[Trac] Re: Owner is logged-in user in TracQuery

2007-11-27 Thread James Guyton

Have you tried TicketBoxMacro?

If nothing else, it probably be a good start.


James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zach
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:25 AM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] Owner is logged-in user in TracQuery

I'd like to stick a TracQuery macro on the main wiki page, so when a
user logs in they see a table listing all of their current tickets.  I
know you can specify owner=someusername in the query, but what value
do you set it to so owner is the current user, and not a pre-specified

Is this possible in 0.10.3?

Also, is it possible to specify the columns you want displayed in the

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[Trac] Re: trac-admin resync stopping randomly

2007-11-20 Thread James Guyton

Can you provide any more information(what version of Trac, installation, 

Also, were your resyncs done back to back? i.e. did you run it once, have it 
stop at 8, run it again immediately, have it stop at 2120? And if you ran it 
again, does it stop at the same point?

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 7:25 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] trac-admin resync stopping randomly

What would cause trac-admin resync to just stop at some random
revision number and state that it had completed?

I'll get something of this sort:

Resyncing repository history...
2120 revisions cached. Done.

When in reality there are about 26k revisions. The first time it
stopped at 8, and the next time at 2120. Wondering what would cause


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[Trac] Re: use cases

2007-11-19 Thread James Guyton
I would argue against the use of the ticketing system for managing your
use cases for a few reasons, which you may or may not find applicable:

a.)Managing  the use cases in the same system as
defects/enhancements/tasks breaks a task oriented ticket approach

b.)It is possible that you may have multiple variants of a use case
for minor modifications to baselines, which would be painful to
duplicate in ticket form

c.) Re-use of use cases for a similar program/project would probably
require re-creating the ticket again, or making two tickets that are
very similar


The first item is probably the most important for development; it is
typically more useful/productive to try to enter tickets in some
task-oriented manner. The overall goal is then to have 0 non-resolved

The next two are pretty much along the same vein, and affect those
defining your requirements(if you have separate . It is far easier and
quicker to copy/paste/modify a wiki or a document than it is a ticket.
If you do this only a few times it is not a particular issue, but grows
very tiresome. (On the flip side, if you have to change systems, all of
your data is neatly packaged, and isn't too bad to migrate)


I guess the better question at the moment is how you currently manage
your requirements or requirements mapping. Typically you have a
requirement UID, which maps to one or more use case UIDs, which are then
referenced by one or more tasks. That would be an ideal scenario, but
what level of detail or granularity you have can definitely vary by the
industry you are in, and the project you are working on.


We will typically have a separate use case document(if they are
generated), and reference the use case #s in tickets(implement x-y of
#13123). An excel document maps test cases UIDs to use case UIDs to
requirements UIDs which map to customer requirements.  If use cases are
considered necessary for the scope, mapping to requirements occurs.


As it sounds, it's a fairly labor-intensive process (and painful) to
initially set up; much less so to maintain. I'd love to find some better
way of doing it which doesn't require buying a 10k USD solution or
having me manually move all the information currently entered in this


What may be a feasible approach would be to create another Trac
environment specifically for use cases, and then use the InterTrac
interface to correlate tickets to particular use cases. That way you can
have your task-based system and your data-based system working side by


Hmm. I may have to start playing around with that some here.


HTH, it gave me some benefits! :D



James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Dave Peacock
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 1:29 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] use cases


Hi all-

Just exploring & evaluating Trac now. Looks nice, there are some great
features -- but what i'd really like to do is track use cases.

Have seen one suggestion of using the tags plugin, this is not quite
what i am after. 

Have seen a couple of examples out there of using the wiki for this, eg
add UseCases and then go edit that UseCases and add UseCaseFirstOne and
UseCaseSecondOne to that etc. Can easily link tickets to use cases and
vice versa this way -- which is important. I haven't explored templates,
i would guess you could set these up so person entering the use case can
easily follow conventions. That's important too -- i'd like the people
who are entering the use cases to follow the structure required for the
use case but not have to pay attention to the wiki structure or have to
know too much about the conventions. 

Formal use cases have well-defined fields, and in my mind entering a new
use case would be similar to entering a new ticket. There are some
fields to enter, and these are kept in a proper database. But is this
overkill? It solves the problem of having the person entering the use
case having to know anything about convention or structure, but maybe it
introduces too much complexity? 

Interested in hearing thoughts from the group. How have you dealt with
use cases? Did you use the wiki as above or some other bit of software
(and if so do you link into trac), or do you just informally send these
via emails, or something else? How is your solution working out for you?

thanks in advance
dave peacock

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[Trac] Re: Accessing only a part of the Subversion Repository

2007-11-19 Thread James Guyton

If I'm interpreting your question correctly, you want to set the 
repository_dir =

variable in your trac.ini file to the desired location in your repository.
i.e. your repository is located at C:\CM\REPO, and let us say your SVN is 
structured something like this:


Now we say that you want to only have TRAC look at the DRINK_KOESTER project.

You would set 

then do a trac-admin resync, and should be good to go.

Just as a note, this does not appear to work when used as an init_env 
parameter. If you are starting a new environment, you would use C:\CM\REPO as 
the parameter, then go and edit it manually after the initialization process is 


James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Andreas Koester
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 5:56 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Accessing only a part of the Subversion Repository

I've a single Subversion repository for different projects, and now I 
would like to use TRAC for just one of these projects.
Is this possible ?

Thanks, Andreas

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[Trac] Re: Can I generate links to the actual svn repository

2007-11-15 Thread James Guyton

Going out on a limb, it would probably be possible to define the base path your 
particular svn environment is located at in the specific trac.ini for your trac 
environment, then to modify the browser page to list the base path + your 
navigated path somewhere on the page.

I would imagine that it could get fairly nasty when you start getting to 

There's a shot in the dark for you, but you would be better off listening to a 
dev's (Noah/Manu/etc) advice.

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Stephen Bannasch
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 5:25 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Can I generate links to the actual svn repository

Is there a way to generate links to the actual svn repository location.

For example if a user was viewing the trunk dir of the repository in Trac:


Could also generate and render the link to the actual svn location:


so someone could copy use the link in a 'svn co' command?

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[Trac] Re: opinion -- trac and patches

2007-10-01 Thread James Guyton
This is more of a question on personal preferences with running your

Ideally you would log a defect ticket, find the solution, create tickets
for the baselines affected,  close baseline tickets when completed,
close defect ticket when baseline tickets are completely done.




James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jeremy Mordkoff
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 2:37 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] opinion -- trac and patches


How do you, as a trac user, handle this? 


   1.  assume that release 1.0 and 2.0 are out in the field and we are
working on 3.0

   2. a bug report comes in that we identify as a serious issue that has
existed since day 1.

   3. a new test is created for the bug

   4. a fix is made in the 1.0 branch, tested and released as 1.1

   5. the fix is merged to 2.0, tested and released as 2.1

   6. the fix is merged to the trunk

   7. release 3.0 and all future releases now include the fix 


ISSUE -- what are the found-in rev (version) and fixed-in rev
(milestone) of this bug? Do we have to create 3 bugs?






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[Trac] Re: Trac Authentication - first steps.

2007-09-25 Thread James Guyton

htdigest [ -c ] passwdfile realm username

> htdigest -c /path/to/users.digest realm admin

> tracd -p 8080 --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest,mycompany.com /
> path/to/project1

Try changing "mycompany.com" to "realm", and see if that works?

James Guyton (JGU)

Terma North America
C 478-213-9035 

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Ruben O
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 12:00 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac Authentication - first steps.

This seems a boxing combat. In rd corner, with 75 kg: me. In blue
cornerr with 250 kg: Trac. Well,i only hope to keep fighing to
last round. I resolve the last error:  I create again the
users.htdigest file with a user called admin and a password to this
users with htdigest command.

Then i restart Tracd with optimal parameters writed in Trac web
(http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracStandalone). But unfortunately Trac
returns a error:

[Internal Error
Authentication information not available. Please refer to the
installation documentation.]

I read the installation documentation ( many times! ) and i googled
without find a solution for this. Many configurations, many options,
many environments. Im think that is possible to run TRAC with tracd
and authenticaion. At least in Trac web is explained. The worse of all
is that this error not show any indication.

Im totally blocked. I don't know if try to run trac with Apache or
follo with tracd. According to Trac Web tracd is the easiest way to
run TRAC with Authentication.

What can i do? Any help will be appreciated.

On Sep 25, 5:04 pm, Ruben O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well. I believe that im near finding the correct way to run Tracd with
> authenticaion mode. I read in documentation of TracStandalone the way
> to run Tracd with auth:
> tracd -p 8080 --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest,mycompany.com /
> path/to/project1
> Before i created a file with htdigest command into conf Trac project
> folder (path/to/project/conf/users.digest)
> htdigest -c /path/to/users.digest realm admin
> i name the file like users.digest. Now when i run the tracd command
> with digest authentication i receipt this message
> Warning: found no users in realm: mycompany.com
> The htdigest file is named as "users.digest" and have a user called
> admin. Why dont works? Forgot i something?
> Thanks
> On Sep 25, 3:11 pm, Ruben O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Stephen
> > Forgive me if my questions are very simple. Can i use authentication
> > with Trac, if i am running TRAC with his own webserver? ( im not
> > Apache).
> > i am a little bit confused.
> > Thanks.
> > On Sep 25, 2:24 pm, "Stephen Moretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On 25/09/2007, Ruben O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hello
> > > > im following my first TRAC installation and setup. After solving
> > > > problems im trying to implement authentication to my
> > > > web server. Assure that i have read all information about
> > > > Authenticacion but i don't understand well or perhaps lack
> > > > for newbies users of TRAC.
> > > > First, i don't know the difference between Digest and Basic
> > > > authentication. In this url
> > > >http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracStandalone#UsingAuthentication
> > > > is not explained :(
> > > > And second, after understand the Digest and Basic i have a doubt
> > > > users.htdigest file. How i create this file and what is the
> > > > of this file?
> > > Digest and Basic Authentication is an element of Apache httpd
> > > rather than of Trac.
> > > For more information
> > > take a look at the htpasswd and htdigest documentation on the
apache httpd  :http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/es/programs/
> > > You might also want to have a read of this documentation on
Authentication :http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/auth.html
> > > Hope this helps
> > > Stephen

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[Trac] Re: startup questions with AccountManager

2007-09-17 Thread James Guyton

>>Because, after performing this, no user had any rights any longer since
>>they inherit from ANONYMOUS/anonymous, correct?
>>So after that I had to grant permissions to every single user, instead I
>>could have used granting permissions to the "authenticated" group as well.
>>Is this correct?

This depends on how you have decided to add permissions and what you need to 
do, but generally speaking you are correct.
If you have a user named bob that you need to give permissions to, you can do 
this two ways:
1) use 
permission add bob 
for each permission that is needed
2) use
permission add usertype1 
for each permission that is needed (this creates a group usertype1)
permission add bob usertype1
which adds bob to that group.

Usually you will use groups, with maybe one or two individuals that need 
special access types in a given install.

>>Two questions arising now:
>>- Is it possible to remove the link to session for the single login
>>page, before logging in?
>>- Ho can I redirect to the login-page after logging out?

This I can't help with, someone else want to take a stab?

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Heinrich Götzger
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 5:02 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: startup questions with AccountManager

James Guyton wrote:
> Regarding ADMIN button:
>   Do you have TRAC_ADMIN privileges?
not yet, but:
trac-admin /opt/trac/example permissions add admin TRAC_ADMIN
helped a lot

> Regarding public access:
>   Have you tried removing all permissions for ANONYMOUS users?
not yet, but:
trac-admin /opt/trac/example permission remove ANONYMOUS '*'
did not help, but
trac-admin /opt/trac/example permission remove anonymous '*'
is working (better than expected ;-) instead.
Because, after performing this, no user had any rights any longer since
they inherit from ANONYMOUS/anonymous, correct?
So after that I had to grant permissions to every single user, instead I
could have used granting permissions to the "authenticated" group as well.

Is this correct?

Two questions arising now:
- Is it possible to remove the link to session for the single login
page, before logging in?
- Ho can I redirect to the login-page after logging out?

Thanks for your help.



> James Guyton (JGU)
> -Original Message-
> From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of hank
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:28 AM
> To: Trac Users
> Subject: [Trac] startup questions with AccountManager
> Hello
> I just started to evaluate trac for using it with our projects.
> Since we working on distributed places I plan running it on a public
> reachable webserver running gentoo with apache 2.2. Therefore
> Authentication is a big issue.
> I'm using trac-0.10.4
> and here is part of the trac.ini:
> [components]
> webadmin.* = enabled
> trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled
> acct_mgr.admin.AccountManagerAdminPage = enabled
> acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule = enabled
> acct_mgr.web_ui.RegistrationModule = enabled
> acct_mgr.htfile.HtPasswdStore = enabled
> [account-manager]
> password_store = HtPasswdStore
> password_file = /opt/trac/trac.htpasswd
> The first step was just using the htpasswd from apache which worked
> fine for a single user, but more users are coming, so I checked the
> AccountManager-Plugin.
> I like the self-registration, which saves a lot of work for the admin.
> And logging in and logging out seems to work fine as well.
> Except that there is on point which comes up:
> I installed the AccountManager as described in
> http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin
> and than I get:
> TracAccountManager-0.1.3dev_r2548-py2.4.egg-tmp: Error
> ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/trac/
> TracAccountManager-0.1.3dev_r2548-py2.4.egg-tmp/VERSION')
> Besides the AdminPlugin seems not to work as expected, at least I'm
> not getting the Admin Button in the right corner.
> The Admin has been installed as described here:
> http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WebAdmin
> But actually the site is still available for public access.
> Is there a way to close the site convenient for other users than the
> registered one?
> Thanks for your help
> cheers
> Hank
> > 

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[Trac] Re: startup questions with AccountManager

2007-09-14 Thread James Guyton

Regarding ADMIN button:
Do you have TRAC_ADMIN privileges?

Regarding public access:
Have you tried removing all permissions for ANONYMOUS users?

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of hank
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:28 AM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] startup questions with AccountManager


I just started to evaluate trac for using it with our projects.

Since we working on distributed places I plan running it on a public
reachable webserver running gentoo with apache 2.2. Therefore
Authentication is a big issue.
I'm using trac-0.10.4
and here is part of the trac.ini:

webadmin.* = enabled
trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled
acct_mgr.admin.AccountManagerAdminPage = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.RegistrationModule = enabled
acct_mgr.htfile.HtPasswdStore = enabled

password_store = HtPasswdStore
password_file = /opt/trac/trac.htpasswd

The first step was just using the htpasswd from apache which worked
fine for a single user, but more users are coming, so I checked the

I like the self-registration, which saves a lot of work for the admin.
And logging in and logging out seems to work fine as well.

Except that there is on point which comes up:
I installed the AccountManager as described in
and than I get:
TracAccountManager-0.1.3dev_r2548-py2.4.egg-tmp: Error
([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/trac/

Besides the AdminPlugin seems not to work as expected, at least I'm
not getting the Admin Button in the right corner.
The Admin has been installed as described here:

But actually the site is still available for public access.
Is there a way to close the site convenient for other users than the
registered one?

Thanks for your help



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[Trac] Re: problem with w/f

2007-09-10 Thread James Guyton

or, more explicitly (from link)

0.10 default:


0.11 default:






James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Chris Howell
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 4:33 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: problem with w/f


Is there a document I can refer to for Trac .11 W/F so that I can
discuss it here at work and why I shouldn't change it and we should just
wait for Trac. 11 to be released ?


Chris Howell wrote: 

I am not seeing anything different with the w/f in Trac .11,
James Guyton wrote:

Just an offhand estimate, backporting the workflow to 0.10 would
orders of magnitude (yes, orders of magnitude) more difficult
checking out the Dev branch(yay svn), installing it (python
install, if I recall correctly), and restarting the service. Of
this is if you are using tracd; no idea what is needed for
Apache users.
There are other significant improvements to Trac which would be
as well.
However, there is an intermediate state between new and closed,
"assigned" state.
As an intermediary measure, have your developers accept the
tickets, and
when they have implemented a fix, have them assign the ticket to
a specific tester or team lead (it goes back to "new" at this
point, I
believe), who would accept the ticket, evaluate/test and
actually deem
the issue "fixed" (thereby putting the issue into "closed"
James Guyton (JGU)
-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com
On Behalf Of Chris Howell
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 3:08 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: problem with w/f
Upgrading to Trac .11(Dev) would be great but I don't really
have the 
time to build it for Windows. I've got my own development wrok
to get
Jennifer A. Drummond wrote:

On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 11:45:26AM -0700, satyendra


Trac has no intermediate states for issues
between new and closed,


soon as a developer fixes problem and changes
the the resolution to
"fixed" trac closes the bug.
Ideally I would like to change the resiolution
to fixed and have the
tester validate the fix and then close it, is
there an easy way to
change w/f to accomplish this.


The easy way is to upgrade to 0.11dev; I don't know if
there's a hard



Seriously, the not-yet-released 0.11 version has
configurable workflow. We're using it in production and
love it. But I



don't know if the workflow customizer can be backported
to 0.10 at



Anyone else?
=-=-> Jenn Drummond // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Project Developer, Connexions Project (cnx.org)
  Rice University







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[Trac] Re: problem with w/f

2007-09-10 Thread James Guyton

Just an offhand estimate, backporting the workflow to 0.10 would be
orders of magnitude (yes, orders of magnitude) more difficult than
checking out the Dev branch(yay svn), installing it (python setup.py
install, if I recall correctly), and restarting the service. Of course,
this is if you are using tracd; no idea what is needed for Apache users.
There are other significant improvements to Trac which would be missing
as well.

However, there is an intermediate state between new and closed, the
"assigned" state.

As an intermediary measure, have your developers accept the tickets, and
when they have implemented a fix, have them assign the ticket to either
a specific tester or team lead (it goes back to "new" at this point, I
believe), who would accept the ticket, evaluate/test and actually deem
the issue "fixed" (thereby putting the issue into "closed" state). 

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Chris Howell
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 3:08 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: problem with w/f

Upgrading to Trac .11(Dev) would be great but I don't really have the 
time to build it for Windows. I've got my own development wrok to get

Jennifer A. Drummond wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 11:45:26AM -0700, satyendra wrote:
>> Trac has no intermediate states for issues between new and closed,
>> soon as a developer fixes problem and changes the the resolution to
>> "fixed" trac closes the bug.
>> Ideally I would like to change the resiolution to fixed and have the
>> tester validate the fix and then close it, is there an easy way to
>> change w/f to accomplish this.
>> -satyendra
> The easy way is to upgrade to 0.11dev; I don't know if there's a hard
> Seriously, the not-yet-released 0.11 version has spectacularly 
> configurable workflow. We're using it in production and love it. But I

> don't know if the workflow customizer can be backported to 0.10 at
> Anyone else?
> =-=-> Jenn Drummond // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Project Developer, Connexions Project (cnx.org)
>   Rice University
> >

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[Trac] Re: Customizing lower-level CS templates

2007-08-29 Thread James Guyton

First off, this doesn't directly answer your question(sorry). 

That said, we've found it useful to do development of this nature(that
which can cause downtime/issues on live systems) on a VM, then implement
any changes on the live server. It has allowed us to avoid a lot of

Hope this helps!

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jennifer A. Drummond
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:36 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Customizing lower-level CS templates

Hi. I'm aware of the maintenance problems involved with hacking on, say,

ticket.html, but I'd like to try it anyway. Is there a way to customize
template at that level per project, so I can play around with it on my 
developmental project without affecting my live Trac instance?

I know I can duplicate items in [codedir]/trac/templates/, like 
history_view.html or error.html, into my [projectdir]/templates/ 
directory. What I want to do is duplicate items like 
[codedir]/trac/ticket/templates/ticket.html into a single project so I
mess around with them, but so far I can't figure out the right path.

Is what I'm trying to do possible? I'd like to avoid installing Trac on
whole different server just so I can play around with the core
Thanks in advance!

=-=-> Jenn Drummond // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Project Developer, Connexions Project (cnx.org)
  Rice University

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[Trac] Re: Quickly adjusting priorities of a multiple items

2007-08-27 Thread James Guyton

*when you click on it...not clock.

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of James Guyton
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 7:27 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Quickly adjusting priorities of a multiple items

If you have enough tickets that you want to do this way, you may want to
set up a temporary link (that fills some fields in the ticket) on a wiki
page, and just keep opening new tabs/windows when you clock on it. 
It is something that we tend to use to try to help people generate
particular task/ticket types (i.e. Documentation/Change Requests/Issue
Report) for particular components.

If you are going to make more than five or so of the same particular
fields, it is usually worthwhile to just make a link real quick, use it,
and remove it(if desired) when done.

Hope it helps!

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of cwodwrth
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 5:29 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] Quickly adjusting priorities of a multiple items

Hi, I'm new to Trac here and having some growing pains getting out
system up to speed. So I have a couple of questions that maybe someone
on here can help with:

1) Is there a faster way to input new tickets? The new ticket window
seems very unfriendly, for example lets say I have multiple bugs to
assign to one user in a particular component. Each time I submit a
ticket, the assignee and component menus go back to the first menu
item when I return to that window. (And while we're at it, why doesn't
it just return to a blank new ticket window, remembering the previous
settings) Is there a better way to input a large number of bugs that

2) Is there a faster way to change priorities of bugs without entering
the ticket? For instance if I want to run through a component and
raise the priority of a bunch of the items, it seems a little tedious
to have to go through and enter the ticket, change the menu, save the
ticket and repeat. Wouldn't it make the most sense if I could do this
right from a report change the items I want to and then save all the
changes? Is there somehow to do this?


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[Trac] Re: Quickly adjusting priorities of a multiple items

2007-08-27 Thread James Guyton

If you have enough tickets that you want to do this way, you may want to
set up a temporary link (that fills some fields in the ticket) on a wiki
page, and just keep opening new tabs/windows when you clock on it. 
It is something that we tend to use to try to help people generate
particular task/ticket types (i.e. Documentation/Change Requests/Issue
Report) for particular components.

If you are going to make more than five or so of the same particular
fields, it is usually worthwhile to just make a link real quick, use it,
and remove it(if desired) when done.

Hope it helps!

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of cwodwrth
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 5:29 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] Quickly adjusting priorities of a multiple items

Hi, I'm new to Trac here and having some growing pains getting out
system up to speed. So I have a couple of questions that maybe someone
on here can help with:

1) Is there a faster way to input new tickets? The new ticket window
seems very unfriendly, for example lets say I have multiple bugs to
assign to one user in a particular component. Each time I submit a
ticket, the assignee and component menus go back to the first menu
item when I return to that window. (And while we're at it, why doesn't
it just return to a blank new ticket window, remembering the previous
settings) Is there a better way to input a large number of bugs that

2) Is there a faster way to change priorities of bugs without entering
the ticket? For instance if I want to run through a component and
raise the priority of a bunch of the items, it seems a little tedious
to have to go through and enter the ticket, change the menu, save the
ticket and repeat. Wouldn't it make the most sense if I could do this
right from a report change the items I want to and then save all the
changes? Is there somehow to do this?


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[Trac] Re: trac "Assign to:" field as a drop down list ?

2007-08-23 Thread James Guyton
This may help...



This requires users to specify their email address in the Settings page, I 
believe, which can be problematic getting them to do depending on the user base.





James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL 
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:27 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] trac "Assign to:" field as a drop down list ?


Hi Folks, 

Is there an easy way to make the "Assign to:" field a drop-down, based on Users 
that are already have been added via permissions and logged in to be presented 
in the assign to field, rather than having to enter in as text ? 

Best Regards, 

Joseph H. Dayney | Contract Software Engineer | RR Donnelley 
630W 1000N | Logan, UT 84321 | (: 435-755-4278 | È: 801-608-1052 | Ê: 
435-755-4210 | *: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
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solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Any 
unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are 
not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and 
destroy all copies of the original message. 

[Trac] Re: add more options to "resolve as:" in Ticket

2007-08-23 Thread James Guyton
I believe you can accomplish this through the workflow modifications in
0.11 (states and assignees), but I don't think you can prevent people
from performing actions on it; i.e. a developer can put it to a resolved
state (and you can set it so that it must enter a resolved state) and it
is automatically assigned to a person, but you can't prevent the
developer from going in and then setting it to a closed state.


Hopefully someone will correct me if the above is incorrect.


Of course, if your developer(s) start breaking your workflow in this
manner(circumventing QA by directly closing tickets) , they need to be
thoroughly chewed out.


Another option is for your developer to assign it to a general QA
person(in whichever state), who then validates and closes the ticket.


Hope that helps,



James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jeff Webb
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:29 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: add more options to "resolve as:" in Ticket


This is a question I have had. I would like to be able to move bugs to a
"resolved" state by a developer and then to a "closed" state once they
are verified by QA.

On 8/23/07, Trac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


How I can add more options to resolve as:  options in ticket?



Jeff Webb

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[Trac] Re: Problem with install of Timing and Estimation Plugin on Trac 0.11 (trunk)

2007-08-14 Thread James Guyton
Recalling off the top of my head; doesn't this need a patch installed to





James Guyton (JGU)

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Lucas Stephanou
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:31 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Problem with install of Timing and Estimation Plugin on
Trac 0.11 (trunk)


HI All

I've a problem strange, the
http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TimingAndEstimationPlugin don't work with my
Trac 0.11 install (trunk).

Some others plugins are installed at that environment, but this, don't

I did installation with easy_install and develop way , and above it
don't work, just don't appear on web admin plugins section(yes, a put
manually in trac.ini)

How can I fix this?

Lucas Stephanou

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[Trac] Re: newb need install help - trac-admin not working

2007-08-02 Thread James Guyton

Haven't read the thread linked, but:

Have you added your python path to the PATH environment variable? 

Otherwise, you will need to do something like(from cmd line):
C:\Python24\Scripts\> c:\python24\python trac-admin
in order to run trac-admin.

Honestly, unless you have a particular need to use Apache (or someone
has already set it up), I would just use tracd. Simple, quick, and easy.

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BrianP
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:01 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] newb need install help - trac-admin not working

I'm at a very similar situation, with many of the same questions, as
this poster :


I've never worked with Python before.  Previously, I worked on a team
as a user of Trac and liked Trac, but another team member did the
administration.  Now I'm at a new job and am trying to show them Trac/
Svn, so I'm having to set it all up myself.

My main problem is that I can't get trac-admin to run.  I've tried it
from both the Python command line and the windows command line and it
isn't recognized in either.

I've been working from the TracInstall page, so I ended up installing
all the modules myself before finding the TracOnWindows page.  All the
required pieces that you need to install, with all their various
version dependencies, is daunting.  I've got svn 1.4.4 installed and a
repository set up with my projects imported.  I've got Python 2.4.4
and ClearSilver 0.9.14 installed.  I've got both SQLite and PostgreSQL
installed.  I've got Apache 2.2 with mod_python 3.3.1 installed, but
not sure if it's working.  I ran the trac-0.10.4.win32.exe file, and
looked in /Python24/lib/site-packages to verify that Trac was there.

Working from the TracOnWindows page, I tried the Experimental All-In-
One Installer.  It appeared to work, albeit with some warnings in the
log about various stuff not found.  Is there any log for this to see
if it worked?

I'm running on WindowsXP, just trying to install everything on my
local machine to get a demo up and running.

Any ideas?


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[Trac] Re: newb need install help - trac-admin not working

2007-08-02 Thread James Guyton

to check to see if it was added.

There, that adds some clarity.


James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of James Guyton
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 1:01 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: newb need install help - trac-admin not working

Haven't read the thread linked, but:

Have you added your python path to the PATH environment variable? 

Otherwise, you will need to do something like(from cmd line):
C:\Python24\Scripts\> c:\python24\python trac-admin
in order to run trac-admin.

Honestly, unless you have a particular need to use Apache (or someone
has already set it up), I would just use tracd. Simple, quick, and easy.

James Guyton (JGU)

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BrianP
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:01 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] newb need install help - trac-admin not working

I'm at a very similar situation, with many of the same questions, as
this poster :


I've never worked with Python before.  Previously, I worked on a team
as a user of Trac and liked Trac, but another team member did the
administration.  Now I'm at a new job and am trying to show them Trac/
Svn, so I'm having to set it all up myself.

My main problem is that I can't get trac-admin to run.  I've tried it
from both the Python command line and the windows command line and it
isn't recognized in either.

I've been working from the TracInstall page, so I ended up installing
all the modules myself before finding the TracOnWindows page.  All the
required pieces that you need to install, with all their various
version dependencies, is daunting.  I've got svn 1.4.4 installed and a
repository set up with my projects imported.  I've got Python 2.4.4
and ClearSilver 0.9.14 installed.  I've got both SQLite and PostgreSQL
installed.  I've got Apache 2.2 with mod_python 3.3.1 installed, but
not sure if it's working.  I ran the trac-0.10.4.win32.exe file, and
looked in /Python24/lib/site-packages to verify that Trac was there.

Working from the TracOnWindows page, I tried the Experimental All-In-
One Installer.  It appeared to work, albeit with some warnings in the
log about various stuff not found.  Is there any log for this to see
if it worked?

I'm running on WindowsXP, just trying to install everything on my
local machine to get a demo up and running.

Any ideas?


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[Trac] Re: newbie Question

2007-07-19 Thread James Guyton
Silly question but

Are you logged in as a user? If you accept the ticket and aren't logged
in, it should go to Anonymous.



James Guyton (JGU)


From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 5:41 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] newbie Question


Hi Folks, 

Maybe I am missing something in the initial configuration here ? 

On opening a NEW (status)  ticket,  trying to get ticket status to
change to ASSIGNED to user other than ANONYMOUS.  It seems stuck
like a toggle, 

If you ASSIGN to USER ... status changes to NEW 

If you Change from NEW to ASSIGNED   user changes to ANONYMOUS ... 

Am I missing something simple here ? 

Best Regards,


Joseph H. Dayney
Contract Software Engineer
Excel Resources
AppDev Team

435.755.4278 Office
801.608.1052 Cell
435.755.4210 Fax
801-272-6615 SLC Home

Moore Wallace, An RR Donnelly Company
630 W 1000 N
Logan, UT 84321

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[Trac] Trac browser rev/age/last change fields

2006-10-12 Thread James Guyton

I'm currently having 
an issue regarding how the TracBrowser is displaying the revision/age/last 
change fields. It shows the same revision for 4/5 directories, along with the 
same age/comment information. However, only one of those directories is actually 
affected by the change; when viewed in TortoiseSVN those directories are older 
Something along the 
lines of:
Rev AgeComment 

500    1day    
401    2 weeks    
500    1 day    
500    1 day    
I've updated to the 
latest revision of the trunk, and am still seeing this 
Is anyone else 
experiencing anything along these lines?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac Users" group.  To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/trac-users  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[Trac] Re: Multiple Track Sites on one Windows Server

2006-09-29 Thread James Guyton

SVN commits are separate from TRAC(unless this has changed for the .10
release, which I don't believe has happened).

In order to have more than one SVN service running, you will need to
assign each SVNserve service a different port.

In order to have tracd (Trac) host more than one environment, you need
to add the additional paths to the argument when you start tracd. This
allows you to access multiple environments via one port.

However, you can create a single repository, and have your Trac
environments only look at certain sections of that repository.

-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of zwetan
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:08 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: [Trac] Re: Multiple Track Sites on one Windows Server

humm I know that configuring Apache look more work than tracd

but if you want to provide svn commit access on more than 1 repo, is it
possible from tracd ?

I mean not just provide browsing sources from trac, problem I faced on
windows is to launch more than 1 SVNservice as a windows service

just saying that because when you plan multi trac, in general you also
want to provide svn commit for different repo


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[Trac] Re: Graphviz: rpm for RHEL 4

2006-09-11 Thread James Guyton

Did you add the path to your cache_dir in the setup file 
for the graphviz plugin?


From: trac-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Akshay 
GuleriaSent: Monday, September 11, 2006 5:05 AMTo: 
trac-users@googlegroups.comSubject: [Trac] Re: Graphviz: rpm for RHEL 
just when ithought it was over :)i could install all packages 
alright. but can not see the graphs still.here is what i did. i am 
trying to make the following code works:  {{{  #!graphviz
  digraph G {Hello->World->Graphviz->Rules}  }}}it 
creates files in the cache_dir names something like .. 
32a4c35133da4624102816e63000d21de146fadd.dot.png.svg i copied over 
and saw that these files are the correct graphs i wanted. but i dont see this 
graph on the wiki page automatically. Do i have to add this as attachment? that 
sounds too complicated. perhaps i am missing something? 
On 9/11/06, Akshay 

  found it on :http://dag.wieers.com/packages/graphviz/Damn! i 
  should have seen this the first place :) Cheers!
  On 9/9/06, Peter 
9/9/06, Akshay Guleria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I am trying to 
install graphviz plugin and realised that i need the > graphviz 
program from ( http://www.graphviz.org/). 
I could not locate> binaries for my RHEL 4 server. Only rpms for RHEL 
3 are available on > the website. can someone point me to rhel4 
download. While I don't know where you can get RPMs for RHEL 4, I 
would beinterested in hear where you found them so that I can add a note 
tothe readme file for Graphviz.- 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac Users" group.  To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/trac-users  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[Trac] Re: Slides describing Trac

2006-09-05 Thread James Guyton


Keep in mind the below are merely suggestions.

What is the purpose of your presentation? Are you aiming it for users,
administrators, or to convince management?

For users:
Screenshots, screenshots, screenshots. Having a live demo is neat; but
unless you are actually leading people through it on a machine, they
won't remember it.

A third of the emphasis on your presentation appears to be the wiki
feature. Honestly, the wiki is a good interface; but you don't need to
know crap about it to just use Trac. It's really something that probably
should be glossed over and highlighted at a later time, or if people are

If you are aiming it at software developers, highlighting the integrated
issue system with the commit auto-update, as well as web-based revision
diffing and log functions. Just the sheer fact that you can do a diff
without having to check out different revisions is extraordinarily nice.

If you are aiming it at PMs, noting the roadmap/milestone integration
with the ability to assign tasks and/or defects to a milestone, and
getting an at-a-glance overview of progress is godsend.

If you are aiming it at management, licensing issues, sustainability,
and cost are your key points. They may think the rest is neat, but they
aren't going to be using it.

Point by point:
Introduction: You provide information that is in the agenda, and
questions that you should either already know or should be asking at the
end. Nix.
Agenda: OK
Overview: Trac is a web-based issue tracking and program management tool
which integrates with a configuration management tool.  
Vocabulary: Depends on audience. If you are dealing with people who
should be familiar with this, nix.

Issue Tracker: Unless you are coming from a previous tool, or dealing
with people who have, don't care what else it is like
Wiki support: Neat. But a lot of non-useful information (command
subsets). It's one of the features that doesn't come out well in a
presentation format. Screenshot the hell outta it.
Issue Tracker: Show customizablility, ease of use, query functionality.
Again, screenshot to hell.
Integration of SVN: focus on what you use. Don't care about any other
SCM tools. Mention the revision log integration. Screenshot to hell.

Good luck!


-Original Message-
From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of John Villalovos
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 4:42 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Slides describing Trac

Here are some MS Powerpoint slides describing Trac.  It would be great
if people could supply some ideas to improve them.

Also useful would be a suggestion on where to put them on the Trac


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