

Good Point Garym. All my files are 16 bit CD/rips. On top of that the
DAC in the SBT Is very good.Add to this I currently have a small
listening room, so dont need Music too loud.The weakest link in my Hifi
chain is my speakers (Mission 751) Circa 1993, But they will do for

I was even thinking of buying a Transporter, but that may be a Bit OTT
for my Set up.When I think what I paid for my SBTs (I Have 3 now). One
in use (£ 114) Second in storage(£ 130). third in storage (£280-still
sealed) ..its kinda creeping upto the price of a S/h Transporter. Iam
sure the DACS better in that In the transporter , but I would miss the
Colour screen in the SBT!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread garym

daleyb wrote: 
> Hi Garym hope your well. The volume was the same. I got a great offer on
> a Rega DAC-R (£360), but only used the coax to my amp.At the point I
> was unaware of the EDO App, so never tried it. Then reading the forum on
> here made me aware of the app. The bad news is I Sold the DAC on ebay
> Soon after buying it.The Good news is I sold it for a profit(not much
> after ebay ,Paypal  took there cut) at£480.
> Despite this, Iam still left thinking I really should of kept it and
> tried the EDO APP.(Though DACs are cheap & plentiful). The DAC  with  my
> CD player Sounded Fantastic, But now I have music at my Fingertips with
> SBT, who needs CD's..? (apart fro ripping them, which I have now
> completed-well thats never really ends)...Ive even just Sold my beloved
> Record Collection.My Turntable is Redundant.
> I never thought when I started  ripping My CDs with DBPA a few years ago
> (and you were there  (Garym) at my humble beginnings)  with a view to
> streaming, it would completely change how I listened to music..
> looking at the thread on here at folks SBT systems really makes me
> drool with passion.Not sure I will be putting a SBT In the bathroom
> anytime soon though !
> Daleyb (a Graduate of the Garym University of Ripping & Streaming)

Hi Daleyb. I'm pleased you're enjoying the squeezebox ecosystem and
ripping with dbpa. It certainly changed my interaction with my music. 
My advice is to not go too far down into the rabbit hole of "improving"
sound quality.  First, don't believe everything you read. Most things
you'll read about power supplies, DACs, etc. will be audiophool
nonsense.  In the case of your situation, I would be surprised if the
difference you are hearing is not that your CD player is a bit "hotter"
in terms of output than the SB Touch w/internal DAC. So that increased
volume (even tiny amount) gives the listener the idea that the louder
source is "better".

Then again, it's only money and a hobby, so if you feel better with a
different DAC, then go for  it.  I use an older Benchmark DAC I attached
to a Touch in one location (connected via S/PDIF  cable--I don't use the
EDO app to produce USB output and I don't have any files that are > than
24/96, in fact most are 16/44.1 CD rips).  I mostly like the Benchmark
DAC over the Touch internal DAC because I can use balanced analog
outputs from the Benchmark (and I had the Benchmark well before getting
a squeezebox).

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win8(64) > LMS 7.9 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* Transporter, Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win8(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread daleyb

Hi Garym hope your well. The volume was the same. I got a great offer on
a Rega DAC-R (£360), but only used the coax to my amp.At the point I
was unaware of the EDO App, so never tried it. Then reading the forum on
here made me aware of the app. The bad news is I Sold the DAC on ebay
Soon after buying it.The Good news is I sold it for a profit(not much
after ebay ,Paypal  took there cut) at£480.

Despite this, Iam still left thinking I really should of kept it and
tried the EDO APP.(Though DACs are cheap & plentiful). The DAC  with  my
CD player Sounded Fantastic, But now I have music at my Fingertips with
SBT, who needs CD's..? (apart fro ripping them, which I have now
completed-well thats never really ends)...Ive even just Sold my beloved
Record Collection.My Turntable is Redundant.

I never thought when I started  ripping My CDs with DBPA a few years ago
(and you were there  (Garym) at my humble beginnings)  with a view to
streaming, it would completely change how I listened to music..

looking at the thread on here at folks SBT systems really makes me
drool with passion.Not sure I will be putting a SBT In the bathroom
anytime soon though !

Daleyb (a Graduate of the Garym University of Ripping & Streaming)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread garym

Mnyb wrote: 
> Having the volume controll at the same spot is unfortunayely not enough
> to verify that .
> Many players have quite different output levels :/

Yep, good clarification. I meant actual measured output volume, not
settings in LMS or players.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win8(64) > LMS 7.9 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* Transporter, Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win8(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread Mnyb

garym wrote: 
> correct. One must have EDO installed to use the Touch USB as an audio
> *output*.
> daleyb...are you sure you have the volume equal when comparing the touch
> and the CD player. Even very small differences in volume (louder) can
> make one source sound "better"

Having the volume controll at the same spot is unfortunayely not enough
to verify that .
Many players have quite different output levels :/

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-07 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> Yes - but that requires EDO, afaik.

correct. One must have EDO installed to use the Touch USB as an audio

daleyb...are you sure you have the volume equal when comparing the touch
and the CD player. Even very small differences in volume (louder) can
make one source sound "better"

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win8(64) > LMS 7.9 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* Transporter, Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win8(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-06 Thread Julf

daleyb wrote: 
> When folk on here are saying there using USB on here is that the usb
> connection on the SBT..??

Yes - but that requires EDO, afaik.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-06-06 Thread daleyb

Please accept my apologies for maybe not quite understanding. When I
connected a new REGA DAC to my SBT to my ears there was no real Sound
difference. Please note, there was NO EDO on SBT (I was pretty new to
the SBT World then, so never knew such a thing existed at the time..)
and used coax cable to my amp. When folk on here are saying there using
USB on here is that the usb connection on the SBT..??

again forgive me if Iam wrong, but I always thought the USB on the SBT
was just for USB mem. Stick or H/drive upto a certain amount of GBs or
MBs only. 

I just cant help thinking I should of kept the rega DAC (the lastest
model) and maybe experimented a bit more  !

it sounded amazing with my CD player...But disappointing with my SBT and
going back to CD was no option for me (having ripped so many CDs) and
accessing ALL my music On my SBT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2017-03-25 Thread Supertramp

BertdeJong wrote: 
> I have an Chord Mojo attached to my Touch using EDO and USB. It works
> (and sounds) wonderfull. However, if I switch both off and on again the
> Touch does not seem to rember the audio out setting. A can see the file
> playing but there is no sound through the DAC, so I am asuming it has
> switched back to analog. Can this be fixed?

I had the same after upgrading my Classé CP-800 with the v2 digital
board. I had to reboot the Touch before every listening session. I then
found out that putting a USB hub between the Touch and my CP-800
resolved the issue and I now enjoy this duo since several year trouble

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-11-01 Thread celo

drmatt wrote: 
> So you are basically relying on the mojo to behave as a pre-amp, because
> your "amp" has no volume control so is presumably a fixed gain power
> amp. Given that the volume control on the mojo has no remote control
> capability I would do the following:
> Turn SBT vol all the way down
> Set mojo to "line" level output via magic button sequence
> Use SBT volume control to control sound level.
> If you find you can't get to even 30% vol on SBT without it being too
> loud you may need to lower the mojo volume setting further. But note
> that both these devices use digital volume controls. The mojo has a
> higher resolution digital volume control than the SBT, but you still may
> lose resolution at low volumes on either, depending on the gain of your
> power amp.

What I did was connect the Mojo to SBT via USB (EDO) and then connect
the 3.5mm cable (headphone output) to Mojo and other RCA ends to my Sure
Electronics Digital Amplifier (no volume). 

I will try yours tonight :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread drmatt

celo wrote: 
> Since I have not used an amp/DAC before I am trying to figure it out how
> to connect. Currently, I connected the Mojo via USB to SBT (EDO).
> Yes, (@Man in a van), I connect the 3.5mm cable to the headphone output
> on the Mojo and connect the RCA ends to my amp (no volume on the amp).
> So, no need to use line out mode (I assume). 
> What I want to know is that what amp is feeding my speakers? :) The Mojo
> or my amp?:) I do not think Mojo's amp can be bypassed. I am confused
> here as how it works.
So you are basically relying on the mojo to behave as a pre-amp, because
your "amp" has no volume control so is presumably a fixed gain power
amp. Given that the volume control on the mojo has no remote control
capability I would do the following:

Turn SBT vol all the way down
Set mojo to "line" level output via magic button sequence
Use SBT volume control to control sound level.

If you find you can't get to even 30% vol on SBT without it being too
loud you may need to lower the mojo volume setting further. But note
that both these devices use digital volume controls. The mojo has a
higher resolution digital volume control than the SBT, but you still may
lose resolution at low volumes on either, depending on the gain of your
power amp.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread drmatt

Man in a van wrote: 
> I had a quick skim of the specs and line level output is given as
> "3v"
> still above the normal 2v or so.

Yep, but this is not 100% volume, in the stereophile review he measured
it at getting on for 4.8V.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread Man in a van

celo wrote: 
> Since I have not used an amp/DAC before I am trying to figure it out how
> to connect. Currently, I connected the Mojo via USB to SBT (EDO).
> Yes, (@Man in a van), I connect the 3.5mm cable to the headphone output
> on the Mojo and connect the RCA ends to my amp (no volume on the amp).
> So, no need to use line out mode (I assume). 
> What I want to know is that what amp is feeding my speakers? :) The Mojo
> or my amp?:) I do not think Mojo's amp can be bypassed. I am confused
> here as how it works.

Well Celo, this is how it works when I use an iFi Nano dac.

I use the headphone output to my PRE amplifier.

The output is set to 100%, volume knob turned completely right (this is
on the mfg's advice as it is essentially a passive pre-amp).

Doing this effectively takes it out of the equation.

I assume that the amplifier you are using (info would be nice) is a
power amplifier. 

The headphone output on the Mojo could then be used as a a pre

You need to check your specs, as the volume output could be very low,
depending o the sensitivity of the power amp you are feeding it into.

Better still, contact Chord with full information of the equipment you
are using and ask their advice. They should be able to advise you if the
headphone output is sufficient or that you need to use the line ouput
setting. (I'm guessing that if you choose the latter then a pre-amp
would be required).

When asking these type of questions it is important to give as much
information and detail as possible.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread celo

Man in a van wrote: 
> I had a quick skim of the specs and line level output is given as
> still above the normal 2v or so.
> The headphone outputs (which I assumed the OP wants to use) are given as
> I posted a link to someone using the dac with EDO on a SBTouch.
> I have not heard either the Mojo or the Hugo but have heard the 2Qute
> thingy and that sounded fine to my old ears.

Since I have not used an amp/DAC before I am trying to figure it out how
to connect. Currently, I connected the Mojo via USB to SBT (EDO).

Yes, (@Man in a van), I connect the 3.5mm cable to the headphone output
on the Mojo and connect the RCA ends to my amp (no volume on the amp).
So, no need to use line out mode (I assume). 

What I want to know is that what amp is feeding my speakers? :) The Mojo
or my amp?:) I do not think Mojo's amp can be bypassed. I am confused
here as how it works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread Man in a van

drmatt wrote: 
> As per my comment in the new thread, note that full output level is
> nearly 4.8V on the mojo, so this might totally blow your amp out the
> water. Do not default to 100% anything..
> Do you have any way of confirming that EDO is capable of driving the
> mojo in asynchronous mode? Plain old synch USB does not have the same
> sonic advantages as asynchronous and you may as well just use a
> perfectly working optical or coaxial spdif cable.

I had a quick skim of the specs and line level output is given as

> Line Level Mode
> To set the output level to 3V ( line level ) for connection to a
> preamplifier press both volume buttons 
> together  when  switching  on  the  unit.  Both  volume  balls  will 
> illuminate  light  blue.  This  mode  is  not 
> remembered so when you switch off it will reset back to the previous
> volume stored for safety reasons.

still above the normal 2v or so.

The headphone outputs (which I assumed the OP wants to use) are given as

> output of 35mW into 600ohms, rising to 720mW into 8 ohms.

I posted a link to someone using the dac with EDO on a SBTouch.

I have not heard either the Mojo or the Hugo but have heard the 2Qute
thingy and that sounded fine to my old ears.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread drmatt

As per my comment in the new thread, note that full output level is
nearly 4.8V on the mojo, so this might totally blow your amp out the
water. Do not default to 100% anything..

Do you have any way of confirming that EDO is capable of driving the
mojo in asynchronous mode? Plain old synch USB does not have the same
sonic advantages as asynchronous and you may as well just use a
perfectly working optical or coaxial spdif cable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread celo

Man in a van wrote: 
> Hi celo, here's my 2 bits
> Install EDO on the SBTouch with Mojo connected by USB.
> Connect Mojo to amp.
> I'm guessing a bit now, but from my experience with an iFi Nano dac, set
> the volume on the Mojo to max.
> In LMS on the player page in Settings set the volume to Variable output
> as you will be controlling this with your iphone.
> Controlling the volume in this manner can be a bit risky, make sure you
> turn down the volume before switching off.
> Its safer to control the volume with a pre-amp and have both outputs on
> the Mojo and SBT set to 100%.
> Maybe/maybe not, switch off the charger when playing music.
> Make sure the volume in LMS is really low before playing any music for
> the first time.
> If you can adjust the digital amp volume I would suggest you set it to
> the max you are likely to use (use the variable control on your 'phone)
> and then back it off a bit and leave it at that setting. This will give
> you some headroom for when you start everything at full blast :p;):D.
> Keep safe, it's dangerous out there:cool:

Thank you! For more input, I opened a new thread. Hope it is OK:)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread Man in a van

celo wrote: 
> Hello,
> Just bought the Mojo and will hook it up tonight. Why do you say USB is
> preferred? 
> I will use my Mojo strictly for my hi-fi set up. No headphones. Just my
> speakers.
> This is what I have and how I will connect it:
> Mojo > SBT via USB cable
> SBT > Digital amp (no volume) via 3.5mm RCA cable
> Logitech Server running on iMac
> Control the music via Logitech iPhone App
> Mojo will be connected at all times to Apple 1A charger
> How should I control volume? How should I set the volume on the SBT?
> Should I use the Mojo for volume control?
> Any recommendations on how I will be connecting and using it?
> Thanks!

Hi celo, here's my 2 bits

Install EDO on the SBTouch with Mojo connected by USB.

Connect Mojo to amp.

I'm guessing a bit now, but from my experience with an iFi Nano dac, set
the volume on the Mojo to max.

In LMS on the player page in Settings set the volume to Variable output
as you will be controlling this with your iphone.

Controlling the volume in this manner can be a bit risky, make sure you
turn down the volume before switching off.

Its safer to control the volume with a pre-amp and have both outputs on
the Mojo and SBT set to 100%.

Maybe/maybe not, switch off the charger when playing music.

Make sure the volume in LMS is really low before playing any music for
the first time.

If you can adjust the digital amp volume I would suggest you set it to
the max you are likely to use (use the variable control on your 'phone)
and then back it off a bit and leave it at that setting. This will give
you some headroom for when you start everything at full blast :p;):D.

Keep safe, it's dangerous out there:cool:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-10-31 Thread celo

BertdeJong wrote: 
> Ronnie,
> Thanks for your reply, I will try. However I prefer the USB output, the
> DAC is realy designed to use it an sounds wonderfull using USB.
> Kind regards,
> Bert


Just bought the Mojo and will hook it up tonight. Why do you say USB is

I will use my Mojo strictly for my hi-fi set up. No headphones. Just my

This is what I have and how I will connect it:
Mojo > SBT via USB cable
SBT > Digital amp (no volume) via 3.5mm RCA cable
Logitech Server running on iMac
Control the music via Logitech iPhone App
Mojo will be connected at all times to Apple 1A charger

How should I control volume? How should I set the volume on the SBT?
Should I use the Mojo for volume control?

Any recommendations on how I will be connecting and using it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-08-30 Thread Man in a van

ralphy wrote: 
> The only change to the updated EDO and kernel installer applets is the
> URLs for the kernel downloads.

Thanks for the reminder Ralphy, :o

I'll try to be a little more circumspect with regard to further

Top work, by the way:cool:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-08-30 Thread ralphy

Man in a van wrote: 
> Bert, there is now an update to version 0.8 EDO kindly provided by
> ralphy.
> Why not do the update and see if this fixes the problem. 
> It is also again possible to try different kernel versions
> The point about a usb hub was that sometimes the SBT seemed to prefer to
> connect to a hub (passive in your case) and then via the hub to the dac,
> worth a try if you have a passive usb2 hub. You would still be using the
> dac as designed.
> groetjes
> Ronnie

The only change to the updated EDO and kernel installer applets is the
URLs for the kernel downloads.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-08-29 Thread Man in a van

BertdeJong wrote: 
> The Chord Mojo is self powered and does not need a hub. It works with an
> optical connection that I have now installed but the Mojo is disigned as
> a asynchronos USB dac and I would prefer to use it as such.
> I still have not solved the problem.

Bert, there is now an update to versio 0.8 EDO kindly provided by

Why not do the update and see if this fixes the problem. 

It is also again to try different kernel versions

The point about a usb hub was that sometimes the SBT seemed to prefer to
connect to a hub (passive in your case) and then via the hub to the dac,
worth a try if you have a passive usb2 hub. You would still be using the
dac as designed.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-08-29 Thread BertdeJong

Man in a van wrote: 
> Just trying to see if it works with another connection ;)
> On the SBT do you have the volume set to 100%?.
> Maybe try to connect the DAC to the SBT via a USB hub? (powered and/or
> unpowered).
> Try this, when you switch off, unplug the dac and re-plug it after you
> switch on the SBT.

The Chord Mojo is self powered and does not need a hub. It works with an
optical connection that I have now installed but the Mojo is disigned as
a asynchronos USB dac and I would prefer to use it as such.

I still have not solved the problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-06-23 Thread Man in a van

BertdeJong wrote: 
> Ronnie,
> Thanks for your reply, I will try. However I prefer the USB output, the
> DAC is realy designed to use it an sounds wonderfull using USB.
> Kind regards,
> Bert

Just trying to see if it works with another connection ;)

On the SBT do you have the volume set to 100%?.

Maybe try to connect the DAC to the SBT via a USB hub? (powered and/or

Try this, when you switch off, unplug the dac and re-plug it after you
switch on the SBT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-06-23 Thread BertdeJong

Man in a van wrote: 
> Hi Bert, if you connect the SBT to the Dac with  a digital cable (either
> coax or optical) and select digital as the output,  what happens?
> Is there sound?
> Groetjes, 
> Ronnie


Thanks for your reply, I will try. However I prefer the USB output, the
DAC is realy designed to use it an sounds wonderfull using USB.

Kind regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-06-22 Thread Man in a van

BertdeJong wrote: 
> I have an Chord Mojo attached to my Touch using EDO and USB. It works
> (and sounds) wonderfull. However, if I switch both off and on again the
> Touch does not seem to rember the audio out setting. A can see the file
> playing but there is no sound through the DAC, so I am asuming it has
> switched back to analog. Can this be fixed?

Hi Bert, if you connect the SBT to the Dac with  a digital cable (either
coax or optical) and select digital as the output,  what happens?

Is there sound?



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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with EDO does not remember output setting

2016-06-22 Thread BertdeJong

I have an Chord Mojo attached to my Touch using EDO and USB. It works
(and sounds) wonderfull. However, if I switch both off and on again the
Touch does not seem to rember the audio out setting. A can see the file
playing but there is no sound through the DAC, so I am asuming it has
switched back to analog. Can this be fixed?

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