Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which mixed licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-22 Thread martin

 The only issue with search engines is privacy- and
GNU like DuckDuckGo for a reason.

Ruben and some other people in the free software community may like  
DuckDuckGo, but saying GNU likes DuckDuckGo is misleading.  It's not like  
DuckDuckGo is the officially approved search engine by the free software  
community.  I think DuckDuckGo is bad for privacy and there are better  
alternatives, such Seeks and Searx instances.  We had a discussion on this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt
You truly are a goldmine of helpful advice. Output of monodevelop

FATAL ERROR [2015-06-22 19:37:47Z]: MonoDevelop failed to start. Some of
the assemblies required to run MonoDevelop (for example gtk-sharp)may
not be properly installed in the GAC.
System.Exception: Toolkit could not be loaded ---
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
'Mono.Cairo, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Mono.Cairo, Version=, Culture=neutral,
  at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj,
System.Object[] parameters) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type, Boolean
nonPublic) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type) [0x0] in
filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Backends.ToolkitEngineBackend.CreateBackend (System.Type
backendType) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
Xwt.Backends.ToolkitEngineBackend.CreateBackend[TextLayoutBackendHandler] () 
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Toolkit.Initialize (Boolean isGuest) [0x0] in filename
  at Xwt.Toolkit.LoadBackend (System.String type, Boolean isGuest,
Boolean throwIfFails) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Xwt.Toolkit.LoadBackend (System.String type, Boolean isGuest,
Boolean throwIfFails) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Toolkit.Load (System.String fullTypeName, Boolean isGuest)
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Application.Initialize (System.String backendType) [0x0] in
filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Application.Initialize (ToolkitType type) [0x0] in
filename unknown:0 
  at Xwt.Application.InitializeAsGuest (ToolkitType type) [0x0] in
filename unknown:0 
  at MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeStartup.Run (MonoDevelop.Ide.MonoDevelopOptions
options) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeStartup.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0] in
filename unknown:0 

As to what it may mean, I have no clue. Wrong libcairo version or
something? Yet it worked fine in Xfce. Conundrums, conundrums.


Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread mjmhogg71

Hmmm...not sure either.
Try installing libmono-cairo2.0-cil (unless it's installed already of  

If that doesn't fix it then I don't know, sorry !
Gerne Doch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which mixed licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt
To which the fanatics say- freedom over convenience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which mixed licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-22 Thread martin
The problem with DuckDuckGo is that it's highly centralized, just like Google  
is - everyone connects to one provider, which means all search queries can be  
logged in one centralized database and associated with you.  The same problem  
is true with Ixquick and Startpage.

Seeks and Searx are better, because anyone can provide instances, so not  
everything can be logged by one centralized provider - search queries are  
more distributed.

[Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread Sachin

Imagine a groupbot verified by all the users in the group and when users
send message to the group, the message is signed by the groupbot's
public key.
then the groupbot does the job of encrypting the message with all user
public key and sending it to everyone.
but the matter here is, there should not be the need of a groupbot ond
the server software should have something implemented that functions
like the groupbot

I was wondering if there is a similar implementation of something like
this right now or perhaps a better one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread jadedml
I assume you're talking about a conceptual IM service-- if so, why have the  
group-bot middle-man?
Just have each member accept each other's keys, and the client send the  
message simultaneously to every user. Since every member has accepted the  
sending user's key, the same outcome is reached.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which mixed licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-22 Thread tirifto
I believe YaCy is supposed to eliminate tracking and censorship. I have tried  
it for a short while. It was nice and appeared to work well, except that the  
results were generally very bad and uncomparable to those of DuckDuckGo and  
the likes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread mjmhogg71

try some options from terminal:

monodevelop --no-splash


monodevelop --no-redirect

...that might show some error reports !

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread kernelpanic2011
My smartphone is an Huawei G7 and unfortunately is not yet supported by  
cyanogenmod's team. But this smartphone was a gift so i couldn't said no.  I  
complete stop using any google service and any playstore app. I'm using only  
app by F-Droid store. I'm waiting for a supported cyanogenmod rom to set it  
On my Dell inspiron 7720 notebook I'm using Trisquel with a network cable  
because there aren't  free drivers for the integrate wi-fi card.
On my Sony Vaio 13 I'm using trisquell with a bad resolution because there  
aren't free driver for ati video card that support the right resolution.

But if is this the price for freedom I can accept it.
I'm looking for sostitute the Vaio notebook with the Sanres Penguin GNU/Linux  
Notebook on think penguin. I'm putting money away for Christmas gift ^_^

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread mjmhogg71

try running it from terminal as root, as it could be an ownership issue

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt
That was a glaringly obvious thing to do- one which I completely forgot
to consider. Thanks.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

- sigh - I'm stuck with using mono-devel. An IDE would be nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt
You sir, are a lifesaver. It worked. I am forever in your debt.

I am not actually German btw.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt
I wonder why that wasn't installed as a dependency?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread tirifto
As far as I know, Cyanogen Mod is not 100% free software. I'm not a  
smartphone user, but from what I've learned, Cyanogen Mod may be more  
freedom-friendly than Android, but still contains non-free parts and  
firmware, which is required for most phones to work properly. I believe that  
the only 100% free mobile operating system is Replicant, which is supported  
by FSF.

As for computers, most of them still contain a non-free BIOS. This problem is  
being tackled by the Libreboot project.

For complete freedom, you can purchase a laptop from Gluglug, but it is a bit  

I personally use Lenovo B590 with Parabola. I had to buy a USB WiFi card, but  
now it works properly. I think ThinkPenguin is one of the best choices,  
though. A company called Purism crowd-funded a high-end 100% free laptop  
recently, but they failed at making the BIOS free, so a performant computer  
with Libreboot seems to remain a dream for now :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread tomlukeywood

Cyanogen Mod may be more freedom-friendly than Android
cyanogen mod is a distribution of android as is Replicant

For complete freedom, you can purchase a laptop from Gluglug, but it is a  
bit dated.

you can also install libreboot yourself.
the most modern computer libreboot runs on is the t500:

its also reported that although the non-free bios blocks it
after you have installed libreboot you can use quad core cpu's with the  
machine see here for details:

not that you need a very fast computer to run gnu/linux well
i have a x60(librebooted) and it runs fine with trisquel 7

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread onpon4
CyanogenMod is not completely libre; only Replicant is. CyanogenMod is more  
or less similar to distros like Ubuntu and Mint. Unfortunately, Replicant  
only runs on a limited number of devices, so a lot of the time CyanogenMod is  
the best you can do.

For what it's worth, FSFE has a guide to maximizing your freedom in your  
phone, if you can't use Replicant:

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread kernelpanic2011
Yes I was looking for replicant os smartphone but unfortunately all devices  
have a problem with wi-fi because need proprietary driver, if i dont remember  
wrong. Isn't it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread nicolasmaia
Yeah. Also, Replicant is based off CyanogenMod, which means it only runs on  
devices that CM also supports. If your device isn't supported by CM, there's  
no way Replicant will support it either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread greatgnu

pidgin + OTR

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread onpon4
Oh, sorry, I'm suffering from a case of off-hand dismissive syndrome because  
of all your nonsense you've been sputtering. I wasn't reading clearly, and  
yes, you're right this time. (Your reaction to this is absurd, but MB already  
addressed that, it seems.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread tomlukeywood
i don’t know much about Pottering so i don’t know if this is his blog or  
a fake or something

but the text HuangLao posted definitely is on the webpage:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
Thanks for reading it Tom.  So many people are quick to comment without  
checking the reference.

That is most certainly his blog, he references it in most of his forum and  
iirc posts.  Check the bottom also:
© Lennart Poettering. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on  
github. .

[Trisquel-users] Re : Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread lcerf

Can you name one reason why an init system would do this, or even need to?

For the nth time: systemd is an umbrella project and not only a pid 1.

Since you like quotes from free software superstars (that you misquote, but  
anyway), here is one from rms, who was in the POSIX standardization committee  
(he even chose the name of the standard):
 Basically, my attitude towards standards is that they are useful. They help  
users figure out how to support a variety of systems, and then they help  
system implementors figure out how to give the users what the users will  
expect. But you shouldn't treat standards as though they were gods. There's  
no need to. We support standards in the ways that are useful to users, and we  
depart from them when that becomes more useful to users.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao

Welcome to the community!!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
For those that think systemd is just an elegant modern init system, consider  
this from Potterings own blog:

We want a unified solution that ultimately can cover updates for full  
systems, OS containers, end user apps, programming ABIs, and more. These  
updates shall be double-buffered, (at least). This is an absolute necessity  
if we want to prepare the ground for operating systems that manage  
themselves, that can update safely without administrator involvement.

Pottering wants systemd to even take care of updating your entire system, so  
you the end user or administrator never have to!  Can you name one reason why  
an init system would do this, or even need to?  Prepare the ground for  
operating systems to manage themselves...  Really!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread onpon4

He didn't say that. Nice strawman, though!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao
LOL, this has nothing to do with the prior post.  Read Potterings own words,  
since you like references so much.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread taiji_tao

Really onpon!

So you want people to believe that a post on Potterings own blog written by  
him, was not actually posted by him, and that he did not actually say it?  If  
that is not deluded than I am not sure what is.

In that post, he is laying out the foundation for how systemd will be its own  
OS and control all features of the OS from kernel to userland, including  
upgrades.  Read it, its write their in black and white, or what ever font  
choice you choose.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread tomlukeywood
just to let you know you can install the non-free wifi firmware on replicant  
if you rely want to

and although this is bad for freedom/privacy its better
to run a system with replicant and a non-free wifi firmware

than to run a system such as cyanogen-mod which has
and lots of non-free firmware and
some malicious features like for example sending what ever you type in the  
default browsers url bar to google

i also recommend watching this video to learn more about replicant:

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread greatgnu
ciao kernellume panicoso! Benvenuto nel mondo del free software! Divertiti e  
propaga la buona novella!

[Trisquel-users] Offtopic: Assange on google

2015-06-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

If you're using google's services, then you definitely should read this

(Apologies for offtopic, I just though this is too important to pass.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread danigaritarojas

Thanks for all the clarifications MB. has not  
received any commit this year. The development may now happen elsewhere (or  

I wouldn't be surprised if the development on systembsd is stalled. For me  
re-implementing this API in a portable way is a full time work with a new  
release to support every two months + the fact that wasn't intended to be  
used outside Linux. So ideally systemd should be design for potability to  
other free *nix kernels.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could systemd be an inconvenient on portability?

2015-06-22 Thread greatgnu
Ha! It's true! You can up-vote your own posts. Just did that with the hamster  
and cookie. That is soo 90210!

And now, if you excuse me I have some own-posts to up-vote.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Librebooted Macbook 2,1

2015-06-22 Thread eemeli . blasten

I wouldn't keep my hopes up:

1) they keep talking about open source and open source installers
2) it is from Intel
3) I could not find source code for binary blobs that exist in their  

If I'm wrong please correct me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Security Enhanced Linux Kernel? Eh? What's going on here? O.o!

2015-06-22 Thread greatgnu
The Debian project as a whole is pretty big on privacy, security, and  
software freedom-- as much as Trisquel is, I'd say.
Just because the module was written by the NSA doesn't mean it's malicious.  
The module's been pretty much eyed by many people, so you've nothing to worry  

well said girl!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread Sachin
you are right i was hasty without thinking about the current available 
encryptions and simply forgot the tls connections

On 22 June 2015 23:47:19 GMT+05:30, wrote:
“server software should have something implemented that functions like

It is already done that way: most (or at least a big proportion) IRC
and XMPP  
servers accept TLS connections from clients. What benefit does your
offers over this?. What problem do you attempt to address with your  

If you do not know how the existing technology works, it makes no sense
think of how to improve it; instead learn how it works, and then you
may have  
meaningful ideas on how to improve it. Anyway, it is likely that all of
ideas are obvious to the ones capable of implement them, several times.
Having ideas on how to improve software is the easy part. The hard part
is to  
implement those ideas in software and that they become widespread.

[Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread kernelpanic2011

Hi to all,
My apologize if this is a wrong section.
I'm Kernelpanic and i hope that nobody see me after boot.
I'm a new italian Trisquel user and a new member of FSF. The FSF opened my  
mind regarding the real concept of Free Software that I confused with  
Opensource. Now i'm using only free software on my pc's and smartphone too.  
I'm a Gnu/Linux user since 2003 but it is only recently that I realized the  
true meaning of freedom (better late than never :) )
So,what else?I'm happy to be a part of this community and I will help to make  
known to others the true meaning of freedom.

I'm sorry for my bad english. I'll be waiting for Italian section

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Welcome old f(r)iend! ;)

I found these resources on free software interesting

* (rms bio)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread martin


You probably mean TLS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread marioxcc . MT
“server software should have something implemented that functions like the  

It is already done that way: most (or at least a big proportion) IRC and XMPP  
servers accept TLS connections from clients. What benefit does your proposal  
offers over this?. What problem do you attempt to address with your  

If you do not know how the existing technology works, it makes no sense to  
think of how to improve it; instead learn how it works, and then you may have  
meaningful ideas on how to improve it. Anyway, it is likely that all of those  
ideas are obvious to the ones capable of implement them, several times.  
Having ideas on how to improve software is the easy part. The hard part is to  
implement those ideas in software and that they become widespread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread marioxcc . MT

I suggest reporting it as a bug.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Group chat

2015-06-22 Thread onpon4
Signing isn't the same as encryption. Don't confuse the two. You only need to  
sign a message once; it's encryption you have to repeat for everyone.

I don't think it's fair to assume that centralizing encryption makes it  
faster. The message still has to be encrypted just as many times; it's just a  
matter of where it's done. And we're talking about fraction-of-a-second  
delays here, so the lag caused by encrypting isn't likely to be terribly  

In any case, what you're asking for is nothing more than using XMPP where  
everyone communicating with the XMPP uses HTTPS, and the servers communicate  
with each other in an encrypted way as well. So just set up a private XMPP  
server and have everyone use HTTPS when they connect to it. (XMPP supports  
some kind of group chats, though I haven't actually used it.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread marioxcc . MT

Hello and welcome!.

Do not hesitate to ask here about what you can not readily find using search  
engines that is related to Trisquel or the free software philosophy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread moxalt

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : MonoDevelop fails to start

2015-06-22 Thread Adam Wilson