[Trisquel-users] Re : How would I go about launching Icecat from firetools through a tar?

2017-04-30 Thread pinmaritim

Bravo SuperTramp83!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm
I have never had those problems with lxde. Your problem must be computer  

I say this because none of my computers have had this problem.

whether I had debian 9, or trisquel 8 or trisquel 7 or debian 8.

even on my kororapenguin and heck even my acer aspire one notebook hasn't had  
all those issues.

what model is your computer perchance?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How would I go about launching Icecat from firetools through a tar?

2017-04-30 Thread greatgnu

tx... mangy dawg :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread greatgnu
Well, I haven't used LXDE a lot but I can confirm I did not have the issue  
which is affecting OP with it. Must be specific hardware related.
A DE that is as lightweight but more 'complete' is Xfce. You can install it  
very easily on Trisquel.

(And here I go again advertising Xfce, heh)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Arrested for filming : CEO of ThinkPenguin, Inc arrested for filming police : faces up to year in prison

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
Solidarity Chris. Nice to see this here. Freedom is not just an issue in  
software. It's an issue in software because it's an issue in *everything*  
that involves people. I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet, but I  
expect to see support from both sides of the aisle. Police throwing their  
weight around, far beyond their actual legal powers, is something I hope is  
just as offensive to right-libertarian and @-cap types as it is to civil  
libertarians on the left, if not more so.

Kia kaha (stand strong)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a good free alternative to Mendeley?

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
Give Zotero some time. My fiancee used it while writing her Phd thesis.  
Although she was quite new to free code software at the time, she found it  
superior to EndNote, which is what she used before.  She paid the very  
reasonable annual free that gave her access to the remote storage and sharing  
features. If you don't want to help fund ongoing development, that's fine,  
AFAIK all the source code required to set up your own remote backup and  
sharing server is here:


I've not tried, but I imagine there's a way to integrate Zotero with a  
full-featured, free code PDF reader. Something like Zotfile?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is this as good as it seems? FWGS/xash3d that is a cross-platform libre engine for Half Life 1

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
Have you contacted the people involved in the code release to ask them? Do  
they have a FAQ somewhere? I've heard great things about HalfLife and I'd  
love to have a go at running it on Trisquel! Also, this would be something  
we'd definitely want to make available in GOLD if that project ever gets off  
the ground. Keep us informed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread pinmaritim


To complement Soon.to.be.free's article


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Banshee Media Player Dead?

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
Banshee haven't released a stable version since Feb 2014 (2.6.2), which makes  
it seem abandoned on the surface. But keep in mind that Banshee is a UI that  
sits on top of GNOME, GStreamer, Mono, SQlite, and a bunch of other free code  
components. It may be that most of the active development goes on in these  
dependencies, so Banshee doesn't need to release new versions very often.

Feb 2014 was just before an Ubuntu LTS release, so that's probably why they  
put out a stable release then. It is true that there's been two LTS releases  
since then, but perhaps the Banshee UI just hasn't needed any updates? The  
crashing problems you are having might be related to outdated versions of  
some dependencies, and may be solved when Trisquel 8 drops.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
If those commenting here are really keen to understand the ins and outs of CC  
licensing, I highly recommend getting involved in the community consultation  
for the next version of the licenses. These involve users of CC licenses from  
different communities based on artistic, governmental, GLAM (Gallery,  
Library, Archive, Museum), educational, and many other communities of  
practice. The discussion are certainly informed by free/ libre/ "open"  
values, but they mainly revolve around real world use cases. There was a  
proposal in the 4.0 consultation to drop all the NC and ND clauses, which I  
supported, but the majority of the community concluded that this would be  
more likely to drive people back to ARR copyright, than to the free culture  
CC licenses.

If we are going to apply the same standards to artwork that we apply to  
software, almost no art is libre, because editable source files are almost  
never made available. The question is not; are licenses with NC and ND  
clauses ideal. No, they're not, but they exist, and for a range of  
complicated reasons, many people use them. The question is; are they  
ethically acceptable in a free system distribution? Debian says no. I  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
I suggest you have a close look at the way "commercial use" is defined in  
version 4.0 of the CC licenses. It is a very narrow, very specific  
definition. For example, an ad-supported search site where torrent files or  
magnet links can be found to download works under an NC clause does *not*  
count as commercial use in CC 4.0.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Community feedback is needed on whether Libreboot should re-join GNU

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
This is a rare and special event. It gives me great hope for the future. It  
makes me question some of the hardline positions I have taken my own past  
activism, and the bridges I may have unnecessarily burned in the process. I  
trust we have all learned some important lessons about how to handle and  
resolve conflict. I wish the Libreboot community all the best, and I hope the  
reunion with the GNU Project is as smooth and mutually beneficial as  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
The reason is that I think there's a much greater chance of convincing  
commercial game studios to release their source code if they can keep their  
artwork under an ARR license, or an NC. NC artwork allows a game to be  
legally distributed gratis as part of fully libre distros/ repos, increasing  
their appeal to end users. ARR licensed artwork doesn't help us right away,  
but it does allow a modding community to create their own artwork files for a  
clone, and it allows new libre games to be built on the engine. Ideally, a  
number of commercial game studios can be convinced to experiment with  
developing game engines in the open, rather than chucking the code from  
obsolete ones over the wall, which will also benefit downstream libre game  

My hope is that if we make some progress with getting code released, and the  
companies see the benefits of making their code available for review, outside  
contributions, and organised cross-company collaboration, then this will  
encourage them to take more steps. The companies that are using ARR copyright  
might be convinced to switch to NC, and the ones using NC clauses might be  
convinced to switch to a free culture license. The hardest rock can be  
dissolved by the softest drops of water, if they are persistent enough.

[Trisquel-users] Icedove - can't open attachments

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn
This seems to be a long solved issue, since answers I have found on the net  
are quite old. and none of the answers I have found solve the problem in my  

And this is a 'new' problem that has turned up today. I can't remember  
exactly the last time I opened an attachment, but it can't that long.

Anyway, when I click on the attachment I see the usual bow to choose if I  
want to save the file or open it with the appropriate program (i.e. okular  
for pdf, writer for odt, doc etc).

When I choose  I get a new dialogue box  (I translate from Danish, it might  
be open application).

From here I again have to choose which programme should open the attached  
file. Since this dialogue opens on my desktop, I have no idea of how to  
choose the appropriate application. And it shouldn't be necessary, since I  
have already chosen that in the settings of Icedove.

What am I overlooking?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
Thanks for doing this. This is all useful information. The main thing missing  
from libre systems that we need for GOLD is at the UX level. I haven't had a  
chance to have a play with Lakka (or any of the other projects I mention in  
the OP), and I'm interested in whether you think any of the UI components of  
Lakka could be repurposed as part of a GOLD DE offering a replacement for the  
Steam UI in SteamOS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread svhaab
I bought a new laptop. On debian 8 64bit brightness controls worked. On  
ubuntu 14.04 64bit they did not. I used these instructions to get brightness  
controls to work about ubuntu 14.04 64bit.

If they work on trisquel, I do not know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread strypey
"That may be, but the effect of the NC clause is to make it impossible for  
poor artists to make money from their derivatives of the covered work."

No it doesn't. It means the poor artist has to find another artwork to make  
derivatives of, one that is not covered by an NC license. Or they have to  
negotiate a commercial license with the artist using the NC clause, who is  
probably also a poor artist. This would give the original artist the chance  
to ask for a fair revenue-sharing deal, but depending on the situation, they  
might also just give them permission, and supply a bank account number for an  
optional donation. The point is, commercial use means there's going to be  
money involved, and its not unreasonable for some of it to go back to artists  
who did the original work.

"If I sell tables and tell you that, therefore, you are not allowed to sell  
tables, I'm sure you would be able to see why that is unjust."

I do. But tables are like buckets in my example above. What we are talking  
about is not NC clauses on tables (or buckets), but NC clauses on paintings  
of tables (or buckets).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread onpon4
> I think there's a much greater chance of convincing commercial game studios  
to release their source code if they can keep their artwork under an ARR  
license, or an NC.

I seriously doubt this happening unless the distro becomes so astronomically  
popular that not having a game included on it makes the game sure to fall  
into obscurity. If the distro actually manages to be so insanely popular, it  
would be better to use that popularity to push fully libre games.

Also, please consider that the video game industry is engaged in the war on  
sharing and that's the whole reason why making the games proprietary is  
desired by them. If people can legally share, then the situation is no better  
for them than if the game was 100% libre.

In the few cases where they might not mind sharing (e.g. MMORPG clients),  
they aren't going to mind being libre culture either, for this same reason.

> My hope is that if we make some progress with getting code released

A distro aimed at making libre gaming easy isn't going to do that.  
Personally, I don't think you'll ever get much code released, especially by  
companies, until copyright is abolished. Until then, we just have to work on  
our own ecosystem of libre games and reject (or, at the very least, refuse to  
fund) proprietary games.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposed Project: GOLD - Gaming on Linux Distribution

2017-04-30 Thread onpon4
> "That may be, but the effect of the NC clause is to make it impossible for  
poor artists to make money from their derivatives of the covered work."

> No it doesn't. It means the poor artist has to find another artwork to make  
derivatives of, one that is not covered by an NC license.

You just restated the exact same thing I said in a different way.

> the artist using the NC clause, who is probably also a poor artist

Why on Earth would you presume this? Poor artists don't make art and then put  
non-commercial clauses on them. Licensing is a question that only  
middle-class and well-off people have the luxury to consider. The poor artist  
is too busy working actual jobs to go on a crusade against capitalism.

But all this stuff about poor artists is a side issue. I mentioned it in  
passing. Even if poor artists can extort money from other poor artists by  
using non-commercial licenses, it's still an unethical practice at the base  

> What we are talking about is not NC clauses on tables (or buckets), but NC  
clauses on paintings of tables (or buckets).

You're splitting hairs here. Fine, then. I sell you a painting, and you are  
never allowed to sell it to anyone else. Either you give it away, or you keep  
it. I'm sorry, exactly what sort of good it is doesn't change the ethics of  
ordering you not to do something with it.

If you feel that, yes, an artist should be able to order you to not resell a  
(physical) painting they gave to you, then to be consistent, you must also  
find it acceptable for the artist to order you not to hang the painting on a  
wall, or for the artist to order you to never transport it to another state,  
or for the artist to order you to never say anything about it. All of these  
are unjust. If you have been sold anything, and it is yours, you deserve the  
right to do anything you want with it. The same applies to digital copies of  
works. If you are sent a copy, morally, you are the owner of that copy. It is  
wrong to place conditions on it. The only exception I will grant is copyleft,  
and that is not because copyleft is morally any different; rather, it's  
because this is an imperfect world and we need to be pragmatic.

[Trisquel-users] Battery for x200, t60, t500 etc

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn
I need a new battery for my x200. Later on I might by batteries for my t60  
and t500 as weel.

Do you know
1) How to be sure to buy high quality (for a good price)


2) Where to buy a such?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Battery for x200, t60, t500 etc

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm

You could buy one on lenovo, amazon,

or you can do a search via duckduckgo/searx

regardless, I understand if you hate the idea of buying from amazon or  

but do what you think is going to be best for you and your conscience.

by the way, is x200 the only libreboot device that leaks battery life when it  
isn't on?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Battery for x200, t60, t500 etc

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn

Thanks for your advise, but I will absolutely try to avoid those two.

by the way, is x200 the only libreboot device that leaks battery life when it  
isn't on?

I haven't heard about that. What does it mean?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wireless not working

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf

https://h-node.org/wifi/catalogue/ (but a same model can have different  
chipsets and there is no way to know without testing)

https://h-node.org/notebooks/catalogue/ (same as above)
Install the latest version of the Linux-libre kernel; if Wifi still does not  
work, acquire a Wifi adapter with a supported chipset.

As you can see, "we", as you write, do not ignore the problem.  You, on the  
contrary, ignore the answer you have already been given:  

Because of cognitive dissonance.  You installed proprietary firmware (as  
admitted in the thread linked above, and here again: "I am now switching for  
Debian") and now want to be told that it is OK, that you are still control of  
your Wifi, that firmware is out of the scope of the free software movement.   
It is not.

Do not get me wrong: you do whatever you want with your system.  Including  
installing proprietary software/firmware.  But, please, do not then try to  
use the free software movement to justify it: installing proprietary software  
obviously goes against the free software principles.

So we must also avoid compromises that involve doing or legitimizing the  
things we aim to stamp out.  For instance, experience shows that you can  
attract some users to GNU/Linux if you include some nonfree programs. (...)   
These compromises are tempting, but they undermine the goal. If you  
distribute nonfree software, or steer people towards it, you will find it  
hard to say, “Nonfree software is an injustice, a social problem, and we  
must put an end to it.” And even if you do continue to say those words,  
your actions will undermine them.
The issue here is not whether people should be able or allowed to install  
nonfree software; a general-purpose system enables and allows users to do  
whatever they wish. The issue is whether we guide users towards nonfree  
software. What they do on their own is their responsibility; what we do for  
them, and what we direct them towards, is ours. We must not direct the users  
towards proprietary software as if it were a solution, because proprietary  
software is the problem.
A ruinous compromise is not just a bad influence on others. It can distort  
your own values, too, through cognitive dissonance. If you have certain  
values, but your actions imply other, conflicting values, you are likely to  
change your values or your actions so as to resolve the contradiction. Thus,  
projects that argue only from practical advantages, or direct people toward  
some nonfree software, nearly always shy away from even suggesting that  
nonfree software is unethical. For their participants, as well as for the  
public, they reinforce consumer values. We must reject these compromises if  
we wish to keep our values straight.


[Trisquel-users] Re : Make PC a streaming server

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf

Use 'ssh -X'.  It can be too slow though.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf

Do function keys work with another desktop environment?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a good free alternative to Mendeley?

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn
I am doing a PhD thesis and find no reason to look for alternatives to  
Zotero. I Second Strypey's comment on space - it's rather cheap and you can  
pay by credit card (i.e. without paypal).

The only possible negative thing I can find is if you have to share with  
fellow researchers not using Zotero. I suppose though - but this I am not  
sure about - you can merge references if you write in LaTeX or the like.

By he way, Zotero can be used for a number of other things than academic  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread eloi . igor
So far I tried only LXDE and XFCE. None of them worked. This might suggest it  
isn't a DE problem, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread eloi . igor
I changed to XFCE, might give it try,since I see you frequently talking about  
it so good, right? Unfortunately, bright controllers and audio controller  
still not giving response.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Battery for x200, t60, t500 etc

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm

It is an error related to the EC firmware within libreboot.

yeah... I understand if you avoid those two.

personally, I have very little trust for amazon myself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm
what company is the device and what model might help to answer if you can do  
something about it or not...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf
Right.  The function keys may work after a kernel update:  

[Trisquel-users] cpu:0 DISABLED - (message on librebooted MacBook2, 1

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn

On my librebooted MacBook2,1 I ran sudo lshw and got this:

 *-cpu:0 DISABLED
  description: CPU [empty]
  product: Pentium Pro
  vendor: GenuineIntel
  physical id: 4
  version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200  @ 2.00GHz
  configuration: cores=2
  description: System memory
  physical id: 1
  size: 3196MiB
  product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200  @ 2.00GHz
  vendor: Intel Corp.
  physical id: 2
  bus info: cpu@0
  size: 2GHz
  capacity: 2GHz
  width: 64 bits

Is this as it should be, or am I having a disabled cpu?

[Trisquel-users] Cinnamon from T8.0 onT7.0?

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn
Cinnamon is packaged in Trisquel 8.0. Can I install it on Trisquel 7.0 from  
the 8.0 archives?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquell/Disk Encryption Problem

2017-04-30 Thread fil . bergamo

Did you protect grub usb-boot option with a password?
If that's the case, and if you're not able to correctly put the password in,  
then there's only one chance, and it's to reflash libreboot and its grub  
payload the hardware way..

If you didn't, then you should be able to boot from usb.
If it doesn't boot, the issue probably lies in the usb itself. Try to burn a  
new usb iso, maybe on a different stick, and using a different method (e.g.  
if you used unetbootin, try using the "dd" method).

Or, maybe try a different bootable image, or another distro (debian maybe?)

If still no luck.. I fear hardware flashing is the only way left..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bright control on Trisquel

2017-04-30 Thread eloi . igor
It worked now. Updating kernel + Installing xfce power manager (turns out it  
won't come installed as default). I'm working on the audio controllers now. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless not working

2017-04-30 Thread mkl80
It was in fact cognitive dissonance of mine. Sorry I was wrong, you are  
right. Sorry, I got it know!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is this as good as it seems? FWGS/xash3d that is a cross-platform libre engine for Half Life 1

2017-04-30 Thread greatgnu
Hi strypey. I sent a mail to the developer. If I receive an answer I will  
update you.

Half Life is wow.. I will never forget when it came out, the game blew my  
mind. I think I finished it 20 times. I know it by heart, each texture, each  
sound, and still I want to play it again and again. :)

[Trisquel-users] Help with encrypted partition (Warning: n00b bonanza!)

2017-04-30 Thread holm . krubek

Hello everybody,

disclaimer first: I dont have any business toying with such voodoo magic like  
encrypted file systems. Yet, I did.

I love Trisquel, and when making a fresh install of my favorite libre distro,  
I chose encryption option. Not sure if only home folder or whole file system,  
but I got my 32-character key.

I wrote it down and I keep staring at it while writing this.

Two days ago I used Software updater (new kernel revision) and after  
mandatory reboot I got Kernel Panic.

And not only kernel: the 400 gig partition holds my whole digital part of me.

I have erased swap, installed fresh Debian stable, but my GNU cred is awful:  
cant mount the old file system (gparted shows it as xfs).

I have googled, addressed various deities and saints (including St.IGNUcius),  
but still cant mount it.

Any hint, including link to appropriate man page, will be a treat in my  
current digital misery.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Cinnamon from T8.0 onT7.0?

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm
I really think that would be a bad idea. I could understand the reverse  
working (given it has worked for me in the past for certain software. (cough*  
virtual *cough box *cough 4.1 *cough Trisquel *cough 7 *cough)

if you want more feedback just reply and maybe other people will aid you.

That though is my opinion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help with encrypted partition (Warning: n00b bonanza!)

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm
I don't know the answer to your question but just by replying hopefully  
someone will see that you need some help. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] cpu:0 DISABLED - (message on librebooted MacBook2, 1

2017-04-30 Thread calmstorm

I shall bump this thread for you.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Help with encrypted partition (Warning: n00b bonanza!)

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf
Can you boot a previous version of Trisquel's kernel from the "Advanced  
options" of GRUB's menu (you may have to press a key, shift maybe?, to be  
displayed this menu right after the computer powers on)?  The user and  
password you will be asked to enter are (unencrypted, if I properly  
understand your setup) in /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD.  You can read that file  
from the live system (i.e., this GRUB password only is an annoyance, it  
provides no real security, unless no live system can be booted, such as on  
kiosk computers).  The user is "grub" and the password is a number at the  
very end of the file.

[Trisquel-users] Re : cpu:0 DISABLED - (message on librebooted MacBook2, 1

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf
The following command returns the number of processors which are currently  
online (i.e., available):


Re: [Trisquel-users] Make PC a streaming server

2017-04-30 Thread freeworld4

can you stream content with owncloud?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquell/Disk Encryption Problem

2017-04-30 Thread boarts4
No I didn't use a password to protect grub usb-boot option.  I would have no  
idea how to do that even.  I may try another usb stick to see if that works  
along with using another method.  Do you think that the usb being a Sandisk  
brand rather than say a ThinkPenguin usb could be the problem?

I can ask Leah about this issue but I'm sorry I do not know who Leah is.  Can  
you direct me to her?

Also maybe I should mention, I need my laptop functioning again in less than  
a week. I have to be very strategic with my time right now to make sure I  
have a functioning laptop for a class I'm about to begin next Monday.  I had  
no way to predict this would happen otherwise I would have waited to install  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Make PC a streaming server

2017-04-30 Thread lcerf

VLC is a solution: https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/

Re: [Trisquel-users] cpu:0 DISABLED - (message on librebooted MacBook2, 1

2017-04-30 Thread jbahn

Thanks. I wonder what that message meant then?

By the way, the command you gave me is slightly different from the one in  
text you linked to. Is there a good reason/explanation for that?