Re: [Trisquel-users] Non-fiction reading recommendations

2013-11-13 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Thank you guys! You seem to have good taste in books judging by the subjects.

These should keep me warm in the evenings.

I won't be posting more thank you notices but I'll be grateful for more  

So little time, so much to read, wonderful!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Help me restart Trisquel

2013-11-13 Thread magicbanana
I personally have difficulty understanding your writings. Could you be  
clearer? Maybe a screenshot.

[Trisquel-users] e4rat under trisquel

2013-11-13 Thread benjamin . siegle

Hello TrisquelGNU fans,

I just wanted to install e4rat on my system. I removed ureadahead and  
trisquel-minimal so the installation of e4rat was possible. But it did not  
work the right way. If I try to boot the system after e4rat-collect, I think  
the problem is, that the package trisquel-minimal is missing.

Has one of You ever tried to install e4rat to make the boot time of trisquel  

If yes, please give a documentaion about how to do it.

Thank You!

[Trisquel-users] Re : e4rat under trisquel

2013-11-13 Thread magicbanana

What do you mean by it did not work the right way.

trisquel-minimal by itself is not the problem because it does not do  
anything (but depends on many other packages).

Did you install the DEB package linked in this page? Did you boot once after  
appending init=/sbin/e4rat-collect to GRUB's linux line? Did you then spend  
two minutes running your usual applications? Did you reinit in single mode  
and run 'e4rat-realloc /var/lib/e4rat/startup.log'? Did you add  
init=/sbin/e4rat-preload to the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX (in  
/etc/default/grub) and run 'update-grub'?

You see: if you want help, you need to give more details!

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Licensing with my own software

2013-11-13 Thread onpon4
A program is non-free if you, the user, don't have the four freedoms. So  
that's a simple question: of course deleting the source code would make it  

But I suppose the more interesting question is: is it *unethical*? That one's  
a little more interesting because what's unethical about non-free software is  
that a developer controls a user through that software. If the developer and  
the user are the same person, and that one person discards the source code,  
this person's freedom hasn't been violated by someone else; rather, this  
person has decided to abandon the option to modify this program they wrote.  
So my conclusion is it isn't unethical.

Another related question: would distribution of a non-free program whose  
source code is no longer available to its developers to people who aren't  
developers be unethical? Well, it's still perfectly possible for there to be  
a backdoor or spyware in the program that the developers can take advantage  
of, so it's impossible to tell for an individual program. If such malicious  
features exist and the developers can take advantage of them, it's unethical;  
otherwise, I think it isn't. But if the possibility of such malicious  
features being there exists (i.e. the program runs on a computer with a  
connection to the Internet), it has to be treated as something that the  
developers could have some control over, since there's no way to find out if  
they do or don't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Licensing with my own software

2013-11-13 Thread LDrumbler

Keep in mind that I could easily recreate the source code.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: e4rat under trisquel

2013-11-13 Thread benjamin . siegle
The problem is solved. It worked the right way. I waqs just confused about a  
message on the boot screen, which dissapeared after a short while.

The only thing thats confusing me right now, is the fact, that my  
boot-up-speed is not faster as before e4rat. The screen stays a very long  
time black and then the boot messages appear. I did everything the right way  
as you mentioned and how it is explained here:

Can you help me with this? Thanks!

(Sorry for my bad english, I'm from germany :) 

[Trisquel-users] WikiLeaks Releases the Secret Draft Text of the TPP IP Rights Chapter

2013-11-13 Thread mikko . viinamaki

One could see the TPP as a Christmas wish-list for major corporations, and  
the copyright parts of the text support such a view, Dr. Matthew Rimmer, an  
expert in intellectual property law [sic]*, said.


Re: [Trisquel-users] WikiLeaks Releases the Secret Draft Text of the TPP IP Rights Chapter

2013-11-13 Thread spaceraph
Honestly, it is not surpirsing. The TTP was made in secrecy and no one really  
knew what it was about.

It is anti-democratic, to say the right word.

Re: [Trisquel-users] WikiLeaks Releases the Secret Draft Text of the TPP IP Rights Chapter

2013-11-13 Thread gramex

What does TTP stand for?

Re: [Trisquel-users] MediaGoblin Opinions

2013-11-13 Thread adfenohuvlov
I have an account at (which, of course, uses MediaGobblin), but I  
use it mainly to upload temporary images.

In the case of sharing private contents, a Diaspora account or an e-mail  
account would be two of your options.

You can also use Web Offer One File (WOOF) which is a script written in  
Python. Before using it, you may need to open a port for WOOF in your  
modem/router, and allow incoming traffic for it in your computer's firewall.  
After this, launch WOOF with the desired file and options, and share your WAN  
IP address together with the port number prepared for WOOF, like this:

http://[WAN IP]:[Port number]/

The clients, which in this case are your contacts, don't need any special  
software to download the file, as it'll be served as a normal file through  
their Internet browsers, as long as your network stays online and WOOF is  
kept running.

If you want to try WOOF, and if you plan to use Python 2.7, and because it's  
a script, I recommend you to get the latest version from it's official site:

Other than Diaspora, e-mails, and WOOF, you also have RetroShare, it requires  
you and your contacts to have an OpenPGP ley (it can of course create one for  
use with it) and RetroShare itself.

I couldn't find RetroShare in the repositories, so I decided to download a  
DEB file from it's Launchpad repository.

If you're going to download RetroShare in the same way as I did, and if you  
want to evade future problems with dependencies, and if you use GNU+Linux  
Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis), just be sure to download the DEB file compiled for  
GNU+Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin).

Due to the fact that I don't have a contact which uses RetroShare, and that  
my computer is under a firewall, I can't tell you if you need to allow  
incoming traffic through some port.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Licensing with my own software

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Lindley
I would have said that unless you distribute it, it is custom code 
(as most software is) and none of our business.  Not having the 
source to custom code is fairly common through software life cycle 
management failures.  Foolishness in short.

If it's easy enough to recreate then it's a only few Kb on whatever 
is your archive medium.  I suggest you archive it there and look at 
it in a years time so you can reflect on how much more you've learnt 
about that programming language since.  It's always an instructive 


Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread myself600
I would like to appologize first for my absence from the forums (I needed to  
deal with some real life stuff), but now I am here to finally solve this  
unpleasant situation.

 Firstly, my disability means I don't always have good control over the tone  
of my writing. Despite several edits I can't get the stridency out of this.  
This is the best I can do. Please understand it's intended in good faith.

I does not noticed anything insulting in the content of your writing, so no  
problem with me. And yes, sometimes is hard to describe things in a way one  
would like to, especially in cases of long comments.

 I am fully aware of the activities involved in constructing a web site. I  
have had a long involvement with hypertext systems and was one of the  
[presumably many] small fry involved in hypertext research who corresponded  
with CERN at the time Berners-Lee was doing his work on HTML.

Good to know :)

 Obviously that doesn't mean I'm fluent in every web technology, much less  
every wiki markup dialect.

Like everything with Trisquel, the forum markup is buggy, and very limited in  
functions, so one of the first tasks was to learn how to use them  
efficiently, in order to design the pages in a way to match the default  
website layout, while keeping the HTML code short and simple.

 So in your case you might decide that just the software pages need to be  
fleshed out with the software you know of literally today and the rest can  
take the form of a stepped outline for others to contribute to if they want.

In order to consider the pages finished (or at least in a good shape to allow  
others to contribute), they must be complete in a sense, that anyone should  
be able to use them to compile, install, setup, and use the applications  
without any issue, on a bare Trisquel system. It was not intended to present  
my work in this way, but s*** happened, if you

know what I mean.

 If you have sections or chapters, then publishing a fuller release plan at  
the same time as 0.1 that says 0.2 - Section BBB complete with... would focus  
contributions constructively and give you a todo list to work to and measure  
your own progress by.

The to-do list forms as the pages are created, and besides what I already  
wrote about, there is nothing important to mention (in the case of the  
affected pages). I simply would not like to create pages filled with a lot of  
TODO notes, but I want to contribute informations as the time being, making  
them usable during the development process.

 Therefore the fact that you are now asking Trisquel to host work when you  
are waivering in your commitment guarantees that the admins will not provide  
special resources.

This line does not make any sense.

 You have to demonstrate its importance to the Trisquel project not merely  
assert your own assessment. The pages you linked while an interesting  
beginning to what could be a worthwhile guide to free software games IMO do  
not yet demonstrate significant additional value to the Trisquel project.

It's just my personal recommendation and stuff, and it's rather user focused,  
than to the distribution. See the main page for better understanding.

 However, there might be other things you have written or intend that would  
have that property.

I really am planning to make it a part of something bigger, but it's yet  
questionable if I will reach that goal, since I need to finish the major part  
of the documentation first. I just hate to make announcements before I have  
something usable in my hand.

 that's the benefit of getting to 0.1 first, it should be self evident from  
the work

There are strong reasons why I chosen that path for the development process,  
and I does not intend to change it.

I will comment on the other part of your answer later, it's just too much to  
do it all in one reply. In the meantime, I would like to kindly ask of you,  
not to ask more questions unrelated to the topic (i.e. about page contents).  
If you'd like to discuss more about the contents of my wiki, you can contact  
me through my profile contact form. Thank you for your understanding.

For the time being, I decided to hold on the development, and focus on  
switching to some third-party web-hosting server, where I can permanently  
move the documentation* (I would like to use a MediaWiki instance, or such).  
The possible choices I know about are, or If  
you, or anybody else reading this know about a free (as in beer) web-hosting  
service that will fit my needs (few megabytes for the contents is  
sufficient), don't hesitate to share it here.

* linking breakage should be expected on threads where the pages are referred  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread shiretoko
You can quote who ever you want in order to prove your point; I don't swallow  
something because this and that organisation has this and that definitions.
Again, it's not sensible to judge devices by their technical properties  
alone. If you think this way, you somehow forget the initial goales of the  
free software movement. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Lindley
Since all my points were predicated on you putting your pages on I think our discussion is at a close.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread myself600

By a quick search, I was able to find this list of free MediaWiki providers:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Lindley
Which were 'to be able to get along without any software that is not 
free.' (RMS, The GNU Manifesto)

You're quite right that the SNES is no worse than a DVD player, or 
the digital radio playing here in the room I'm in now.  But that 
doesn't stop the software in it violating our software freedoms (for 
a start off I'd fix the bug where it forgets all its settings every 
blue moon).  So please don't pretend it is a solution, non-free 
software is never a solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread myself600
I'm forced to remove it because of the unfriendliness, and uncooperativeness  
of some people on this site. Most people here have different opinions about  
what can be considered free, and what cannot (I'm trying to comply with the  
FSF's definition of free software), so rather than spending my time, arguing  
with them, it's better to move it onto some better-suited website.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Licensing with my own software

2013-11-13 Thread gramex
Speaking about the title of this thread, Licensing with my own software,  
you don't need to license the software to yourself, as you already own the  
rights to it.

[Trisquel-users] Panopticon documentary

2013-11-13 Thread stask

This is good. Non-US.

Freedom appears to be gone in so many settings. Tracking and privacy  
invasions contrary to UN rules, constitutions, whatever.

It's great trying to have control over my software and computer, but what  
about the rest of the my life? Pretty sad out there. More than an uphill  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Panopticon documentary

2013-11-13 Thread stask
Sorry wrong link, but that was a good (bad) one too! Here is the correct  

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 LTS aMule Mirror

2013-11-13 Thread gaming4jc2

Hello All,
I've mirrored the Trisquel installer onto aMule, if anyone is interested it  
uses the classic KAD and ed2k network. It's an old P2P protocol but still a  

To use just:
sudo apt-get install amule
(or eMule for Windows users)

Update server list/bootstrap KAD and download either of these -


x86 iso:

Re: [Trisquel-users] MediaGoblin Opinions

2013-11-13 Thread Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
Private albums is coming in the future with federation.

I'm working towards a static html5 multimedia gallery. I expect to do
this as it is related to my non-existent biz but we'll see when I have
actually made yee galley. Currently I working on personal camera video
processing script and video encoding to free formats scripts.

Not that I don't like media goblin. It needs some more features for me I
and need to proto type what this non-existent vid biz looks like and my
current hosting gifted by a friend has tons space and bandwidth but not
good enough for mediagoblin :(. I love MediaGoblin and when I have money
hope to support it with finance.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to prevent users from editing my wiki pages

2013-11-13 Thread magicbanana
I do not think it has much to do with the definition of free. Trisquel's  
documentation aims to be written in community. The community as a whole rules  
the documentation and, by the current rules, nobody can prevent anyone to  
contribute to a documentation page. Those rules may change in the future in  
the same way that the Wikipedia community decided at some point to settle  
edit wars by granting some users more rights (including that of locking  

You certainly are welcome to publish your documentation in static pages  
served by a  computer you control. If you publish it under a license such as  
the CC BY-SA, I believe anyone would agree it is free documentation. In  
particular, anyone would be free to copy (for instance to Trisquel's  
documentation) and improve (or not) your work. And yes, the BY clause would  
force them to give you credit (while the optional SA clause would forbid any  
proprietary derivative).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Non-fiction reading recommendations

2013-11-13 Thread uedibupi

George Orwell: 1984; Animal Farm

Hans-Hermann Hoppe:  Democracy, The God That Failed; Myth of
National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security  
Production; A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism

Stephan Kinsella: Against Intellectual Property

Boldrin  Levine: Against Intellectual Monopoly

United States Pirate Party: No Safe Harbor

Re: [Trisquel-users] Panopticon documentary

2013-11-13 Thread jason
Hmmm. Talking of tracking and privacy invasions while being on YouTube is  

[Trisquel-users] Identifying binary blobs in a driver.

2013-11-13 Thread Sachin Dey
I found a driver for a device which I have been planning to purchase, 
this driver is licensed under GNU GPLv2 but it is not included in any 
popular distros either.

I want to check if the driver loads any binary blobs, how can I check 