[Trisquel-users] Re : Creating a license that switches between two external licenses

2015-07-15 Thread lcerf
That way, the copyright isn't tied to a dead entity and the software gets  

You can also write down who should manage the copyrighted on your works in  
case of death (like Aaron Swartz did).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread lcerf
Well, it is "cleaner" to have your homemade programs (for all users of the  
system) in a separate directory. Nothing prevents your program in /usr/bin  
from being overwritten if you install a package that happen to have picked  
the same name as yours for one of its binaries.

See what http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#USRLOCALLOCALHIERARCHY  
(the "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard") specifies:

The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when  
installing software locally. It needs to be safe from being overwritten when  
the system software is updated. It may be used for programs and data that are  
shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not found in /usr.

Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than /usr  
unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr.

http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#FTN.AEN1450 (a note)  
additionally says:

Software placed in / or /usr may be overwritten by system upgrades (though we  
recommend that distributions do not overwrite data in /etc under these  
circumstances). For this reason, local software must not be placed outside of  
/usr/local without good reason.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread onpon4
No. That's a communication job, a joint activity. It's impossible to play a  
multiplayer game with someone else using only software on your computer.

If the game was single-player, and the server only existed to provide the  
game world... that still probably wouldn't be SaaSS, because in that case  
you're accessing the server to get the particular game world.

Really, the only case of SaaSS in games is things like the OnLive; so-called  
"cloud gaming", where the game runs on someone else's computer and you send  
input to the server while the server sends you a video feed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread gnuser
SVG are not pictures in the way you would consider a picture. See, you can  
zoom inside of them infinitely without losing detail, so you know there is  
code involved. It is considered (though I am not sure it has been proven)  
that this code could be used to attack the browser. (doing more than just  
showing a pic I mean)
And also, the code in firefox that handles SVG pics is not that great in  
terms of functionality or security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread gnuser
Nothing, I was just mentioning that yes, SVG pics can be dangerous maybe the  
warning is there because the same might apply to PNG pics. Not sure though  
(Lembas seems to have a proof there)

[Trisquel-users] Re : SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread lcerf
I do not think there can be any executable code embedded in SVG. The picture  
is scalable because "objects" are mathematically" defined. A circle, for  
instance, is defined as a center and a radius. In this way, whatever the  
zoom, the application (for instance the Web browser) draws a perfect circle.  
On the contrary, raster images (such as BMPs, PNGs, JPEGs, etc.) basically  
are matrices of pixels and zooming just makes the pixels larger.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Any Trisquel users on the Libreboot X60 have their keyboards turn off randomly?

2015-07-15 Thread lcerf
You could take a look at the end dmesg's output right after the problem  
occurs (using your USB keyboard). There might be useful information.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread tomlukeywood

"heartbleed would probably have been discovered sooner."
any the nsa would release this info and not abuse it...?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any Trisquel users on the Libreboot X60 have their keyboards turn off randomly?

2015-07-15 Thread dooleyn
Yes, I don't believe this is a Libreboot issue. You mention you use your  
machine for terminal use, web and email. Does your symptoms only affect your  
terminal session by any chance? That is when it occurs can you still input  
via the keyboard to your browser etc. If it only affects your terminal  
session perhaps you inadvertently hit C-s (that is the CTRL key plus s). This  
is a bash command to suspend the output. If you then hit C-q this will resume  
output again to your terminal and you should see anything you may have typed  
while the output was suspended suddenly re-appear.

I too have a Libreboot X60s and do recall a similar issue when I first got  
the machine. I can't recall now if it was me inadvertently suspending bash or  
another cause. Suffice to say I no longer experience this issue. So if it is  
not a suspension of bash output perhaps you are running an older version of  

What version of Libreboot are you running out of curiosity? I'm on the  
20150208 release as I still run Trisquel 6. The latest release 20150518  
removes the powertop scripts for Trisquel 6 as it is considered now obsolete.  
I intend to upgrade to Trisquel 7 at some point and then this latest  
libreboot release.

Hope this helps.

[Trisquel-users] Open Semantic Search Engine

2015-07-15 Thread mjmhogg
Quote:"Free software for your own search engine, data explorer and research  
tools based on Apache Lucene / Solr or Elastic Search open-source  
enterprise-search and open standards for Linked Data and Semantic Web."

Looks a bit complicated, but very interesting !
Downloads have VMs, .deb file, there's even a live-system (iso) !


Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread dooleyn
Shouldn't such scripts be placed in /home//bin/? I thought /usr/local/bin/ is  
reserved for applications you compile and install manually as in not from the  
repositories. For example I am running emacs 24.5 as only 24.3 (and not even  
that) is available in the repositories and it was installed to  
/usr/local/bin/. I guess if it needs to be available to all users of a system  
then it should go in /usr/local/bin.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating a license that switches between two external licenses

2015-07-15 Thread tegskywalker
Yeah, but what if you don't have someone who is also a programmer to take it  
over? Can't burden a wife or child that has no interest and/or skill to  
maintain the code. What about if I'm a corporation or organization? Do I  
simply assign to another entity (like a software conservatory) even if they  
may not want it?

Obviously we cannot predict our death, but it can just happen and maybe we  
want our software to enter the public domain (or in a more lax license) even  
if it was copyleft and we were able to enforce it while alive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
That's the point. From a system administration standpoint, there is no real
difference between an executable someone compiled themselves and put
in /usr/local/bin and a shell script someone chmodded themselves. They are both
local user-created executables outside of the package management system, and as
such belong in /usr/local/bin.

* Proceeds to move all scripts to /usr/local/bin *

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
Probably not, because PNG and SVG pictures are composed with a completely
different mechanism. PNG (and all other bitmap image formats) are essentially a
matrix of bits representing pixels at a set resolution. SVG (scalable vector
graphics) are instead a set of instructions for drawing said image- shapes are
defined as sets of lines to be drawn, colours to be filled, etc. Thus the
potential for malicious functionality to exist is vastly different.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
Although the classic 'chmod +x cat.png' always holds true.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
You clearly don't understand the distinction between SaaSS and connecting to
servers in general. Browsing the web is not SaaSS, but under your definition
('anything that involves connecting to a server you do not directly control')
it would be. The difference is that in the case of, say, Google Drive word
processing, you are using a service hosted on a server to do your own computing
for you, instead of simply running a free word processor of your own. The
ethical issue here is that, as with proprietary software, the user is not in
control of her own computing- those who run the server are. Requesting files
from a server, however, is not SaaSS because those files are simply being
retrieved and then viewed in a program on the user's own computer. Sure,
potential abuses exist, as they always do, but this does not make the practice
of browsing the web unethical. It is important to note that in both these cases
the user is connecting to servers running software they have no direct control
over- yet there is a clear difference in how both practices (browsing the web
and SaaSS) actually function, and the ethical consequences therein.

My case is that I do not consider playing, say, Nexuiz online over someone
else's server a case of SaaSS- and I don't think Stallman does either. A game of
Nexuiz usually requires both a client and a server. Usually (in single-player)
these are both hosted on the same machine; one client, one server. In the case
of online play, however, multiple users have decided to share one server
between their many clients, communicating over a network.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
I believe he was probably referring to things like AdventureQuest, BattleDawn,
and the like- all multiplayer games, yet hosted entirely online.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread moxalt
I agree. Seeing that paragraph in the original version of the article had me
somewhat confused as to how that qualified as SaaSS, and got me asking this
question here. I held, and still hold, the opinion that multiplayer gaming is
not SaaSS.

> It's impossible to play a multiplayer game with someone else using only
> software on your computer.

Consider: a chess program which does not follow the client-server model, but
simply updates its own internal state of play according to the information sent
to it over the network. It would thus be hypothetically possible to conduct a
game of chess over two networked computers using only local software, and
having the programs communicate directly, updating each other's stored state of
play and sending each other relevant information (such as moves, etc.) in turn.
It is possible to have a multiplayer experience without the client-server
model. I believe that this is in fact the manner in which some early two-player
games functioned- much like playing chess by post.

[Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread no-email

It happens to you too?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread calinou
There are peer-to-peer games around like Stunt Rally, which do not have any  
central server, aside of the master server which handles the list of games.

[Trisquel-users] Re : MonoGame - is it free software ?

2015-07-15 Thread calinou
There are plenty of competing engines, like 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Semantic Search Engine

2015-07-15 Thread dhood

A few concerns:

1. The intermixing of the terms "free software" and "open source" is always a  
red flag. It could be just confusion in the messaging, but its still a red  

2. Based on a multi-page quick walk through of the website I could not find  
any licensing information. My assumption is that since this seems to be a  
derivative work it simply uses the original license of the software it is  
based on.

3. Its based on Apache Solr, which is licensed under the Apache 2.0. This is  
a GPL compatible Free Software License. This is good news :)

The problems I see with it is that the licensing is ambiguous, but likely ok.  
Hopefully they will update the available information. Looks like a neat  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread ka1cey
To ansser the original question re:  tradition vs functional requirement,  
it's a convention that helps to maintain order by keeping binaries, taken  
from repository packages, from binaries resulting from compilation of sources  
not in the repos, and from scripts for use only by one user.  For instance,  
if I build something for testing in a 'sandbox', I do the build such that the  
program has ~/builds/ as its base directory. This way, I cannot accidentally  
clobber something needed for the production system.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread franparpe

Well, I realized that it doesn't block specific ads:

It blocks Urban's Terror adds on its website but it does not block ads on  
google, startpage, ixquick... But it blocks the majority of them and blocks  
most of the third party trackers (I've checked the list).

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread greatgnu


Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread danigaritarojas
So, it isn't "SVG can be dangerous" but "the browser can hold exploits while  
rendering SVG or PNG files, so disable it if you don't want to leave any clue  
(like in TBB)".

Re: [Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread greatgnu
what exactly do you mean by "doesn't work"? Icecat's spyblock addon function  
is not to block ads but the trackers and thus only those adds that track the  
user will be blocked. If you want it to block all adds you need to add a  
filter to its filters list. If I may recommend a filter: "fanboy ultimate  

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Looks like SVGs can contain scripts, e.g. JavaScript.  

[Trisquel-users] Auto-repeat doesn't work in one of my installations after screen-blanking

2015-07-15 Thread davesamcdxv
When I press f for a few seconds on one of the Trisquel installations on my  
laptop (as usual made by debootstrapping and continuing from there), I expect  
to get  
This is what I get upon login.

But if the screen blanks (i.e. because I close it) and I use the computer  
after that, if I press f I only get f.

I've got Trisquel 6 on which LXDE, Lightdm, XFCE4 Power Manager, Compton but  
not xscreensaver are used.

On the same laptop, there's a Trisquel 7 and Parabola installation as well  
that don't seem to have the same problem I've described above.

Any ideas? (xset -r off didn't work, neither did setting).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread danigaritarojas

> Games are for fun, so you don't need to care if they're SaaSS

I know that Games aren't exactly computing/work/tool. But still, "cloud  
gaming" means depending on someone's else server for doing something that  
you're perfectly capable of doing on your computer. It also means that you  
never have the possibility to modify or copy the game. So, I care if a game  
is SaaSS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread danigaritarojas
I thought they were just mere XML. I wonder if this JS gets executed on  
IceCat even with JS disabled.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac
what are you talking about man?   lembda actually gave you a link?  and just  
ignore everything I said? I wasn't theorizing...lol   Try searching online  
sometimes for information,  its useful.





Re: [Trisquel-users] MonoGame - is it free software ?

2015-07-15 Thread tomlukeywood

also theres all the quake and doom engines
and LÖVE and pygame and sdl, allegro, gosu, rubygame, corange, Blender,  
HAFF's Game engine, castle engine, panda3d, pearengine3d etc etc etc

you definitely don’t have to worry about choice!

Re: [Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread tomlukeywood

if you want to block adds use Ublock

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac


Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac
it can potentially exploit any program that renders it.  media players,   
email clients...etc...

Re: [Trisquel-users] SELinux and an interesting Warning on Blag

2015-07-15 Thread tomlukeywood

*misspelled and as any

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any Trisquel users on the Libreboot X60 have their keyboards turn off randomly?

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac
interesting you say that, your post is making me feel like I'm in the  
twilight zone now.   Because it happened to me in windows yesterday, for the  
first time ever...  keyboard just stopped working,  I rebooted and it worked  
again.  It totally baffled my mind.

And last night I couldn’t wake my trisquel monitor from suspend.  and the  
kb became unresponsive.   I unplugged it,  the light went off and wouldn't  
come back on when plugged back in.   I see now in the logs today,  it logged  
when i kept unplugging it and plugging it back in,  but it just wasn't  

I could hear the blog i was listening to still playing so the computer didn't  
crash,  just the keyboard became unresponsive.   The mouse wasn't waking the  
monitor either, but i could unplug and plug it back in.  and it wasn't  
shutting off.   so weird.

I had to wait for my pc timer to automatically shut off the pc and I was  
wondering if that was my issue.  The fact i had used the shutdown command to  
power off after a certain time period. Because that has happened to me in  
other distros,  where i use the shutdown command but then manually go to  
shutdown the pc without cancelling,  and the shutdown process halts on me. 
I dunno,  i'm just taking wild guesses.  Monitor is waking from suspend today  
np.   I'm a little in shock you posted this today,   cause i was dreaming  
last night wondering if my kb is having problem sor something lol  here  
is my paste.


Re: [Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread franparpe
So spyblock don't block adds that don't spy? Excellent because I have no  
problem with ads that don't track.

[Trisquel-users] How do I downgrade kernel

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac
I'm getting x problems trying to wake monitor from a long suspend,  i want to  
revert back to a previous kernel to see if thats the issue?  How can I do  

I tried these directions  
   it didn't work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I downgrade kernel

2015-07-15 Thread cooloutac
I figured it out,  I had to remove the 01_PASSWORD file.  it just didn't work  
no matter what username and passwd i used.   Ty Quidam.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Auto-repeat doesn't work in one of my installations after screen-blanking

2015-07-15 Thread lcerf
Check out the "Keyboard" utility in the "System settings". There is a  
checkbox to control that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread onpon4
That really doesn't matter; you still depend on the software on the other  
player's computer to communicate with them. The only difference you're  
talking about is whether the communication job is centralized or distributed.  
If centralized communication jobs were no good, that would extend to the  
entirety of the World Wide Web, too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread onpon4
Personally, I'm of the opinion that SaaSS is not necessarily unethical. I  
can't see a way to justify calling services substituting for software  
unethical which wouldn't also justify calling all services to do something  
you could do yourself unethical. However, I do think RMS is right that we  
should avoid SaaSS, because it's still dangerous for the users even if it's  
an ethical activity (for the reasons he outlines).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Auto-repeat doesn't work in one of my installations after screen-blanking

2015-07-15 Thread davesamcdxv
I'm on LXDE. LXinput isn't like that (changing repeat delay and interval,  
which you can do with it, didn;t help).

(Otherwise I wouldn't be posting it here since my search of the WWW mostly  
net answer like "Open GNOME Control Centre's Keyboard-setting utility" :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens

moxalt wrote:

In the same way that the issue with proprietary software is not
necessarily that it is directly abusing the user (in many cases it is
not) but a matter of principle.

Then this is where you differ with the free software movement. 
Proprietary software mistreats each of its users by not granting users 
the 4 freedoms of free software. For free software activists, the lack 
of these freedoms are the principle by which proprietary software is 
dismissed out of hand. There's no way to defend your assertion that 
proprietary software is not mistreating its users because one cannot 
study, alter, distribute, or sometimes even run a proprietary program.

If you believe that proprietary software is not "directly abusing the 
user" then it would seem you don't actually agree with the free software 
movement. The free software movement posits (with remarkable evidence) 
that proprietary software is ethically wrong.

The issue at stake here is not what the operator could potentially do
or not, but whether the practice of using someone else's server for
communicating between instances of a game is actually SaaSS or not,
and whether it should thus be rejected on principle. I don't think it

There's nothing clarifying about a program being a game; we need to 
understand what a specific program actually does in order to comment on 
whether that program is Service as a Software Substitute. Therefore one 
shouldn't make broad generalizations such as what you've written above. 
Determining what the operator could do is determining the scope of what 
harm the user could suffer. I believe that is the basis of Stallman's 
analysis of when SaaSS is inconsequential and can be dismissed, versus 
when SaaSS is dangerous and ethically wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Auto-repeat doesn't work in one of my installations after screen-blanking

2015-07-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

> xset -r off didn't work

You mean xset -r on?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are multiplayer games SaaSS?

2015-07-15 Thread danigaritarojas
Unethical or not, it's clear that you have way more independence and control  
over your computing running the software on your own than using a service.  
And since the whole point of the free software movement is to have control  
over your computing then SaaSS should be avoided. SaaSS is even worse than  
off-line proprietary software in some aspects:

* If you have a computer with proprietary software that works without  
Internet and you don't connect. Then you know your data is safe in terms of  
privacy. With SaaSS you always have to send all the data to the server in  
order to get the result, clearly not the best in terms of privacy.
* You can at least try to reverse engineer the software and change it. With  
SaaSS you can't, unless the source code from the server is public. But if you  
want to make changes to the software you obviously have to run it on your  
computer, but then it's not SaaSS anymore.

But I don't think that SaaSS is bad always. If you only use SaaSS  
sporadically for reasons like "I need to do a translation but my brother's  
computer don't have GNU translator" then it's okay, because you don't depend  
on SaaSS, you only used it because it was more convenient at that temporal  
situation. But when you depend on SaaSS then in my opinion it can be as bad  
as any addiction.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating a license that switches between two external licenses

2015-07-15 Thread jason

"...what if you don't have someone who is also a programmer to take it over?"
Someone else may. And I mean some random person on the internet who cares to  
do so. This is not guaranteed of course. Unless the software is well-like by  
other people, it may very well just die.

As an example, I picked up two programs that originally came out in the  
1980s. They were licensed under the GPLv2 or any later version (see Beyond  
The Titanic and Supernova at http://jxself.org/git/.) They were first  
upgraded to GPLv3 and then the modifications to them are under the AGPLv3,  
all thanks to the "or any later version" clause as well as the GPL/AGPL  
compatibility language in each license.

This shows that is isn't necessary to first put the software into the public  
domain in order for this hypothetical person to come along and continue  
working on it under the GPL. It's out there, it's free, and it'll continue to  
be regardless of who is or isn't alive but you can't really force anyone to  
take it over. And hey - you're dead anyway, so you probably don't care if  
they do or not. :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Private Browsing Tor Proxy not working anymore in Abrowser

2015-07-15 Thread mtlben
Follow-up: a brand new ~/.mozilla/abrowser profile fixes the problem, so I  
guess I have a setting somewhere that conflicts with the addon (now what  
could that be, I have no idea!).  Maybe some modification in about:config?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU IceCat vs Abrowser

2015-07-15 Thread strypey
I just installed Trisquel 7 on my Acer Aspire One, and I'm having a few  
issues. I installed IceCat using 'apt-get install'. It seemed to install  
fine, but seems to crash an awful lot, possibly something to do with LibreJS,  
which is a useful tool, but at this point in the 'Free Your JS' campaign,  
still tends to make most websites unusable. ABrowser is working better, but  
still seems to have a few weird issues. One website I opened made the  
ABrowser flicker and jerk.

I remember from another thread on this forum that the ABrowser project is in  
the process of being retired, or merged with IctCat. Is this still the case?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GRUB issues

2015-07-15 Thread strypey
Can you please link to a set of newbie-friendly instructions for updating  
GRUB that will work reliably in Trisquel 7?

Speaking of GRUB, I find that I need to run boot-repair every time I install  
Trisquel. Is there a reason why it isn't in the Trisquel repos, or even  
installed by default?

Re: [Trisquel-users] SpyBlock doesn't work - IceCat 31.8

2015-07-15 Thread no-email
It doesn't block its list (http://gnuzilla.gnu.org/filters/blacklist.txt) and  
no other of course before the actualization it worked well.