[Trisquel-users] Re : free save formats -- list

2014-05-19 Thread cedricm33
Regarding documentation about free formats, I think this link would be  
helpfull :


[Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread tesseract
Hello! It seems that my installation of Abrowser will not Show my windows  
and tabs from last time when I restart the browser.

The proper settings are made in Preferences.
Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?
Thanks for your time!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread tesseract

I'm running Abrowser 29.0 by the way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread martin . racak
Try deleting the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files from your  
Abrowser profile directory. You should be able to open it from Abrowser by  
clicking on Menu - Help (? icon) - Troubleshooting Information - Profile  
Directory - Open Directory.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread tesseract
Hello rakyi. I only see sessionCheckpoints.json. In this is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread martin . racak
I had the same issue IIRC, but I tried several things and don't remember  
exactly which one worked...

Try reseting all browser.sessionstore settings in about:config. You can  
access it by typing about:config in the adress bar and searching for  
browser.sessionstore. Then right-click on all values displayed in bold text  
and choose Reset.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Or you could try toggling the setting to not remember and then back to  
remember... computers...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread tesseract

rakyi: No browser.sessionstore are displayed in bold text
lembas: Tried it-no change

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread martin . racak

Well here are few suggestions including few of which I have already posted:


I really can't remember how I solved my issue in the end. If nothing  
described there works, the problem might be in the Firefox itself. In that  
case you may just wait for a new Abrowser release. If you decide to reinstall  
Abrowser, you should purge it instead of just removing it. Use:

sudo apt-get purge abrowser
sudo apt-get install abrowser

You may also check if the preferences folder was removed and delete it  
manually if it persists after purging Abrowser before installing it again. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser: Not Retaining Windows and Tabs Upon Restart

2014-05-19 Thread tesseract
As an aside, I downloaded and ran the latest .iso. In the live session, the  
installer had issues. The program ran well up until the partitioner. Although  
my hard drive was listed, the area where partitions are usually shown was  
blank (I had previously partitioned for swap and /). Likely not relevant to  
my Abrowser issues, but I thought I'd mention it. I ended up using the text  

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-19 Thread legimet . calc
But Netflix will now seem more open because they're using a standardized  
DRM, and because all of the major browsers support it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Yet another wifi issue

2014-05-19 Thread legimet . calc
This is why I think the newer Trisquel iso's (6.0.x) should include a newer  
LTS enablement stack. It would improve hardware compatibility a lot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread joaovlg
Well, i'm look for something more simple. For example, i open the keyboard  
(shortcuts option) and i want add some shortcut for change from notebook for  

I want do something very simple, but without this keyboard key is very hard.  
It is possible do it in some option inside of trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Front end for qrencode

2014-05-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
In kinda sorta related news, here's my super lame QR decoder one liner. It  
takes a screenshot and looks for a qr code (actually for many bar code  
formats) and then spits the results in a zenity window. Dependencies: scrot,  
zbar-tools, zenity.

scrot /tmp/scrot_'%s.png' -e 'zbarimg -q $f|sed s/QR-Code://|zenity  
--text-info --title=zbarimg-zenity output --height 250 --width 400;rm -f  

(Public domain)

So, if you see a large enough, high quality bar code on your screen that  
happens to be known to zbarimg, the command should produce the decoded  
string. I have that on a hotkey. Since I mostly stumble upon QR codes, I  
added that sed replacement bit to remove the QR prefix.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add wallpaper

2014-05-19 Thread silvibus

One alternative is to use feh.
$ apt-get install feh #Install feh

Create this file, name it whatever.

delay=10   #Timeout between image switch (seconds)
directory=~/Images #Directory with files

while true; do
#Add '--recursive' in order to include sub folders too.
feh --bg-fill --randomize $directory
sleep $delay

$ chmod +x FILEPATH#make it executable
$ cp FILEPATH /usr/bin #refer to the file only by it's name not the full  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Alpha Images

2014-05-19 Thread jbar
I've just installed the trisquel_7.0-20140519_amd64.iso image on my laptop  
and everything works fine so far.

The text installation failed in the hardware detection step, but I could  
installed it from the live session.

After installing open-ath9k-htc-firmware my USB wifi card (TP-Link TL-WN821N  
v3 802.11n) works like a charm.

The only issue is that system config window is too large, being overlapped by  
the panel (the window is not resizable).

Good work, trisquel team!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Alpha Images

2014-05-19 Thread deon . snider38
Welcome to Originals Classic Footwear  Menswear, we are an independent store  
situated in Barnsley, South Yorkshire and have been trading since january  
2000 , we specialise in classic style trainers and clothing by most major  
brands such as Adidas Trainers, Diadora, Henri lloyd, Lacoste, Puma, Reebok  
and Onitsuka Tiger.

[Trisquel-users] Jitsi video black

2014-05-19 Thread alubrutaru


I tried many times to use Jitsi (different versions), but it always has this  
problem: when I start a conversation, the sound it's great, but the video is  

I am guessing is because Jitsi uses H264 proprietary encoding, but I'm not  
sure. When I'm not in a conversation and I go to Options - Video I get a  
good video image. So I don't know what's the issue.

Does anybody have Jitsi working on Trisquel(last version) and knows how could  
I make it work?

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jitsi video black

2014-05-19 Thread Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
Hash: SHA1

jitsi can (and does? I forget) use vp8  mabybe vp9, I forget. as well
as Opus for audio :)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


[Trisquel-users] Re : Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread magicbanana
If you have a command that does the job, you only need to write it in an  
executable file and you got your shortcut.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Front end for qrencode

2014-05-19 Thread gramex

I got all the bugs worked out that I am aware of. Here's version 1.0!

Direct download: http://7gfc2nsa8z.1fichier.com or http://v.gd/qk3ROf

GitHub repo: https://github.com/ssdclickofdeath/qrgui

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread joaovlg
But how can i do that? Someone can help me? I have a new problem too. I  
changed some shortcuts and i want reset them to default, how can i do that?

I love free software but i think that simple problems has a hard solution.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread magicbanana

Have you tried lembas' solution? Has it worked?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread joaovlg

I guess my solution is here. look -

#define XF86XK_Next_VMode   0x1008FE22   /* next video mode available  */
#define XF86XK_Prev_VMode   0x1008FE23   /* prev. video mode available */

But i don't know how can i use this information. I try paste on terminal but  
nothing happens. I'm not sure how can i use this aplication. Anyway is there  
some software than changes my screen output?

The lembas' solution seems to work but to me is very complex. I didn't know  
that was so hard change the screen.

: /

And i solved my problem with shortcuts (the second problem) rsrs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
:) So the solution works. Goto system settings  keyboard or something like  
that where you get to define shortcuts. Then define a custom shortcut. Hit  
the plus. Input the command. Then the name you gave it will appear in the  
list. Click the word disabled after it and hit the key combo you want.