[Trisquel-users] Re : How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf
On the "part about installing software", GNUbahn and I recently wrote  

I personally only encrypt /home: one box to click in Trisquel's installer.  
Interesting things (in the worst case passwords) might be found in my swap if  
my computer is stolen. By curiosity, I have just 'grep'ped my password... and  
found it. :-S

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to watch youtube live streams through VLC or other media player

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf

It works well here with the default video player, Totem.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf
Try to understand  

The "trisquel" meta-package only defines a set of packages: the default  
Trisquel system. Same thing for "trisquel-mini". In the Synaptic package  
manager, you can look at the "Properties" of any package. There is a button  
for that. Among the properties, one tab deals with the "Installed files". You  
can see that a meta-package, such as "trisquel" or "trisquel-mini", only  
installs two documentation files. However, it "depends" on the default  
system, i.e., all this default system is installed if the meta-package is  
installed. Those "dependencies" are listed in the eponymous tab.

You can install *any* package (e.g., "fluxbox") and it will not remove  
"trisquel". You can also remove packages from the default system: "trisquel"  
or "trisquel-mini" will be removed but it only means you do not have the  
default system anymore.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Does this spying effect ice cat?

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf

To start, show us a first version that displays a Web page

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-25 Thread legimet . calc
I don't make a separate boot partition while installing. Instead, I make a  
root partition, home partition, and swap partition on an encrypted LVM. When  
the installer tries to install GRUB, it fails. Then I switch to a tty to add  
GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub, after which the GRUB  
installation can be tried again and should succeed.

The Pavel Kogan link just puts a keyfile in your initramfs so that after GRUB  
loads the kernel, the kernel will use the keyfile so that you don't have to  
enter your password twice.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install GPT on BIOS & full disk encryption (with boot)?

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf
A partition table is just data that specifies where partitions begin and end.  
Whatever the type of partition table, the format is well-documented and tools  
like GNU parted can read/write it. All filesystems in Linux are under the GNU  

[Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-25 Thread mcz

Mine is (to me) complicated, and takes a lot of time.
Ideally, I want to automate as much as I can to make it simpler at least.

I choose full disk encryption (I don't know if swap is covered, so I might  
need dmdecrypt or something. Yet another thing to check).
Because other partial encryptions are just that, partial. Might as well not  
other with those.
This in itself is long and complicated. I need an additional unencrypted  
/boot folder, and make GRUB point at it. For the rest, I use Libreboot's  
guide (which includes swap, so I shouldn't need dm-decrypt in theory). I also  
need to not make a root user, create a username+passphrase, an encryption  
passphrase, and maybe I forget one.

Then I choose to encrypt /boot, because either I encrypt everything, or I  
don't. I want to try this, but that's another set of complex manipulations:  

But that would be fine without taking backups into account, like here and  
here (rather hard to understand):


Then I might want to update the kernel, which seems straightforward. But  
that's yet another step. Not vital, but not to long.

The more extreme aspect would be to compile one with grsecurity.
The less complicated aspect would be to set up apparmor and firejail foor  
every app.

I could try an additional bit for not having to type the decryption  
passphrase twice (again, not easy even to understand):  

And then there is the easier/fun part about installing software, which might  
need a couple of tweaking.

Maybe after a month I can finish my install...

Else I can encrypt nor backup nothing and live dangerously, but have my  
system running in half an hour.

I might want to setup a VM, just to run a browser with javascript when needed  
(maybe Firejail/apparmor is enough for this).

So grsecurity aside, full disk encryption including /boot+backups seems  
essential to me, yet very hard and long to do.

How do you do it (if you do it), and is there another way (scripts maybe)?

It's really a lot of hard work and time, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to watch youtube live streams through VLC or other media player

2016-10-25 Thread onpon4
ViewTube is able to handle it. It can either do this with the VLC plugin if  
you have it, or otherwise, you can get a link to paste into VLC from the  
"Get" button on the player.

ViewTube is here:


[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-25 Thread pinmaritim

Misty :)

With Trisquel Mini you can install any other desktop environnements  & you  
will keep ''Trisquel mini""which is in fact 3 desktop environnements =

1/Trisquel Mini

You will not loose any files either
You just have to choose which one you want to use at the loggin prompt ,just  
click on the Trisquel Logo

These manuals here are in french but  show all  the desktops environnements  
availlable on Trisquel 7


Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-25 Thread silentdreamer

Hello wonderful techies,

I want to try fluxbox, but before I do anything, I have questions. First, I  
want to be sure if it will install beside Trisquel or over it. If I had  
installed Trisquel Mini with the sudo apt-get command, would it have replaced  
it? Magic Banana asked me if that was the command I used, I said yes, but I'm  
not 100% sure. So I want to be sure I know what I'm doing. Way in back of my  
mind I remember thinking as I got the command, "this seems different than I  
expected." Usually I copy this stuff to an editor in case I needed it, which  
I may still have. A few days ago I looked at my files and saw a command I  
pasted there, but I didn't write what it was for, so I'm wondering if that  
was it and if so, explains why Mini came in alongside it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread albertoefg

You made me laugh so hard.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Magnifier that follows your mouse around Kmag [solved]

2016-10-25 Thread silentdreamer
Thank you arielenter. This is a bit overwhelming for me, so many  
instructions, and I really appreciate it. I already got it so for now I will  
keep it this way.

[Trisquel-users] How to watch youtube live streams through VLC or other media player

2016-10-25 Thread elkingrey

I am unable/unwilling to watch youtube live streams through my browser.

It seems like I should be able to do this in VLC, but I cannot figure out how  
to. Simply copying and pasting the youtube URL into the Network Stream in VLC  
gives me errors.

Anyone know what I may be doing wrong and how to watch live streams hosted on  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does this spying effect ice cat?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Do I need to implement Safe Browsing in my own browser WITHOUT Google (using  
my own DB).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does this spying effect ice cat?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Do I need to implement Safe Browsing in my own browser WITHOUT Google (using  
my own DB)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does this spying effect ice cat?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Do I need to implement Safe Browsing in my own browser WITHOUT Google (using  
my own DB)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install GPT on BIOS & full disk encryption (with boot)?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
No, I successfully created full disk encryption without /boot. My first  
question is how to enable bios_grub without destroying the FS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread mcz

A typical movie "bad guy" plan, and attitude. This is entertaining.

Re: [Trisquel-users] startx : stuck in a loop

2016-10-25 Thread mcz
Well it's ok, it gives me an opportunity to learn and get things right.  
Thanks again for your help btw.
If I can get my install process to be faster (install scripts, a few config  
files here and there, encrypting /boot, setting a few sepcific programs), a  
new install might take less time than trying to solve a specific problem if  
it takes, say, more than an hour without results.

I don't know what's best, I'm still experimenting here.

Thankfully, this problem concerns my secondary PC, so it's annoying, but  
isn't much of a big deal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install GPT on BIOS & full disk encryption (with boot)?

2016-10-25 Thread greatgnu
> Now I'm going to do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda, then another deleting data  
function (in install) and reinstall…

I assume you already did that before and during the first installation (the  
one that gave you the zombie fs), so, if the assumption is correct, why in  
the world would you do that again?
My guess is you really enjoy wasting time. 

[Trisquel-users] Re : We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread lcerf
It is a script to deblob Linux's source code:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install GPT on BIOS & full disk encryption (with boot)?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko

P. P. S. I used only this parted commands from the first website.

[Trisquel-users] How to install GPT on BIOS & full disk encryption (with boot)?

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko

How to install FULL disk encryption (including /boot) with GPT on BIOS?
I used text mode install, created /boot, /, /home and swap partitions on big  
encrypted bootable LVM, then added encryption option in GRUB, changed LVM  
partition type (GRUB BIOS) and installed it. After rebooting, GRUB cannot  
detect cryptodisk and FS is crashed. Now I'm going to do dd if=/dev/zero  
of=/dev/sda, then another deleting data function (in install) and  

In short words:
Bootable encrypted LVM with /boot and / partitons. I changed type to  

$ sudo parted /dev/sda
(parted) set 1 bios_grub on (from http://www.wensley.org.uk/gpt)
(parted) quit
something about fstab
Then GRUB install and FS is crashed.
P. S. http://www.pavelkogan.com/2014/05/23/luks-full-disk-encryption/

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread onpon4
For someone who talks about "destroying the Internet" "for freedom", the name  
of an operating system seems awfully petty.

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Where is source code of this kernel?
P. S. Can I use Hurd/Linux-libre/other kernels in Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread nicolasmaia
Trisquel does not ship with Linux-libre, instead it uses a deblobbed version  
of Ubuntu's customized Linux kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
P. S. Change package names from linux-* to linux-libre-* or linuxlibre-* if  

[Trisquel-users] We are using Linux-libre. Please, change "GNU/Linux" name.

2016-10-25 Thread stas . mihaylenko
We are using Linux-libre. GNU/Linux means "GNU OS and Linux (original?)  
kernel". Maybe, we need to rename it to "GNU/Linux-libre"?

P. S. If not Linux-libre, "Trisquel GNU/Linux-deblobbed".

[Trisquel-users] X60 and high res

2016-10-25 Thread mir9001
Does anyone with a Thinkpad X60(librebooted), know what the highest res you  
can use on one is? I'm running 1080p but I'm wondering if 4k would work.