I would like to appologize first for my absence from the forums (I needed to deal with some real life stuff), but now I am here to finally solve this unpleasant situation.

> Firstly, my disability means I don't always have good control over the tone of my writing. Despite several edits I can't get the stridency out of this. This is the best I can do. Please understand it's intended in good faith.

I does not noticed anything insulting in the content of your writing, so no problem with me. And yes, sometimes is hard to describe things in a way one would like to, especially in cases of long comments.

> I am fully aware of the activities involved in constructing a web site. I have had a long involvement with hypertext systems and was one of the [presumably many] small fry involved in hypertext research who corresponded with CERN at the time Berners-Lee was doing his work on HTML.

Good to know :)

> Obviously that doesn't mean I'm fluent in every web technology, much less every wiki markup dialect.

Like everything with Trisquel, the forum markup is buggy, and very limited in functions, so one of the first tasks was to learn how to use them efficiently, in order to design the pages in a way to match the default website layout, while keeping the HTML code short and simple.

> So in your case you might decide that just the software pages need to be fleshed out with the software you know of literally today and the rest can take the form of a stepped outline for others to contribute to if they want.

In order to consider the pages finished (or at least in a good shape to allow others to contribute), they must be complete in a sense, that anyone should be able to use them to compile, install, setup, and use the applications without any issue, on a bare Trisquel system. It was not intended to present my work in this way, but s*** happened, if you
know what I mean.

> If you have sections or chapters, then publishing a fuller release plan at the same time as 0.1 that says 0.2 - Section BBB complete with... would focus contributions constructively and give you a todo list to work to and measure your own progress by.

The to-do list forms as the pages are created, and besides what I already wrote about, there is nothing important to mention (in the case of the affected pages). I simply would not like to create pages filled with a lot of TODO notes, but I want to contribute informations as the time being, making them usable during the development process.

> Therefore the fact that you are now asking Trisquel to host work when you are waivering in your commitment guarantees that the admins will not provide special resources.

This line does not make any sense.

> You have to demonstrate its importance to the Trisquel project not merely assert your own assessment. The pages you linked while an interesting beginning to what could be a worthwhile guide to free software games IMO do not yet demonstrate significant additional value to the Trisquel project.

It's just my personal recommendation and stuff, and it's rather user focused, than to the distribution. See the main page for better understanding.

> However, there might be other things you have written or intend that would have that property.

I really am planning to make it a part of something bigger, but it's yet questionable if I will reach that goal, since I need to finish the major part of the documentation first. I just hate to make announcements before I have something usable in my hand.

> that's the benefit of getting to 0.1 first, it should be self evident from the work

There are strong reasons why I chosen that path for the development process, and I does not intend to change it.

I will comment on the other part of your answer later, it's just too much to do it all in one reply. In the meantime, I would like to kindly ask of you, not to ask more questions unrelated to the topic (i.e. about page contents). If you'd like to discuss more about the contents of my wiki, you can contact me through my profile contact form. Thank you for your understanding.

For the time being, I decided to hold on the development, and focus on switching to some third-party web-hosting server, where I can permanently move the documentation* (I would like to use a MediaWiki instance, or such). The possible choices I know about are 000webhost.com, or wordpress.com. If you, or anybody else reading this know about a free (as in beer) web-hosting service that will fit my needs (few megabytes for the contents is sufficient), don't hesitate to share it here.

* linking breakage should be expected on threads where the pages are referred to

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